Agenda Packet EDC 4B 07/13/2009Economic Development Corporation 4B
(EDC 4B)
Trophy Club Entities
Meeting Agenda
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Svore Municipal Building Boardroom6:30 PMMonday, July 13, 2009
Call To Order and announce a quorum.
1.09-228-T On July 13, 2009 and August 10, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. there will be a Public Hearing of
the Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, at the
Svore Municipal Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, 76262, for the
purpose of considering the expenditure of funds for the fiscal year 2009-2010 budget.
There is a sixty (60) day period that begins June 10, 2009; the date of the public notice
of the proposed project(s), during which the public may submit a petition with any
objections to the project(s). Please contact Deputy Town Secretary, Shannon DePrater,
concerning any questions at 682-831-4605.
2.09-222-T Discuss and take appropriate action regarding GSBS Architects, including the Design
Charrette Project.
3.09-220-T Discuss and take appropriate action regarding meeting with Catalyst Commercial.
Merchandising Proposal.pdfAttachments:
4.09-223-T Discuss and take appropriate action regarding FY10 EDC 4B Budget.
2009-2010 Projected Budget.pdfAttachments:
5.09-224-T Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the June 8, 2009 Regular Session
June 8 2009 Minutes.pdfAttachments:
6.09-225-T Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the May 2009 Financials.
May 2009 Monthly Financial Report-EDC 4B.pdf
May 2009 Monthly Financial Report Explanation of Variances 4B.pdf
May 2009 Interim Balance Sheet-EDC 4B.pdf
7.09-226-T Set next meeting date of Monday, August 10, 2009.
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 1 of 32
July 13, 2009Economic Development
Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
Meeting Agenda
8.09-227-T Items for Future Agendas:
a. Economic Development Training Classes
b. Ben Hogan Golf Tournament
c. Ron Holifield to help with creation of roles and responsibilities of Directors
Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the Town Council may be in attendance at
this meeting.
I certify that the above notice was posted on the front window of the Svore Municipal
Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, July 10, 2009 by 5:00
P.M. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code.
Shannon DePrater
Deputy Town Secretary / RMO
If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special
needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682-831-4600, 48 hours in
advance and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you.
I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by this Board
was removed by me from the front window of the Svore Municipal Building, 100
Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on the __________ day of
______________________, 2009
________________________________, Title: ___________________________
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 2 of 32
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:109-228-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Public Hearing
File created:In control of:7/8/2009 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:7/13/2009
Title:On July 13, 2009 and August 10, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. there will be a Public Hearing of the Economic
Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, at the Svore Municipal Building, 100
Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, 76262, for the purpose of considering the expenditure of funds
for the fiscal year 2009-2010 budget. There is a sixty (60) day period that begins June 10, 2009; the
date of the public notice of the proposed project(s), during which the public may submit a petition with
any objections to the project(s). Please contact Deputy Town Secretary, Shannon DePrater,
concerning any questions at 682-831-4605.
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
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powered by Legistar™
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 3 of 32
109-228-T Version:File #:
On July 13, 2009 and August 10, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. there will be a Public Hearing of the Economic Development
Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, at the Svore Municipal Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club,
Texas, 76262, for the purpose of considering the expenditure of funds for the fiscal year 2009-2010 budget. There is a
sixty (60) day period that begins June 10, 2009; the date of the public notice of the proposed project(s), during which the
public may submit a petition with any objections to the project(s). Please contact Deputy Town Secretary, Shannon
DePrater, concerning any questions at 682-831-4605.
Trophy Club Entities Printed on 7/10/2009Page 2 of 2
powered by Legistar™
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 4 of 32
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:109-222-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control of:7/8/2009 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:7/13/2009
Title:Discuss and take appropriate action regarding GSBS Architects, including the Design Charrette
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Trophy Club Entities Printed on 7/10/2009Page 1 of 2
powered by Legistar™
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 5 of 32
109-222-T Version:File #:
Discuss and take appropriate action regarding GSBS Architects, including the Design Charrette Project.
Trophy Club Entities Printed on 7/10/2009Page 2 of 2
powered by Legistar™
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 6 of 32
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:109-220-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control of:7/8/2009 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:7/13/2009
Title:Discuss and take appropriate action regarding meeting with Catalyst Commercial.
Attachments:Merchandising Proposal.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Trophy Club Entities Printed on 7/10/2009Page 1 of 2
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Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 7 of 32
109-220-T Version:File #:
Discuss and take appropriate action regarding meeting with Catalyst Commercial.
