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Phillips). Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 1: Consider and take appropriate action regarding electing a Presiding Officer (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 6 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-267-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemWorkshop File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Discussion of and provide direction regarding Town marquees (J. Phillips). Attachments: Town Marquee Update Presentation.PDF DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 2: Discussion of and provide direction regarding Town marquees (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 7 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 6/18/2019 Discussion of and provide direction regarding Town marquees Town CouncilPage 8 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 6/18/2019 Town Marquees -Timeline 20052006200920132019 Marquee at Marquee Continuous Trophy Lake Dr. Approved repairs made involved in byTown $6,362.50 hit and run. Council Complete rebuild for $16,000 Marquee TownCouncil Staffseeking Constructed and approvesremoval approvaltorepair, Installed ofMarqueesȟ¶¨³§ replaceorremove noremoval marquees timeline Town Marquees ÎOptions -Option 3 - -Option 1 --Option 2 - REMOVE / BUILD NEW REPAIRREPLACE ¤Phase out marquees as they ¤Diagnostician service call ΤReplace the digital components breakdown estimated cost = for all 3 marquees -estimated $195 + per visitcost = $42,000 + $40/month per ¤Costs associated with removing marquee broken electronic panels and ¤Hardware repairs on all installing permanent branded sign three marquees Îestimated ¤Repair masonry work on all 3 cost =marquees Îestimated cost = ¤Build new entryway signs TBD TBDTBD Town CouncilPage 9 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 2 6/18/2019 Town Marquees -Equipment Town Marquees ÎEquipment Cont. Town CouncilPage 10 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 3 6/18/2019 Town Marquees -Masonry Town Marquees ÎScope ¤Remove existing sign faces ¤Install new LED sign faces and ¤Remove existing precast tilingventing material ¤Remove existing precast accents¤Install LED grounding rods ¤Inspect CMU sign core for damage¤Connect into existing power ¤Re-grout and reinstall existing ¤Test sign operation precast accents¤Setup and training for new sign ¤Lay new stucco face to the body of software the sign, flush with the precast accents. $29,883.93 x 3 = $89,651.79* Town CouncilPage 11 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 4 6/18/2019 Town Marquees ÎCosts ¤EntechEstimated Hard Costs¤Data Estimated Package Costs ¤$29,883.93 x 3 locations = ¤$40 per month x 3 = $89,651.79*$1,440* per year * Additional costs may occur based * Cost discontinues after installation of point upon discovery and potentialto point wireless system engineering needed Town Marquees ÎWarranties Warranties ¤7 Year Parts Warranty (If a component fails on your display, both the parts and labor cost to replace the hardware will be covered) ¤7 Year Doorstep Hardware Replacement Labor Warranty (doorstep hardware replacement labor warranty is insured through a third party guarantor and is covered regardless of manufacturer's status) ¤7 Year of Free Message Creation Services Town CouncilPage 12 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 5 6/18/2019 Town Marquees Town Marquees Questions? Town CouncilPage 13 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 6 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-268-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemWorkshop File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Discussion of and provide direction regarding a new Park to be located on Sheldon Drive (J. Phillips). Attachments: Pocket Park on Sheldon Drive Presentation.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 3: Discussion of and provide direction regarding a new Park to be located on Sheldon Drive (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 14 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 OPTION #1 Parking Canopy Structure Restrooms Playground Soccer Field Town CouncilPage 15 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 OPTION #2 Canopy Structure Parking Town CouncilPage 16 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 OPTION #3 Lawn Area Parking Town CouncilPage 17 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 18 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Pocket Park Cost Breakdown Town CouncilPage 19 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Pocket Park Cost Breakdown (cont.) Town CouncilPage 20 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Total Project Cost TOTAL PROJECT COST MINUS OPTIONAL FENCING & TRAILHEAD SIGNAGE = $117,800 Town CouncilPage 21 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-269-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Receive Interim Town Manager Phillips’ update and provide input regarding the following (J. Phillips): *July 4th Celebration *Volunteer Appreciation Reception Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 4: Receive Interim Town Manager Phillips’ update and provide input regarding the following (J. Phillips): *July 4th Celebration *Volunteer Appreciation Reception Town CouncilPage 22 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-271-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemConsent Agenda File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated June 11, 2019 (J. Phillips). Attachments: Draft TC Regular Session Minutes June 11, 2019.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 5: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilRegularSessionMinutesdatedJune11,2019(J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 23 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2019, 7:00 P.M. LOCATION: 1 TROPHY WOOD DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS COUNCIL CHAMBERS The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, June 11, 2019. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Nick Sanders Mayor Eric Jensen Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Sean Bone Council Member, Place 3 Michael Geraci Council Member, Place 5 Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Alicia L. Fleury Council Member, Place 1 STAFF PRESENT: Wade Carroll Acting Town Manager Jill Lind Communications and Marketing Manager David Dodd Town Attorney Mike Pastor Information Technology Manager Holly Fimbres Town Secretary/RMO Eric Sampson Firefighter/EMT-P Patrick Arata Police Chief Gary Sipes Fire Captain/Fire Investigator Shane Beck Fire Captain/EMS Coordinator Sara Stockstrom Firefighter/EMT-P Greg Boos Fire Driver/Engineer Tommy Uzee Director of Community Development Gary Cochran Fire Marshal Steve Woodard Police Captain Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation John Zagurski Finance Manager Mayor Sanders announced the date of Tuesday, June 11, 2019, called the Town Council to order and announced a quorum at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Sanders advised that Council Member Fleury was out of the country and had intended to participate remotely through Skype but she became ill. The Invocation was offered by Fire Chief Carroll. The Pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag were led by Council Member Geraci. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Phil Milazzo, 403 Ramsey Trail, addressed the Council regarding a severe flooding issue on Ramsey Trail for all the homeowners on the west side of the street, which transitions in some areas to the east side of the street. Also, when it rains it becomes a pond at the corner of Abbot Lane and Fisher Drive. These concerns have been brought to the attention of Ashton Woods Homes, First Texas Homes, and the Trophy Club Country Club. The three parties have not given direction or resolution to the concerned homeowners; therefore he was seeking the Council’s guidance in the future since the Council could not take action on this item at this time. Town CouncilPage 24 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1. Receive Acting Town Manager Carroll's update and provide input regarding the following (J. Phillips): PD 30 – Construction continued on schedule with framing of the north side of the Byron complex and retail spaces; additional efforts were being performed by Staff in order to be in compliance with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan; and the amended plat that was requested by Oncor for the addition of utility easements and the maintenance of the retaining wall between the Townhomes and Aloft Hotel was approved at the June 6, 2019 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. American Heart Association Mission Lifeline Award – The Fire Department was awarded the American Heart Association Mission Lifeline Silver Award for excellence in prehospital care for emergencies such as heart attacks and strokes. The Fire Department’s treatment protocols, procedures, and 2019 run data were submitted for review in February 2019 and they met the highest of award standards. He acknowledged Fire Captain/EMS Coordinator Beck and Firefighter/EMT-P Eric Sampson for being an integral piece to help provide excellence in services they provide to the residents. Mayor Sanders presented an award and plaque to the Fire Department. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 2. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated May 28, 2019 (J. Phillips). (Town Secretary Note: Approved as presented in the Town Council agenda packet) 3 Consider and take appropriate action regarding the financial and variance report dated March 2019 (J. Phillips). Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, seconded by Council Member Bone, to approve the Consent Agenda Items 2 and 3. Motion carried unanimously 5-0-0. REGULAR SESSION 4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing June 12, 2019 as Trophy Club Women’s Club Day in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Mayor Pro Tem Jensen). Mayor Pro Tem Jensen read the proclamation into the record. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, seconded by Mayor Sanders, to approve Proclamation No. 2019-15, recognizing June 12, 2019 as Trophy Club Women’s Club Day in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date of June 11, 2019. Jeannette Tiffany, 44 Cypress Court, thanked the Council for recognizing the Trophy Club Women’s Club for having a significant role in the Town. Their organization helped meet the needs of Town residents and they looked forward to partnering with the Town and others in order to meet their mission and goals. The vote was taken. Motion carried unanimously 5-0-0. Mayor Sanders presented representatives with the Trophy Club Women’s Club with the proclamation. Town Council Minutes June 11, 2019 Page 2 of 5 Town CouncilPage 25 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 5. Receive the Mayor's State of the Town Address; discussion of same (Mayor Sanders). Mayor Sanders provided the Mayor’s State of the Town Address. No action was taken on this item. 6. Discussion of and provide direction to Town Staff regarding potential items to place on the Joint Session agenda between the Trophy Club Town Council and the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 Board of Directors (J. Phillips). Acting Town Manager Carroll stated that the strategic link was Administrative & Financial Services – Exercise fiscal discipline in all Town operations. Per the approved Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Administration of Fire Protection Services, Section 3.1, Budget and Funding, Subsection A, Budget Preparation: Town shall prepare a budget for Fire Protection Services and present that budget to the Town Council and District for approval at a joint meeting before August 1 of each year. Both parties shall approve the contractual budget by August 15 of each year. A Joint Session was scheduled for July 29, 2019 and Staff was seeking the Council’s direction for any other potential agenda items. Mayor Sanders commented that the Town and the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District (TCMUD) No. 1 have had discussions over the past year regarding the Annex Building and the former Police Department building. One of the objectives was to figure out how to properly remove the former Police Department building from the property. Another topic that has been discussed was the TCMUD No. 1 Maintenance Barn that the Town currently occupies. He requested to add an item for future planning of the replacement of the Fire Truck since it may be placed under the Town at some point. He would like to have an understanding of the debt obligation. Council Member Shoffner suggested reaching out to the TCMUD No. 1 General Manager to see if they had an interest in creating a Sunset Committee that would consist of Town Council Members and TCMUD No. 1 Directors. If there was an interest, then it may be appropriate to annually take action to appoint a Sunset Committee at the Joint Session meeting in order to help streamline operations. Steve Flynn, Secretary/Treasurer of the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors, recommended that the Mayor reach out to the President of the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors. No action was taken on this item. 7. Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the June 25, 2019 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (J. Phillips). This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when the topic of discussion requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the time frame between regular Council meetings. However, a Council Member may request that an item be placed on the next regularly scheduled meeting without first placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda items must comply with Charter requirements. Mayor Sanders advised that he would not be present for the June 25, 2019 Council meeting but he would be participating remotely. Council Member Shoffner requested to add the following item to the Town Council Future Agenda items list: Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding drainage issues in Town. Council Member Geraci requested to add the following item to the Town Council Future Agenda items list: Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding controlled crossing areas and flashers in Town. Town Council Minutes June 11, 2019 Page 3 of 5 Town CouncilPage 26 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 EXECUTIVE SESSION 8. Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council convened into executive session to discuss the following: A) Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: 1) North of State Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive and west of Town limits (Mayor Pro Tem Jensen and Council Member Shoffner) 2) North of State Highway 114, west of Trophy Club Drive (J. Phillips) B) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, evaluation and duties of a public officer or employee: 1) Council Finance Subcommittee (J. Phillips) 2) Town Manager position (J. Phillips) C) Section 551.087 Deliberation regarding Economic Development Negotiations under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations and Subsection (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town: 1) North of State Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive and west of Town limits (Mayor Sanders) CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME – 7:50 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION - START TIME – 9:20 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION 9. Consider and take appropriate action regarding appointing three (3) Council Members to a Council Subcommittee formed for the purpose of providing fiduciary oversight of the budget, as well as providing input regarding the administration of the budget and the budget process (J. Phillips). Motion: Motion made by Council Member Bone, seconded by Council Member Geraci, to appoint Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, and Council Member Shoffner to serve on the Council Finance Subcommittee formed for the purpose of providing fiduciary oversight of the budget, as well as providing input regarding the administration of the budget and the budget process. Motion carried unanimously 5-0-0. 10. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (J. Phillips). Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, seconded by Council Member Shoffner, to approve the Letter of Agreement for mutual access driveway improvements at 91 Trophy Club Drive. Mayor Pro Tem Jensen advised that the Letter of Agreement was to assist in opening the driveway in front of Meat U Anywhere for the benefit of the shopping development at that corner. The vote was taken. Motion carried unanimously 5-0-0. Town Council Minutes June 11, 2019 Page 4 of 5 Town CouncilPage 27 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Council Member Shoffner thanked Staff for working on this item. Mayor Sanders remarked that Meat U Anywhere had already signed the Letter of Agreement and Staff had obtained an estimate for the replacement of the existing mutual access driveway. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Geraci, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Jensen, to approve the Interim Town Manger position as discussed during Executive Session. Motion carried unanimously 5-0-0. ADJOURN Mayor Sanders adjourned the meeting at 9:23 p.m. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Minutes June 11, 2019 Page 5 of 5 Town CouncilPage 28 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-272-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemConsent Agenda File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the 2018 Consumer Confidence Report for the Public Improvement District (J. Phillips). Attachments: Staff Report - 2018 Consumer Confidence Report.pdf Consumer Confidence Report TCEQ Certificate of Delivery.pdf 2018 Consumer Confidence Report.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 6: Considerandtakeappropriateactionregardingthe2018ConsumerConfidenceReportforthePublicImprovement District (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 29 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Tommy Uzee, Director of Community Development CC: Jonathan Phillips, Interim Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: 2018 Consumer Confidence Report for the Public Improvement District Town Council Meeting, June 25, 2019 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the 2018 Consumer Confidence Report for the Public Improvement District (J. Phillips). Strategic Link: Infrastructure and Development – Collaborate effectively with other governmental entities. Background and Explanation: Annually, as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District (PID) shall be submitted by July 1st of the reporting year. The report is generated through an agreement with the Municipal Utility District to submit to TCEQ. The report will also been posted on the Town’s website for consumer availability. This report identifies disinfectant levels and analytical results of drinking water samples taken on a regularly scheduled basis. Financial Considerations: Not applicable. Legal Review: Not applicable. Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve the 2018 Consumer Confidence Report for the Public Improvement District. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 30 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Attachments: Consumer Confidence Report TCEQ Certificate of Delivery 2018 Consumer Confidence Report Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 31 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 32 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 33 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 34 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 35 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 36 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-273-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemConsent Agenda File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing July 2019 as Park and Recreation Month; and providing an effective date (J. Phillips). Attachments: PRO 2019-16 - Park and Recreation Month.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 7: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncilrecognizingJuly2019asParkand Recreation Month; and providing an effective date (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 37 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2019-16 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DESIGNATING JULY 2019 AS PARK AND RECREATION MONTH IN TROPHY CLUB; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,parks and recreation programs are an integral part of communities throughout this country, including the Town of Trophy Club; and WHEREAS,our parks and recreation are vitally important to establishing and maintaining the quality of life in our communities, ensuring the health of all citizens, and contributing to the economic and environmental well-being of a community and region; and WHEREAS,parks and recreation programs build healthy, active communitiesthat aid in the prevention of chronic disease, provide therapeutic recreation services for those who are mentally or physically disabled, and also improve themental and emotional health of all citizens; and WHEREAS,parks and recreation programs increase a community’s economic prosperity throughincreased property values, expansion of the local tax base, increased tourism, the attraction and retention of businesses, and crime reduction; and WHEREAS,parks and recreation areas are fundamental to the environmental well- being of our community; and WHEREAS,parks and naturalrecreation areas improve water quality, protect groundwater, prevent flooding, improve the quality of the air we breathe, provide vegetative buffers to development, andproduce habitat for wildlife; and WHEREAS,our parks and natural recreation areas ensure the ecological beauty of our community and provide a place for children and adults to connect with nature and recreate outdoors; and WHEREAS,the U.S. House of Representatives has designated July as Parks and Recreation Month; and WHEREAS,the Townof Trophy Clubrecognizes the benefits derived from parks and recreation resources. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR C. NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM: JULY 2019 asPark and Recreation Month PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 25th day of June 2019. _______________________________ ________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Philip Shoffner,Presiding Officer Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town CouncilPage 38 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-289-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemConsent Agenda File created:In control: 6/20/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for payment between the Town of Trophy Club and the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 for the true-up of Fire Protection Services; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (J. Phillips). Attachments: Staff Report - TCMUD No. 1 Fiscal Year 2017-2018 True-Up.pdf Requisition Form.pdf TCMUD No. 1 Invoice FY17 and FY18.pdf Fire True-Up.pdf Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Administration of Fire Protection Services.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 8: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaRequisitionRequestforpaymentbetweentheTownofTrophyCluband theTrophyClubMunicipalUtilityDistrictNo.1forthetrue-upofFireProtectionServices;andauthorizingtheMayororhis designee to execute all necessary documents (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 39 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Jonathan Phillips, Interim Town Manager CC: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: TCMUD No. 1 Fiscal Year 2017/2018 True-Up Town Council Meeting, June 26, 2019 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for payment between the Town of Trophy Club and the Trophy Club MunicipalUtility District No. 1 for the true-up of Fire Protection Services; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (J. Phillips). Strategic Link: Infrastructure & DevelopmentServices – Collaborate effectively with other governmental entities. Background and Explanation: The Town of Trophy Club entered into an agreement with Trophy Club Municipal Utility District (TCMUD) No. 1 to provide FireProtection Services. The annual budget for Fire Services is adopted by both the Town and the TCMUD No. 1. Per Subsection B4, of Section 3.1, the Parties agree to negotiate the reconciliation of the difference. Financial Considerations: RevenuesExpendituresDifference FY17$1,071,509.30 $1,031,699.81 $39,809.49 FY181,193,310.79 1,097,509.22 95,801.57 Total$135,611.06 $2,264,820.09$2,129,209.03 Total estimated true-up with the TCMUD No. 1 is $135,611.06 over two years. This difference is due to higher than anticipated development revenue from PD 30. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 40 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Legal Review: Not applicable. Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: The Council Finance Subcommittee met on June 19th and recommended the approval of the Requisition Request. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Requisition Request. Attachments: Requisition Form TCMUD No. 1 Invoice FY17 and FY18 Fire True-Up Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Administration of Fire Protection Services Town Council Approval: _____________________________ Mayor C. Nick Sanders or designee Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 41 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 PURCHASE REQUISITION FORM PO Number Date :6/17/2019 Department 140 Vendor (Name & Address)Delivery AddressProject# Trophy Club MUD No. 11 Trophy Wood Drive 77795Trophy Club, TX 76262 Account NumberDescriptionQuantityUnit AmountTotal Amount 01-140-79900 FY 17 & 18 Fire True-Up 1 135,611.06 $ 135,611.06 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Co-op info:$ - Total$ 135,611.06 Comments Requested by:Approved by: Finance Approved by: Town CouncilPage 42 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 The Town of Trophy Club must have a completed Vendor Packet on file before a requisition can be accepted by the Finance Department. Town CouncilPage 43 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 44 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Fire True-Up RevenuesExpendituresDifference FY17$1,071,509.30$1,031,699.81$39,809.49 FY181,193,310.791,097,509.2295,801.57 Total$2,264,820.09$2,129,209.03$135,611.06 True-Up Estimage$135,611.06 Town CouncilPage 45 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 FY 17 Fire Budget & Actuals Revenues Line Description 01-000-41320Fire Permits/Sprinkler--2,100.00 01-000-42100Intergovernmental Transfer MUD-713,184.00581,633.00 01-000-43425Denton/Tarrant County - EMS/Fire-5,500.0010,000.00 01-000-44004PID Fire Assessment-472,237.00477,776.30 Total Revenues$-$1,190,921.00$1,071,509.30 Expenditures 01-256-50100Salaries - Regular-551,224.00537,947.38 01-256-50130Salaries - Overtime-75,237.0068,554.67 01-256-50140Salaries - Longevity-5,618.005,598.75 01-256-50145Salaries - Stipend--6,312.50 01-256-50160Salaries - Certification-5,400.004,987.55 01-256-51200Retirement-80,434.0079,312.01 01-256-51210Medical Insurance-68,414.0061,919.18 01-256-51215Dental Insurance-4,797.004,372.94 01-256-51216Vision Insurance-479.00428.51 01-256-51218Life Insurance & Other-3,684.002,853.36 01-256-52220Social Security Taxes-37,974.0034,596.05 01-256-52225Medicare Taxes-8,881.008,083.84 01-256-52250Unemployment Taxes-1,467.00158.28 01-256-52260Workman's Compensation-9,969.007,885.38 01-256-52290Physicals/Testing-8,785.002,916.97 01-256-53240Tuition Reimbursement-1,300.002,183.51 01-256-60100Professional Outside Services-6,600.002,326.50 01-256-60800Software & Support-2,506.00608.12 01-256-63200Advertising-500.00397.50 01-256-63250Printing-495.00264.94 01-256-63450Radios--167.10 01-256-63551Schools & Training-7,880.003,824.50 01-256-64000Electricity-6,673.006,445.59 01-256-64100Water-1,200.002,757.66 01-256-64300Telephone-50.00- 01-256-64400Communications /Pagers/Mobiles-10,851.0011,234.55 01-256-65000Insurance-16,513.00- 01-256-65200Building Maintenance-12,000.0013,758.22 01-256-65300Vehicle Maintenance-20,000.0023,053.04 01-256-65350Equipment Maintenance-23,370.005,214.07 01-256-66250Emergency Management-1,000.001,918.81 01-256-66500Dispatch - Denton County-5,700.002,376.00 01-256-68100Dues & Membership-15,582.0015,404.00 01-256-68190Flags & Repairs-3,050.003,310.75 01-256-68200Travel & per diem-4,081.001,979.31 01-256-68600Meetings--71.35 01-256-68700Safety Programs--3,375.08 01-256-69110Inspection Fees-500.00- 01-256-70100Office Supplies-500.00815.19 01-256-70300Postage-50.0057.33 01-256-70400Publications/Books/Subscriptions-350.00349.75 01-256-71000Fuel-21,111.0015,614.47 01-256-72100Uniforms-31,140.009,265.90 01-256-72220Pharmacy--158.43 01-256-72300Safety Equipment/Protective Clothing--27,815.40 01-256-78400Small Equipment-17,050.0017,680.50 01-256-78600Hardware-750.00- 01-256-79100Maintenance Supplies-1,500.00409.62 01-256-79999Miscellaneous Expense-1,000.00766.54 01-256-83700Capital Expenses-45,836.0028,962.46 01-256-87100Programs & Special Projects-7,500.003,206.25 Total Expenditures-1,129,001.001,031,699.81 Town CouncilPage 46 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 FY 18 Fire Budget & Actuals Revenues Line Description 01-000-41320Fire Permits/Sprinkler$100.00$100.00$83,704.09 01-000-42100Intergovernmental Transfer MUD608,896.00608,896.00608,910.00 01-000-43425Denton/Tarrant County - EMS/Fire16,000.0016,000.0010,000.00 01-000-44004PID Fire Assessment486,640.00486,640.00490,696.70 Total Revenue$1,111,636.00$1,111,636.00$1,193,310.79 Expenditures 01-256-50100Salaries - Regular$558,792.00$565,132.00$582,657.37 01-256-50130Salaries - Overtime50,122.0069,028.0071,353.89 01-256-50140Salaries - Longevity5,879.005,879.005,856.25 01-256-50160Salaries - Certification4,950.004,950.004,950.00 01-256-51200Retirement81,248.0082,073.0083,513.43 01-256-51210Medical Insurance62,650.0062,650.0059,991.17 01-256-51215Dental Insurance4,285.004,285.005,387.80 01-256-51216Vision Insurance433.00433.00568.64 01-256-51218Life Insurance & Other3,746.003,746.003,315.92 01-256-52220Social Security Taxes37,565.0037,565.0037,002.42 01-256-52225Medicare Taxes8,785.008,785.008,650.83 01-256-52250Unemployment Taxes1,424.001,424.001,620.33 01-256-52260Workman's Compensation10,139.0010,139.008,638.64 01-256-52290Physicals/Testing4,600.004,600.007,416.97 01-256-53240Tuition Reimbursement5,075.005,075.003,488.04 01-256-60100Professional Outside Services--125.00 01-256-60800Software & Support6,943.236,943.232,784.02 01-256-63200Advertising500.00500.00- 01-256-63250Printing250.00250.00154.99 01-256-63551Schools & Training15,670.0015,670.0015,392.16 01-256-64000Electricity8,140.008,140.004,894.81 01-256-64100Water4,647.504,647.503,202.67 01-256-64400Communications /Pagers/Mobiles13,245.0013,245.0015,884.36 01-256-65200Building Maintenance16,750.0016,750.0014,334.86 01-256-65300Vehicle Maintenance46,000.0046,000.0049,770.12 01-256-65350Equipment Maintenance17,240.0017,240.0012,393.95 01-256-66250Emergency Management1,000.001,000.00157.92 01-256-66500Dispatch - Denton County2,723.002,723.003,045.30 01-256-68100Dues & Membership19,295.0019,295.0019,601.43 01-256-68190Flags & Repairs3,500.003,500.001,000.00 01-256-68200Travel & per diem7,066.007,066.007,279.92 01-256-70100Office Supplies250.00250.00289.36 01-256-70200Printer Supplies1,400.001,400.001,040.84 01-256-70300Postage50.0050.0052.59 01-256-70400Publications/Books/Subscriptions350.00350.00266.56 01-256-71000Fuel13,613.0013,613.009,081.83 01-256-72100Uniforms6,687.006,687.006,338.38 01-256-72300Safety Equipment/Protective Clothing30,200.0030,200.0025,217.01 01-256-78400Small Equipment5,000.005,000.005,498.90 01-256-78600Hardware1,100.001,100.00913.74 01-256-79100Maintenance Supplies1,500.001,500.00386.04 01-256-79999Miscellaneous Expense6,000.006,000.003,245.82 01-256-87100Programs & Special Projects13,750.0013,750.0010,744.94 Total Expenditures$1,082,562.73$1,108,633.73$1,097,509.22 Town CouncilPage 47 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 48 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 49 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 50 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 51 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 52 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 53 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 54 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 55 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 56 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 57 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 58 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town CouncilPage 59 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-274-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing July 7, 2019, as Everybody Love Everybody Day in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Council Member Fleury and Mayor Sanders). Attachments: PRO 2019-17 - Everybody Love Everybody Day.