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Attachments:Staff Report - EDC4B Members.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Introduction of newly appointed Economic Development Corporation 4B members. EDC4BPage 4 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 To: Economic Development Corporation 4B From: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager CC: Anita Otterson, Administrative Assistant Re: EDC4B Members EDC4B Meeting November 6, 2017 Agenda Item: Introduction of newly appointed Economic Development Corporation 4B members. Explanation: Below represents the current members of the EDC4B: Economic Development Corporation 4B 1.Sean Bone (2019) 5. Jared Hall (2018) 2.Steve Flynn (2019) 6. David Brod (2018) 3.Travis Inge (2019) 7. Cory McDonald (2018) 4.Michael Richmond (2019) Council Liaison: Mayor Pro Tem Rhylan Rowe Page 1 of 1 EDC4BPage 5 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-487-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/18/2017 In control:Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B) On agenda:11/6/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the appointment of the President. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the appointment of the President. EDC4BPage 6 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-488-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/18/2017 In control:Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B) On agenda:11/6/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the appointment of the Vice President. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the appointment of the Vice President. EDC4BPage 7 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-489-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/18/2017 In control:Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B) On agenda:11/6/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the appointment of the Secretary/Treasurer. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the appointment of the Secretary/Treasurer. EDC4BPage 8 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-491-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:10/18/2017 In control:Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B) On agenda:11/6/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the July 17, 2017 Meeting Minutes. Attachments:Draft Regular Session Minutes July 17, 2017.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the July 17, 2017 Meeting Minutes. EDC4BPage 9 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION FOR THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B BOARD LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Monday, July 17, 2017 at 7:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom The Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Monday, July 17, 2017. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B MEMBERS PRESENT: Gregory Wilson President Angela Newell Treasurer/Secretary Cory McDonald Director Michael Richmond Director ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B ABSENT: David Brod Director Sean Bone Director STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Rhylan Rowe Town Council Liaison Thomas M. Class, Sr. Town Manager Shannon Montgomery Operations Specialist Amber Karkauskas Finance Director Lisa Reich Town Planner John Zagurski Budget Manager President Wilson announced the date of Monday, July 17, 2017, called the EDC4B Board to order and announced a quorum at 7:04 p.m. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board regarding an item over which the Board has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. There were no Citizen Presentations made. CONSENT AGENDA 1.Consider and take appropriate action regarding the April 24, 2017 Meeting Minutes. 2.Consider and take appropriate action regarding the March 2017 Financials. 3.Consider and take appropriate action regarding the April 2017 Financials. 4.Consider and take appropriate action regarding the May 2017 Financials. Motion: Motion made by Director Newell, seconded by Director McDonald, to approve Consent Agenda Items 1 through 4 as presented. Motion passed unanimously. EDC4BPage 10 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 5.FY2017-2018 Budget: a.Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the proposed EDC 4B Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018. b.Consider and take appropriate action regarding the proposed EDC 4B Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018. President Wilson opened the Public Hearing at 7:06 p.m. Budget Manager John Zagurski walked the Board through the proposed budget and answered questions from the Board. President Wilson closed the Public Hearing at 7:08 p.m. Motion: Motion made by Director Newell, seconded by Director Richmond, to approve the proposed EDC 4B Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018. Motion passed unanimously. 6.Development Updates: July 6 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Action PD-30 Final Plat Status Beck Elementary Site Plan Amendment Town Planner Lisa Reich updated the Board and addressed questions; no action was taken. EXECUTIVE SESSION 7.Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person and Section 551.087 Deliberation regarding Economic Development Negotiations under Subsection (2) to discuss or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town: North of Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 7:17 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION AT 8:15 P.M. 8.Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Motion: Motion made by Director Richmond, seconded by Director Newell, to reopen the Trophy Wood District RFP with language that allows the Board to close it at any time. Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURN Motion: Motion made by Director Newell to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. _____________________________________________ ___________________________________ Shannon Montgomery, TRMC, Operations Specialist Greg Wilson, President, EDC 4B Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas EDC4B Regular Session Minutes July 17, 2017 Page 2 of 2 EDC4BPage 11 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-492-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:10/18/2017 In control:Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B) On agenda:11/6/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the June 2017 Financials. Attachments:6.17 Financial Report FY17 EDC4B.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the June 2017 Financials. EDC4BPage 12 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JUNE 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COPORATION 4B Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date June 201775% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Sales Tax$ 447,509$ 447,509$ 326,075$ 255,57973% Interest Income 1,500 1,500 2,478 1,637165% Total Revenue$ 449,009$ 449,009$ 328,554$ 257,21573% Original Revised ExpensesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Professional Outside Services$ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 500$ 1,500 25% Auditing 1,000 1,000 1,000 -100% Advertising 4,200 4,200 181 4,0204% Printing 250 250 - 2500% Schools & Training 1,000 1,000 - 1,0000% Dues & Membership 1,050 1,050 2,500 (1,450)238% Travel & Per Diem 422 422 - 4220% Office Supplies 250 250 30 22012% Miscellaneous Expense 3,500 3,500 3,535 (35)101% EDC Projects 15,950 15,950 17,018 (1,068)107% Incentive Programs 206,820 206,820 117,311 89,509 57% Paying Agent Fee 400 400 200 20050% Debt Service 202,423 202,423 - 202,4230% Total Expenses$ 439,265$ 439,265$ 142,274$ 296,99132% Original Revised Operating Working CapitalYear-to-Date BudgetBudgetDays Beginning Working Capital$ 544,191$ 544,191$ 561,247 460 +Net Increase (Decrease) 9,744 9,744 186,280 153 Ending Working Capital$ 553,935$ 553,935$ 747,527$ 613 Alliance Development Forum Debris clean-up near Hampton Inn. T ki l As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. EDC4BPage 13 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JUNE 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT EDC 4B Sales Tax Comparative FY 2016FY 2017 OCT$ 30,471$ 32,294 50,000 NOV$ 39,522$ 44,588 DEC$ 28,273$ 33,146 40,000 JAN$ 32,390$ 33,122 FEB$ 41,534$ 46,461 30,000 MAR$ 28,162$ 36,160 APR$ 26,920$ 29,806 FY 2016 20,000 MAY$ 31,562$ 38,066 FY 2017 JUN$ 30,272$ 32,431 10,000 JUL$ 32,667 AUG$ 36,701 0 SEP$ 35,256 EDC4BPage 14 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-493-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:10/18/2017 In control:Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B) On agenda:11/6/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the July 2017 Financials. Attachments:7.17 Financial Report FY17 EDC4B.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the July 2017 Financials. EDC4BPage 15 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COPORATION 4B Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date July 201783% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Sales Tax$ 447,509$ 447,509$ 359,115$ 255,57980% Interest Income 1,500 1,500 2,983 1,637199% Total Revenue$ 449,009$ 449,009$ 362,098$ 257,21581% Original Revised ExpensesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Professional Outside Services$ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 500$ 1,500 25% Auditing 1,000 1,000 1,000 -100% Advertising 4,200 4,200 480 3,72011% Printing 250 250 - 2500% Schools & Training 1,000 1,000 - 1,0000% Dues & Membership 1,050 1,050 2,500 (1,450)238% Travel & Per Diem 422 422 - 4220% Office Supplies 250 250 30 22012% Miscellaneous Expense 3,500 3,500 3,535 (35)101% EDC Projects 15,950 15,950 17,018 (1,068)107% Incentive Programs 206,820 206,820 117,311 89,509 57% Paying Agent Fee 400 400 200 20050% Debt Service 202,423 202,423 - 202,4230% Total Expenses$ 439,265$ 439,265$ 142,573$ 296,69232% Original Revised Operating Working CapitalYear-to-Date BudgetBudgetDays Beginning Working Capital$ 544,191$ 544,191$ 561,247 460 +Net Increase (Decrease) 9,744 9,744 219,525 180 Ending Working Capital$ 553,935$ 553,935$ 780,772$ 640 Alliance Development Forum Debris clean-up near Hampton Inn. T ki l Per the FY15-16 CAFR. EDC4BPage 16 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT EDC 4B Sales Tax Comparative FY 2016FY 2017 OCT$ 30,471$ 32,294 50,000 NOV$ 39,522$ 44,588 DEC$ 28,273$ 33,146 40,000 JAN$ 32,390$ 33,122 FEB$ 41,534$ 46,461 30,000 MAR$ 28,162$ 36,160 APR$ 26,920$ 29,806 FY 2016 20,000 MAY$ 31,562$ 38,066 FY 2017 JUN$ 30,272$ 32,431 10,000 JUL$ 32,667$ 33,040 AUG$ 36,701 0 SEP$ 35,256 EDC4BPage 17 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-494-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:10/18/2017 In control:Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B) On agenda:11/6/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the August 2017 Financials. Attachments:8.17 Financial Report FY17 EDC4B.