Agenda Packet EDC 4B 08/04/2014Economic Development Corporation 4B
(EDC 4B)
Trophy Club Entities
Meeting Agenda
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Svore Municipal Building Boardroom7:00 PMMonday, August 4, 2014
Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board regarding an item over
which the Board has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics
order, or other policy order.
1.2014-1316-T Public Hearing considering the expenditure of funds for the fiscal year
2014-15 budget.
2.2014-1317-T Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the May 2014 Financials.
May Budget Report 2014.pdfAttachments:
3.2014-1318-T Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the June 2014 Financials.
June Budget Report 2014.pdfAttachments:
4.2014-1319-T Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the June 9, 2014 Minutes.
006 June 9 2014 Minutes.pdfAttachments:
5.2014-1320-T Recognition of July, August, and September Business Spotlight partners.
July Business Spotlight Article.pdf
August Business Spotlight Article.pdf
6.2014-1321-T Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the fiscal year 2014-15
EDC-4B budget.
Proposed FY15 Budget.pdfAttachments:
7.2014-1322-T Discuss and take appropriate action regarding future Focus on Business
EDC 4B Board Page 1 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
August 4, 2014Economic Development
Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
Meeting Agenda
8.2014-1323-T Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Shop Local Programs Policy.
Shop Local Programs Policy APPROVED 4-14-14.pdfAttachments:
9.2014-1324-T Assistant Town Manager Update:
- Trophy Wood
- Trophy Club Town Center
- The Plaza
- Village Centre
- The Village
- Shop Local table at July 4th
Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the Town Council may be in attendance at
this meeting.
I certify that the above notice was posted on the front window of the Svore Municipal
Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on August 1, 2014 by 5:00 P.M. in
accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Alora Wachholz, Economic Development & Marketing Coordinator
If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special
needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682-831-4600, 48 hours in
advance and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you.
I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by this Board
was removed by me from the front window of the Svore Municipal Building, 100
Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on the __________ day of
______________________, 2014.
________________________________, Title: ___________________________
EDC 4B Board Page 2 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12014-1316-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Public Hearing
File created:In control:7/31/2014 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:8/4/2014
Title:Public Hearing considering the expenditure of funds for the fiscal year 2014-15 budget.
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Public Hearing considering the expenditure of funds for the fiscal year 2014-15 budget.
EDC 4B Board Page 3 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12014-1317-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:7/31/2014 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:8/4/2014
Title:Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the May 2014 Financials.
Attachments:May Budget Report 2014.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the May 2014 Financials.
EDC 4B Board Page 4 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
Revenue Original
Budget Year to Date Variance % Received
Sales Tax 305,000$ 305,000$ 198,371$ 106,629$ 65%
Interest Income 100 100 30 70 30%
Miscellaneous - - 3,938 (3,938) 100%
Total Revenue 305,100$ 305,100$ 202,338$ 102,762$ 66%
Expenditures Original
Budget Revised Budget Year to Date Variance % Used
Auditing 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ -$ 100%
Advertising 16,500 16,500 350 16,150 2%
Printing 1,000 1,000 90 910 9%
Schools & Training 2,320 2,320 1,430 890 62%
Dues & Membership 600 600 550 50 92%
Travel & Per diem 3,226 3,226 57 3,169 2%
Office Supplies 1,000 1,000 220 780 22%
Miscellaneous Expense 6,750 6,750 3,781 2,969 56%
Capital EDC Projects 50,744 50,744 27,678 23,066 55%
Total Expenditures 83,140$ 83,140$ 35,156$ 47,984$ 42%
Other Uses Original
Budget Year to Date Variance % Used
Transfer to General Fund 71,996$ 71,996$ 45,579$ 26,417$ 63%
Transfer to Debt Service 54,964 54,964 27,482 27,482 50%
Total Other Uses 126,960$ 126,960$ 73,061$ 53,899$ 58%
Fund Balance Original
Budget Year to Date
Beginning Fund Balance 167,530$ 167,530$ 188,704$
+Net Increase (Decrease)95,000 95,000 94,121
Ending Fund Balance 262,530$ 262,530$ 282,825$
Percent of Budget Year Transpired
Notable Expenditures
Auditing- The annual Audit was conducted and payed out. This is the only item in this line item.