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 9: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncilrecognizingJuly7,2019,as EverybodyLoveEverybodyDayinTrophyClub;andprovidinganeffectivedate(CouncilMemberFleuryandMayor Sanders). Town CouncilPage 60 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB,TEXAS PROCLAMATIONNO.2019-17 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, SUPPORTING JULY 7, 2019 AS EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY DAY IN TROPHY CLUB; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,361 police officers were killed in the line of duty since 2016, with Texas suffering the most deaths, at 29 fatalities; and WHEREAS,mental illness played a part in 25% of the 987 fatal police shootings in 2017; and WHEREAS,over 200 school shootings have occurred in the US since 2012; and WHEREAS,suicide and homicide account for more than 80% of violence-related deaths; and WHEREAS,each year, 1.4 million people worldwide lose their lives to violence. And, for each one, many more are injured and suffer from a range of physical, sexual, reproductive and mental health problems; and WHEREAS,violence is preventable and its impacts can be lowered by reducing risks and implementing violence prevention programs in schools; and WHEREAS,promoting positive, nurturing relationships within families and communities can prevent violence; and WHEREAS,spreading kindness, compassion and love can make the world a better place. NOW,THEREFORE, I, MAYORC.NICKSANDERS,INCONJUNCTIONWITH THETOWNCOUNCILOFTHETOWNOFTROPHYCLUB,TEXAS,DOHEREBY PROCLAIM: JULY 7, 2019 AS EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY DAY PASSEDANDAPPROVEDbytheTownCounciloftheTownofTrophyClub, Texas,this 25thdayof June2019. __________________________ ____________________________ HollyFimbres,TownSecretary PhilipShoffner, PresidingOfficer TownofTrophyClub,Texas TownofTrophyClub,Texas Town CouncilPage 61 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-275-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Receive the Annual Report from the Northwest Metroport Chamber of Commerce; discussion of same (J. Phillips). Attachments: NWMCC Communities Presentation for Year 2018 - Trophy Club.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 10: Receive the Annual Report from the Northwest Metroport Chamber of Commerce; discussion of same (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 62 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Seven Communities. One Chamber. One Goal. Success! Sally A. Aldridge, IOM President and CEO Town CouncilPage 63 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 About the Chamber One Year Update Town CouncilPage 64 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 2 Core Values •MISSION – Create, promote and enhance opportunity and growth for the business community. •VISION – To positively impact leadership, stewardship and business relationships through collaboration of all communities in our Metroport region •VALUE – Through leadership and integrity we promote unity and excellence Town CouncilPage 65 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 3 Chamber Stats •481 Members •165 New Members •15% Growth •76% Retention •As of 12.31.18 •510+ Members! •As of 05.01.19 Town CouncilPage 66 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 4 Member Partners 2018 •Basic 47% •Business Partner31% •Advisory Partner12% •President’s Circle4% •Associate Member 3% •Government Entities2% •Chairman’s Circle1% Town CouncilPage 67 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 5 Event Partners 2018 Town CouncilPage 68 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 6 •Chairman: Tracy Martinez, Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Alliance •Chair Elect: Glenn Wallace, Medical City Alliance •Vice Chair: Don Richmond, Fidelity Investments •Secretary (non-voting): Sally Aldridge, NWMCC 2019 Board of •Treasurer: Hogan Page, Directors First State Bank Roanoke Board Officers •Past Chair: Tina Patel, Comfort Suites Roanoke Town CouncilPage 69 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 7 2019 Board of Directors Directors •Marianne Henderson, •Jeff Ackerson, Charles SchwabiOffice •Von Beougher,•Ellen Iobst, G&A | McAdams Co.Farmer Brothers •Heather Brown, •Mark Miller, Hillwood Wells Fargo Heritage Trace •Rachel Nobles, Baylor, Scott •Becky Escott, & White Medical Center Devon EnergyGrapevine •Jennifer Gibson, •Chris Wells, CoServElectricTheClassic at Roanoke Town CouncilPage 70 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 8 2018 Chamber Awards •Winner: Communications Excellence Award for ED website and video, American Chamber of Commerce Executives st •1Place Website:ED website & video stnd 1and 2Place Brochures:Chamber sales brochure and economic development brochure 3rd Place Directories:Business Referral and Community Guide rd 3Place Newsletters:Chamber Latte: Your Monday Morning eNews,Texas Chamber of Commerce Media Awards Town CouncilPage 71 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 What We Do for Members NETWORK •Golf Classic •Alliance Development Forum •Lone Star Legislative Report •Ambassadors •Membership Luncheons •Awards Gala •Regional Advantage Leadership •Business Builder Networking •The Taste Coffees in each community •Women in Business Luncheons •Business Mixers PROMOTE •Event Market Tables •Ribbon Cutting & Groundbreaking •Sponsorships Ceremonies •Publications •eNews/ Chamber Marketplace ADVOCATE •State of the Communities Address •Lone Star Legislative Report •Regional Advantage Leadership Town CouncilPage 72 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Commerce and Community Working Together Town CouncilPage 73 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 11 Alliance Development Forum th •8Annual •430+ attendees •Record audience Town CouncilPage 74 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 State of the Communities •Another record-breaking attendance: 330+ attendees •Updates from each of our communities Town CouncilPage 75 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Membership Luncheons •Averaging 275+ attendees •Recognizing our community leaders •Community updates Town CouncilPage 76 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 ED Initiatives •Strategic Plan •Annual Business Referral & Community Guide •ED Specialist •Video •Website – MetroportChamber.org •ED Report for ADF •Monthly Meetings •NTCAR Booth Town CouncilPage 77 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Regional Advantage The Leadership Program of the NWMCC •Building regional leaders •2018–19Class: Will graduate 26 in June •2019–20Class: Accepting applications •9 Programming Sessions & Graduation •Field Trip to Visit Communities •Field Trip to Austin 2018 – 2019 Leadership Class •Class Project Class 1: Leadership Training / Orientation Class 6: Non-Profits & Industry Working Together Class 2: Visit our Seven CommunitiesClass 7: Visit the Capitol Class 3: Transportation / Economic Dev Class 8: Municipal Services Class 4: State GovernmentClass 9: Top Private Company Site Visits Class 5: Education / HealthGraduation at June Membership Luncheon Town CouncilPage 78 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 The Chamber and the Town of Trophy Club Town CouncilPage 79 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 17 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-270-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Case AP-19-003 (Trophy Club Town Center Addition) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of an amended plat for Trophy Club Town Center Addition, located on the northeast corner of SH 114 and Trophy Club Drive (J. Phillips). Attachments: Staff Report - Case AP-19-003.pdf Exhibit A - Amended Plat.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 11: Case AP-19-003 (Trophy Club Town Center Addition) ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingarequestforapprovalofanamendedplatforTrophyClubTownCenter Addition, located on the northeast corner of SH 114 and Trophy Club Drive (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 80 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Lisa Payne, Town Planner CC: Jonathan Phillips, Interim Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Case AP-19-003 Town Council Meeting, June25, 2019 Agenda Item: Case AP-19-003 (Trophy Club Town Center Addition) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of an amended plat for Trophy Club Town Center Addition, located on the northeast corner of SH 114 and Trophy Club Drive (J. Phillips). Strategic Link: Infrastructure & Development – Foster a business-friendly environment. Background and Explanation: The Final Plat of Trophy Club Town Center Addition, more commonly known as PD-30, was approved by Town Council on January 27, 2018.On December 11, 2018, an amended plat for the same property was approved by Town Councilin order to modify easements. The applicant never filed the amended plat with Denton County and has now discovered additional easement modifications that are deemed necessary. Thus, this proposed amended plat includes the easement modifications proposed last year, as well as new ones. The plat is proposed to be amended (1) to reflect therealignment of the Beck Boulevard access easement at the SH 114 access point, (2) to shift the common lot line between Lots 1 and 2 at the SH 114 access point to bisect the Beck Boulevard access easement, (3) to remove the Claire Drive access easement attheSH 114access point, (4) to update public and franchise utility easements, and (5) to add a wall maintenance easement along the west side of the townhome properties. The aforementioned amendments aremostly due to (1) the necessary relocation of the SH 114 access points becausethey intersectwith existing utility polesand(2) theTexas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT)and the Town’s denials of the relocatedaccess pointof Claire Drive at Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 81 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 SH 114 because of a higher risk of vehicular accidents when attempting to enter the highway via the on-ramp located directly across the frontage road from the townhomes. Revised site plan packages, building plans, and civil plans have been provided to Staff to accommodate the proposed amendments to the plat. In addition to the detailed townhome lots sheet and the signature sheet, the Amended Plat includes an Easement Dedication Sheet and an Easement Abandonment Sheet in an effort to not confuse which easements are being dedicated or abandoned. The number of lots on the proposed amended plat remains unchanged, as there are still 5 large development lots, 39 individual townhome lots, 5 HOA lots, and 2 common area lots. The plat conforms to the Town’s Subdivision Regulations, as well as the Developer’s Agreement and the PD-30 Development Standards. Financial Considerations: Not applicable. Legal Review: The Town Attorney has reviewed this item and concurs with the Staff recommendation. Planning andZoning Commission Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission heard this case on Thursday, June 6, 2019. Discussions included differences between this amended plat and the last amended plat approved by P&Z and Council and whether a seal is required to approve a plat. A motion was made to table the plat until returned with a seal, but died for lack of a second. Another motion was made to approve the amended plat as recommended by Staff, which did receive a second. The motion passed with a vote of four for approval and three against. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the amended plat. Attachments: Exhibit A – Amended Plat Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 82 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 N Exhibit A LOT 26 LOT 5, BLOCK A LOT 7 LOT 45 LOT 8 LOT 44 LOT 9 LOT 3, BLOCK A LOT 14 LOT 16 LOT 4, BLOCK A LOT 36 LOT 17 LOT 35 LOT 1, BLOCK A LOT 18 LOT 34 LOT 19 LOT 33 LOT 32 LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 31 LOT 2, BLOCK A LOT 22 LOT 30 LOT 23 LOT 29 LOT 24 LOT 28 LOT 25 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 47X BLOCK A V:\\2222\\active\\222210588\\survey\\10588v_rp.dwg modified by gwiley on Jun 17, 19 3:22 PM Town CouncilPage 83 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 N Exhibit A LOT 5, BLOCK A LOT 7 LOT 45 LOT 8 LOT 44 LOT 9 LOT 3, BLOCK A LOT 14 LOT 16 LOT 4, BLOCK A LOT 36 LOT 17 LOT 35 LOT 1, BLOCK A LOT 18 LOT 34 LOT 19 LOT 33 LOT 32 LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 31 LOT 2, BLOCK A LOT 22 LOT 30 LOT 23 LOT 29 LOT 24 LOT 28 LOT 25 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 47X BLOCK A V:\\2222\\active\\222210588\\survey\\10588v_rp.dwg modified by gwiley on Jun 17, 19 3:22 PM Town CouncilPage 84 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Exhibit A V:\\2222\\active\\222210588\\survey\\10588v_rp.dwg modified by gwiley on Jun 17, 19 3:22 PM Town CouncilPage 85 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Exhibit A V:\\2222\\active\\222210588\\survey\\10588v_rp.dwg modified by gwiley on Jun 17, 19 3:22 PM Town CouncilPage 86 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-277-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the General Fund and Five Year Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2020 (J. Phillips). Attachments: Fiscal Year 2020 General Fund Overview Presentation.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 12: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheGeneralFundandFiveYearCapitalImprovementProgramforFiscal Year 2020 (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 87 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 FY 2020 Budget Workshop G ENERAL F UND Town CouncilPage 88 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 FY 2020BUDGET STRATEGY Maintenance & Operations (M&O) Rate – General Fund Provide property tax relief to Trophy Club residents through the passage of a 1% homestead exemption Maintain tax rate to stabilize funding for current services Any future development revenues should be diverted to fund one time expenses in capital equipment replacement fund Growth in existing tax base will be capped at 3.5% by the legislature with the passage of Senate Bill 2 Growth in salaries is 6% due to turnover & inflation Town CouncilPage 89 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 FY 2020 BUDGET STRATEGY Interest & Sinking (I&S) Rate – Debt/Capital Projects Utilize short term debt issuance (tax notes) to fund equipment replacement for next two years. Over the next two years utilize the $1.5 Million remaining of the 2017 Certificates of Obligation to start and complete two additional capital projects Over next two fiscal years utilize the engineering line ($90K annually) rd to pay for and conduct a 3party street assessment study Town CouncilPage 90 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 FY 2019 BUDGET STRATEGY Utilization of Other Funds Utilize other funds to provide relief to the General Fund Funds providing relief CCPD Street Maintenance Sales Tax Storm Drainage Trophy Club Park Two funds previously earmarked for other uses th Hotel Occupancy Fund - 4of July, Marquee Replacements Economic Development 4B -Incentives Town CouncilPage 91 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 -REVENUES- FY 2019 FY 2020 $ CHANGE FY19 % CHANGE Description BUDGETPROPOSEDto FY20FY19 to FY20 $ 10,778,908 $ 11,240,672 $ 461,764 4% Total Revenues AREAS of INCREASEDREVENUES: 4.00% - Property taxes estimated to grow by 6% with a 1% homestead being deducted from the General Fund 7.29%- Sales Tax existing base grew substantially in FY19, 3% increase from FY19 estimate 12.63% & 9.47% - Intergovernmental & Charges for Service – Growth due to increased costs of fire service including capital 44.44% - Investment Income anticipated to increase $20,000 from last years budget Town CouncilPage 92 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 -REVENUES- FY 2019 FY 2020 $ CHANGE FY19 % CHANGE Description BUDGETPROPOSEDto FY20FY19 to FY20 $ 10,778,908 $ 11,240,672 $ 461,764 4% Total Revenues AREAS of DECREASEDREVENUES: 47.82%- Licenses and Permits no new development related revenue; 3.98% - Franchise Fees reduced further due to decrease in cable subcriptions 10.67% - Fines & Fees decreased due to low court revenue Town CouncilPage 93 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 -EXPENDITURES- FY 2019 FY 2020 $ CHANGE FY19 % CHANGE Description BUDGETPROPOSEDto FY20FY19 to FY20 $ 10,743,968 $ 11,312,844 $ 568,877 5% Total Expenditures Personnel (6% increase) 15%- Health insurance increase Merit increases $150K ($20K MUD’s portion of Merit); TMRS rate increase due to slow down in market Fully staffed – no longer including vacancy savings into budget methodology Vacancies now budgeted at salary mid-point 16% turnover to date Town CouncilPage 94 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 -EXPENDITURES- FY 2019 FY 2020 $ CHANGE FY19 % CHANGE Description BUDGETPROPOSEDto FY20FY19 to FY20 $ 10,743,968 $ 11,312,844 $ 568,877 5% Total Expenditures Services & Supplies (2% increase) Staff placed a high priority on keeping services and supplies flat Primary growth of costs was from insurance, utilities, and subscription services Town CouncilPage 95 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 -EXPENDITURES- FY 2019 FY 2020 $ CHANGE FY19 % CHANGE Description BUDGETPROPOSEDto FY20FY19 to FY20 $ 10,743,968 $ 11,312,844 $ 568,877 5% Total Expenditures Supplemental & Capital General Fund supplemental items - $50K Compensation & job classification study General Fund capital items - $44K Extrication tools Fire Tech replacement Town CouncilPage 96 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 -SUSTAINABILITY- Biggest Budgetary Challenges: Primary revenue source is capped at 3.5% growth, while largest expenditure category, personnel, grow at a faster rate (6%) Rising costs of employee turnover (16%) indicates pay plan is not in step with market Compensation & classification study will define the shortage Current tax rate cannot fund services and equipment replacement with the current base. Growth of property tax base and sales tax base is needed to support current service levels The Tax Note to fund capital equipment replacement is a short term fix until the Town can realize the increased revenues from PD30 Town CouncilPage 97 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 FY 20 Budget Workshop 5-YEAR CIP Town CouncilPage 98 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 5-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Projects . Timing . Costs .Phase . Phoenix Drive FY17-FY19 $0.8 Million Construction Indian Creek Drive FY18-FY20 $1.8 Million Construction Trophy Club Drive FY18-FY20 $1.2 Million Construction Sundance Court FY18-FY20 $0.3 Million Construction Meadowbrook Lane FY18-FY21 $0.4 Million Construction Street Assessment FY20-FY21 $0.1 Million Planning Future Projects FY22-FY25 $5.0 Million Planning Town CouncilPage 99 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-278-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the July 23, 2019 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (J. Phillips). A)Item No. 2 from the Future Agenda Items list - Receive an update from Town Staff regarding Entryway Monumentation and Landscaping for the Town of Trophy Club. (Sanders 2/27/2018) (1- May 22, 2018) (2-August 28, 2018) (3-December 11, 2018) (4-March 26, 2019) (5-June 25, 2019) Attachments: July 23, 2019 Proposed Council Meeting Agenda.pdf Town Council Future Agenda Items List updated 06-18-2019.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 13: DiscussionofitemsforFutureAgendastoincludeagendaitemsforconsiderationontheJuly23,2019Councilagenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (J. Phillips). A)ItemNo.2fromtheFutureAgendaItemslist-ReceiveanupdatefromTownStaffregardingEntryway MonumentationandLandscapingfortheTownofTrophyClub.(Sanders2/27/2018)(1-May22,2018)(2-August28, 2018) (3-December 11, 2018) (4-March 26, 2019) (5-June 25, 2019) Town CouncilPage 100 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 MeetingDate:July23,2019 RegularSessionStartTime7:00p.m. Announcements&Reports No. ReceiveInterimTownManagerCarroll'supdateandprovideinputregardingthe 1TownMgr following(W.Carroll): BadgepinningceremonyfornewlyhiredPoliceOfficersandFirefighters(W. Fireand 2 Carroll). Police ReceiveTownCouncilLiaisonupdate;discussionofsame(W.Carroll): 3TownSec STAFF No.ConsentRESORDPROCFileIDDept RPT ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilRegularSession 4TownSec MinutesdatedJune25,2019(W.Carroll). Consider andtakeappropriateactionregardingthefinancialandvariancereport 5Finance datedApril2019(W.Carroll). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingdesignatinganActingTown ManagerincompliancewithSection4.06,ActingTownManager,oftheTrophy 6TownMgr ClubTownCharter(W.Carroll). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheThirdQuarterInvestment 7Finance ReportforFiscalYear2019(W.Carroll). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganInterlocalAgreementforAd ValoremTaxCollectionbetweentheTownandDentonCountyforTaxYear2019; 8Finance andauthorizingtheMayororhisdesigneetoexecuteallnecessarydocuments (W.Carroll). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganInterlocalAgreementfor AssessmentCollectionbetweentheTownandDentonCountyfortheTrophyClub PublicImprovementDistrictNo.1for2019(InfrastructureAssessment);and 9Finance authorizingtheMayororhisdesigneetoexecuteallnecessarydocuments(W. Carroll). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganInterlocalAgreementfor AssessmentCollectionbetweentheTownandDentonCountyfortheTrophyClub PublicImprovementDistrictNo.1for2019(EmergencyServicesAssessmentFire 10Finance Service);andauthorizingtheMayororhisdesigneetoexecuteallnecessary documents(W.Carroll). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganInterlocalCooperation AgreementbetweentheTownandDentonCountyforPublicSafetyApplication 11Police SupportandMaintenanceforthePoliceDepartment;andauthorizingtheMayor orhisdesigneetoexecuteallnecessarydocuments(W.Carroll). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganInterlocalCooperation AgreementbetweentheTownandDentonCountyforPublicSafetyApplication 12Fire SupportandMaintenancefortheFireDepartment;andauthorizingtheMayoror hisdesigneetoexecuteallnecessarydocuments(W.Carroll). STAFF No.RegularSessionRESORDPROCFileIDDept RPT ReceiveapresentationfromtheTrophyClubRotaryClub;discussionofsame 13TownSec (MayorSanders). Town CouncilPage 101 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceoftheTownof TrophyCluborderingandcallingaSpecialElectiontobeheldonSeptember7, 2019forthepurposeofelectingone(1)CouncilmembertoPlaceNo.4onthe TrophyClubTownCouncilfortheremainderofanunexpiredterm(expiringin 14TownSec May2021);providingforcanvassingofreturns;providingforarunoffelectionas necessary;adoptingprovisionsrelativetopublicationandothermatters necessarytoconducttheelection;andprovidinganeffectivedate(W.Carroll). Considerandtakeappropriateactionregardingacceptanceofthebudget adoptedbytheCrimeControlandPreventionDistrictandorderingapublic 15Finance hearingAugust13,2019onthebudgettobeheldinaccordancewithstatelaw (W.Carroll). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingAllOtherFundsfortheFiscalYear 16Finance 2020Budget;discussionofsame(W.Carroll). STAFF No.UpcomingAgenda&CouncilFutureAgendaItemsListUpdateRESORDPROCFileIDDept RPT DiscussionofitemsforFutureAgendastoincludeagendaitemsforconsideration ontheAugust13,2019CouncilagendaanditemsfromtheTownCouncilFuture 17TownSec AgendaItemslist(W.Carroll). ItemNo.4fromFutureAgendaItemslistDiscussionofthecreationofaCharter ReviewCommissioninaccordancewithSection11.15oftheTownCharter,the A CouncilshallappointaCharterReviewCommissionatintervalsofnotmorethan seven(7)years.(Jensen4/23/2019)(1July23,2019) STAFF No.ExecutiveSessionRESORDPROCFileIDDept RPT PursuanttothefollowingdesignatedsectionoftheTexasGovernmentCode, Annotated,Chapter551(TexasOpenMeetingsAct),theCouncilwillconveneinto 18TownSec executivesessiontodiscussthefollowing: Section551.072DeliberationregardingRealPropertytodiscussordeliberatethe purchase,exchange,lease,orvalueofrealpropertyifdeliberationinanopen A meetingwouldhaveadetrimentaleffectonthepositionofthegovernmental bodyinnegotiationswithathirdperson: NorthofStateHighway114,eastofTrophyClubDriveandwestofTownlimits 1) (MayorProTemJensenandCouncilMemberShoffner) ParcelbetweenBreadWinnersandTrophyClubTownHall(W.Carroll) 2) Potentialtransferofproperty(W.Carroll) 3) Section551.074PersonnelMattersunderSubsection(1)todiscussordeliberate theappointment,employment,evaluation,reassignment,duties,disciplineor B dismissalofapublicofficeroremployee: QuarterlyGoalsandObjectivesforCouncilAppointedEmployees(TownCouncil) STAFF No.RegularSession Dept RPT RESORDPROCFileID ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheExecutiveSession(W.Carroll). 19TownSec Town CouncilPage 102 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Town Council Future Agenda Items List (Updated 06/18/2019) 1. Review negotiating with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to transfer the title for the land that the Annex Building is built on and the maintenance building by the Wastewater Treatment Plant. (Lamont 11/10/2015) (1-February 9, 2016)(2-May 10, 2016) (3-August 9, 2016) (4-November 8, 2016) (5-February 14, 2017) (6-May 23, 2017) (7-May 22, 2018) (8-August 28, 2018) (9-December 11, 2018) (10-April 9, 2019) (11-July 23, 2019) 1/12/2016 – At the January 12, 2016 Council meeting, Council made TCMUD No. 1 an offer regarding the Annex Building. 5/10/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 8/9/2016 - Mayor Sanders advised that several items have taken precedence and that this item can remain on the list until the applicable time to deal with it. 9/19/2016 – This item was scheduled to be placed on a future Joint Meeting agenda, tentatively for January 2017, with the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors. 11/8/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 2/20/2017 – Council moved this item to be discussed during the February 25, 2017 Council Retreat. 