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Arata): ·Town Hall Dedication ·Fall Family CampOut Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 1: ReceivetheTownManagerupdatefromPoliceChiefPatrickArataregardingthefollowing,discussionandprovideinput regarding same (P. Arata): Town Hall Dedication Fall Family CampOut Town CouncilPage 6 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-472-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/10/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/24/2017 Final action: Title:Receive Town Council Liaison update; discussion of same (H. Fimbres): *Parks and Recreation Board, October 16, 2017 Council Liaison - Council Member Philip Shoffner Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 2: Receive Town Council Liaison update; discussion of same (H. Fimbres): *Parks and Recreation Board, October 16, 2017 Council Liaison - Council Member Philip Shoffner Town CouncilPage 7 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-473-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:10/10/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/24/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated September 26, 2017 (H. Fimbres). Attachments:Draft TC Regular Session Minutes September 26, 2017.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 3: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilRegularSessionMinutesdatedSeptember26,2017 (H. Fimbres). Town CouncilPage 8 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2017, 7:00 P.M. LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS SVORE MUNICIPAL BUILDING BOARDROOM The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, September 26, 2017. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Nick Sanders Mayor Rhylan Rowe Mayor Pro Tem, Place 3 Alicia Fleury Council Member, Place 1 Eric Jensen Council Member, Place 2 Tim Kurtz Council Member, Place 4 Greg Lamont Council Member, Place 5 arrived at 7:27 p.m. arrived at 7:27 p.m.arrived at 7:27 p.m. Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF PRESENT: Tom Class Town Manager Amber Karkauskas Director of Finance Amber KarkauskasAmber KarkauskasDirector of Finance David Dodd Town Attorney Sherri Lewis PIO/Communications Manager PIO/Communications Manager Sherri LewisSherri Lewis Holly Fimbres Town Secretary/RMO Mike Pastor Information Technology Manager Mike Pastor Information Technology Manager Mike Pastor Information Technology Manager Wade Carroll Fire Chief Jonathan Phillips Director of Administrative Services Jonathan Phillips Jonathan Phillips Director of Administrative ServicesDirector of Administrative Services Matt Christoffel Police Officer Tommy Uzee Director of Community Development Director of Community DevelopmentDirector of Community Development Tommy UzeeTommy Uzee April Duvall Chief Financial Analyst Teri Whitley Staff Accountant WhitleyWhitley Chief Financial Analyst Teri Teri Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation John Zagurski Budget Manager Director of Parks and RecreationJohn ZagurskiJohn Zagurski Director of Parks and Recreation Mayor Sanders announced the date of Tuesday, September 26, 2017, called the Town Council to order and announced the date of announced the date of TuesdayTuesdaySeptember 26, 2017September 26, 2017 , announced a quorum at 7:00 p.m. 7:007:00 p.mp.m . The Invocation was offered by Town Secretary Fimbres. by by Town Secretary FimbresTown Secretary Fimbres fered of . . The Pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag were led by Council Member Jensen. The Pledges to the American FlagThe Pledges to the American Flagand and Texas FlagTexas Flagwere led by (Town Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Citizen Presentations; Agenda Item (Town Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Citizen Presentations; (Town Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Citizen Presentations; No. 1; Consent Agenda; Public Hearing; Agenda Items No. 14 and 15; Agenda Item No. 23; Agenda Item No. 16; ; Consent Agenda;; Consent Agenda;Public Hearing; Agenda Items No. 1Public Hearing; Agenda Items No. 1 Agenda Item No. 2; Agenda Items No. 17 through 24; Executive Session; and Agenda Items No. 26 through 28) Agenda Item No. Agenda Item No. Agenda Items No. 17 Agenda Items No. 17 through 2; CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS CITIZEN PRESENTATIONSCITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not itThis is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss anyThe Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to concerning an item not listed on theconcerning an item not listed on the the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to Council addressing those items. You may speak up to Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. There were no citizen presentations. Town CouncilPage 9 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1. Receive Town Manager Class' update regarding the following, discussion and provide input regarding same (T. Class): PD-30 – Stantec Consulting Services submitted the PD-30 Site Plan on August 24, 2017 on behalf of Beck Ventures. Staff and the Town’s Engineering firm, Teague Nall & Perkins, reviewed the Site Plan and sent comments to Stantec on September 15th. Staff has not yet received a response back. Everbridge Notification System – The Town’s new notification system, TC Alerts was launched last week with no issues. Residents have the option to choose to receive weather notifications, Town news, and rain-out information, along with their choice to be notified by text, email or phone. Residents can expect a higher level of service from the weather feature because weather alerts would come directly from the a higher level of service from the weather feature because weather alerts would come directly from the a higher level of service from the weather feature because weather alerts would come directly from the National Weather Service. Town Hall – Staff continues to work through punch list items; landscaping was expected to be completed was expected to be completed was expected to be completed landscaping landscaping by September 27th; the dumpster and porta-potty were anticipated to be removed by September 29th; to be removed by September 29thto be removed by September 29th the Information Technology Department has been working on access controls; and the Council Chambers access controlaccess controls; and the Council Chambers s; and the Council Chambers has workmanship issues to be addressed. Additionally, he announced that Staff anticipated to hold the has workmanship issues to be addressed. Additionally, he announced that Staff anticipated to hold has workmanship issues to be addressed. Additionally, he announced that Staff anticipated to hold Town Hall Building Dedication ceremony on November 18th from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. November 18th from 1November 18th from 1 :00 to :00 4 p.m :00 to . 2. Receive an update from the Council Subcommittee that was tasked with the review of Council Chambers, Receive an update from the Council Subcommittee that was tasked with the review of Council Chambers, Receive an update from the Council Subcommittee that was tasked with the review of Council Chambers, Public Art and Decorations/Furnishings for the Foyer and/or Council Chambers; and provide guidance Public Art and Decorations/Furnishings for the Foyer and/or Council Chambers; and provide guidance Public Art and Decorations/Furnishings for the Foyer and/or Council Chambers; and provide guidance (Mayor Sanders). (Town Secretary Note: Council Member Lamont arrived) (Town Secretary Note: Council Member Lamont arrived) Council Member Fleury provided a mockup exhibit of the lettering that would be placed on the wall behind the t of the lettering that would be t of the lettering that would be a mockup exhibia mockup exhibiplaced on the wall behind the Council dais, along with sample letters. She advised that the cost would be increased to use the lettering style he advised that the cost would be increased to use the he advised that the cost would be increased to use the “TOWN of TROPHY CLUB” therefore the Subcommittee would most likely precede using all uppercase letters. TROPHY CLUB” therefore the Subcommittee would most likely TROPHY CLUB” therefore the Subcommittee would most likely precede using precede using Mayor Sanders advised that the Subcommittee would move forward with the purchase of the lettering based on would move would move Subcommitteeforward with forward with Subcommittee estimates provided to the Council at the September 12, 2017 Council meeting. Additionally, he provided an estimates provided to the Council at the September 12, 2017 Council meetingestimates provided to the Council at the September 12, 2017 Council meeting update regarding the furniture to be placed in the rotunda area. update regarding the furniture to be placed in the rotunda area. update regarding the furniture to be placed in the rotunda area. Council Member Shoffner remarked that he was working on the proposed name plates. remarked that he remarked that he working Council Member Shoffner Council Member Shoffner on the proposed on the proposed working wwas as CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town CouncilAll matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed motion. There will not be a separate discussion of thesemotion. There will not be a separate discussion of these from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. from the consent agenda andfrom the consent agenda andwill be considered separately.will be considered separately. 3. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated August 22, Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated August 22, Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated August 22, 2017 (H. Fimbres). (Town Secretary Note: Approved as presented in the Town Council agenda packet) 2017 (H. Fimbres)2017 (H. Fimbres) ( Town Secretary NoteTown Secretary Note . 4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending Division 2, Meetings and Rules of Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending Division 2, Meetings and Rules of Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending Division 2, Meetings and Rules of Procedure, of Article 1.03, Town Council, of Chapter 1, General Provisions, of the Town of Trophy Club Code Procedure, of Article 1.03, Town Council, of Chapter 1, General Provisions, of the Town of Trophy Club Code Procedure, of Article 1.03, Town Council, of Chapter 1, General Provisions, of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Shoffner). Ordinances; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Shoffner).Ordinances; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Shoffner). 5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club accepting and approving an Update of the Service and Assessment Plan and an Updated Assessment Roll for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (Authorized Improvements Assessment); making and adopting findings; accepting and approving the annual Service Plan Update and Updated Assessment Roll; and providing an effective date (A. Karkauskas). 6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Requisition Request for procurement of various street concrete panels between the Town of Trophy Club and Manning Concrete for operations in the Streets Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (T. Jaramillo). Town Council Minutes September 26, 2017 Page 2 of 11 Town CouncilPage 10 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a replacement Storage Area Network (SAN) between the Town of Trophy Club and the EST Group for operations in the Information Services Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (J. Phillips). 8. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (Budget Amendment No. 2); providing for an amendment to appropriate funds for expenditures and recognize revenue associated with capital expenditures, personnel changes, and disaster relief; and providing an effective date (A. Karkauskas). 9. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a 2017 Ford Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a 2017 Ford Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a 2017 Ford Explorer Fire Command Vehicle for operations in the Fire Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his Explorer Fire Command Vehicle for operations in the Fire Department; and authorizing the Mayor or hExplorer Fire Command Vehicle for operations in the Fire Department; and authorizing the Mayor or h designee to execute all necessary documents (W. Carroll). 10. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of LUCAS Chest Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of LUCConsider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of LUC A Compression System for operations in the Fire Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to Compression System for operations in the Fire Department; and authorizing the Mayor or hisCompression System for operations in the Fire Department; and authorizing the Mayor or hisdesignee to execute all necessary documents (W. Carroll). 11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a Front Panel Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a Front Panel Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a Front Panel Upgrade Kit (Emergency Siren Control Module) for operations in the Fire Department; and authorizing the Upgrade Kit (Emergency Siren Control Module) for operations in the Fire Department; and authorizing the Upgrade Kit (Emergency Siren Control Module) for operations in the Fire Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (W. Carroll). Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (W. Carroll).Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (W. Carroll). 12. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town amending Appendix A, Fee Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town amending Appendix A, Fee Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town amending Appendix A, Fee Schedule, to establish fees and rates for water and wastewater services to customers within the boundaries Schedule, to establish fees and rates for water and wastewater Schedule, to establish fees and rates for water and wastewater services to customers within the boundaries services to customers within the boundaries of Trophy Club Public Improvement District (PID) No. 1; providing that Trophy Club Municipal Utility District of Trophy Club Public Improvement District (PID) No. 1; providing that Trophy Club Municipal Utility District of Trophy Club Public Improvement District (PID) No. 1; providing that Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 Services Rules and Policies are applicable to customers within the PID No. 1; and providing a penalty No. 1 Services Rules and Policies are applicable to customers within the PID No. 1; and providing a peNo. 1 Services Rules and Policies are applicable to customers within the PID No. 1; and providing a pe and effective date (T. Uzee). Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, seconded by Council Member Fleury, to approve the Consent Agenda seconded by seconded by Council Member Council Member Mayor Pro Tem RoweMayor Pro Tem Rowe , Items 3 through 12. Motion passed unanimously 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimouslyMotion passed unanimously 6-0-0. 