Dues & Membership - The annual membership and award application were both paid for out of this line
From FY 2013 CAFR
EDC 4B Board Page 5 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12014-1318-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:7/31/2014 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:8/4/2014
Title:Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the June 2014 Financials.
Attachments:June Budget Report 2014.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the June 2014 Financials.
EDC 4B Board Page 6 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
Revenue Original
Budget Year to Date Variance % Received
Sales Tax 305,000$ 305,000$ 225,430$ 79,570$ 74%
Interest Income 100 100 30 70 30%
Miscellaneous - - 3,938 (3,938) 100%
Total Revenue 305,100$ 305,100$ 229,397$ 75,703$ 75%
Expenditures Original
Budget Revised Budget Year to Date Variance % Used
Auditing 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ -$ 100%
Advertising 16,500 16,500 350 16,150 2%
Printing 1,000 1,000 90 910 9%
Schools & Training 2,320 2,320 1,430 890 62%
Dues & Membership 600 600 550 50 92%
Travel & Per diem 3,226 3,226 132 3,094 4%
Office Supplies 1,000 1,000 220 780 22%
Miscellaneous Expense 6,750 6,750 3,781 2,969 56%
Capital EDC Projects 50,744 50,744 27,678 23,066 55%
Total Expenditures 83,140$ 83,140$ 35,231$ 47,909$ 42%
Other Uses Original
Budget Year to Date Variance % Used
Transfer to General Fund 71,996$ 71,996$ 45,579$ 26,417$ 63%
Transfer to Debt Service 54,964 54,964 41,223 13,741 75%
Total Other Uses 126,960$ 126,960$ 86,802$ 40,158$ 68%
Fund Balance Original
Budget Year to Date
Beginning Fund Balance 167,530$ 167,530$ 188,704$
+Net Increase (Decrease)95,000 95,000 107,364
Ending Fund Balance 262,530$ 262,530$ 296,068$
Percent of Budget Year Transpired
Notable Expenditures
Auditing- The annual Audit was conducted and payed out. This is the only item in this line item.
Dues & Membership - The annual membership and award application were both paid for out of this line
From FY 2013 CAFR
EDC 4B Board Page 7 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12014-1319-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:7/31/2014 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:8/4/2014
Title:Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the June 9, 2014 Minutes.
Attachments:006 June 9 2014 Minutes.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the June 9, 2014 Minutes.
EDC 4B Board Page 8 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
7:00 p.m.
The Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in Regular
Session on June 9, 2014. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was
open to the public.
James Hicks President
Rebecca Shuman Vice President
Dean Murray Treasurer/Secretary Arrived at 7:11 p.m.
Greg Wilson Director Arrived at 7:10 p.m.
Sean Weaver Director
David Brod Director
Randall Conn Director
Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager
Alora Wachholz Economic Development & Marketing Coordinator
Call to order and announce a quorum at 7:04 p.m.
1. Public Hearing considering the expenditure of funds for the fiscal year 2014-15
President Hicks opened the Public Hearing at 7:05 p.m. and, hearing no public comment
requested, closed the hearing at 7:05 p.m.
2. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the April 2014 Financials.
Director Weaver made a motion to approve the Financials as presented and Director Brod
seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
3. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the May 12, 2014 Minutes.
Director Shuman made a motion to approve the May 12, 2014 Minutes as presented and
Director Brod seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
4. Introduction of new Town Council Liaison.
Assistant Town Manager Stephen Seidel briefly introduced new Council Liaison Rhylan Rowe,
who was not in attendance at the meeting, to the Board.
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5. Recognition of current and future Business Spotlight partner.
Assistant Town Manager Seidel and Economic Development & Marketing Coordinator Alora
Wachholz briefly introduced the June Business Spotlight partner, Bella Vita Dentistry, and
announced the July Business Spotlight partner as The Sassy Flamingo. Director Conn
requested that a sentence be added to the current and all future Spotlights which would express
that the Town and EDC-4B is not endorsing any business by including them as a Spotlight.
Stephen Seidel acknowledged that this would be added.
