Minutes Charter Review 04/15/2008Minutes of a CRC Town Hall Meeting for the
Town of Trophy Club
Monday, April 15, 2008
7:00 P.M.
The Charter Review Commission for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Town Hall Meeting on Monday,
April 15, 2008. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
William (Bill) Rose CRC Chair
Bob Downey CRC Vice-Chair
Ben Brewster CRC Recording Secretary
Roger Williams CRC Member
Larry Crosser CRC Member
Richard (Scott) Briggs CRC Member
Joel Quile CRC Member
Richard Hobday CRC Member
Melissa Klauss CRC Member
Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager
Lisa Ramsey Town Secretary
Patricia Adams Town Attorney
A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum.
Chairman Rose, noting a quorum, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
B.2 Charter Review Commission (CRC) presentation of Trophy Club's Home Rule Charter's purpose
and history. Discuss the CRC's Mission and Goals, the charter amendment processes, and citizen
input opportunities. Review of current CRC Draft Amendment Log and CRC timeline.
Chairman Rose turned the meeting over to Commissioner Klauss for a Welcome and Introduction of the
Commissioners. Commissioner Klauss read the Mission Statement and Goals, explained the purpose of the
Town Hall Meeting.
Chairman Rose presented a Home Rule Charter 101; a basic explanation of Charters and their history. Chairman
Rose informed the residents of the CRC's schedule, process for review and citizen input and the CRC scope.
Vice Chairman Downey reviewed the current submission topics, explaining that the items would not be debated
tonight only explained as submitted.
B.2 Receive citizen input for proposed Charter amendments that may be considered on the November
4th, 2008 ballot.
Chairman Rose opened the floor for resident input and open forum.
Pearl Ford, 2 Spring Creek Court -Asked the Commission to explain Election of Council members by place andt
that this method is not prompted by a geographical area. Ms. Ford added that allowing a non-binding referendum
is a oxy moron and confuses people.
Dave Edstrom, 269 Oak Hill Drive -Expressed concern of the timeline and demand for change. Edstrom took
issue with Chairman Rose's assessment of the November Election and feels it was a one man opposition and felt
his remarks a misrepresentation of the facts. Edstrom feels the Town is in a position, not at a cross roads, and
currently have only a laundry list. The Commission needs to identify real problems and find solutions. Edstrom
encouraged the Commission to back up and ask how these issues are relevant to the Community. Edstrom
concluded by thanking the Commission for the time volunteering.
Emily Quile, 200 Durango Drive -submitted a list of questions for the Commission to consider.
Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom interjected that an additional pool is being considered in the Parks plan. Edstrom
encouraged Ms. Quile to come to a Parks meeting.
Dave Glaser, 15 Overhill Drive -Expressed concern in the budgeting process and feels there is a lot of moving
around money. Glaser is also concerned about the lack of communication between the Mayor, Town Manager,
Staff, Boards and Commissions.
CRC Recording Secretary Brewster spoke to the list of items submitted and clarified that the items are questions
to be researched.
Commissioner Quile acknowledged the efforts taken to inform the citizenry on the Town Hall meeting. The
Commission was asked to review the needs of the Charter not necessarily the community. Commissioner Quile
asked for patience in their effort to support the Charter revisions.
Commissioner Crosser said the hopes the Commission can respond to the Budget process and that a CRC
finance sub-committee has been created.
Vice-Chair Downey thanked everyone who attended and for their questions. Downey encouraged the citizens to
come to a meeting and to submit items to be considered.
Commissioner Hobday reminded the citizens of the hard work that people went to in order to govern ourselves.
Hobday said this is an incredible opportunity to share our right and freedom.
Commissioner Williams thanked the residents and encouraged the folks to talk to their neighbors. Williams
thanked Emily Quile for coming.
Commissioner Briggs commented that the Commissioners do not have preconceived notions and nothing has
been decided yet.
Commissioner Klauss feels truly honored to work with this very patient group.
C.1 Adjourn.
Downey' Motion: "to adjourn at 8:00 p.m." Commissioner Quile seconded; motion carries
isa Ramsey, Town Secreta Bill Rose, Chair
Town of Trophy Club, Texas Charter Review Commission