Town Council Minutes - 02/01/2020TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB
Saturday, February 1, 2020 9:00 A.M.
LOCATION: 2900 East Highway 114, Trophy Club, Texas
The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Retreat Session on Saturday, February 1, 2020. The
meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
C. Nick Sanders
Eric Jensen
Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2
Alicia L. Fleury
Council Member, Place 1
Sean Bone
Council Member, Place 3
Karl Monger
Council Member, Place 4
Michael Geraci
Council Member, Place 5
Philip Shoffner
Council Member, Place 6 arrived at 10:07AM
Steve Norwood
Town Manager
Tony Jaramillo
Director of Parks and Recreation
Wade Carroll
Assistant Town Manager
Jill Lind
Communications & Marketing Manager
Sharon David
Interim Town Secretary
Mike Pastor
Information Services Manager
Patrick Arata
Police Chief
Tommy Uzee
Director of Community Development
Gary Cochran
Interim Fire Chief
Mike Erwin
Finance Manager
Mayor Sanders announced
the date of February 1, 2020,
called the Town Council to order and announced a
quorum at 9:02 a.m.
The Invocation was offered by Director of Parks & Recreation Jaramillo.
The Pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag were led by Council Member Geraci.
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda.
The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time
concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to
the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the
Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item, you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the
topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority.
There were no citizen presentations.
Mayor Sanders thanked the Council for their time and was hopeful the retreat would maintain a high level of
participation. He remarked as the years progress, the vision would change, knowing there would be challenges
ahead and to identify the important issues, what was important to the citizens of Trophy Club, and give direction
to the staff to help achieve the items discussed.
Town Manager Norwood stated the importance of directors and managers attending the retreat to hear firsthand
the Council's direction. He commented that it was important to remember it was not Council versus Staff and
encouraged the philosophy of succeeding and failing together as a team, recognized the staffs dedication to the
Town, which could not be trained or taught.
Mr. Cantrell opened the program with a personal story of witnessing the importance of life and leadership when
leaving a legacy. He discussed the importance of a Town Council creating their own legacy and leaving their mark.
He shared two important attributes when creating a high performing team, curiosity and candor; and if these were
missing, then high performance would never exist. He explained that curiosity helps keep an open mind, while
candor helps present what was meant during a discussion and avoid confusion. He shared having a productive
discussion versus making assumptions when disagreement sets in, and was a win -win situation.
Mr. Cantrell gave a scenario of a traffic investigator interviewing all witnesses involved, as receiving diverse
opinions help look at a situation from start to finish. Town Manager Norwood asked Mr. Cantrell to explain his
definition of curiosity. Mr. Cantrell shared the definition being "what do I see others may not see", "what they
might see I might not see" and "what are we all missing", as well as being curious enough to respect different
opinions. He shared that high performing teams could tackle difficult topics and the Town Council's responsibility
was to each other as well as the citizens and community of Trophy Club.
Mr. Cantrell asked each Council Member to write down five important items to be accomplished in the next two
years. Three items were agreed upon as being top priority; Future Developments, TCMUD Merge Plan and Capital
Expenditures versus Operational Expenditures. A discussion on each item was held with the TCMUD Merge Plan
being top priority. Town Manager Norwood discussed the possibility of hiring an outside consultant who had past
experience with these types of ventures that would help gauge and guide the Town through the process.
Mayor Sanders shared insight on steps that would need to be taken for the TCMUD Merge Pan and the importance
of being prepared. He discussed how there were two separate boards, the involvement of Westlake and the
effects the merge would have on the Town and being prepared to face these challenges.
Chief Arata gave an overview of the safety and security of the Town, the increased crime and activity, arrest
statistics, population versus number of officers, the expense of Police Academy training, losing officers after
training, and the success of the TC Volunteer Program. Chief Arata recently met with Town Manager Norwood to
create a long range plan of an additional hire of 2-3 officers and a supervisor to help maintain the safety, security
and growth the Town was experiencing. He stated that the visibility of an officer deters crime and that the average
time spent on one arrest, including transporting, can average 6-8 hours. Chief Arata reported the Department had
researched to apply for a US Department of Justice Grant that would fully fund a Juvenile Detective position for a
full three years, with the fourth year funded by the Town's budget. Town Manager Norwood asked if the Council
were in agreement to purse the grant. The Council confirmed full agreement to apply for the grant.