6. Recognition of the Trophy Club EDC-4B Board as a Texas Economic Development
Council (TEDC) Economic Excellence Award recipient.
President Hicks thanked Assistant Town Manager Seidel and his staff for the work they did to
submit the application for the award. Seidel explained that the work that was accomplished in
order to win the award was all due to the efforts of the Board and that they should be thanked.
President Hicks asked if there will be a plaque of some sort sent to the Board and Seidel
explained that they would mail a certificate after formal presentation of awards in San Antonio
this month.
7. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the fiscal year 2014-15 EDC-4B
Assistant Town Manager Seidel explained the preliminary budget document that he had sent to
the Board earlier this week and how the revenue totals were arrived at. He explained that these
numbers would be reevaluated in the upcoming month as sales tax dollars continue to come in.
He explained that there is $15,000 additional for incentives based on a request from Director
Weaver, some additional money for strategic training, as requested by Director Shuman, and
money for updated analytics. Seidel requested direction regarding participation in next year’s
Alliance Development Forum with the Northwest Metroport Chamber of Commerce and Director
Weaver said remaining a part of the ADF is a good idea. Director Brod said he thought it was a
cool event but that the Board should evaluate the return on investment gained for participation
in events like those. Director Murray said he feels the Board should keep being a part of the
event so that they remain relevant. Seidel said there is money set aside in the budget for a
Strategic Planning Retreat and for Shop Local stickers and for speakers for future Focus On
Business events. He then explained the transfers to the General Fund and what is included in
that line. Director Weaver said that he feels that the $100,000 in the budget that is not being
used for incentives this fiscal year should be used to pay off debt. Director Murray said he would
rather keep some money for future incentives. No action was taken on the budget document at
this point.
8. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding future Focus on Business events.
Assistant Town Manager Seidel explained that Bella Vita Dentistry has offered to host the fall
Focus on Business event, as well as the Hampton Inn. Seidel and President Hicks also stated
they would get together to discuss possible speakers from the Score program.The Board
agreed to look into appropriate August and November dates for the next two events.
9. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the International Council of
Shopping Centers 2014 Deal Making Conference on November 12-14.
Assistant Town Manager Seidel has reached out to Beck Ventures regarding partnering at the
next Texas Deal-Making Conference in Dallas. He asked if the Board would like to have a booth
presence with the Northwest Metroport Chamber cities or independently at the event if we were
unable to partner with Beck. The Board felt Beck would be the best option, but we should
partner in whatever way we can.
EDC 4B Board Page 10 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
10. Discussion of Texas Department of Transportation blue highway signage.
Assistant Town Manager Seidel and Economic Development & Marketing Coordinator
Wachholz gave an update about businesses that are interested in being a part of the blue
highway sign program and have turned in applications to the Texas Department of
11. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding monthly meeting date.
Assistant Town Manager Seidel explained that the Town Council has changed their meeting
dates to the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, so, in order to prevent having two
evening meetings back-to-back, the Board may consider changing their meetings to the first or
third Monday. Director Murray motioned to change the EDC-4B meetings to the first Monday of
each month, beginning July 7, and Director Brod seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
12. Assistant Town Manager update:
- Trophy Wood
- Trophy Club Town Center
- The Village
Assistant Town Manager Stephen Seidel and Economic Development & Marketing Coordinator
Alora Wachholz provided updates and answered questions related to the topics above.
CODE 551.071.
Director Conn made a motion to adjourn at 8:34 p.m. and Director Murray seconded. The
motion passed unanimously.
______________________________ _______________________________
James Hicks, President Dean Murray, Treasurer/Secretary
EDC 4B Board Page 11 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12014-1320-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:7/31/2014 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:8/4/2014
Title:Recognition of July, August, and September Business Spotlight partners.
Attachments:July Business Spotlight Article.pdf
August Business Spotlight Article.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Recognition of July, August, and September Business Spotlight partners.
