Minutes EDC 4B 10/27/2008 - Joint Session with Town CouncilMINUTES OF JOINT/SPECIAL SESSION BETWEEN TOWN COUNCIL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - 4B FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Monday, October 27, 2008 6:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Town Council of the Monday, October 27, 2008 open to the public. Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Joint/Special Session on The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Nick Sanders Mayor Philip Sterling Mayor Pro Tem Susan Edstrom Council Member Jim Moss Council Member Kathleen Wilson Council Member Glenn Strother Council Member ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION -413: James Hicks President Dave Glaser Vice -President Larry Crosser Treasurer Damian Olthoff Secretary Dan Bishop Director Zachary Jeffery Director Rebecca Shuman Director STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Brandon Emmons Town Manager Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager Lisa Hennek Town Secretary Patricia Adams Town Attorney A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. a. Mayor Sanders called the Town Council to order at 6:00 p.m. noting a quorum was present. b. President Hicks called EDC 4B to order at 6:00 p.m. noting a quorum was present. A.2 Mayor Sanders offered the Invocation. A.3 President Hicks led the Pledges B.1 Presentation by Ron Holifield regarding the fundamentals and process for implementation of a strategic plan; discussion and action of the same. Mayor Sanders introduced Ron Holifield. Mr. Holifield stated that staff did not prepare any of the presented material, and that some of the material presented may make some uncomfortable. However, his presentation's intent was going to be impartial. Mr. Holifield asked that the group consider the information and recommendations. Mr. Holifield conducted individual interviews with the Town Council, EDC 4B Directors and local developers and listed responses received from each group for the following topics: • Describe the State of Economic Development in Trophy Club Right Now • What Will Make This a Successful Workshop • What is Your Own Personal Vision for the Future of Trophy Club Economic Development • How is the Internal Working Relationship Among the Board • How is the EDC 4B Board Operating • How is the Working Relationship with the Town Council • Working Relationship between Board and Town Council • How is the Working Relationship with Town Staff • Miscellaneous • Rules and Requirements • Roles and Responsibilities • Routine • Relationships • Developer Insights Mr. Holifield concluded that Trophy Club has a broken government system and that it is pointless to develop a vision and strategic plan until the underlying system and process are fixed. Mr. Holifield stated that the Council -Manager form of government is not being allowed to properly operate and that the Council needs to reach a clear consensus on a mission. Mr. Holifield recommended six steps to focus on: Step One: Jointly reevaluate if you want a Council -Manager form of government, or a New England Town Hall meeting form of government, or a Commission form of government. Step Two: Jointly evaluate and establish healthy processes within the context of your operating structure in which you are ready to be thrown out of office for supporting. Step Three: Jointly engage in part one of a comprehensive strategic visioning process that includes clear articulation of a mission. Step Four: As an EDC Board, complete the strategic visioning process, and bring it back for Council approval and endorsement. Step Five: Modify your Comprehensive Plan, Incentive Policy, and other documents and processes to be consistent with your Strategic Vision. Step Six: Communicate the vision. Own the vision. Sacrifice to make the vision a reality. Each member of the group was given an opportunity to express what they gained from this joint session. Town Manager Emmons thanked Mr. Holifield and stated that he is recommending a Council retreat, possibly on a Sunday, as the next step in this process. Mayor Sanders cautioned the group on the rules governed by the Open Meetings Act when discussing the details of this meeting outside a posted meeting. C.1 Adjourn. Motion made by Council member Edstrom, seconded by Council member Strother to adjourn. Motion made by EDC 4B Director Crosser, seconded by EDC 4B Director Olthoff to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. 1 Jame Hicks, President Damian Olthoff, Secretary