Minutes Parks 09/02/2008MINUTES OF A REGULAR PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,20087:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Steve Gregory Vice-Chairman Barbie Kadow Secretary Dave Glaser Board Member Steven Kohs Board Member Bill Matthai Board Member Chris McCollister Board Member (arrived 7: 18pm) Sally Ridgeway Board Member JD Stotts Board Member PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Pauline Twomey Chairwoman Matthew Graham Board Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT Adam Adams Staff Liaison/Parks and Recreation Director Jasmine Lee Recreation Supervisor Nick Sanders Town Mayor Jim Moss Town Council Liaison/Task Force Member A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. Vice-Chairman Gregory called the Regular Session to order at 7:08 p.m. noting a quorum was present. A.2 Citizen Presentations: this is an opportunity for citizens to address the Park &Recreation Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Board will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Board addressing those items. No citizen presentations were given. A.3 Interview candidates for three (3) expiring and one (1) vacant seat(s) on the Board. 1. Steve Gregory 2. Chris McCollister 3. David Abdulky 4. Caryl Ann Jacobs 5. Michael Zerger 6. Scott Akin 7. Joseph Boclair 8. Larry Lentzner 9. Sheila Lacher 10. David Jahn The Board interviewed candidate David Abdulky. The Board interviewed candidate Caryl Ann Jacobs. Candidate Michael Zerger withdrew his application from consideration by email prior to the meeting. Candidate Scott Akin did not attend the meeting, due to health concerns. The Board reviewed his application in his absence. The Board interviewed candidate Joseph Boclair. The Board interviewed candidate Larry Lentzner. The Board interviewed candidate Sheila Lacher. The Board interviewed candidate David Jahn. AA Discuss the methodology that will be used for candidate nomination and recommendation. Vice-Chairmen Gregory clarified that aside from the two current Board member positions up for reappointment, there is a full term (Chairwoman Twomey's position) and an unexpired term. He suggested that the candidate with the most votes take the full term, the candidate with the second highest number of votes take the partial term, and the candidate with the third highest number of votes be selected as alternate. Mayor Sanders addressed the Board on several points. He advised the Board that Town Council may not follow their recommendations in order to prevent the same person from being placed on multiple boards. He suggested the Board be clear on who they want for the unexpired term, recognize if a chosen candidate is also being nominated for another board, and discuss if the Board would be comfortable with a chosen candidate being on a sports board as well. Board Member Matthai felt that being on multiple boards would not present a conflict due to the Board's status as advisory and lacking the ability to issue mandates. Board Member Stotts stated that he would prefer to include people from sports boards, and that reasons for this could be included in the recommendation. Several other board members concurred. Board Member Ridgeway stated that she would prefer to avoid conflict, and would like to offer this opportunity to those not already on other boards. The Board determined that nominations for each position would be made verbally. Each board member would then write the name of the candidate they are voting for on a slip of paper along with their own name. Vice-Chairman Gregory would collect the slips of paper and read off all votes out loud. The nominee with the most votes for each position will win the Board's recommendation to Town Council for that position. A.5 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Board recommendations to Town Council on the three (3) expiring and one (1) vacant seat(s) on the Parks & Recreation Board. At Mayor Sanders' suggestion Vice-Chairman Gregory turned the Chair position over to Secretary Kadow to oversee the vote. Secretary Kadow made a motion to reappoint Vice-Chairman Gregory and Board Member McCollister to the Parks & Recreation Board. Seconded by Board Member Matthai. Vice-Chairman Gregory and Board Member McCollister abstained, the motion passed. Secretary Kadow turned the Chair position back over to Vice-Chairman Gregory. Vice-Chairman Gregory took nominations for the remaining three year term. Larry Lentzner and Caryl Ann Jacobs were nominated. The Board elected Larry Lentzner for the three year term, with the votes as follows: Larry Lentzner Caryl Ann Jacobs Vice-Chairmen Gregory Secretary Kadow Board Member Glaser Board Member Kohs Board Member Matthai Board Member Kadow Board Member McCollister Board Member Stotts Vice-Chairman Gregory took nominations for the unexpired term. Caryl Ann Jacobs, David Jahn, and Joseph Boclair were nominated. The Board elected Caryl Ann Jacobs for the unexpired term, with the votes as follows: Caryl Ann Jacobs David Jahn Joseph Boclair Vice-Chairmen Gregory Board Member Kohs Board Member Matthai Secretary Kadow Board Member McCollister Board Member Glaser Board Member Ridgeway Board Member Stotts Vice-Chairman Gregory took nominations for first and second alternates. David Jahn, Joseph Boclair, and Sheila Lacher were nominated. The Board elected Joseph Boclair for first alternate, with the votes as follows: David Jahn Joseph Boclair Sheila Lacher Vice-Chairmen Gregory Board Member Matthai Board Member Glaser Secretary Kadow Board Member McCollister Board Member Kohs Board Member Ridgeway Board Member Stotts The Board nominated David Jahn for second alternate, with the votes as follows: David Jahn Sheila Lacher Vice-Chairmen Gregory Board Member Glaser Secretary Kadow Board Member Ridgeway Board Member Kohs Board Member Matthai Board Member McCollister Board Member Stotts A.6 Discuss and take appropriate action on the approval of the September 5, 2008 minutes. Vice-Chairman Gregory noted that the agenda is incorrect. The Board will be reviewing the August 5, 2008 minutes. Board Member Kohs made a motion to approve the August 5, 2008 minutes. Seconded by Board Member Stotts. The motion passed unanimously. A.7 Parks and Recreation Staff update and discussion regarding project updates as listed below: There will be no action taken on any individual project posted under this item and discussion will be limited. If extensive discussion is required, the item may be placed on a future agenda. 1. Trophy Club Park-The RFP bid opened today, 2 proposals were received. 2. Harmony Park-The bathrooms have been started, the parking lot is on track. 3. Comprehensive Park Plan 4. General Park Operations-A brief review of the 2008 summer day camp program was provided. A.8 Items for future agendas: 1. Sports association agreements 2. Trophy Club Park RFP 3. Comprehensive park plan 4. Northeast Park development 5. Joint meeting with Tree Board 6. TPWD grant A.9 Next meeting will be October 7,2008 at 7:00 p.m. A.10 Adjourn. Board Member Stotts made the motion to adjourn at 10:02 p.m. Seconded by Board Member McCollister. Motion passed unanimously. Barbie Kadow Parks & Recreation Board Secretary