Trophy Club Entities Printed on 7/10/2009Page 2 of 2
powered by Legistar™
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 8 of 32
Merchandising Plan Proposal
Trophy Club, Texas
Project Overview
We have had the opportunity to review each of Trophy Club’s strategic retail properties over
the last few weeks. Based on our review, and in speaking with the property owners and the
Town of Trophy Club, it is our understanding that these key retail assets are very important to
the economic engine and the community. Further, we believe Larry Stewart’s parcels,
Centurian’s commercial corners, and Regency retail space have characteristics and
fundamentals to support additional retail. In addition, the Beck tract is highly strategic and the
proper merchandising is crucial to its success and sustainability. Catalyst will provide
additional analysis to determine how much demand exists and specific retailers which are best
fit for each of these projects.
This proposal is intended to outline the scope of work, deliverables and timeline for Catalyst
Consulting + Solutions (“Consultant”) to complete a Merchandising Plan for Trophy Club,
Texas (“Client”) in order to identify prospective tenants for Larry Stewart tracts and Trophy
Club Plaza – Regency (the “Project(s)”). We are available to provide a separate proposal for
the Beck and Centurian parcels at your request.
The primary objective of the Merchandising Plan is to assist Trophy Club in crafting the
desired merchants for the projects, as well as the creation and implementation of a strategic
approach to secure a diverse selection of high performance operators that will not only
minimize leakage, but also attract consumers from neighboring areas. Catalyst’s services and
solutions are customized to unlock the potential of these Projects. To accomplish this,
Catalyst will use proprietary data, national sources and organic local research to outline and
implement a strategic plan. We will accurately delineate the custom trade area which will allow
further underwriting of the fundamental drivers to match requirements of specific tenants. In
addition, Catalyst will qualify tenants that have the highest fit for the drivers while mitigating
risk from lower performing or over saturated categories. This will allow our team to identify the
highest and best use retailers that align with your vision and best fit the market. Catalyst
developed this process to solve specific merchandising needs and similar challenges that are
faced by Trophy Club. We feel that the minimum core components of visibility, exposure and
access exist to make Trophy Club a strong retail destination if a proper plan is outlined and
executed properly.
Identifying a strong customer base in Trophy Club will be more challenging than traditional
analysis due to the market position between significant established retail nodes. Therefore our
involvement will be critical so that an accurate representation of demand can be identified to
optimize the plan. We are excited to work in conjunction with your stakeholders to capture
this potential.
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Scope of Work
Catalyst will complete a comprehensive Merchandising Plan to define target tenants for each
Project. The Merchandising Plan will include current vacancy, categorical voids, and demand
drivers to match national and strong local operators which consists of a Property Analysis,
Trade Area Analysis, Market Summary, and Merchandising Data.
Property Analysis:
i.) Location
ii.) Accessibility
iii.) Visibility
iv.) Size
v.) Traffic counts
vi.) Outline of project size and scope
Trade Area Analysis:
i.) Delineation of primary trade area
ii.) Population analysis
iii.) Income analysis
iv.) Lifestyle Segmentation summary
v.) Traffic count analysis
Market Summary:
i.) Market potential analysis by category
ii.) Sales potential analysis by category
iii.) Retail Merchant Matrix(tm)
iv.) Categorical target score
v.) Comparative review of Projects to other alternative competing retail nodes within
the primary trade area
vi.) Retail Gap analysis and Leakage Assessment
vii.) Lifestyle segmentation analysis
viii.) Notation of major planned retail projects in the trade area
ix.) Leasing comparables for similar centers in the primary trade area
Merchandising Data
Merchandising Data will include a comprehensive list of tenants by category and account
name that may be a fit based upon co-tenancy, physical constraints, legal constraints, income,
population density, lifestyle segmentation, and other factors using Catalyst’s proprietary
systems and processes.
