Minutes Parks 08/05/2008MINUTES OF A REGULAR PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 5,20087:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Steve Gregory Vice-Chairman Barbie Kadow Secretary Dave Glaser Board Member Steven Kohs Board Member Bill Matthai Board Member Chris McCOllister Board Member Sally Ridgeway Board Member JD Stotts Board Member PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Pauline Twomey Chairwoman Matthew Graham Board Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT Adam Adams Staff Liaison/Parks and Recreation Director Jasmine Lee Recreation Supervisor Jim Moss Town Council Liaison/Task Force Member A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. Vice-Chairman Gregory called the Regular Session to order at 7: 15 p.m. noting a quorum was present. A.2 Citizen Presentations: this is an opportunity for citizens to address the Park &Recreation Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Board will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Board addressing those items. No citizen presentations were given. A.3 Discuss and take appropriate action on the approval of the July 15, 2008 minutes. Board Member Stotts made the motion to approve the minutes from July 15, 2008. Seconded by Board Member Kohs. Board Member Matthai abstained, motion passed. 18thA.4 Review and provide input to staff concerning the Board's August presentation to Town Council. Director Adams showed the presentation to the Board. Council Liaison Moss suggested that a discussion on Skyline Park be included. Board Member Stotts stated that item number four in the section on Study Highlights should not include the word "most" when referring to 43%. He suggested that item number four be worded similarly to item number three. Secretary Kadow would like to include a slide about user fees or an explanation as to why user fees are not significant to this stage of the process. Board Member McCollister would like the presenters to reiterate the need for the ditch to be completed when showing the slide about Northwest Park. A.5 Discuss and give direction to staff concerning the candidate interview and selection process for the five open Board seats. Vice-Chairman Gregory made the correction that there are only 4 open Board seats. Board Member Stotts requested that all candidates be asked the same questions. Secretary Kadow suggested that each candidate be given 60 seconds to make a statement containing anything they would like to say, in addition to the set questions. Director Adams informed the Board that a resume was not required of the candidates, and there was no supplemental form included with the application for the candidates to complete. Secretary Kadow requested a secret ballot vote. Director Adams informed the Board that they cannot have a secret ballot, nor could they break into an executive session to vote. The Board discussed the possibility of having Vice-Chairman Gregory interview the candidates prior to the next meeting and present his recommendations to the Board. Board Member Matthai suggested the Board come up with one or two questions and provide them to all candidates in advance to provide them with the opportunity to prepare an answer. Director Adams suggested that the Board could develop a question based on the presentation to Council. Board Member McCollister stated that he prefers the spontaneity of asking at least one question on the spot and getting a response from the heart. Other Board members suggested that the status of the meeting as open would allow the last candidate interviewed to hear the responses of all other candidates. Several Board members requested that Director Adams provide information on which candidates have been nominated for other boards. Vice-Chairman Gregory suggested that the Board invite each candidate in, spend 15 minutes asking two to three questions of each, then vote. Board Member Stotts stated that each Board member should have 4 votes, due to the four open positions. The Board discussed the possibility of making a motion to vote the incumbents back onto the Board prior to the votes for the other 2 positions. The Board also discussed how they would handle a tie. A.6 Staff to give presentation on this year's Fourth of July Celebration Recreation Supervisor Lee showed the Board a PowerPoint presentation recapping the events of the 4th of July Celebration. A.7 Parks and Recreation Staff update and discussion regarding project updates as listed below: There will be no action taken on any individual project posted under this item and discussion will be limited. If extensive discussion is required, the item may be placed on a future agenda. 1. Trophy Club Park-The bathrooms are not in yet. There are $28,000 in FEMA funds left; staff is researching automated entry gates and speed bumps in the park. The sub-committee is now meeting regularly. 2. Comprehensive Park Plan 3. Skyline Park Operations-Football may be able to use the park for practice in two weeks. 4. Harmony Park-Parking lot to start construction immediately, bathrooms are on hold. 5. Recreation Operations-Day camp and swim team updates. A.8 Items for future agendas: 1. Sports Association Contracts 2. Trophy Club Park RFP 3. No Smoking Ordinance A.9 Next meeting will be September 2,2008 at 7:00 p.m. A.10 Adjourn. Board Member Ridgeway made the motion to adjourn at 9:25 p.m. Seconded by Board Member Kohs. Motion passed unanimously. Bar ie adow Parks & Recreation Board Secretary