Minutes EDC 4B 12/11/2000MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION B TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB December 11, 2000 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session December 11, 2000. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: David Garlitz John Carter Terry Christlieb Scott Smith Pam Cates DIRECTORS ABSENT: James Hicks STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: James L. Buxton Renae Gonzales John Harbin Chris Clark President Treasurer Director Director/Council Liaison Director Vice -President Staff Liaison Recording Secretary Beck Properties Resident REGULAR SESSION CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: President Garlitz called the meeting to order and announced a quorum at 6:35 p.m. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING ELECTION OF NEW PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY: President Garlitz turned in his resignation to the board effective at the end of the night's meeting. Director Smith made a motion for Jim Hicks to serve as interim president until the May 2001 election. Director Carter seconded. Motion passed unanimously with Director Garlitz abstaining. Director Smith made a motion to elect Terry Christlieb as secretary. Director Carter seconded. Motion passed unanimously with President Garlitz abstaining. PRESENTATION BY JOHN HARBIN REGARDING COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY IN PROCESS: John Harbin stated that Beck is working on plans for the 27 acres at the front entrance bounded by Highway 114, Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek. Possible businesses could include multiple restaurants and a hotel. DISCUSS PROCEDURES FOR FILLING VACANCIES: Directors discussed procedures already in place. Candidates for vacancies will be interviewed individually with a follow-up letter advising of decision. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING ADVERTISING IN AND FOR BROCHURES: Tabled to next meeting. Pain Cates to provide research. Page 2 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP B December 11, 2000 DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING SURVEY FOR NEWSLETTER TO RESIDENTS ABOUT RESTAURANTS AND OTHER SERVICES: Directors would like the survey to run in the January Around the Town newsletter. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING NEW BUSINESS INCENTIVES: No action taken. Tabled until next meeting. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: Director Smith stated that he would like his title listed on future agendas as Director/Council Liaison. He also wanted agenda item two changed to read "Director Christlieb made a motion to deny funding until a CIA presentation can be made to EDC A". Director Smith made a motion to accept the minutes with changes. Director Garlitz seconded. Motion passed unanimously with Director Cates abstaining. REVIEW AND APPROVE FINANCIAL REPORT: Tabled until next meeting. OTHER BUSINESS: No discussion. ADJOURN: Director Carter made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p. m. Director Christlieb seconded. Motion passed unanimously. David Garlitz President 12/15/00drg Terry Christlieb Secretary