EDC 4B Board Page 12 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
Business Spotlight: The Sassy Flamingo
Posted by Alora Wachholz on Jun 30, 2014
Tags: Business, Business Spotlight, Community, Economic Development,
Town News | Comments (0)
Anyone who has been to The Sassy Flamingo in Trophy Club at 501 Trophy
Lake Drive, # 314, right next to Starbucks, knows that this is a store like none
other. Offering an extensive array of upscale women’s apparel, Corral Boots,
hats, and accessories, along with custom-made jewelry and personally-
designed children’s and infant specialty clothing and designs, The Sassy
Flamingo is truly one of the most unique places to shop in the area.
Everything a woman needs to look and feel her best can be found in this comfortable and welcoming shop that has been a part of
the Trophy Club community for the past three years and draws customers from around North Texas and beyond, even from other
states, to enjoy the outstanding selection of apparel ranging in size from newborn to 4x. There are many clothing lines available at
the shop, representing an array of fashion choices from gym and tennis wear, to boots and jeans, and even on up to dressy dresses
for that special occasion or Western Wedding!
Shirley- Owner and Leading Lady
At the heart of this incredible, fashion-forward boutique is Shirley Thornburg, owner and long-
time Trophy Club resident. Shirley greets customers with true Texan hospitality and expertly
assembles fitted, flattering, and fun ensembles which leave every customer feeling like a queen.
After years of experience as a Vice Chairman of the International Committee at the Houston
Livestock Show, Shirley is a pro when it comes to creating to-die-for Western Chic outfits for any
and every special and casual event. She makes by hand the wide variety of jewelry stunningly
displayed throughout the store, and thoughtfully customizes pieces for those who don’t see
exactly what they are looking for already offered. She also personally selects each of the items
and clothing lines in the store every month at seller’s markets, always making sure that the
clothing is made from materials that are rich, high-quality, and comfortable to wear.
“When I see something cute at market, I think about who will wear it. Maybe I think of a particular customer who I
know would just love the item, or maybe I think about who it would flatter, and I buy it for them.” –Shirley
EDC 4B Board Page 13 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
(Hand-crafted jewelry by Shirley)
Linda- Right Hand Creative Guru
Add to Shirley’s fun and sparkling personality, her right-hand-business associate, Linda Davis, who
creatively designs the shop’s Chic Baby infant and children’s clothing line, and you have an
exceptional team. Linda not only hand-makes fashions for newborn photo shoots, birthday parties,
weddings, and other special occasions, but she is available to personalize clothing and accessories
for all of your needs. Looking for a one-of-a-kind baby shower gift? Try purchasing a “Hat Box,” filled
with matching outfits, accessories, gowns, blankets, picture frames, and even matching letters and
bow towers to hang on the nursery wall! Feeling like getting into the school spirit? Linda personally
designs spirit wear for any school of your choice that is sure to turn heads!
(Some of Linda’s amazing Baby Chic and spirit wear designs)
Nowhere else in North Texas will you find a boutique like The Sassy Flamingo. Shirley and Linda take very seriously their
commitment to provide customers with outstanding service, even providing business cards touting their cell phone numbers, in case
you need to call or text them to request an item or need to stop by the shop outside of regular business hours. They encourage
shoppers to bring back items that they aren’t 100% satisfied with, and even offer to hold pieces for customers who wish to come
back and purchase at a later time. If you are looking for the absolute best shopping party for a group, the ladies at The Sassy
Flamingo are happy to oblige, and will even provide refreshments!
EDC 4B Board Page 14 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
(A wide selection of Corral Boots)
(Miss Me jeans at outstanding prices!)
Special Promotion For Trophy Club Residents!
The Sassy Flamingo also offers regular sales, like their 4th of July Sale on all Miss Me jeans, but for the entire month
of July, Trophy Club residents can enjoy a very special promotion: Customers who go to The Sassy Flamingo and say
the phrase, “I feel Sassy!” will receive 10% off one item of women’s apparel of your choice (excludes boots)! Don’t
miss out on this exciting opportunity to experience this unique and upscale shop while saving on stunning fashions
for all shapes and sizes! And while you’re at it, go to Facebook and “like” them at
Flamingo for more exciting offers throughout the year.
From Uptown to Cowtown, The Sassy Flamingo has exactly what you are looking for, along with a heaping dose of
outstanding customer service. Come by today and enjoy some Bling Therapy!