6-0-0. PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARINGPUBLIC HEARING 13. Town Council to conduct a Public Hearing relative to the Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Town Council to conduct a Public Town Council to conduct a Public Hearing relative to the Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), the proposed Assessment Roll, and the levy of Special Assessments against the property in Trophy Club), the proposed Assessment Roll, and the levy of Special Assessments againstTrophy Club), the proposed Assessment Roll, and the levy of Special Assessments against PID No. 1 and matters contained in the proposed Ordinance (A. Karkauskas). PID No. 1 and matters contained in the proposed Ordinance (A. Karkauskas).PID No. 1 and matters contained in the proposed Ordinance (A. Karkauskas). Mayor Sanders opened the public hearing at 7:07 p.m. Mayor Sanders opened the public hearing at Mayor Sanders opened the public hearing at There were no individuals present that wished to speak regarding the item. There were no individuals present that wished to speak regarding the item.There were no individuals present that wished to speak regarding the item. Mayor Sanders closed the public hearing and reconvened into Regular Session at 7:08 p.m. Mayor Sanders closed the public hearing and reconvened into Regular Session at Mayor Sanders closed the public hearing and reconvened into Regular Session at REGULAR SESSION 14. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing September 2017 as Suicide Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Fleury). Council Member Fleury read the proclamation into the record. Town Council Minutes September 26, 2017 Page 3 of 11 Town CouncilPage 11 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Motion: Motion made by Council Member Fleury, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, to approve Proclamation No. 2017- 08, recognizing September 2017 as Suicide Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date of September 26, 2017. Motion passed unanimously 6-0-0. Mayor Sanders presented members of the Robinson family and Szutkowski family with the proclamation. 15. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing October 2017 as Bullying Prevention Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Fleury). Mayor Sanders advised that representatives were unable to attend the Council meeting to accept the dvised that representatives were unable to attend the Council meeting to accept the dvised that representatives were unable to attend the Council meeting to accept the proclamation; therefore the proclamation would be presented at the October 10, 2017 Council meeting. presented at the October 10, 2017 Council meeting. presented at the October 10, 2017 Council meeting. No action was taken on this item. 16. Case SP-AMD-17-001 (Wonderland Plaza) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend the approved Site Plan for Wonderland Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend the approved Site Plan for Wonderland Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend the approved Site Plan for Wonderland Plaza, generally located south of Bobcat Boulevard and approximately 460 feet west of Trophy Club Drive Plaza, generally located south of Bobcat Boulevard and approximately 460 feet west of Trophy Club Drive Plaza, generally located south of Bobcat Boulevard and approximately 460 feet west of Trophy Club Drive (T. Uzee). Mayor Sanders advised that the Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission recommended approval of the site plan (P&Z) recommended recommended Commission Commission approv amendment at their September 7, 2017 meeting. Michael Pipkins, Vice Chairperson of the P&Z Commission, was present to address any questions. to address any questionsto address any questions CommissionCommission was present was present , , Motion: Motion made by Council Member Shoffner, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, to approve Case SP-AMD-17-001 , seconded by , seconded by Shoffner Mayor Pro Tem RoweMayor Pro Tem Rowe (Wonderland Plaza), amending the approved Site Plan for Wonderland Plaza, generally located south of Bobcat amending the approved Site Plan for Wonderland Plaza, generally located south of Bobcat amending the approved Site Plan for Wonderland Plaza, generally located south of Bobcat Boulevard and approximately 460 feet west of Trophy Club Drive, approving the following amendments: Boulevard and approximately 460 feet west of Trophy Club DriveBoulevard and approximately 460 feet west of Trophy Club Drive approving , 1.Allow artificial turf in the play area to the south of the Montessori building. Allow artificial turf in the play area to the south of the Montessori building.Allow artificial turf in the play area to the south of the Montessori building. 2.Allow three canopies of varying sizes to be constructed inside the play area to provide shade. Allow three canopies of varying sizes to be constructed inside the play area to provide shade.Allow three canopies of varying sizes to be constructed inside the play area to provide shade. 3.Allow 4’ tall black, decorative metal fencing internal to the 6’ tall black, decorative metal perimeter fence Allow 4’ tall black, decorative metal fencing internal to the 6’ tall black, decorative metal perimeter fence Allow 4’ tall black, decorative metal fencing internal to the 6’ tall black, decorative metal perimeter fence of the play area to separate age groups. of the play area to separate age groups.of the play area to separate age groups. 4.Allow a miniature golf area in the most southern point of the play area. Allow a miniature golf area in the most southern point of the play area. Allow a miniature golf area in the most southern point of the play area. 5.Allow a basketball court in the east side of the play area surrounded by a 10’ tall, black, vinyl coated chain Allow a basketball court in the east side of Allow a basketball court in the east side of the play area surrounded by a 10’ tall, black, vinyl coated chain link fence. link fence. link fence. 6.Allow a 6’ tall black, decorative metal fence along the eastern property line, which stops short of the front Allow a 6’ tall black, decorative metal fence along the eastern property line, which stops short of the front Allow a 6’ tall black, decorative metal fence along the eastern property line, which stops short of the front of the building, for outdoor classroom space. of the building, for outdoor classroom space. of the building, for outdoor classroom space. 7.Allow removal of shrubs with proximity to the play area. Allow removal of shrAllow removal of shr ubs with proximity to the play area. ubs with proximity to the play area. 8.Allow six Windmill Palms, in excess of the required trees, in the large landscape island adjacent to the Allow six Windmill Palms, in excess of the required trees, in the large landscape island adjacent to the Allow six Windmill Palms, in excess of the required trees, in the large landscape island adjacent to the entrance of the Montessori. entrance of the Montessori.entrance of the Montessori. 9.Allow the removal of the two fountains originally planned to be near the entrances of both buildings. Allow the removal of the two fountains originally planned to be near the entrances ofAllow the removal of the two fountains originally planned to be near the entrances of 10.Allow the addition of a patio for seating on the east side of the retail building that is surrounded by a 4’ Allow the addition of a patio for seating on the east side of the retail building that is surrounded by a 4’ Allow the addition of a patio for seating on the east side of the retail building that is surrounded by a 4’ tall black, decorative metal fence and covered by a 13’ tall+/-, open-air cedar pergola. tall black, decorative metal fence and covered by a 13’ tall+/tall black, decorative metal fence and covered by a 13’ tall+/ 11.Allow the addition of standing seam metal awnings on the retail building. Allow the addition of standing seam metal awnings on the retail building. Allow the addition of standing seam metal awnings on the retail building. Motion passed unanimously 6-0-0. Sanjay Joshi, 8600 Riviera Court, Flower Mound, made several comments regarding the crosswalk flashers, fencing, canopies, paint color, and the funds that he had invested into the school. 17. Receive an update from Town Staff and take appropriate action regarding Town Council Future Agenda Item No. 4, Review the definition of allowable pool barriers (T.Uzee). Council Member Shoffner thanked Staff for providing a thorough amount of detail with this agenda item and he was in favor of amending the Town’s Code of Ordinances to allow automatic gate locks. Town Council Minutes September 26, 2017 Page 4 of 11 Town CouncilPage 12 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Director of Community Development Uzee advised that the Code required a self-closing and self-latching device. The Building Official had the ability to approve an alternative latching device if a resident provided a device that was equal to or greater than the Code requirement. He commented that an automatic gate closed automatically but the Code required a barrier opening that was not greater than four inches, because a child could slip through an automatic gate if it already had an extended gap. Discussion took place that these requirements were mandated through the International Building Code and that an automatic gate across a driveway that did not have a latching device would be required to have an additional barrier with a self-latching device. Council Member Fleury suggested modifying the Town’s Code of Ordinances to reflect the language provided by to reflect the to reflect the language provided by the resident that proposed the review of allowable pool barriers in order to utilize a driveway gate as a pool barrier utilize a driveway gate as a pool barrier utilize a driveway gate as a pool barrier with a proper latching mechanism. Council Members Kurtz and Shoffner were in favor of establishing the proper allowable self-latching mechanisms in favor of establishing the proper allowable selfin favor of establishing the proper allowable selflatching mechanism -- latching mechanism within the Town’s Code of Ordinances, as opposed to leaving the discretion to an individual because each discretiondiscretionto an individual to an individual because each interpretation could vary in opinion. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Sanders, seconded by Council Member Shoffner, to instruct Staff to bring back an seconded by Council Member Shoffner, toseconded by Council Member Shoffner, toinstruct Staff to bring back a ordinance that specifically dealt with the Building Code and automatic gate aspects that were discussed. ordinance that specifically dealt with the Building Code and gate aspects that were discussed. gate aspects that were discussed. automaticautomatic Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. 18. Receive an update from Town Staff regarding the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 budget changes; discussion of same regarding the Fiscal Year 2017regarding the Fiscal Year 20172018 budget changes; discussion of same 2018 budget changes; discussion of same - (A. Karkauskas). Budget Manager Zagurski advised that the following modifications were made to the budget since the Council’s modifications modifications advised that the following advised that the following were made to the budget were made to the budget last review: reduction to the Ad Valorem Tax Rate to the effective tax rate; Staff was able to shift $61,560 of the Ad Valorem Tax Rate to the ethe Ad Valorem Tax Rate to the effective tax rateffective tax rate Capital purchases from Fiscal Year 2018 to Fiscal Year 2017 due to budget savings; and approximately $87,590 was Capital purchases from Fiscal Year 2018 to Fiscal Year 2017Capital purchases from Fiscal Year 2018 to Fiscal Year 2017due to budget savings;due to budget savings; cut from the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Budget. from the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Budgetfrom the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Budget . . Council Member Shoffner remarked that the Council Budget Subcommittee met with Staff and recommended Council Member Shoffner Council Member Shoffner remarked that theremarked that theCouncil Budget Subcommittee met with Council Budget Subcommittee met with approval of the proposed budget. e proposed budgete proposed budget . . No action was taken on this item. No action was taken on this item.No action was taken on this item. 19. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas adopting Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas adopting Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas adopting and approving the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018, for and approving the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018, for and approving the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018, for Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation 4B; making appropriations; providing for expenditures as Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation 4B; making appropriations; providing for expenditures as Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation 4B; making appropriations; providing for expenditures as allowed by applicable law; and providing an effective date (A. Karkauskas). allowed by applicable law; and providing an effective date (A. Karallowed by applicable law; and providing an effective date (A. Kar Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, seconded by Council Member Jensen, to approve Ordinance No. 2017-24, Mayor Pro Tem RoweMayor Pro Tem Rowe adopting and approving the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018, adopting and approving the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018, adopting and approving the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018, for Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation 4B; making appropriations; providing for expenditures as allowed by applicable law; and providing an effective date of October 1, 2017. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. Town Council Minutes September 26, 2017 Page 5 of 11 Town CouncilPage 13 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 20. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas adopting and approving the Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018, for the Town of Trophy Club; making appropriations; providing for expenditures as allowed by applicable law; providing for filing of documents; repealing conflicting ordinances; and providing an effective date (A. Karkauskas). Mayor Sanders advised that the proposed tax rate was $0.451442 per $100 valuation. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, seconded by Council Member Shoffner, to approve Ordinance No. 2017- 25, adopting and approving the Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 25, adopting and approving the Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 25, adopting and approving the Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018, for the Town of Trophy Club; making appropriations; providing for expenditures as allowed by applicable itures as allowed by applicable itures as allowed by applicable law; providing for filing of documents; repealing conflicting ordinances; and providing an effective date of October law; providing for filing of documents; repealing conflicting ordinances; and providing an effective datelaw; providing for filing of documents; repealing conflicting ordinances; and providing an effective date 1, 2017. Roll Call Vote: Mayor C. Nick Sanders Yea Mayor Pro Tem Rhylan Rowe Yea Council Member Alicia Fleury Yea Council Member Eric Jensen Yea Council Member Tim Kurtz Yea Council Member Greg Lamont Yea Council Member Philip Shoffner Yea Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. 21. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance fixing and levying Municipal Ad Valorem Taxes Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance fixing and levying Municipal Ad Valorem Taxes Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance fixing and levying Municipal Ad Valorem Taxes for the Town for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018; directing the for the Town for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018; directing the for the Town for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018; directing the assessment thereof; and providing an effective date (A. Karkauskas). assessment thereof; and providing an effective date (A. Karkauskas).assessment thereof; and providing an effective date (A. Karkauskas). Motion: Motion made by Council Member Shoffner, seconded by Mayor Sanders, to move that property taxes be increased Motion made by Council Member Motion made by Council Member ShoffnerShoffner, seconded by , seconded by Mayor SandersMayor Sanders by the adoption of a tax rate of $0.451442 per $100 valuation and approve Ordinance No. 2017-26, fixing and by the adoption of a tax rate of $0.451442by the adoption of a tax rate of $0.451442per $100 valuation and approve Ordinance No. 2017per $100 valuation and approve Ordinance No. 2017 levying Municipal Ad Valorem Taxes for the Town for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending levying Municipal Ad Valorem Taxes for the Town for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending levying Municipal Ad Valorem Taxes for the Town for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018; directing the assessment thereof; and providing an effective date of October 1, 2017. September 30, 2018; directing the assessment thereof; and providing an effective dateSeptember 30, 2018; directing the assessment thereof; and providing an effective date Roll Call Vote: Mayor C. Nick Sanders Yea Mayor C. Nick SandersMayor C. Nick Sanders YeaYea Mayor Pro Tem Rhylan Rowe Yea Mayor Pro Tem Rhylan RoweMayor Pro Tem Rhylan Rowe Yea Council Member Alicia Fleury Yea Council Member Alicia FleuryCouncil Member Alicia Fleury Yea Council Member Eric Jensen Yea Council MemberCouncil Member Eric JensenYeaYea Council Member Tim Kurtz Yea Council Member Tim KurtzCouncil Member Tim Kurtz YeaYea Council Member Greg Lamont Yea Council Member Greg LamontCouncil Member Greg Lamont Council Member Philip Shoffner Yea Council Member Philip ShoffnerCouncil Member Philip Shoffner Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. uslyusly unanimounanimo 22. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council approving the tax roll of the Denton Central Appraisal District and Tarrant County Appraisal District for 2017; and providing an effective date (A. Karkauskas). Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, seconded by Council Member Jensen, to approve Resolution No. 2017-19, approving the tax roll of the Denton Central Appraisal District and Tarrant County Appraisal District for 2017; and providing an effective date of September 26, 2017. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. Town Council Minutes September 26, 2017 Page 6 of 11 Town CouncilPage 14 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 23. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club accepting and approving a Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (Emergency Services) and an Assessment Roll for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club); making a finding of special benefit to the Property in the District; levying special assessments against Property within the District; providing for payment of the assessments in accordance with law; and providing an effective date (A. Karkauskas). Mayor Sanders advised that this item was to take action regarding an assessment for PID residents for Fire Protection Services. Mitch Mosesman, Managing Director with David Taussig & Associates, was present to address any questions. Associates, was present to address any questions.Associates, was present to address any questions. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, to approve Ordinance No. 2017-22, , to approve Ordinance No. 2017, to approve Ordinance No. 2017 Mayor Pro Tem Rowe Mayor Pro Tem Rowe accepting and approving a Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services for the Town of Trophy Club Public accepting and approving a Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services for the Town of Trophy Club Public accepting and approving a Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (Emergency Services) and an Assessment Roll for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (Emergency Services) and an Assessment Roll for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (Emergency Services) and an Assessment Roll for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club); making a finding of special benefit to the Property in Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club); making a finding of special benefit to the Property in Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club); making a finding of special benefit to the Property in the District; levying special assessments against Property within the District; providing for payment of the the District; levying special assessments against Property within the District; providing fothe District; levying special assessments against Property within the District; providing for payment of the r payment of the assessments in accordance with law; and providing an effective date of September 26, 2017. of September 26September 26 assessments in accordance with law; and providing an effective dateassessments in accordance with law; and providing an effective date , 2017 . Motion passed unanimously 6-0-0. 24. Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the October 10, 2017 Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the October 10, 2017 Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the October 10, 2017 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres). Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres).Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres). This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when the topic of discussion This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when the topic of discussion This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when the topic of discussion requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the time frame between regular Council meetings. requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the time frame between regular Council meetings. requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the time frame between regular Council meetings. However, a Council Member may request that an item be placed on the next regularly scheduled meeting without However, a Council Member may request that an item be placed on the next regularly scheduled meeting wiHowever, a Council Member may request that an item be placed on the next regularly scheduled meeting wi first placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda items must comply with Charter first placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda items must comply with Charter first placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda items must comply with Charter requirements. Council Member Shoffner requested to add an item to the October 10, 2017 Council agenda to amend the Town’s requested to add an item to the October 10, 2017 Council agenda to requested to add an item to the October 10, 2017 Council agenda to Zoning Map to include the Loop Road as drawn in 2013. nclude the Loop Road as drawn in 2013.nclude the Loop Road as drawn in 2013. Mayor Sanders provided an update regarding Item No. 2 from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list regarding provided an update regarding Item No. 2 from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list regarding provided an update regarding Item No. 2 from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list regarding Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114, and advised that Metroport Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114, and advised that Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114, and advised that Cities Partnership would be moving forward with a grant application for beautification. Additionally, he requested Cities Partnership would be moving forward with a grant application for beautification.Cities Partnership would be moving forward with a grant application for beautification. to remove Item No. 4 from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list, Review the definition of allowable pool to remove Item No. 4 from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list, to remove Item No. 4 from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list, barriers. (Rowe 8/8/2017) (1-November 14, 2017). barriers. (Rowe 8/8/2017) (1barriers. (Rowe 8/8/2017) (1 November 14, 2017)November 14, 2017) - Council Member Jensen requested that a Highway 114 Sound Wall update be included with the Town Manager’s Council Member Council Member requested that a requested that a Jensen report at the October 10, 2017 Council meeting. at the October 10, 2017 Council meeting.at the October 10, 2017 Council meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION 25. Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following:(Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A) Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act: Enforcement of Ordinances (D. Dodd) B) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee (H. Fimbres): Town Council Minutes September 26, 2017 Page 7 of 11 Town CouncilPage 15 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 1. Animal Shelter Advisory Board 2. Building Standards Commission 3. Economic Development Corporation 4B 4. Ethics Review Commission 5. Parks and Recreation Board 6. Planning and Zoning Commission 7. Tax Increment Reinvestment Zoning No. 1 Board 8. Zoning Board of Adjustment 9. Tarrant Appraisal District Board of Directors CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME – 8:00 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION - START TIME – 9:10 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION 26. Consider and take appropriate action repealing the following Resolutions making annual appointments of Consider and take appropriate action repealing the following Resolutions making annual appointConsider and take appropriate action repealing the following Resolutions making annual appoint ment citizens to serve on various Town Boards, Commissions and Corporation and appointing various citizens to serve on various Town Boards, Commissions and Corporation and appointing various citizens to serve on various Town Boards, Commissions and Corporation and appointing various Chairpersons and Town Council Liaisons and adopting new Resolutions making and reaffirming annual Chairpersons and Town Council Liaisons and adopting new Resolutions making and reaffirming annual Chairpersons and Town Council Liaisons and adopting new Resolutions making and reaffirming annual appointments to the following Boards, Commissions and Corporations, appointing various Chairpersons and to the following Boards, Commissions and Corporations, appointing various Chairpersons and to the following Boards, Commissions and Corporations, appointing various Chairpersons and Council Liaisons; and providing an effective date (H. Fimbres): Council Liaisons; and providing an effective date (H. Fimbres):Council Liaisons; and providing an effective date (H. Fimbres): A) Animal Shelter Advisory Board B) Building Standards Commission C) Economic Development Corporation 4B D) Ethics Review Commission E) Parks and Recreation Board F) Planning and Zoning Commission Planning and Zoning Commission G) Tax Increment Reinvestment Zoning No. 1 Board Tax Increment Reinvestment Zoning No. 1 BoardTax Increment Reinvestment Zoning No. 1 Board H) Zoning Board of Adjustment Zoning Board of Adjustment Zoning Board of Adjustment A.Animal Shelter Advisory Board Animal Shelter Advisory Board Animal Shelter Advisory Board Main Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, to approve Resolution No. 2017-20, , seconded by , seconded by Motion made by Council Member Motion made by Council Member JensenJensen Mayor Pro Tem RoweMayor Pro Tem Rowe making the following appointments: making the following appointments:making the following appointments: 1.Tony Simmons, Sergeant - reaffirmed as the Municipal Official (2018) reaffirmedreaffirmedthe Municipal Official (2018) Tony Simmons, Sergeant as - - Tony Simmons, Sergeant 2.Susan Edstrom - appointed as the Animal Welfare Representative (2018) and reappointed as the Chairperson edas the as the Animal Welfare Susan EdstromSusan Edstromappointappoint - - 3.Vacant Town Employee position to be filled through the Town hiring process, ACO – Animal Shelter Vacant Town Employee position to be filled through the Town hiring processVacant Town Employee position to be filled through the Town hiring process Operations (2018) Operations (2018)Operations (2018) 4.Dr. Rachel Speed Webster - appointed as the Veterinarian (2019) Rachel Speed WebsterRachel Speed Webstereded appointappoint Dr. Dr. - - 5.Chuck Hall - appointed as the Trophy Club Resident (2019) Chuck HallChuck Halledas the Trophy Club Resident as the Trophy Club Resident appoint - 6.Pamela Swan - reappointed as the Trophy Club Resident (2019) eded Pamela SwanPamela Swanreappointas the Trophy Club Resident as the Trophy Club Resident - reappoint 7.Council Member Philip Shoffner - reappointed to serve as the Council Liaison Philip ShoffnerPhilip Shoffner Council Member Council Member Motion to Amend: Motion to Amend made by Council Member Lamont, seconded by Council Member Fleury, to leave Position 5 Motion to Amend made by Council Member Lamont, seconded by Council Member Fleury, to Motion to Amend made by Council Member Lamont, seconded by Council Member Fleury, to vacant and to re-advertise for additional applicants. Motion to Amend failed for lack of majority 2-5-0, with Council Members Fleury and Lamont voting for, and with Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, and Council Members Jensen, Kurtz, and Shoffner voting against. Town Council Minutes September 26, 2017 Page 8 of 11 Town CouncilPage 16 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 The vote for the Main Motion was taken, to approve Resolution No. 2017-20, making the following appointments: 1.Tony Simmons, Sergeant - reaffirmed as the Municipal Official (2018) 2.Susan Edstrom - appointed as the Animal Welfare Representative (2018) and reappointed as the Chairperson 3.Vacant Town Employee position to be filled through the Town hiring process, ACO – Animal Shelter Operations (2018) 4.Dr. Rachel Speed Webster - appointed as the Veterinarian (2019) 5.Chuck Hall - appointed as the Trophy Club Resident (2019) 6.Pamela Swan - reappointed as the Trophy Club Resident (2019) 7.Council Member Philip Shoffner - reappointed to serve as the Council Liaison Motion carried 4-3-0, with Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, and