3/28/2017 – Mayor Sanders added the maintenance building by the Wastewater Treatment Plant to this item. 5/23/2017 - Mayor Sanders advised that his intent was that the Annex Building would be utilized for Town storage after Staff relocated into the new Town Hall facility. 5/22/2018 – Direction was given to place theabove items on the Joint Session agenda between Council and the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors that would occur in July 2018. 8/28/2018 – There was no new update to provide. 12/11/2018 – Town Manager Class provided an update during Executive Session. 4/9/2019 – Town Manager Class provided an update during Executive Session. 2. Receive an update from Town Staff regarding Entryway Monumentation and Landscaping for the Town of Trophy Club. (Sanders 2/27/2018) (1-May 22, 2018) (2-August 28, 2018) (3-December 11, 2018) (4-March 26, 2019) (5-June 25, 2019) 5/22/2018 – Town Planner Payne provided an update regarding Entryway Monument signs, Wayfinding signs, and Parks signs. Council gave direction to bring back a plan for repairing and updating Parks monument signs and a plan for standardizing trailhead signs. 8/28/2018 – Town Planner Payne presented an update regarding Park signage. Council provided feedback on the design for Park signage. 12/11/2018 – Town Planner Payne provided an updateand Council directed Staff to move forward with preparing an RFP for Parks signage with Town logos and without Town logos. 3/26/2019 – Town Planner Payne provided an update regarding entryway monumentation and wayfinding signage. Council directed Staff to move forward with entryway monumentation. 3. Discussion of and possible action between the Town and EDC 4B regarding long range planning to use the parcel between Bread Winners and Trophy Club Town Hall. (Sanders 7/24/2018) (1-October 23, 2018) (2-April 9, 2019) (3-July 23, 2019) 10/23/2018 – Council recommended giving the liaison direction during the Executive Ses- sion and that information could be provided to the EDC 4B through the liaison without a Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 103 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 joint meeting. 4/9/2019 – Town Manager Class provided an update during Executive Session. 4. Discussion of the creation of a Charter Review Commission in accordance with Section 11.15 of the Town Charter, the Council shall appoint a Charter Review Commission at in- tervals of notmore than seven (7) years.(Jensen 4/23/2019) (1-July 23, 2019) 5. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding forming a Sunset Committee between the Town of Trophy Club and Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1. (Shoffner 5/14/2019) (1-August 13, 2019) 6. Discussion of and take appropriate action to have the Interim Town Manager prioritize an investigation of the use of turf fields at Independence Park along with a cost benefit anal- ysis & review offering a payback program between the Town and TCR Youth Baseball As- sociation. (Geraci & Shoffner 5/28/2019) (1-August 27, 2019) 7. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding drainage issues in Town. (Shoffner 6/11/2019) (1-September 10, 2019) 8. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding controlled crossing areas and flashers in Town. (Geraci 6/11/2019) (1-September 10, 2019) Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 104 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-279-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemExecutive Session File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: North of State Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive and west of Town limits (Mayor Pro Tem Jensen and Council Member Shoffner) B)Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, evaluation and duties of a public officer or employee: 1)Animal Shelter Advisory Board (J. Phillips) 2)Town Manager position (J. Phillips) Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 14: PursuanttothefollowingdesignatedsectionoftheTexasGovernmentCode,Annotated,Chapter551(TexasOpen Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section551.072DeliberationregardingRealPropertytodiscussordeliberatethepurchase,exchange,lease,or valueofrealpropertyifdeliberationinanopenmeetingwouldhaveadetrimentaleffectonthepositionofthe governmental body in negotiations with a third person: NorthofStateHighway114,eastofTrophyClubDriveandwestofTownlimits(MayorProTemJensenandCouncil Member Shoffner) B)Section551.074PersonnelMattersunderSubsection(1)todiscussordeliberatetheappointment,evaluation and duties of a public officer or employee: 1)Animal Shelter Advisory Board (J. Phillips) 2)Town Manager position (J. Phillips) Town CouncilPage 105 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-280-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action repealing Resolution 2019-11 and adopting a new Resolution, filling one (1) vacant position for the remainder of an unexpired term on the Animal Shelter Advisory Board; reaffirming existing appointments and Chairperson; and providing an effective date (J. Phillips). Attachments: RES 2019-14 - Animal Shelter ACO Appointment.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 15: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionrepealingResolution2019-11andadoptinganewResolution,fillingone(1)vacant positionfortheremainderofanunexpiredtermontheAnimalShelterAdvisoryBoard;reaffirmingexistingappointments and Chairperson; and providing an effective date (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 106 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2019-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2019-11AND ADOPTING A NEW RESOLUTION, FILLING ONE (1)VACANT POSITION FOR THE REMAINDER OF AN UNEXPIRED TERM ON THE ANIMAL SHELTER ADVISORY BOARD; REAFFIRMING EXISTING APPOINTMENTSANDCHAIRPERSON; DESIGNATING TERMS OF SERVICE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, benefits by having its citizens involved in local government through service on Boards, Commissions, and Corporations; and WHEREAS, the Trophy Club Town Council is responsiblefor making appointments to the Boards, Commissions, and Corporationsserving the Town; and WHEREAS,onMay 28, 2019, theTown Council of the Town of Trophy Club adopted Resolution No. 2019-11, dissolving the Council Liaison position to the Animal Shelter Advisory Boardandreaffirming existing appointmentsandChairperson for the remainder of the 2018-2019 fiscal year; and WHEREAS,by passage of this Resolution, the Town Council hereby repeals Resolution No. 2019-11andadoptsthis Resolution, filling one (1) vacantpositionfor the remainder of an unexpired termand reaffirmingexisting appointments and Chairperson to serve on the Animal Shelter Advisory Boardfor the remainder of the 2018-2019 fiscal year. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1.That the foregoing recitals are incorporated herein as if written word for word. Section 2.That the Town Council hereby repeals Resolution No. 2019-11and adoptsthis Resolution to fill one (1) vacant position for the remainder of an unexpired term and reaffirm, as applicable, the following individuals to serve on theAnimal Shelter Advisory Boardwith respective terms of service ending on September 30 of the year specified below for each individualand reaffirm the Chairpersonfor the 2018-2019 fiscal year: Town CouncilPage 107 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 Animal Shelter Advisory Board 1.Tony Simmons, Sergeant(2020)4.Dr. Rachel Speed Webster (2019) (County or Municipal Official)(Veterinarian) 2.Susan Edstrom(2020)5.Chuck Hall(2019) (Animal Welfare Representative)(Trophy Club Resident) 3.Brian Hall, ACO (2020)6.Pamela Swan(2019) (Animal Shelter Operations)(Trophy Club Resident) Susan Edstrom shall serve as Chairperson of the Animal Shelter Advisory Board. Section 3.That this Resolution shall take effect from and after its date of passage in accordance with law. PASSED andAPPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, on this 25th day of June2019. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2019-14 Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 108 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019 1 Trophy Wood Drive Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:Name: 2019-281-T1 Type:Status: Agenda ItemRegular Session File created:In control: 6/11/2019Town Council On agenda:Final action: 6/25/2019 Title: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (J. Phillips). Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 16: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 109 of 109Meeting Date: June 25, 2019