Minutes EDC 4B 06/09/1997MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB June 9, 1997 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a regular session Monday, June 9,1997. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Robert Burns President Terry Christlieb Vice President David Garlitz Treasurer Pam Cates Director Marshall Engelbeck Director John Carter Director DIRECTORS ABSENT: Dan Heath Secretary STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Karen Sadri Asst. Secretary President Robert Burns called the meeting to order and announced a quorum at 7:00 p.m. APPROVE MINUTES OF May 12, 1997 MEETING: Director Engelbeck moved to accept the minutes of the May 12, 1997 meeting as written. Director Garlitz seconded; motion passed with Directors Christlieb, Garlitz, Englebeck and Cates voting to accept and Directors Burns and Carter abstaining. Page 2 TCEDC Regular Session June 9,1997 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Bill LeGrand, Director of Public Works, gave a presentation of work that needs to be done, work in progress, and asked the Board for any available funds to complete the needed projects. Director Englebeck clarified the projects in progress as the work on Trophy Wood and Indian Creek Drives, and the future projects as Skyline Drive, Chisos and Alamosa and Village Trail. The Board requested Mr. LeGrand to return to the Board with his request for funds when he had exact figures. There was no presentation from the Planning and Zoning Department. REVIEW TCEDC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ENDING MAY 319 1997: Director Garlitz moved to approve the financial statements as written. Director Carter seconded; motion passed unanimously. DISCUSS AND CREATE A DRAFT OF 1996-1997 BUDGET: The Board discussed the projected revenue for the fiscal year 1997-98, verified the fiscal year is October 1 through September 30, and arrived at the consensus to have minimum expenditures for the 96-97 fiscal year. UPDATE ON THE WEB SITE: Director Garlitz updated the Board on the merits of having a web site for the Town. The Board agrees with Director Cates' to the possibility of having a contest to design the web page by Town youth. Director Garlitz agreed to co-ordinate the web site project. Director Engelbeck moved to begin to take action of creating a web site for the Town of Trophy Club, under the direction of Director Garlitz, with an initial budget of $700.00, to advertise the benefits of Trophy Club to the outside world and improve the information page used by the Town and the MUD. Director Christlieb seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Page 3 TCEDC Regular Session June 9,1997 The next meeting will be Monday, July 14, 1997. Director Carter moved to adjourn at 8:07 p.m. Director Christlieb seconded; motion passed unanimously. Robert Burns, President Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation (SEAL) Heath, Secretary Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation 06/19/97 kig