Council Members Jensen and Kurtz voting for, and with Council Members Fleury, Lamont, and Shoffner voting against. B.Building Standards Commission Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Shoffner, to approve Resolution No. 2017- ShoffnerShoffner, to approve Resolution No. 2017, to approve Resolution No. 2017 21, making the following appointments: 1.Mark Hamil – reaffirmed (2018) 2.John Murtaugh – reaffirmed (2018) 3.Jeff Sims – reaffirmed (2018) 4.Sean Cannon – reappointed (2019) 5.Peter Blanchard – reappointed (2019) and reappointed as the Chairperson as the Chairpersonas the Chairperson ed 6.Jack Ormond – reaffirmed as an Alternate (2018) Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. C.Economic Development Corporation 4B Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Shoffner, to approve Resolution No. 2017- , seconded by Council Member , seconded by Council Member ShoffnerShoffner 22, making the following appointments: 22, making the following appointments: 1.Sean Bone – reappointed (2019) (2019) (2019) 2.Steve Flynn – appointed (2019) (2019)(2019) 3.Travis Inge – appointed (2019) (2019)(2019) eded 4.Michael Richmond – reappointed (2019) ed(2019)(2019) reappointreappoint 5.Alex Palazzolo – appointed (2018) ed(2018) appointappoint ed (2018) 6.David Brod – reaffirmed (2018) (2018)(2018) reaffirmedreaffirmed 7.Cory McDonald– reaffirmed (2018) reaffirmedreaffirmed(2018)(2018) Cory McDonald – 8.Mayor Pro Tem Rhylan Rowe – reappointed to serve as the Council Liaison Mayor Pro Tem Rhylan RoweMayor Pro Tem Rhylan Roweedto serve as the Council Liaison reappointreappoint – – Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. unanimously unanimously Motion passed Motion passed 7-0-7-0-0. D.Ethics Review Commission Ethics Review Commission Ethics Review Commission Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Shoffner, to approve Resolution No. 2017- Motion made by Council Member Motion made by Council Member JensenJensen 23, making the following appointments: 23, making the following appointments:23, making the following appointments: 1.Cory Williamson – reaffirmed (2018) Cory WilliamsonCory Williamsonreaffirmedreaffirmed – – – reaffirmed (2018) 2.David DeHaven vid DeHavenvid DeHavenreaffirmedreaffirmed – – 3.Jared King – reappointed (2019) reappointreappoint 4.Reece Bautista – reappointed as an Alternate (2019) Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. Town Council Minutes September 26, 2017 Page 9 of 11 Town CouncilPage 17 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 E.Parks and Recreation Board Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Shoffner, to approve Resolution No. 2017- 24, making the following appointments: 1.Mindi Bone – reaffirmed (2018) 2.Kim Farrell – reaffirmed (2018) 3.Jacob Gibson – reaffirmed (2018) 4.Dean Murray – reaffirmed (2018) 5.Darin Davis – reappointed (2019) 6.David Stout - appointed (2019) 7.Tiffany Nimphius – reappointed (2019) and reappointed as the Chairperson 8.Council Member Philip Shoffner – reappointed to serve as the Council Liaison Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. F.Planning and Zoning Commission Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Shoffner, to approve Resolution No. 2017- ShoffnerShoffner, to approve Resolution No. 2017, to approve Resolution No. 2017 , seconded by Council Member , seconded by Council Member 25, making the following appointments: 1.Michael Pipkins – reappointed (2019) 2.LuAnne Oldham - reappointed (2019) 3.Brandon Blake – appointed (2019) 4.Mike Branum – appointed (2019) 5.Dennis Sheridan – reaffirmed (2018) and reappointed as the Chairperson and reappointedas the Chairpersonas the Chairperson 6.Jeffrey Beach – reaffirmed (2018) 7.Eric Malmberg – reaffirmed (2018) Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. G.Tax Increment Reinvestment Zoning No. 1 Board Tax Increment Reinvestment Zoning No. 1 Board Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Kurtz, to approve Resolution No. 2017-26, , seconded by Council Member , seconded by Council Member JensenJensen Motion made by Council Member Motion made by Council Member making the following appointments: making the following appointments:making the following appointments: 1.Alex Palazzolo - appointed (2018) eded(2018) appointappoint 2.David Brod – reaffirmed as the EDC 4B Member (2018) and reappointed as the Chairperson (December 31, as the EDC 4B Member (2018) as the EDC 4B Member (2018) reaffirmedreaffirmed 2018) 3.Cory McDonald – reaffirmed (2018) reaffirmedreaffirmed(2018)(2018) Cory McDonald – 4.Travis Inge – appointed (2019) (2019)(2019) ed appointappoint Travis IngeTravis Inge – – ed 5.Rebecca Barksdale – reappointed as the Tarrant County Official (2019) Rebecca Barksdale Rebecca Barksdale ededas the Tarrant County Official (2019)as the Tarrant County Official (2019) reappointreappoint – – Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. uslyusly Motion passed Motion passed unanimo 7-0- 7-0-0. 0. H.Zoning Board of Adjustment Zoning Board of Adjustment Zoning Board of Adjustment Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Shoffner, to approve Resolution No. 2017- Motion made by Council Member Motion made by Council Member Jensen 27, making the following appointments: 27, making the following appointments:27, making the following appointments: – reappointed (2019) 1.Joe Hennig reappointreappoint 2.Louis Opipare – reappointed (2019) and reappointed as the Chairperson reappointreappoint 3.Sean Cannon – reappointed (2019) 4.John Murtaugh – reaffirmed (2018) 5.Jeff Sims – reaffirmed (2018) 6.Peter Blanchard - appointed as an Alternate (2019) 7.Mark Hamil – appointed as an Alternate (2019) 8.Terry Kesterson – reaffirmed as an Alternate (2018) 9.Jack Ormond – reaffirmed as an Alternate (2018) Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. Town Council Minutes September 26, 2017 Page 10 of 11 Town CouncilPage 18 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 27. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council nominating one candidate for each of the five positions to be filled on the Tarrant Appraisal District Board of Directors; and providing an effective date (H. Fimbres). Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Shoffner, to approve Resolution No. 2017- 28, nominating Joe Potthoff; John Molyneaux, Mike O’Donnell, Mark Wood, and Johnny Bennett for each of the five positions to be filled on the Tarrant Appraisal District Board of Directors; and providing an effective date of September 26, 2017. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. 28. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. Fimbres). Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. Fimbres).Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. Fimbres). No action was taken on this item. ADJOURN Motion made by Council Member Kurtz, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 p.m. to adjourn the meeting at to adjourn the meeting at Mayor Pro Tem RoweMayor Pro Tem Rowe , Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor C. Nick SandersC. Nick Sanders , Mayor , Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, TexasTown of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Minutes September 26, 2017 Page 11 of 11 Town CouncilPage 19 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-502-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:10/19/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/24/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the award of bid for Independence Park West Restroom Renovations for the Town of Trophy Club; authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (T. Jaramillo). Attachments:Staff Reports - Independence Park West Restroom Renovations.pdf Teague Nall & Perkins Letter of Recommendation.pdf Bid Tabulation Report.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 4: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheawardofbidforIndependenceParkWestRestroomRenovationsfor the Town of Trophy Club; authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (T. Jaramillo). Town CouncilPage 20 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Tony Jaramillo, Director of Parks and Recreation CC: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Independence Park West Restroom Renovations Town Council Meeting, October 24, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the award of bid for Independence Park West Restroom Renovations for the Town of Trophy Club; authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (T. Jaramillo). Explanation: The Town, with the assistance of Teague Nall & Perkins, went out to bid for the Independence Park West Restroom Renovations. A total of five contractors provided bids on the project. Based on specific qualifications, similar project experience and evaluating various references,it was determined that Mascot Construction, Inc. met the requirements and submitted the lowest qualified bid at $95,713.12. There is a scheduled Pre-construction meeting on November 11, 2017. The restrooms will have to be closed during construction;therefore staff would like to begin on December 1st in order to avoid conflicts with the sports season. Attachments: Teague Nall & Perkins Letter of Recommendation Bid Tabulation Report Council Consideration: Based on the submitted bids, Staff seeks Council to award the bid for the Independence Park West Restroom Renovations to Mascot Construction, Inc. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 21 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 22 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 2017 24, October Date: Meeting of 90 23 Page Council Town Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-479-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:10/12/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/24/2017 Final action: Title:Case TUP-17-007 (Beck Elementary Construction Trailer) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving a request for a Temporary Use Permit to allow a construction trailer at Beck Elementary School, generally located west of Parkview Drive and south of Independence Park West (L. Payne). Attachments:Staff Report - Beck Elementary Construction Trailer.pdf RES 2017-31 - Beck Elementary Construction Trailer.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 5: Case TUP-17-007 (Beck Elementary Construction Trailer) ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaResolutionapprovingarequestforaTemporaryUsePermittoallowa constructiontraileratBeckElementarySchool,generallylocatedwestofParkviewDriveandsouthofIndependencePark West (L. Payne). Town CouncilPage 24 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Lisa Payne, Town Planner CC: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Case TUP-17-007 Town CouncilMeeting, October 24, 2017 Agenda Item: Case TUP-17-007 (Beck Elementary Construction Trailer) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving a request for a Temporary Use Permit to allow a construction trailer at Beck Elementary School, generally located west of Parkview Drive and south of Independence Park West (L. Payne). Request: The applicant, Pogue Construction, is requesting approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow a construction trailer to locate at Beck Elementary School while the recently approved addition to the building is being constructed. Details: A construction trailer is requested to help facilitate the construction of the classrooms that will double as storm shelters at Beck Elementary School. According to Sec. 14.02.251 of the Code of Ordinances, construction offices that are used temporarily by contractors during the construction of a building must obtain a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) through approval from Town Council, after recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Commission. In addition, the allowed time period may match the schedule of construction, with annual renewal through this same process, if necessary. As shown on Exhibit A within Resolution No. 2017-31, the 10’ x 30’ trailer will be placed approximately 10’ north of the construction of the building addition, and the entire construction area will be fenced in by an 8’ tall chain link fence covered by a blue canvas (Exhibit C within Resolution No. 2017-31).The existing sidewalk that runs inside the construction area will be temporarily rerouted outside of the construction fencing. The construction area does not interfere with parking or the Fire Lane. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation: The Planning & Zoning Commission considered this request on October 5, 2017. Discussion included the duration of time the construction trailer would be on site and confirmation that Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 25 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 the blue canvas screen will be on the outside of the chain link fence. With a motion and a second for recommendation that the item move forward to Council for approval, subject to the removal of the construction trailer before the Certificate of Occupancy (CO) is issued for the building addition the construction trailer is servicing, but not later than February 28, 2018, the request passed unanimously. Council Consideration: The presence of a construction trailer is typical with this kind of project and the applicant has not requested for the trailer to remain on the property beyond the completion of the building addition. Attachments: Resolution No. 2017-31 Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 26 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2017-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS,APPROVING A TEMPORARY USE PERMIT FOR POGUE CONSTRUCTION, IN CONJUNCTION WITH NORTHWEST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, TO PLACE A CONSTRUCTION TRAILERAT BECK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOCATED AT 401 PARKVIEW DRIVE; PROVIDING FOR CONDITIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Pogue Construction,in conjunction withNorthwest Independent School District, has filed a temporary use permit application and formally requested to place a construction trailer north ofBeck ElementarySchool located at401 Parkview Drive in Town of Trophy Club; and WHEREAS, Section 14.02.251 – Temporary Uses in the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances requires a temporary use permit to be approved by the Town Council through a resolution. NOW THEREFOREBE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE , TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. Thatthe request byPogue Construction, in conjunction with Northwest Independent School District,for a temporary use permit for a construction trailerat Beck Elementary School located at 401 Parkview Drive is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: (A)Theconstruction trailerand its temporary fencing shall be consistentwith what is shown anddescribedin Exhibits A, B,and C; and (B)Theconstruction trailershall be removed from the property before the Certificate of Occupancy(CO)is issued for the building addition that the construction trailer is servicing, but not later than February 28, 2018. Section 2.That the temporary use permit authorized by this Resolution shall comply with all Town of Trophy Club codes and ordinances, exempt where specifically exempted herein. Section 3.This Resolution shall take effect from and after its date of passage in accordance with law. Town CouncilPage 27 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 PASSED and APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on this 24thday of October2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David DoddIII, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2017-31 Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 28 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 2017 24, October Date: Meeting of 90 29 Page Council Town 2017 24, October Date: Meeting of 90 30 Page Council Town Town CouncilPage 31 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-474-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/10/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/24/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance adopting a new Subsection 3109.4.1.7 entitled “Gates” to be part of Section 3.03.052, Amendments, of Division 2, Building Code, of Article 3.03, Technical and Construction Codes and Standards, of Chapter 3, Building Regulations, of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances; and providing an effective date (Town Council). Attachments:Staff Report - Pool Barrier Amendment.pdf UL325 Requirements.pdf ASTM F2200 Requirements.pdf ORD 2017-28 - Amending Building Code.