Council Member Fleury asked if the main reason officers left was due to salary. Chief Arata confirmed this was
correct and reported the increase of drug and domestic violence cases had risen in the past few years, resulting in
needing neighboring city assistance. Mayor Sanders discussing pursing talks with Denton County officials for
funding assistance. A discussion was held on the NISD's SRO Program as well PD 30.
Interim Fire Chief Cochran gave an overview of the increase of calls received and stated when a medic is sent out
with the fire truck, this leaves no EMS coverage without calling for neighboring city assistance. A discussion was
held on the average length to transport a patient and return to the station, with a twelve percent of overlapping
calls providing mutual aid and six percent helping neighboring cities. Interim Fire Chief Cochran stated the Fire
Department was built on customer service while humbly serving its citizens. He commented that there were
Staffing For Adequate Fire & Emergency Response Grants available to help provide additional personnel by funding
seventy-five percent of the salary the first two years, thirty-five percent the third year, and the Town funding the
full salary the following years. He presented a Rescue Squad Plan that would utilize the previous Fire Chiefs truck
with a medic on board and if a second EMS call was received, this would allow the Fire Department to assist the
citizens and then call for aid from neighboring cities, if needed.
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Council Member Shoffner asked what the percentage of calls received were EMS related. Interim Fire Chief
Cochran stated an average of eighty to eighty-five percent calls received were EMS. A discussion was held on the
cost of purchasing and staffing an ambulance and the potential benefits a Rescue Squad could help to maintain the
EMS and Fire calls received.
Council Member Geraci commented on the amount of families that would soon occupy PD 30 as well as the older
population growth and the Fire Department would most likely see an escalation of EMS calls. Mayor Sanders
asked that Town Staff pull together the facts and options and present as a future agenda item.
Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo presented a list of future events happening at the Trophy Club Parks for
2020 that included a back-to-back four day baseball tournaments in June and July that would occupy area hotels
and restaurants. A discussion was held on incentive vouchers for families to use during the tournaments at local
restaurants that would be turned in for reimbursement by the Town. Assistant Town Manager Carroll stated the
tournament would roughly cost $9,000 to host, with most associated costs being employee pay. A discussion was
held on using Hotel Occupancy Funds to help with this cost.
Direction of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo gave an overview of the parks' conditions, and recommended hiring an
additional irrigator, maintenance worker and Events Coordinator to help keep up with the increased demand on
various activities the Town hosts. He shared that Teague, Nall and Perkins had offered to update a feasibility study
for a Civic Center, and that staff would firm up figures and discuss with Council their wishes for this project.
Council Member Fleury complimented the Parks Department on maintaining the area parks and making sure the
Town was prepared for future tournaments and recommended using some of the Hotel Occupancy Tax funds for a
Civic Center and incorporate a Senior Center, which could possibly receive additional funding.
Mayor Sanders discussed having the Parks Department look into the median and turf implementation. Director of
Parks and Recreation Jaramillo reported that an outside company had previously quoted a free survey but in the
end would charge $5,000 per 500 square feet to implement. Mayor Sanders commented on the importance of
funding this project in a visible spot for the citizens to see and recognize the benefits and possible savings.
Director of Community Development Uzee presented an overview of the current projects. He stated the streets
were being maintained on a regular basis, but with the increase of traffic flow and growth of the city, future
repairs would need to be addressed, especially with some of the original streets. He stated the Highlands' HOA
was currently receiving bids to replace the existing wall and was unsure if this would include any trees, as well as
an expensive project if the Town were to assist in any funding. Mayor Pro Tern Jensen mentioned the north side of
Indian Creek needing a facelift and if the Town would recommend assistance to improve the overall look. Mayor
Sanders commented on a grant program being available for fence/wall replacement. Town Manager Norwood
commented on the excellent condition of the streets in Trophy Club compared to most cities in the area. Council
Member Shoffner stated the panel replacement program could be used on less travelled streets that were in need
of repair.
Mr. Cantrell polled the Town Council on future development for the Town of Trophy Club. Council Member
Shoffner stated the development momentum of the two EDC properties were floundering and needed direction.
