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Carroll): *Patriot Day Ceremony *National Night Out Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 1: Receive Interim Town Manager Carroll's update and provide input regarding the following (W. Carroll): *Patriot Day Ceremony *National Night Out Town CouncilPage 6 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-398-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemConsent Agenda File created:In control: 8/27/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 9/10/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated August 13, 2019 (W. Carroll). Attachments: Draft TC Regular Session Minutes August 13, 2019.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 2: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilRegularSessionMinutesdatedAugust13,2019(W. Carroll). Town CouncilPage 7 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 2019, 7:00 P.M. LOCATION: 1 TROPHY WOOD DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS COUNCIL CHAMBERS The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, August 13, 2019. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Nick Sanders Mayor Eric Jensen Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Alicia L. Fleury Council Member, Place 1 Sean Bone Council Member, Place 3 Michael Geraci Council Member, Place 5 Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF PRESENT: Wade Carroll Interim Town Manager James Edwards Human Resources Manager David Dodd Town Attorney Ernest Gillespie Senior Account Holly Fimbres Town Secretary/RMO Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation Patrick Arata Police Chief Jill Lind Communications and Marketing Manager Paul Brandon Code Enforcement Officer Mike Pastor Information Services Manager Gary Cochran Interim Fire Chief Tommy Uzee Director of Community Development Cheryl Davenport Interim Director of Finance Steve Woodard Police Captain Sharon David Records Analyst Mayor Sanders announced the date of August 13, 2019, called the Town Council to order and announced a quorum at 7:00 p.m. The Invocation was offered by Reverend Edlen Cowley with Fellowship United Methodist Church. The Pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag were led by Council Member Bone. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item, you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Dee Baron, 58 Cypress Court, spoke concerning a stormwater issue located at Indian Creek Drive and the entrance at Hogan’s Glen due from the Town Center development. He distributed a DVD to each Council Member that he stated had eight video segments taken after a heavy rain storm that shows large amounts of silt and sediment going into the Town’s stormwater drainage and flows into Hogan’s Glen community, depositing into their ponds. The issue continues to worsen with the construction progression of the Town Center. For over a year, the Town Center’s stormwater pollution prevention plan continues to fail. Their ponds were typically eight to 10 feet deep, but currently they were extremely shallow due to sediment. It has been estimated that approximately 10 feet of sediment has accumulated in their larger pond, which could result in a cleanup cost of up to half a million. The first complaint was filed with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) after the first rain storm in June 2018. Since then, numerous complaints have been filed with the TCEQ and the Town. He questioned if possible mistakes were performed in the calculations during the Stormwater Drainage Plan for the Town Center. The Town has an ordinance relating to stormwater runoff and erosion control and he did not believe that some items had been properly enforced. He commented that the hotel and townhome sites have been graded for four Town CouncilPage 8 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 to five months, which has caused some of the erosion. He commented that those types of issues needed to be stabilized within two weeks of being found. Additionally, he suggested that a leadership committee be formed and tasked with finding a solution to resolve this issue. Kathi Spiewak, 6 Brook Hollow Lane, stated she has resided in Trophy Club for over 24 years, with her backyard sharing property lines with the PD-30 development along the creek bed. In 2014, the Beck Development of PD-30 began with site grading and it continues to have stormwater and silt run off, despite the silt barriers that were currently in place. Since then, debris continues to accumulate in the creeks, tree vegetation has lost soil bedding, and creek banks have been washing away. In October 2018, she filed a formal complaint with the TCEQ regarding the erosion of storm damage. After the inspection, citations were issued to the Town and Beck Development for lack of proper inspection and procedures for complaints and follow-up, along with inadequate storm damage control on Beck Development’s part. Some of the problems have been addressed but the stormwater and silt run- off continue to be an issue. Hogan’s Glen has already had the silt runoff removed once. In March 2019, she requested another TCEQ inspection, after the silt barriers had been completely removed. After the inspection, silt barriers were reinstalled and since then a retaining wall has since been constructed. She previously contacted the Mayor and Director of Community Development Uzee about what was being done to clean up the construction erosion and debris removal in the creek, but she has not been given an answer on a plan. Larry Mundy, 8 Brook Hollow Lane, stated the stormwater issue was going to worsen as the PD-30 development continued to be covered with concrete because it would not absorb the water. There were trees that have been in existence for decades that were dying due to erosion and tree root exposure, which was not directly from PD-30 development. Some of their trees were leaning at an angle of up to 30 to 40 degrees and they have had to trim some of the trees to keep them balanced. Tree limbs have fallen across the creek, along with other materials, that have created dams. Some of the dams were in excess of 18 inches tall and have stagnant water stored around them, which has caused extreme mosquito breeding. This issue needed to be addressed before the situation worsened and the creek needed to be cleaned before the PD-30 development was complete. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1. Receive Interim Town Manager Carroll's update and provide input regarding the following (W. Carroll): Back to School – Staff has worked diligently to ensure that the first day of school would be successful with school zone safety flasher and crosswalk inspections, sidewalk replacement on Lakeshore Drive, crossing guard training, as well as wound care and emergency response training for Northwest Independent School District staff. The Police Department would ensure adequate staffing to help assist on the first day of school to aid in traffic control. Community Pool – Would be closed the week of August 19th through August 23rd, with the exception of the splash pad, and the pool would be closing for the season on September 3rd. Early Voting – Would begin on August 21st and run through September 3rd for the September 7th Special Election for Council Member Place 4. Council Member Fleury invited residents to attend the Meet the Bobcats event to be held on August 14th, at 5:00 p.m., at Byron Nelson High School. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 2. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Election Agreement and Contract between the Town of Trophy Club and Tarrant County Elections for administration of the Town’s September 7, 2019 Special Election; and authorize the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (W. Carroll). 3. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Election Agreement and Contract between the Town of Trophy Club and Denton County Elections for administration of the Town’s September 7, 2019 Special Election; and authorize the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (W. Carroll). Town Council Minutes August 13, 2019 Page 2 of 8 Town CouncilPage 9 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the Town and Northwest Independent School District for School Resource Officer services for Fiscal Year 2019-2020; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (W. Carroll). 5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council approving an amendment to the ICMA 457 retirement plan to permit loans; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, seconded by Council Member Geraci, to approve Consent Agenda Items No. 2 through No. 5. Motion carried unanimously 6-0-0. REGULAR SESSION 6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing September 2019 as Blood Cancer Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Council Member Fleury read the proclamation into the record. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Fleury, seconded by Mayor Sanders, to approve Proclamation No. 2019-18, recognizing September 2019 as Blood Cancer Awareness Month in Trophy Club, and providing an effective date of August 13, 2019. Motion carried unanimously 6-0-0. Mayor Sanders presented Khloe Brandon with a proclamation. She was accompanied by her father, Code Enforcement Officer Paul Brandon, and her mother, Nicole, to accept the proclamation. Mayor Sanders presented Haylie Geraci with a proclamation. She was accompanied by her mother, Melissa, to accept the proclamation. Mayor Sanders presented Dr. Tiffany Simms-Waldrip, with Children’s Health, with a proclamation. Council Member Fleury encouraged the community to donate blood because there was always a need for it. Council Member Geraci thanked Dr. Simms-Waldrip for her dedication and for the wonderful service that she provides to her patients when faced with difficulties each day. He recognized Khloe and his daughter, Haylie, the lessons they have learned through challenges at such an early age and he encouraged them to remember what was important in life, which was faith, family, and inner strength. PUBLIC HEARING 7. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the Trophy Club Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) Budget for Fiscal Year 2020, submitted to the Town Council by the CCPD Board (W. Carroll). Mayor Sanders opened the public hearing at 7:32 p.m. There were no individuals that wished to speak regarding this item. Mayor Sanders closed the public hearing at 7:32 p.m. Town Council Minutes August 13, 2019 Page 3 of 8 Town CouncilPage 10 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 8. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget (W. Carroll). Interim Town Manager Carroll presented the highlights of the General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2020. He acknowledged that there was a slight change from the July 23, 2019 presentation in the strategy to fund Capital Replacement items. The Fiscal Year 2020 budgetary goals included: providing property tax relief through the recently adopted Residential Homestead Property Tax Exemption; present a budget where expenditures did not exceed revenues, excluding Capital Equipment Replacement, while maintaining current service levels; and, maintaining an interest and sinking (I&S) tax rate of $0.11 per $100 of valuation. The Fiscal Year 2020 Budget was below the effective tax rate and the rollback tax rate. State law did not require a public hearing for the Council to pass the tax rate or the budget when the budget presented was below the effective tax rate. The Town’s Charter did require a single public hearing for the budget. The proposed budget maintains last year’s tax rate of $0.446442 per $100 valuation. Total Fiscal Year 2020 revenues were estimated to be approximately $11,281,000 and the total expenditures, minus Capital Replacement items, was expected to be $11,207,000. The transfer to the Capital Replacement Fund was $542,639. Staff previously recommended taking out tax notes to cover the cost of Capital Replacement purchases in Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021. After further examination of the health of the General Fund balance and consideration of the passing of Senate Bill 2, this assessment brought forth the recommendation to pay cash for Capital Replacement expenditures. This would allow the ability to take out tax notes next year, if required to increase the I&S tax rate and decrease the maintenance and operations (M&O) tax rate. The decrease to the fund balance was approximately $376,964. The ending General Fund balance was projected to be $4.7 million, which was 40.9 percent of the Fiscal Year 2020 expenditures. The Capital Replacement items included: an EMS Lifepak 15 Cardiac Monitor; two fleet vehicles; three mowers; two ATV’s for the Park’s daily operations; and the resurfacing of the competition and kiddie pools. Mayor Pro Tem Jensen inquired where the Fire Marshal’s vehicle would be budgeted. Interim Town Manager Carroll corrected his prior comment and stated that there would be three vehicles purchased through the Capital Replacement, which included a vehicle for the Parks Department, a vehicle for the Streets Department, and the Fire Marshal’s vehicle. Interim Town Manager Carroll continued with the Fiscal Year 2020 Revenues and stated they had increased by $165,594 compared to the Fiscal Year 2019 year end estimates. Property Tax revenue was slightly higher by 2.5 percent due to the newly adopted Residential Homestead Property Tax Exemption and Denton County values coming in lower than projected, with some values not included because they were being contested. Sales Tax revenue increased this year; however the Town realized decreases in other revenue sources, yielding a 1.5 percent increase in the overall total. Ma yor Sanders inquired about the Intergovernmental line item. Interim Town Manager Carroll responded that the Town receives funds from the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District (TCMUD) No. 1 to run the Fire Department. Since the Town was the administrator of the Fire Department, the Town charges the TCMUD No. 1 for these services. Council Member Shoffner questioned the increase in the Investment Income line item from the Fiscal Year 2019 budgeted amount of $45,000 and the Fiscal Year 2019 estimate of $165,000. Interim Director of Finance Davenport responded that last year’s budget was severely under budget and the Town has already collected approximately $165,000 for 2019. Interim Town Manager Carroll remarked that there has been an increase in the fund balance growth because revenues had been underestimated and expenditures had been overestimated. He continued with the Fiscal Year 2020 proposed Expenditures and stated that compared to the Fiscal Year 2019 estimate, the total expenditures have only increased by $194,089. This number was a little misleading because the previous Town Manager’s payout was included in the 2019 estimate. Without including the payout, the total expenditures rose by $446,128. Services and Supplies increased by $94,961 and Capital expenditures increased by $53,000. Town Council Minutes August 13, 2019 Page 4 of 8 Town CouncilPage 11 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Discussion took place that the budget presentation reflected some changes from what was presented in the agenda packet. Mayor Sanders inquired about the 108 percent increase in the Administrative Services proposed Services and Supplies. Interim Town Manager Carroll explained that $50,000 had been added to perform a Compensation and Classification Study. Council Member Shoffner recommended that the Town perform an internal compensation study based on other municipalities who have this information to share and save $50,000. Mayor Sanders was in agreeance but added that in some instances the Town has different classifications compared to other municipalities. Interim Town Manager Carroll commented that the advantage of hiring someone to perform the study was that an outside consultant would take a look at the individual job descriptions and exhibit a broader range compared to larger cities, while keeping in mind the uniqueness of Trophy Club, such as size, location, amenities, and higher expectations. Human Resources could internally handle the salary survey portion to help reduce the overall cost of the survey. Council Member Shoffner remarked that a similar survey was performed in 2012 and very little of it was followed, and he believed that it was at a higher cost. He suggested that Staff conduct as much internally and present the results to Council. Mayor Pro Tem Jensen agreed with the removal of the $50,000 for the Compensation and Classification Study. Mayor Sanders pointed out there were no full-time equivalent (FTE) positions being added to the budget. Mayor Pro Tem Jensen inquired if any part-time equivalent (PTE) positions were being added to the budget. Interim Town Manager Carroll responded that there are no additional funds being spent for PTE’s but there was a specific set of funding in the different departments for PTE, such as Parks and Fire, and was used until the funds were depleted. Council Member Shoffner questioned why there was an increase in the Finance and Municipal Court line items for Services and Supplies in the Fiscal Year 2019 estimate. Interim Director of Finance Davenport responded that in both cases, they were offset figures because she was an interim employee for both departments and she was paid as contract labor verses salary. Interim Town Manager Carroll reviewed the Fiscal Year 2020 proposed Personnel costs and reiterated that there was an increase of $446,128 compared to last year’s beginning budget. This was due to mid-year hires that occurred in 2019, but next year’s budget would realize the full weight of the salaries. Mayor Pro Tem Jensen asked if the theory behind hiring was to always fill any vacant position because it was open or was it being evaluated if there was a true need to fill that particular position. Interim Town Manager Carroll responded that the original staff model was developed based on the work that was required to be performed. He provided an example that in the Parks and Police Departments, they have realized a decrease in staffing but their overtime expenses increased due to the work demand. Mayor Pro Tem Jensen agreed that it was more cost effective to have a full-time position than to fund a large amount for overtime. Interim Town Manager Carroll continued and stated that $150,000 was added to the budget for merit increases and there was an approximate five percent increase in health insurance cost. Council Member Geraci asked for clarification on the increase in the Unemployment Taxes and Worker’s Compensation line items within the Fiscal Year 2020 proposed Personnel and Benefits. Interim Town Manager Carroll responded that regarding the Worker’s Compensation, State Legislature identified several kinds of cancers that were deemed work related for the Fire and Police Departments, which has increased the rates for these Town Council Minutes August 13, 2019 Page 5 of 8 Town CouncilPage 12 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 specific positions. Interim Director of Finance Davenport stated that every other year the Unemployment Taxes fluctuates between a three and two percent increase. She commented that she would examine the fluctuating rates that have occurred over the years. Mayor Sanders explained that an experience modifier gets applied and helps determine how the rates were set. The State applies the modifier, which was an adjustment of an employer’s premium for worker’s compensation coverage based on the losses the insurer has experienced from that employer. Council Member Geraci asked if there was anything the Town could do to help mitigate the Worker’s Compensation rate, such as additional training or different types of gear for first responders. Interim Town Manager Carroll responded there would not be on the Fire and Police Departments side to help decrease this rate since it was State mandated but he would confirm with the Town’s insurance carrier. Mayor Sanders was in agreeance with Council Member Geraci’s recommendation to review the rates with the insurance carrier regarding the safety measures previously implemented to assist in the reduction of the Worker’s Compensation rate. Mayor Sanders inquired about the increase in Manager’s Office line item in the Fiscal Year 2019 estimate within Personnel and Benefits. Interim Town Manager Carroll responded that the increase was due to the previous Town Manager’s payout and the hiring of a new Town Manager position with benefits. Interim Town Manager Carroll continued and advised that the Fiscal Year 2020 beginning fund balance was expected to be $5.1 million. The net revenues, expenditures, and transfers were projected to decrease the fund balance by $376,964. Mayor Pro Tem Jensen commented that the Capital Replacement fund was not developed to come out of the fund balance. Interim Town Manager Carroll confirmed this was correct but a revenue source had never been designated for Capital Replacement items and the only revenue source currently was from the General Fund. Mayor Pro Tem Jensen recommended looking into funding the Capital Replacement budget without lowering the fund balance. Discussion took place that utilizing the fund balance would not be an ongoing funding mechanism for Capital Replacement items, but this tactic assisted with delaying issuing a tax note. Funding sources did need to be identified though for the outgoing years for Capital Replacement. Council Member Shoffner recommended that each department appropriately budget Capital Replacement items that were specific to their area, that would be designated to the Capital Replacement budget. Mayor Sanders inquired about the philosophy and direction given to Staff when putting together the proposed budget. Interim Town Manager Carroll stated that the direction was given to Staff to present a budget where expenditures did not exceed revenues, excluding Capital Equipment Replacement, while maintaining current service levels. He and Interim Finance Director Davenport wanted to provide a budget to present to Council that had the most accurate estimates for revenues and expenditures, which resulted in last minute changes. Mayor Sanders applauded Interim Director of Finance Davenport on performing an excellent job and working long hours to help with the budget presentation. Council Member Shoffner asked for a line item detail for the entire budget. Interim Director of Finance Davenport , as the spreadsheet was being reported this information would be available online soon at www.opengov.com updated to match what was presented. Town Council Minutes August 13, 2019 Page 6 of 8 Town CouncilPage 13 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Interim Town Manager Carroll thanked the Council for their patience with the last minute changes in making sure the most accurate budget was presented. Council Member Shoffner thanked Staff for their hard work and efforts in preparing the budget. No action was taken on this item. 9. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a record vote on a not-to-exceed Fiscal Year 2020 Ad Valorem Tax Rate and to schedule two public hearings to meet the Truth in Taxation requirements and/or as required by the Charter and related matters (W. Carroll). Mayor Sanders advised that the Town was not required to hold two public hearings since the proposed tax rate of $0.446442 per $100 valuation was below the effective and rollback tax rates. The Town Charter required one public hearing specific to the proposed budget. Council Member Shoffner recommended holding at least one public hearing in order for the Council to provide ample opportunity for the residents to speak. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, seconded by Council Member Fleury, to set a not-to-exceed rate of $0.446442 per $100 valuation for the Fiscal Year 2020 Ad Valorem Tax Rate. Roll call vote: Mayor C. Nick Sanders Yes Mayor Pro Tem Eric Jensen Yea Council Member Alicia Fleury Yea Council Member Sean Bone Yea Council Member Michael Geraci Yea Council Member Philip Shoffner Yea Motion carried unanimously 6-0-0. 10. Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the August 27, 2019 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (W. Carroll). Mayor Sanders advised that the Neighborhood Meeting to discuss the proposed Replat of 1 Palmetto Court, Case RP-19-001 (Section 1, Lots 12R-1 and 12R-2) would be held on August 14, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. Interim Town Manager Carroll added that he and Town Planner Payne would be leading the meeting. Mayor Sanders inquired if Staff would be ready to provide an update by the August 27, 2019 Council meeting related to Item No. 5 from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list: Discussion of and take appropriate action to have the Interim Town Manager prioritize an investigation of the use of turf fields at Independence Park along with a cost benefit analysis & review offering a payback program between the Town and TCR Youth Baseball Association. (Geraci & Shoffner 5/28/2019). Council Member Geraci commented that additional time would be needed for this item. Mayor Sanders asked for an update regarding Item No. 4 from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list: Discussion of the creation of a Charter Review Commission in accordance with Section 11.15 of the Town Charter, the Council shall appoint a Charter Review Commission at intervals of not more than seven (7) years. (Jensen 4/23/2019) (1-July 23, 2019) (2-October 22, 2019) Town Secretary Fimbres advised that currently nine individuals submitted an application to possibly serve on the Charter Review Commission. Town Council Minutes August 13, 2019 Page 7 of 8 Town CouncilPage 14 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Discussion took place that there was a total of nine seats and that each Council Member appoints one member to serve on the Charter Review Commission, and the remaining members would be appointed by vote of the Council. Town Attorney Dodd remarked that the Charter did not identify the application process but the Council had the ability to appoint someone who did not apply. Town Secretary Fimbres commented that appointments were scheduled to be made at the September 24, 2019 Council meeting. Council Member Shoffner noted that the Charter Review Commission would have a Council Liaison and Staff Liaison. EXECUTIVE SESSION 11. Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council convened into executive session to discuss the following: A) Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: 1) Cause No. 19-6232-393 John Artuso v. Town of Trophy Club (W. Carroll) 2) Contract Issues, Procedures, and Enforcement (W. Carroll) B) Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: North of State Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive and west of Town limits (Mayor Pro Tem Jensen and Council Member Shoffner) C) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: Town Manager position (W. Carroll) CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME – 8:40 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION - START TIME – 10:00 P.M. 12. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (W. Carroll). No action was taken on this item. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Sanders adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Minutes August 13, 2019 Page 8 of 8 Town CouncilPage 15 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-399-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemConsent Agenda File created:In control: 8/27/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 9/10/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated August 27, 2019 (W. Carroll). Attachments: Draft TC Regular Session Minutes August 27, 2019.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 3: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilRegularSessionMinutesdatedAugust27,2019(W. Carroll). Town CouncilPage 16 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2019, 7:00 P.M. LOCATION: 1 TROPHY WOOD DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS COUNCIL CHAMBERS The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, August 27, 2019. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Nick Sanders Mayor Eric Jensen Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Alicia L. Fleury Council Member, Place 1 Sean Bone Council Member, Place 3 Michael Geraci Council Member, Place 5 Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF PRESENT: David Dodd Town Attorney Ernest Gillespie Senior Accountant Holly Fimbres Town Secretary/RMO Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation Patrick Arata Police Chief Jill Lind Communications and Marketing Manager Gary Cochran Interim Fire Chief Mike Pastor Information Services Manager Cheryl Davenport Interim Director of Finance Tommy Uzee Director of Community Development Sharon David Records Analyst Steve Woodard Police Captain James Edwards Human Resources Manager Mayor Sanders announced the date of August 27, 2019, called the Town Council to order and announced a quorum at 7:00 p.m. The Invocation was offered by Senior Minister Jeff Brooks with Lake Cities Church of Christ. The Pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag were led by Council Member Shoffner. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item, you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. There were no citizen presentations. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1. Receive Interim Town Manager Carroll’s update and provide input regarding the following (W. Carroll): Early Voting – Continue through September 3rd for the September 7th Special Election for Council Member Place 4, Polls would be closed on September 1st and September 2nd in observance of the Labor Day Holiday. Pet Fest – The Town’s 11th Annual Pet Fest was scheduled for September 7th, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., at Freedom Dog Park. There would be a wide variety of pet-related vendors, a doggie drill team performance, raffle prizes, face painting, and more. The first 400 attendees to arrive will receive a ticket for a free pancake on a stick, compliments from Carnival Catering. Town CouncilPage 17 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 2. Receive Town Council Liaison update; discussion of same (W. Carroll): *Parks and Recreation Board, August 19, 2019 Council Liaison - Council Member Michael Geraci Council Member Geraci provided an update regarding the Parks and Recreation Board meeting that was held on August 19, 2019. High school students expressed an interest to acquire volunteer hours in helping cleanup Freedom Dog Park, which would be discussed at their next meeting. A resident requested additional use of the baseball fields when they were not being utilized by the Trophy Club Roanoke (TCR) Youth Baseball Association. Staff will be working with TCR Youth Baseball Association to potentially refurbish various items around the fields, specifically the batting cages. The Parks and Recreation Board would review the proposal and then it would be presented to the Town Council. Discussion took place to review updating and replacing some of the existing signage around Freedom Dog Park. Staff was also working with Greater Northwest Soccer Association to potentially have a 50/50 partnership to refurbish some items in parks, which would be presented to the Parks and Recreation Board and the Town Council. The Summer Adventure Camp was a huge success and discuss occurred to possibly reduce rates for Town residents. Lastly, there was potential to add new events in Trophy Club Park, such as yoga classes and kayaking lessons. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 3. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated July 23 2019 (W. Carroll). 4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Joint Session Minutes dated July 29, 2019 (W. Carroll). 5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the financial and variance report dated May 2019 (W. Carroll). 6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the financial and variance report dated June 2019 (W. Carroll). 7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Third Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2019 (W. Carroll). Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, seconded by Council Member Bone, to approve Consent Agenda Items No. 3 through No. 7. Motion carried unanimously 6-0-0. REGULAR SESSION 8. Case RP-19-001 (Section1, Lots 12R-1 & 12R-2) A) Continue a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of splitting one residential lot into two residential lots containing approximately 0.567 acres of land and generally located on the northeast corner of Palmetto Court and Oakmont Drive (W. Carroll). Mayor Sanders continued the public hearing from the July 23, 2019 Council Meeting. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Shoffner, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, to continue the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously 6-0-0. Town Council Minutes August 27, 2019 Page 2 of 8 Town CouncilPage 18 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Council continued the public hearing at 7:08 p.m. Director of Community Development Uzee stated the purpose of this item was to consider the approval of a residential replat to split one lot into two lots. The strategic link was Nature & Beautification - Maintain Town assets, services, and codes of ordinances that preserve the natural beauty of the Town. The proposed replat splits the property on the corner of Palmetto Court and Oakmont Drive and meets the Town’s Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Requirements. Several neighbors spoke against the proposal at the Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting and the Town Council meeting, and produced a petition to protest the replat. The petition requires a super majority vote, which mandates five out of six Council Members must vote in favor of the replat, if this was to be approved. The P&Z Commission unanimously approved the replat and the Town Council continued the public hearing in order for Staff to hold a Neighborhood Meeting. The meeting was held on August 14, 2019 and the residents left understanding that the replat approval was a ministerial duty per State law and residents have the authority to enforce their Covenants and Restrictions because the Town could only enforce Town ordinances. The proposed replat conforms to the State law as well as the Town’s Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Requirements. Additionally, Staff recommended approval of the replat. Mayor Sanders remarked that the last Legislative Session brought forth changes to the law in regards to zoning but this should not affect the Town as the proposal was submitted prior to September 1, 2019. Town Attorney Dodd confirmed the proposal was submitted under the previous law and, as long as the hearing continued, the Town would be covered by the preceding law. Mayor Sanders asked if there were any individuals that wished to speak during the public hearing and no one came forth. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, seconded by Council Member Fleury, to close the public hearing. Mayor Sanders commented that he was not in favor of closing the public hearing at this time, due to potential legal issues. There could be the possibility of the applicant and residents working through the issue and if the public hearing was closed, the Town would have to post notice of an additional public hearing. Council Member Shoffner agreed with Mayor Sanders. He believed that it would be beneficial to continue the public hearing based on information that had been sent to the Council. Council Member Bone asked Town Attorney Dodd if confirmation was received that the original Covenants and Restrictions that were filed in 1975 were still in effect. Town Attorney Dodd responded that it was not part of the Town’s process, but he had not seen any indication of an argument that they were not filed or were not valid. Council Member Bone advised that he was able to locate the original document through Denton County records, as well as a 2017 document with a planned unit development (PUD) rider that references the original restrictions. Town Attorney Dodd responded that everything that he has seen indicated those restrictions were valid, but it was not the Town’s process to enforce the Covenants and Restrictions. Council Member Bone asked if the Town had the ability to enforce Texas Local Government Code. Town Attorney Dodd responded that in this instance the Town did not have the ability. Mayor Pro Tem Jensen commented that it was important for the Council to take action and offered the suggestion for any Council Member to seek legal advice in Executive Session if they needed it. Discussion took place that the motion on the floor was to close the public hearing and if passed, it meant that the remaining portion to consider would be Item No. 8 (B). Town Council Minutes August 27, 2019 Page 3 of 8 Town CouncilPage 19 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Brian Denby, applicant, stated that there have already been two public hearings and he expressed his appreciation to the Council for their time on this matter. He stated that his request was unanimously approved by the P&Z Commission and he felt that there was no law or covenant that he was breaking. To keep delaying this item would be disheartening to he and his family because his desire was to retire and live in Trophy Club. Council Member Geraci requested to enter into Executive Session to seek legal advice. Council convened into Executive Session at 7:19 p.m. Council reconvened into Regular Session at 7:53 p.m. The vote was taken to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously 6-0-0. B) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of splitting one residential lot into two residential lots containing approximately 0.567 acres of land and generally located on the northeast corner of Palmetto Court and Oakmont Drive (W. Carroll). Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen to deny Case RP-19-001 (Section 1, Lots 12R-1 & 12R-2) a request for a replat for the purpose of splitting one residential lot into two residential lots containing approximately 0.567 acres of land and generally located on the northeast corner of Palmetto Court and Oakmont Drive. Motion failed for lack of a second. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Shoffner, seconded by Council Member Bone, to refer this item to the October 8, 2019 Town Council meeting. Council Member Shoffner stated the Council was sent a copy of the demand letter; therefore the motion on the floor would allow time for that legal process to go through. Mayor Pro Tem Jensen remarked that all the facts have been presented and it was the Council’s duty to proceed with action. Mayor Sanders commented that it was unclear as to the questions raised in Executive Session as to how State law may or may not affect the Town’s ability. Additionally, a copy of the August 22, 2019 demand letter was emailed to the Council, requesting that Mr. Denby respond to the letter by August 26, 2019. Mayor Sanders asked Mr. Denby if he had received such demand letter. Mr. Denby confirmed he had received the letter. Mayor Sanders remarked that although the Town was not a party to the disagreement, the Council was trying to understand the laws and how they affect the Town. Mr. Denby stated that he received the demand letter on Friday as he was traveling out of town. He did not believe that he owed the attorney anything in reference to a cease and desist and he felt it was just a correspondence from an attorney and it did not change anything in the law. Mayor Sanders asked Town Attorney Dodd if the Town was bound in any way because they received a copy of the demand letter. Town Attorney Dodd responded that there were two proceedings going along at the same time, with one process potentially changing what the Council was currently considering; therefore it may be of benefit to have all the information at one time. The vote was taken to refer this item to the October 8, 2019 Town Council meeting. Motion carried 4-2-0, with Council Members Fleury, Bone, Geraci, and Shoffner voting in favor, and with Mayor Sanders and Mayor Pro Tem Jensen voting against. Town Council Minutes August 27, 2019 Page 4 of 8 Town CouncilPage 20 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 9. Case SP-AMD-19-001 (Medlin Middle School Addition) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend the approved Site Plan for Medlin Middle School, generally located west of Parkview Drive and south of Marshall Creek Road (W. Carroll). Director of Community Development Uzee stated the purpose of this item was to consider amending the site plan for the betterment of the school. The strategic link was Nature & Beautification - Maintain Town assets, services, and codes of ordinances that preserve the natural beauty of the Town. Northwest Independent School District (NISD) was proposing to construct two new buildings additions to the Medlin Middle School, consisting of 6,700 square feet of classroom space on the northern portion of the school and almost 3,300 square feet of Fine Arts space on the southern portion. The circular drive at the south end of the school would be partially redesigned. The existing masonry enclosure that surrounds the transformer on the north end of the school would be demolished and reconstructed to match the main building in order to connect to the new classroom addition. He displayed a diagram that represented trees that would either remain, be removed, and added. Lighting would be added to each exterior door and would be directed downward in order to not create unnecessary light pollution. Both building additions would match the existing elevations with the same brick colors and patterns to keep cohesive color elevations. The P&Z Commission considered this item on August 1, 2019 and unanimously recommended approval. Additionally, Staff recommended approval of the amended site plan. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, seconded by Council Member Fleury, to approve Case SP-AMD-19-001 (Medlin Middle School Addition), a request to amend the approved Site Plan for Medlin Middle School, generally located west of Parkview Drive and south of Marshall Creek Road. Council Member Shoffner inquired if this project would have a storm shelter. Director of Community Development Uzee confirmed that a storm shelter was included in the proposed plan. Mayor Sanders questioned if there was a photometric study on the bleeding of light into the neighbors’ homes. Director of Community Development Uzee referred to Exhibit G and confirmed that any light bleeding would be minimal. Dan Holt with the architect firm and Sarah Stewart with NISD were present to address any questions. The vote was taken. Motion carried unanimously 6-0-0. 10. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the approval or rejection of the Trophy Club Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) Budget for Fiscal Year 2020 submitted to the Town Council by the CCPD Board (W. Carroll). Police Chief Arata introduced the item and stated that the CCPD Board approved the budget. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, seconded by Council Member Fleury, to approve the Trophy Club CCPD Budget for Fiscal Year 2020 as presented. Council Member Shoffner commented on the $20,000 budgeted for overtime for the Police Department to patrol HG Sply and PD 30. He felt that the business owners should be responsible for funding any needed additional patrolling. He provided a couple of examples where other cities did not fund overtime but instead the businesses who requested extra security paid for that service. Council Member Geraci agreed with Council Member Shoffner and to keep an eye on future growth. The vote was taken. Motion carried unanimously 6-0-0. Town Council Minutes August 27, 2019 Page 5 of 8 Town CouncilPage 21 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 11. Receive a presentation from Town Staff regarding the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget and provide appropriate direction (W. Carroll). Interim Director of Finance Davenport presented changes made to the budget since the presentations made at the July 23, 2019 and August 13, 2019 Council meetings. Since the presentations, Staff spent numerous hours reviewing all funds for accuracy in order to provide the Council with the most accurate information. Rounding errors were addressed, all beginning fund balances were updated, and some inadvertent human errors were corrected. The General Fund had one change with the removal of the Compensation and Classification Study in the amount of $50,000. The major change to the Debt Service Fund was that property tax revenue decreased as a result from receiving the certified property tax values. Mayor Sanders inquired how much the property tax revenue decreased. Interim Director of Finance Davenport responded that the new figures represented approximately $2.2 million and Staff had projected it to be $2.3 million. Interim Director of Finance Davenport continued and stated the interest income increased due to historical trends and future market adjustments. Expenditures increased approximately $13,000 due to updated principal and interest to match the Debt Service provided by the financial advisor. The Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) Fund included an addition of $125,000 to the Fiscal Year 2019 estimate, for the electronic sign marquees that were recently approved by Council. The July 4th celebration line item was reduced by approximately $30,000 to align with the actual expenditures that were realized for this year’s celebration. The HOT fund balance was expected to be $1.4 million by the end of Fiscal Year 2020, which was an increase of $355,000. At the July 23, 2019 Council meeting, Staff indicated that the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) No. 1 Fund would have a deficit balance until 2023. By changing the allocation of the TIRZ increment, the property tax revenue increased to $70,000. In prior year’s, 60 percent of the TIRZ increment was allocated to the TIRZ Fund, which was the minimum amount required according to the TIRZ agreement. For the Fiscal Year 2020, 100 percent of the TIRZ increment was being allocated to the TIRZ Fund. Staff developed this strategy to help reduce the TIRZ deficit more quickly and maintain the Town’s tax rate above the effective rate. Additionally, she advised that a public hearing would be held at the September 10, 2019 Council meeting regarding the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget. Mayor Pro Tem Jensen asked about the difference between the $20,000 for overtime in the CCPD Budget and the $20,000 for overtime in the HOT Fund. Interim Director of Finance Davenport explained that the amount for the overtime in the HOT Fund was specific to the July 4th celebration. Council Member Shoffner inquired if the $30,000 reduction for the July 4th celebration in the Fiscal Year 2019 estimate was reflected in the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget. Interim Director of Finance Davenport explained that the Fiscal Year estimate was previously budgeted at $130,000, but based on actual expenditures the Fiscal Year 2020 line item was budgeted for $111,000. Council Member Geraci thanked Staff for their dedication and long hours in preparing this year’s budget. No action was taken on this item. 12. Discussion of items for Future Agenda to include agenda items for consideration on the September 10, 2019 Council Agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (W. Carroll). Council Member Bone requested to add the following item to the Town Council Future Agenda Items list: Review of the Town’s Charter and Code of Ordinances to allow the Council to take action to enforce deed restrictions or covenants. Council Member Geraci confirmed his support to add the item to the Town Council Future Agenda Items list. He also requested to add the following item to the list: Creation of a strategic plan for a percentage of funds set aside for Capital Replacement items. Mayor Sanders agreed with prioritizing the departmental capital items. Town Council Minutes August 27, 2019 Page 6 of 8 Town CouncilPage 22 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Mayor Pro Tem Jensen requested to remove Item No. 4 from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list: Discussion of the creation of a Charter Review Commission in accordance with Section 11.15 of the Town Charter, the Council shall appoint a Charter Review Commission at intervals of not more than seven (7) years. (Jensen 4/23/2019) (1-July 23, 2019) (2-October 22, 2019) Regarding the September 10, 2019 Council agenda, Council Member Shoffner requested to have a cover letter sent with the required mail out to the PID residents, specific to the Annual Service and Assessment Plan Update for emergency services, to help explain the assessment because the notice by itself was a bit confusing. EXECUTIVE SESSION 13. Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council convened into executive session to discuss the following: A) Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: Legislative updates B) Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: North of State Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive and west of Town limits (Mayor Pro Tem Jensen and Council Member Shoffner) C) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: 1)Town Manager position (W. Carroll) 2)Crime Control and Prevention District Board (W. Carroll) 3)Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors (W. Carroll) 4)Charter Review Commission (Mayor Sanders) CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME – 8:31 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION - START TIME – 9:17 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION 14. Consider and take appropriate action regarding repealing Resolution No. 2018-12 and adopting a new Resolution making annual appointments and reaffirming existing appointments to the Crime Control and Prevention District Board, and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, seconded by Council Member Bone, to repeal Resolution No. 2018-12 and approve Resolution 2019-18, appointing Frederick Lohmann to Place 2, appointing Christopher McAllister to Place 4, reappointing Leo Daniels to Place 5, reappointing Joe Tellez to Place 6, reappointing James Jay Isherwood to Place 7, reaffirming existing appointments, and providing an effective date of August 27, 2019. Motion carried unanimously 6-0-0. Town Council Minutes August 27, 2019 Page 7 of 8 Town CouncilPage 23 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 15. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council nominating one candidate for each of the five positions to be filled on the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). No action was taken on this item. 16. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (W. Carroll). No action was taken on this item. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Sanders adjourned the meeting at 9:18 p.m. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Minutes August 27, 2019 Page 8 of 8 Town CouncilPage 24 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-414-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemConsent Agenda File created:In control: 8/29/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 9/10/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Special Session Minutes dated August 29, 2019 (W. Carroll). Attachments: Draft TC Special Session Minutes August 29, 2019.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 4: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilSpecialSessionMinutesdatedAugust29,2019(W. Carroll). Town CouncilPage 25 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL SESSION MINUTES THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 2019, 10:00 A.M. LOCATION: 1 TROPHY WOOD DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS COUNCIL CHAMBERS The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Special Session on Thursday, August 29, 2019. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Nick Sanders Mayor Eric Jensen Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Alicia L. Fleury Council Member, Place 1 Sean Bone Council Member, Place 3 Michael Geraci Council Member, Place 5 Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF PRESENT: Wade Carroll Interim Town Manager Sharon David Records Analyst Holly Fimbres Town Secretary/RMO Mike Pastor Information Services Manager Mayor Sanders announced the date of Thursday, August 29, 2019, called the Town Council to order and announced a quorum at 10:00 a.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council convened into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: Town Manager position search (Town Council) CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME – 10:01 A.M. RECONVENED INTO SPECIAL SESSION - START TIME – 5:40 P.M. RECONVENED INTO SPECIAL SESSION 2. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, seconded by Council Member Bone, to direct the Council Finance Subcommittee to negotiate the Town Manager Contract as discussed in Executive Session. Motion carried 5-1-0, with Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, and Council Members Bone, Geraci, and Shoffner voting in favor, and with Council Member Fleury voting against. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Sanders adjourned the meeting at 5:41 p.m. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town CouncilPage 26 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-400-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemConsent Agenda File created:In control: 8/27/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 9/10/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, approving a negotiated settlement between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee ("ACSC") and Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division regarding the Company's 2019 Rate Review Mechanism filing; declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; adopting tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement; finding the rates to be set by the attached settlement tariffs to be just and reasonable and in the public interest; approving an attached exhibit establishing a benchmark for pensions and retiree medical benefits; approving an attached exhibit regarding amortization of regulatory liability; requiring the Company to reimburse ACSC's reasonable ratemaking expenses; determining that this ordinance was passed in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act; adopting a savings clause; declaring an effective date; and requiring delivery of this ordinance to the Company and the ACSC's legal counsel (W. Carroll). Attachments: Staff Report - Settlement between ACSC and Atmos Energy Mid-Tex.pdf ORD 2019-17 Settlement between ACSC and Atmos Energy Mid-Tex.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 5: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceoftheTownCounciloftheTownofTrophyClub,Texas, approvinganegotiatedsettlementbetweentheAtmosCitiesSteeringCommittee("ACSC")andAtmosEnergyCorp.,Mid -TexDivisionregardingtheCompany's2019RateReviewMechanismfiling;declaringexistingratestobeunreasonable; adoptingtariffsthatreflectrateadjustmentsconsistentwiththenegotiatedsettlement;findingtheratestobesetbythe attachedsettlementtariffstobejustandreasonableandinthepublicinterest;approvinganattachedexhibitestablishing abenchmarkforpensionsandretireemedicalbenefits;approvinganattachedexhibitregardingamortizationofregulatory liability;requiringtheCompanytoreimburseACSC'sreasonableratemakingexpenses;determiningthatthisordinance waspassedinaccordancewiththerequirementsoftheTexasOpenMeetingsAct;adoptingasavingsclause;declaring an effective date; and requiring delivery of this ordinance to the Company and the ACSC's legal counsel (W. Carroll). Town CouncilPage 27 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Wade Carroll, Interim Town Manager CC: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Settlement between ACSC and Atmos Energy Mid-Tex Town Council Meeting, September 10, 2019 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, approving a negotiated settlement between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee ("ACSC") and Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division regarding theCompany's 2019 Rate Review Mechanism filing; declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; adopting tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement; finding the rates to be set by the attached settlement tariffs to be just and reasonable and in the public interest; approving an attached exhibit establishing a benchmark for pensions and retiree medical benefits; approving an attached exhibit regarding amortization of regulatory liability; requiring the Company to reimburse ACSC's reasonable ratemaking expenses; determining that this ordinance was passed in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act; adopting a savings clause; declaring an effective date; and requiring delivery of this ordinance to the Company and the ACSC's legal counsel (W. Carroll). Strategic Link: Administrative & Financial Services - Exercise fiscal discipline in all Town operations. Background and Explanation: The Town, along with 171 other Mid-Texas cities served by AtmosEnergy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division (“Atmos Mid-Tex” or “Company”), is a member of the Atmos Cities Steering Committee (“ACSC”). In 2007, ACSC and Atmos Mid-Tex settled a rate application filed by the Company pursuant to Section 104.301 of the Texas Utilities Code for an interim rate adjustment commonly referred to as a GRIP filing (arising out of the Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program legislation). That settlement created a substitute rate review process, referred to as Rate Review Mechanism (“RRM”), as a substitute for future filings under the GRIP statute. Since 2007, there have been several modifications to the original RRM Tariff. The most recent iteration of an RRM Tariff was reflected in an ordinance adopted by ACSC members in 2018. On Page 1 of 4 Town CouncilPage 28 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 or about April 1, 2019, the Company filed a rate request pursuant to the RRM Tariff adopted by ACSC members. The Company claimed that its cost-of-service in a test year ending December 31, 2018, entitled it to additional system-wide revenues of $70 million. Application of the standards set forth in ACSC’s RRM Tariff required Atmos to reduce its request to $54 million, $39.3 million of which would be applicable to ACSC members. ACSC’s consultants concluded that the system-wide deficiency under the RRM regime should be $38.7 million instead of the claimed $54 million. The amount of the $38.7 million deficiency applicable to ACSC members would be $28.2 million. After the Company reviewed ACSC’s consultants’ report, ACSC’s Executive Committee and the Company negotiated a settlement whereby the Company would receive an increase of $35.4 million from ACSC Cities. The Executive Committee recommends a settlement at this amount. The Effective Date for new rates is October 1, 2019. ACSC members should take action approving the Ordinance before the end of September. PROOF OF REVENUES Atmos generated proof that the rate tariffs attached to the Ordinance will generate $35.4 million in additional revenues from ACSC Cities. That proof is attached as Attachment 1 to this Staff Report. ACSC consultants have agreed that Atmos’ Proof of Revenues is accurate. BILL IMPACT The impact of the settlement on average residential rates is an increase of $2.05 on a monthly basis, or 3.7 percent. The increase for average commercial usage will be $6.18 or 2.31 percent. A bill impact comparison is attached as Attachment 2. SUMMARY OF ACSC’S OBJECTION TO THE UTILITIES CODE SECTION 104.301 GRIP PROCESS ACSC strongly opposed the GRIP process because it constitutes piecemeal ratemaking by ignoring declining expenses and increasing revenues while rewarding the Company for increasing capital investment on an annual basis. The GRIP process does not allow any review of the reasonableness of capital investment and does not allow cities to participate in the Railroad Commission’s review of annual GRIP filings or allow recovery of Cities’ rate case expenses. The Railroad Commission undertakes a mere administrative review of GRIP filings (instead of a full hearing) and rate increases go into effect without any material adjustments. In ACSC’s view, the GRIP process unfairly raises customers’ rates without any regulatory oversight. In contrast, the RRM process has allowed for a more comprehensive rate review and annual evaluation of expenses and revenues, as well as capital investment. RRM SAVINGS OVER GRIP While residents outside municipal limits must pay rates governed by GRIP, there are some cities served by Atmos Mid-Tex that chose to remain under GRIP rather than adopt RRM. Additionally, the City of Dallas adopted a variation of RRM which is referred to as DARR. When new rates become effective on October 1, 2019, ACSC residents will have a slight economic monthly advantage over comparable GRIP and comparable DARR rates (see Attachment 3). Page 2 of 4 Town CouncilPage 29 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 EXPLANATION OF “BE IT ORDAINED” PARAGRAPHS: 1.This section approves all findings in the Ordinance. 2.This section adopts the RRM rate tariffs and finds the adoption of the new rates to be just, reasonable, and in the public interest. 3. Thissection finds that existing rates are unreasonable. Such finding is a necessary predicate to establishment of new rates. The new tariffs will permit Atmos Mid-Tex to recover an additional $35.4 million from ACSC Cities. 4. This section approves an exhibit that establishes a benchmark for pensions and retiree medical benefits to be used in future rate cases or RRM filings. 5. This section approves an exhibit to be used in future rate cases or RRM filings regarding recovery of regulatory liabilities, such as excess deferred income taxes. 6. This section requires the Company to reimburse the Town for expenses associated with review of the RRM filing, settlement discussions, and adoption of the Ordinance approving new rate tariffs. 7. This section repeals any resolution or ordinance that is inconsistent with the Ordinance. 8. This section finds that the meeting was conducted in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. 9. This section is a savings clause, which provides that if any section is later found to be unconstitutional or invalid, that finding shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remaining provisions of this Ordinance. This section further directs that the remaining provisions of the Ordinance are to be interpreted as if the offending section or clause never existed. 10. This section provides for an effective date upon passage. 11. This section directs that a copy of the signed Ordinance be sent to a representative of the Company and legal counsel for ACSC. Conclusion and Financial Considerations: The Legislature’s GRIP process allowed gas utilities to receive annual rate increases associated with capital investments. The RRM process has proven to result in a more efficient and less costly (both from a consumer rate impact perspective and from a ratemaking perspective) than the GRIP process. Given Atmos Mid-Tex’s claim that its historic cost of service should entitle it to recover $70 million in additional system-wide revenues, or $54 million from ACSC Cities, the RRM settlement at $35.4 million for ACSC Cities reflects substantial savings to ACSC Cities in the amount of $18.6 million. ACSC’s consultants produced a report indicating that Atmos had justified increased revenues for ACSC Cities of at least $32.7 million. Settlement at $35.4 million is fair and reasonable. The ACSC Executive Committee consisting of city employees of 18 ACSC members urges all ACSC members to pass the Ordinance before September 30, 2019. New rates become effective October 1, 2019. Legal Review: ACSC Executive Committee recommends ACSC Cities adopt the attached ordinance. Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable. Page 3 of 4 Town CouncilPage 30 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 2019-17. Attachments: Ordinance No. 2019-17 Page 4 of 4 Town CouncilPage 31 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 32 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 33 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 34 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 35 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 38 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2019-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNCOUNCIL OF THE TOWNOF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, APPROVING ANEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT BETWEEN THE ATMOS CITIESSTEERING COMMITTEE ("ACSC") AND ATMOS ENERGYCORP., MID-TEX DIVISION REGARDING THE COMPANY'S2019 RATE REVIEW MECHANISM FILING; DECLARINGEXISTING RATES TO BE UNREASONABLE; ADOPTINGTARIFFS THAT REFLECTRATE ADJUSTMENTS CONSISTENTWITH THE NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT; FINDING THERATES TO BE SET BY THE ATTACHED SETTLEMENTTARIFFS TO BE JUST AND REASONABLE AND IN THE PUBLICINTEREST; APPROVING AN ATTACHED EXHIBITESTABLISHING A BENCHMARK FOR PENSIONS ANDRETIREE MEDICAL BENEFITS; APPROVING AN ATTACHEDEXHIBIT REGARDING AMORTIZATION OF REGULATORYLIABILITY; REQUIRINGTHE COMPANY TO REIMBURSEACSC'S REASONABLE RATEMAKING EXPENSES;DETERMINING THAT THIS ORDINANCE WAS PASSED INACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TEXASOPEN MEETINGS ACT; ADOPTING A SAVINGS CLAUSE;DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND REQUIRING DELIVERY OF THIS ORDINANCE TO THE COMPANY ANDTHE ACSC'S LEGAL COUNSEL. WHEREAS,the Townof Trophy Club, Texas (“Town”)is a gas utility customer of Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division ("Atmos Mid-Tex" or "Company"),and a regulatory authority with an interest in the rates and charges of Atmos Mid-Tex; and WHEREAS,the Town is a member of the Atmos Cities Steering Committee ("ACSC"), acoalition of similarly-situated cities served by Atmos Mid-Tex("ACSC Cities") that have joinedtogether to facilitate the review of, and response to, natural gas issues affecting rates charged inthe Atmos Mid-Tex service area; and WHEREAS,ACSC and the Company worked collaboratively to develop a new RateReview Mechanism ("RRM") tariff that allows for an expedited rate review process by ACSCCities as a substitute to the Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program ("GRIP") process instituted by the Legislature, and that will establish rates for the ACSC Cities based on the system-wide costof serving the Atmos Mid-Tex Division; and WHEREAS,the current RRM tariff was adopted by the Townin a rate ordinance in2018;and WHEREAS,on about April 1, 2019, Atmos Mid-Tex filed its 2019 RRM rate requestwith ACSC Cities based on a test year ending December 31, 2018; and Town CouncilPage 40 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 WHEREAS,ACSC coordinated its review of the Atmos Mid-Tex 2019 RRM filing through its Executive Committee, assisted by ACSC's attorneys and consultants, to resolveissues identified in the Company's RRM filing;and WHEREAS,the Executive Committee, as well as ACSC's counsel and consultants,recommend that ACSC Cities approve an increase in base rates for Atmos Mid-Tex of $35.4million applicable to ACSC Cities; and WHEREAS,the attached tariffs (Exhibit A) implementing new rates are consistent withthe recommendation of the ACSC Executive Committee, are agreed to by the Company, and arejust, reasonable, and in the public interest; and WHEREAS,the settlement agreement sets a new benchmark for pensions and retireemedical benefits (Exhibit B); and WHEREAS,the settlement agreement establishes an amortization schedule for regulatoryliability (Exhibit C); and WHEREAS,the RRM Tariff contemplates reimbursement of ACSC's reasonable expenses associated with RRM applications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWNCOUNCIL OF THE TOWNOF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1.That the findings set forth in this Ordinance are hereby in all things approved. Section 2. That, without prejudice to future litigation of any issue identified by ACSC,the Town Council finds that the settled amount of an increase in revenues of $35.4 million forACSC Cities represents a comprehensive settlement of gas utility rate issues affecting the rates,operations, and services offered by Atmos Mid-Tex within the municipal limits arising fromAtmos Mid-Tex's 2019 RRM filing, is in the public interest, and is consistent with the Town'sauthority under Section 103.001 of the Texas Utilities Code. Section 3.That the existing rates for natural gas service provided by Atmos Mid-Tex areunreasonable. The new tariffs attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, are just andreasonable, and are designed to allow Atmos Mid-Tex to recover annually an additional $35.4million from customers in ACSC Cities, over the amount allowed under currently approvedrates. Such tariffs are hereby adopted. Section 4. That the ratemaking treatment for pensions and retiree medical benefits inAtmos Mid-Tex's next RRM filing shall be as set forth on Exhibit B, attached hereto andincorporated herein. ORD 2019-17Page 2 of 4 Town CouncilPage 41 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Section 5.That amortization of regulatory liability shall be consistent with the schedulefound in attached Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein. Section 6.That Atmos Mid-Tex shall reimburse the reasonable ratemaking expenses ofthe ACSC in processing the Company's 2019 RRM filing. Section 7.That to the extent any resolution or ordinance previously adopted by theCouncil is inconsistent with this Ordinance, it is hereby repealed. Section 8.That the meeting at which this Ordinance was approved was in all thingsconducted in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code,Chapter 551. Section 9.That if any one or more sections or clauses of this Ordinance is adjudged tobe unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainingprovisions of this Ordinance, and the remaining provisions of the Ordinance shall be interpretedas if the offending section or clause never existed. Section 10.That consistent with the TownOrdinance that established the RRM process, this Ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage with rates authorized byattached tariffs to be effective for bills rendered on or after October 1, 2019. Section 11. That a copy of this Ordinance shall be sent to Atmos Mid-Tex, care of ChrisFelan, Vice President of Rates and Regulatory Affairs Mid-Tex Division, Atmos EnergyCorporation, 5420 LJB Freeway, Suite 1862, Dallas, Texas 75240, and to Geoffrey Gay, GeneralCounsel to ACSC, at Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend, P.C., 816 Congress Avenue,Suite 1900, Austin, Texas 78701. ORD 2019-17Page 3 of 4 Town CouncilPage 42 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 PASSED AND APPROVEDby the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this 10thday of September 2019. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas ORD 2019-17Page 4 of 4 Town CouncilPage 43 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 44 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 45 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 46 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 47 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 48 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 49 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 50 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 51 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 52 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 53 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 55 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-402-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemPublic Hearing File created:In control: 8/27/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 9/10/2019 Title: Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the proposed fiscal year October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020 budget pursuant to Section 9.05 of the Town Charter; making appropriations and providing for expenditures (W. Carroll). Attachments: Staff Report - Budget Public Hearing.pdf Notice of Public Hearing on FY 2020 Proposed Budget.pdf Fiscal Year 2020 Budget.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 6: ConductaPublicHearingregardingtheproposedfiscalyearOctober1,2019toSeptember30,2020budgetpursuantto Section 9.05 of the Town Charter; making appropriations and providing for expenditures (W. Carroll). Town CouncilPage 58 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Cheryl Davenport, Interim Director of Finance CC: Wade Carroll, Interim Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Public Hearing on the Budget Town Council Meeting, September 10, 2019 Agenda Item: Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the proposed fiscal year October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020 budget pursuant to Section 9.05 of the Town Charter; making appropriations and providing for expenditures (W. Carroll). Strategic Link: Administrative & Financial Services - Exercise fiscal discipline in all Town operations. Background and Explanation: The proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget has been presented to Council on July 23rd – Other Funds Presentation, August 13th - General Fund Presentation, and August 27th - Budget Update – All Funds. There have been no changes since to the budget since the All Funds Budget Update on August 13th. Financial Considerations: The Fiscal Year 2020 Budget represents the financial plan for the upcoming fiscal year. Legal Review: Not applicable. Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable. Staff Recommendation: Not applicable. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 59 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Attachments: Notice of Public Hearing on FY 2020 Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 60 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Notice of Public Hearing on the Town of Trophy Club FY 2020 Proposed Budget The Town of Trophy Club’s proposed budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year beginning October 1, 2019, which includes the Town Manager’s budget message, is available to the public on the Town’s website at , and at the Town Secretary’s office, at Town Hall, 1 Trophy www.trophyclub.org Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262, Monday through Friday 8AM to 5PM, A Public Hearing on the budget is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. The budget includes proposed revenues/other sources and expenditures/other uses as summarized below: Revenues & Expenditures & Other SourcesOther Uses The General Fund$ 11,372,978$ 11,699,942 Debt Service Fund 2,737,223 2,719,990 Capital Projects Fund 50,000 1,540,000 Capital Equipment Replacement Fund 542,639 542,639 Hotel Occupancy Fund 562,500207,425 Street Maintenance Fund 243,112 222,111 Court Technology Fund 2,800 2,522 Court Security Fund 2,200 3,000 CCPD Fund 235,819 234,008 Recreation Program Fund 6,000 6,000 Parkland Dedication Fund - 162,000 Trophy Club Park Fund 160,000 172,254 Stormwater Drainage Utility Fund 424,200 329,033 EDC 4B Fund 490,224 282,305 TIRZ #1 161,868 45,096 Total$ 16,991,563$ 18,168,325 Town CouncilPage 61 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 62 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Council Vote & Tax Rate budget by $136,504, which is a 1.5 budget. The property tax revenue to be raised from new and property added to the tax roll this year is $153,687. TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TAX RATESFY 2018-2019FY 2019-2020 Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Rate$0.336442/$100$0.336442/$100 Debt Service Rate$0.110000/$100$0.110000/$100 Total Property Tax Rate$0.446442/$100$0.446442/$100 Effective Tax Rate$0.435349/$100$0.446997/$100 Effective Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Rate$0.328640/$100$0.336172/$100 Rollback Tax Rate$0.464446/$100$0.473065/$100 Debt Service Rate$0.110000/$100$0.110000/$100 Tax Supported Debt Service1,953,8371,970,370 Record Vote on Proposed Tax RateYesNo Nick SandersMayorx Eric JensenMayor Pro Tem, Place 2x Alicia FleuryCouncil Member, Place 1x Sean BoneCouncil Member, Place 3x Vacant PositionCouncil Member, Place 4 Michael GeraciCouncil Member, Place 5x Philip ShoffnerCouncil Member, Place 6x Town CouncilPage 63 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 1 Town Manager’s Message August 30, 2019 Dear Mayor, Council and Residents, For the past two years I have had the privilege and honor to serve The Town of Trophy Club as your Fire Chief and most recently Council has displayed their trust in me to hold the position of Interim Town Manager for which I am incredibly grateful. Trophy Club is an alive and vibrant community that is centered around family and we echo this same feeling of community within our elected officials and Town staff who are working hard for you every day to make Trophy Club a “Great Place to Call Home”. This work is not successful unless staff has a strong foundation from which to make daily decisions. This foundation is summed up in our five core values: Stewardship Accountability Service Leadership Teamwork From these core values elected officials and staff weigh their decisions to ensure that we do not betray the trust we have been given. I am proud, as I am sure you are, of this team not only for what we have been able to accomplish, but the manner in which we have accomplished it. This budget is presented to the Town Council and residents in accordance with State of Texas Local Government Code and the Town Charter. It was prepared utilizing advanced planning methods, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and complying with the adopted Fund Balance Policy. The budget goals for Fiscal Year 2020 are: Provide property tax relief through Trophy Club’s first ever homestead exemption Present a budget where expenditures do not exceed revenues excluding capital equipment replacement, while maintaining current service levels. Maintain $0.11/$100 valuation Interest & Sinking (I&S) rate The proposed budget includes total revenues of $11,281,478 and expenditures of $11,157,303. Transfers into the general fund from other funds are $91,500 and transfers out to the Capital Replacement Fund are $542,639. The General Fund Balance is anticipated to decrease by $326,964 bringing the anticipated, uncommitted General Fund Balance to $4,787,877 which is 41.5% of FY2020 expenditures. The FY 2020 budget highlights include: Personnel • A 3% merit based salary and associated benefits increase Services and Supplies Town CouncilPage 64 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 2 •Increases in Information Services non-capital equipment and auxiliary services (Microsoft licenses, internet connectivity) • Compensation and Classification Study • Increases in utility costs Equipment Replacement & Capital • EMS Lifepac • 2 fleet vehicles • 5 mowers • Resurface Competition and Kiddie Pool FUTURE CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES With regard to the long and short term, the most significant challenge Trophy Club faces is heavy reliance on property tax revenue. In the FY 2020 budget, 61.1% of the General Fund revenue for the Town was generated through property tax revenue which is very susceptible to economic changes. Currently we are enjoying an increase in property values which has allowed us to present a budget with very little strain on the General Fund, fund balance. The Town is only a few years away from build-out, which has already decreased permitting revenue and has pushed the Town into an even deeper reliance on property tax revenue. Town Council and staff are putting a high priority on developing other revenue streams such as increasing sales tax. The Town has been working to recruit and develop new opportunities for destination restaurants such as HG Sply which recently opened. We are also working hard to fill the PD-30 commercial spaces with quality service/retail businesses that are attractive to our residents and neighbors. SUMMARY & CONCLUSION The Town of Trophy Club is in good economic standing and is planning on having another prosperous fiscal year. This year’s FY 2020 budget represents a collective effort by the Town Council and the Town staff to meet challenges facing our community, maintain our current service levels while providing property tax relief to our citizens. The proposed budget is very lean and is below our effective tax rate while meeting the goals and objectives outlined in the Town’s strategy map. In FY 2020 Town staff endeavors to maintain its policy of continual process and service improvements while being fiscally responsible. I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of and lead in this