Minutes Charter Review 03/24/2008STATE OF TEXAS
Minutes of Regular Charter Review Commission Meeting for the
Town of Trophy Club
Location:100 Municipal Drive,Trophy Club,Texas
Public Service Conference Room
Monday,March 24,2008
4:15 P.M.
The Charter Review Commission for Ihe Town of Trophy Ciub,Texas,met in a Regular Session on Monday,
March 24,2008.The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
William (Bill)Rose CRC Chair
Bob Downey CRC Vice-Chair
Ben Brewster CRC Recording Secretary
Roger Wiiliams CRC Commissioner
Larry Crosser CRC Commissioner
Richard Hobday CRC Commissioner
Melissa Klauss CRC Commissioner
Joel Quiie CRC Commissioner
Richard (Scott)Briggs CRC Commissioner
Brandon Emmons
Stephen Seidel
Lisa Ramsey
Patricia Adams
Council member
Town Manager
Assistant Town Manager
Town Secretary
Town Attorney
Kathleen Wiison
A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum.
Chairman Rose,noting a quorum,called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.
A.2 Citizens/Staff Presentation;this is an opportunity for citizens/staff to address the Charter Review
Commission (CRC)on any maller related to the Charter Review whether or not it is posted on the
Chairman Rose raised the Council's concern with the April 15 th Town Haii meeting previousiy scheduied by the
Commission.Town Manager Emmons stated that he and Mayor Sanders would be out of town and Council
member Cates;an accountant would have a confilct as it is the final day for people to file their taxes.Emmons
advised he had been unabie to determine a suitable replacement date for the Town Hall meeting that resolved the
expressed concerns.Emmons further advised he had changed the Town Hall meeting date for the April
Newsletter to a date to be determined,based on Councii's discussion at their March 17 'h meeting.
Commissioner Briggs's Motion:"to leave the Town Hall meeting previously scheduied on Aprii 15 th ."
Commissioner Hobday seconded.
Commission Klauss'Motion:"to table untii staff receives word from the paper that the date of the Town Hall
meeting may be changed in the April Newsletter publication."Commissioner Downey seconded.
Discussion ensued.
Commissioner William's called the question.Staff confirmed the paper's deadline of 5:00 P.M.to change the date
in the April Newsletter publication.
Commission Klauss withdrew her motion.The second agreed.
Chairman Rose asked if Mayor Sanders would be available on April 16'h
Commissioner Klauss'Motion:"to table this item until the Mayor responds."Commissioner Williams seconded.
Motion carries unanimously.
Town Manager Emmons advised Mayor Sanders would be out of town on April 16'"as well.
Commissioner Williams'Motion:"to hold the meeting on April 15'h,2008 as previously scheduled.Commissioner
Crosser seconded.Motion passed unanimously.
The Commission discussed holding one monthly meeting after 5:00 P.M.and asked for an item on the next
agenda to discuss.
Council member Wilson,34 Meadowbrook -Asked the Commission to consider term limits,term extensions to
three-years,elections by place,and vacancy replacement.Wilson offered suggestions from other city charters.
A.3 Discuss and take appropriate action to approve previous week's Minutes.
Commissioner Crosser's Motion:"to approve the Minutes dated March 10'"and March 17 11'."Commissioner
Downey seconded;motion carries unanimously.
A.4 Recording Secretary,Commissioner Brewster to update the Commission with recommendations
received.(Recommendations presented will be included to the Minutes as exhibits.).
Recording Secretary,Commissioner Brewster acknowledged the six amendments previously submitted by
Chairman Rose and resubmitted on March 24'h Brewster stated that the staff is working on the revisions to the
log and anticipate completion with the log updated to the website by the end of the week.
A.5 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding how the CRC will proceed.
No action taken.
A.6 Discuss and receive project group reports
Commissioner Klauss gave an update on the communication plan she has developed.The group discussed
signs,flyers and dissemination and advertisement mechanisms.The Commission discussed the Chair going to
the next Town Council meeting to requests funds for the advertisement costs.Commissioner Briggs said he
would pay for the signs and let the Town decide if they want to reimburse him.
Commissioner Quile's Motion:"to approve Commissioner Briggs purchase of the signs,noting his willingness to
receive reimbursement from the Town.Commissioner Briggs seconded.Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Williams'Motion:"to approve the Chair attend the April 7'"Town Council meeting and request
$1,000 for advertisement."Commissioner Brewster seconded.Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hobday handed out a proposed template for citizens to submit amendment suggestions.
A.7 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding proposed charter amendments.
Commissioners Williams and Quite requested to move this item up at the next meeting.Exchanging A.2 and A.7.
Commissioner Williams'Motion:"to move this item to the beginning of the next meeting."Commissioner Quile
seconded.Motion passed unanimously.
Chairman Rose restated the Commission's request to have Items A.2 and A.7 switched on the March 31'1
A.a Adjourn.
Commissioner Williams'Motion:"to adjourn at 5:41 p.m."Commissioner Quiie seconded;motion carries
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Lisa Ramsey,Town Secr6tary
Town of Trophy Ciub,Texas
Bill Rose,Chair
Charter Review Commission