Minutes TC 01/27/2018 - Council Retreat TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB
SATURDAY,JANUARY 27,2018,9:00 A.M.
The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club,Texas, met in a Retreat Session on Saturday,January 27,2018. The
meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
C.Nick Sanders Mayor
Rhylan Rowe Mayor Pro Tern,Place 3
Alicia L.Fleury Council Member, Place 1
Eric Jensen Council Member, Place 2
Tim Kurtz Council Member, Place 4
Greg Lamont Council Member,Place 5
Philip Shoffner Council Member,Place 6
Tom Class Town Manager Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation
David Dodd Town Attorney Amber Karkauskas Director of Finance
Holly Fimbres Town Secretary/RMO Mike Pastor Information Technology Manager
Patrick Arata Police Chief Jonathan Phillips Director of Administrative Services
Wade Carroll Fire Chief Tommy Uzee Director of Community Development
James Edwards Human Resources Manager John Zagurski Budget Manager
Mayor Sanders announced the date of Saturday, January 27, 2018, called the Town Council to order and
announced a quorum at 9:04 a.m.
(Town Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Citizen Presentations; Agenda
Items No. 1 and 2; Executive Session; Agenda Items No. 11 and 12; Agenda Item No. 14; Agenda Item No. 13;
Agenda Items No.3 through 9;Executive Session;and Agenda Item No.15)
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda.
The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time
concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to
the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the
Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the
topic(s)of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority.
There were no citizen presentations.
1. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding Goals and Objectives for each Town Department
(Mayor Sanders and Mayor Pro Tem Rowe).
Mayor Sanders commented that he wanted the ability for each department to briefly go over their current years
Goals and Objectives. He remarked that the development of Staff had been a big accomplishment and he noted
that this served as the first Council Retreat at the new Town Hall facility.
Town Manager Class stated that each department's current year Goals and Objectives had been incorporated into
the Goals for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget presentation.
Council Member Fleury thanked everyone for their participation and support of the recent proclamations that she
requested related to the betterment of quality of life for youth.
No action was taken on this item.
2. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding Goals for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget (Council
Member Shoffner and Mayor Pro Tem Rowe).
Director of Finance Karkauskas briefly went over the Finance Department's current year Goals,which included the
following:implement J.P.Morgan smart data;the ability for Staff to upload purchasing card receipts and code each
receipt would be kicked off in February; streamline accounts payable; reduce bi-weekly accounts payable to be
processed weekly; assist departments with purchase orders to be in conformance with internal policies; improve
vendor management processing;consolidate payroll and bank accounts;and present the Popular Annual Financial
Report to Council by March 1st. She then presented the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget Calendar, Goals and
Objectives,Revenues,Services and Supplies and Potential Supplemental Requests.
Discussion took place regarding the services that MuniServices was providing related to hotel revenue auditing and
delinquent billing(HOTMO fund),which included visiting each hotel in order to review their records.
Director of Finance Karkauskas advised that MuniServices would perform audits on two hotels each year and
revisit them every five years for checks and balances.
Council Member Shoffner inquired about getting a detailed report for sales taxes since they were down but the
reason for the decline had not been identified. Director of Finance Karkauskas responded that Staff had previously
not seen those trends decline but Staff should be able to identify the cause. Additionally, Council Member
Shoffner was not in favor of MuniServices going onsite to each hotel because it gave the appearance of distrust.
Mayor Sanders recommended that Staff reach out to other municipalities to see if they had their auditors go
offsite to the hotels to review hotel records.
Mayor Pro Tern Rowe was not in favor of auditors going offsite to the hotels. He recommended that the Town
engage with an outside firm to collect the appropriate fees and have Staff create an ordinance for delinquent hotel
occupancy taxes, recouping the cost to receive the audited numbers, as well as any penalties or other associated
Council Member Lamont commented that new software was implemented about every three years and it may be
appropriate to consider software that would link with other departments and have a longer life span. Town
Manager Class responded that Staff was in the planning stages of utilizing the budget software system that would
allow residents to review financial documentation directly from Incode.
Conversation took place that the STARS report for the sales tax analysis was not required but was an appropriate
tool for transparency.
Mayor Sanders inquired about delinquent financials being presented to Council for conideration. Director of
Finance Karkauskas responded that the First Quarter Investment Report should be presented to Council at their
next meeting and the monthly financials should be presented to Council approximately 60 days after the months
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Council Member Shoffner inquired about Staff reporting hotel occupancy tax information that was not kosher to
the State as opposed to allocating approximately $4,000 for MuniServices assistance. Budget Manager Zagurski
responded that Staff would look into that ability. Council Member Kurtz reiterated that he would like a response
on that.
