TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7,20087:00 P.M.
The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular
Session on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the
boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
Steve Gregory
Barbie Kadow
Dave Glaser
Matthew Graham
Caryl Ann Jacobs
Steven Kohs
Larry Lentzner
Bill Matthai
Chris McCollister
JD Stotts
Secretary (arrived 7:30pm)
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member (arrived 7:20pm)
Board Member
Sally Ridgeway Board Member
Adam Adams Staff Liaison/Parks and Recreation Director
Jasmine Lee Recreation Supervisor
Terry Lewis Outdoor/Aquatic Coordinator
Steve Melbourne Trophy Club Tritons Swim Coach
A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum.
Vice-Chairman Gregory called the Regular Session to order at 7:18 p.m. noting a
quorum was present.
A.2 Citizen Presentations: this is an opportunity for citizens to address the Park
&Recreation Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The
Board is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the
Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Board will
hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Board addressing those
No citizen presentations were given.
Board Member Stotts made a motion to move item A.6 up on the agenda.
Seconded by Board Member Matthai. Motion passed unanimously.
A.6 Staff presentation on swim team and pool operations.
Coach Melbourne gave a presentation to the Board on summer 2008 swim team
operations. He discussed enrollment, which reached maximum capacity, staffing
concerns, and goals for the future.
A.3 Discuss and take appropriate action in the nomination and placement of new
Board Officers for the following seats:
1. Chairperson
Board Member Graham nominated Board Member Stotts for the position of
Chairperson. Seconded by Board Member Glaser.
Board Member Matthai nominated Vice Chairman Gregory for the position of
Chairperson. Seconded by Board Member Kohs.
Each nominee spoke briefly about their interest in the position.
Board Member Stotts received votes from Board Member Graham, Secretary
Kadow, Board Member McCollister, Board Member Jacobs, Board Member
Lentzner, and Board Member Glaser.
Vice Chairmen Gregory received votes from Board Member Kohs and Board
Member Matthai.
The new Chairperson of the Parks & Recreation Board is Chairmen Stotts.
2. Vice Chairperson
Board Member Matthai nominated Vice Chairman Gregory for the position of
Vice Chairperson. Seconded by Board Member McCollister.
The vote was unanimous.
The new Vice Chairperson of the Parks & Recreation Board is Vice Chairmen
3. Secretary
Board Member Graham nominated Secretary Kadow for the position of
Secretary. Seconded by Chairmen Stotts.
The vote was unanimous.
The new Secretary of the Parks & Recreation Board is Secretary Kadow.
AA Discuss and take appropriate action on the approval of the September 2, 2008
Board Member Glaser made a motion to approve the September 2, 2008
minutes. Seconded by Board Member Matthai. The motion passed, Board
Member Graham, Board Member Jacobs, and Board Member Lentzner
A.5 Discuss and provide input on agreements between the Town and the sponsored
sports associations concerning the use of Town facilities and amenities.
Director Adams reviewed the previous association contract with the Board. He
explained that the previous contract has lapsed, and staff is preparing to write a
new contract for the associations. Areas that will be examined in the new
contract include standardization for when schedules must be turned in to the
town, use of field lighting (as it applies to departmental budgets), and use of the
concession stands.
Vice Chairman Gregory requested information as to how other cities handle their
concession stands.
Chairman Stotts recommended that a flat fee be charged for a concession stand
contract. He also suggested that the department work with planning and zoning
to take control of signage at the fields. Advertising space at the fields could then
be sold to the associations for a flat fee, and the associations could sell the
space to other businesses to raise funds.
Board Member Lentzner stated that all concession stand revenue from the
baseball association is used to run umpire programs and offset increase in
program fees. He advised that a nominal fee would not receive heavy opposition
from the associations, but that large fees would be heavily opposed.
A. 7 Discuss and provide input concerning park related issues associated with the
Highland's development.
Director Adams provided a series of updates. He informed the Board that staff
will be meeting on the trail map as it pertains to the section next to the pool. The
new road leading toward Trophy Club Park will end shortly after Churchill Downs,
and will not go up to the park entrance. Medians in the development will be
turned over to the Town approximately one year after substantial completion.
The amenity lakes will be used for irrigation; excavation for the lakes will begin
within a month.
Chairman Stotts requested that Director Adams present the current tree count in
the development.
Chairman Stotts inquired as to the status of Northeast Park and a timeline.
Director Adams informed the Board that no work can begin until the park plan is
approved by Council.
The Board inquired about the state of the ditch in the area known as Northeast
Park. Director Adams stated that he believes work on the ditch will begin shortly.
A.8 Parks and Recreation Staff update and discussion regarding project updates as
listed below: There will be no action taken on any individual project posted under
this item and discussion will be limited. If extensive discussion is required, the
item may be placed on a future agenda.
1. Day Camp operations-Recreation Supervisor Lee provided an overview of
the 2008 Summer Adventure Camp program, including attendance figures,
staffing, and plans for the future. She also gave a presentation on the
upcoming Fall Festival.
2. Trophy Club Park-Director Adams will be meeting with Joe Walker of UNT to
prepare a presentation for Council approval regarding a Trophy Club Park
master plan. The new bathroom has been delivered and will be operational
shortly. Outdoor/Aquatic Coordinator Lewis provided the Board with a
handout covering a potential upcoming event at the park with Red Bull.
3. Sports Associations-Soccer gave football the largest field at Lakeview Park
in exchange for Skyline Park.
4. Park operations-The Harmony Park bathrooms and parking lot should be
completed by the end of this month. The comprehensive park plan should go
before council for approval by the first meeting of November.
A. 9 Items for future agendas:
1. Advertising on the fields
2. Comprehensive Park Plan
3. Park revenue generation
4. Update on the amenity lakes and irrigation plans
5. Northeast Park timeline
6. Dog park
7. Skate park
8. Entrance sign at Trophy Club Park
A.10 Next meeting will be November 4, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
The Board agreed to move the meeting to November 11, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. due
to the election on November 4, 2008. The November 11 meeting will be a joint
meeting with the Tree Board.
A.10 Adjourn.
Chairman Stotts made the motion to adjourn at 9:51 p.m. Seconded by Board
Member Kohs. Motion passed unanimously.
Barbie KaClow
Parks & Recreation Board Secretary