Minutes Parks 12/02/2008MINUTES OF A REGULAR PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2008 7:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT JD Stotts Chairman Steve Gregory Vice-Chairman Barbie Kadow Secretary Dave Glaser Board Member Matthew Graham Board Member Steven Kohs Board Member Larry Lentzner Board Member Bill Matthai Board Member Chris McCollister Board Member (arrived 7:17 p.m.) Sally Ridgeway Board Member (arrived 7:19 p.m.) PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Caryl Ann Jacobs Board Member STAFF AND GUEsT(s) PRESENT Adam Adams Staff Liaison/Parks and Recreation Director Jasmine Lee Recreation Supervisor Jim Moss Town Council LiaisonlTask Force Member Joe Boclair EDC4A John Klaus Tree Board A.1 Call Park Board to order and announce a quorum. Chairman Stotts called the Regular Session to order at 7:12 p.m. noting a quorum was present. A.2 Citizen Presentations: this is an opportunity for citizens to address the Park & Recreation Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Board will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Board addressing those items. No citizen presentations were given. A.3 Discuss and take appropriate action on the approval of the October yth and November 11, 2008 minutes. Vice Chairman Gregory made a motion to approval the October 7 and November 11, 2008 minutes. Seconded by Board Member Lentzner. Motion passed unanimously. A.4 Discuss and take appropriate action on the Northeast Park concept design and cost allocation. Director Adams reviewed the original concept plan for Northeast Park and the associated costs. He stated that Town Manager Emmons has determined that the Town can move forward with construction on this park immediately. Director Adams presented a revised concept plan to the Board with the amenities that will be best suited to the land. The new plan included 2 t-ball fields, 2 multi-use fields, security lighting, a nature trail and a parking lot. Council will have to grant permission to build the gravel parking lot. Northeast Park will not have sewage, staff will recommend the use of portable restrooms. Secretary Kadow asked staff to present figures on the cost of including a dog park in Northeast Park. Board Member Graham agreed that the area of land considered unsuitable for fields should be considered for a dog park. Director Adams stated that the next step will be a site plan to examine what can realistically go into the park. During the site planning, they will determine if there is an appropriate area for a dog park. He informed the Board that the money to build Northeast Park is currently available in PID funds, and the park could be online by fall of 2009. A.5 Discuss and take appropriate action on the creation of a new Park Facilities Sub- committee and the appointment of a chair-person to the sub-committee. Director Adams informed the Board that this sub-committee will take the place of the previous sub-committee with the same name. Board Member Glaser nominated Board Member Lentzner to chair the sub- committee. There was not a second. Board Member Lentzner asked for clarification on the role of the sub-committee chair, and received guidance from the Board. Chairman Stotts informed the Board that he will be inviting members of Tree Board and EDC4A to join the Park Facilities Sub-committee. A.6 Park Chairman to discuss and solicit direction from the Board on speaking before the NISD Partnership Committee in January concerning the topic of Trophy Club Park. Chairman Stotts stated that he plans to clarify the status of the Trophy Club Park plan. He will inform them that there is no plan currently, as nothing is being done with the past, outdated park plan. The Town is working on a plan for the park, but currently there is nothing going on at the park from a developmental standpoint. He will emphasize the work being done to create a new regional assessment for the park that takes the facilities of the surrounding cities into account. He will remind the committee that the Town has the lease on the property, and therefore has legal control of the park. He plans to keep it simple and avoid conflict so that he can work with the committee in the future. He then solicited advice and suggestions from the rest of the Board. Board Member Graham was concerned that this presentation would create an expectation of regular reports on the status of the park to this committee. Board Member Matthai advised Chairman Stotts not to state that the old park plan was not being used. He suggested that the presentation should begin with stating who has jurisdiction over the park, and how the original park plan was created to obtain the lease. Then state that the new consultant will provide additional guidance for the park. He wanted the presentation to make it clear that the Town has always had a plan for the park, and is now working to further that plan. Board Member Kohs stated that any mention of the original park plan being ignored or overlooked would open the Town to attack. He felt that the presentation should focus on all of the amenities being offered at the park, and the additions being planned for the future. Board Member Graham suggested that Chairman Stotts simply inform the committee that the Town has a plan, and that our consultant may be approaching them in the future to ask for their opinions in certain areas. Vice Chairman Gregory wanted the presentation to communicate that the new plan will consider our neighbors and surrounding communities, and not only the needs of Trophy Club. Board Member Graham requested that Chairman Stotts not agree to any request for ongoing reports to this committee. A.7 Chair to discuss with the