Town Manager Class noted that David Pettit should have the updated forecasting and reporting for the Tax
Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 completed in the next three weeks.
Director of Administrative Services Phillips briefly went over the Administrative Services'current year Goals,which
included the following: maintaining flu shots offered to employees and implementing a weight loss program;
implementing the new network system; reviewing the implementation of geographic information system services;
implementing the replacement storage area network;wiring the building for cable services;conducting a point-to-
point wireless network connection survey;and working on Standard Operating Procedures for the Municipal Court.
Council Member Jensen inquired about the cable wiring of the building for emergency services. Director of
Administrative Services Phillips responded that the cable would provide activation capability in the event of
weather emergencies.
Discussion took place that this was not a mandatory item for the building to be used during emergencies. It had
originally been included to be installed but was precluded during the vetting process.
Mayor Sanders inquired about creating onboarding forms through NeoGov for hiring and internal forms. Director
of Administrative Services Phillips responded that the Human Resources Department was using NeoGov for
receiving applications and were in the process of creating an onboard form. He added that they were utilizing the
onboarding for policies and procedures,as well as for benefits.
Mayor Sanders recommended that Staff reach out to the City of Bedford because they conducted cancer screening
for their firefighters through DNA testing since cancer was the leading cause of deaths for firefighters.
Additionally, he requested that Staff work with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District(TCMUD) No. 1 regarding
the point-to-point wireless network connection at the maintenance barn and wastewater treatment plant.
Director of Administrative Services Phillips responded that Staff had a preliminary discussion with TCMUD No. 1
Staff and a future meeting would be scheduled with them.
Director of Administrative Services Phillips presented the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Goals and Objectives, particularly
the evaluation of the Town's website.
Council Member Shoffner recommended that the Town work with the TCMUD No. 1 to make the website simple
and resident friendly.
Mayor Pro Tern Rowe commented that future maintenance of the Town's website would need to be reviewed.
Director of Administrative Services Phillips discussed Town Personnel specific to organizational changes, staff
forecasting,salary survey/market true-up,and the merit plan.
Mayor Pro Tern Rowe commented that a salary survey was conducted in 2014,which emphasized that when there
was a turnover in staffing it was due to the employees going to another city with more activity in their department
or to advance in their careers. He did not desire to get into a bidding war when employees resigned. Town
Manager Class responded that stability was a factor and he wanted to stabilize the workforce to provide top
service for the residents.
Council Member Lamont commented that it would be difficult to compare the Town to other cities because each
city is unique,for example the City of Southlake has a larger retail base and the Town of Westlake has an academy.
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Director of Administrative Services Phillips responded that comparisons were a difficult process because of size,
population,and growth.
Council Member Shoffner remarked that the intangibles should be used to attract applicants because of the
Town's uniqueness,such as police officers do not have to patrol a highway.
Council Member Kurtz commented that the Town could serve well for some entry level positions and a work
culture should be created where employees want to stay because it would be difficult to increase the budget year
after year for salary adjustments and true-ups.
Council Member Shoffner reiterated that the Council wanted to reward those employees who went above and
beyond with their job performance. He was in favor of implementing a tiered merit system because employees
who fail expectations should not realize an increase.
Director of Administrative Services Phillips highlighted on the Texas Municipal Retirement System, health
insurance, risk management, and utilities. He continued the presentation with Services and Supplies for Human
Resources, Information Services, and Municipal Court. Additionally, he expanded on the transition to Office 365,
which would be an additional $17,000 to the budget. The Office 365 full suite would not be provided to every
Council Member Jensen recommended that Staff evaluate as to who should only have the email portion and then
purchase Office products,such as Word,for those users that need it.
Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo briefly went over the Parks and Recreation, Streets, and Facilities
Department's current year Goals, which included the following: replacing the windscreen at the tennis courts;
repairing the tables at Independence Park; and possible removal of the cannon to reinstall the bucket feature at
the Splash Pad.
Council Member Shoffner commented that his family enjoyed the bucket when it was previously installed.
Mayor Pro Tem Rowe recommended that Staff solicit input from the Parks and Recreation Board.
Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo continued his presentation and advised that Staff implemented storage
of outside Splash Pad components, paving and drainage improvements were scheduled for Indian Creek Drive and
Phoenix Drive,and Town streets and parking lots would be restriped.