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 10 of 32
Deliverable Description Delivery
Merchandising Plan
Property Analysis
Traffic counts
Trade Area Analysis
Trade Area Summary
Traffic Count Map Traffic counts
Custom Aerial Map
Demographic Reports
Lifestyle Segmentation Psychographic and Lifestyle Segmentation
Market Analysis
Competitive Analysis Competitive retail summary
For Grocery Anchored Centers within 5 miles,
and Pad uses along 114 within 3 miles
Market Rate Study
Competitive market rate analysis for
Neighborhood and Pads
Primary Merchant Matrix Matrix of existing operators in the primary trade
area( for Pads & Neighborhood Centers)
Secondary Merchant Matrix Matrix of existing operators in the secondary
trade area (for Power Centers or Regional)
Demand Study and Summary Leakage, Sales Potential and Market Potential
Merchandising Data List of potential operators for Regency in-line
retail and Larry Stewart pads
Trade Area Summary
Total Merchandising Plan Completion 90 days $20,350
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 11 of 32
Additional Services
Catalyst can provide a Marketing Plan including a summary of the program including the
story and vision for best-fit national, regional, and local retailers for Larry Stewart and Trophy
Club Plaza - Regency (the “Projects”)
Catalyst can also provide customized Marketing Collateral for the Projects with targeted
marketing for each specific categorical uses. Marketing will include key summaries of the
Merchandising Plan including:
i.) Customized Aerial to include:
a. Primary trade area delineation,
b. Updated traffic counts,
c. Area retail nodes and major retailers within primary area retail nodes,
d. Area office parks and employment centers within primary trade area
ii.) Site plans for the Projects (provided by others)
iii.) Retail specific demographic summaries (5)
iv.) Market summary
Deliverable Description Delivery Amount
Marketing Plan
Complete custom Marketing
Traffic Counts Traffic counts - 3 locations
Aerial Custom Aerial Map
Demographic Reports Demographics
Total Marketing Plan and
45 days $6,035
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 12 of 32
Catalyst can implement the results of the Catalyst Merchandising Plan™. We recommend
Implementation as this ensures that the results are carried out. Implementation will include
the following weekly reporting to your internal stakeholders with the following:
i.) Tenant Recruitment and procurement for specific retailers by category
ii.) Distribute retail recruitment marketing collateral for distribution to targeted and
future retailers via direct mail and email to existing business relationships (EBR)
and targeted retailers, brokers, and developers.
iii.) Campaign Report of all target contacts/leads by status [Sent, Not Sent, Responded
Yes, Responded No, Responded Evaluating, and Internally Rejected].
iv.) Opportunity Report by stage [duration, description, next step, probability,
associated tenant, broker, and decision makers].
Deliverable Description Delivery Amount
Campaign Report Weekly 4:00AM
Opportunity Report Weekly 4:00AM
Stage Duration Report Weekly 4:00AM
Tenant Procurement
and Recruiting
80 conversions/Month Ongoing
Total Implementation $1,500/M
Additional Meetings
We have included three (3) meetings which include a meeting to initiate the project, a meeting
at the conclusion of our analysis to discuss our preliminary conclusions prior to report writing,
and upon completion of the engagement to discuss our findings, conclusions and
recommendations. These meetings will either be in person or by use of telecommunications
as deemed necessary. We would be pleased to meet with you additionally; however, such
meetings are not included in our fee estimate and will be billed separately.
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 13 of 32
The fees quoted above are for the scope of work as outlined herein, and we will not exceed
these amounts without your prior written consent. Should the scope of the engagement
change, we will discuss these changes with you and the potential adjustment to our fees.
After we meet with you to discuss our findings and conclusions, we will finalize our analysis
based on your comments and will complete the report. Should Trophy Club desire any
additional analysis or modifications to the study we will modify such at an agreed upon revised
Catalyst requires a retainer of 20% of the anticipated fee prior to commencing work. The
retainer will be applied to our final invoice. Billing will be every 30 days as the engagement
progresses. All invoices are payable upon receipt. We reserve the right to withhold delivery of
any report, oral or written, if payments are in arrears. Other travel, subsistence, courier
service, report production, data, graphics and other out-of-pocket expenses are not included
in this estimate and will be billed separately. If you decide to discontinue our study for any
reason, our fee will be based on actual man-hours expended and out-of-pocket expenses
incurred to date.
If, at any time during the course of the study, we form an initial opinion that there is insufficient
market support for the proposed project, we will suspend the assignment at that point and
discuss our findings with you. Should you desire to terminate the assignment at any point, we
will summarize our findings and charge only for that scope and/or time actually incurred to
date at percentage of completion, or our regular hourly rates plus expenses.
We anticipate being able to commence work within two weeks of acceptance and will be able
to complete the assignment five to six weeks thereafter. At the time of completion, we will
provide one (1) original hard copy and one (1) soft copy of the final report in presentation
quality material.
