Minutes Parks 10/15/2018 MINUTES OF A REGULAR PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN OF LOCATION: 1 Trophy Wood Drive, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TROPHY CLUB Monday, October 15, 2018 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON § The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Monday, October 15, 2018 at 6:59 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Tiffany Nimphius Chairwoman Dean Murray Secretary Darin Davis Board Member Kim Farrell Board Member David Stout Board Member Joel Morace Board Member PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Alicia L. Fleury Council Liaison Mindi Bone Vice Chair STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT Tony Jaramillo Parks & Recreation Director Brian TenEyck Recreation Superintendent Melinda Ciaglia Recreation Coordinator Marvin Athans Parks Superintendent Call to order and announce a quorum. Chairwoman Nimphius called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m. noting a quorum was present. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS: Chairwoman Nimphius asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were submitted. REGULAR SESSION 2018-482-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the approval of the Parks and Recreation Board Minutes dated July 16, 2018. Chairwoman Nimphius asked for a motion. Board Member Farrell made a motion to approve the July 16, 2018 minutes. The motion was seconded by Board Member Murray. Chairwoman Nimphius called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously. 2018-483-T Discuss and provide update regarding projects at town parks. Director Jaramillo introduced Marvin Athans, Parks Superintendent. Items discussed included: • Harmony Park playground. • New playground equipment for all Town parks. • Median renovations and plantings (Indian Creek + 2 other medians). • Discussion about being a tree city, canopy raises, and replacement of existing trees (i.e. Bradford Pears). • Cameras to be installed at Independence Park East and discussion about cameras at Freedom Dog Park. • Discussion about trash can replacement throughout park system including color choices. • Replacement equipment— mowers, blowers, etc. New ADA swing received and will be installed. • Seeding plans and annual color for winter change out throughout Town. 2018-495-T Discuss and provide update regarding ongoing recreational programs/events. Bocce Ball/Kickball: 10 Bocce Ball teams going. Kickball has 11 teams. Flag Football: Still working on this, 3 teams committed, need one more to make a league (4 total). Trophy Club Park: TCP - Painting of restrooms, guard shack has started. VENTech issue updated —allows tracking of resident vs. non-resident use of park. Bids out for fencing, extending parking lot utilizing grant money. 2 disc golf tournments occurred in spite of weather. Staff is working on new grants and the TCP master plan. Community Pool: Season is now over. Equipment maintenance has begun including winterizing pumps/sprays, new pool vacuum coming soon. Fixing issues with existing equipment (pumps/sprayers). Next season working towards more Dive In movie days, more Story Time At The Pool, more theme days, water aerobics. Discussed additional shade structure needs. Pet Fest: Was cancelled due to weather and it cannot be rescheduled at this time. Community Night: Was cancelled due to weather. Vendors have agreed to reschedule to November 3, 2018, 5 p.m. —9 p.m. Other Upcoming Recreation Events: • Goat Yoga will debut before January 2019. • Fright Lights Yard contest October 2018 • Fall Family Camp Out, November 10th, 52 registered to date • Christmas Lights contest, November 26-Dec17 • Gingerbread House event Dec 14 • Letters to Santa Nov 17-Dec14 • Christmas in the Park— December 8th, 6:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m. Misc Recreation Items: • Sports leagues have provided information and numbers to Council. • Asphalt path between Lakeview Elementary and Beck Elementary (applying for grant to repair/replace with concrete trail) • Jagger's Journey will be installed in the early spring (no definitive date yet). 2018-496-T Discuss and provide input on a potential park/trail head in Canterbury Hills. General discussion about this future, unfunded project. Discussion centered around what items might fit this potential new park. This item will be added to future agendas for Board discussion and consideration. 2018-497-T Discuss and provide input on creating a Parks and Recreation scholarship application for Bryon Nelson students. This would be a 2020 budget item (it is not funded for FY2019). Items to consider included: • It would help to incorporate school and Town; • Consider studies geared towards Parks and Recreation as a guideline; • Volunteer hours served should be considered; • Graduating senior and/or college student; • Resident of Trophy Club or student at Byron Nelson HS • Essay required. This will be added to future agendas for the Board to consider final requirements. Adjourn Chairwoman Nimphius asked for a motion to adjourn. Board Member Farrell made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Secretary Murray. Chairwoman Nimphius asked for a vote. The motion passed unanimously. The meetin adjourned at 8:07 Dean Mu a Parks & Recreation Board Secretary