Council Member Shoffner recommended that Staff create a survey for the Phoenix Drive project that asked those
effected residents to list the pros and cons they experienced during the project in order to better gauge how to
handle future projects. Additionally,he wanted proper notification given to those effected residents.
Town Manager Class advised that notification to those effected residents could be accomplished through TC Alerts.
Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo presented their Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Goals and Objectives that
included possibly tying the pond irrigation system to Independence Park East, installing a dock at the East Pond,
and applying for a sports field lighting grant at Harmony Park fields.
Town Manager Class added that the Greater Northwest Soccer Association was willing to enter into an agreement
with the Town to cover 50 percent of the cost to light the fields and to provide irrigation for the fields, but Staff
was currently working on researching if there was a need for an additional transformer.
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Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo advised that Staff was reviewing creating a third season for Kickball,
which would shorten the regular season,run games later,or cut teams down to 10 players.
Council Member Jensen was not in favor of creating an additional Kickball season.
Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo informed the Council that Staff would be moving the life guard
certification program back to the American Red Cross, who works with the Fire Department to offer drowning
training. Staff was researching the possibility of performing all street panel replacements in-house. The main con
to hiring an outside company was a higher cost but the main pro would be that the projects would be completed
Council Member Shoffner recommended that Staff perform as many street panel replacements as possible in-
Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo discussed increasing the MX/ATV entry fees at Trophy Club Park and
increasing the swim team fees.
Council Members Jensen and Shoffner recommended that no increase be implemented for Town residents.
Mayor Pro Tern Rowe suggested that Staff work with the Army Corps of Engineers to allow side-by-sides at Trophy
Club Park. Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo responded that they seemed to be onboard with allowing
that but a new track would have to be installed. He added that the Town's Master Plan was due for a review.
Council Member Kurtz commented that residents were not allowed to ride their bicycles on the trails but there
was a trail for walking and a trail for horseback riding. Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo responded that
he believed a trail subcommittee implemented the trails but he would review the ability for residents to be
allowed to ride their bicycles.
Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo advised that the Parks Department would be redesigning various
medians and convert them to xeriscape,installing flower bed tips in various medians,and replacing various mature
damaged Bradford Pear trees on Indian Creek medians.
Council Member Shoffner recommended installing Crepe Myrtles on Indian Creek medians.
Mayor Sanders noted that some residents had actually purchased some of those trees years ago.
Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo advised that the repainting of the Spray Pad feature would be
performed in-house. He briefly discussed the Capital Replacement items for the Recreation and Parks
Departments and the Capital Improvement Program for the Streets and Facilities Departments. The Harmony Park
playground would be scheduled for replacement in Fiscal Year 2020 because the parts were becoming obsolete.
Software had been purchased that would allow Staff to plug in the equipment description, serial number, and
hours spent per month maintaining the equipment and the software would provide the timeline when the
equipment would need to be replaced.
Conversation ensued regarding pending issues at the Independence Park East concessions,such as installing a sink
and air conditioning.
Council Member Shoffner mentioned that the installation of a sink and air conditioning at the Independence Park
East concessions could be accomplished through the Facilities Department and the TCR Youth Baseball Association
could reimburse the Town. He added that there was a same situation at Independence Park West and Harmony
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Director of Community Development Uzee briefly went over the Community Department's current year Goals,
which included the following: implementation of a zoning calendar; creation of policies for Code Enforcement;
continue Staff training;creation of Standard Operating Procedures for each of their positions;and 707 inspections
were performed since October 1, 2017. He then presented the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Goals and Objectives,
Revenues,and their Capital Improvement Program for wayfinding signage. Additionally, he advised that Staff was
reviewing amending their fee schedule to include a tiered inspection fee because several inspections were being
performed at no additional cost.
Council Member Shoffner wanted to ensure that any amendments did not discourage residents from pursuing
remodeling their homes.
Council Member Kurtz was in favor of providing a courtesy warning to those who place signs out on the weekends,
but if that individual continued to place signs out then a ticket should be issued.
Police Chief Arata presented the Police Department's 2018-2019 Goals and Objectives,which included conducting
a Town survey of the Police Department, a policy review, and improving information posted on social media. He
discussed the reorganization of adding two Captain positions over Patrol and the Criminal Investigation and
Support Services Division, which would move the Lieutenant position to a Captain position and move the CID
Sergeant position to a Captain position. He announced that Lieutenant Shields would be retiring in March because
of her husband's business transfer.
Discussion took place that the Northwest Independent School District provided 75 percent of the School Resource
Officer's(SRO's)pay and that during the school breaks the SRO's would be placed in Patrol.