Professional Engagement
1. All non-public information regarding operations, tenants, systems or processes, or
documents created as part of this consulting relationship, are to remain confidential and no
portion of this report shall be shared with anyone outside of the Client and shall only be
authorized for use and benefit for the Project. Any information provided by Trophy Club
shall remain the property of Trophy Club.
2. Appropriate access to vendors, customers, contacts, and administrative system access
will be provided by Trophy Club, as required, to complete any assigned projects.
3. Both parties will make every effort to ensure timely answers to questions as related to the
project engagement.
4. Catalyst will provide a Non-Disclosure Agreement for Client and Catalyst’s protection
which shall be returned prior to commencement of work.
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 14 of 32
Trophy Club, Texas agrees to the scope of work and cost as outlined and described above
dated July 9, 2009. Catalyst Commercial Consulting Solutions (“Catalyst”) is directed to
proceed as outlined on the above proposal and amounts. Authorization and commencement
of above work is evidenced by a signed copy of this proposal. Final payment for each Phase
shall be due and payable no later than ten (10) business days from day of delivery of 5 copies
in presentation quality format.
Change orders for work outside of the scope of this agreement will be submitted to Stephen
Seidel to approve such work and shall be deemed approved with written authorization from
the signatory below.
This proposal is valid for 30 days from the proposal date.
Agreed by:
Trophy Club, Texas (“Client”)
Printed Name:
Date: _________________________________________
Jason Claunch
Catalyst Commercial, Inc
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 15 of 32
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:109-223-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control of:7/8/2009 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:7/13/2009
Title:Discuss and take appropriate action regarding FY10 EDC 4B Budget.
Attachments:2009-2010 Projected Budget.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
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Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 16 of 32
109-223-T Version:File #:
Discuss and take appropriate action regarding FY10 EDC 4B Budget.
Trophy Club Entities Printed on 7/10/2009Page 2 of 2
powered by Legistar™
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 17 of 32
ACCOUNT 2008-09 FY2009 2009-10
40030 Sales Tax - General 125,572 122,595 126,273
49010 Interest Income 5,000 2,000 2,000
TOTAL REVENUES 130,572$ 124,595$ 128,273$
60066 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 100 - -
60070 Dues & Memberships - 100 300
ICSC Membership - 3
60080 Schools & Training 1,400 735 2,300
Basic ED Course - ATM 700
Sales Tax Seminar - 4 600
ISCS - San Antonio 1,000
60100 Travel & Per Diem 3,000 1,739 7,850
Basic ED Course - ATM 1,250
Sales Tax Seminar - 4 2,000
ISCS - San Antonio 4,600
60125 Advertising 8,373 7,917 8,150
Dallas Business Journal 7,400
Chamber Membership Directory 750
60245 Miscellaneous Expenses 5,000 100 10,100
Marketing Collateral and other non
specific development related
expenses 10,000
ED Website Hosting 100
60315 EDC Projects 54,571 48,191 37,645
Strategic Plan Development 10,000
Architectual and Design Process 10,000
Merchandising Plan 10,000
Market and Financial Research 7,645
60335 Intergov Trans Out (GF I&S)26,362 26,362 26,362
Pool Bond Payment
60355 Intergov Trans Out (GF)25,566 20,000 25,566
65085 Office Supplies 200 - -
65105 Printing 6,000 - -
Existing Business Stimulus Project 10,000
TOTAL EXPENSES 130,572$ 105,144$ 128,273$
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 18 of 32
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:109-224-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control of:7/8/2009 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:7/13/2009
Title:Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the June 8, 2009 Regular Session Minutes.
Attachments:June 8 2009 Minutes.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
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Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 19 of 32
109-224-T Version:File #:
Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the June 8, 2009 Regular Session Minutes.
Trophy Club Entities Printed on 7/10/2009Page 2 of 2
powered by Legistar™
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 20 of 32
Monday, June 8, 2009
6:30 PM
The Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in Regular
Session on June 8, 2009. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was
open to the public.
James Hicks President
Dave Glaser Vice President left at 7:53 p.m.
Larry E. Crosser Treasurer
Damian Olthoff Secretary
Dan Bishop Director
Rebecca Shuman Director arrived at 6:52 p.m. and left at 8:30 p.m.
Glenn Strother EDC 4B Council Liaison arrived at 6:36 p.m.
Zachary Jeffery Director
Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager
Shannon DePrater Deputy Town Secretary
Bill Rose Council member
Call to order and announce a quorum.
President Hicks, noting a quorum of EDC 4B, called the regular session to order at 6:31 p.m.
1. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding meeting with Ron Holifield.
