Minutes EDC 4B 09/09/2002MINUTES OF WORKSHOP/REGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB September 9, 2002 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Workshop/Regular Session on September 9, 2002. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT James Hicks President John Carter Treasurer Jonathan Witherspoon Vice -President Carol Cotton Secretary Pam Cates Director Terry Christlieb Director Doyle Nicholson Director DIRECTORS ABSENT: None STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT Roger Unger Staff Liaison 7:45 Jan Woodruff Staff Donna Krauss Public Relations Chairman Tommie Baines Representative of The Knolls Developer WORKSHOP SESSION CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: President Hicks stated a quorum was present at 6:36 p.m. and proceeded to the public hearing. session. PUBLIC HEARING DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION TO ACTION FOR THE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS OF THE FY2003 BUDGET THAT HAVE NOT HAD A PUBLIC HEARING PRIOR TO THIS DATE INCLUDING: ROUTINE INCLUDING LEGAL, PROFESSIONAL OUTSIDE SERVICES, OFFICE SUPPLIES, PUBLICATIONS, SCHOOLS AND TRAINING, AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES ADVERTISING INCLUDING LEGAL NOTICES AND TOWN PROMOTION 4T" OF JULY PROJECT TOWN MEMBERSHIPS No one was present from the public to ask questions. ADJOURN PUBLIC HEARING. Director Cotton made a motion to adjourn the public hearing. Director Christlieb seconded and the vote to adjourn was unanimous. REGULAR SESSION/PUBLIC HEARING CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: President Hicks called the meeting to order and announced a quorum. PAGE 2 EDC 4B SEPTEMBER 9, 2002 MEETING MINUTES DEVELOPER REPORT: No developer report. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING BILLBOARD ADVERTISING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB. Donna Krauss talked about the expenses to rent a billboard. She suggested that it have Trophy Club's motto, "Great Place to Call Home". Tommie Baines indicated that The Knolls would possibly pay half the first year. It was decided that since EDCs promotional expenses is limited to 10% of the revenues, there was not enough money to rent a billboard at this time. Jan Woodruff will look into the possibility of erecting a sign on town property or on the Medical Plaza property. Tommie Baines indicated that it would be approximately $5000 to erect our own billboard. Jan Woodruff will ask Bob Bearden at the Comptroller's Office if the billboard could be counted as a project or as advertising. Donna Krauss indicated that the Public Relations Committee would do some research and get back with EDCB in eight weeks. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: Director Christlieb made a motion to accept the August 12th meeting minutes with the correction of Tommie Baines name. Director Carter seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Director Nicholson abstained. REVIEW AND APPROVE FINANCIAL REPORT: Director Christlieb made a motion to approve the August 2002 financial statements. Director Carter seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. It was noted that there was not a copy of the state sales tax letter in the packet. OTHER BUSINESS: It was suggested that Jan Woodruff look into the possibility of linking Trophy Club businesses to our website. It was also suggested that Jan Woodruff ask the Community Development and Planning and Zoning to let EDCB know when new businesses come in. The EDCB Directors want to know the exact amount of the 10 -acre park and pool bond payments and when they are due. The EDCB Directors want Jan Woodruff to order each member a copy of the Handbook on Economic Development Laws for Texas Cities after October 1 st for each Director. ADJOURN: Director Carter made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:59 p. m. Director Witherspoon seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Janes Hicks JoRri Carter President Treasurer 101 102j