Police Chief Arata discussed the possible increase of one full-time equivalent officer when PD 30 and PD 25 were
developed. He also advised that blue light stations would be installed along the trails and other locations around
Town. Additionally,he went over their Capital Replacement Expenses for outgoing years.
Discussion took place about pursuing grants for technology since cities were moving away from radios and moving
toward cell phones.
Town Manager Class inquired if the Council had any objections to the proposed Police Department reorganization.
There were no objections to the proposed Police Department reorganization.
Fire Chief Carroll briefly went over the Fire Department's current year Goals, which included improving their
response times. He explained that the average response time of four minutes and twenty-five seconds was being
reported instead of the 90th percentile due to coding errors within the Town's record management system,which
dispatch services use to code emergency calls. He advised that a fix was being worked through with dispatch and
that better data would follow later in the year. Fire Chief Carroll advised that he was closely monitoring both Town
call volume and peak time hours and when necessary would be requesting the part-time firefighter position be
pushed to the addition of a full-time firefighter on each shift when necessary. This was expected to happen within
the next two years. Additionally, he stated that the Fire Department was working with Baylor Grapevine on
decreasing the door-to-needle time.
Conversation ensued regarding that the majority of their patients were taken to Baylor Grapevine. The Fire
Department would have to maintain a good response and scene time measurements on cardiac and stroke
patients for one year to receive the Mission Lifeline award offered through the American Heart Association. The
award requires that the Town cooperate with the local hospitals to ensure that the time measurements for door-
to-needle and door-to-balloon times for stroke and cardiac patients were met.
Fire Chief Carroll advised that the LUCAS device had been utilized twice and he presented the Fiscal Year 2018-
2019 Goals and Objectives,Revenues,Personnel,Services and Supplies,and Capital Replacement.
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Council Member Shoffner stated that this would serve as the third request since he had taken office to change to a
new billing company. He inquired if the intent was to obtain a higher rate of payments received by insurance
companies. Fire Chief Carroll responded that the current company withholds about 12 percent from payments
received and the proposed company would only withhold approximately nine percent. This would not add any
additional costs to residents or their insurance companies but would net additional revenue for the Town.
Council Member Shoffner inquired if the responding cities for mutual aid charged their cities rates or would they
adhere to what the Town charged. Fire Chief Carroll responded that they typically sought mutual aid from
surrounding cities that mirrored Town policies,such as the City of Southlake or the Town of Flower Mound.
Fire Chief Carroll expanded on additional personnel for the following: a part-time Fire Marshal to oversee plan
review of PD 25, PD 30,and all new construction;an Emergency Manager to share with the Town of Westlake and
the City of Roanoke to develop a regional emergency management group; and increase shift staffing to have six
firefighters per shift 24 hours a day.
Council Member Shoffner remarked that he did not want to fund supplemental personnel just to provide mutual
aid for the other cities since their crews were smaller in number, especially with Westlake and Roanoke having a
high spike of day visitors.
Fire Chief Carroll assured Council that he was monitoring the number of times that we respond mutual aid to both
Westlake and Roanoke and that both entities were attempting to increase their staffing to accommodate their
growth as well.
(Town Secretary Note:Council entered into Executive Session)
3. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding Healthcare Insurance offered to Town Staff (Council
Member Kurtz and Mayor Pro Tern Rowe).
Director of Administrative Services Phillips discussed that significant changes were made for the Fiscal Year 2017-
2018 healthcare plan such as increased deductibles and maximum out of pocket expenses for employees, higher
emergency room copayments,elimination of out-of-network providers,and a narrowed network of physicians.
Council Member Jensen inquired about the cost that the Town incurred since the cost varied depending on which
plan the employee selected. Director of Administrative Services Phillips responded that each plan covered 80
percent from the health insurance and 20 percent from the employee. Staff bases the healthcare budget as if
every employee selected the high plan rate. He noted that Staff was initially presented with a 75 percent increase
to health insurance costs but Staff was able to reduce that to 12 percent through submission of a Request for
Mayor Pro Tem Rowe inquired if the risk pool was limited to employees only when the Town sought out proposals.
Director of Administrative Services Phillips responded that the current risk pool was 64 employees because the
Town previously participated in the Texas Municipal League pool but they experienced several issues with them.
Mayor Pro Tern Rowe commented that Staff may want to examine a private company that was part of risk pool for
several hundred,which would create more choices for employees.