organization that provides our community with exceptional services, strong public safety, and an excellent quality of life. Sincerely, Wade L. Carroll Wade L. Carroll Interim Town Manager Town CouncilPage 65 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 3 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019FY 2020 FY 2021 $ CHANGE FY20 Revenues% CHANGE ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDto FY19 Est Property Tax$ 6,267,051$ 6,493,422$ 6,838, 589$ 6,725, 110$ 6,894, 957$ 7,105,621$ 169,847 $ 5,769,797 2.5% Licenses and Permits 333,780 598,586 614,931 217,500 423,000 304,700 113,500 (118,300)-28.0% Franchise Fees 888,863 953,622 867,446 805,087 778,123 772,647 761,081 (5,476)-0.7% Sales Tax 883,612 821,227 925,572 946,711 983,832 1,015,684 1,046,111 31,852 3.2% Fines and Fees 349,503 356,307 488,313 336,251 309,495 300,360 301,128 (9,135)-3.0% Intergovernmental (MUD) 581,633 - 608,910 674,452 674,452 759,624 782,413 85,172 12.6% Charges for Service 806,815 300,337 803,477 794,174 800,757 869,402 891,848 68,645 8.6% Investment Income 48,503 33,477 109,662 45,000 165,000 132,000 125,000 (33,000)-20.0% Miscellaneous Income 117,186 259,315 197,568 121,144 150,115 122,104 122,104 (28,011)-18.7% Grant Revenue - - 16,339 - 106,000 110,000 110,000 4,000 3.8% Total Revenues$ 11,125,640 $ 11,358,806 $ 9,092,668 $ 10,276,946 $ 10,778,908 $ 11,115,884 $ 11,281,478 $ 165,594 1.5% FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019FY 2020 FY 2021 $ CHANGE FY20 Expenditures% CHANGE ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDto FY19 Est Manager's Office $ 826,562 $ 577,140 $ 507,918 $ 605,346 $ 922,027 $ 698,073 $ 713,279 $ (223,953)-24.3% Legal 307,245 110,140 110,989 127,230 126,350 126,350 129,230 - 0.0% Police 2,223,460 2,092,872 2,298,219 2,411,786 2,480,586 2,511,491 2,657,825 30,905 1.2% Emergency Medical Services 923,247 979,623 1,421,803 1,117,128 1,182,050 1,252,329 1,227,316 70,280 5.9% Fire - 1,031,700 1,097,509 1,273,919 1,376,171 1,336,444 1,405,275 (39,727)-2.9% Parks 1,340,469 1,748,111 1,606,727 1,598,094 1,457,454 1,606,333 1,660,242 148,879 10.2% Recreation 632,362 675,994 561,580 662,134 647,072 647,315 671,197 243 0.0% Community Events 26,155 34,006 26,664 37,738 36,283 33,383 33,867 (2,900)-8.0% Community Development 576,508 507,011 556,128 655,775 589,247 618,612 635,462 29,365 5.0% Streets 356,472 381,756 340,910 218,764 199,675 224,672 234,655 24,997 12.5% Facilities Maintenance 99,528 127,330 256,589 339,477 335,941 343,174 354,116 7,233 2.2% Administrative Services 159,216 170,404 405,362 463,993 468,395 489,378 499,453 20,983 4.5% Finance 400,642 442,798 533,987 567,277 560,858 580,570 602,203 19,712 3.5% Municipal Court 75,421 81,377 89,899 86,962 62,509 73,941 76,295 11,432 18.3% Information Services 478,364 490,098 663,011 578,346 568,596 615,236 623,616 46,640 8.2% Total Expenditures $ 8,425,651 $ 9,450,360 $ 10,477,296 $ 10,743,968 $ 11,013,213 $ 11,157,303 $ 11,524,031 $ 144,090 1.3% FOOT$ 0 $ -$ (0)$ (0) $ 0$ 0$ - FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019FY 2020 FY 2021 $ CHANGE FY20 % CHANGE Other Sources (Uses) FY19 to FY20 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDto FY19 Est Lease Proceeds $ - $ - $ 264,732 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - NA Transfers In 111,702 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 91,500 91,500 28,500 45.2% Transfers Out (275,744) (720,935) (35,817) (501,461) (602,207) (542,639) (584,950) (41,178)8.2% Total Other Sources (Uses)$ 291,915$ (493,450) $ (12,678) $ (164,042) $ (657,935) $ (438,461) $ (539,207) $ (451,139)2.9% FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019FY 2020 FY 2021 $ CHANGE FY20 % CHANGE Fund Balance ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDto FY19 EstFY19 to FY20 Beginning Fund balance $ 3,691,189 $ 4,194,164 $ 4,611,119 $ 4,840,005 $ 5,551,377 $ 5,114,841 $ 4,787,877 $ 274,836 5.7% Net Increase (Decrease) 502,975 168,651 940,258 (403,521) (436,536) (326,964) (658,675) 76,557 -19.0% Ending Fund Balance$ 5,551,377 $ 4,129,202 $ 351,393 $ 4,194,164 $ 4,362,815 $ 4,436,484 $ 5,114,841 $ 4,787,877 7.9% FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019FY 2020 FY 2021 $ CHANGE FY20 % CHANGE Fund Balance Detail ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDto FY19 EstFY19 to FY20 Reserve Fund balance 2,610,418 3,051,389 3,153,934 3,373,629 3,484,626 3,509,983 3,632,694 136,354 4.0% Committed Fund Balance 189,475 183,855 182,863 170,863 170,863 158,863 134,863 (12,000)-7.0% Unassigned Fund Balance in 1,394,271 1,127,571 2,214,580 891,992 1,459,351 1,119,031 361,645 227,039 25.5% Excess (Deficit) of 30% Total Fund Balance$ 5,551,377 $ 4,129,202 $ 351,393 $ 4,194,164 $ 4,362,815 $ 4,436,484 $ 5,114,841 $ 4,787,877 7.9% Ending FB/Exp51.2% 47.5%44.2%39.7%44.9%41.5%34.7% Town CouncilPage 67 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 5 TOWN MANAGER'S FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED OFFICE Personnel Salaries $ 507,107 $ 363,141 $ 306,592 $ 398,947 $ 696,680 $ 467,987 $ 484,160 Overtime - 444 - - - - - Longevity 1,175 195 175 398 235 295 305 Stipend 3,000 4,500 - - - - - Certification Pay - - - - - 1,200 1,200 Retirement 79,022 56,899 50,665 48,909 53,555 44,817 46,386 Medical Insurance 40,310 17,286 14,777 5,795 2,634 27,342 28,441 Dental Insurance 3,137 1,125 986 382 370 1,932 1,999 Vision Insurance 533 126 104 79 81 192 198 Life Insurance & Other 3,200 1,574 1,422 1,430 1,221 2,474 2,561 Social Security Taxes 26,388 21,492 16,685 14,187 13,980 21,048 21,785 Medicare Taxes 7,060 5,208 4,244 4,103 4,430 4,922 5,095 Unemployment Taxes 878 114 495 428 34 513 531 Workers' Compensation 1,088 910 654 716 263 782 810 Physical/Testing - 666 - - - - - Auto Allowance 6,054 4,250 6,000 6,000 4,500 6,000 6,000 Employee Relations 2,632 6,051 972 450 900 450 450 Total Personnel $ 681,584 $ 483,981 $ 403,771 $ 481,824 $ 778,883 $ 579,954 $ 599,920 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 6,117 $ 7,195 $ 850 $ 3,440 $ 2,650 $ 9,940 $ 6,440 TC Magazine 2,912 - - - - - Records Management 5,438 2,004 1,825 2,512 2,250 2,250 2,295 Newsletter/Year-In-Review - 1,363 - - - - - Elections 36,098 6,567 13,452 14,200 57,242 11,500 11,730 Meals on Wheels - - - - - - - Advertising 10,256 4,465 3,503 4,000 3,000 4,200 4,284 Printing 864 896 1,463 600 550 815 640 Schools & Training 3,499 3,612 7,448 10,335 2,200 11,020 7,540 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 3,590 2,325 1,650 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Independent Labor 1,473 874 - - - - - Dues & Membership 17,845 17,691 8,561 16,909 15,377 15,320 15,330 Travel & Per Diem 2,644 5,238 2,397 3,500 1,500 4,400 4,550 Meetings 2,755 1,688 1,765 3,660 3,660 3,770 3,660 Office Supplies 811 1,557 1,870 2,200 2,200 2,240 2,281 Postage 2,072 4,078 891 750 807 754 769 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 988 118 486 420 420 422 425 Mayor/Council Expense 21,535 19,748 19,676 22,488 22,488 22,688 24,615 Small Equipment - 1,300 - - - - - Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 - 395 81 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Contingency Expense 15,266 6,453 38,229 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Miscellaneous Expense 10,815 5,592 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Incentive Program - - - 9,708 - - - Total Services/Supplies $ 144,978 $ 93,159 $ 104,147 $ 123,522 $ 143,144 $ 118,119 $ 113,359 Total Expenditures $ 826,562 $ 577,140 $ 507,918 $ 605,346 $ 922,027 $ 698,073 $ 713,279 Town CouncilPage 68 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 6 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 Legal ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 168,093 $-$-$-$-$-$- Longevity 1,148 - - - - - - Stipend 750 - - - - - - Retirement 33,849 - - - - - - Medical Insurance 3,906 - - - - - - Dental Insurance 280 - - - - - - Vision Insurance 55 - - - - - - Life Insurance & Other 497 - - - - - - Social Security Taxes 8,873 - - - - - - Medicare Taxes 2,440 - - - - - - Unemployment Taxes 171 - - - - - - Workers' Compensation 262 - - - - - - Total Personnel $ 220,324 $-$-$-$-$- Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 79,365 $ 105,835 $ 110,729 $ 126,000 $ 126,000 $ 126,120 $ 129,000 Schools & Training - - -- - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 392 - -- - - - Dues & Membership - - -- - - - Travel & Per Diem - - -- - - - Office Supplies 223 216 - 200 200 200 200 Postage 25 1 41 50 50 30 30 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 6,916 3,997 219 880 - - - Miscellaneous Expense - 91 - 100 100 - - Total Services/Supplies $ 86,921 $ 110,140 $ 110,989 $ 127,230 $ 126,350 $ 126,350 $ 129,230 Total Expenditures $ 307,245 $ 110,140 $ 110,989 $ 127,230 $ 126,350 $ 126,350 $ 129,230 Town CouncilPage 69 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 7 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Police ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 1,275,122 $ 1,224,169 $ 1,366,780 $ 1,577,996 $ 1,626,920 $ 1,674,900 $ 1,733,522 Overtime 80,503 64,143 95,434 57,200 60, 000 60,000 $ 89,818 Longevity 11,105 6,005 7,108 6,530 7, 378 7,636 $ 6,148 Stipend 15,750 10,600 - - - - $ - Certification 11,929 8,100 5,800 11,100 17, 400 18,009 $ 19,000 Holiday Pay 23,658 - - - - - $ - Retirement 172,155 163,708 174,753 195,549 220,965 218,319 225,960 Medical Insurance 107,728 111,184 137,663 170,628 138,678 141,610 146,566 Dental Insurance 9,198 7,507 9,384 11,941 8,189 11,658 12,066 Vision Insurance 1,842 1,016 1,317 1,320 1,303 1,435 1,486 Life Insurance & Other 10,137 6,703 7,741 9,145 9,099 11,506 11,909 Social Security Taxes 84,510 77,511 83,932 100,439 102,461 109,100 112,919 Medicare Taxes 19,866 18,443 19,846 23,835 24,308 25,515 25,519 Unemployment Taxes 5,955 830 5,322 4,643 4,643 4,275 4,279 Workers' Compensation 24,469 24,651 29,873 33,360 33,360 34,870 34,874 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 4,992 4,626 2,611 - 1,415 - - Clothing Allowance 1,186 1,250 - 1,200 - - - Total Personnel $ 1,860,105 $ 1,730,446 $ 1,947,564 $ 2,204,886 $ 2,286,307 $ 2,317,966 $ 2,394,742 Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 40,491 $ 11,564 $ 14,826 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ 21,000 Records Management 925 1,178 - - - - - Advertising 4,976 2,901 2,930 2,000 1,800 2,000 2,100 Printing 779 144 662 700 730 100 900 Abatements - - - - - - - Schools & Training 12,422 11,674 17,474 - - - 14,400 Electricity 14,781 13,359 - - - - - Water 823 1,036 - - - - - Telephone - --- - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 15,063 15,240 12,222 16,932 17,392 17,621 17,621 Building Maintenance 7,287 5,940 - - - - - Vehicle Maintenance 37,375 45,664 46,805 27,900 27,550 27,900 34,700 Equipment Maintenance 4,579 535 656 4,375 2,000 - 3,350 Cleaning Services - - - - - - - Qualifying Expenses 12,424 8,430 18,190 1,000 979 - 20,000 Emergency Management 54 2,153 - - - - - Dispatch - Denton County 32,369 30,447 39,020 39,338 39,500 41,154 43,000 Independent Labor 2,750 2,650 650 - - - - Dues & Membership 1,707 3,279 2,125 3,855 3,800 4,100 4,100 Travel & Per Diem 8,089 7,804 9,659 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 Meetings 1,064 516 780 700 500 700 700 Office Supplies 3,886 4,777 5,768 2,500 2,500 500 3,000 Postage 461 626 676 550 500 100 550 Publications/Books/Subscription 537 95 416 1,000 2,028 1,300 1,000 Fuel 26,010 28,388 33,244 43,500 35,000 41,250 43,312 Uniforms 22,304 17,183 43,624 22,000 21,700 22,050 20,350 Protective Clothing 1,530 1,020 14,523 - - - - Investigative Materials 6,376 6,037 5,223 5,000 5,100 6,000 6,500 Town CouncilPage 70 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 8 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Police ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Animal Control 5,104 3,690 3,936 7,750 5,400 5,750 5,800 Small Equipment 26,904 11,760 17,139 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 385 - - - - - - Maintenance Supplies 2,308 2,368 - - - - - Miscellaneous Expense 6,096 2,415 2,191 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,200 Programs & Special Projects 16,135 5,410 8,702 12,300 12,300 8,500 4,000 Prompt Payment Interest - --- - - - Total Services/Supplies $ 315,994 $ 248,283 $ 301,440 $ 206,900 $ 194,279 $ 193,525 $ 263,083 Capital Vehicles - --- - - - Video Equipment - --- - - - Radar 2,542 - - - - - - Capital Replacement - --- - - - Capital Expenses - 57,979 9,060 - - - - Equipment Replacement 44,819 56,164 40,155 - - - - Capital Outlay $ 47,361 $ 114,143 $ 49,215 $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Capital $ 47,361 $ 114,143 $ 49,215 $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 2,223,460 $ 2,092,872 $ 2,298,219 $ 2,411,786 $ 2,480,586 $ 2,511,491 $ 2,657,825 Town CouncilPage 71 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 9 Emergency Medical FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Services Personnel Salaries $ 512,086 $ 537,397 $ 582,659 $ 600,464 $ 663,462 $ 665,229 $ 687,077 Overtime 58,919 68,555 71,354 80,762 96,034 72,896 75,447 Longevity 5,730 5,599 5,856 6,566 6,358 6,890 7,131 Stipend 9,750 6,313 - - - - - Certification 5,140 4,988 4,950 8,250 5,838 9,750 10,091 Holiday Pay 14,718 - - - - - - Retirement 73,242 78,959 83,463 90,984 96,234 99,005 102,471 Medical Insurance 58,498 61,733 77,361 74,126 68,798 79,220 81,993 Dental Insurance 4,620 4,365 5,395 5,985 5,074 6,670 6,903 Vision Insurance 858 431 576 536 545 612 633 Life Insurance & Others 4,140 2,855 3,322 4,068 3,252 4,982 5,156 Social Security Taxes 33,612 34,461 36,983 42,716 43,383 46,795 48,433 Medicare Taxes 7,863 8,057 8,653 9,990 10,150 10,944 11,327 Unemployment Taxes 1,514 159 1,623 1,542 382 1,625 1,681 Workers' Compensation 7,969 7,885 8,473 10,786 3,890 16,762 17,348 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 800 1,291 7,337 7,794 7,794 6,675 6,883 Total Personnel $ 799,459 $ 823,046 $ 898,005 $ 944,569 $1,011,194 $ 1,028,053 $1,062,575 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 2,231 $ 1,907 $ 125 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 5,500 $ 1,515 Collection Fees 21,004 20,877 23,858 23,432 20,000 20,000 20,000 Hazmat Disposal 608 642 167 240 240 240 247 Radios 2,486 219 3,283 3,000 3,000 2,250 2,317 Schools & Training 2,476 1,701 3,970 6,425 6,425 7,500 7,343 Electricity 5,766 6,446 4,895 8,000 8,000 8,400 8,800 Water 1,925 2,758 3,203 3,800 3,800 4,000 4,200 Telephone - - - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 4,558 4,616 6,010 2,780 4,510 4,510 4,510 Building Maintenance 657 2,779 1,582 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,090 Vehicle Maintenance 4,979 12,137 7,443 13,845 13,845 8,950 14,086 Equipment Maintenance 315 3,148 9,929 11,958 11,958 10,980 11,220 Emergency Management 1,746 3,470 2,448 6,330 6,330 4,582 1,989 Dispatch - Denton County 2,472 2,376 3,045 3,481 3,481 3,985 4,105 Dues & Membership 1,249 907 3,755 3,296 3,296 2,964 2,094 Flags & Repairs 2,728 3,360 6,912 9,919 9,919 - - Travel & Per Diem 2,115 480 3,545 7,170 7,170 5,400 7,219 Meetings - 110 377 750 750 750 772 Safety Programs - 1,289 - 1,700 1,700 2,650 2,714 Inspection Fees - - - - - - - Office Supplies 252 464 511 500 500 600 618 Postage 45 28 88 100 100 100 100 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - 3,201 182 300 300 300 310 Fuel 3,452 4,895 4,478 11,738 11,737 13,265 13,929 Uniforms 8,661 6,956 6,322 5,907 5,907 7,145 6,714 Medical Control 12,799 12,750 12,957 16,988 16,988 21,205 21,503 Town CouncilPage 72 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 10 Emergency Medical FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Services Pharmacy 5,482 3,119 6,906 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,489 Oxygen 1,084 1,112 2,046 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,060 Disposable Supplies 7,791 7,927 10,882 11,400 11,400 11,400 11,742 Small Equipment 9,817 2,473 3,859 3,900 3,900 11,000 2,745 Maintenance Supplies - - 255 300 300 300 310 Miscellaneous Expense 1,003 336 1,427 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 Total Services/Supplies $ 107,702 $ 112,481 $ 134,461 $ 172,559 $ 170,856 $ 171,276 $ 164,741 Capital Equipment - - - - - - - Capital Replacement - - - - - - - Capital Expenses - - 14,562 - - 53,000 - Capital Outlay 16,086 44,097 283,322 - - - Principal Payment - Lease - - 91,452 - - - Interst Payment - Lease - - - - - - Capital Outlay $ 16,086 $ 44,097 $ 389,337 $ - $ 53,000 $ - Total Capital $ 16,086 $ 44,097 $ 389,337 $ - $ - $ 53,000 $ - Total Expenditures $ 923,247 $ 979,623 $1,421,803 $1,117,128 $1,182,050 $ 1,252,329 $1,227,316 Town CouncilPage 73 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 11 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Fire ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 685,229 $ 709,212 $ - $ 537,947 $ 582,657 $ 642,064 $ 686,835 Overtime - 68,555 71 ,354 73 ,688 10 0,875 72,896 75,447 Longevity - 5,599 5, 856 6, 566 6, 358 6,890 7,131 Stipend - 6,313 - - - - - Certification - 4,988 4, 950 4, 950 6, 713 9,750 10,091 Retirement - 79,312 83 ,513 90 ,511 10 5,118 99,005 102,471 Medical Insurance - 61,919 59 ,991 74 ,126 10 4,052 79,220 81,993 Dental Insurance - 4,373 5, 388 5, 985 5, 455 6,670 6,903 Vision Insurance - 429 56 9 53 6 1, 865 612 633 Life Insurance & Others - 2,853 3, 316 4, 068 3, 898 4,982 5,156 Social Security Taxes - 34,596 37 ,002 44 ,123 47 ,419 46,795 48,433 Medicare Taxes - 8,084 8, 651 10 ,319 11 ,091 10,944 11,327 Unemployment Taxes - 158 1,620 1, 628 48 1 1,625 1,681 Workers' Compensation - 7,885 8, 639 11 ,269 4, 071 16,762 17,348 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing - 2,917 7, 417 7, 794 7, 794 6,675 6,874 Tuition Reimbursement - 2,184 3, 488 9, 600 9, 600 8,290 - Total Personnel $ 1,056,343 $ 1,084,701 $ - $ 828,111 $ 884,412 $ 987,227 $1,101,625 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services - 2,327 $ 125 $ 3,000 $ 7,000 $ 5,500 $ 1,515 Software & Support - 608 2,784 12 ,813 15 ,182 16,749 13,753 Tax Adminstration - - - - 1,529 1,605 1,686 Advertising - 398 - 750 - 1,500 1,545 Printing - 265 15 5 25 0 46 7 300 310 Radios- 167 -- - - - Schools & Training - 3,825 15 ,392 24 ,090 22 ,000 24,505 31,148 Electricity - 6,446 4, 895 8, 000 8, 000 8,400 8,800 Water - 2,758 3, 203 3, 800 3, 800 4,000 4,200 Telephone - - - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - 11,235 15 ,884 8, 925 16 ,691 16,691 16,691 Building Maintenance - 13,758 14 ,335 18 ,000 19 ,001 22,200 18,000 Vehicle Maintenance - 23,053 49 ,770 48 ,500 31 ,200 41,800 43,054 Equipment Maintenance - 5,214 12 ,394 21 ,900 5, 599 18,000 18,534 Emergency Management - 1,919 15 8 1,000 2, 000 1,000 1,000 Dispatch - Denton County - 2,376 3, 045 3, 481 22 6 3,986 4,105 Dues & Membership - 15,404 19 ,601 20 ,417 41 ,061 20,337 20,947 Flags & Repairs - 3,311 1, 000 9, 419 19 ,441 - - Travel & Per Diem - 1,979 7, 280 13 ,507 8, 497 14,510 13,734 Meetings- 71 -- - - - Safety Programs - 3,375 - - - - - Inspection Fees---- - - - Office Supplies - 815 28 9 25 0 60 7 300 310 Printer Supplies - - 1,041 1, 400 1, 798 1,400 1,400 Postage - 57 53 10 0 15 4 100 103 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - 350 26 7 35 0 55 7 350 350 Fuel - 15,614 9, 082 13 ,933 13 ,933 12,215 12,826 Uniforms - 9,266 6, 338 5, 907 4, 891 7,145 6,714 Medical Control - - - - - - - Pharmacy- 158 -- - - - Town CouncilPage 74 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 12 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Fire ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Oxygen---- - - - Safety Equipment/Protective Clothing - 27,815 25 ,217 31 ,600 19 ,138 27,700 28,531 Disposable Supplies---- - - - Small Equipment - 17,681 5, 499 8, 300 2, 196 4,950 5,100 Hardware - - 914 4,200 7, 221 4,458 3,300 Maintenance Supplies - 410 38 6 1,500 1, 688 1,500 1,545 Miscellaneous Expense - 767 3,246 6, 000 5, 369 4,000 4,120 Programs & Special Projects - 3,206 10 ,745 15 ,300 15 ,300 14,900 15,253 Total Services/Supplies $ 280,101 $ 278,574 $ - $ 174,626 $ 213,098 $ 286,692 $ 274,546 Capital Equipment $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ - Capital Replacement---- - - - Capital Expenses - 28,962 - - - - 42,000 Capital Outlay - 28,962 - - - - 42,000 Total Capital $ - $ 42,000 $ - $ 28,962 $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ - $ 1,031,700 $ 1,097,509 $ 1,273,919 $ 1,376,171 $ 1,336,444 $ 1,405,275 Town CouncilPage 75 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 13 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Parks ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 496,451 $ 533,362 $ 522,190 $ 593,986 $ 536,211 $ 615,805 $ 637,358 Overtime 23,638 10,135 13,906 20,000 13,359 15,000 15,525 Longevity 4,010 4,537 4,166 4,544 4,291 5,639 5,836 Stipend 7,875 8,525 - - - - - Certification 2,443 2,300 1,000 2,100 1,500 1,800 1,863 Retirement 67,244 68,800 63,206 75,905 67,373 78,986 81,751 Medical Insurance 64,728 71,121 81,919 97,709 82,737 88,540 91,639 Dental Insurance 5,500 4,248 5,442 6,441 4,650 7,136 7,386 Vision Insurance 1,095 604 729 796 647 813 842 Life Insurance & Other 4,631 3,120 3,322 4,006 3,255 4,251 4,399 Social Security Taxes 31,619 33,387 31,377 38,169 34,609 39,571 40,956 Medicare Taxes 7,395 7,804 7,339 8,927 8,096 9,255 9,578 Unemployment Taxes 2,399 585 2,628 2,394 294 2,565 2,655 Workers' Compensation 10,730 10,898 11,795 13,807 7,176 12,358 12,790 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 940 1,076 512 - 463 - - Total Personnel $ 730,698 $ 760,502 $ 749,531 $ 868,784 $ 764,661 $ 881,719 $ 912,579 Services/Supplies Software & Support $ - $ - $ 4,342 $ - $ - $ - $ - Advertising 290 916 1,000 500 500 500 515 Schools & Training 1,845 2,613 1,223 4,740 2,710 3,980 3,601 Electricity 35,804 39,445 42,537 55,461 50,200 56,381 59,199 Water 122,475 155,498 175,232 227,973 210,297 239,371 251,340 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 10,413 9,320 6,835 10,303 8,634 8,634 8,634 Property Maintenance 239,546 229,871 211,675 239,680 216,103 212,150 218,515 Building Maintenance 3,066 985 3,161 3,500 3,500 2,000 2,060 Vehicle Maintenance 12,649 16,259 8,175 13,905 10,955 11,915 15,356 Equipment Maintenance 5,001 16,469 10,580 10,500 13,494 13,494 10,815 Independent Labor 70,320 89,977 106,277 94,632 94,632 99,570 102,042 Storage Rental 11,018 11,589 11,485 6,204 9,708 9,708 10,000 Portable Toilets 3,126 2,540 3,980 3,405 4,950 4,710 4,955 Dues & Membership 2,153 200 743 1,030 1,030 1,475 1,056 Travel & Per Diem 3,390 684 - 1,540 2,485 2,586 2,689 Meetings 156 247 231 750 750 750 772 Safety Program 1,055 - - - - - - Tree City 9,926 2,625 8,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Office Supplies 1,008 460 1,769 500 689 500 515 Postage 32 - 11 25 25 25 25 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 509 444 86 700 700 700 721 Fuel 13,514 17,379 16,800 20,350 28,819 19,673 20,656 Uniforms 9,422 5,211 8,143 8,172 7,172 8,347 8,598 Median Banners - - - - - - - Small Tools 10,393 6,511 13,583 11,675 11,675 14,675 12,025 Safety Equipment 2,981 1,367 2,865 3,765 3,765 3,470 3,574 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 6,309 - - - - - - Miscellaneous Expense 1,179 113 - - - - - Total Services/Supplies $ 577,580 $ 610,723 $ 638,733 $ 729,310 $ 692,793 $ 724,614 $ 747,663 Capital Town CouncilPage 76 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 14 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Parks ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Vehicles---- - - - Capital Replacement---- - - - Capital Expenses 10,253 283,418 147,541 - - - - Capital Outlay 21,938 93,468 70,922 - - - Capital Outlay $ 32,191 $ 376,886 $ 218,463 $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Capital $ 32,191 $ 376,886 $ 218,463 $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 1,340,469 $ 1,748,111 $ 1,606,727 $ 1,598,094 $ 1,457,454 $ 1,606,333 $ 1,660,242 Town CouncilPage 77 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 15 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Recreation ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 314,555 $ 321,067 $ 293,581 $ 337,953 $ 341,019 $ 342,085 $ 354,058 Overtime 834 3,028 - 3,800 - - - Longevity 1,143 1,183 559 795 604 774 801 Stipend 1,575 1,687 - - - - - Certification - 100 1,000 2,880 1,100 1,200 1,242 Retirement 19,156 16,465 14,619 18,300 18,896 18,668 19,322 Medical Insurance 13,912 10,760 15,637 19,227 20,597 18,999 19,664 Dental Insurance 1,056 690 1,265 1,701 1,430 1,391 1,440 Vision Insurance 193 84 132 148 152 108 112 Life Insurance & Other 1,197 654 756 1,000 840 1,031 1,067 Social Security Taxes 19,251 19,874 17,254 21,417 21,607 21,332 22,078 Medicare Taxes 4,502 4,638 4,035 5,009 5,053 4,989 5,163 Unemployment Taxes 3,454 330 3,454 1,777 1,777 1,643 1,701 Workers' Compensation 6,831 6,314 6,270 8,117 8,117 6,114 6,328 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 3,617 4,934 2,939 2,705 2,705 3,000 3,000 Total Personnel $ 391,276 $ 391,808 $ 361,501 $ 424,829 $ 423,897 $ 421,334 $ 435,975 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ - $ 4,974 $ 4,449 $ 4,450 $ 2,750 $ 2,750 $ 2,750 Software & Support 3,847 3,516 1,966 3,027 1,375 1,375 1,420 Health Inspections - - - 300 300 300 300 Advertising 2,085 5,707 1,278 4,012 2,307 1,125 3,674 Printing 3,321 6,497 170 1,000 500 1,200 1,230 Schools & Training 2,043 5,626 5,511 7,975 6,475 7,590 7,120 Service Charges & Fees 10,772 10,387 15,318 10,800 11,320 10,800 11,000 Electricity 13,779 18,481 19,967 25,300 25,300 26,565 27,893 Water 23,649 37,556 31,999 52,200 52,200 54,810 57,751 Telephone 1,733 1,699 1,721 - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 3,126 3,019 3,215 4,562 4,769 4,769 4,769 Property Maintenance 7,779 15,926 18,314 24,820 24,820 20,000 20,600 Independent Labor-- - - - - - Equipment rental/Lease 7,800 7,262 6,550 8,600 8,900 8,600 8,858 Dues & Membership 5,415 7,185 9,193 7,295 7,295 9,475 9,478 Travel & Per Diem 3,864 3,035 1,171 3,013 3,013 1,827 1,883 Meetings 529 791 619 850 850 850 877 Field Trips 7,472 7,526 7,898 8,400 6,400 8,400 8,652 Office Supplies 955 2,196 1,682 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,061 Postage 1,348 2,619 120 2,606 2,606 2,606 2,684 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 169 40 151 200 200 200 206 Fuel 16 8 - 1,875 1,875 1,719 1,805 Uniforms 7,868 9,426 12,249 9,750 9,750 9,750 10,039 Chemicals 18,177 21,208 18,442 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,760 Concessions 9,452 8,636 9,075 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,785 Program Supplies 4,284 4,163 3,230 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,738 Special Events 1,529 1,503 424 - - - - Community Events - 588 - 1,200 550 1,200 1,236 Safety Equipment 892 2,530 1,415 1,170 2,670 1,620 1,200 Small Equipment 691 - 284 4,250 500 500 500 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 4,445 6,945 5,998 5,900 4,700 5,200 5,253 Hardware 2,356 314 1,141 4,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Maintenance Supplies 1,339 1,235 1,398 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,391 Town CouncilPage 78 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 16 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Recreation ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Miscellaneous Expenses 1,277 182 2,247 300 300 1,300 1,309 Total Services/Supplies $ 152,012 $ 200,780 $ 187,195 $ 237,305 $ 223,175 $ 225,981 $ 235,222 Capital Capital Replacement $ - - - - $ - $ - $ - Capital Repairs 12,370 36,038 12,884 - - - - Capital Expenses - --- - - - Transfer To Debt Service - --- - - - Capital Outlay 76,704 47,368 - - - - - Capital Outlay 89,074 83,406 12,884 - - - - Total Capital $ 89,074 $ 83,406 $ 12,884 $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 632,362 $ 675,994 $ 561,580 $ 662,134 $ 647,072 $ 647,315 $ 671,197 Town CouncilPage 79 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 17 Community FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Events Services/Supplies Advertising $ 2,175 $ 777 $ 110 $ 4,700 $ 4,100 $ 1,200 $ 1,236 Printing - 50 - 60 0 60 0 60 0 60 0 Schools & Training - - - - - - - Event Rentals 10,695 23,816 18 ,925 21 ,688 20 ,833 20 ,137 20 ,741 Dues & Membership - - - - - - - Travel & Per Diem 480 - - - - - - Uniforms 1,029 - - - - - - Program Supplies 11,517 9,089 7, 629 10 ,750 10 ,750 11 ,446 11 ,290 Miscellaneous Expense 259 274 - - - - - Prompt Payment Interest - - - --- Total Services/Supplies $ 26,155 $ 34,006 $ 26,664 $ 37,738 $ 36,283 $ 33,383 $ 33,867 Total Expenditures $ 26,155 $ 34,006 $ 26,664 $ 37,738 $ 36,283 $ 33,383 $ 33,867 Town CouncilPage 80 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 18 Community FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Development Personnel Salaries $ 323,740 $ 300,808 $ 314,049 $ 363,291 $ 329,294 $ 354,099 $ 366,493 Overtime 11,607 1,221 150 5,000 - 5,000 5,175 Longevity 1,805 2,465 2,168 1,065 993 1,583 1,638 Stipend 3,562 5,250 - - - - - Certification - - - 600 550 600 621 Retirement 44,189 40,620 39,284 48,288 44,205 47,617 49,283 Medical Insurance 33,951 32,335 34,017 52,845 35,018 27,043 27,990 Dental Insurance 2,569 1,708 2,255 3,722 2,074 2,241 2, 319 Vision Insurance 537 279 335 377 268 298 308 Life Insurance & Other 2,822 1,727 1,806 2,300 2,078 2,592 2,683 Social Security Taxes 20,563 18,756 18,288 22,937 20,620 22,399 23,183 Medicare Taxes 4,809 4,381 4,277 5,364 4,793 5,239 5,422 Unemployment Taxes 983 246 810 1,026 272 941 973 Workers' Compensation 8,727 8,330 1,658 4,601 1,655 2,591 2,682 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing - 19 62 - 220 - - Total Personnel $ 459,864 $ 418,145 $ 419,159 $ 511,416 $ 442,040 $ 472,242 $ 488,771 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ - $ 500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Engineering 86,838 54,027 100,967 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Plan Review Services - - - - - - - Appraisal- 3,000 - - - - - Health Inspections 6,325 6,300 7,000 4,500 4,500 4,719 4,955 Inspection Services - 7,990 15,207 25,500 28,602 25,500 25,500 Advertising 2,642 1,293 1,715 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,600 Printing 57 199 114 600 600 600 600 Computer Mapping-- - - - - - Abatements 3,930 621 65 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Schools & Training 1,569 3,225 2,053 4,230 4,230 4,230 4,230 Service Charges & Fees 2 - - - - - - Trash Removal/Recycling- 59 - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 4,198 3,334 2,756 3,840 4,121 4,121 4,121 Vehicle Maintenance 486 1,886 923 1,225 1,225 1,250 2,575 Dues & Membership 1,127 146 655 1,379 1,379 1,050 1,050 Travel & Per Diem 435 1,097 173 200 1,100 1,200 1,200 Meetings 76 33 58 250 250 250 250 Plat Filing Fees 222 263 - 700 200 350 360 Office Supplies 1,410 1,603 1,241 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 Postage 1,053 461 635 500 500 500 500 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 1,884 221 - 1,000 500 2,000 500 Fuel 2,204 2,028 1,963 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,150 Uniforms 1,667 510 1,145 1,635 1,000 1,600 1,600 Miscellaneous Expense 519 70 299 600 500 500 500 Total Services/Supplies $ 116,644 $ 88,866 $ 136,969 $ 144,359 $ 147,207 $ 146,370 $ 146,691 Capital Vehicles $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Expenditure - - - - - - - Town CouncilPage 81 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 19 Community FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Development Transfer To Debt Service-- - - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - - - Total Capital $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 576,508 $ 507,011 $ 556,128 $ 655,775 $ 589,247 $ 618,612 $ 635,462 Town CouncilPage 82 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 20 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Streets ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 136,318 $ 164,319 $ 111,226 $ 31,836 $ 32,574 $ 32,797 $ 33,945 Overtime 1,525 1,412 1,069 2,000 921 2,000 2,070 Longevity 1,748 1,927 762 84 87 120 124 Stipend 1,710 1,850 - - - - - Retirement 18,327 22,254 13,915 4,427 4,881 4,614 4,776 Medical Insurance 16,667 14,596 12,388 - - - - Dental Insurance 1,438 1,664 1,666 515 493 557 576 Vision Insurance 271 170 159 41 49 43 45 Life Insurance & Other 1,143 952 640 233 229 240 248 Social Security Taxes 8,160 9,916 6,427 2,103 2,296 2,165 2,241 Medicare Taxes 1,908 2,314 1,503 492 538 506 524 Unemployment Taxes 540 71 420 103 16 103 106 Workers' Compensation 3,473 2,874 4,846 1,933 699 1,510 1,563 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 209 303 200 - 115 - - Total Personnel $ 193,437 $ 224,622 $ 155,221 $ 43,767 $ 42,898 $ 44,655 $ 46,218 Services/Supplies Professional Services-PID Utility$ 2,419 $ - -$ - $ - $ - $ - Schools & Training 76 1,104 300 2,336 750 750 750 Electricity 149,454 145,589 141,731 163,680 148,800 172,000 180,000 Water 599 1,428 - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 2,025 2,611 2,153 2,466 1,567 1,567 1,567 Property Maintenance- 867 -- - - - Vehicle Maintenance 9 - - - - - - Equipment Maintenance 2,296 2,569 1,301 2,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 Signs & Markings 58 21 - - - - - Dues & Membership 403 204 123 - - - - Travel & Per Diem - - 79 1,000 300 300 300 Meetings 109 20 - 150 150 150 150 Office Supplies 532 272 144 300 300 300 300 Postage - 7 - 100 100 100 100 Uniforms 2,877 1,428 2,171 2,805 1,150 1,150 1,570 Small Tools 2,178 1,014 - 160 160 200 200 Total Services/Supplies $ 163,035 $ 157,134 $ 148,002 $ 174,997 $ 156,777 $ 180,017 $ 188,437 Capital Vehicles$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Replacement---- - - - Capital Expense - - 37,687 - - - - Transfer Out - --- - - - Transfer To Debt Service - --- - - - Capital Outlay - - - --- Capital Outlay - - 37,687 - - - - Total Capital $ - $ - $ 37,687 $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 356,472 $ 381,756 $ 340,910 $ 218,764 $ 199,675 $ 224,672 $ 234,655 Town CouncilPage 83 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 21 Facilities FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Maintenance Personnel Salaries $ - $ - $ - $ 39,998 $ 40,926 $ 41,205 $ 42,647 Overtime - - - 1,000 947 1,000 1,035 Longevity - - - 110 - 170 176 Stipend - - - - - - - Retirement - - - 5,235 5,289 5,464 5,655 Medical Insurance - - - 8,071 7,357 7,968 8,247 Dental Insurance - - - 859 713 928 960 Vision Insurance - - - 69 69 72 75 Life Insurance & Other - - - 293 216 302 312 Social Security Taxes - - - 2,487 2,389 2,565 2,655 Medicare Taxes - - - 582 559 600 621 Unemployment Taxes - - - 171 9 171 177 Workers' Compensation - - - 659 141 1,898 1,965 Total Personnel $ - $ - $ - $ 59,534 $ 58,615 $ 62,342 $ 64,524 Services/Supplies Schools & Training $ - $ - $ - $ 800 $ 250 $ 250 $ 250 Electricity 11,002 11,570 53,297 62,520 62,520 64,750 66,980 Water 1,036 990 16,748 16,728 16,728 17,650 18,500 Communications/Pagers/Mobil - - - - 674 674 674 Insurance 53,323 66,263 91,192 94,397 93,706 98,834 103,776 Building Maintenance 15,827 11,989 21,417 17,598 17,598 17,649 17,701 Equipment Maintenance - - - - - - - Cleaning Services 17,292 18,951 38,255 55,200 55,200 57,400 59,600 Kitchen Supplies - 2,806 4,030 8,000 5,400 5,400 5,400 Travel & Per Diem - - - 200 200 200 200 Office Supplies - - 14,135 10,500 10,500 5,550 5,550 Fuel - - - 4,500 6,150 5,500 5,776 Uniforms - - - - - 575 785 Vending Machine Supplies - - 408 2,000 900 900 900 Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 59 13,144 15,487 5,000 5,000 3,000 1,000 Maintenance Supplies 989 1,617 1,620 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Total Services/Supplies $ 99,528 $ 127,330 $ 256,589 $ 279,943 $ 277,326 $ 280,832 $ 289,592 Total Expenditures $ 99,528 $ 127,330 $ 256,589 $ 339,477 $ 335,941 $ 343,174 $ 354,116 Town CouncilPage 84 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 22 Administrative FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Services Personnel Salaries $ 83,563 $ 87,765 $ 238,322 $ 255,757 $ 263,626 $ 265,990 $ 275,300 Overtime - - 245 1,500 - - - Longevity - - 148 218 - 290 300 Stipend - 1,500 - - - - - Certifications 800 600 525 3,000 3,300 3,600 3,726 Retirement 11,598 11,717 30,178 33,803 36,848 35,270 36,505 Medical Insurance 4,799 11,481 22,922 25,686 21,368 19,521 20,204 Dental Insurance 463 366 1,414 2,099 1,790 2,489 2,576 Vision Insurance 87 44 160 182 209 228 236 Life Insurance & Other 669 386 1,199 1,510 1,334 1,947 2,015 Social Security Taxes 5,420 5,637 13,920 16,056 16,650 16,733 17,318 Medicare Taxes 1,268 1,318 3,256 3,755 3,894 3,913 4,050 Unemployment Taxes 181 110 568 599 32 599 619 Workers' Compensation 163 195 817 648 136 622 644 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 65 69 798 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Auto Allowance - - - - - - - Employee Relations 12,728 12,252 36,249 43,600 43,600 43,600 43,600 Tuition Reimbursement 10,616 4,299 5,236 11,400 11,400 20,500 22,500 Employee Assistance Program 2,514 1,898 2,471 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 Flexible Benefits Administration - - 1,065 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 Total Personnel $ 134,934 $ 139,637 $ 359,493 $ 408,613 $ 412,987 $ 424,101 $ 438,393 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 14,524 $ 24,072 $ 31,425 $ 31,610 $ 31,865 $ 36,550 $ 33,900 Physicals/Testing 144 - - - - - - Advertising 617 300 3,132 1,150 4,817 6,500 3,500 Printing 447 - - 1,000 225 300 300 Schools & Training 2,999 2,743 4,852 4,945 5,735 7,750 8,072 Organizational Employee Training - - 1,990 5,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 Telephone - - - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 992 750 1,707 2,700 2,732 2,732 2,732 Dues & Membership 874 706 719 1,225 2,173 2,050 2,070 Travel & Per Diem 1,496 787 214 5,650 2,500 4,865 5,903 Meetings 71 66 43 800 800 850 902 Office Supplies 2,087 1,319 959 900 1,761 880 880 Postage 31 24 88 300 300 300 301 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - - 100 - - - Furniture/Equipment <$5000 - - 530 - - - - Miscellaneous Expenses - - 210 - - - - Total Services/Supplies $ 24,282 $ 30,767 $ 45,869 $ 55,380 $ 55,408 $ 65,277 $ 61,060 Total Expenditures $ 159,216 $ 170,404 $ 405,362 $ 463,993 $ 468,395 $ 489,378 $ 499,453 Town CouncilPage 85 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 23 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Finance ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 207,447 $ 240,797 $ 276,460 $ 324,542 $ 280,803 $ 328,120 $ 339,604 Overtime - - - - - - - Longevity 390 670 975 1,268 1,268 750 754 Stipend 2,250 3,300 - - - - - Certification - - - 2,400 2,150 2,400 2,484 Retirement 27,239 31,655 34,930 42,840 42,696 43,509 45,032 Medical Insurance 19,812 22,870 30,956 34,089 27,243 36,925 38,218 Dental Insurance 1,605 1,418 2,244 2,935 1,722 2,901 3,002 Vision Insurance 304 184 250 228 229 275 285 Life Insurance & Other 1,710 1,304 1,518 1,981 2,054 2,402 2,486 Social Security Taxes 12,276 14,422 16,282 20,349 19,844 20,539 21,258 Medicare Taxes 2,871 3,368 3,808 4,759 4,641 4,803 4,972 Unemployment Taxes 513 99 648 770 203 770 796 Workers' Compensation 449 447 604 823 176 763 790 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing - 125 - - 171 - - Total Personnel $ 276,866 $ 320,659 $ 368,675 $ 436,984 $ 383,200 $ 444,157 $ 459,679 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 7,497 $ 10,687 $ 45,104 $ 15,400 $ 57,000 $ 14,000 $ 14,000 Auditing 35,000 26,050 38,085 26,640 26,640 25,104 28,110 Appraisal 48,118 50,445 50,203 52,713 53,157 55,815 58,606 Tax Administration 3,444 3,596 4,104 4,268 5,027 5,278 5,542 Advertising 3,325 1,344 1,825 2,247 2,314 4,500 4,550 Printing 4,560 4,730 80 1,000 400 500 500 Schools & Training 1,697 3,667 2,675 7,010 6,375 5,675 5,675 Service Charges & Fees 8,966 9,624 14,349 10,800 14,396 15,196 15,196 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,441 1,800 750 900 1,350 1,350 1,350 Dues & Membership 1,387 1,283 1,125 1,381 1,720 1,150 1,150 Travel & Per Diem 4,203 1,069 2,885 3,364 4,373 4,125 4,125 Meetings 181 336 353 300 300 300 300 Office Supplies 2,079 2,655 2,769 2,600 2,320 2,320 2,320 Postage 1,768 2,628 620 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - 114 250 - - - Furniture/Equipment <$5000 - - - - - - - Miscellaneous Expense 110 2,225 271 420 286 100 100 Total Services/Supplies $ 123,776 $ 122,139 $ 165,312 $ 130,293 $ 177,658 $ 136,413 $ 142,524 Total Expenditures $ 400,642 $ 442,798 $ 533,987 $ 567,277 $ 560,858 $ 580,570 $ 602,203 Town CouncilPage 86 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 24 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Municipal Court ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 50,929 $ 55,514 $ 63,629 $ 57,221 $ 32,685 $ 47,507 $ 49,170 Longevity 145 - - 165 - - - Stipend 750 750 - - - - - Certifications 1,116 1,200 1,100 1,200 750 900 932 Retirement 6,857 7,549 8,130 7,647 5,308 6,299 6,520 Medical Insurance 4,218 5,401 6,417 5,795 4,176 5,702 5,901 Dental Insurance 380 332 384 382 263 412 427 Vision Insurance 74 45 52 45 36 47 49 Life Insurance & Other 476 352 379 390 476 348 360 Social Security Taxes 3,277 3,582 3,848 3,632 2,480 3,001 3,106 Medicare Taxes 767 833 900 849 580 702 726 Unemployment Taxes 327 25 162 171 256 171 177 Workers' Compensation 113 109 121 145 159 112 115 Total Personnel $ 69,429 $ 75,692 $ 85,122 $ 77,642 $ 47,169 $ 65,201 $ 67,484 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 507 $ - $ - $ 3,000 $ 6,600 $ - $ - Judge's Compensation 3,300 3,600 3,150 3,900 6,600 6,600 6,600 Advertising - - - 500 - - - Printing 1,100 1,308 1,214 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 Schools & Training 119 - - - - - - Jury Fees - - - - - - - Dues & Membership 60 120 - 120 260 260 331 Travel & Per Diem 60 191 - - - - - Office Supplies 392 212 - 250 330 330 330 Postage 415 231 137 200 400 400 400 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - 247 50 50 50 50 Furniture/Equipment <$5000 - - 29 - - - - Miscellaneous Expenses 39 23 - 200 - - - Total Services/Supplies $ 5,992 $ 5,685 $ 4,777 $ 9,320 $ 15,340 $ 8,740 $ 8,811 Total Expenditures $ 75,421 $ 81,377 $ 89,899 $ 86,962 $ 62,509 $ 73,941 $ 76,295 Town CouncilPage 87 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 25 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Information Services ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 159,799 $ 167,179 $ 160,563 $ 158,683 $ 163,608 $ 165,027 $ 170,803 Longevity 1,815 1,995 2,175 2,340 2,355 2,520 2,608 Stipend 1,500 1,850 - - - - - Certification - - - 900 - - - Retirement 19,754 20,853 20,068 21,135 22,151 21,883 22,648 Medical Insurance 10,888 10,710 11,802 11,589 12,022 11,404 11,803 Dental Insurance 829 665 767 763 693 824 853 Vision Insurance 161 90 104 90 94 95 98 Life Insurance & Other 1,188 828 890 929 863 1,208 1,250 Social Security Taxes 10,087 10,632 9,652 10,039 10,601 10,388 10,752 Medicare Taxes 2,359 2,487 2,257 2,348 2,479 2,429 2,514 Unemployment Taxes 548 119 324 342 18 342 354 Workers' Compensation 394 354 336 402 86 386 400 Total Personnel $ 209,322 $ 217,762 $ 208,938 $ 209,560 $ 214,970 $ 216,506 $ 224,084 Services/Supplies Software & Support 165,017 168,027 223,436 258,248 256,852 288,186 290,607 Security 376 1,370 2,620 2,257 2,257 2,257 2,257 Schools & Training 534 900 450 4,510 360 3,900 4,510 Telephone 6,269 5,577 3,625 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 31,235 35,737 56,863 40,576 40,575 41,375 41,375 Building Maintenance - - - - - - - Independent Labor 846 1,336 24,461 23,400 23,400 23,400 23,400 Copier Rental/Leases 11,645 11,116 10,647 10,651 10,200 11,751 10,651 Dues & Membership 257 150 107 350 350 350 350 Travel & Per Diem 443 1,919 1,159 6,191 - 6,208 6,074 Meetings 25 - - 122 122 122 122 Office Supplies 720 805 1,080 921 750 921 921 Printer Supplies 7,174 6,860 7,575 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 Postage 16 - 66 300 300 300 300 Publication/Books/Subscriptions - - - - - - - Uniforms 83 108 110 - - - - Hardware 9,816 16,684 14,919 12,760 10,960 11,460 10,465 Total Services/Supplies $ 234,456 $ 250,589 $ 347,118 $ 368,786 $ 353,626 $ 398,730 $ 399,532 Capital Capital Outlay 9,002 - - - - - - Hardware 25,584 5,166 14,209 - - - - Hardware - - 1,231 - - - - Capital Expenses - 16,581 91,515 - - - - Capital Outlay 34,586 21,747 106,955 - - - Total Capital $ 34,586 $ 21,747 $ 106,955 $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 478,364 $ 490,098 $ 663,011 $ 578,346 $ 568,596 $ 615,236 $ 623,616 Town CouncilPage 88 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 26 OTHER FUNDS Town CouncilPage 89 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 27 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Debt Service Fund ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance $ 118,542 $ 143,174 $ 309,043 $ 453,559 $ 430,094 $ 479,726 $ 496,959 Revenue Property Taxes$ 2,322,603 $ 1,688,798 $ 1,900,203 $ 2,099,099 $ 2,246,564 $ 2,230,819 $ 2,254,954 Property Taxes/Delinquent 3,651 3,421 3 ,648 2 ,000 2 ,000 2 ,000 2,000 Property Taxes/Penalty & Interest 5,205 5,443 4 ,830 4 ,500 4 ,500 4 ,500 4,500 Intergovernmental Transfer EDC - - - - - - - Interest Income 3,032 7,940 1 9,894 1 0,000 2 5,000 2 0,000 15,000 Total Revenue$ 1,700,686 $ 1,917,007 $ 2 ,127,471$ 2,263,064$ 2,262,319$ 2,281,454$ 2,344,103 Expenditures Principal Payments$ 1,723,000 $ 1,378,000 $ 1,263,000 $ 1,463,000 $ 1,718,000 $ 1,873,000 $ 1,978,000 Interest Payments 390,300 688,726 7 37,825 7 52,278 7 88,253 7 34,490 6 74,726 Paying Agent Fees 14,255 8,728 5 ,235 7 ,500 1 1,550 7 ,500 7,500 Bond/CO Issuance cost - - - - - - - Total Expenditures$ 1,782,555 $ 1,960,454 $ 2 ,206,060$ 2,477,778$ 2,672,803$ 2,719,990$ 2,405,226 Other Sources (Uses) Bond Proceeds$ - $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ - Bond Proceeds- Premium - - - - - - - Refund Cost - - - - - - - Transfer In- General Fund - - - - - - - Transfer In-EDC 4B 204,023 - - 2 04,023 2 04,023 2 01,555 2 03,668 Transfer In- Street Maintenance Sa - 25,000 25,000 - - - - Transfer In- Storm Drainage 26,936 26,887 2 7,209 2 6,937 2 06,212 2 02,933 2 03,468 Transfer In - Capital Projects - 7,454 - - - - - Transfer In - CCPD 49,881 149,975 1 47,431 4 9,881 4 9,881 5 1,281 1 47,481 Transfer In 106,501 209,316 1 99,640 2 80,841 4 60,116 4 55,769 5 54,617 Transfer Out - -- - - - - Total Other Sources (Uses)$ 106,501$ 209,316$ 199,640$ 280,841$ 460,116$ 455,769$ 554,617 Net Increase (Decrease)$ 24,632 $ 165,869$ 121,052$ 6 6,128$ 4 9,632$ 1 7,233$ 493,494 Ending Fund Balance $ 143,174 $ 309,043 $ 430,094 $ 519,687 $ 479,726 $ 496,959 $ 990,453 Town CouncilPage 90 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 28 Capital Projects FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,694,546 $ 8,764,936 $ 6,285,515 $ 6,285,515 $ 5,764,419 $ 3,231,713 $ 1,741,713 Revenue Contributions/Grants$ - $ 26,237 $ - - $ - $ - $ - Interest Revenue 28,335 83,988 113, 796 60, 000 60, 000 50, 000 50,000 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - - - Intergovernmental Revenue - - - - - - Prior Year Adjustment - - - - - - Total Revenue$ 54,572$ 83,988$ 113,796$ 60,000$ 60,000$ 50,000$ 50,000 Expenditures General Government$ - $ 13,602 $ - - $ - $ - $ - Bond Issuance Costs 198,650 - - - - - - Construction - - 34, 843--- Engineering - - 46, 701--- Capital Outlay 3,010,864 7,850,206 589, 164 3, 218,030 2, 592,706 1, 540,000 787, 485 Total Expenditures$ 3,223,116 $ 7,850,206 $ 670,709$ 3, 218,030$ 2, 592,706$ 1,540,000$ 787,485 Other Sources (Uses) Debt Proceeds$ - $ 9,455,000 $ 4,445,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - Bond Premium 537,946 128,317 - - - - - Transfer In 265,283 720,934 35, 817 - - - - Transfer Out (19,295) (7,454) - - - - - Total Other Sources (Uses)$ 10,238,934$ 5,286,797 $ 35,817$ - $ - $ -$ - Net Increase (Decrease)$ 7,070,390 $ (2,479,421)$ (521,096) $ (3,158,030)$ (2,532,706)$ (1,490,000) $ ( 737,485) Ending Fund Balance $ 8,764,936 $ 6,285,515 $ 5,764,419 $ 3,127,485 $ 3,231,713 $ 1,741,713 $ 1,004,228 Town CouncilPage 91 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 29 Capital Equipment FY 2016FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Replacement Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ - $ - $ 314,736 $ 173,990 $ 501,610 $ 501,610 Revenue - ---- Miscellaneous Revenue $ - - - - - Total Revenue - - - - - Expenditures Police Capital Replacement $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 60,000 EMS Capital Replacement - 126,452 126, 452 121, 714 30, 500 Parks Capital Replacement $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 105,000 $ 322,000 Recreation Capital Replacement - - 128, 985 128, 985 178, 000 79, 500 Community Development Capital R - - - - - - Information Services Capital Repla - - 59,150 59, 150 108, 925 63, 950 Facilities Capital Replacement - - - 29, 000 29, 000 Total Expenditures$ - $ - $ 314, 587$ 314, 587$ 542, 639$ 584, 950 Other Sources (Uses) Debt Proceeds $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfer from Tax Notes 40,000 Transfer In - - 501, 461 602, 207 542, 639 584, 950 Total Other Sources (Uses)$ - $ - $ 501, 461$ 642, 207$ 542, 639$ 584, 950 Net Increase (Decrease) $ - $ - $ 186,874 $ 327,620 $ 0 $ - Ending Fund Balance $ - $ - $ 501,610 $ 501,610 $ 501,610 $ 501,610 Town CouncilPage 92 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 30 Hotel Occupancy FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 475,748 $ 564,363 $ 399,883 $ 681,413 $ 790,686 $ 1,067,065 $ 1,422,140 Revenue Hotel Occupancy Tax $ 302,374 $ 487,489 $ 619,506 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 550,000 $ 550,000 July 4th Revenue 3,310 12,733 10, 503 - - 7, 500 7, 500 Interest Income 763 5,407 9, 296 5, 000 5, 000 5, 000 5, 000 Total Revenue$ 306,447$ 505,629$ 639,305$ 605,000$ 605,000$ 562, 500$ 562,500 Expenditures Personnel Salaries $ - $ 84,911 $ 102,380 $ - $ - $ - $ - Overtime - 5,118 - 20, 000 20, 000 20, 000 21, 000 Longevity - 527 444 - - - - Stipend - 938 - - - - - Retirement - 10,666 12, 477 - - - - Medical insurance - 6,373 7, 952 - - - - Dental Insurance - 394 724 - - - - Vision Insurance - 53 89 - - - - Life Insurance & Other - 449 536 - - - - Social Security Taxes - 5,091 6, 033 - - - - Medicare Taxes - 1,182 1, 411 - - - - Unemployment Taxes - 67 445 - - - - Workers' Compensation - 1,746 1, 656 - - - - Pre-Employement Physicals/Testing - - 27 - - - - Total Personnel$ - $ 117,515$ 134,174$ 20, 000$ 20, 000$ 20,000$ 21, 000 Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services$ - $ - $ 10, 297$ - $ - $ - $ - Auditing - - - 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 Advertising - - 15, 292 13, 000 42, 961 17, 725 18, 010 Service Charges & Fees - 61 - - - - - Printing - - - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - 1,306 421 - - - - Event Rentals 72,961 50,453 3, 094 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 15, 045 Dues & Membership - 795 406 3, 900 3, 900 3, 900 3, 978 Uniforms - - - - - - - Program Supplies - - - - - - - July 4 Celebration - 24,000 84, 818 94, 800 100, 000 111, 300 114, 883 Community Events$ -$ - ---- Total Services & Supplies$ 72,961 $ 76,615 $ 114,328$ 115,200$ 150,361$ 137, 425$ 154,916 Capital Capital Outlay $ 44,871 $ 475,979 - $ 50,000 $ 158,260 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Total Capital$ 44,871 $ 475,979$ - $ 50, 000$ 158,260$ 50,000$ 50, 000 Total Expenditures$ 117,832$ 670,109$ 248,502$ 185,200$ 328,621$ 207, 425$ 225,916 Other Sources (Uses) Transfer To General Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Town CouncilPage 93 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 31 Hotel Occupancy FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Fund Transfer To Future Capital Project Res - - - - - - - Transfer Out $ (100,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Other Sources (Uses)$ (100,000)$ -$ - $ -$ - $ -$ - Net Increase (Decrease)$ 88,615 $ (164,480)$ 390,803$ 419,800$ 276,379$ 355, 075$ 336,584 Ending Fund Balance$ 564,363$ 399,883$ 790,686$ 1,101,213$ 1,067,065$ 1,422,140$ 1,758,724 Town CouncilPage 94 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 32 Street Maintenance FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 65,306 $ (5,017) $ 92,856 $ 96,706 $ 67,188 $ 71,269 $ 92,270 Revenue Sales Tax $ 200,310 $ 213,431 $ 224,501 $ 226,678 $ 226,678 $ 243,112 $ 250,395 Interest Income 30 35 1 0 - - - - Total Revenue$ 200,340$ 213,466$ 224,511$ 226,678$ 226,678$ 243,112$ 250,395 Expenditures Personnel Salaries $ 23,249 $ 17,392 $ 55,188 $ 58,186 $ 62,376 $ 62,300 $ 64,481 Overtime - 470 1 ,042 - - - - Longevity - 145 1 ,158 1 ,106 1 ,116 1 ,220 1 ,263 Stipend 540 300 - - - - - Retirement 3,088 2,391 7 ,066 7 ,739 8 ,394 8 ,261 8 ,550 Medical Insurance 5,363 3,646 7 ,600 5 ,795 7 ,982 5 ,702 5 ,901 Dental Insurance 507 271 6 00 7 25 6 20 7 83 8 11 Vision Insurance 96 31 7 2 7 3 7 5 7 6 7 9 Life Insurance & Other 234 130 3 60 4 26 3 84 4 56 4 72 Social Security Taxes 1,273 1,065 3 ,385 3 ,676 4 ,101 3 ,938 4 ,076 Medicare Taxes 298 249 7 92 8 60 9 53 9 21 9 53 Unemployment Taxes 122 (12) 2 25 2 39 2 4 2 39 2 48 Workers' Compensation 1,162 1,793 2 ,678 3 ,532 1 ,272 2 ,914 3 ,016 Pre-employment Physicals/Testing - - - - - - - Total Personnel$ 35,931 $ 27,871 $ 8 0,166$ 8 2,357$ 8 7,297$ 86,811$ 89,850 Services & Supplies Water $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - 16 6 0- - - - Vehicle Maintenance 3,218 3,102 3 ,530 3 ,235 3 ,500 3 ,500 4 ,200 Equipment Maintenance - - - - 3 00 3 00 3 00 Street Maintenance 149,493 28,420 1 23,055 1 00,000 1 00,000 1 00,000 1 00,000 Signs & Markings 16,204 25,890 1 3,305 2 0,000 2 0,000 2 0,000 2 0,000 Fuel 4,871 5,237 4 ,273 7 ,500 7 ,500 7 ,500 7 ,875 Small Tools 737 58 7 89 2 ,000 2 ,000 2 ,000 2 ,000 Miscellaneous Expense - - - - - - - Total Service & Supplies$ 174,523$ 62,723 $ 145,012$ 134,735$ 135,300$ 135,300$ 136,375 Capital Vehicles $ - $ - 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Replacement---- - - - Capital Outlay $ 35,208 - - - $ - $ - $ - Total Capital$ 35,208 $ - $ - $ - $ -$ - Total Expenditures$ 245,662$ 90,594 $ 225,178$ 217,092$ 222,597$ 222,111$ 226,225 Other Sources (Uses) Transfer To Debt Service $ (25,000) $ (25,000) $ (25,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfer To Storm Drainage $ - $ - - - $ - $ - $ - Transfer Out (25,000) (25,000) ( 25,000) - - - - Total Sources Other (Uses)$ (25,000)$ (25,000)$ (25,000)$ - $ - $ -$ - Town CouncilPage 95 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 33 Street Maintenance FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Fund Net Increase (Decreases)$ (70,322)$ 97,872 $ (25,667)$ 9 ,586$ 4 ,081$ 21,001$ 24,170 Ending Fund Balance $ (5,017) $ 92,856 $ 67,188 $ 106,292 $ 71,269 $ 92,270 $ 116,440 Town CouncilPage 96 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 34 Court Technology FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 21,519 $ 19,097 $ 17,926 $ 15,557 $ 17,498 $ 13,080 $ 13,358 Revenue Municipal Court Technology Fee$ 2,800 $ 3,481 $ 3,429 $ 5,009 $ 4,200 $ 2,800 $ 2,800 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - - - - Total Revenue$ 3,481 $ 3,429 $ 5, 009$ 4, 200$ 2, 800$ 2,800$ 2,800 Expenditures Software & Support$ 5,904 $ - $ 5, 437$ - $ - $ - $ - Software & Support 4,600- 6,945 6,568 1,872 2, 003 Software & Support Subtotal 5,904 4,600 5, 437 6, 945 6, 568 1, 872 2, 003 Hardware - - - 1, 500 650 650 650 Total Expenditures$ 5,904 $ 4,600 $ 5, 437$ 8, 445$ 7, 218$ 2,522$ 2,653 Capital Capital Outlay$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Capital Outlay$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - $ - Total Expenditures$ 5,904 $ 4,600 $ 5, 437$ 8, 445$ 7, 218$ 2,522$ 2,653 Other Sources (Uses) Transfer In$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Other Sources (Uses)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - $ - Net Increase (Decrease)$ (2,423)$ (1,171)$ ( 428)$ (4,245)$ (4,418)$ 278$ 147 Ending Fund Balance $ 19,097 $ 17,926 $ 17,498 $ 11,312 $ 13,080 $ 13,358 $ 13,505 Town CouncilPage 97 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 35 Court Security FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 21,903 $ 20,571 $ 19,893 $ 19,707 $ 19,657 $ 17,357 $ 16,557 Revenue Municipal Court Security Fee$ 2,200 $ 2,620 $ 2,572 $ 3,756 $ 3,600 $ 2,200 $ 2,200 Total Revenue$ 2,620$ 2,572$ 3,756$ 3,600$ 2, 200$ 2, 200$ 2, 200 Expenditures Schools and Training$ 400 $ - $ 250 $ 681 $ 550 $ 400 $ 400 Small Equipment 952 -- - - - - Travel and Per Diem - - 311 600 1,100 1,100 1,100 Total Expenditures$ 952 $ 250 $ 992 $ 1,150$ 1, 500$ 1, 500$ 1, 500 Other Sources (Uses) Transfer In$ - $ - $ - 0 $ - $ - $ - Transfer Out (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) ( 3,000) ( 1,500) ( 1,500) Total Other Sources (Uses)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (1,500)$ (1,500) Net Increase (Decrease)$ (1,332)$ (678)$ (236)$ (550)$ (2,300)$ ( 800)$ ( 800) Ending Fund Balance $ 20,571 $ 19,893 $ 19,657 $ 19,157 $ 17,357 $ 16,557 $ 15,757 Town CouncilPage 98 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 36 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 CCPD Fund ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance $ 134,265 $ 202,403 $ 61,373 $ 57,811 $ 77,610 $ 154,206 $ 156,017 Revenue Sales Tax $ 196,157 $ 209,200 $ 224,102 $ 204,010 $ 228,744 $ 235,819 $ 242,883 Interest Income 71 142 7 - - - - Total Revenue$ 196,228$ 209,343$ 224,109$ 204,010$ 228,744$ 235,819$ 242,883 Expenditures Personnel Salaries $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Overtime - - - - - 2 0,040 2 0,641 Longevity - - - - - - - Stipend - - - - - - - Retirement - - - - - 2 ,657 2 ,737 Medical Insurance - - - - - - - Dental Insurance - - - - - - - Vision Insurance - - - - - - - Life Insurance & Other - - - - - - - Social Security Taxes - - - - - 1 ,242 1 ,280 Medicare Taxes - - - - - 2 91 2 99 Unemployment Taxes - - - - - - - Workers' Compensation - - - - - 4 46 4 46 Total Personnel $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 24,677 $ 25,404 Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services $ - $ 24,500 $ - $ 25,270 $ 23,720 $ 26,000 $ 4,600 Schools & Training - - - 1 4,500 1 6,600 1 5,400 - Qualifying Expenses - - - 1 7,650 1 8,650 1 8,250 - Uniforms - 3,404 4,804 5,000 5,000 6,000 1,000 Small Equipment 25,221 47,493 9,401 5 0,000 3 1,000 4 4,900 2 7,000 Total Services & Supplies$ 25,221$ 75,397$ 14,205$ 112,420$ 94,970$ 110,550$ 32,600 Capital Capital Outlay $ 102,869 $ 125,000 $ 46,236 $ 43,000 $ 7,297 $ 47,500 $ - Total Capital$ 102,869$ 125,000$ 46,236$ 43,000$ 7 ,297$ 47,500$ - Total Expenditures$ 128,090$ 200,397$ 60,441$ 155,420$ 102,267$ 182,727$ 58,004 Other Sources (Uses) Transfer Out $ - $ (149,975) $ (147,431) $ (49,881) $ (49,881) $ (51,281) $ (147,481) Total Other Sources (Uses)$ -$ (149,975) $ ( 147,431)$ (49,881)$ (49,881)$ (51,281)$ ( 147,481) Net Increase (Decrease)$ 68,139$ (141,030) $ 16,237$ (1,291)$ 76,596$ 1 ,811$ 37,398 Ending Fund Balance $ 202,403 $ 61,373 $ 77,610 $ 56,520 $ 154,206 $ 156,017 $ 193,416 Town CouncilPage 99 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 37 Recreation FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Program Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 3,394 $ 2,268 $ 7,307 $ 3,655 $ 3,655 $ 3,572 $ 3,572 Revenue Recreation Programs $ 10,398 $ 13,715 $ 5,113 $ 8,500 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Total Revenue$ 10,398$ 13,715$ 5,113$ 8,500$ 6, 000$ 6, 000$ 6, 000 Expenditures Recreation Programs $ 11,523 $ 8,676 $ 8,765 $ 8,500 $ 6,083 $ 6,000 $ 4,584 Total Expenditures$ 11,523$ 8,676$ 8,765$ 8,500$ 6, 083$ 6, 000$ 4, 584 Net Increase (Decrease)$ (1,125)$ 5,039$ (3,652)$ - $ (83)$ -$ 1, 416 Ending Fund Balance $ 2,268 $ 7,307 $ 3,655 $ 3,655 $ 3,572 $ 3,572 $ 4,988 Town CouncilPage 100 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 38 Parkland FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Dedication Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ - $ - $ - $ 470,270 $ 467,425 $ 267,425 $ 105,425 Revenue Interest Income $ - $ - $ 6,555 $ 500 $ - $ - $ - Miscellaneous Revenue 500,000 120,000 - - - Park Revenues - -- - - - - Total Revenue$ -$ -$ 506,555$ 120, 500$ -$ -$ - Expenditures Capital Expenditures $ - $ - $ 39,130 $ 400,000 $ 200,000 $ 162,000 $ - Total Expenditures$ -$ -$ 39,130$ 400, 000$ 200, 000$ 162, 000$ - Net Increase (Decrease)$ -$ -$ 467,425$ (279,500)$ (200,000)$ (162,000)$ - Ending Fund Balance $ - $ - $ 467,425 $ 190,770 $ 267,425 $ 105,425 $ 105,425 Town CouncilPage 101 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 39 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Trophy Club Park ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Beginning Working Capital $ (52,106) $ (62,055) $ (20,169) $ 112,991 $ 127,992 $ 81,376 $ 69,123 Revenue Park Revenue $ 46,270 $ 178,362 $ 167,304 $ 175,000 $ 120,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 Interest Income - 1 13 - - - - Miscellaneous Revenue 61,106 - 94, 521 - - - - Total Revenue$ 107,376 $ 178,363 $ 261, 838$ 175, 000$ 120, 000$ 160,000$ 160,000 Expenses Personnel Salaries $ 37,622 $ 14,807 $ 19,361 $ 48,584 $ 41,687 $ 49,282 $ 51,007 Longevity 204 - - - - - - Stipend 300 - - - - - - Retirement 3,386 - 487 2, 985 2, 939 3, 109 3,218 Medical Insurance 2,780 - 521 2, 825 2, 575 2, 789 2,886 Dental Insurance 216 - 39 222 179 - - Vision Insurance 30 - 5 24 24 - - Life Insurance & Other 211 - 26 167 112 172 178 Social Security Taxes 2,250 857 1, 147 3, 020 2, 407 3, 056 3,162 Medicare Taxes 526 215 268 706 565 715 740 Unemployment taxes 229 87 216 245 113 231 239 Workers' Compensation 926 409 391 1, 167 426 1, 009 1,045 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing - - - - - - - Total Personnel$ 48,680$ 16,374$ 22,461$ 59,945$ 51,027$ 60,363$ 62,475 Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Auditing 1,000 1,000 1, 000 2, 000 2, 000 - - Software & Support 8,041 3,276 4, 339 4, 255 3, 835 3, 815 3,929 Collection Fees - - - - - - - Advertising 638 810 484 1, 900 313 1, 900 1,900 Printing - 150 - 3, 080 600 600 1,820 Schools & Training - 304 - - - - - Service Charges & Fees 7,120 13,577 13, 068 9, 680 9, 000 10, 000 10, 000 Electricity 2,060 1,777 1, 244 2, 046 2, 046 2, 148 2,256 Water 3,088 5,346 4, 105 4, 680 4, 680 4, 914 5,160 Telephone 2,183 2,283 - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,734 453 2, 832 933 958 958 958 Insurance 1,200 1,211 1, 200 1, 200 1, 200 - - Property Maintenance 4,138 17,188 6, 700 10, 000 15, 000 17, 000 17, 510 Equipment Maintenance 1,442 1,827 2, 623 3, 750 3, 750 3, 750 3,862 Independent Labor 10,508 29,662 19, 546 28, 600 28, 600 28, 600 29, 458 Portable toilets 3,193 3,848 6, 796 4, 250 4, 250 4, 250 4,377 Dues & Membership - - - 140 140 140 144 Travel & Per Diem 324 - - - - - - Office Supplies 312 85 - 1, 075 1, 107 1, 107 1,140 Postage 94 - - 336 346 346 356 Fuel 215 10 - 1, 170 1, 193 990 1,040 Uniforms 356 201 - 415 430 423 424 Community Events 4,391 7,646 4, 847 9, 700 9, 700 9, 700 9,991 Town CouncilPage 102 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 40 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 Trophy Club Park ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Small Tools 177 141 - 300 520 500 503 Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 5,997 3,774 - 800 1, 000 - - Maintenance Supplies 23 151 45 400 545 450 464 Miscellaneous Expense - 2,997 - 300 4, 376 300 309 Depreciation Expense - Machinery a 2,411 2,387 2,387 - - - - Prompt Payment Interest------ Total Services & Supplies$ 60,645$ 100,103 $ 71,216$ 91,010$ 95,589$ 91,891$ 95,601 Capital Capital Expenses$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - - Total Capital$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Total Expenses$ 109,325 $ 116,477 $ 93,677$ 150, 955$ 146, 616$ 152,254$ 158,076 Other Sources (Uses) Park Administration Transfer $ (8,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) Police and EMS Service Transfer-- - --- Transfer Out $ (8,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) Total Other Sources (Uses)$ (8,000)$ (20,000) $ ( 20,000)$ ( 20,000)$ ( 20,000)$ (20,000)$ (20,000) Net Increase (Decrease)$ (9,949)$ 41,886$ 148, 161$ 4,045$ ( 46,616)$ (12,254)$ (18,076) Ending Working Capital $ (62,055) $ (20,169) $ 127,992 $ 117,036 $ 81,376 $ 69,123 $ 51,047 Town CouncilPage 103 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 41 Storm Drainage FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Utility Beginning Working Capital $ 234,000 $ 242,387 $ 330,449 $ 415,781 $ 415,781 $ 451,223 $ 546,390 Revenue Storm Drainage Fee $ 420,665 $ 418,158 $ 425,018 $ 432,754 $ 432,754 $ 424,200 $ 428,442 Hazardous Waste Stipend - - - - - - - Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - - - - Interest Income 914 2,086 7, 245 500 - - - Total Revenue$ 421,579$ 420,244$ 432,263$ 433,254$ 432,754$ 424,200$ 428, 442 Expenses Personnel Services Salaries $ 22,991 $ - - $ - $ - $ - $ - Overtime - - - - - - - Longevity 65 - - - - - - Stipend 188 - - - - - - Retirement 2,989 - - - - - - Medical Insurance 1,036 - - - - - - Dental Insurance 104 - - - - - - Vision Insurance 20 - - - - - - Life Insurance & Other 151 - - - - - - Social Security Taxes 1,412 - - - - - - Medicare Taxes 330 - - - - - - Unemployment Taxes 43 - - - - - - Workers' Compensation 108 - - - - - - Total Personnel$ 29,436$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 36,685 $ 20,358 $ 23,855 $ 58,400 $ 93,400 $ 29,400 $ 30,400 Engineering/Construction 20,922 3,896 18, 244 30, 000 30, 000 30, 000 30,000 Trash Removal/Recycling 2,115 1,739 3, 008 3, 000 3, 000 2, 000 2,000 Street Sweeping 6,344 3,544 3, 697 7, 637 4, 500 4, 500 4,500 Independent Labor 9,897 12,521 6, 369 53, 820 20, 000 20, 000 20,000 Dues & Membership 100 100 110 200 200 200 200 Fuel - - -- - - - Miscellaneous Expense - - - - - - - Depreciation Expense 43,460 51,083 51, 083 - - - - Total Services & Supplies$ 119,523$ 93,241$ 106,366$ 153,057$ 151,100$ 86,100$ 87,100 Capital Capital Replacement$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Capital Expense - - - - - - - Capital Projects - - - - - - - Transfer to Drainage Capital Projects 36,487 - ---- Total Capital$ 36,487$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Debt Service Principal $ 140,000 $ 145,000 $ 150,000 $ 155,000 $ - $ - $ - Interest 25,540 27,054 23, 356 24, 275 - - - Total Debt Service$ 165,540$ 172,054$ 173,356$ 179,275$ -$ -$ - Total Expenses$ 350,986$ 265,295$ 279,722$ 332,332$ 151,100$ 86,100$ 87,100 Town CouncilPage 104 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 42 Storm Drainage FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Utility Other Sources (Uses) Cumulative effect on change in accoun $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfer In - - - - - - - Transfer to General Fund $ (40,000) $ (40,000) $ (40,000) $ (40,000) $ (40,000) $ (40,000) $ (40,000) Transfer To Debt Service (22,206) (26,887) ( 27,209) ( 26,937) ( 206,212) ( 202,933) ( 203,468) Total Other Sources$ (62,206)$ (66,887)$ (67,209)$ (66,937)$ ( 246,212)$ ( 242,933)$ (243,468) Net Increase (Decrease)$ 8,387 $ 88,062$ 85,332$ 33,985$ 35,442$ 95,167$ 97,874 Ending Working Capital $ 242,387 $ 330,449 $ 415,781 $ 449,766 $ 451,223 $ 546,390 $ 644,264 Town CouncilPage 105 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 43 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 EDC 4B ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Starting Net Position $ 406,525 $ 561,248 $ 713,274 $ 805,708 $ 814,202 $ 95,030 $ 302,950 Revenue Sales Tax - General $ 400,621 $ 426,862 $ 449,003 $ 453,356 $ 453,356 $ 486,224 $ 500,789 NTX Magazine Revenue - - - - - - - Interest Income 1,289 3,918 8 ,298 2 ,000 2 ,000 4 ,000 4 ,000 Total Revenue$ 401,910$ 430,779$ 457,301$ 455,356$ 455,356$ 490,224$ 504,789 Expenses Professional Outside Services$ 4,000 $ - $ 2,000 $ 1,500 $ 1,470 $ 1,116 $ 4,000 Auditing 1,000 1,000 1 ,000 2 ,000 2 ,000 4 ,000 4 ,000 Advertising 95 480 3 77 4 ,000 4 ,080 3 5,000 3 8,060 Printing - - - 2 00 3 4 2 00 200 Schools & Training 345 - 3 50 1 ,000 1 ,000 1 ,000 1 ,000 Dues & Membership - 2,500 - 1 ,150 1 ,200 1 ,200 1 ,200 Travel & Per Diem 30 - - 4 22 - 7 50 750 Office Supplies - 30 - 2 00 2 25 2 00 200 Miscellaneous Expense 2,500 3,535 2 ,500 3 ,000 2 ,500 4 ,000 4 ,000 EDC Projects 3,500 17,018 1 06,950 4 16,560 2 61,010 - - Incentive Programs 140,773 140,773 1 40,773 2 05,773 6 96,940 - - Transfer to General Fund - - - - - 3 0,000 3 0,000 Transfer to Debt Service - - - 2 04,023 2 04,023 2 01,555 203,668 Bond Principal - - - - - - - Bond Interest 98,745 111,018 1 02,723 - - - - Debt Issue Cost - - - - - - - Paying Agent Fees 200 400 2 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 Total Expenses$ 247,188$ 278,753$ 356,373$ 840,198$ 1,174,528$ 282,305$ 287,478 Net Increase (Decrease)$ 154,722$ 152,026$ 100,928$ (384,842)$ (719,172)$ 207,919$ 217,311 Ending Net Position $ 561,248 $ 713,274 $ 814,202 $ 420,866 $ 95,030 $ 302,950 $ 520,262 Town CouncilPage 106 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 44 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2019 FY 2020FY 2021 TIRZ#1 Fund ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance $ 10,273 $ (379,235) $ (334,114) $ (593,324) $ (592,352) $ (540,670) $ (423,898) Revenue Property Tax $ 10,492 $ 46,083 $ 80,316 $ 81,458 $ 75,479 $ 154,068 $ 86,419 Sales Tax - 6,305 5 ,231 1 4,359 4 ,800 7 ,800 8,034 Total Revenue$ 10,492$ 52,389$ 85,547$ 95,817$ 80,279$ 1 61,868$ 9 4,453 Professional Outside Services $ - $ - - $ 1,470 $ 4,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Incentive Programs 400,000 7,268 3 43,785 4 1,694 3 8,098 4 2,096 43,059 Total Expenditures$ 400,000$ 7,268$ 343,785$ 43,164$ 42,098$ 45,096$ 4 6,059 Total Other Sources (Uses)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - $ - Net Increase (Decrease)$ (389,508) $ 45,121$ ( 258,238)$ 52,654$ 38,181$ 1 16,772$ 4 8,394 Ending Fund Balance $ (379,235) $ (334,114) $ (592,352) $ (540,670) $ (554,171) $ (423,898) $ (375,504) Town CouncilPage 107 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 45 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-403-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemPublic Hearing File created:In control: 8/27/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 9/10/2019 Title: Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the proposed tax rate for fiscal year October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020, and Mayor to announce the date, time and place of the vote on the tax rate (W. Carroll). Attachments: Staff Report - Tax Rate Public Hearing.pdf Notice of Proposed Property Tax Rate.pdf Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 7: ConductaPublicHearingregardingtheproposedtaxrateforfiscalyearOctober1,2019toSeptember30,2020,and Mayor to announce the date, time and place of the vote on the tax rate (W. Carroll). Town CouncilPage 108 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Cheryl Davenport, Interim Director of Finance CC: Wade Carroll, Interim Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Public Hearing on the Tax Rate Town Council Meeting, September 10, 2019 Agenda Item: Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the proposed tax rate for fiscal year October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020, and Mayor to announce the date, time and place of the vote on the tax rate (W. Carroll). Strategic Link: Administrative & Financial Services - Exercise fiscal discipline in all Town operations. Background and Explanation: The proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget includes a total Ad Valorem Tax Rate of $0.446442/$100 of valuation. The portion of the total tax rate for maintenance and operations is $0.336442/$100 of valuation. The portion of the total tax rate dedicated to debt service is $0.11/$100 of valuation. The proposed tax rate is below both the effective tax rate of $0.446997/$100 of valuation and the rollback tax rate of $0.473065/$100 of valuation. Financial Considerations: The Town of Trophy Club’s property tax revenue is 61.1% of the total General Fund revenues. By maintaining the previous year’s tax rate the Town is able to maintain its current service level. Legal Review: Not applicable. Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 109 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends maintaining the current tax rate of $0.446442 per $100 of valuation. Attachments: Notice of Proposed Property Tax Rate Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 110 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 NOTICE OF 2019 TAX YEAR PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX RATE FOR TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB A tax rate of $0.446442 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB . PROPOSED TAX RATE$0.446442 per $100 PRECEDING YEAR'S TAX RATE$0.446442 per $100 EFFECTIVE TAX RATE$0.446997 per $100 The effective tax rate is the total tax rate needed to raise the same amount of property tax revenue for TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB from the same properties in both the 2018 tax year and the 2019 tax year. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: property tax amount = (rate) x (taxable value of your property) / 100 For assistance or detailed information about tax calculations, please contact: Michelle French Denton County Tax Assessor-Collector 1505 E McKinney Street Denton, TX 940-349-3500 property.tax@dentoncounty.com tax.dentoncounty.com Town CouncilPage 111 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 TNT-856 05-19/3 2019Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB Effective Tax Rate (No New Taxes) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB The effective tax rate enables the public to evaluate the relationship between taxes for the prior year and for the current year based on a tax rate that would produce the same amount of taxes (no new taxes) if applied to the same properties that are taxed in both years. When appraisal values increase, the effective tax rate should decrease. The effective tax rate for a county is the sum of the effective tax rates calculated for each type of tax the county levies. 1.2018 total taxable value. Enter the amount of 2018 taxable value on the 2018 tax roll today. Include any adjustments since last year's certification; exclude Section 25.25(d) one-third over-appraisal corrections from these adjustments. This total includes the taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings (will deduct in line 2) and the captured value for tax increment financing (will deduct taxes in line 1 $2,093,270,835 14). 2.2018 tax ceilings. Counties, Cities and Junior College Districts. Enter 2018 total taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings. These include the homesteads of homeowners age 65 or older or disabled. Other units enter "0" If your taxing units adopted the tax ceiling provision in 2018 or prior year for homeowners age 65 or 2 $306,975,095 older or disabled, use this step. $1,786,295,740 3.Preliminary 2018 adjusted taxable value. Subtract line 2 from line 1. $0.446442/$100 4.2018 total adopted tax rate. 5.2018 taxable value lost because court appeals of ARBdecisions reduced 2018 appraised value. A.Original 2018 ARB values:$58,458,344 B.2018 values resulting from final court decisions:- $52,450,653 3 C. $6,007,691 2018 value loss. Subtract B from A. 6.2018 taxable value, adjusted for court-ordered reductions. $1,792,303,431 Add line 3 and line 5C. 7.2018 taxable value of property in territory the unitdeannexed after January 4 $0 1, 2018.Enter the 2018 value of property in deannexed territory. 1 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(14) 2 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(14) 3 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(13) 4 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(15) Town CouncilPage 112 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] 2019Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet (continued) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 8.2018 taxable value lost because property firstqualified for an exemption in 2019.Note that lowering the amount or percentage of an existing exemption does not create a new exemption or reduce taxable value. If the taxing unit increased an original exemption, use the difference between the original exempted amount and the increased exempted amount. Do not include value lost due to freeport or "goods-in-transit" exemptions. A.Absolute exemptions. Use 2018 market value:$598,945 B.Partial exemptions. 2019 exemption amount or 2019 percentage exemption times 2018 value:+ $23,432,693 5 C. $24,031,638 Value loss. Add A and B. 9.2018 taxable value lost because property firstqualified for agricultural appraisal (1-d or 1-d-1), timber appraisal,recreational/scenic appraisal or public access airport special appraisal in2019.Use only those properties that first qualified in 2019; do not use properties that qualified in 2018. A.2018 market value:$0 B.2019 productivity or special appraised value:- $0 6 C. $0 Value loss. Subtract B from A. $24,031,638 10.Total adjustments for lost value. Add lines 7, 8C and 9C. $1,768,271,793 11.2018 adjusted taxable value. Subtract line 10 from line 6. $7,894,307 12.Adjusted 2018 taxes. Multiply line 4 by line 11 and divide by $100. 13.Taxes refunded for years preceding tax year 2018. Enter the amount of taxes refunded by the taxing unit for tax years preceding tax year 2018. Types of refunds include court decisions, Tax Code § 25.25(b) and (c) corrections and Tax Code § 31.11 payment errors. Do not include refunds for tax year 2018. This line 7 $7,848 applies only to tax years preceding tax year 2018. 14.Taxes in tax increment financing (TIF) for tax year 2018. Enter the amount of taxes paid into the tax increment fund for a reinvestment zone as agreed by the taxing unit. If the unit has no 2019 captured appraised value in Line 16D, enter 8 $49,215 "0". 15.Adjusted 2018 taxes with refunds and TIF adjustment. Add lines 12 and 13, 9 $7,852,940 subtract line 14. 16.Total 2019 taxable value on the 2019 certifiedappraisal roll today.This value includes only certified values and includes the total taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings (will deduct in line 18). These homesteads includes 10 homeowners age 65 or older or disabled. A.Certified values only:$2,091,198,038 B.Counties: Include railroad rolling stock values certified by the Comptroller's office:+ $0 5 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(15) 6 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(15) 7 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(13) 8 Tex. Tax Code § 26.03(c) 9 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(13) Town CouncilPage 113 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] 10 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012 Town CouncilPage 114 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] 2019Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet (continued) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 16.C.Pollution control and energy storage system (cont.)exemption: Deduct the value of property exempted for the current tax year for the first time as pollution control or energy storage system property:- $0 D.Tax increment financing: Deduct the 2019 captured appraised value of property taxable by a taxing unit in a tax increment financing zone for which the 2019 taxes will be deposited into the tax increment fund. Do not include any new property 11 value that will be included in line 21 below.- $25,627,954 E.Total 2019 value. Add A and B, then subtract C $2,065,570,084 and D. 17.Total value of properties under protest or notincluded on certified 12 appraisal roll. A.2019 taxable value of properties underprotest. The chief appraiser certifies a list of properties still under ARB protest. The list shows the appraisal district's value and the taxpayer's claimed value, if any or an estimate of the value if the taxpayer wins. For each of the properties under protest, use the 13 lowest of these values. Enter the total value.$51,920,449 B.2019 value of properties not under protest or included on certified appraisal roll.The chief appraiser gives taxing units a list of those taxable properties that the chief appraiser knows about but are not included at appraisal roll certification. These properties also are not on the list of properties that are still under protest. On this list of properties, the chief appraiser includes the market value, appraised value and exemptions for the preceding year and a reasonable estimate of the market value, appraised value and exemptions for the current year. Use the lower market, appraised or taxable value (as appropriate). Enter the total 14 value.+ $5,534,073 11 Tex. Tax Code § 26.03(c) 12 Tex. Tax Code § 26.01(c) and (d) 13 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04 and 26.041 14 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04 and 26.041 Town CouncilPage 115 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] 2019Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet (continued) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 17.C.Total value under protest or not certified. Add A $57,454,522 (cont.)and B. 18.2019 tax ceilings. Counties, cities and junior colleges enter 2019 total taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings. These include the homesteads of homeowners age 65 or older or disabled. Other taxing units enter "0". If your taxing units adopted the tax ceiling provision in 2018 or prior year for 15 $331,780,008 homeowners age 65 or older or disabled, use this step. $1,791,244,598 19.2019 total taxable value. Add lines 16E and 17C. Subtract line 18. 