The Sassy Flamingo
501 Trophy Lake Drive, #314
Phone: (Shirley) 732-682-7793 (Linda) 817-647-5990
Hours of Operation:
EDC 4B Board Page 15 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
Sunday & Monday CLOSED
Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Or by appointment
If you would like your business featured in the Business Spotlight, please email Alora Wachholz, Economic Development &
Marketing Coordinator to find out more! Please note that the Business Spotlight program is not intended as an endorsement by
the Town of Trophy Club, the EDC-4B Board, or affiliated staff of the program.
EDC 4B Board Page 16 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
Dr. David Crumpton, D.D.S. is Trophy Club’s experienced dental practitioner with a
brand new, elegant facility located at 301 Trophy Branch Drive, Suite 100. Having been
a part of the community for the past 18 years, Dr. Crumpton is committed to serving
you and your family from now until well into the future. If you’re looking for a
friendly, professional, and welcoming experience the next time you need dental
services, Dr. Crumpton, D.D.S. can’t be beat!
Come in today for your:
• First Visit
• Checkups & Cleaning
• CEREC One-Visit Dentistry
• One-Visit Crowns
• One-Visit Inlays & Onlays
• One-Visit Root Canals
• Porcelain Veneers
• Invisalign Clear Braces
• Cosmetic Dentistry
• Teeth Whitening
• Dental Implants
• Bridges
• Dentures
• Laser Gum Treatment
• Dental Bonding
• Aesthetic Recontouring
• Sealants
• Comfort Amenities
• Family Dentistry
• Restorative Dentistry
• Mature Adult Dentistry
August is also a great month to bring the kids in for those important back-to-school checkups and cleanings!
David Crumpton, D.D.S.
While attending the Baylor College of Dentistry, Dr. Crumpton said he received advice from a
professor that would help shape his future. He said,
“’Find a place where you want to live and build your practice there.’ My wife and I drove
through Trophy Club in the late 90’s and saw families out enjoying the community— that
made us want to move here and then, a few years later, put in our dental practice. It was
fantastic driving through the Town and watching kids playing outside. It reminded me of the
small town I grew up in.”
Now, with almost two decades of experience caring for the oral health of residents of Trophy
Club and the surrounding communities, Dr. Crumpton continues to stay ahead of the curve when
it comes to the latest dental practices and training. Not only is he a member of the Academy of
General Dentistry, the Texas Dental Association, and the American Dental Association, but he is
also well-known in his field as an expert on restorative and cosmetic dentistry practices,
providing educational lectures and trainings for other practitioners over the past 8 years.
An Experience Like None Other
Dr. Crumpton knows that dentistry is an up-close and personal profession, and he sees it as an honor and privilege to be allowed into
his patient’s lives. When you come into his new, state-of-the-art office on the southeast side of Town, be prepared for an elegant and
relaxing experience from start to finish. From a welcoming lobby and attentive receptionist, to the spa-like exam rooms, you will be
glad that you chose Dr. Crumpton, D.D.S. for you and your family!
EDC 4B Board Page 17 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
If you haven’t yet had the chance to check out Dr. Crumpton’s new facility, schedule an appointment today to
see it for yourself, and enjoy a special promotion during the month of August!
With a luxuriously comfortable and welcoming lobby, friendly and gracious staff, and dental services provided by a Trophy Club
resident, Dr. Crumpton is truly YOUR local dentist!
Exceptional service, quality care, and experienced dentistry for the whole family.
Dr. Crumpton, D.D.S.
301 Trophy Branch Drive, #100
Phone: (817) 491-3344
Fax: (817) 491-3350
Hours of Operation:
Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Friday — Sunday CLOSED
If you would like your business featured in the Business Spotlight, please email April Reiling, PIO & Marketing Manager to
find out more! Please note that the Business Spotlight program is not intended as an endorsement by the Town of Trophy
Club, the EDC-4B Board, or affiliated staff of the program.
EDC 4B Board Page 18 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12014-1321-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:7/31/2014 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:8/4/2014
Title:Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the fiscal year 2014-15 EDC-4B budget.
Attachments:Proposed FY15 Budget.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the fiscal year 2014-15 EDC-4B budget.
