Minutes Parks 07/16/2018 MINUTES OF A REGULAR PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN OF LOCATION: 1 Trophy Wood Drive, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TROPHY CLUB Monday, July 16, 2018 7:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON § The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Monday, July 16, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Tiffany Nimphius Chairwoman Mindi Bone Vice Chair Dean Murray Secretary Darin Davis Board Member Kim Farrell Board Member David Stout Board Member Alicia L. Fleury Council Liaison PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Joel Morace Board Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT Tony Jaramillo Parks & Recreation Director Brian TenEyck Recreation Superintendent Melinda Ciaglia Recreation Coordinator Call to order and announce a quorum. Chairwoman Nimphius called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. noting a quorum was present. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS: 1. Michelle Lunday, 2810 Castlereach Street, spoke on behalf of Agenda Item No. 5, discuss and provide recommendation on replacing the large playground with a new accessible playground. Michelle Lunday expressed her appreciation for the accessible toddler playground at Harmony Park and due to her four and half year old son being an in a wheel chair she would like to see a new and accessible playground added at Harmony Park. Michelle Lunday stated she met with Director Jaramillo and discussed potential options for a new playground that would be accessible to all. REGULAR SESSION 1. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the approval of the Parks and Recreation Board Minutes dated May 21, 2018. Board Member Farrell made a motion to approve the May 21, 2018 minutes. Vice Chair Bone seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Discuss and provide update regarding annual appointments and projects at Town Parks. Chairwoman Nimphius stated that Board Member Farrell, Vice Chair Bone, Secretary Murray and Board Member Morace, appointments are up for renewal and the deadline to submit applications to the Town Secretary is July 31, 2018. Chairwoman Nimphius also announced that Council Member, Alicia L. Fleury is the new council liaison for the Parks and Recreation Board. Director Jaramillo mentioned the concrete piers at the east pond near Chatswood Drive were removed last week by parks staff. Director Jaramillo explained the parks staff laid new sod at Fairway Village and that moving forward staff will be fertilizing and have a set water schedule to help maintain the specified area. Director Jaramillo stated the Town's insurance company has been notified about the storm damage to the tennis court fence posts and shade structure at Harmony Park. Board Member Stout asked if the leaning juniper trees at Harmony Park were going to be replaced. Director Jaramillo replied the trees have been removed and mentioned with the installation of a new monument sign the trees will not be replaced. 3. Discuss and provide update regarding ongoing Recreation Programs/Events. Bocce Ball/Kickball: Recreation Superintendent TenEyck mentioned the conclusion of the bocce ball and kickball spring seasons. Recreation Superintendent stated that for the first time the Town partnered with the City of Grapevine to hold a championship tournament. Flag Football: Recreation Superintendent TenEyck explained staff is still looking at potential sites for the flag football league to be held this fall. Trophy Club Park: Recreation Superintendent TenEyck informed staff is researching different options for ventek machines to track the resident versus nonresident usage at Trophy Club Park. Recreation Superintendent TenEyck stated Trophy Club Park generated $14,000 in revenue last month and $154,000 from July 2017 to date. Community Pool: Recreation Superintendent TenEyck explained July is Parks and Recreation month and the pool will offer Story Time at the Pool, Karaoke Days and a Dive In Movie this month. July 4th Celebration: Recreation Coordinator Ciaglia mentioned the conclusion of all 4th of July festivities. Recreation Coordinator Ciaglia informed there was just under 50 submissions for the Parade of Patriots, approximately 4,500 in attendance for the evening celebration and that over 500 resident wristbands were handed out as well as 167 nonresident wristbands. Pet Fest: Recreation Coordinator Ciaglia stated Trophy Club's 2018 Pet Fest will take place on Saturday, September 8 from 9:OOam-11:00am at Freedom Dog Park. Community Night: Recreation Coordinator Ciaglia stated Trophy Club's 2018 Community Night will take place on Friday, September 28 at Harmony Park. Recreation Coordinator Ciaglia informed that the event will include food, vendors and a movie in the park. Summer Adventure Camp: Recreation Coordinator Ciaglia explained the Summer Adventure Camp is currently in week 7 of the 10 week program and that all weeks except for the week of July 4 were booked at the 50 child max capacity. 4. Discuss and provide recommendation regarding changing the large shade structure color at Harmony Park and repainting the structure. Director Jaramillo stated the large shade structure at Harmony Park is approximately 8-9 years old and that it was damaged from the storm that came through Town a few weeks back. Director Jaramillo explained that the parks staff removed the remains, TML was notified and an adjuster is working on the claim. Director Jaramillo stated there was no damage to the small shade structure. Director Jaramillo explained in the past the Town Council gave direction on moving all playground structures to a neutral color. Director Jaramillo recommended changing the large shade structure fabric which is currently blue to tan and painting the metal portion of the structure to hunter green. Director Jaramillo also recommended installing a new shade structure at the pool and using the blue fabric from the small shade structure at Harmony Park; replace the small shade structure fabric at Harmony Park with a tan fabric and paint the metal portion of the structure hunter green so that both large and small structures will be neutral in color. Director Jaramillo explained this process would need to be recommended to the Town Council. Motion: Motion made by Vice Chair Bone, seconded by Board Member Farrell, to recommend changing the large shade structure fabric to tan and paint the metal portion of the structure hunter green. The motion passed unanimously. Motion made by Secretary Murray, seconded by Board Member Stout, to recommend installing a new shade structure at the community pool and using the blue shade fabric from the small shade structure at Harmony Park. Then replace the fabric for the small shade structure at Harmony Park with tan fabric and paint the metal portion of the structure hunter green. The motion passed unanimously. 5. Discuss and provide recommendation on replacing the large playground with a new accessible playground. Director Jaramillo explained the Turtle Town playground and the Jagger's Journey playground are both ADA approved and accessible for all children. Board Member Davis asked Citizen Lunday in her opinion which playground option would work best for children with special needs. Citizen Lunday responded that both are great options. Board Member Stout asked the width of the playground ramps and if children will be able to walk around a child in a wheelchair without interference. Director Jaramillo responded that he did not have the exact measurements but that the vendor did confirm all parts of the playground are ADA accessible and that a child in a wheel chair will be able to turn a complete 360 degrees at all platforms. Citizen Lunday expressed that the best part of an ADA accessible playground allows for all children to play together. Motion: Motion made by Board Member Stout, seconded by Vice Chair Bone, to recommend replacing the large playground at Harmony Park with Jagger's Journey. The motion passed unanimously. 6. Discuss and provide update on Trophy Club Masterplan Concept. Chairwoman Nimphius announced the Trophy Club Park Sub Committee discussed realistic, flood potential, minimal maintenance updates that could be done to Trophy Club Park. Chairwoman Nimphius noted some of the updates discussed were a running track and multipurpose fields. Director Jaramillo stated that he and Recreation Superintendent TenEyck met with the USACE last week and that they do not want to allow any type of sports fields in the park; no organized sports play which also includes the running track. Director Jaramillo explained the USACE wants the activities at Trophy Club Park to be nature related: trail hiking, mountain biking, camping, etc. Chairwoman Nimphius recommended revisiting this topic at a later date to allow the Trophy Club Park Sub Committee to meet again and discuss potential updates focused around nature activities. Motion: Motion made by Board Member Farrell, seconded by Vice Chair Bone, to revisit agenda item 6 after the Trophy Club Park Sub Committee can meet again to discuss new potential updates to the masterplan concept. The motion passed unanimously. Adjourn Board Member Farrell made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:04p.m. Secretary Murray seconded e otion. The motion passed unanimously. Dean M Parks & Recreation Board Secretary