Council Member Kurtz remarked that if another spike in costs was realized next year then it would be feasible for
Staff to evaluate possibly increasing premiums.
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4. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding Capital Improvement Projects;including Town Hall and
upcoming street repair projects(T.Class).
Town Manager Class presented the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) list that was provided by Teague Nall &
Perkins (TNP). He advised that the TCMUD No. 1 would be removing some trees from the utility easements
pertaining to the Indian Creek Drive and Phoenix Drive project. The TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors discussed this
item at their prior meeting and tabled the item to be considered at their February 20th meeting because of the
issue with tree mitigation funds. The project would be slated for bid in the early Summer with a start date in the
late Fall. Additionally,Staff and TNP would begin reviewing the expansion of future CIP projects.
Council Member Shoffner inquired if the Town or TCMUD No. 1 requested the boring. Town Manager Class
responded that TNP presented the issue to the TCMUD No 1. He noted that there was no responsibility to protect
a tree within an easement.
Council Jensen inquired about the price per square foot for the 12 projects that were listed. Town Manager Class
responded that he would have to obtain that information.
Mayor Pro Tern Rowe commented that the information could be presented in a cost model form.
Mayor Sanders suggested that Staff send out communications to the residents through TC Alerts in order to advise
them of the upcoming Trophy Club Drive project from Meadow Creek Court to the Roundabout.
Council Member Shoffner added that the road before the bridge was failing rapidly and it would be beneficial to
have Staff proceed with panel replacements in-house.
Mayor Pro Tem Rowe commented that the bridge would need to be addressed in the near future.
Council Member Shoffner recommended that Staff evaluate adding the intersection at Trophy Club Drive and
Indian Creek Drive for street panel replacement and possibly utilizing Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1
Mayor Sanders desired to explore a drainage improvement project to be performed by Tom Thumb because there
was a collection of dirt in the creek area.
Council Member Shoffner commented that Staff should verify with the homeowner at 31 Creekmere Drive to see if
they would be interested in providing an easement to the Town because there were five culverts and one was
currently blocked, which should be cleaned out. He added that panel replacement could also be performed at
Creekmere Drive.
5. Town Council Future Agenda Item No.3
Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the Veterans Memorial (Mayor Sanders and Council
Member Jensen).
Mayor Sanders advised that the Trophy Club Women's Club received a donation of $10,000 and they were
evaluating installing a statue of a bronze service dog at the Veterans Memorial site. He wanted to see if there was
a willingness to review a proposal and designate an area for a bronze service dog.
Council Member Jensen remarked that three residents had approached the Council and he wanted to have a
definitive statement about the Council's stance on proceeding with any future requests. He was not in favor of
installing a statue at the site due to prior conflict regarding engraving of pavers.
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Mayor Sanders commented that there were some residents that wanted to continue selling pavers because they
did not have an opportunity to purchase an engraved paver. He sought Council's direction whether to take out the
blank pavers and replace them with engraved pavers.
Council Member Fleury was in favor of replacing the blank pavers with engraved pavers because it would be at no
cost to the Town and she offered to be the liaison to help finish the site.
Mayor Pro Tem Rowe provided background that the initial proposal was presented in 2012 by the Trophy Club
Women's Club and then four years later Council approved their original design to be completed with Town funds
because no activity had taken place during that time period.
Council Member Kurtz added that the Town even provided parking in that area and that the Women's Club could
possibly reserve their funds to help veterans,such as through their events.
Council Member Lamont was acceptable to allowing the blank pavers to be engraved and allowing the installation
of a bronze service dog as long as there were no additional fees incurred by the Town.
Council Member Shoffner believed that the vision for the Veterans Memorial site was fulfilled and that it was a
completed project. He did not have an issue with the blank pavers being engraved and allowing Council Member
Fleury to act as the liaison but then afterwards the project would be officially complete. He was not in favor of
installing a bronze service dog because it was not part of the original vision and he did not want the area to
become grounds for a political debate.
Council Member Fleury believed that the pavers should be opened for engraving until they were gone at no cost to
the Town. She felt that the flagstones gave the appearance that the site was incomplete.
Main Motion:
Main Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Rowe, to have the Town Manager
contact Metroport Veterans Association offering them the ability to manage the project of selling additional pavers
and having them engraved for the remainder of the currently placed pavers at their cost and that no other work
would be allowed.
Town Manager Class was concerned about the quality of control if Staff was expected to oversee the project.
