TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2009 7:00 P.M.
The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular
Session on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the
boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
JD Stotts Chairman
Steve Gregory Vice-Chairman (arrived 7:10 p.m.)
Dave Glaser Board Member
Matthew Graham Board Member
Caryl Ann Jacobs Board Member
Steven Kohs Board Member (arrived 7:07 p.m.)
Larry Lentzner Board Member
Sally Ridgeway Board Member
Barbie Kadow
Bill Matthai
Chris McCollister
Board Member
Board Member
Jasmine Lee Recreation Supervisor
Connie White Mayor
Bill Rose Town Council
Call to order and announce a quorum.
Chairman Stotts called the Regular Session to order at 7:05 p.m. noting a
quorum was present.
Chairman Stotts led the Board in an invocation.
Citizen Presentation
No citizen presentations.
1. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning the May 13, 2009 minutes.
There were no minutes to review.
Board Member Graham made a motion to move Item 2 after Item 5. Seconded
by Board Member Kohs. The motion passed unanimously.
2. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning an update from the TCP
Sub-Committee on:
1. The new pay station
2. Possible video surveillance
3. The TCP Master Plan
4. The TCP motorized trail grant application
5. Additional land acquisition
Vice Chairman Gregory informed the Board that the pay station is being installed,
however the motherboard is not working and is awaiting replacement. It should
be operational by the end of the month. The Sub-Committee is considering
installing video surveillance at the front entry gate. They also met with Dr.
Walker and provided input on the Master Park Plan. He is doing a survey of
demographics at this time. Board Member Kohs stated that he would like to see
the memorial tree park being planned by the Tree Board in the front open area
rather than additional parking.
The Board was informed that Ray, one of the Trophy Club Park attendants,
passed away recently. The Board agreed that they would like to send a card to
the family.
Chairman Stotts stated that there may be an acreage gain to Trophy Club Park,
as the eastern border may be different than was originally shown.
3. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning an update from the Facility
Sub-Committee on:
1. The trail system
2. The amenity lakes
3. Spray park
4. Northeast Park
5. Northwest Park
Chairman Stotts informed the Board that the trail and amenity lakes developer
has driven piers for the pier in Lake 2, installed barriers for run off and erosion
control and applied for a variance to avoid ADA compliance. The Board
discussed the variance and expressed concern over the potential impact of this
variance on the Town and users of the trail.
Board Member Graham stated that the Board needs to have a new Council
Liaison appointed to assist in transmitting their actions to Council. Mayor White
stated that until all Council members are in attendance at a meeting to select
such a position, Councilman Rose will sit in as Park Board's Council Liaison.
Board Member Graham made a motion to ask Council to request that the
developer withdraw the request for a variance on ADA standards with regards to
the trail system they constructed, and that this request be transmitted to Council
as soon as possible. Seconded by Board Member Ridgeway. The motion
passed unanimously. Board Member Graham requested that the Town Manager
attend the next Park Board meeting to instruct the Board on the correct process
to get their motions and concerns in front of Council.
Chairman Stotts stated that the current bid for the spray park is just over
$800,000. It is for a 10,000 sq. ft. park with a recirculatory system and several
play features. There may also be 1 ft. deep pools in select areas. Chairman
Stotts has asked for a second bid for consideration.
Board Member Lentzner updated the Board on Northeast Park. The dog park is
a part of the conceptual plan, but is not a part of the current phase of the project.
The two baseball fields would be U8 fields. Chairman Stotts stated that staff will
go before Council in mid-July to request approval to seek bids.
4. Discuss and take appropriate action on possible bond amenities to be
included in a possible park bond.
The Board reviewed a handout listing several possible park bond components at
parks throughout the Town. Chairman Stotts reminded the Board that the items
being discussed are not necessarily going to be in a bond, they are merely ideas
for discussion.
Vice Chairman Gregory added a Trophy Club Park trailhead and trails on the
east side of town, and removed the small spray park at Harmony Park stating
that it is too small.
Board Member Glaser suggested the Board use the comprehensive park plan
and survey results as a guide.
