Minutes EDC 4A 06/29/2005MINUTES OF WORKSHOPIREGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4A TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JUNE 29,2005 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation 4A of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular . Session on June 29,2005. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Dwight Morrow Neil Twomey Gary Cantrell Vice President Secretarynreasurer Director DIRECTORS ABSENT: J. D. Harvey President STAFF AND GUEST (S) PRESENT: Roger Unger Renae Gonzales Sakura Dedrick Adam Adams Nick Sanders Larry Crosser Matthew Graham Steven Kohs Mr. & Mrs. Jim Moss Staff Liaison Staff Staff Staff Mayor Resident Resident Resident Residents WORKSHOP SESSION CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORLIM: Secretarynreasurer Twomey called the meeting to order at 6:41 pm, announced a quorum, and proceeded to the regular session. REGULAR SESSION CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: AS DIRECTED BY TOWN COUNCIL AT THE 6/6/05 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING, BOARD MEMBERS TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION IN REGARD TO THE REAPPOINTMENT OR NEW APPOINTMENT OF CANDIDATES FOR THE EXPIRATION OF 3 BOARD MEMBERS. BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS WILL BE SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL ON 7/18/05. APPLICANTS ARE: GARY CANTRELL, LARRY CROSSER, MATTHEW GRAHAM, WENDY HILL, STEVEN KOHS, DWIGHT MORROW, AND JIM MOSS. Board members interviewed Larry Crosser, Matthew Graham, Steven Kohs, and Jim Moss. Arrangements were made with Wendy Hill to interview with two members of EDC 4A on 6130105 a.m. EDC 4A Meeting Minutes June 29,2005 DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING BUDGET FOR FY05-06: Changes to the budget included taking over EDC 4B's share of the swimming pool bond payment of approximately $23,000 per year for 05-06. Future commitments would be determined on a year to year basis. Adam Adams, Park Director, requested $30,700 for Independence Park operations expenses: Ballfield materials $1 0,000 Contract Labor $ 8,000 Chemicals $ 5,000 Irrigation $ 3,200 Park equipment replacement $ 2.500 Seasonal Plantings $ 1,000 Maintenance Supplies $ 1,000 Director Cantrell made a motion to accept the budget changes if an application is provided and the Town Council and Town Attorney concur that it is an appropriate project for EDC 4A. Director Morrow seconded. Motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION TO APPOINT A REPRESENTATIVE TO 'THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE: EDC 4B director, Andy Hayes, on behalf of Pam Cates, Rebecca Shuman and Amanda Foust, requested that EDC 4A appoint another representative to the task force to replace Bob Fair. No action taken. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: Director Cantrell made a motion to approve the April 18,2005, April 25, 2005, and June 20, 2005, meeting minutes. Director Morrow seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. REVIEW AND APPROVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Director Morrow made a motion to approve the April and May, 2005, financials. Director Cantrell seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. OTHER: ADJOURN: Director Cantrell made a motion to adjourn the meeting.,Qirector or row ,;econded the motion and it passed unanimously. 'The meeting was adjourned at Neil Twomey ' I wight ~6$roh, Secretaryrrreasurer Vice PrMdent