Council Member Shoffner recommended that the Town remove the pavers, Metroport Veterans Association be
responsible for the engraving, and then Metroport would provide the Town with the engraved pavers to be
Mayor Sanders suggested that additional pavers be purchased to start the process of taking some current pavers
out to allow for engraving to occur,that way there would not be open areas in the sidewalk.
Council Member Shoffner clarified that Metroport should purchase the additional pavers to be installed on a
temporary basis, Metroport would have the pavers engraved, and Metroport would provide the engraved pavers
to the Parks and Recreation Department to be installed.
Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo advised that two pallets of pavers would need to be purchased.
Motion to Amend:
Motion to Amend made by Mayor Pro Tern Rowe, seconded by Council Member Jensen, to advise Metroport
Veterans Association that they would need to presell the un-engraved pavers to match the number of current un-
engraved pavers and provide them to the Town for installation.
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Discussion took place that it would be expected that Metroport Veterans Association would provide all the
engraved pavers to the Parks and Recreation Department to be installed at one time.
Motion to Amend the Amendment:
Motion to Amend the Amendment made by Council Member Shoffner, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, to be
specifically for the pavers between the current pavers and the sandstones.
Motion to Amend the Amendment carried 6-1-0 with Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, and Council
Members Jensen, Kurtz, Lamont,and Shoffner voting for,and with Council Member Fleury voting against.
The vote for the Motion to Amend as Amended was taken, to advise Metroport Veterans Association that they
would need to presell the un-engraved pavers to match the number of current un-engraved pavers and provide
them to the Town for installation;specifically for the pavers between the current pavers and the sandstones.
Motion to Amend as Amended carried 6-1-0 with Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, and Council Members
Jensen, Kurtz, Lamont,and Shoffner voting for,and with Council Member Fleury voting against.
Motion to Amend:
Motion to Amend made by Council Member Fleury, seconded by Mayor Sanders, to finish the engraving of the
Council Member Kurtz commented that he experienced difficulty when he attempted to purchase a paver and
sandstone and he ended up donating his funds.
Motion to Amend the Amendment:
Motion to Amend the Amendment made by Council Member Lamont, seconded by Council Member Fleury, to
limit the inscription of the sandstones to the name of the veteran, date of service, and branch of service.
Motion to Amend the Amendment failed for lack of majority 2-4-0, with Council Members Fleury and Lamont
voting for, and with Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, and Council Members Jensen and Shoffner voting
(Town Secretary Note:Council Member Kurtz had stepped away during the vote)
Mayor Pro Tem Rowe spoke against the Motion to Amend due to conflicts that arose on social media regarding
engraving of the sandstones.
The vote for the Motion to Amend was taken,to finish the engraving of the sandstones.
Motion to Amend failed for lack of majority 1-6-0, with Council Member Fleury voting for, and with Mayor
Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Rowe,and Council Members Jensen, Kurtz, Lamont,and Shoffner voting against.
The vote for the Main Motion as Amended was taken, to have the Town Manager contact Metroport Veterans
Association offering them the ability to manage the project of selling additional pavers and having them engraved
for the remainder of the currently placed pavers at their cost and that no other work would be allowed;to advise
Metroport Veterans Association that they would need to presell the un-engraved pavers to match the number of
current un-engraved pavers and provide them to the Town for installation; specifically for the pavers between the
current pavers and the sandstones.
Main Motion as Amended passed unanimously 7-0-0.
6. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding potential Interlocal Agreements with various Sports
Associations(Council Member Lamont and Mayor Pro Tem Rowe).
Motion to Refer:
Motion to Refer made by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, seconded by Council Member Jensen, this agenda item to the
Organized Sports Council Subcommittee.
Motion to Refer passed unanimously 7-0-0.
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7. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding Town Retention Ponds(Council Member Shoffner and
Mayor Pro Tem Rowe).
Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo advised that the Town received an estimate to install a dock for
Mayor Sanders commented that the area has remained unfinished and that it had drainage and overgrowth issues.
The concrete piers were previously installed and he sought Council's direction whether they would like to proceed
with installing a dock.
Council Member Shoffner remarked that the ponds have been called several names, Amenity Lakes, West
Amenities Lakes, irrigation ponds; but he clarified that the correct terminology was retention ponds. He did not
believe that a large amount of funds should be spent on retention ponds.
Mayor Pro Tern Rowe provided some background that over the years the homebuilders marked them as amenities
and that they had fish in the lakes for fishing. The main issue with them was that they were left unfinished and
they did not represent the Town well. He was not opposed to improvements being made but he commented that
any reasonable improvement would not be worth a large amount of funds due to erosion issues.
