Minutes EDC 4B 08/28/2006 - Joint Workshop and Special SessionNOTICE OF JOINT WORKSHOP/SPECIAL SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 28, 2006 7:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Joint Workshop/Special Session on August 28, 2006. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Hicks Doyle Nicholson Damian Olthoff Larry E. Crosser Rebecca Shuman (left at 8:10 pm) DIRECTORS ABSENT: Bill Devlin STAFF AND GUEST (S) PRESENT: Roger Unger Adam Adams Mindy Herring Shannon DePrater JD Harvey Dwight Morrow Neil Twomey Gary Cantrell Steve Gregory Wendy Hill Steven Kohs David Glasser Chris McCollister Steve Skeen Matthew Graham Kathleen Wilson Susan Edstrom Greg Lamont Leland Wilhelm President Vice -President Secretary Director Director Treasurer ACM / Finance Director Parks and Recreation Director Recreation Supervisor Recording Clerk EDC 4A President EDC 4A Vice -President EDC 4A Secretary/Treasurer EDC 4A Director Parks & Recreation Vice Chairman Parks & Recreation Board Member Parks & Recreation Board Member Parks & Recreation Board Member Parks & Recreation Board Member Parks & Recreation Board Member Parks & Recreation Board Member Parks & Recreation Board Member Council Member Council Member Resident, EDC 4A Applicant JOINT WORKSHOP SESSION Economic Development Corporation 4B call to order. President Hicks called EDC 46 to order, noting a quorum, at 7:02 p.m. EDC 4113 August 28, 2006 Joint Workshop and Special Session Page 2 of 2 Parks and Recreation Board call to order. Vice President Gregory called the Parks and Recreation Board to order, noting a quorum at 7:02 pm. Discuss Park Funding and Operations. Discussions ensued between EDC 4A, EDC 4B and the Parks and Recreation Board concerning the Economic Development Corporations' submissions. Economic Development Corporation 4A to close joint workshop. President Harvey closed the EDC 4A joint workshop at 8:48 p.m. Economic Development Corporation 4B to close joint workshop. President Hicks closed the EDC 4B joint workshop at 8:48 p.m. Parks and Recreation Board to close joint workshop. Vice Chairman Gregory closed the EDC 4B joint workshop at 8:48 p.m. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B TO CONVENE INTO SPECIAL SESSION SPECIAL SESSION Economic Development Corporation 4B call to order and announce a quorum President Hicks called the EDC 4B into Special Session, noting a quorum at 8:58 p.m. Take appropriate action regarding matching grant funds in the amount of $37,750 for a Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant to be implemented at Marshall Creek Park. Director Crosser made a motion to fund the Marshall Creek Park grant application in an amount not to exceed $30,000. Director Nicholson seconded; motion carried unanimously. Adjourn. Director Olthoff made a motion to adjourn at 8:59 p.m. Director Crosser seconded; motion carried unanimously. T 7�1o. Damian Olthoff