President Hicks updated the Board on the meeting he and Assistant Town Manager Seidel held
with Mr. Holifield. Given the overall status of where the Board is, Mr. Holifield shared he has
completed what he can do for the Board at this time. A unified vision from the Town Council is
lacking and Mr. Holifield doubts whether his services would be beneficial. Mr. Holifield
recommended that the Board continue to move forward with its current projects.
The Board discussed different options on how to move forward including holding a joint meeting
with EDC 4B, Town Council, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 and have Mr. Holifield
facilitate those meetings, perhaps in a multiple workshop setting.
Director Olthoff stated that the Rules of Engagement need to be defined by the Town Council
before holding a joint meeting,
Director Bishop acknowledged that the Town Council needs to provide specific direction for the
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 21 of 32
2. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding meeting with Catalyst Commercial.
President Hicks updated the Board on his and Assistant Town Manager Seidel’s meeting with
Jason Claunch with Catalyst Commercial.
Seidel began by listing issues that may attribute to why the Regency Center is not at full
occupancy. Seidel then explained how Catalyst Commercial works by collecting scientific
information, such as geo-coding of our existing businesses, leakage, traffic counts and research
of other area retail centers to help find prospective tenants.
Catalyst Commercial will take their research information, our existing information and partner
with a marketing firm to help the Board reach out to these potential businesses. Seidel stated
that the discussion was only preliminary, and Mr. Claunch is willing to come to the next EDC 4B
meeting and give a presentation. Seidel encouraged the Board to allow the presentation and
ask Mr. Claunch questions.
The Board’s consensus was to invite Mr. Claunch to the next meeting to present to the Board.
3. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the Design Charrette project.
Assistant Town Manager Seidel gave a brief update on the status of the project.
4. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding FY10 EDC-4B Budget.
Assistant Town Manager Seidel shared that this is the time for Directors to bring forth any
projects that they wish to see next year. President Hicks further stated this would include a wish
list of projects. Seidel estimates about the same amount of revenue as current year.
Seidel gave examples of projects, such as hiring a marketing firm to create a marketing plan
and or materials for existing businesses, work sessions. Seidel also mentioned the fixed
expenditure of the pool bond payment.
The Board agreed upon the following list of items to be added to the project wish list:
• Research the possibility of taking on a higher percentage of Assistant Town Manager
Seidel’s time
• Engaging Mr. Holifield to help move forward with the Town Council
• Traffic Update
• Provide coupons good at local Trophy Club businesses to help drive more shopping
5. Update from Council member Glenn Strother regarding Council activities and
Council member Strother updated the Board on Town Council activities and workshops over the
past several months. Strother stated that Town Council agreed that they need to continue with
scheduling workshops.
6. Staff Updates:
a. Village Center
b. Annual Appointments
Assistant Town Manager Seidel updated the Board on Village Center. The Board discussed the
possibility of erecting a Commercial Development sign on the property to ensure prospective
homebuyers that the land will be developed at a later date. Assistant Town Manager Seidel will
contact property owner to discuss.
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 22 of 32
Deputy Town Secretary DePrater outlined the annual appointment process and shared that
Directors Crosser, Glaser, Olthoff and Shuman terms will expire in September 2009.
7. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the April 13, 2009 Regular Session
Director Crosser moved to approve the April 13, 2009 Regular Session Minutes as presented.
Director Olthoff seconded; motion carried unanimously.
8. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Financials dated:
a. March 2009
b. April 2009
Director Crosser updated the board on its current financial status.
Director Crosser moved to approve all financials as presented. Director Olthoff seconded;
motion carried unanimously.
9. Items for Future Agendas:
a. Application Timeline
b. Economic Development Training Classes
c. Ben Hogan Golf Tournament
d. Ron Holifield to help with creation of roles and responsibilities of Directors
The Board discussed many options of holding a golf tournament and decided that this maybe a
long-term possibility. The Board asked Assistant Town Manager to contact Club Corp and get
more information and bring back at the next meeting.
The Board asked for a listing of possible projects discussed during the budget agenda item be
brought back with cost estimates for the next meeting.
10. Set next meeting date of Monday, July 13, 2009.
The next meeting of the Economic Development Corporation 4B Board will be July 13, 2009 at
6:30 p.m.
Director Olthoff moved to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. Director Bishop seconded; motion carried.
______________________________ _______________________________
James Hicks, President Damian Olthoff, Secretary
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 23 of 32
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:109-225-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control of:7/8/2009 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:7/13/2009
Title:Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the May 2009 Financials.