Mayor Sanders commented that initially a developer dug out that area for fill dirt and filled it with water after
being required to drill a well;otherwise it would have been empty holes.
Council Member Shoffner agreed that the area appeared to be incomplete but he warned that if they proceeded
with installing a dock,then it would be presented as a liability to the Town for any future issues.
Discussion took place that there were fish in the lake and that the fountains were working but the aerator pump
was none functioning.
Mayor Pro Tern Rowe offered some suggestions to improve the area, such as erosion control and potentially
relocating the trail approximately 15 to 20 feet in order to address an issue with silt.
Main Motion:
Main Motion made by Mayor Sanders, seconded by Council Member Jensen,to allocate $30,000 to install a dock
on the existing concrete piers at the retention pond.
Motion to Amend:
Motion to Amend made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Mayor Sanders, to utilize the funds from the
Parkland Dedication fund.
Motion to Amend passed unanimously 7-0-0.
The vote for the Main Motion as Amended was taken, to allocate $30,000 to install a dock on the existing
concrete piers at the retention pond;and to utilize the funds from the Parkland Dedication fund.
Main Motion as Amended passed unanimously 7-0-0.
8. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the purchase, implementation, and applying for
possible grant funds for the installation of security cameras at the entranceways of Trophy Club and Police
license plate readers requiring such things as registration, insurance and stolen vehicles (Council Member
Lamont and Council Member Kurtz).
Council Member Lamont recommended that the Town review applying for grant funding to install security cameras
at the entranceways of Town and to purchase a Police license plate reader due to recent vehicles being stolen in
the apartments. He added that New York recognized a decrease in crime due to the installation of cameras.
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Motion made by Council Member Lamont to look into the possibility of receiving grant funds for four cameras at
the main entrances and a license plate reader.
Motion failed for lack of a second.
9. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the proposed Loop Road(T.Class).
Motion to Table:
Motion to Table made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Rowe,Agenda Item No. 9 to the
next Council meeting on February 13,2018.
Motion to Table passed unanimously 7-0-0.
10. Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551
(Texas Open Meetings Act),the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following:
A) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection(1)to discuss or deliberate the appointment,
evaluation and duties of a public officer or employee:
1. Contract Review of Town Manager Thomas M.Class,Sr.(Mayor Sanders)
2. Contract Review of Town Attorney J.David Dodd III(Mayor Sanders)
3. Contract Review of Town Secretary Holly Fimbres(Council)
B) Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney under Subsection(2)to consult with the Town Attorney on
a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules
of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act,
Pending Litigation(D.Dodd)
11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing February
2018 as Kindness Awareness Month in Trophy Club;and providing an effective date(Council Member Fleury
and Mayor Sanders).
Council Member Fleury read the proclamation into the record.
Motion made by Council Member Fleury,seconded by Council Member Jensen,to approve Proclamation No.2018-
02, recognizing February 2018 as Kindness Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date of
January 27,2018.
Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0.
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Council Member Fleury dedicated the proclamation to her mother, Mabel Fleury, who was the epitome of
kindness. Mabel spread kindness everywhere she went and with everyone she met. Several people have
expressed their appreciation of Mabel and commented that the world would be a better place if everyone were a
little more like her. Mabel believed that there was good in everyone, that we should be good to everyone, and
most importantly we should all be kind to one another. Mabel's legacy will be lived on through her grandsons,
daughter,and the Trophy Club community. Additionally, Council Member Fleury requested participation with the
donation of new or used sneakers for their Campaign 4 Kindness. The sneakers would be delivered to orphanages
in Africa to promote and encourage thoughts of kindness globally.
12. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the award of bids for paving and drainage improvements for
Indian Creek Drive and Phoenix Drive;and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary
Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo advised that the lowest bid received for the paving and drainage
improvements for Indian Creek Drive (from Fair Green Drive to Meadowbrook Lane) and Phoenix Drive (from
Pebble Beach Drive to Shields Drive) was in the amount of$2,337,137,which was received by Quality Excavation,
Motion made by Mayor Pro Tern Rowe, seconded by Council Member Jensen, to award the bid to Quality
Excavation, LTD.for paving and drainage improvements for Indian Creek Drive and Phoenix Drive; and authorizing
the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents.
Council Member Shoffner inquired if the Town anticipated any boring under medians or sidewalks for this project.
Town Manager Class responded that Staff did not anticipate the need for that.
The vote was taken.
Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0.