Board Member Ridgeway felt the amphitheater should be located in Trophy Club
Park rather than Northwest Park. It was stated that items in TCP would be
considered in the TCP Park Plan, however Board Member Glaser said that the
Board should still consider including items for TCP.
Vice Chairman Gregory said that a skate park is probably not the best use of
funds. He added resurfacing the Harmony Park tennis courts. Board Member
Graham stated that once the t-ball fields at Harmony are replaced with soccer
fields we should begin calling Harmony the "soccer park" to create that image
with the public. Chairman Stotts agreed and indicated that soccer/football fields
should be added in the location where a recreation center may one day go.
Councilman Rose reminded the Board that the #2 item on the survey was a
recreation center, and asked when the Board would begin to research that.
Chairman Stotts preferred that a recreation center go in a separate bond, which
Councilman Rose agreed with. Chairman Stotts did not think the Town could
afford the operational costs of a recreation center, however it is in the plan to
potentially be built in 5 years when the Town is closer to build-out and there are
more retail businesses. Mayor White stated that the Town has inadequate
facilities for teens and adults currently, and that the last election for a community
center lost by only one vote. Vice Chairman Gregory stated that the Town would
have to use taxes to build a center and then charge user fees to operate it.
Vice Chairman Gregory added a restroom at Northeast Park to be located in an
area that would be easily accessible by dog park patrons.
5. Discuss and take appropriate action on the recommendation to Council
that the Park Board ordinance require all members on Park Board to
annually volunteer to assist with the operation of at least one special event.
Chairman Stotts stated that volunteering to assist with Town events will give
Board members more perspective, weed out those who are not truly interested in
serving and improve the Board's stance and influence among other boards. He
wants the Board to be actively engaged and see things for themselves.
Board Member Graham stated that he is dead set against 'compulsory
volunteerism'. Board Member Ridgeway would prefer to make volunteering at
Town events something that is expressed as an expectation during the interview
process. Vice Chairman Gregory also disagreed with adding this to the
ordinance, and agreed that this expectation should be expressed during the
interview process.
6. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning changes to the Park Board
application forms.
Chairman Stotts informed the Board that this agenda item is to discuss the
possibility of adding additional questions to the Park Board application form
similar to those found on the P & Z application form. Board Member Glaser did
not think a similar application would demonstrate useful skills that could be
assets to the Board. Board Member Graham did not want to scare potential
applicants off with an extensive application process. There was general
agreement among the Board that no changes were needed.
7. Discuss and take appropriate action on an update from staff on the Fourth
of July Celebration.
Recreation Supervisor Lee updated the Board on preparations for the Fourth of
July Celebration. The 5K run will be timed using a new printing time clock. There
are several community groups and businesses participating as volunteers or
sponsors throughout the day. Bara Church will provide all supplies and
volunteers for the afternoon cookout.
8. Update from Chairman Stotts and staff on the following items:
a. Pool activities
b. Summer Adventure Camp
Chairman Stotts informed the Board that swim team is almost full and will have
their first meet this weekend in Lewisville. The Board discussed getting a UV
filter for the pool, which would cost around $40,000 and allow fewer chemicals to
be used. Chairman Stotts, Board Member Graham, Councilwoman Wilson and
Director Adams met to discuss how to prevent fecal incidents at the pool.
Signage will be posted at the pool and in the restrooms.
Recreation Supervisor Lee informed the Board that Summer Adventure Camp
has reached maximum enrollment capacity for several of the weeks, and has an
average weekly enrollment of 45 children per week (up from 27 children per
week last summer).
9. Future agenda items:
a. Effluent water to Harmony Park
b. Participation fees
c. In depth discussion on Amenity Lakes operations
d. Park sign age/advertising
e. Swim team/pool signage and advertising
f. Land acquisition
g. Youth Sports Challenge
h. Summer Adventure Camp
i. Payment to the developer of the amenity lakes/trail and erosion issues
j. UV filter at the pool
k. Repair the surface of the kiddie pool
The next meeting will be Thursday July 9, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Stotts
suggested a cookout at the Trophy Club Park pavilion for the next meeting.
Vice Chairman Gregory made the motion to adjourn at 9:44 p.m. Seconded by
Board Member Lentzner. Motion passed unanimously.
Parks & Recreation Board Secretary