Minutes Charter Review 04/07/2008Minutes of Regular Charter Review Commission Meeting for the Town of Trophy Club LOCATION:100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE,TROPHY CLUB,TEXAS PUBLIC SERVICE CONFERENCE ROOM Monday,April 7,2008 4:15 P,M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Charter Review Commission for the Town of Trophy Club,Texas,met in a Regular Session on Monday,April 7,2008.The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION (CRC)MEMBERS PRESENT: William (Bill)Rose CRC Chair arrived at 4:26 p.m. Bob Downey CRC Vice-Chair Ben Brewster CRC Recording Secretary Roger Williams CRC Member Richard (Scott)Briggs CRC Member Joel Quile CRC Member Richard Hobday CRC Member Melissa Klauss CRC Member CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION (CRC)MEMBERS ABSENT: Larry Crosser CRC Member STAFF AND GUEST(S)PRESENT: Brandon Emmons Lisa Ramsey Patricia Adams Town Manager Town Secretary Town Attorney A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. Vice Chairman Downey,noting a quorum,called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. A.2 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding proposed charter amendments, Vice Chairman Downey noted the revised language submitted by Neil Twomey on Sunday,April 6,2008 regarding the rate orders. The Commission discussed the purposed amendment regarding adding a Council member and allowing the Mayor to vote. Chairman Rose confirmed the following proposed amendments were submitted and added to the log: Change Council terms from two to three years Add the Town Council to create a Charter Review Commission Add 1 Councilmember and Mayor Voting -Replace REF 001 Chairman Rose advised he had contacted TML regarding the ballot language for the potential conflict created between adding a councilmember and moving to 3 year terms (impact of election by Place)versus "one subject", Town Attorney Adams offered the opinion that it could be one subject because the basis of the change was in one section (3.01). 1 Commission Klauss suggested that the detailed discussions regarding proposed amendments be taken off line and discussed by a sub-commillee.The sub-committee can then submitlhe amendment to the Commission. Staff advised three-year terms provides better consistency and helps with the experience factor. Commissioner Williams'Motion:"consensus of the Commission is to proceed with three-year terms" Commissioner Briggs seconded;motion carries unanimously. The Commission discussed adding a Councilmember and allowing the Mayor 10 vote.Chainnan Rose advised BrodgeU states the Mayor should vote with a six member council.Commissioner Brewster expressed concern thai having the Mayor vole on all issues would make the position more powerful.Commissioner Williams pointed out that Mayor voting is in another section (3.06). Commission agreed,without motion,to move forward on a single 3.01 proposed amendment that would add a coundlmember and change to 3 year terms.Chairman Rose will write the draft,and coordinate with Commissioner Hobday. The Commission discussed term limits and agreed the subject should be a separate section in the charter.The consensus of the CRC is submittal of an amendment draft proposing a term limit of six years on and one year off. Chairman Rose will redraft his PA. Commissioner Hobday expressed concern about a large number of amendments having a possible negative impact on the voter.And,the potential necessity to combine,prioritize,and limit amendments to four or live.The commission agreed to come back to this issue after all PA's are complete,and before submission to Council. A.3 Discuss and take appropriate action to approve previous week's Minutes. This item was moved to the next meeting. A.4 Recording Secretary,Commissioner Brewster to update the Commission with recommendations received.(Recommendations presented will be included to the Minutes as exhibits.). Recording Secretary,Commissioner Brewster acknowledged receipt of the revised proposed amendment language submitted by Neil Twomey. A.S Discuss and take appropriate action regarding how the eRe will proceed. Commissioner Klauss provided a status update on the Town Hall Meeting public information notification and asked for facilitator to provide lisa Ramsey a list of ilems needed for the Town Hall meeting. Commissioner Briggs questioned the signs.Town Secretary Lisa Ramsey reported the following: If these signs were labeled and permitted as '1emporary"signs,the following regulations would apply: Duration:can be placed for a maximum of 60 days,but must be removed within 3 days following the date of the activity. Right·o(·Way:None in the median,but may be placed in the Town's right"r-way between the curb and property line provided they do not create a safety hazard of any type,including but not limited to impaired visibility.{Sight visibility per Design Standards in the code of ordinances requires obstructions to be 35-ft.back from any intersection,with no obstructions from 2.5 to 8- ft.in height within that 35-ft.] Can be placed on Town owned properly (parks.fire stations,police stations.libraries)when prior written permission is obtained from the Town. 2 Town Manager Emmons stated the Commission could put the signs in the right of ways,but they could not put them in the medians. Town Manager Emmons gave his permission to place the signs at the parks and municipal buildings. Commissioner Quile said that he and Council member Wilson are targeting the schools asking the student submit questions for the Town Hall meeting.The school who submits the most will be recognized at a Town Council meeting. Commissioner Klauss'Motion:"to purchase twenty signs at $22.00 a piece,totaling $440.00,"Commissioner Quile seconded;motion carries unanimously. A.7 CitizensfStaff Presentation;this is an opportunity for citizens/staff to address the Charter Review Commission (CRC)on any matter related to the Charter Review whether or not it is posted on the agenda. No staff/citizen presentations were made. A.a Adjourn. Commissioner Quile's Motion:"to adjourn at 5:41 p.m." ;;ZU~'Y Commissioner Briggs seconded;motion carries Lisa Ramsey,own Secreta Town of Trophy Club, Texas Bill Rose,Chair Charter Review Commission 3