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 6: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceadoptinganewSubsection3109.4.1.7entitled“Gates”to bepartofSection3.03.052,Amendments,ofDivision2,BuildingCode,ofArticle3.03,TechnicalandConstructionCodes andStandards,ofChapter3,BuildingRegulations,oftheTownofTrophyClubCodeofOrdinances;andprovidingan effective date (Town Council). Town CouncilPage 32 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Tommy Uzee, Director of Community Development CC: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Allowable Pool Barrier Locking Mechanisms for Automatic Gates Town Council Meeting, October 24, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance adopting a new Subsection 3109.4.1.7 entitled “Gates” to be part of Section 3.03.052, Amendments, of Division 2, Building Code, of Article 3.03, Technical and Construction Codes and Standards, of Chapter 3, Building Regulations, of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances; and providing an effective date (Town Council). Explanation: Based on a citizen request to allow automatic drive gates to be incorporated into the required barrier surrounding pools and protecting entry, as described in Chapter 31 of the International Building Code, specifically section 3109.4.1.7(noted below), means have been researched to provide alternative devices to be used to maintain the level of safety required, as well as, providing the options to be available to homeowners that will enhance their properties. Section 3109 (Swimming Pool Enclosures and Safety Devices), of the 2015 Edition of the International Building Code with the proposed exception in red. 3109.4.1.7 (Gates), access doors or gates shall comply with the requirements of Sections 3109.4.1.1 through 3109.4.1.6 and shall be equipped to accommodate a locking device. Pedestrian access doors or gates shall open outward away from the pool and shall be self -closing and have a self-latching device. Release mechanisms shall be in accordance with Sections 1010.1.9 and 1109.13. Where the release mechanism of the self-latching device is located lower than 54 inches (1372 mm) from the bottom of the door or gate, the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the door or gate, 3 inches (76mm) or more, below the top of the gate, and the door or gate and barrier shall be without openings greater than ½ inch (12.7 mm) within 18 inches (457mm) of the release mechanism. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 33 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Exception: 1.Automatic vehicular gates incorporated into the pool barrier shall be so designed and installed to prevent unintended opening or access and shall conform to the requirements set forth in UL325 and ASTM F2200. Section 3110 (Automatic Vehicular Gates) of the 2015 Edition of the International Building Code 3110.1 General. Automatic Vehicular Gates shall comply with the requirements of Sections 3110.2 through3110.4 and other applicable sections of this code. 3110.2 Definition. The following term is defined in Chapter 2: Vehicular Gate 3110.3 Vehicular gates intended for automation. Vehicular gates intended for automation shall be designed, constructed, and installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM F2200. 3110.4 Vehicular gate openers. Vehicular gate openers, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325. Chapter 2, Section 202, Definitions: Vehicular gate. A gate that is intended for use at a vehicular entrance or exit to a facility, building, or portion thereof, and not intended for use by pedestrian traffic. Attachment: UL325 Requirements ASTM F2200 Requirements Ordinance No. 2017-28 Council Consideration: Consider and take appropriate action regarding allowable pool barrier locking mechanisms for automatic gates. Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 34 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 UL 325 STANDARD - TECHNICAL DATA SHEET UL 325 is the standard that addresses the automatic operation of garage doors that contains provisions related to the automatic operation of gates. In this Technical Data Sheet, we will provide you with some background information about UL and UL standards and will notify you of the current gate-related aspects of UL 325. What is UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.? UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc. is a not-for profit organization established in 1894, which is self-described as laboratories and certification organizations in the United States. What are UL Standards? UL standards are voluntary standards that establish minimum requirements and are developed via an open, non- or similar reg standard believe that the requirements should be met by all participants affected by the standard, and that more stringent provisions may be adopted by some in the indust-exclusionary American National Standards. The purpose of this process is to gain a wider acceptance of a specific standard. The canvass process typically includes interested individuals and organizations that may have direct or material interest in a particular standard. UL 325 is one of the standards that have attained an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) designation. What is the UL 325 Standard For products within the scope of the standard, UL 325? UL 325 contains the basic qualifying factors that products must meet in order to be documented (listed) and marked (labeled) as complying with the requirements of the UL 325 voluntary Listing and Labeling program. UL 325 provides methods for testing products, primarily related to safety performance. UL 325 covers the installation of products in accordance with the National Electrical Code, which is maintained by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and is in force nationwide. UL 325 is to be harmonized with this code. UL 325 addresses safety concerning potential fire and electrical hazards, as well as the safety of the general public. The History of UL 325 The first edition of UL 325 was released in 1973. That edition was primarily focused on the electric operation of garage doors and did not contain provisions for gates. After federal laws were enacted in the early 1990s, citing the provisions of UL 325 as applicable to garage door operation, members of the gate operator industry initiated the inclusion of electric gate operator provisions in UL 325. Some government agencies and other the provisions of the standard that relate to gate operators. How is UL 325 Utilized? UL 325 is used as a basis to test products at a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Gate operators that choose to participate in a listing and labeling program submit their products for testing. If they are found to be UL or other laboratories. Approval implies acceptance of responsibility for compliance with standards. This responsibility lies with the listing and labeling applicant and not with the laboratory. The burden of proof regarding data always lies with the manufacturer. 1 REV MARCH 2017 Town CouncilPage 35 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 UL 325 STANDARD - TECHNICAL DATA SHEET UL 325 and Gates Highlights of UL 325 include the following: A glossary which defines each type of operator Entrapment* alarm criteria Requirements for gate construction and installation (for detailed requirements regarding construction, see ASTM F2200, Standard Specification for Automated Vehicular Gate Construction) A key part of the UL 325 standard is a table that summarizes the entrapment device options for different classes of operators of the various types of gates included in the standard. Please refer to the table as you read about the provisions that are described in the following sections. Gate Definition and Types barrier that is a stand-alone passage barrier or is that portion of a wall or fence system that controls entrance operators/systems addressed in UL 325 are barrier, vertical pivot gate, horizontal slide gate, swing gate and vertical slide gate. It is important to note that all gates included in UL 325 are defined as vehicular gates and not pedestrian gates. Property owners are expected to provide a separate entrance for pedestrian access. Gate Operator Classifications Four distinct types of classifications have been established: 2 REV MARCH 2017 Town CouncilPage 36 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 UL 325 STANDARD - TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Class I: Residential usage, covering one to four single-family dwellings. Class II: Commercial usage where general public access is expected; a common application would be a public parking lot entrance or gated community. Class III: Industrial usage where limited access is expected; one example is a warehouse property entrance not intended to serve the general public. Class IV: Restricted access; this includes applications such as a prison entrance that is monitored either in person or via closed circuitry. UL 325 defines the allowable entrapment protection options for each class as follows: Each class must have primary and secondary entrapment provisions; Each class must have different types of protection for the different classes of operators as well as for the different categories of operators; and The same type of device cannot be used for both primary and secondary protection. An exception to compliance with the provisions of Table 31.1 has also been noted in the standard. An operator considered exempt would require all of the following: 1. Operates a vehicular barrier (arm) that is not intended to move toward a rigid object closer than 2 feet; installation; and 3. Is not required to be provided with means to protect against entrapment. Provisions Regarding Gate Operators Notable provisions included in UL 325 that affect gate operators and related safety devices. Class I and Class II operators must have an audio alarm which shall function if 2 sequential activations of the entrapment alarms will be kept to a minimum while still providing safe operation. 1. Class I and Class II slide gate operators shall not exceed a speed of 1 foot per second when the operator is pulling 75 pounds or more. Since both classes listed involve general public usage, this maximum established speed strikes a balance between any perceived security issue (a person immediately following the party controlling the gate) and any danger from a person being struck by a gate. 2. A Type B1 or B2 device serving as a Primary Safety Device shall be monitored for the presence and correct operation of the device, including the wiring to it, at least once during each open and close cycle. This requirement is included because these types of safety devices are often used as backup safety devices. 3. Manufacturers will be required to specify a brand and model number of external sensors compatible for connection to an operator. This provision arose from concern over the gate operator external devices acting in tandem as a system, with a fault rate of 6 failures in 1 million hours of use (which equates to 115 years of continuous operation). 4. After sensing an obstruction, reversing must begin within 2 seconds. This requirement is intended to keep a person from being entrapped in a stationary position by the gate system. After the first contact the gate must reverse and travel a minimum of 2 inches. If there is a second contact, the gate must stop, and requires a wired device to reset the operator. 5. After any obstruction reversal by either an A or B2 device, the timer-to-close is disabled until reset. Both A and B2 devices sense direct gate contact with an obstruction, and the devices must perform their intended function without interference from a timer-to-close action. 6. Stop the gate upon sensing a second sequential obstruction, and then not operate until an intended hard wired input is received in most situations, depending upon the combination of types of primary and secondary entrapment protection devices that are used. A person within the line of sight of the gate must see what has caused the second sequential obstruction and must resolve this obstruction before operating the gate. 3 REV MARCH 2017 Town CouncilPage 37 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 UL 325 STANDARD - TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 7. If a Type C device is chosen, swing gates must not exert more than 40 pounds of force after initial start-up. The reasoning here is similar to the reasoning given for the speed limitation for horizontal slide gates. UL 325 Effect on Installations These provisions will have several effects on gate and fence dealers and installers: 1. Gate and fence dealers should look for an indication of the Class of each operator, which will be specified by the gate operator manufacturer. 2. Fence dealer sales personnel must match the site application with the Class of operator. The gate operator manufacturer should be contacted if there is any question about the site application. 3. Both primary and secondary safety devices must be provided and matched to both the operator and site conditions. Although the gate operator manufacturer will either provide or specify these devices, the gate/fence dealer should insure that they are installed and correctly matched. Any questions should again be directed to the gate operator manufacturer. 