TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6,20097:00 P.M.
The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular
Session on Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the
boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
Steve Gregory
Barbie Kadow
David Abdulky
Caryl Ann Jacobs
Steven Kohs
Larry Lentzner
Robbie Thomas
Kathy Trotter
Vice Chairman
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
JD Stotts Chairman
Dave Glaser Board Member
Chris McCollister Board Member
Adam Adams Parks & Recreation Director
Jasmine Lee Recreation Supervisor
Terry Lewis Aquatic/Outdoor Coordinator
Bill Rose Town Council
Steve Melbourne Tritons Swim Team Coach
Call to order and announce a quorum.
Vice Chairman Gregory called the Regular Session to order at 7: 1 0 p.m. noting a
quorum was present.
Vice Chairman Gregory led the Board in an invocation.
Citizen Presentation
No citizen presentations.
1. Recognize retiring members of the Board and welcome the new Board
Vice Chairman Gregory recognized the former members of the Board. The
Board thanked all former members for their contributions and welcomed the new
members to the Board.
Director Adams presented Matthew Graham with a clock and his nameplate.
Former members Sally Ridgeway and Bill Matthai were not in attendance.
The Board took a recess for refreshments at 7:20pm. The meeting reconvened
at 7:35pm.
2. Discuss and take appropriate action on the approval of the September 1,
2009 minutes.
This item was tabled until the November meeting.
3. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning the staff update on Trophy
Club Park.
Outdoor/Aquatic Coordinator Lewis gave a presentation on the current status of
Trophy Club Park. This was the first full year of operation since the flood. A TV
users increased 23%, general admissions increased 24% and boat users
decreased 26%. Overall attendance increased 120%. Factors believed to
contribute to the increase include the opening of the motocross track, the
freestyle area, word of mouth and Town special events. Factors believed to
contribute to the decline in boaters include the summer heat, low lake levels and
the lack of a spawning season for the fish. The park finished the fiscal year with
just under $130,000 total revenue and a profit of $17,000. Vice Chairman
Gregory asked for a fact sheet outlining this information to be provided to the
The electronic gate and pay system began operations on October 1 st and has
been working well.
The TPWD Grant will be used to fence off the motocross and beginner areas in
order to increase safety. Fencing will also block motorized vehicles from access
to the beach. Parking areas will be improved and lined as well.
Director Adams stated that the first Trophy Club Park Master Plan public hearing
was 2 weeks ago. The hearing was to discuss possible uses for the park. There
will be a second public hearing in a few weeks on a Saturday. He will be meeting
with the Corps of Engineers to discuss the plans. He has discovered that the
Town may also have the ability to SUb-lease sections of the park.
Item 5 was moved ahead of Item 4.
4. Discuss and take appropriate action on staff update concerning the PID
development projects.
Director Adams provided an update on the status of each PID project. He will
move forward on Northeast Park immediately after the election, and it should
break ground in early December.
The spray park should break ground in November and be operational by May
He will be reviewing a concept plan for Northwest Park soon. There was a lot a
settling over the culvert and we will need to bring dirt in to fill it. He will be
checking to see if the developer is responsible for this cost.
The trail system is recognized by the ADA, but is not approved. In their current
state if someone were to file a complaint with the ADA at any point after the
Town accepted the trails, the Town would have to cover the cost of repairs.
The developer has installed anchors in the lake but will not build the pier.
Board Member Lentzner stated that the Bond Committee is working on a flyer to
inform citizens about the bond amenities and what they will cost. They are
currently working to raise money for signage.
5. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning the community pool and
aquatic programming.
Coach Steve Melbourne gave a presentation on the Trophy Club Tritons swim
team. The program has provided over 50% of the NHS swim team and has
allowed BNHS to compete at a varsity level in its first year of existence. The
additional 2 evenings of swim practice were extremely helpful and the coaching
staff remained fairly consistent. He has given out over 15 ten-year plaques to
families in the program. He expressed interest in using the pool facilities to host
the school district's dive camp next year.
Outdoor/Aquatic Coordinator Lewis gave a presentation on 2009 pool operations.
Out of a total staff of 24, 11 were new this year. There were 411 participants in
swim lessons and over 35 people attended the spring swim evaluations. Over
9,000 bodies entered the water for swim team alone. July 4th saw over 600
patrons. There were 20 private parties and numerous walk-up parties. The pool
hosted parties for Beck, Lakeview and the BNHS Volleyball Boosters. There
were a total of 16,061 residents and 914 non-residents at the pool.
This summer they offered fewer special events. The movie nights averaged 90
people. They will try to show more adult-themed movies as the late start time
prevents many children from attending. They will also be adding a karaoke night
next summer. They would like to offer toddler time at the splash pad, which
would be select times for parents with children ages 4 and under only.
6. Staff Update:
a. PetFest
b. Fall Phantom Fest
Recreation Supervisor Lee informed the Board that PetFest was a successful
event. Attendance was approximately 350 and there were several positive
comments made during and after the event. Approximately 75% of the event
was funded with sponsorships and vendor booth fees.
Fall Phantom Fest will take place at Lakeview Elementary School and is being
planned in conjunction with the Lakeview PTO. Fliers will be going out to all
NISD schools and the partnership is allowing for a greater than normal number of
games and attractions.
7. Items for future agendas:
a. Resurfacing the pools
b. Scouts and our trail system
c. Status update on park bond
d. Status update on parkland dedication for Neighborhoods 10 & 11
e. Creation of a bocce ball playing area
f. Mature adult activities
g. Remote wireless surveillance at the parks, including the TCP entry gate
8. Schedule next meeting.
The next meeting will be Tuesday November 10, 2009.
Board Member Jacobs made the motion to adjourn at 9:03 p.m. Seconded by
Board Member Lentzner. Motion passed unanimously.