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the August 2017 Financials. EDC4BPage 18 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COPORATION 4B Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Sales Tax$ 447,509$ 447,509$ 398,032$ 255,57989% Interest Income 1,500 1,500 3,529 1,637235% Total Revenue$ 449,009$ 449,009$ 401,561$ 257,21589% Original Revised ExpensesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Professional Outside Services$ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 500$ 1,500 25% Auditing 1,000 1,000 1,000 -100% Advertising 4,200 4,200 480 3,72011% Printing 250 250 - 2500% Schools & Training 1,000 1,000 - 1,0000% Dues & Membership 1,050 1,050 2,500 (1,450)238% Travel & Per Diem 422 422 - 4220% Office Supplies 250 250 30 22012% Miscellaneous Expense 3,500 3,500 3,535 (35)101% EDC Projects 15,950 15,950 17,018 (1,068)107% Incentive Programs 206,820 206,820 129,042 77,778 62% Paying Agent Fee 400 400 200 20050% Debt Service 202,423 202,423 202,423 -0% Total Expenses$ 439,265$ 439,265$ 356,727$ 82,53881% Original Revised Operating Working CapitalYear-to-Date BudgetBudgetDays Beginning Working Capital$ 544,191$ 544,191$ 561,247 460 +Net Increase (Decrease) 9,744 9,744 44,833 37 Ending Working Capital$ 553,935$ 553,935$ 606,080$ 497 Alliance Development Forum Debris clean-up near Hampton Inn. T ki l Per the FY15-16 CAFR. EDC4BPage 19 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT EDC 4B Sales Tax Comparative FY 2016FY 2017 50,000 OCT$ 30,471$ 32,294 NOV$ 39,522$ 44,588 40,000 DEC$ 28,273$ 33,146 JAN$ 32,390$ 33,122 30,000 FEB$ 41,534$ 46,461 MAR$ 28,162$ 36,160 FY 2016 20,000 APR$ 26,920$ 29,806 FY 2017 MAY$ 31,562$ 38,066 10,000 JUN$ 30,272$ 32,431 JUL$ 32,667$ 33,040 0 AUG$ 36,701$ 38,917 SEP$ 35,256 EDC4BPage 20 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-495-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/18/2017 In control:Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B) On agenda:11/6/2017 Final action: Title:Receive an update from Town Staff regarding the following Town developments: ·HG Sply ·Holiday Inn Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Receive an update from Town Staff regarding the following Town developments: HG Sply Holiday Inn EDC4BPage 21 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-496-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Executive Session File created:10/18/2017 In control:Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B) On agenda:11/6/2017 Final action: Title:Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Board will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person and Section 551.087 Deliberation regarding Economic Development Negotiations under Subsection (2) to discuss or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town: North of Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive B)Section 551.074 Personnel Matters to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: Possible Consultant for Economic Development Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult PursuanttothefollowingdesignatedsectionoftheTexasGovernmentCode,Annotated,Chapter551(TexasOpen Meetings Act), the Board will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section551.072DeliberationregardingRealPropertytodiscussordeliberatethepurchase,exchange,lease,or valueofrealpropertyifdeliberationinanopenmeetingwouldhaveadetrimentaleffectonthepositionofthe governmentalbodyinnegotiationswithathirdpersonandSection551.087DeliberationregardingEconomic DevelopmentNegotiationsunderSubsection(2)todiscussordeliberatetheofferoffinancialorotherincentivestoa business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town: North of Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive B)Section551.074PersonnelMatterstodiscussordeliberatetheappointment,employment,evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: Possible Consultant for Economic Development EDC4BPage 22 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-497-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/18/2017 In control:Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B) On agenda:11/6/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an amendment to a Declaration of Parking Easement Agreement; and authorize the EDC 4B President or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganamendmenttoaDeclarationofParkingEasementAgreement;and authorize the EDC 4B President or his designee to execute all necessary documents. EDC4BPage 23 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-498-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/18/2017 In control:Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B) On agenda:11/6/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the award of the Trophy Wood District Request for Proposal; and authorize the EDC 4B President or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheawardoftheTrophyWoodDistrictRequestforProposal;and authorize the EDC 4B President or his designee to execute all necessary documents. EDC4BPage 24 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-499-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/18/2017 In control:Economic Development Corporation 4B (EDC 4B) On agenda:11/6/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action resulting from the Executive Session. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action resulting from the Executive Session. EDC4BPage 25 of 25Meeting Date: November 6, 2017