EDC 4B Board Page 19 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
Economic Development Corporation 4B Fund
Financial Summary 2011
Revenues 123,737 161,241 246,997 305,100 322,566 326,770
Expenditures 82,317 119,667 441,002 340,100 202,229 326,448
----------------Past---------------------Projected Year-----
Ending Fund Balance
EDC 4B FY 2011
FY 2012
FY 2013
FY 2014
FY 2014
FY 2015
FY 2016
FY 2017
Beginning Fund Balance 299,715$ 341,135$ 382,709$ 167,530$ 188,704$ 309,041$ 309,363$ 328,185$
Sales Tax - General 123,374$ 147,391$ 246,997$ 305,000$ 318,528$ 326,470$ 334,609$ 342,951$
Advertising Revenue - 13,850 - - - - - -
NTX Magazine Revenue - - - - 3,938 - - -
Interest Income 362 - - 100 100 300 450 600
Total Revenue 123,737$ 161,241$ 246,997$ 305,100$ 322,566$ 326,770$ 335,059$ 343,551$
Auditing 1,091$ 1,000$ 3,500$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$
Election - - 6,116 - - - - -
Advertising 787.40 12,952 2,910 16,500 5,800 8,200 6,200 9,400
Printing - - - 1,000 250 500 500 500
Schools & Training 3,060.87 1,766 1,955 2,320 1,430 3,020 2,350 2,350
Dues & Membership 450.00 300 400 600 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,150
Travel & Per Diem 1,710.56 2,396 153 3,226 52 1,623 1,700 1,775
Office Supplies - 872 523 1,000 700 400 500 500
Community Events - - - - - - - -
Miscellaneous Expense 2,522.58 2,983 12,427 6,750 4,025 12,450 10,950 11,450
EDC Projects 14,765.99 23,464 123,285 50,744 37,500 16,468 10,250 18,350
Incentive Programs - - - 130,000 23,462 161,773 161,773 161,773
Transfer to General Fund 31,683.01 47,151 55,200 71,996 71,996 119,964 119,964 119,964
Transfer to Debt Service 26,246.40 26,783 234,533 54,964 54,964 - - -
Total Expenditures 82,317$ 119,667$ 441,002$ 340,100$ 202,229$ 326,448$ 316,237$ 328,212$
Net Increase (Decrease)41,420$ 41,574$ (194,004)$ (35,000)$ 120,337$ 322$ 18,822$ 15,339$
Ending Fund Balance 341,135$ 382,709$ 188,704$ 132,530$ 309,041$ 309,363$ 328,185$ 343,524$
59EDC 4B Board Page 20 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12014-1322-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:7/31/2014 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:8/4/2014
Title:Discuss and take appropriate action regarding future Focus on Business events.
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Discuss and take appropriate action regarding future Focus on Business events.
EDC 4B Board Page 21 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12014-1323-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:7/31/2014 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:8/4/2014
Title:Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Shop Local Programs Policy.
Attachments:Shop Local Programs Policy APPROVED 4-14-14.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Shop Local Programs Policy.