Board future procedural issues regarding citizen's presentations during Park Board meetings and the possibility of having an invocation at the beginning of a meeting. Chairman Stotts informed the Board that he had discussed the issue of citizen's presentations with Town Attorney Adams. He felt that in order to allow maximum input from citizens, they should be permitted to speak on a specific agenda item at the time that agenda item is discussed. The procedure he recommended is to have any citizen interested in speaking on a specific agenda item fill out a form stating what they would like to say, and have the form turned in to him so that he can know if their potential comment is germane to the agenda item. If he determines it to be so, the citizen would be permitted to speak when the Board reaches that item. The person should be allowed to make their comment, within a specified amount of time, and then the Board should move on. He suggested that the Secretary be charged with timing the presentation, which should be no more than 3 minutes. Board Member Graham expressed concern over allowing the presentations to take place during discussion of specific agenda items. He felt that presentations should all be made at the beginning of the meeting, in keeping with the understanding that the Board could not have put them on the agenda due to lack of knowledge on the content of the presentation. Allowing presentations to be made during a specific agenda item negates that, because it implies that the Board now has some knowledge of what the citizen will be speaking about. Director Adams reminded the Board that, per the Committee Handbook that governs the Board, they do have the ability to allow citizen's presentations during specific agenda items. Chairman Stotts agreed that doing all presentations upfront would be the safest and most efficient way to run the meeting. However, the Board has the leeway to allow presentations during the meeting. He would like to do so, while at the same time ensuring that procedure is followed. Secretary Kadow stated that she did not find it appropriate for Chairman Stotts to read what the citizens want to say and decide if they would be permitted to speak. They should be permitted to speak regardless of the topic, so long as they are within the allotted time. Board Member McCollister stated that due to the low number of people in the audience at most Park Board meetings, allowing presentations on specific agenda items should not hold up meetings a great deal. Chairman Stotts asked the Board for comments or suggestions regarding the possibility of having an invocation at the beginning of each meeting. Secretary Kadow stated that she would be for having an invocation. Board Member Glaser asked for clarification on whether this would include a pledge, or be only a prayer. Chairman Stotts stated that this would be only a prayer. Board Member Ridgeway suggested an Ecumenical prayer, which was agreed to by Chairman Stotts. Chairman Stotts stated that he would request different members of the Board do the invocation at each meeting. Board Member Matthai asked that all members be given the opportunity to do the invocation if they desire. The Board expressed their agreement with adding an invocation to the beginning of each meeting. A.8 Parks and Recreation Staff update and discussion regarding project updates as listed below: There will be no action taken on any individual project posted under this item and discussion will be limited. If extensive discussion is required, the item may be placed on a future agenda. 1. Trophy Club Park a. front gate: should be installed by Dec. 28 th , will use the remaining FEMA funds b. Red Bull Area: has brought in 300 additional users over the past month c. tree planting in garden area d. new bathrooms: passed ADA inspections 2. Harmony Park bathroom and parking lot: complete, passed ADA inspections, looking into recycling bins for the park 3. Highland trail development areas a. North trail construction: will be ADA compliant b. trail loop status: have permission to cross golf course property, the trail will be circuitous c. Neighborhood 9 trail frontage: will be complete within 2 weeks d. trail widths e. amenity lakes: will be 2 lakes, should be complete by early February 2009 4. Comprehensive park plan update: Town Council will approve the plan at the Dec. 15th meeting, will then hold Town Hall meetings regarding the plan 5. Northwest Park ditch status: will be finished by the first week of January 6. Holiday street flags: have applied for a TCWC grant to supplement beautification funds to purchase flags 7. Future workshop session: will be in February 8. Sports agreement: will be sent to the associations next Wednesday, they will return it by Dec. 15 th with feedback A.9 Iterns for future agendas: 1. Parkland dedication land donation specifics 2. Public calendar 3. Advertising in parks 4. Dog park 5. Skate park 6. Sports agreement 7. Botanical garden in Trophy Club Park 8. Amenity lakes 9. Recycling program 10. Trophy Club Park update 11. Schedule of Town events in 2009 A.10 Discuss and take appropriate action on scheduling the next meeting. The next meeting will be January 6, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. A.11 Staff to give presentation on the Clock Tower Lighting and related items. Recreation Supervisor Lee provided the Board with a handout discussing the schedule of events at the Clock Tower Lighting and reception and reviewed sponsor and volunteer participation. A.12 Adjourn. Vice Chairman Gregory made the motion to adjourn at 9:26 p.m. Seconded by Board Member Lentzner. Motion passed unanimously. , \."§a~. e Kaddw Parks & Recreation Board Secretary