20.Total 2019 taxable value of properties in territory annexedafter January 1, 2008.Include both real and personal property. Enter the 2019 value of property 16 $0 in territory annexed. 21.Total 2019 taxable value of new improvements and newpersonal property located in new improvements.New means the item was not on the appraisal roll in 2018. An improvement is a building, structure, fixture or fence erected on or affixed to land. New additions to existing improvements may be included if the appraised value can be determined. New personal property in a new improvement must have been brought into the taxing unit after January 1, 2018 and be located in a new improvement. New improvements do include property on 17 $34,424,791 which a tax abatement agreement has expired for 2019. $34,424,791 22.Total adjustments to the 2019 taxable value. Add lines 20 and 21. $1,756,819,807 23.2019 adjusted taxable value. Subtract line 22 from line 19. 18 24. $0.446997/$100 2019 effective tax rate. Divide line 15 by line 23 and multiply by $100. 25.COUNTIES ONLY. Add together the effective tax rates for each type of tax the 19 $/$100 county levies. The total is the 2019 county effective tax rate. 15 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(6) 16 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(17) 17 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(17) 18 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04(c) 19 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04(d) Town CouncilPage 116 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] Rollback Tax Rate TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB The rollback tax rate is split into two separate rates: 1.Maintenance and Operations (M&O): The M&O portion is the tax rate that is needed to raise the same amount of taxes that the taxing unit levied in the prior year plus eight percent. This rate accounts for such things as salaries, utilities and day-to-day operations. 2.Debt: The debt tax rate includes the debt service necessary to pay the taxing unit's debt payments in the coming year. This rate accounts for principal and interest on bonds and other debt secured by property tax revenue The rollback tax rate for a county is the sum of the rollback tax rates calculated for each type of tax the county levies. In most cases the rollback tax rate exceeds the effective tax rate, but occasionally decreases in a taxing unit's debt service will cause the effective tax rate to be higher than the rollback tax rate. $0.336442/$100 26.2018 maintenance and operations (M&O) tax rate. $1,768,271,793 27.2018 adjusted taxable value. Enter the amount from line 11. 28.2018 M&O taxes. A.Multiply line 26 by line 27 and divide by $100.$5,949,208 B.Cities, counties and hospital districts with additional sales tax:Amount of additional sales tax collected and spent on M&O expenses in 2018. Enter amount from full year's sales tax revenue spent for M&O in 2018 fiscal year, if any. Other units, enter "0." Counties exclude any amount that was spent for economic development grants from the amount of sales tax spent.+ $0 C.Counties: Enter the amount for the state criminal justice mandate. If second or later year, the amount is for increased cost above last year's amount. Other units, enter "0."+ $0 D.Transferring function: If discontinuing all of a department, function or activity and transferring it to another unit by written contract, enter the amount spent by the unit discontinuing the function in the 12 months preceding the month of this calculation. If the unit did not operate this function for this 12- month period, use the amount spent in the last full fiscal year in which the unit operated the function. The unit discontinuing the function will subtract this amount in H below. The unit receiving the function will add this amount in H below. Other units, enter "0."+/- $0 Town CouncilPage 117 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] Rollback Tax Rate (continued) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 28.E.Taxes refunded for years preceding tax year (cont.)2018:Enter the amount of M&O taxes refunded in the preceding year for taxes before that year. Types of refunds include court decisions, Tax Code Section 25.25(b) and (c) corrections and Tax Code Section 31.11 payment errors. Do not include refunds for tax year 2018. This line applies only to tax years preceding tax year 2018.+ $5,954 F.Enhanced indigent health care expenditures: Enter the increased amount for the current year's enhanced indigent health care expenditures above the preceding tax year's enhanced indigent health care expenditures, less any state assistance.+ $0 G.Taxes in tax increment financing (TIF): Enter the amount of taxes paid into the tax increment fund for a reinvestment zone as agreed by the taxing unit. If the unit has no 2019 captured appraised value in Line 16D, enter "0."- $49,215 H.Adjusted M&O Taxes. Add A, B, C, E and F. For unit with D, subtract if discontinuing function and $5,905,947 add if receiving function. Subtract G. 29.2019 adjusted taxable value. $1,756,819,807 Enter line 23 from the Effective Tax Rate Worksheet. 30.2019 effective maintenance and operations rate. $0.336172/$100 Divide line 28H by line 29 and multiply by $100. 31.2019 rollback maintenance and operation rate. $0.363065/$100 Multiply line 30 by 1.08. Town CouncilPage 118 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] Rollback Tax Rate (continued) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 32. Total 2019 debt to be paid with property taxes andadditional sales tax revenue. "Debt" means the interest and principal that will be paid on debts that: (1) are paid by property taxes, (2) are secured by property taxes, (3) are scheduled for payment over a period longer than one year and (4) are not classified in the unit's budget as M&O expenses. A:Debt also includes contractual payments to other taxing units that have incurred debts on behalf of this taxing unit, if those debts meet the four conditions above. Include only amounts that will be paid from property tax revenue. Do not include appraisal district budget payments. Enter debt amount.$2,712,489 B:Subtract unencumbered fund amount used to reduce total debt.-$286,350 C:Subtract amount paid from other resources.-$455,769 D:Adjusted debt. Subtract B and C from A. $1,970,370 33.Certified 2018 excess debt collections. Enter the amount certified by the $0 collector. $1,970,370 34.Adjusted 2019 debt. Subtract line 33 from line 32D. 35.Certified 2019 anticipated collection rate. Enter the rate certified by the 100.000000% collector. If the rate is 100 percent or greater, enter 100 percent. $1,970,370 36.2019 debt adjusted for collections. Divide line 34 by line 35. $1,791,244,598 37.2019 total taxable value. Enter the amount on line 19. $0.110000/$100 38.2019 debt tax rate. Divide line 36 by line 37 and multiply by $100. $0.473065/$100 39.2019 rollback tax rate. Add lines 31 and 38. 40.COUNTIES ONLY. Add together the rollback tax rates for each type of tax the $/$100 county levies. The total is the 2019 county rollback tax rate. Town CouncilPage 119 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] Total Tax Rate Indicate the applicable total tax rates as calculated above. $0.446997 Effective Tax Rate (Line 24; line 25 for counties; or line 46 if adjusted for sales tax) $0.473065 Rollback Tax Rate (Line 39; line 40 for counties; or line 48 if adjusted for sales tax) $0/$100 Rollback Tax Rate Adjusted for Pollution Control (Line 52) Town CouncilPage 120 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] Taxing Unit Representative Name and Signature Enter the name of the person preparing the tax rate as authorized by the governing body of the taxing unit. Print Here Printed Name of Taxing Unit Representative Sign Here Taxing Unit Representative Date Town CouncilPage 121 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] 2019 Notice of Effective Tax Rate Worksheet for Calculation of Tax Increase/Decrease Entity Name: TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB Date: 08/20/2019 1.2018 taxable value, adjusted for court-ordered reductions. Enter line 6 of the Effective Tax Rate Worksheet.$1,792,303,431 2.2018 total tax rate. Enter line 4 of the Effective Tax Rate Worksheet.0.446442 3.Taxes refunded for years preceding tax year 2018. Enter line 13 of the Effective Tax Rate Worksheet.$7,848 4.Last year's levy. Multiply Line 1 times Line 2 and divide by 100. To the result, add Line 3.$8,009,443 5.2019 total taxable value. Enter Line 18 of the Effective Tax Rate Worksheet.$1,791,244,598 6.2019 effective tax rate. Enter line 23 of the Effective Tax Rate Worksheet or Line 46 of the Additional Sales Tax Rate Worksheet.0.446997 7.2019 taxes if a tax rate equal to the effective tax rate is adopted. Multiply Line 5 times Line 6 and divide by 100.$8,006,810 8.Last year's total levy. Sum of line 4 for all funds.$8,009,443 9.2019 total taxes if a tax rate equal to the effective tax rate is adopted. Sum of line 7 for all funds.$8,006,810 10.Tax Increase (Decrease). Subtract Line 8 from Line 9.$(2,633) Town CouncilPage 122 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB Tax Rate Recap for 2019 Tax Rates Tax Levy This is calculated using the Additional Tax LevyAdditional Tax Levy Tax Rate Per Total Adjusted Taxable Description of Rate Compared to last year's taxCompared to effective tax $100 Value (line 19) of the levy of 9,345,240rate levy of 8,006,810 Effective Tax Rate Worksheet Last Year's Tax Rate0.446442$7,996,868$-1,348,372$-9,941 Effective Tax Rate0.446997$8,006,810$-1,338,431$0 Notice & Hearing Limit*0.446997$8,006,810$-1,338,431$0 Rollback Tax Rate0.473065$8,473,751$-871,489$466,942 Proposed Tax Rate0.000000$0$-9,345,240$-8,006,810 Effective Tax Rate Increase in Cents per $100 0.000.4469978,006,810-1,338,4310 0.500.4519978,096,372-1,248,86889,562 1.000.4569978,185,934-1,159,306179,124 1.500.4619978,275,496-1,069,744268,687 2.000.4669978,365,059-980,182358,249 2.500.4719978,454,621-890,619447,811 3.000.4769978,544,183-801,057537,373 3.500.4819978,633,745-711,495626,936 4.000.4869978,723,307-621,933716,498 4.500.4919978,812,870-532,370806,060 5.000.4969978,902,432-442,808895,622 5.500.5019978,991,994-353,246985,185 6.000.5069979,081,556-263,6841,074,747 6.500.5119979,171,119-174,1221,164,309 7.000.5169979,260,681-84,5591,253,871 7.500.5219979,350,2435,0031,343,433 8.000.5269979,439,80594,5651,432,996 8.500.5319979,529,368184,1271,522,558 9.000.5369979,618,930273,6901,612,120 9.500.5419979,708,492363,2521,701,682 10.000.5469979,798,054452,8141,791,245 10.500.5519979,887,616542,3761,880,807 11.000.5569979,977,179631,9381,970,369 11.500.56199710,066,741721,5012,059,931 12.000.56699710,156,303811,0632,149,494 12.500.57199710,245,865900,6252,239,056 13.000.57699710,335,428990,1872,328,618 13.500.58199710,424,9901,079,7502,418,180 14.000.58699710,514,5521,169,3122,507,742 14.500.59199710,604,1141,258,8742,597,305 *Notice & Hearing Limit Rate: This is the highest tax rate that may be adopted without notices and a public hearing. It is the lower of the rollback tax rate or the effective tax rate. School Districts: The school tax rate limit is $1.50 for M&O, plus $0.50 for 'New' debt plus a rate for 'Old' debt. 'Old' debt is debt authorized to be issued at an election held on or before April 1, 1991, and issued before September 1, 1992. All other debt is 'New' debt. Town CouncilPage 123 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] Tax Levy:This is calculated by taking the adjusted taxable value (line 19 of Effective Tax Rate Worksheet), multiplying by the appropriate rate, such as the Effective Tax Rate and dividing by 100. For School Districts: This is calculated by taking the adjusted taxable value (line 34 of the Rollback Tax Rate Worksheet), multiplying by the appropriate rate, dividing by 100 and then adding this year's frozen tax levy on homesteads of the elderly. Additional Levy This is calculated by taking Last Year's taxable value (line 3 of Effective Tax Rate Worksheet), Last Year:multiplying by Last Year's tax rate (line 4 of Effective Tax Rate Worksheet) and dividing by 100. For School Districts: This is calculated by taking Last Year's taxable value, subtracting Last Year's taxable value for the elderly, multiplying by Last Year's tax rate, dividing by 100 and adding Last Year's tax ceiling. Additional Levy This is calculated by taking the current adjusted taxable value, multiplying by the Effective Tax Rate This Year:and dividing by 100. For School Districts: This is calculated by taking the adjusted taxable value (line 34 of the Rollback Tax Rate Worksheet), multiplying by the Effective Tax Rate, dividing by 100 and adding This Year's tax ceiling. COUNTIES All figures in this worksheet include ALL County Funds. Tax Levy amounts are the sum of each ONLY:Fund's Taxable Value X each Fund's Tax Rate. Town CouncilPage 124 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] 2019 Property Tax Rates in TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB This notice concerns 2019 property tax rates for TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB . It presents information about three tax rates. Last year's tax rate is the actual rate the taxing unit used to determine property taxes last year. This year's effective tax rate would impose the same total taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. This year's rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate the taxing unit can set before taxpayers can start tax rollback procedures. In each case these rates are found by dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base (the total value of taxable property) with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value. Last year's tax rate: Last year's operating taxes$5,949,209 Last year's debt taxes$1,945,099 Last year's total taxes$7,894,308 Last year's tax base$1,768,271,793 Last year's total tax rate0.446442/$100 This year's effective tax rate: Last year's adjusted taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property)$7,852,940 ÷This year's adjusted tax base (after subtracting value of new property)$1,756,819,807 =This year's effective tax rate0.446997/$100 This year's rollback tax rate: Last year's adjusted operating taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for any transferred function, tax increment financing, state criminal justice mandate and/or enhanced indigent health care expenditures)$5,905,947 ÷This year's adjusted tax base$1,756,819,807 =This year's effective operating rate0.336172/$100 ×1.08 = this year's maximum operating rate0.363065/$100 +This year's debt rate0.110000/$100 =This year's rollback rate0.473065/$100 Town CouncilPage 125 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] Statement of Increase/Decrease If TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB adopts a 2019 tax rate equal to the effective tax rate of 0.446997 per $100 of value, taxes would decrease compared to 2018 taxes by $ 2,633. Schedule A: Unencumbered Fund Balances: The following estimated balances will be left in the unit's property tax accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by a corresponding debt obligation. Typeof Property Tax FundBalance GENERAL FUND5,551,378 DEBT SERVICE FUND438,532 Schedule B: 2019 Debt Service: The unit plans to pay the following amounts for long-term debts that are securedby property taxes. These amounts will be paid from property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable). Description of DebtPrincipal orInterest to beOther AmountsTotal Payment ContractPaid fromto be Paid Payment to beProperty Taxes Paid from Property Taxes 2004 CO33,0007,933040,933 2010 GO240,000133,3060373,306 2010 GO REFUNDING195,00022,2500217,250 2013 CO240,00046,2500286,250 2014 CO110,00064,5870174,587 2015 GO REFUNDING220,00030,3020250,302 2015 TAX REVENUE BONDS EDC105,00096,5550201,555 2016 GO215,000117,1250332,125 2016 CO175,000104,7060279,706 2017 CO445,000111,4750556,475 Total required for 2019 debt service$2,712,489 -Amount (if any) paid from funds listed in Schedule A$286,350 -Amount (if any) paid from other resources$455,769 -Excess collections last year$0 =Total to be paid from taxes in 2019$1,970,370 +Amount added in anticipation that the unit will collect only 100.000000% of its taxes in 2019$0 =Total Debt Levy$1,970,370 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This notice contains a summary of actual effective and rollback tax rates' calculations. You can inspect a copy of the full calculations at . Name of person preparing this notice: Title: Date prepared: Town CouncilPage 126 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[8/20/2019 2:19:37 PM\] 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-404-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 8/27/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 9/10/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing September 13, 2019 as the 10th Anniversary of Bara Church in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Attachments: PRO 2019-19 - Bara Church 10th Anniversary.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 8: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncilrecognizingSeptember13,2019as the 10th Anniversary of Bara Church in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Town CouncilPage 127 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB,TEXAS PROCLAMATIONNO.2019-19 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, RECOGNIZING SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 AS TH THE 10ANNIVERSARY OF BARA CHURCH IN TROPHY CLUB; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,Joel and Kim Quiléand their family, faithfully following God’s leading, planted Bara Church to be a non-denominational, Bible-believing, God-loving, Spirit-filled, community-service church on a mission to know Christ and make Him known; and WHEREAS,Bara, being the Hebrew word for “create” meaning “to create something out of nothing”; and WHEREAS,Bara Church held their first Sunday Gathering in Beck Elementary School on September 13, 2009; and WHEREAS,Bara Church has enjoyed a great relationship withthe Town of Trophy Club; and WHEREAS,Bara Church has demonstrated a desire to live lives of humility and peace; and WHEREAS,Bara Church has sought to strengthen the bonds of community and friendship; and WHEREAS,Bara Church has faithfully served our town collectively and our residents individually; and WHEREAS,Bara Church has been given a hope and a future that they generously and joyfully share with the Town of Trophy Club; and WHEREAS,we give pause, honor and praise this day for the deep and abiding Christian commitment of those who in faith began this work, and for all those who have given so unselfishly during this past decade to help the church family grow and thrive, providing a valuable contribution toour community. NOW, THEREFORE, I,MAYORC.NICKSANDERS,INCONJUNCTIONWITH THETOWNCOUNCILOFTHETOWNOFTROPHYCLUB,TEXAS,DOHEREBY PROCLAIMSEPTEMBER13,2019ASTHE: TH 10ANNIVERSARYOFBARACHURCHINTROPHYCLUB Town CouncilPage 128 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Section 1.Weextendthisexpressionofouresteemandbestwishestothe membersofthiscongregationonthismemorableoccasion,offeringourcongratulations andappreciationfor10yearsoffaithfulChristianserivceandoutreachtothe Trophy Clubcommnity. Section2.In lightoftheneedsofourworldtodayand Bara Church’sexample forthepast10years, I urgeallcitizensof Trophy Clubtoloveoneanotherwiththe pure,peaceableandpowerfulloveof God. PASSEDANDAPPROVEDbytheTownCounciloftheTownofTrophyClub, Texas,this 10thdayofSeptember2019. _______________________________ _______________________________ HollyFimbres,TownSecretary C.NickSanders,Mayor TownofTrophyClub,Texas TownofTrophyClub,Texas PRO2019-19Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 129 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-405-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 8/27/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 9/10/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing September 2019 as Suicide Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Fleury). Attachments: PRO 2019-20 - Suicide Prevention Months.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 9: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncilrecognizingSeptember2019as Suicide Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Fleury). Town CouncilPage 130 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2019-20 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, SUPPORTING SEPTEMBER 2019 AS SUICIDE AWARENESS MONTH IN TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,one American dies by suicide every 12minutes with nearly 47,200 deaths by suicide in our country during 2018; and WHEREAS,more than 1.6 million years of life are lost to suicide and the combined medical and work-loss costs in the United States is $69billion per year; and WHEREAS, Americans attempt suicide an estimated 1.4million times annually, with 575,000beingteenagers and24percentof highschool students surveyed have seriously considered suicide; and WHEREAS,suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States, the second leading cause of death for ages 15-24 and the fourthleading cause of death for ages 35-54; and WHEREAS,more teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, combined and Veterans comprise22.2percent of suicides; and WHEREAS,in the United States, 90 percent of those who die by suicide had a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of their death; and WHEREAS,many of those people who died never received effective behavioral health services, for many reasons including the difficulty of access, thestigma of using behavioral health treatment and the stigma associated with losing a loved one to suicide. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR C. NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM: SEPTEMBER 2019 AS SUICIDE AWARENESS MONTH PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 10thday of September 2019. _______________________________ ________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town CouncilPage 131 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-406-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 8/27/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 9/10/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution accepting an Annual Service and Assessment Plan Update for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), and the proposed Assessment Roll; setting a date for Public Hearing; authorizing the publication of notice and directing the mailing of notices as required by law; enacting other provisions relating thereto; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). Attachments: Staff Report - Resolution for SAP ESD1.pdf RES 2019-20 - Accepting a SAP (Emer Serv) PID.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 10: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaResolutionacceptinganAnnualServiceandAssessmentPlanUpdate forAuthorizedServices(EmergencyServices)fortheTrophyClubPublicImprovementDistrictNo.1(TheHighlandsat TrophyClub),andtheproposedAssessmentRoll;settingadateforPublicHearing;authorizingthepublicationofnotice anddirectingthemailingofnoticesasrequiredbylaw;enactingotherprovisionsrelatingthereto;andprovidingan effective date (W. Carroll). Town CouncilPage 132 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Cheryl Davenport, Interim Director ofFinance CC: Wade Carroll, Interim Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Annual Service and Assessment Plan Town Council Meeting, September 10, 2019 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution accepting an Annual Service and Assessment Plan Update for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), and the proposed Assessment Roll;setting a date for Public Hearing; authorizing the publication of notice and directing the mailing of notices as required by law; enacting other provisions relating thereto; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). Strategic Link: Administrative & Financial Services - Exercise fiscal discipline in all Town operations. Background and Explanation: Annually, the Town Council accepts the Service and Assessment Plan update for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), sets the date for a Public Hearing and authorizes the publication of Notice, and directs the mailings of such Notices as required by law. This notice states the approximate Total Annual Cost of the Authorized Services, which is figured after receiving the Fire Rate from Trophy Club Municipal Utility District (TCMUD) No. 1. Financial Considerations: The Emergency Services District (ESD) in the PID pays for $506,789 worth of fire expenditures. This is the district’s portion of fire services, the remainder is paid through the MUD’s property tax rate. If the ESD assessment was not in place the Town would be responsible for covering those expenditures. Legal Review: Not applicable. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 133 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 2019-20 as presented Attachments: Resolution No. 2019-20 Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 134 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2019-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ACCEPTING AN ANNUAL SERVICE AND ASSESSMENT PLAN UPDATE FOR AUTHORIZED SERVICES (EMERGENCY SERVICES) FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 (THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB); SETTING A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING; AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE AND DIRECTING THE MAILING OF NOTICES AS REQUIRED BY LAW; ENACTING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING THERETO; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on March 16, 2007, the Town received a petition meeting the requirements of Sec. 372.005 of the Public Improvement District Assessment Act (the “Act”) requesting the creation of a public improvement district over a portion of the area of the Town to be known as The Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1(the “District”); and WHEREAS, the petition contained the signatures of the owners of taxable property representing more than fifty percent of the appraised value of taxable real property liable for assessment within the District, as determined by the then current ad valorem tax rolls of the Denton Central Appraisal District and the signatures of property owners who own taxable real property that constitutes more than fifty percent of the area of all taxable property that is liable for assessment by the District;and WHEREAS, on May 7, 2007, after due notice, the Town Council of the Town (the “Town Council”) held the public hearing in the manner required by law on the advisability of the Improvement Projects and services described in the petition as required by Sec. 372.009 of the PID Act and made the findings required by Sec. 372.009(b) of the PID Act and, by Resolution No. 2008-08, adopted by a majority of the members of the Town Council, authorized the District in accordance with its finding as to the advisability of certain public improvement projects and services; and WHEREAS, on May 18, 2007, the Town published notice of its authorization of the District in the Trophy Club Times, a newspaper of general circulation in the Town; and WHEREAS, no written protests of the District from any owners of record of property within the District were filed with the Town Secretary within 20 days after May 18, 2007;and WHEREAS, on May 21, 2007, the Council adopted a resolution (the “Cost Resolution”) determining the total costs of the District improvements, directing the filing of a proposed assessment roll, and directing related action; and Town CouncilPage 135 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 372.013 and 372.014 of the PID Act, the Town Council has directed the preparation of a Service and Assessment Plan Update for Authorized Services for the District (the “Plan”), such Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit “B”, covers a period of at least five years, and defines the annual indebtedness and the projected costs of the Authorized Services, as identified and defined in the Plan; and WHEREAS, the Plan Update includes an assessment plan that apportions the cost of the Authorized Services to be assessed against property in the District and such apportionment is made on the basis of special benefits accruing to the property because of the Authorized Services; and WHEREAS, after determining the total cost of the Authorized Services, the Town Council directed the preparation of an Assessment Roll that states the assessment against each parcel of land in the District and such Assessment Roll is attached to and a part of the Plan;and WHEREAS, the Town Council notes that the Plan and Assessment Roll may be amended with such changes as the Town Council deems appropriate before such Plan and Assessment Roll are adopted as final by the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Town has determined to call a public hearing regarding the levy ofassessments pursuant to the Plan and the Assessment Roll pursuant to Section 372.016 of the Act; and WHEREAS, the Town desires to publish notice of a public hearing to adopt the Plan and Assessment Roll in order to provide notice to all interested parties of the Town’s proposed levy of assessments against property in the District, pursuant to Section 372.016 of the Act; and WHEREAS, the Town desires to file the Annual Service Plan Update and Assessment Roll with the Town Secretary such that they are available for public inspection pursuant to Section 372.016 of the Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1.Findings. The findings and determinations set forth in the preambles hereto are hereby incorporated by reference for all purposes. Section 2.Calling Public Hearing.The Town Council hereby calls a public hearing (the “Public Hearing”) for 7:00 p.m. on September 24, 2019 at the regular meeting place of the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, Trophy Club Town Hall, 1Trophy WoodDrive, Trophy Club, Texas, to consider approving the Updated Plan, with such changes and amendments as the Town Council deems necessary, and the Assessment Roll with such amendments to the assessments on any parcel as the Town Council deems necessary. After all objections made at such hearing have beenheard, the Town Council may (i) levy the assessments as special assessments against each parcel of property in the District as set forth in the proposed RES 2019-20Page 2of 6 Town CouncilPage 136 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Updated Plan and Assessment Roll; (ii) specify the method of payment of the assessment, and (iii) provide that assessments be paid in periodic installments. Notice of the hearing setting out the matters required by Section 372.016 of the Act shall be given by publication at least eleven (11) days before the date of the hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town. Notice of such hearing shall also be given by the mailing of a copy of the notice containing the information required by Section 372.016(b) of the Act at least eleven (11) days prior to the hearing to the current address of each owner of property liable for an assessment in the proposed Assessment Roll as reflected on the tax rolls of the Denton Central Appraisal District. All residents and property owners within the District, and all other persons, are hereby invited to appear in person, or by their attorney, and contend for or contest the Plan and the Assessment Roll, and the proposed assessments and offer testimony pertinent to any issue presented on the amount of the assessments, purpose of the assessments, special benefit of the assessments, and the costs of collection and the penalties and interest on delinquent assessments. At or on the adjournment of the hearing conducted pursuant toSection372.016 on the proposed assessments, the Town Council must hear and pass on any objection to a proposed assessment. The Town Council may amend a proposed assessment on any parcel. The failure of a property owner to receive notice does not invalidate the proceeding. Section 3.Publication and Mailing of Notice.The Town Council hereby directs Town Staffor designeeto cause the publication of Notice of the Public Hearing substantially in the form attached as Exhibit “A”; such publication to occur at least eleven (11) days before the date of the hearing. Further, the Town Council hereby directs Town Staff to give Notice of Hearing by the mailing of a copy of the notice at least eleven (11) days prior to the hearing to the current address of each owner of property liable for an assessment in the proposed Assessment Roll as reflected on the tax rolls of the Denton Central Appraisal District. Section 4.Conduct of Public Hearing.The Town Council shall convene at the location and at the time specified in the notice described above for the public hearing and shall conduct the public hearing in connection with its approval of the Plan and the Assessment Roll and the levy of the proposed assessments, including costs of collection and penalties and interest on delinquent assessments. At such public hearing, the Town Council will hearand pass on any objections to the Plan and the Assessment Roll and the levy of the proposed assessments (which objections may be written or oral). At or on the adjournment of the hearing, Council may amend a proposed assessment on any parcel. After all objections, if any, have been heard and passed upon, the Town may (i) levy the assessments as special assessments against each parcel of property in the District as set forth in the Plan and Assessment Roll, (ii) specify the method of payment of the assessment, and (iii) provide that the assessments be paid in periodicinstallments. RES 2019-20Page 3of 6 Town CouncilPage 137 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Section 5.Filing of Plan Update and Assessment Roll. The Plan Update and Assessment Roll shall be filed in the office of the Town Secretary and be made available to any member of the public who wishes to inspect the same. A copy of the Annual Service and Assessment Plan Update for Authorized Services is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “B”. Section 6.Effective Date.This Resolution shall become effective upon its passage in accordance with law. PASSED AND APPROVEDby the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, on this 10th day ofSeptember 2019. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas ATTEST:\[SEAL\]APPROVED TO AS FORM: _________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town SecretaryJ. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, TexasTown of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2019-20Page 4of 6 Town CouncilPage 138 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 EXHIBIT “A” TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a public hearing will be conducted by the Town th Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on the 24day of September,2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building at 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. The public hearing will be held to consider proposed assessments to be levied against the assessable property withinTHE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTNO. 1 (the “District”) pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended. The general nature of the improvements areemergency services (the “Authorized Services”), including, without limitation, fire suppression and control, inspection services, arson investigations, hazardous material response, search and rescue, emergency recovery and extraction, pre-hospital medicalstabilization or transportation of persons who are sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless including basic life support ambulance services, advanced life support ambulance services, air ambulance services, and quick-response unit services provided by the Town.The Town has provided such services pursuant to an annual assessment within the District since 2007. The total annual cost of the Authorized Servicesfor the Town’s Fiscal Year 2019- 2020is approximately $506,789. The boundaries of the District are described as follows: The District includes approximately 609.683 acres located within the corporate limits of the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. The District is generally located to the north of Oakmont Drive, Oak HillDrive and the Quorum Condominiums, east of the Lakes Subdivision and Parkview Drive, south of the Corp of Engineers Property and west of the Town’s eastern town limits. The District is more particularly described by metes and bounds and such description is available for inspection at Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. All written or oral objections will be considered at the public hearing. A copy of the Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services and proposed Assessment Roll, which includes the assessments to be levied against each parcel in the District, is available for public inspection at the office of the Town Secretary, Town of Trophy Club, at 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. th WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF THE TOWN, this 10day of September, 2019. /s/ Holly Fimbres ___________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2019-20Page 5of 6 Town CouncilPage 139 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 EXHIBIT “B” ANNUAL SERVICE AND ASSESSMENT PLAN UPDATE FOR AUTHORIZED SERVICES (EMERGENCY SERVICES) FOR THE DISTRICT RES 2019-20Page 6of 6 Town CouncilPage 140 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 141 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 142 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 143 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 144 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 145 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 146 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 147 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 148 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 149 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 150 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 151 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 152 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 2019 10, September Date: Meeting 189 of 153 Page Council Town Town CouncilPage 154 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 155 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 156 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 157 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 158 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 159 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 160 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 161 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 162 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 163 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 164 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 165 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 166 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 167 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 168 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 169 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 170 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 171 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 172 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 173 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 174 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 175 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 176 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 177 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 178 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 179 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 180 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town CouncilPage 181 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-407-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 8/27/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 9/10/2019 Title: Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the September 24, 2019 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (W. Carroll). A)Item No. 6 from the Future Agenda Items list: Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding drainage issues in Town. (Shoffner 6/11/2019) (1-September 10, 2019) Attachments: September 24, 2019 Proposed Council Meeting Agenda.pdf Town Council Future Agenda Items List updated 09-04-2019.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 11: DiscussionofitemsforFutureAgendastoincludeagendaitemsforconsiderationontheSeptember24,2019Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (W. Carroll). A)ItemNo.6fromtheFutureAgendaItemslist:Discussionofandtakeappropriateactionregardingdrainage issues in Town. (Shoffner 6/11/2019) (1-September 10, 2019) Town CouncilPage 182 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Meeting Date: September 24, 2019 Workshop Start Time 6:00 p.m. Regular Session Start Time 7:00 p.m. STAFF No. Workshop - Start Time 6:00 p.m.RESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Discussion of and provide direction regarding the Town's fee schedule (W. Carroll). 1Town Mgr Announcements & Reports No. Receive Interim Town Manager Carroll's update and provide input regarding the 2Town Mgr following (W. Carroll): Community Night Homecoming Parade Receive Town Council Liaison update; discussion of same (W. Carroll): 3Town Sec STAFF No. ConsentRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilRegularSession 4Town Sec Minutes dated September 10, 2019 (W. Carroll). Considerandtakeappropriateactionregardingthefinancialandvariancereport 5Finance dated July 2019 (W. Carroll). Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club accepting and approving an Update of the Service and Assessment Plan and an Updated Assessment Roll for the Town of Trophy Club 6Finance Public Improvement District No. 1 (Authorized Improvements Assessment); making and adopting findings; accepting and approving the annual Service Plan Update and Updated Assessment Roll; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town amending Appendix A, Fee Schedule, to establish fees and rates for water and wastewater services to customers within the boundaries of Trophy Club Public 7Com Dev Improvement District (PID) No. 1; providing that Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 Services Rules and Policies are applicable to customers within the PID No. 1; and providing a penalty and effective date (W. Carroll). STAFF No. Public HearingRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Town Council to conduct a Public Hearing relative to the Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), the proposed 8Finance Assessment Roll, and the levy of Special Assessments against the property in PID No. 1 and matters contained in the proposed Ordinance (W. Carroll). STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Ceremonial Oath of Office and presentation of Certificate of Election to Council 9Town Sec Member Place 4 (W. Carroll). Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing October 2019 as Bullying Prevention Month in Trophy Club; 10Town Sec and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Fleury). Town CouncilPage Page 1 of 3 183 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club accepting and approving a Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (Emergency Services) and an Assessment Roll for the Town of Trophy Club Public 11Finance Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club); making a finding of special benefit to the Property in the District; levying special assessments against Property within the District; providing for payment of the assessments in accordance with law; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas adopting and approving the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2019 and ending September 30, 2020, for Trophy Club 12Finance Economic Development Corporation 4B; making appropriations; providing for expenditures as allowed by applicable law; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas adopting and approving the Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2019 and ending September 30, 2020, for the Town of 13Finance Trophy Club; making appropriations; providing for expenditures as allowed by applicable law; providing for filing of documents; repealing conflicting ordinances; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance fixing and levying Municipal Ad Valorem Taxes for the Town for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 14Finance 2019 and ending September 30, 2020; directing the assessment thereof; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council approving the tax roll of the Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) and Tarrant 15Finance County Appraisal District (TAD) for 2019; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). STAFF No. Upcoming Agenda & Council Future Agenda Items List UpdateRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the October 8, 2019 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future 16Town Sec Agenda Items list (W. Carroll). STAFF No. Executive SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into 17Town Sec executive session to discuss the following: Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open A) meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: North of State Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive and west of Town limits (Mayor Pro Tem Jensen and Council Member Shoffner) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public B) officer or employee (W. Carroll): Animal Shelter Advisory Board 1) Town CouncilPage Page 2 of 3 184 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Building Standards Commission 2) Charter Review Commission 3) Economic Development Corporation 4B 4) Ethics Review Commission 5) Parks and Recreation Board 6) Planning and Zoning Commission 7) Tax Increment Reinvestment Zoning No. 1 Board 8) Zoning Board of Adjustment 9) STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Consider and take appropriate action repealing the following Resolutions making annual appoints of citizens to serve on various Town Boards, Commissions and Corporation and appointing various Chairpersons and Town Council Liaisons and 18Town Sec adopting new Resolutions making and reaffirming annual appointments to the following Boards, Commissions and Corporations, appointing various Chairpersons and Council Liaisons; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll): Animal Shelter Advisory Board A) Building Standards Commission B) Charter Review Commission C) Economic Development Corporation 4B D) Ethics Review Commission E) Parks and Recreation Board F) Planning and Zoning Commission G) Tax Increment Reinvestment Zoning No. 1 Board H) Zoning Board of Adjustment I) Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (W. Carroll). 19Town Sec Town CouncilPage Page 3 of 3 185 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 Town Council Future Agenda Items List (Updated 09/04/2019) 1. Review negotiating with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to transfer the title for the land that the Annex Building is built on and the maintenance building by the Wastewater Treatment Plant. (Lamont 11/10/2015) (1-February 9, 2016)(2-May 10, 2016) (3-August 9, 2016) (4-November 8, 2016) (5-February 14, 2017) (6-May 23, 2017) (7-May 22, 2018) (8-August 28, 2018) (9-December 11, 2018) (10-April 9, 2019) (11-July 23, 2019)(12- October 22, 2019) 1/12/2016 – At the January 12, 2016 Council meeting, Council made TCMUD No. 1 an offer regarding the Annex Building. 5/10/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 8/9/2016 - Mayor Sanders advised that several items have taken precedence and that this item can remain on the list until the applicable time to deal with it. 9/19/2016 – This item was scheduled to be placed on a future Joint Meeting agenda, tentatively for January 2017, with the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors. 11/8/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 2/20/2017 – Council moved this item to be discussed during the February 25, 2017 Council Retreat. 3/28/2017 – Mayor Sanders added the maintenance building by the Wastewater Treatment Plant to this item. 5/23/2017 - Mayor Sanders advised that his intent was that the Annex Building would be utilized for Town storage after Staff relocated into the new Town Hall facility. 5/22/2018 – Direction was given to place the above items on the Joint Session agenda between Council and the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors that would occur in July 2018. 8/28/2018 – There was no new update to provide. 12/11/2018 – Town Manager Class provided an update during Executive Session. 4/9/2019 – Town Manager Class provided an update during Executive Session. 7/23/2019 – Interim Town Manager Carroll provided an update during Executive Session. 2. Receive an update from Town Staff regarding Entryway Monumentation and Landscaping for the Town of Trophy Club. (Sanders 2/27/2018) (1-May 22, 2018) (2-August 28, 2018) (3-December 11, 2018) (4-March 26, 2019) (5-June 25, 2019) (6-July 23, 2019) (7-October 22, 2019) 5/22/2018 – Town Planner Payne provided an update regarding Entryway Monument signs, Wayfinding signs, and Parks signs. Council gave direction to bring back a plan for repairing and updating Parks monument signs and a plan for standardizing trailhead signs. 8/28/2018 – Town Planner Payne presented an update regarding Park signage. Council provided feedback on the design for Park signage. 12/11/2018 – Town Planner Payne provided an updateand Council directed Staff to move forward with preparing an RFP for Parks signage with Town logos and without Town logos. 3/26/2019 – Town Planner Payne provided an update regarding entryway monumentation and wayfinding signage. Council directed Staff to move forward with entryway monumentation. 6/25/2019 – Town Planner Payne provided an update regarding entryway monumentation and Park signage. Council directed Staff to bring the item back for direction to allow the en- tire Council to be present. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 186 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 7/23/2019 – Town Planner Payne provided an update regarding entryway monumentation and Park signage. Council recommended Staff reach out to NISD to work together to have monumentation by the schools, reach out to the developer of PD 30 to potentially have monumentation on Trophy Club Drive compliment PD 30 signage, and review having a sign with backlit lettering on Trophy Wood Drive. 3. Discussion of and possible action between the Town and EDC 4B regarding long range planning to use the parcel between Bread Winners and Trophy Club Town Hall. (Sanders 7/24/2018) (1-October 23, 2018) (2-April 9, 2019) (3-July 23, 2019) (4-October 22, 2019) 10/23/2018 – Council recommended giving the liaison direction during the Executive Ses- sion and that information could be provided to the EDC 4B through the liaison without a joint meeting. 4/9/2019 – Town Manager Class provided an update during Executive Session. 7/23/2019 – Interim Town Manager Carroll provided an update during Executive Session. 4. Discussion of and take appropriate action to have the Interim Town Manager prioritize an investigation of the use of turf fields at Independence Park along with a cost benefit anal- ysis & review offering a payback program between the Town and TCR Youth Baseball As- sociation. (Geraci & Shoffner 5/28/2019) (1-November 12, 2019) 8/13/2019 – Mayor Sanders inquired if this item would be ready for an update by the August 27th Council meeting. Council Member Geraci commented that additional time would be needed. 5. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding drainage issues in Town. (Shoffner 6/11/2019) (1-September 10, 2019) 6. Review of the Town’s Charter and Code of Ordinances to allow the Council to take action to enforce deed restrictions or covenants. (Bone & Geraci 8/27/2019) (1-December 10, 2019) 7. Creation of a strategic plan for a percentage of funds set aside for Capital Replacement items. (Geraci & Sanders 8/27/2019) (1-December 10, 2019) Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 187 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-408-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemExecutive Session File created:In control: 8/27/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 9/10/2019 Title: Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: North of State Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive and west of Town limits (Mayor Pro Tem Jensen and Council Member Shoffner) B)Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: Town Manager position (W. Carroll) Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 12: PursuanttothefollowingdesignatedsectionoftheTexasGovernmentCode,Annotated,Chapter551(TexasOpen Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section551.072DeliberationregardingRealPropertytodiscussordeliberatethepurchase,exchange,lease,or valueofrealpropertyifdeliberationinanopenmeetingwouldhaveadetrimentaleffectonthepositionofthe governmental body in negotiations with a third person: NorthofStateHighway114,eastofTrophyClubDriveandwestofTownlimits(MayorProTemJensenandCouncil Member Shoffner) B)Section551.074PersonnelMattersunderSubsection(1)todiscussordeliberatetheappointment,employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: Town Manager position (W. Carroll) Town CouncilPage 188 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-409-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 8/27/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 9/10/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (W. Carroll). Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 13: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (W. Carroll). Town CouncilPage 189 of 189Meeting Date: September 10, 2019