The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular
Session on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the
boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
JD Stotts Chairman
Steve Gregory Vice Chairman (arrived 7:10pm)
Barbie Kadow Secretary
Matthew Graham Board Member
Caryl Ann Jacobs Board Member
Steven Kohs Board Member
Chris McCollister Board Member
Sally Ridgeway Board Member
Dave Glaser
Larry Lentzner
Board Member
Board Member
Adam Adams Parks & Recreation Director
Jasmine Lee Recreation Supervisor
Susan Edstrom Town Council Liaison
Bill Rose Town Council
Call to order and announce a quorum.
Chairman Stotts called the Regular Session to order at 7:04 p.m. noting a
quorum was present.
Director Adams led the Board in an invocation.
Citizen Presentation
No citizen presentations.
1. Interview applicants for vacant and expiring Board positions.
Board Member Kohs made a motion to reappoint Board Member Dave Glaser to
the Parks & Recreation Board. Seconded by Board Member McCollister. Motion
passes unanimously.
The Board interviewed candidate David Abdulky.
The Board interviewed candidate James Hanna.
The Board interviewed candidate Joel Quile.
The Board interviewed candidate Nick Sanders.
The Board interviewed candidate Robbie Thomas.
The Board interviewed candidate Kathy Trotter.
The Board interviewed candidate John Vitale.
The Board interviewed candidate Jennifer Winmill.
2. Discuss and take appropriate action on recommending four candidates to
expiring or vacant Park Board positions.
The Board discussed the merits of the candidates and the direction in which they
would like to see the Board go. Each member of the Board voted for 3
candidates, in addition to David Glaser, on a ballot with their name on the
bottom. They then turned in their ballots to Director Adams and Chairman Stotts.
The Board took a recess at 8:55pm. They resumed the meeting at 9:02pm.
Director Adams read the votes aloud:
David Abdulky
James Hanna
Joel Quile
Nick Sanders
Robbie Thomas
Kathy Trotter
John Vitale
Jennifer Winrnill
5 (Chairman Stotts, Vice Chairman Gregory, Secretary
Kadow, Board Members Graham and Jacobs)
2 (Secretary Kadow and Board Member Ridgeway)
2 (Board Members McCollister and Kohs)
2 (Board Members Ridgeway and Kohs)
6 (Chairman Stotts, Vice Chairman Gregory, Secretary
Kadow, Board Members Jacobs, Kohs and Graham)
6 (Chairman Stotts, Vice Chairman Gregory, Board
Members Graham, Ridgeway, Jacobs and McCollister)
1 (Board Member McCollister)
The candidates elected for recommendation to the Parks & Recreation Board
were David Abdulky, Robbie Thomas and Kathy Trotter. Board Member Graham
made a motion that these candidates be presented to the Council for
recommendation to the Board. Seconded by Vice Chairman Gregory. Motion
passed unanimously.
3. Discuss and provide input concerning a presentation from the Trophy Club
Triton's Swim Team Coach Steve Melbourne.
No action was taken as Steve Melbourne could not attend the meeting.
4. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning a Trophy Club Park
Director Adams informed the Board that the Trophy Club Park Subcommittee will
be acting as a steering committee for Dr. Walker. On September 23 rd at 7:00pm
there will be a Town Hall Meeting to discuss what amenities can go into TCP.
Residents will have to RSVP due to limited space. The gate system is operable,
however codes are still being tested between the credit card company and the
gate system.
Trophy Club Park revenue is at $120,000, the budget was for $107,000. The
park will be profitable this year. By Christmas the park should have repaid all
money borrowed from the Town during the flood season.
The TPWD awarded a grant of $144,000 to the park. They will not be providing a
bathroom and they cut one shade structure from the grant request. EDC4A will
pick up the required matching fund.
5. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning a staff update on PID
Director Adams stated that we should break ground on the spray park in late
October or early November.
There will be a new site layout at Northeast Park to accommodate concerns of
the Corps of Engineers. The park will still have all of the previously discussed
amenities. The Town will delay ground-breaking on the park for the bond
election. The baseball association would not have been allowed to use the new
fields until fall of 2010, so this delay will not affect them. If the bond passes, this
delay will increase efficiency for bidding and building the park.
6. Discuss and provide input concerning a presentation on the 2009 Summer
Adventure Camp program.
Recreation Supervisor Lee gave a presentation recapping the 2009 Summer
Adventure Camp program. The program increased attendance greatly over
2008, and finished in the black. All parent survey responses were positive, and
the program was an overall improvement over the 2008 program.
7. Discuss and provide input concerning a staff update on PetFest.
Recreation Supervisor Lee gave a presentation on the upcoming PetFest event.
She outlined the activities that will be offered and the groups participating in the
event. Sponsorships and vendor fees will pay for over 2/3 of the event cost.
8. Discuss and provide input concerning a staff update on Fall Festival.
Recreation Supervisor Lee informed the Board that the Town will be partnering
with the Lakeview Elementary PTO on the upcoming Fall Festival. The event will
take place at Lakeview Elementary School and will incorporate both indoor and
outdoor elements.
9. Discuss and take appropriate action on the approval of the August 4, 2009
Board Member Graham made a motion to approve the August 4, 2009 minutes.
Seconded by Board Member Kohs. Vice Chairman Gregory and Board Member
McCollister abstained; motion passed.
10. Items for future agendas:
a. Participation fees
b. I n depth discussion on Amenity Lakes operations
c. Park signage/advertising
d. Swim team/pool signage and advertising
e. Land acquisition
f. Status update on payment to the developer of the amenity lakes/trail and
erosion issues
g. UV filter at the pool
h. Resurfacing the pools
i. Trail crossing at Byron Nelson High School
j. Scouts and our trail system
k. Status update on spray park
I. TCP Motocross Grand Opening
m. Status update on park bond
n. Status update on TCP entry gate
o. Trail connectivity to the Highlands
p. Status update on parkland dedication for Neighborhoods 10 & 11
q. Creation of a sand volleyball pit at the pool
r. Creation of a bocce ball playing area
s. Mature adult activites
t. Remote wireless surveillance at the parks, including the TCP entry gate
11. Schedule next meeting.
The Board did not schedule the next meeting.
Vice Chairman Gregory made the motion to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. Seconded by
Board Member Jacobs. Motion passed unanimously.
Parks & Recreation Board Secretary