Minutes EDC 4B 03/08/2004MINUTES OF WORKSHOP/REGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B TOWN OFTROPHY CLUB MARCH 8,2004 STATE 0FTEXAS COUNTY OF0ENTQN The Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Workshop/Regular Session onMarch 8.2OO4. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open tothe public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Hicks President Pam Cates Treasurer Andy Hayes Secretary Tim Meredith Director Bill Devlin Director DIRECTORS ABSENT: Doyle Nicholson Vice -President Rebecca Shuman Director STAFF AND GUEST (S)PRESENT: Roger Unger Staff Liaison Jan Woodruff EDC Clerk Beth Ann Gregory WORKSHOP SESSION CALL TOORDER AND ANNOUNCE AQUORUK8. President Hicks called the meeting \oorder a1S:41 p.m.,announced that there was aquorum, and proceeded tothe Regular session. REGULAR SESSION DEVELOPER'S REPORT: No developers were present. Jan Woodruff reminded the EDCB Directors that the official opening ofTrophy Wood Drive would beMarch 2O^'a110:O0a.m. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR DEVELOPING ABUSINESS PAMPHLET: There was an extensive discussion about developing a business pamphlet on the Trophy Club website that would include interactive maps. Beth Ann Gregory was present tntalk about the presentation by North Central Texas Council o/ Government's kConnnnunitieafor GIS. Because of time restraints, the staff does not recommend the purchase of the software at this time. This could beabudget item for the FY2004-05budget. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING: Director Cates made u motion to have Director Shuman put together the draft of the strategic plan after the workshop for Council acknowledgement by the next meeting. Director Hayes seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR HONORING FORMER BOARD MEMBERS: Director Cates made a motion to honor the former EDCB directors with more than two years on the Board and being current Trophy Club residents with a plaque and put the information on Channel 7. Director Devlin seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Page 2 EDCB March 8, 2004 Meeting Minutes DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR CONDUCTING AWORKSHOP REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Jeff Moore with Brown & Hofmeister, L.L.P. will conduct the workshop on March 24 1h at 6:00 p.m. The conference will be videotaped for future training of new EDC directors and Town Council members. Hewill address: ° Criteria for use ofEDC funds ° Legislative changes and how iiaffects the EDCs ° Attorney General opinions affecting EDCo ° Creation and dissolution ofunEDC ° Amending the level ofsales tax REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: Director Meredith made a motion to approve the February 9, 2004 meeting minutes as submitted. Director Hayes seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. REVIEW AND APPROVE FINANCIAL REPORT: Director Devlin made a motion to approve the February 2004 financials. Director Meredith seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. |t was requested that the EDCBsee the Pool financials each month. OTHER BUSINESS: The E[CBare having the official Trophy Wood road opening on March 13 th with the media being invited. The details will be provided soon. There was a discussion about the alcohol sales and how soon we could have it in stores. ADJOURN: Director Cates made a motion to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. Director Meredith seconded the motion and hpassed unanimously. Jarnds"Hic6 Andy Hayes President Secretary