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Minutes EDC 4B 02/12/2007
MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB February 12, 2007 6:30 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on February 12, 2007. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Hicks Doyle Nicholson Damian Olthoff Larry E. Crosser Rebecca Shuman Glenn Strother DIRECTORS ABSENT: Cy Holley Philip Sterling STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Brandon Emmons Beth Ann Gregory Sakura Moten-Dedrick Shannon DePrater Nick Sanders Dave Glasser Steven Kohs President Vice -President Secretary Director Director Director Director Council Liaison Town Manager Community Development Director Finance Director Recording Secretary Mayor Parks and Recreation Board Member Parks and Recreation Board Member WORKSHOP SESSION Call to order and announce a quorum. President Hicks, noting a quorum, called the workshop to order at 6:35 p.m. Welcome new member Glenn Strother. President Hicks welcomed Mr. Strother and made introductions. Adjourn workshop session. President Hicks adjourned the workshop at 6:37 p.m. EDC B February 12, 2007 Regular Session Page 2 of 4 REGULAR SESSION Call to order and announce a quorum. President Hicks, noting a quorum, called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. ©pen Public Hearing. President Hicks opened the public hearing at 6:38 p.m. No citizen input. Close Public Hearing until March 12, 2007. President Hicks closed the public hearing at 6:39 p.m. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an implementation plan for the Buxton Group. a. Implementation plan b. February 19th Council presentation c. Community support for the initiative Beth Ann Gregory mentioned to the Board that she, Brandon Emmons, Jim Hicks, Larry Crosser and Dave Glaser met and came up with the proposed draft for the Board. Beth Ann Gregory went over the Economic Development Plan and timeline. She gave examples for each part of the implementation plan then asked for input. Director Shuman asked that identify and provide desirable businesses and services be added to the list of objectives. Brandon Emmons stated that the first objective listed is actually a Town objective. Beth Ann Gregory suggested creating a sub committee to create a survey and mentioned that Dave Glasser's expertise is surveys and he has generously volunteered to help with the survey creation. President Hicks recommended adding the creation of talking points or a script to use for contacting the potential prospects to the task list. Director Shuman asked about unforeseen/hidden costs that the Board may incur with this project. She mentioned concern with the Economic Development mission. Beth Ann Gregory mentioned the mission on this implementation plan is the Town's mission and that the individual missions for the Economic Development Boards would not be changed. Director Shuman suggested internalizing the tasks and to have a separate press release for publication listing only four or five main tasks. Director Shuman stated that the Plan needs to identify the task of ridding the perception of having preconceived notions and to include tools, such as tax abatements in the implementation plan. EDC B February 12, 2007 Regular Session Page 3 of 4 Director Olthoff recommended adding another objective of staff learning/expertise and suggested categorizing the tasks. Director Shuman asked to use further development, to show that the process has begun. Director Olthoff asked to include, under challenges, the limited market knowledge. Director Shuman asked that this plan be presented using complete sentences. President Hicks asked Mayor Sanders if the timeline would be something that the Council would like to see. Mayor Sanders stated, yes, more is better, use the project sheet/timeline to help show dates. It was also suggested to place a DRAFT watermark on the plan. No action taken. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding EDC -413's appearance at the March 8th Master District meeting to petition the district's participation with the Town in tax abatements to encourage new business development. It was stated that MUD1 can create their own reinvestment zones, in addition to the Town's reinvestment zones. Director Nicholson and Shuman would continue contacting the Municipal Utility Directors. No action taken. Discuss and take appropriate regarding possible amendments to the 2006/07 fiscal year economic development budget to provide financial support for our economic development initiatives and the scheduling of the required public hearings. Both Beth Ann Gregory and Brandon Emmons explained the proposed changes to the Board's budget and the reasons for the amendments. Brandon Emmons would like to include a portion of Beth Ann Gregory's salary into the Board's budget. Director Crosser stated that he is in favor of the proposed changes. Director Shuman expressed concerns whether these changes will promote a positive step. President Hicks questioned the amount of time Beth Ann Gregory will be putting into economic development. EDC B February 12, 2007 Regular Session Page 4 of 4 Director Crosser moved to approve the proposed changes and recommend changes to Council. Director Shuman seconded; motion carried unanimously. Staff Updates: a. Website b. Meetings with Regency Beth Ann Gregory shared that the Economic Development website will be shown to the Council at their February 19th meeting and mentioned the Public Safety Health Fair scheduled for the first Saturday in May. Approval of Meeting Minutes: a. December 11, 2006 b. January 8, 2007 Joint Session c. January 9, 2007 Director Shuman asked that the January 9, unexpired term vacancy. 2007 minutes define the vacant term as one Director Shuman moved to approve the minutes as amended. Director Olthoff seconded; motion carried unanimously. Approval of Financials (Additional information sent electronically) a. December 2006 b. January 2007 Director Shuman moved to approve the December 2006 financials. Director Olthoff seconded; motion carried unanimously. January 2007 financials will be brought forward to the March meeting. Other business. a. Discussion of electronic meeting packets and paper meeting packets. b. Next meeting scheduled for March 12, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. The Board has asked to be given both electronic and paper packets and to bring this item back to the Board for discussion in two to three months. President Hicks thanked Mr. Glasser for working the Board on the development survey. Adjourn regular session. Director Shuman made a motion to adjourn at 8:54 p.m. Director Olthoff seconded; motion carried unanimously. Damia