EDC 4B Board Page 22 of 25 Monday, August 4, 2014
Approved by Economic Development Corporation (EDC) 4B Board April 14, 2014
Shop Local Programs Policy:
Purpose: The purpose of the Trophy Club Shop Local Programs is to:
o Promote and support the local businesses that exist in the Town of Trophy Club community
o Bolster resident awareness of the businesses located locally that they may not have otherwise known about
o Increase communication and connectivity between the Town of Trophy Club, the Economic Development Corporation
(EDC) 4B Board, and local business owners, managers, and representatives
o Strengthen the economic health of the community and the local businesses of Trophy Club by encouraging patronage
of Trophy Club businesses, resulting in increased profits and additional sales tax dollars
o Provide a free mechanism for promoting and marketing local businesses by exposing the visitors of the Town’s website,
social media accounts, listserv accounts, etc. with value-rich information pertaining to Trophy Club businesses
o Build a sense of identity and ownership by residents for the community through becoming aware and learning about
those businesses which exist locally
o Educate residents about the value and direct benefits to the community of shopping locally
Details: The following policy guidelines will apply to all of the Town of Trophy Club’s Shop Local Programs:
• Businesses involved must own or lease commercial real estate entirely or partially within the boundaries of the Town of
Trophy Club
• Information provided to the Town by participating businesses must be current and accurate; The Town is not
responsible for misrepresented information
• Home businesses will not be eligible to participate at this time
• Should a business close, relocate outside of the boundaries of the Town of Trophy Club, change names or owners, or
provide information found to be false, inappropriate, or otherwise not in the best interest of the Town to promote,
right is reserved to remove this business information from any and all Shop Local programs
• Inclusion on a first-come, first-served basis
• Preference will not be granted to any individual or business for time, space, or fulfillment of requests
• The Town maintains final approval on all submissions and requests
Business Guide Policy:
• The Business Guide will be maintained throughout the year and posted online in an easy-to read, printable format
• Businesses wishing to be included in multiple industry categories may make requests by contacting the Economic
Development & Marketing Coordinator
• Businesses will be included in the Guide only after they have been issued a Certificate of Occupancy
Business Spotlight Policy:
• The Business Spotlight feature will go live on the first day of each month
• Requests for participants will be made at the launch of the program, then again only when the waiting list falls to less
than 3 months’ worth of businesses
• Featured businesses will be officially announced at each EDC 4B meeting for the following month’s feature
• Spotlighted businesses will be invited to introduce themselves to the Town Council and public during the month of
their feature
• They will also be invited to attend an EDC 4B meeting during their feature month in order to introduce themselves
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Approved by Economic Development Corporation (EDC) 4B Board April 14, 2014
• A standard set of interview questions will be asked of each featured business, along with specialty questions pertaining
to that unique business
• Interviews for the TC Exchange blog are to be completed by the 20th of each month prior to the feature month
• Featured businesses will be expected to provide the Town an electronic form of their business logo as well as any
accompanying material they wish to have included in their article
• Pictures, quotes, and accompanying material must be approved by the Town and is not obligated to be included in any
promotional efforts
• Any questions regarding the spotlighted business will not be the responsibility of the Town to respond to; rather, the
Town will refer questions directly to the business contact
• All information provided during the interview will be considered public information and will be subject to public
• No business is guaranteed the right to remain featured in the Business Spotlight for any specific period of time and no
compensatory marketing time will be provided in order to recoup lost time during the month of feature
• Distinction will not be made as to which businesses shall be promoted during any particular month or season
• No compensatory marketing time will be provided to businesses featured during a month with fewer than 31 days
• Businesses will not be required to provide coupons of special discounts to residents in order to be featured and priority
or privilege will not be given to those who do provide coupons
• Town staff will in no way be allowed to accept from featured businesses: discounts, coupons, merchandise, free
services, money, or other incentives extraordinary to those already provided publicly to the residents of Trophy Club
through the featured Spotlight
• Businesses may reapply for inclusion in the Business Spotlight program no sooner than 12 months after their previous
• Businesses who fail to complete an interview or provide other key information needed to create an article and
adequately promote them as a Spotlighted business by the previously referenced deadline, will be denied the
opportunity to be featured for the month in which they were intended to be marketed
• They will, however, be allowed to reapply for feature at a later date; this will move them to the end of the waiting list
at the time of reapplication
• Follow-up will occur on a three-tier basis for featured businesses, to include inquiry during the month of feature, during
the month following feature, and once per year following feature
Note: The Trophy Club Business Spotlight Program is a new initiative developed by the Town, thus will likely evolve and change over time.
As part of the evolution of this program, there may well be future opportunities granted to featured businesses which had not yet been
identified or available to previous spotlighted businesses. The Town and EDC 4B Board sincerely offers their full commitment to positively
promote and support local businesses participating in this program in those ways in which they are capable of doing at that given time in which
a business is featured.
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100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:12014-1324-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control:7/31/2014 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:8/4/2014
Title:Assistant Town Manager Update:
- Trophy Wood
- Trophy Club Town Center
- The Plaza
- Village Centre
- The Village
- Shop Local table at July 4th
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Assistant Town Manager Update:
- Trophy Wood
- Trophy Club Town Center
- The Plaza
- Village Centre
- The Village
- Shop Local table at July 4th
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