Minutes Charter Review 04/28/2008Minutes of Regular Charter Review Commission Meeting for the
Town of Trophy Club
LOCATION: Lake Cities Church of Christ (280 Indian Creek)
Monday, April 28, 2008 "
4:15 P.M. '
The Charter Review Commission for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Monday, April
28, 2008. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
William (Bill) Rose CRC Chair
Bob Downey CRC Vice-Chair
Ben Brewster CRC Recording Secretary
Roger Williams CRC Member
Richard (Scott) Briggs CRC Member
Joel Quile CRC Member.
Melissa Klauss CRC Member
Larry Crosser CRC Member
Richard Hobday CRC Member
A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum.
Chairman Rose, noting a quorum, called the meeting to order at4: 15 p.m.
A.7 Citizens/Staff Presentation; this is an opportunity for citizens/staff to address the Charter Review
Commission (CRC) on any matter related to the Charter Review whether or not it is posted on the
Citizen input was moved forward in order to give visitors a chance to speak without requiring them to stay for the
entire meeting. Two visitors were present: Mr. Dave Edstrom and Ms. Pearl Ford.
Mr. Edstrom commented about how the Commission is going about accomplishing its objectives. Ms. Ford
questioned whether the meeting met the requirements of Open Meetings Act law, given that the location of the
meeting was changed without 48 hours advanced notification. Her concern was that the Commission could
leave itself open to criticism if Open Meetings law was violated. The Commission adjourned at 4:32 to check with
the Town Attorney about whether the meeting could continue. At 4:36 the meeting was reconvened. The Town
Attorney advised that because the Commission is an "advisory" group, that Open Meetings law does not apply.
Ms. Ford also commented about Non Binding Referendum and Place vs. District voting systems.
A.2 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding proposed charter amendments.
The Commission continued its review of Articles III (Council) and IV (Administrative Services). Chairman Rose
submitted Proposed Amendment revisions for Filling Vacancies, ref. 3.04, Add Mayor Voting on All Matters, ref.
3.06 and Clarify Grounds for Recall, ref. 6.01.
Ref. 3.20, Audit and Examination of Town Books and Accounts: Commissioner Klauss questioned whether a
"Security Audit" should be added to this section. State or Federal law may already prevail. She will research and
advise. Commissioner Hobday questioned whether every department is included in the audit. He will research
and advise.
Ref. 4.04, Term and Removal and 4.05.i, Promote partnerships. Commissioner Quile will review these sections
and prepare Proposed Amendments as appropriate.
Ref. 4.14, Town Attorney, Commissioner Williams will review other charters to determine how legal services are
obtained and who counsel reports to.
The Commission will continue its review at the next meeting starting with Article 4.16.
A.3 Discuss and take appropriate action to approve previous week's Minutes.
Minutes will be reviewed at the next meeting.
A.4 Recording Secretary, Commissioner Brewster to update the Commission with recommendations
received. (Recommendations presented will be included to the Minutes as exhibits.)
See A.2 for revisions.
A.S Discuss and take appropriate action regarding how the CRC will proceed.
The Commission will change their meeting start time to 4:00 p.m. and will discuss and consider Articles 4, 5, 6, 7,
and 8 at their next meeting. The Commission is seriously considering adding a limited number of early Saturday
morning meetings.
The CRC will target the end of Mayas a completion date for revieWing the Charter.
Commissioner Klauss will review how the CRC is communicating with the community and recommend changes
where appropriate.
A.6 Discuss arid receive project group reports.
No project updates were presented.
A.S Adjourn.'
adjourned at 6:06 PM.
Bill Rose, Chair
Charter Review Commission