Attachments:May 2009 Monthly Financial Report-EDC 4B.pdf
May 2009 Monthly Financial Report Explanation of Variances 4B.pdf
May 2009 Interim Balance Sheet-EDC 4B.pdf
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
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Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 24 of 32
109-225-T Version:File #:
Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the May 2009 Financials.
Trophy Club Entities Printed on 7/10/2009Page 2 of 2
powered by Legistar™
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 25 of 32
May 2009
8/12 Months (75% of Fiscal Year)
May Year-to-
Budget 2009 Date Y-T-D Y-T-D
FY 2008-09 Actual Actual Variance % of Budget
SALES TAX 125,572$ 12,993$ 61,509$ (64,063)$ 49.0%
INTEREST INCOME 5,000 89 1,434 (3,566) 28.7%
TOTAL REVENUE 130,572 13,082 62,943 (67,629) 48.2%
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 54,571 1,602 7,303 (47,268) 13.4%
TRANSFER TO TOWN INTEREST & SINKING 26,362 - 26,362 - 100.0%
TRANSFER TO TOWN GENERAL FUND 25,566 1,175 10,342 (15,224) 40.5%
ADVERTISING 8,373 - 7,918 (455) 94.6%
TRAVEL 3,000 41 1,740 (1,260) 58.0%
SCHOOLS & TRAINING 1,400 - 735 (665) 52.5%
PRINTING 6,000 - - (6,000) 0.0%
DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 100 - 100 - 100.0%
OFFICE SUPPLIES 200 - - (200) 0.0%
MISCELLANEOUS 4,900 - - (4,900) 0.0%
TOTAL EXPENDITURES 130,572 2,818 54,500 (76,072) 41.7%
EXCESS/(DEFICIT)-$ 10,264$ 8,443$
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 26 of 32
May 2009
8/12 Months (75% of Fiscal Year)
Sales Tax - As required by the Government Accounting Standards Board, sales tax is reported for the
month it is collected by the vendor. March, 2009 collections are remitted to the city in May, 2009. Receipts
are reported on a two month lag, therefore May, 2009 revenues reflect only six months of collections.
Interest Income – The budget for investment interest is based on prior year trends. Current low interest
rates are reflected in the variance from budget.
Economic Development Projects – The year-to-date actual expenditures reflect payments to GSBS.
Transfer to Town Interest & Sinking – The transfer to the Town Interest & Sinking Fund reflects 25% of
the annual debt service payment associated with the $1.4 million bond issue for Trophy Club Pool.
Transfer to Town General Fund – The transfer to the Town General Fund reflects the repayment for
administration expenses.
Advertising – The year-to-date actual expenditures reflect the payment for the Dallas Business Journal ad.
Dues and Memberships – The budget and year-to-date actual expenditures reflect the annual membership
to ICSC.
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 27 of 32
Interim Balance Sheet
May 31, 2009
Cash in Bank 1,944$
Investments 223,268
Due to Interest and Sinking Fund -$
Accounts Payable 1,242
Unrestricted 223,970
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 28 of 32
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:109-226-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control of:7/8/2009 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:7/13/2009
Title:Set next meeting date of Monday, August 10, 2009.
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Trophy Club Entities Printed on 7/10/2009Page 1 of 2
powered by Legistar™
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 29 of 32
109-226-T Version:File #:
Set next meeting date of Monday, August 10, 2009.
Trophy Club Entities Printed on 7/10/2009Page 2 of 2
powered by Legistar™
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 30 of 32
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262Trophy Club Entities
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #: Version:109-227-T Name:
Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session
File created:In control of:7/8/2009 Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B)
On agenda:Final action:7/13/2009
Title:Items for Future Agendas:
a. Economic Development Training Classes
b. Ben Hogan Golf Tournament
c. Ron Holifield to help with creation of roles and responsibilities of Directors
Action ByDate Action ResultVer.
Trophy Club Entities Printed on 7/10/2009Page 1 of 2
powered by Legistar™
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 31 of 32
109-227-T Version:File #:
Items for Future Agendas:
a. Economic Development Training Classes
b. Ben Hogan Golf Tournament
c. Ron Holifield to help with creation of roles and responsibilities of Directors
Trophy Club Entities Printed on 7/10/2009Page 2 of 2
powered by Legistar™
Economic Development Corporation 4B Meeting Date: July 13, 2009Page 32 of 32