Minutes Charter Review 03/03/2008Minutes of Regular Charter Review Commission Meeting for the Town of Trophy Club LOCATION:100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE,TROPHY CLUB,TEXAS PUBLIC SERVICE CONFERENCE ROOM Monday,March 3,2006 4:15 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Charter Review Commission for the Town of Trophy Club,Texas,met in a Regular Session on Monday, March 3 2006.The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION (CRC)MEMBERS PRESENT: William (Bill)Rose Bob Downey Ben Brewster Roger Williams Larry Crosser Richard (Scott)Briggs JoelOuile Richard Hobday Meiissa Klauss STAFF AND GUEST(S)PRESENT: Stephen Seidel CRC Chair CRC Vice-Chair CRC Recording Secretary CRC Member CRC Member CRC Member CRC Member CRC Member CRC Member Assistant Town Manager A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. A.2 Citizens/Staff Presentation;this is an opportunity for citizens/staff to address the Charter Review Commission (CRC)on any matter related to the Charter Review whether or not it is posted on the agenda. Mr.Neil Twomey,203 Oakmont-Presented information comparing 2008 Residential Rate Orders for the towns of:Roanoke,Southlake,Keller,Westiake,Northlake and the Trophy Ciub MUDs.Mr.Twomey has submitted an amendment recommendation that would require the Town to set a rate order equal to rate orders set by the Municipal Utility Districts.Chairman Rose advised Mr.Twomey that he will be asked to return when the Commission considers his amendment recommendation for discussion and a vote. A.3 Discuss and take appropriate action to approve previous week's Minutes. Motion to approve made by Roger Williams,'seconded by Joel Ouile,approved by unanimous vote. A.4 Recording Secretary,Commissioner Brewster to update the Commission with recommendations received.(Recommendations presented will be included to the Minutes as exhibits.). The Commission reviewed a draft version of a Log that will show the status of recommended charter amendments.The Log will be available on-line and feature the ability to link between abstracts on the log page to detailed drafts of recommended charter amendments.Additional modifications were discussed and will be made prior to the Commission's next meeting. 1 A.5 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding how the CRC will proceed. The Commission agreed that detaiied discussion on any recommended charter amendment should be delayed until the appropriate time for a "vote." Chairman Rose advised that delivery of published material from the Texas Municipal League may be delayed. Commissioner Scott Briggs voiunteered to explore alternate ways of obtaining the pUblication. The Commission agreed to go forward with a meeting with the residents and Town Council on Aprii 15'h at 7:00 PM.The purpose will be to gather input from residents and review the Commission's progress along with reviewing charter history and the process the Commission is using to do its work.An announcement for the meeting will be prepared by Commissioner Downey and published in the newspaper on April 1'I. The Commission agreed that a posting of Mission and Goals should be posted during meetings to heip maintain focus. The Commission agreed that the Charter Review will proceed on a section by section basis following the next meeting. A.6 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding proposed charter amendments. The Commission will continue reviewing the budget process as it is outlined in the current charter. A.7 Adjourn. Motion by Downey,seconded by Briggs,meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM. cd:~-==-I-- Lisa Ramsey,own Secretary Town of Trophy Club,Texas Bill Rose,Chair Charter Review Commission 2