13. Case FP-16-001(PD-30/Town Center Addition)
Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a final plat for Trophy Club Town
Center Addition,Lots 1-51(X),Block A,located in Planned Development No.30,on the northeast corner of
SH 114 and Trophy Club Drive(L.Payne).
Council Member Shoffner stated that the applicant changed the first two pages but the third page was not
changed, per the final plat that was received at the dais. He commented that the name of Sadie Street was
changed to Maddy Lane on page 1 and a maintenance responsibility note specific to the Townhomes Property
Owners Association with was placed on page 2. He inquired if Mr.Chase McCrea agreed that the wording on page
3 would be corrected per conditions placed by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Chase McCrea, Chief Financial Officer with Beck Ventures, confirmed that they would correct the three pending
items regarding conditions that the Planning and Zoning Commission approved at their January 25,2018:
1. Removing "streets" from the Owner's Dedication since there are no streets being platted (only access
2. Change the year on the signature blocks from 2017 to 2018.
3. Correct the misspelling in Note No.of the General Notes on page 3"no"to"not"
Mr. McCrea stated that they did not initially change page 3 because it would have required them to have eight
parties sign it.
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Motion made by Mayor Pro Tern Rowe, seconded by Council Member Kurtz,to approve the final plat for Trophy
Club Town Center Addition, Lots 1 - 51(X), Block A, located in Planned Development No. 30, on the northeast
corner of SH 114 and Trophy Club Drive,as presented at the dais.
Motion carried 6-1-0 with Mayor Sanders,Mayor Pro Tern Rowe,and Council Members Fleury,Jensen,Kurtz and
Shoffner,and with Council Member Lamont voting against.
14. Consider and take appropriate action regarding approving a Settlement Agreement with JSB Properties,L.P.
and JLIS,LLC(D.Dodd).
Mayor Sanders advised that this agreement was tied to the approval of the PD 30 final plat and payment of
Parkland Dedication. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the final plat at their January 25, 2018
Mayor Pro Tern Rowe briefly summarized main points of the agreement specific to Section 2 related to payments
due to the Town for Parkland Dedication: $500,000 payable upon approval of final plat on PD 30 by Town Council;
$150,000 payable upon issuance of Certificate of Occupancy for the multi-family units in PD 30; and $100,000
payable on or before January 31, 2020. Additionally, Section 3 calls for Town Staff and the applicant to meet to
discuss terminology of the PD 30 zoning document.
Council Member Jensen inquired if the agreement addressed the plaintiff dropping the lawsuit against the Town of
Trophy Club and Nick Sanders. Mayor Pro Tern Rowe responded that Section 2 of the agreement stated "the
above styled and numbered case shall be resolved by an agreed order of dismissal with prejudice."
Chase McCrea, Chief Financial Officer with Beck Ventures, confirmed that their attorney would file a motion to
dismiss with prejudice,which meant that they could not bring any future action regarding this issue.
Motion made by Mayor Pro Tern Rowe,seconded by Council Member Shoffner,to approve the Rule 11 Settlement
Agreement between JSB Properties,L.P.,JLIS,LLC,the Town of Trophy Club,and Nick Sanders.
Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0.
15. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session(H.Fimbres).
Motion made by Mayor Pro Tern Rowe, seconded by Council Member Jensen, to amend the Employment
Agreement for Town Secretary Holly Fimbres by removing Section 3 (B),Salary Adjustments:This Agreement shall
be automatically amended to reflect any salary adjustments that are provided or required by the Town's
compensation policies,and by amending Section 18,Notices,to reflect the new Town Hall address.
Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0.
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Motion made by Mayor Pro Tern Rowe, seconded by Council Member Jensen, to amend the Employment
Agreement for Town Manager Tom Class by removing Section 3 (B), Salary Adjustments,This Agreement shall be
automatically amended to reflect any salary adjustments that are provided or required by the Town's
compensation policies, by removing Section 8 (D), At the commencement of this Agreement the Town Manager
will direct the Town Director of Finance to provide to the Town Council within 30 days following the end of each
calendar quarter beginning with the first calendar quarter of 2017 a written report that outlines the travel,
entertainment and other job related expenses incurred by the Town Manager during the applicable calendar
quarter, by amending Section 19, Notices, to reflect the new Town Hall address, and by amending Section 3 (A),
Base Salary,to reflect an annual base salary of$160,500.
Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0.
Mayor Sanders adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m.
Holly Fimbre•,Town Secretary ,4 C. ick Sanders, Mayor
Town of Trophy Club,Texas - Town of Trophy Club,Texas
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