Council Members Fleury, Bone were in agreement with Council Member Shoffner, with Council Member Bone
commenting on the possibility of using Hotel Occupancy Tax funds to help fund the projects. Mayor Sanders also
agreed with Council Member Shoffner and mentioned the partial land adjacent to Town Hall in regards to future
development. Mayor Pro Tern Jensen stated the importance of confirming the land was to generate sales tax as
the Town could not be the developer and reviewing carefully each potential option before building.
Town Manager Norwood commented on the right decision being crucial and discussed potentially bringing in a
developer that would offer an expert opinion and perspective, but not have an interest to perform the actual
work. Mayor Sanders commented on recent discussions with two different development groups, and one having
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an interest in pursuing a relatively large restaurant project. He stated the importance of finding the right
developer with the right vision for the Town.
Mr. Cantrell asked the Council to consider how confident they were to know they were heading in the right
direction. A discussion was held on past risks taken with building projects, what type of businesses were best for
the Town, future projects such as a conference center, hosting different sport tournaments and providing
incentive vouchers for the families to use with area restaurants. Council Member Shoffner asked for the staff to
create a voucher that would benefit both the recipient and the business owner. Town Manager Norwood stated
he would work with Communications and Marketing Manager Lind to create a voucher that would incentivize to all
parties involved.
A discussion was held on Capital Expenditures versus Operational Expenditures. Council Member Geraci
recommended creating a master list to prioritize projects with updates, include a citizen's wish list, with Council
prioritizing the items. Town Manager Norwood stated that a projects' list combined with financial forecasting
would be incorporated into the yearly budget.
Mr. Cantrell complimented Council on moving forward, defining what was the new normal, leaving their mark and
legacy and what tied them together was Trophy Club. Mr. Cantrell thanked everyone for their time and the
opportunity to be a part of today's retreat and hoped his assistance was beneficial to all involved. Town Manager
Norwood commented on the importance of Town Staff hearing Council's thoughts, ideas and motivation and was
anxious to review his notes to start working on all the ideas presented. Mayor Sanders thanked Mr. Cantrell for his
leadership and guidance and looked forward to having him work with the Council in the future.
Town Manager Norwood dismissed the Town Staff.
1. Review and take appropriate action regarding the 2019-2020 Charter Review Commission Final Report
and presentation to the Town Council.
Council Member Shoffner stated the Charter Review Commission would meet prior to the February 11, 2020 Town
Council to approve the January 27, 2020 minutes. Assistant Town Manager Carroll reported there was a slight
change and Town Attorney Dodd had confirmed that only Chairperson Sheridan was required to be available prior
to the February 11, 2020 Town Council Meeting. Council Member Shoffner commented on the dedication and
excellent teamwork the Charter Review Commission exemplified during their meetings. He stated each item was
reviewed and discussed thoroughly and praised Chairperson Sheridan's leadership. Assistant Town Manager
Carroll reported that staff would create the ballot language to present at the February 11, 2020 Town Council
Executive Session Meeting. Mayor Sanders reported this item would be listed under Regular Session and asked
Council Member Shoffner to invite Chairperson Sheridan to the February 11, 2020 Town Council Meeting to
publicly thank him and the Charter Review Commission for their hard work and dedication.
Motion made by Mayor Pro Tern Jensen, seconded by Council Member Shoffner to approve placing the three
recommendations from the Charter Review Commission on the May 2, 2020 General Election ballot.
Motion carried unanimously 7-0-0.
14. Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551(Texas
Open Meetings Act), the Council convened into executive session to discuss the following:
A) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation,
reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee:
Town Secretary position search (S. Norwood)
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15. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (S. Norwood).
Motion made by Council Member Geraci, seconded by Council Member Monger, to authorize Town Manager
Norwood and Assistant Town Manager Carroll to move forward with the first choice candidate as Town Secretary, as
discussed and make an offer, contingent on a background and reference check. And, if the first candidate choice
declined, then move forward to candidate choice #2, contingent on a background and reference check.
Motion carried unanimously 7-0-0.
Mayor Sanders adjourned the meeting at 4:04 p.m
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Sharon David, Interim Town Secretary
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
C. Nick Sanders, Mayor
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
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