4. Warning signs must be permanently affixed to the gate panel. UL 325 includes specific requirements on the format, content, and placement of these signs. Also Related to Gate Construction and Installation Vehicular gate operators should ONLY be used on vehicular gates and never pedestrian gates. Adequate clearance should be provided between a swinging gate and adjacent structures to reduce risk of entrapment. A sliding gate should work smoothly with easy rolling/movement in both directions, prior to the installation of the operator. reach through Warning signs and placards must be installed and be visible in the area of the gate. Device-Specific Installation Instructions There are also specific installation requirements for certain types of entrapment protection devices. These specific requirements emphasize the care and attention that each device must be given prior to and during installation. For gate operators utilizing non-contact sensor devices (Type B1), instructions should be consulted for placement for each application, care should be exercised to reduce the risk of nuisance tripping, and one or more of these devices must be installed where the risk of entrapment or obstruction exists. For gate operators utilizing contact sensor devices (Type B2), several requirements are spelled out in UL 325. One or more contact sensors shall be located: At the leading edge, the trailing edge, and also post-mounted both inside and outside of, a vehicular horizontal slide gate; At the bottom edge of a vehicular vertical slide gate; and At the entrapment point of a vehicular vertical pivot gate. A wired contact sensor shall be located, and its wiring arranged, so that communication between sensor and gate operator is not subjected to mechanical damage. A wireless contact sensor shall be located where the transmission of the signals is not obstructed or impeded by building structures, natural landscaping or similar obstructions, and shall function under the intended end use conditions. For gate operators utilizing a continuous pressure activating device (Type D), controls must be placed so that user has full view of the gate area when the gate is moving. A placard must be placed adjacent to the controls and no other activation device shall be connected. Most importantly, an automatic closing device shall not be employed. 4 REV MARCH 2017 Town CouncilPage 38 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 UL 325 STANDARD - TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Gate and fence dealers can expect to see in gate operator instructions the following statements: 1. The operator must be appropriate for the construction of the gate and the usage class of the gate. The appropriate primary and secondary safety devices to be used are a major consideration to support this requirement. 2. All openings of a horizontal slide gate, and the portion of the fence where the slide gate passes, must be guarded or screened. These specific requirements in UL 325 that govern this provision were developed to addres- extending from the bottom of the gate/fence panel. 3. All exposed entrapment points must be eliminated or guarded. It is up to individual gate and fence dealers to identify these points on a product-by-product basis, or on a job-by-job basis. 4. Guarding must be supplied for exposed rollers. Exposed rollers are regarded as potential pinch points. Gate and Fence Dealer Documentation Dealers and installers should visually document, either via photography or video, the complete gate installation including applicable signs and labels, and the owner receiving the instruction manual from the installer. Other options can include the development and use of an installation checklist, a customer sign-off form, and a service/preventive maintenance contract. For Gate Operators Manufactured after January 12, 2016 Entrapment-Protection Devices Gate operators are required to have a minimum of two independent means of entrapment protection where the risk of entrapment or obstruction exists. A manufacturer can use two inherent- type systems, two external-type systems, or an inherent and an external system to meet the requirement. However, the same type of device cannot be used for both means of protection. Monitoring Required An external non-contact sensor or contact sensor may be used as a means of entrapment protection. However, the sensor must be monitored once every cycle for (1) the correct connection to the operator and (2) the correct operation of the sensor. If the device is not present, not functioning, or is shorted, then the gate operator can only be operated by constant pressure on the control device. Portable wireless controls will not function in this case. Entrapment Risk Identification entrapment or obstruction exists. Manufacturers are required to provide instructions for the placement of external devices, but they give only examples of suggested entrapment protection in their installation manuals. If the installer identifies a risk of entrapment or obstruction, at least two independent means of entrapment protection are required. Terminology Change protection devices. This was done to emphasize that all entrapment protection devices are equally important. 5 REV MARCH 2017 Town CouncilPage 39 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 UL 325 STANDARD - TECHNICAL DATA SHEET The End of Type E Type E (audible alarm) devices can no longer be used for entrapment protection. This change was made because the Type E device is really a warning device, not an entrapment-protection device. Also, all gate operator classes are now required to have an audio alarm that sounds when two successive obstructions are encountered via a contact-type system. Access Control Location for Emergency Use ocation of controls that operate the gate. The instructional requirements state that these controls must be at only accessible by authorized personnel (e.g., fire, police, EMS) may be placed at any location in the line-of- Barrier-Arm Operator Exception An exception has changed for barrier-arm gate operators requiring entrapment protection. The previous exception stated that a barrier-arm operator did not require entrapment protection if the arm did not move toward a rigid object closer than 2'. The distance has been reduced to 16" so it more closely aligns with the industry-defined entrapment protection provisions in ASTM F2200. Gate Operator Class II and Class III Definitions The definitions for installation classes for gate operators were modified. Class II now includes commercial locations accessible to the general public. Class III was refined to specify industrial locations not accessible to the general public. These changes, while seemingly minor, may affect which gate operator is suitable for a particular installation location. For complete information on all aspects of UL 325, Standard for Door, Drapery, Gate, Louver and Window Operators and Systems, please visit: https://ulstandards.ul.com/standard/?id=325_6 6 REV MARCH 2017 Town CouncilPage 40 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2017-28 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, ADOPTING A NEW SUBSECTION 3109.4.1.7 ENTITLED “GATES” TO BE PART OF SECTION 3.03.052, “AMENDMENTS,” OF DIVISION 2, “BUILDING CODE,” OF ARTICLE 3.03, “TECHNICAL AND CONSTRUCTION CODES AND STANDARDS,” OF CHAPTER 3, "BUILDING REGULATIONS,” OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR THE INCORPORATION OF PREMISES; PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENTTO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE WITH LOCAL AMENDMENTS, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT “A”; PROVIDING FOR A CUMULATIVE REPEALER; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS OR CONTINUES; PROVIDING FORPUBLICATION; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the “Town”) is a home rule municipality empowered to do all acts and make all regulations which may be necessary or expedient for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare; and WHEREAS, the Town adopted the 2015Edition of the International Building Code on September 13, 2016. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES That all of the above premises are true and correct and are hereby incorporated in the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. AMENDMENTS 2.01. Subsection 3109.4.1.7 entitled “Gates” of Section3.03.052, “Amendments,” of Division 2, “Building Code,”ofArticle 3.03, “Technical and Construction Codes and Standards,” of Chapter 3, "Building Regulations,” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Exhibit “A” Ordinancesishereby adopted as more fully set forth in , a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Town CouncilPage 43 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 SECTION 3. CUMULATIVE REPEALER That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance; whether such ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any complaint, action, cause of action or claim which prior to the effective date of this Ordinance has been initiated or has arisen under or pursuant to such repealed Ordinance(s) shall continue to be governed by the provisions of that Ordinance and for that purpose the Ordinance shall be deemed to remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. PENALTY It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision of this Ordinance shall be fined, upon conviction, not less than One Dollar ($1.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 6. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish, the Caption, Penalty and Effective Date of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. ORD 2017-28 Page 2 of 4 Town CouncilPage 44 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 SECTION 7. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance in accordance with the Town Charter. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of passage and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 24thday of October 2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David DoddIII, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas ORD 2017-28 Page 3 of 4 Town CouncilPage 45 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 EXHIBIT A INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE **Section 3109.4.1.7; change to read as follows:add exception to read as follows: 3109.4.1.7 Gates. Exception: 1.Automatic vehicular gates incorporated into the pool barrier shall be so designed and installed to prevent unintended opening or access and shall conform to the requirements set forth in UL325 and ASTM F2200. ORD 2017-28 Page 4 of 4 Town CouncilPage 46 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-486-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/16/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/24/2017 Final action: Title:Town Council Future Agenda Item No. 3 - Consider and take appropriate action regarding land that: (A) The Town owns for the possibility of residents to acquire the land; and (B) Is maintained by the Town but not owned (Council Member Lamont and Council Member Shoffner). Attachments:Staff Report - Land Maintained by the Town.pdf Aerial photos of previously referenced properties.pdf Trophy Club Community Improvement Association Deed.pdf Lake Trails Condemnation Action # ED-2003-01061.pdf Medlin Cemetery Memorandum of Understanding dated February 25, 2002.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 7: TownCouncilFutureAgendaItemNo.3-Considerandtakeappropriateactionregardinglandthat:(A)TheTownowns forthepossibilityofresidentstoacquiretheland;and(B)IsmaintainedbytheTownbutnotowned(CouncilMember Lamont and Council Member Shoffner). Town CouncilPage 47 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Tony Jaramillo, Director of Parks & Recreation CC: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Land Maintained by the Town Town Council Meeting, October 24, 2017 Agenda Item: Town Council Future Agenda Item No. 3 - Consider and take appropriate action regarding land that: (A) The Town owns for the possibility of residents to acquire the land; and (B) Is maintained by the Town but not owned (Council Member Lamont and Council Member Shoffner). Explanation: As previously discussed during the June 27, 2017 Council Meeting, and amended based upon additional research, Park staff currently maintains thirteen common areas within the Town limits that are either “privately-owned” property or “Town-owned” property subject to sale or transfer to adjacent property owners. Subsequent to the meeting, letters were sent to affected parties notifying them of the Town’s intention to cease maintenance of privately owned properties or to gauge resident interest in obtaining Town owned properties through sale or transfer. These properties are more accurately described as follows, along with staff comments which reflect the result of resident engagement: Maintenance of Privately-Owned Property (3): Eagles Ridge (See photo page 1A) - Located at the corner of Skyline and Ridgeview Lane. Flower bed consists of various perennials, annuals and a sprinkler system and is currently maintained by 2 parks staff members on a weekly basis (40 cycles per year) requiring approximately 30 – 45 minutes per cycle. Staff Comment: The homeowner at 200 Ridge View Lane acknowledged ownership of the property and indicated a willingness to maintain the property moving forward; however, has requested a meeting with staff to discuss the transfer of irrigation lines and power currently billed to the Town. Page 1 of 4 Town CouncilPage 48 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Right-of-Way (ROW) on Village Trail and Trophy Lake Drive (See photo page 1B) - This location is approximately 6,000 sq. ft. of turf area, and is currently maintained by (2) Park staff members on a bi-weekly basis (21 cycles per year) requiring approximately one man-hour per cycle. Staff Comment: Church at Trophy Lakes staff acknowledged ownership of the property and agreed to maintain the ROW. Medlin Cemetery (See photo page 2) - Located adjacent the Trophy Club Country Club on Trophy Club Drive, is approximately 13,600 sq. ft. of turf area with four flower beds consisting of various perennials and annuals. The area is currently maintained by (4) Park staff members on a weekly basis (40 cycles per year) requiring approximately five man-hours per cycle. Staff Comment: According to a Memorandum of Understanding between the Town and Medlin Cemetery Association (see attached), the Town agreed to landscape and maintain the entrance in exchange for fill dirt previously received. Town staff will therefore continue to maintain this property. It should be noted that Medlin Association officials expressed an interest in potentially selling the entire cemetery property to the Town, and plan to discuss same at the Association’s January 2018 meeting. Maintenance of Town-owned property subject to sale or transfer (10): Eagles Ridge (See photo page 3A) - Located on Skyline Drive, is approximately 12,000 sq. ft. of turf area with one flower bed consisting of various perennials and annuals. The area is currently maintained by (4) Park staff members on a weekly basis (40 cycles per year) requiring approximately 2.5 man-hour per cycle. Staff Comment: According to Denton County records both properties are considered parkland dedication to the Town. Town staff will continue to maintain all Town property. Fox Pointe(See photo page 3B) - Located on Skyline Drive adjacent to Eagles Ridge, is approximately 5,000 sq. ft. of turf area with one flower bed consisting of various annuals. The area is currently maintained by (4) Park staff members on a weekly basis (40 cycles per year) requiring approximately two man-hours per cycle. Staff Comment: According to Denton County records, both properties and the median are owned by the Town. Due to Town property being separated by a wall from adjoining private property, Town staff will continue to maintain all Town property. The Woods (See photo page 4A) - Located at the intersection of Trophy Club Drive and Michele Court, is approximately 8,000 sq. ft. of turf area with two flower beds consisting of various perennials and annuals. The area is currently maintained by (3) Park staff members on a weekly basis (40 cycles per year) requiring approximately three man-hours per cycle. Page 2 of 4 Town CouncilPage 49 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Staff Comment: The Woods was part of the Community Improvement Association, which has been dissolved and necessitates that it be maintained by the Town. In addition, adjacent property owners are separated from the ROW by a brick wall which precludes direct access for maintenance purposes. Town staff will continue to maintain all Town property. ROW on Indian Creek Drive (See page 4B) - The ROW is located between Brook Hollow Court and Troon and is approximately 48,000 sq. ft. It is currently being maintained by the Town through a private contractor at $135 per cycle (21 cycles per year). Staff Comment: All properties back up to Indian Creek Drive and have a 7.5’ – 10’ rear lot easementand fencing, which precludes direct access for maintenance purposes.Town staff will continue to maintain all Town property. The Lakes Trail(See page 5A) - This locationisapproximately 1.2 acres of turf area, and is currently being maintained by the Town througha private contractor on a bi-weekly basis(21 cycles per year) at $100.00 per cycle. Staff Comment: The Lakes Trail system was turned over to the Town in a condemnation proceeding on October 31, 2003 which necessitates that it be maintained by Town staff. Town staff will continue to maintain all Town property. Lot on Sonora Drive (See page 5B) - The lot on Sonora is approximately 5,200 sq. ft. of turf area and located east of 43 Sonora Drive and west of 6 Mesa Verde Court, it is currently being maintained by the Town through a private contractor on a bi-weekly basis (21 cycles per year) at $45.00 per cycle. Staff Comment: The Sonora Drive lot is owned by the Town and considered to be of limited or no value. It is therefore subject to potential sale or transfer to adjacent property owners. Letters were mailed to residents at 6 Mesa Drive and 43 Sonora Drive in an effort to gauge interest; however, no responses have been received. Lots South of 2876 & 2877 Milsons Point Drive (See page 6 A&B) - The two lots combined are approximately one acre and currently being maintained by the Town through a private contractor, on an as needed basis at $110.00 per cycle. (Approximately 8 – 12 times per year depending on rain) Staff Comment: Both Milsons Point lots are owned by the Town and considered to be of limited or no value. They are therefore subject to potential sale or transfer to adjacent property owners. Letters were mailed to residents at 2876 and 2877 Milsons Point. Both residents have expressed interest in obtaining the properties through transfer. Lot on Trophy Club Drive (See page 7) - The lot is located west of 971 Trophy Club Drive and is approximately 12,000 sq. ft. The area is currently being maintained by (2) Parks staff members on a bi-weekly basis and requiring approximately 30 minutes per cycle. Page 3 of 4 Town CouncilPage 50 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Staff Comment: The Trophy Club Drive lot is owned by the Town and considered to be of limited or no value. It is therefore subject to potential sale or transfer to the adjacent property owner. A letter was mailed to the resident at 971 Trophy Club Drive; who expressed an interest in obtaining the property through transfer. Gas Well Site adjacent Highlands Court (See page 8) - This location is approximately 20,000 sq. ft. of turf area, and is currently being maintained by the Town through a private contractor on a monthly basis (21 cycles per year) at $55.00 per cycle. Staff Comment: The property adjacent the gas well site is owned by the Town. The terrain is very undesirable, and therefore not subject to potential sale or transfer to adjacent property owners. Town staff will continue to maintain all Town property. Attachments: Aerial photos of previously referenced properties Trophy Club Community Improvement Association Deed Lake Trails Condemnation Action #: ED-2003-01061 Medlin Cemetery Memorandum of Understanding dated: February 25, 2002 Council Consideration: Staff seeks Council direction on negotiating the sale or transfer of Town-owned property currently being maintained, but determined to be of limited or no value. Page 4 of 4 Town CouncilPage 51 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 1-A 1-B 1 Town CouncilPage 52 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 2 Town CouncilPage 53 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 3 – A 3-B 3 Town CouncilPage 54 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 4 –A 4 – B 4 Town CouncilPage 55 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 5 – A 5 – B 5 Town CouncilPage 56 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 6 – A ` 6 – B 6 Town CouncilPage 57 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 7 Town CouncilPage 58 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 8 Town CouncilPage 59 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 60 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 61 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 62 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 63 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 64 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 65 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 66 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 67 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 68 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 69 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 70 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town CouncilPage 71 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-475-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/10/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/24/2017 Final action: Title:Receive an update from Town Staff regarding Entryway Monumentation and Landscaping for the Town of Trophy Club (J. Zagurski). Attachments:Staff Report - Entryway Monumentation.pdf 2017 RFP Entryway Monumentation.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 8: ReceiveanupdatefromTownStaffregardingEntrywayMonumentationandLandscapingfortheTownofTrophyClub(J. Zagurski). Town CouncilPage 72 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From:John Zagurski, Budget Manager CC: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Entryway Monumentation and Landscaping Town Council Meeting, October 24, 2017 Agenda Item: Receive an update from Town Staff regarding Entryway Monumentation and Landscaping for the Town of Trophy Club (J. Zagurski). Explanation: Attached is a draft RFP for the Entryway Monumentation. This RFP is a revision of the original RFQ that was advertised during 2016. Staff would like to set a date and time for a subcommittee meeting to review the RFP and narrow the scope. Attachments: 2017 RFP Entryway Monumentation Council Consideration: Staff seeks Council direction regarding a subcommittee meeting date and time to review and discuss the RFP. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 73 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB ENTRYWAY MONUMENTATION Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 1 Town CouncilPage 74 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS IS SEEKING CONSULTING AND DESIGN SERVICES TO DEVELOP: DESIGN OF COMMUNITY GATEWAY MONUMENTS AND LANDSCAPING The Town of Trophy Club is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) from qualified firms to design entryway monumentation program that: 1.Welcomes travelers from major entrance points into the town and 2.Establishes design standards and specifications for entryway monumentation and landscaping; and 3.Establishes design standards and specifications that take into account street-level visibility, safety, maintenance and replacement costs for signage; and 4.Establishes design standards that is reflective of Trophy Club's identity and culture; and 5.Projects costs for monumentation and landscaping BACKGROUND Trophy Club is a master planned community and was originally developed in 1973 and incorporated in 1985. The Town contains 4.1 square miles with a total population of approximately 13,000 with complete buildout projected no later than 2020. Trophy Club’s unique history helped shape the town into the beautiful, safe, well-maintained community oasis that it is today. Over the years Trophy Club has developed from a small, golf-centric, rural getaway for Dallas executives and retirees into a premiere North Texas residential community. As the first master planned community in Texas, Trophy Club features over 1,000 acres of parks, 36 holes of golf winding through neighborhoods and environmentally secure woodlands, an efficient local government and so much more. Much of the town’s appeal is the wide range of home choices and resident participation in community activities, schools, churches, clubs, organizations and town advisory groups. Trophy Club employs the Council-Manager form of government with an elected mayor and six-member Council. The town incorporated in 1985 when the Westlake Town Council agreed to release 2,555 acres from its ETJ in order for Trophy Club residents to gain more control over the zoning and development within the town. Careful planning is integral to Trophy Club development and plans are closely reviewed to ensure that the growth of the community maintains the neighborhood atmosphere that residents have come to treasure. In 2010 Trophy Club celebrated 25 years of incorporation and much of the Town’s successes come from the residents who dedicated time, expertise and financial support toward making Trophy Club A Great Place to Call Home. 2 Town CouncilPage 75 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 A high standard of living has become central to the Trophy Club culture. Several parks in town offer a range of amenities and activities, including play grounds, tennis courts, basketball courts, exercise equipment, paved trails, geocaching, disc golf, nature trails, a dog park, athletic fields and more. The strategic location of the town places Trophy Club at the center of a major growth area in the DFW Metroplex. Located on the State Highway (SH) 114 corridor near Southlake, Westlake and Roanoke, Trophy Club’s close proximity to both the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and Alliance Airport will continue to be a major factor in town growth and redevelopment. PROJECT In general, the entryway monumentation and landscaping plan will create a coordinated group of signs that welcome people to the town and direct them to the places they want to go, as well as identify park facilities. The Town’s brand and identity shall be integrated, where appropriate, into the monument signage. This is a Request for Proposal. Submitting firms will be considered for their experience and ability to complete this project. A final scope of work and schedule will be offered to the short listed firms asked to submit full proposals. RESPONSE FORMAT All RFP submittals shall provide the following information for consideration and state the period it shall remain in effect: a.Introductory Letter: Please include a cover letter summarizing your firm's background, resources, and relevant experience. b.Descriptions of Firm, Management, and Team Members: Include descriptions of your organization and team. This should identify the project manager and the day-to-day contact person for the job. c.Description of Subcontractors: Identify any portion of the scope of work that will be subcontracted. Include firm qualifications (brief) and key personnel, telephone number, and contact person for all subcontractors. d.Experience with Similar Projects: Provide a description of at least three (3) similar projects, including images or schematics of previous wayfinding design work. e.References: Provide at least three (3) client references relevant to this type of project. f.Project Approach: Provide a written description of your firm's intended approach to the project that demonstrates an understanding of the issues and tasks at hand, and the firm's ability to fulfill them. Indicate the role you anticipate team members playing as you go through the evaluation of existing information, design, production and installation. g.Total Project Costs: Provide a breakdown of total project cost including the cost of design, engineering, construction, landscaping, and annual maintenance. INTERVIEW SELECTION CRITERIA The Town of Trophy Club will evaluate the RFQs based on the following factors and will select firm(s) to make a full proposal on the project: a.Qualifications of the firm and experience with past projects; and b.References During the evaluation process, the Town may request additional information or clarifications from the proposers. Based on RFP responses and interviews, qualified firm(s) may be selected to submit a full proposal and the details of the full project will be released at that time. 3 Town CouncilPage 76 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 RFP REVIEW SCHEDULE Release RFP: , 2017 RFP due: , 2017 Review of RFP: , 2017 Interviews Scheduled: Weeks of , 2017 INQUIRIES Questions regarding the RFP should be directed to: Lisa Payne, Town Planner at (682) 237-2916 or via e-mail at: lpayne@trophyclub.org. REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The Town expects to select a consulting firm from the proposal submitted, but reserves the right to request substitutions of firms. The Town also reserves the right to reject any or all responses to the RFP, to advertise for new responses, or to accept any response deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. A response to this RFP should not be construed as a contract or an indication of a commitment of any kind on the part of the Town, nor does it commit either to pay for costs incurred in the submission of a response to this request or for any cost incurred prior to the execution of a final contract. INCURRING COSTS The Town is not liable for any costs incurred by the firm prior to issuance of a contract. DEADLINE AND DELIVERY Five (5) hard copies and one digital version of the Town of Trophy Club RFP shall be submitted to: Town of Trophy Club Attention: Lisa Payne 1Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 The digital version of the proposal in PDF format shall be submitted either via e-mail to: lpayne@trophyclub.org or on compact disc or flash drive. The deadline for the submittal of the proposal in both formats is , , 2017 at 5:00 p.m. No information submitted by facsimile or electronic mail will be accepted unless otherwise requested by the Town during the proposal review process. Submittals received after 5:00 p.m. on , 2017 will not be accepted. 4 Town CouncilPage 77 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-476-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/10/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/24/2017 Final action: Title:Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the November 14, 2017 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres). Attachments:November 14, 2017 Proposed Agenda.pdf Items for Future Agendas updated 10-05-2017.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 9: DiscussionofitemsforFutureAgendastoincludeagendaitemsforconsiderationontheNovember14,2017Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres). Town CouncilPage 78 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Meeting Date: November 14, 2017 Regular Session Start Time 7:00 p.m. Announcements & Reports No. Receive Town Manager Class' update regarding the following, discussion and 1Town Mgr provide input regarding same (T. Class): Receive Town Council Liaison update; discussion of same (H. Fimbres): 2Town Sec *Economic Development Corporation 4B, November 6, 2017 Council Liaison – Mayor Pro Tem Rhylan Rowe STAFF No. ConsentRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilRegularSession 3 Town Sec Minutes dated October 10, 2017 (H. Fimbres). Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Fourth Quarter Investment 4 Finance Report for Fiscal Year 2017 (A. Karkauskas). STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding the approval of the Town’s 5Com Dev Official Zoning Map (T. Uzee). Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council 6 Finance adopting an investment policy; and providing an effective date (A. Karkauskas). Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding setting a date for the 2018 7 Finance Council Retreat (A. Karkauskas). STAFF No. Upcoming Agenda & Council Future Agenda Items List UpdateRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the December 12, 2017 Council agenda and items from the Town Council 8 Town Sec Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres): Item No. 4 - Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the Veterans A) Memorial. (Jensen 8/22/2017) (1-November 28, 2017) STAFF No. Executive SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into 9 Town Sec executive session to discuss the following: Section 551.071 Consultation With Attorney under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of A) the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: Pending Litigation (D. Dodd) STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. 10 Town Sec Fimbres). Town CouncilPage 79 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town Council Future Agenda Items List (Updated 10/5/2017) 1. *Review negotiating with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to transfer the title for the land that the Annex Building is built on and the maintenance building by the Wastewater Treatment Plant. (Lamont 11/10/2015) (1-February 9, 2016)(2-May 10, 2016) (3-August 9, 2016) (4-November 8, 2016) (5-February 14, 2017) (6-May 23, 2017) (7-May 22, 2018) *Discussion after May 2018 election 1/12/2016 – At the January 12, 2016 Council meeting, Council made TCMUD No. 1 an offer regarding the Annex Building. 5/10/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 8/9/2016 - Mayor Sanders advised that several items have taken precedence and that this item can remain on the list until the applicable time to deal with it. 9/19/2016 – This item was scheduled to be placed on a future Joint Meeting agenda, tentatively for January 2017, with the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors. 11/8/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 2/20/2017 – Council moved this item to be discussed during the February 25, 2017 Council Retreat. 3/28/2017 – Mayor Sanders added the maintenance building by the Wastewater Treatment Plant to this item. 5/23/2017 - Mayor Sanders advised that his intent was that the Annex Building would be utilized for Town storage after Staff relocated into the new Town Hall facility . 2. Discussion of Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114.(Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) (2-September 13, 2016) (3-December 13, 2016) (4-March 14, 2017) (5-September 12, 2017) (6-December 26, 2017) 6/14/2016 – Mayor Sanders advised that when the sound wall along State Highway 114 is installed, this item would assist with shrubbery and landscaping through a grant application. 9/13/2016 – Mayor Sanders received consensus to leave this item due to the upcoming construction of the sound wall. Town Manager Seidel advised that it could be accomplished through a tri-city partnership with Westlake and Roanoke. 12/13/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 3/28/2017 – Mayor Sanders advised that he wanted to pursue moving forward with this item because this grant greatly assisted with the beautification of Davis Boulevard through the Town of Westlake. 6/13/2017 – Mayor Sanders requested to delay this item for an updatebecause the Metroport Cities Partnership was attempting to secure a Regional Green Ribbon Grant for the beautification of the State Highway 114 corridor through Westlake, Trophy Club, North Lake, and Roanoke. 9/12/2017 – Mayor Sanders advised that the next Metroport Cities Partnership meeting was scheduled for September 21, 2017 and this item was on their agenda to be discussed. 9/26/2017 – Mayor Sanders advised that Metroport Cities Partnership would be moving forward with a grant application for beautification. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 80 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 3. Staff to review land that: (A) The Town owns for the possibility of residents to acquire the land; and (B) Is maintained by the Town but not owned. (Lamont 3/28/2017) (1-June 27, 2017)(2-October 24, 2017) 6/27/2017 – Staff provided information on the common areas that are maintained by the Town. Council directedStaff to draft a proposed course of action to be distributed to Council and if need be the item could come back for Council’s consideration. 9/12/2017 – Mayor Sanders requested to have this item delayed for an update from Staff due to budget preparation and the move to the new Town Hall facility. 4. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the Veterans Memorial. (Jensen 8/22/2017) (1-November 28, 2017) 5. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding Ordinance14.02.352 Landscaping regulations to consider Artificial Turf as an allowable option in Town. (Shoffner and La- mont 9/15/2017) (1-December 12, 2017) 6. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding sales tax allocation and HB 157. (Rowe 10/5/2017) (1-January 9, 2018) Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 81 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-477-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Executive Session File created:10/10/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/24/2017 Final action: Title:Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section 551.071 Consultation With Attorney under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: Pending Litigation (D. Dodd) B)Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person and Section 551.087 Deliberation regarding Economic Development Negotiations under Subsection (2) to discuss or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town: North of Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive (Council Member Shoffner and Council Member Kurtz) C)Section 551.074 Personnel Matters to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: 1.Parks and Recreation Board (Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, and Council Member Jensen) 2.Planning and Zoning Commission (Mayor Sanders, Council Member Jensen, and Council Member Kurtz) Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 10: PursuanttothefollowingdesignatedsectionoftheTexasGovernmentCode,Annotated,Chapter551(TexasOpen Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section551.071ConsultationWithAttorneyunderSubsection(2)toconsultwiththeTownAttorneyonamatterin whichthedutyoftheattorneytothegovernmentalbodyundertheTexasDisciplinaryRulesofProfessionalConduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: Pending Litigation (D. Dodd) B)Section551.072DeliberationregardingRealPropertytodiscussordeliberatethepurchase,exchange,lease,or valueofrealpropertyifdeliberationinanopenmeetingwouldhaveadetrimentaleffectonthepositionofthe governmentalbodyinnegotiationswithathirdpersonandSection551.087DeliberationregardingEconomic DevelopmentNegotiationsunderSubsection(2)todiscussordeliberatetheofferoffinancialorotherincentivestoa Town CouncilPage 82 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 File #:2017-477-T,Version:1 business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town: North of Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive (Council Member Shoffner and Council Member Kurtz) C)Section551.074PersonnelMatterstodiscussordeliberatetheappointment,employment,evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: 1.Parks and Recreation Board (Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, and Council Member Jensen) 2.Planning and Zoning Commission (Mayor Sanders, Council Member Jensen, and Council Member Kurtz) Town CouncilPage 83 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-501-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/18/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/24/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action repealing Resolution 2017-24 and adopting a new Resolution, making appropriate appointments on the Parks and Recreation Board; reaffirming existing appointments, Chairperson, and Council Liaison; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, and Council Member Jensen). Attachments:RES 2017-33 - Parks and Recreation Board.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 11: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionrepealingResolution2017-24andadoptinganewResolution,makingappropriate appointmentsontheParksandRecreationBoard;reaffirmingexistingappointments,Chairperson,andCouncilLiaison; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, and Council Member Jensen). Town CouncilPage 84 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2017-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2017-24 AND ADOPTING A NEW RESOLUTIONMAKING APPROPRIATE APPOINTMENTS ON THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD; REAFFIRMING EXISTING APPOINTMENTS,CHAIRPERSON,AND COUNCIL LIAISON; DESIGNATING TERMS OF SERVICE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, benefits by having its citizens involved in local government through service on Boards, Commissions, and Corporations; and WHEREAS, the Trophy Club Town Council is responsiblefor making appointments to the Boards, Commissions, and Corporationsserving the Town; and WHEREAS, onSeptember 26, 2017, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club adopted Resolution No. 2017-24,making new citizen volunteer appointments, reaffirming current appointments, and reappointing the Chairpersonand Council Liaison to serve on the Parks and Recreation Boardfor the 2017-2018 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, by passage of this Resolution, the Town Council hereby repeals Resolution No. 2017-24 andadoptsthis Resolution, making appropriate appointments on the Parks and Recreation Board; and reaffirmingcurrent appointments, Chairperson, and Council Liaisonfor the 2017-2018 fiscal year. NOW THEREFOREBE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE , TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1.That the foregoing recitals are incorporated herein as if written word for word. Section 2.That the Town Council hereby repeals Resolution No. 2017-24 and adoptsthis Resolution to make appropriate appointments and reaffirm, as applicable, the following individuals to serve on the Parks and Recreation Board with respective terms of service ending on September 30 of the year specified below for each individualfor the 2017-2018 fiscal year: Town CouncilPage 85 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Parks and Recreation Board 1.Mindi Bone(2018)5.Darin Davis(2019) 2.Kim Farrell(2018)6.David Stout(2019) 3.Jacob Gibson(2018)7.Tiffany Nimphius(2019) 4.Dean Murray(2018) Tiffany Nimphius shall serve as Chairpersonof the Parks and Recreation Board. Council Liaison: Council Member Philip Shoffner Section 3.This Resolution shall take effect from and after its date of passage in accordance with law. PASSED and APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on this 24thday of October 2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2017-33 Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 86 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-480-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/12/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/24/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action repealing Resolution 2017-25 and adopting a new Resolution, filling one (1) vacant position for the remainder of an unexpired term on the Planning and Zoning Commission; reaffirming existing appointments and Chairperson; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders, Council Member Jensen, and Council Member Kurtz). Attachments:RES 2017-32 - P&Z Commission Vacant Position.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 12: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionrepealingResolution2017-25andadoptinganewResolution,fillingone(1)vacant positionfortheremainderofanunexpiredtermonthePlanningandZoningCommission;reaffirmingexisting appointmentsandChairperson;andprovidinganeffectivedate(MayorSanders,CouncilMemberJensen,andCouncil Member Kurtz). Town CouncilPage 87 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2017-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2017-25 AND ADOPTING A NEW RESOLUTION, FILLING ONE (1)VACANT POSITION FOR THE REMAINDER OF AN UNEXPIRED TERM ON THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION; REAFFIRMING EXISTING APPOINTMENTS AND CHAIRPERSON;DESIGNATING TERMS OF SERVICE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, benefits by having its citizens involved in local government through service on Boards, Commissions, and Corporations; and WHEREAS, the Trophy Club Town Council is responsiblefor making appointments to the Boards, Commissions, and Corporationsserving the Town; and WHEREAS, onSeptember 26, 2017, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club adopted Resolution No. 2017-25,making new citizen volunteer appointments, reaffirming current appointments, and reappointing the Chairpersonto serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission for the 2017-2018 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, by passage of this Resolution, the Town Council hereby repeals Resolution No. 2017-25 andadoptsthis Resolution, filling one (1) vacantpositionfor the remainder of an unexpired termand reaffirmingcurrent appointments and Chairperson to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. NOW THEREFOREBE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE , TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1.That the foregoing recitals are incorporated herein as if written word for word. Section 2.That the Town Council hereby repeals Resolution No. 2017-25 and adoptsthis Resolution to fill one (1) vacant position for the remainder of an unexpired term and reaffirm, as applicable, the following individuals to serve on thePlanning and Zoning Commissionwith respective terms of service ending on September 30 of the year specified below for each individualfor the 2017-2018 fiscal year: Town CouncilPage 88 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission 1.Michael Pipkins (2019)5.Dennis Sheridan(2018) 2.____________(2019)6.Jeffrey Beach (2018) 3.Brandon Blake (2019)7.Eric Malmberg(2018) 4.Mike Branum (2019) Dennis Sheridan shallserve as Chairpersonof the Planning and Zoning Commission. Section 3.This Resolution shall take effect from and after its date of passage in accordance with law. PASSED and APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on this 24thday of October 2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2017-32 Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 89 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-478-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/10/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/24/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. Fimbres). Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 13: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. Fimbres). Town CouncilPage 90 of 90Meeting Date: October 24, 2017