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Town Manager Class' update regarding the following, discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff): ·Volunteer Appreciation Reception ·Early Voting ·Community Events ·Hiring Process ·Town Hall Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 1: Receive Town Manager Class' update regarding the following, discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff): Volunteer Appreciation Reception Early Voting Community Events Hiring Process Town Hall Town CouncilPage 5 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-121-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:3/27/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated February 2017 (Staff). Attachments:Financial Report February FY17.pdf All Fund Budget Report February 2017.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 2: Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated February 2017(Staff). Town CouncilPage 6 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Monthly Financial Statement Photo Credit: Mayor Pro Tem Lamont 2016 February 2017 Town CouncilPage 7 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% OriginalRevised RevenuesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Property Tax$ 6,185,631$ 6,185,631$ 6,085,180 $ (100,451)98% Licenses and Permits 552,200 552,200 130,906 (421,294)24% Franchise Fees 986,798 986,798 229,404 (757,394)23% Sales Tax 900,395 900,395 389,497 (510,898)43% Fines and Fees 361,907 361,907 79,930 (281,977)22% Intergovernmental - 713,184 255,328 (457,856)36% Charges for Service 279,964 752,201 562,901 (189,300)75% Investment Income 30,000 30,000 16,428 (13,572)55% Miscellaneous Income 144,394 144,394 67,303 (77,091)47% Total Revenues$ 9,441,289 $ 10,626,710$ 7,816,877$ (2,809,833)74% OriginalRevised Other SourcesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Transfers In$ 63,000$ 63,000 $ 15,750 (47,250)25% Total Available Resources$ 9,504,289 $ 10,689,710$ 7,832,627$ (2,857,083)73% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Manager's Office$ 801,974$ 801,974$ 216,457$ 585,51727% Legal 130,663 130,663 37,766 92,897 29% Police 2,353,452 2,353,452 838,231 1,515,22136% Emergency Medical Services 1,022,642 1,022,642 352,302 670,34034% Fire - 1,104,001 427,045 676,95639% Streets 423,931 423,931 145,196 278,73534% Parks 1,838,826 1,838,826 792,895 1,045,93143% Recreation 678,362 678,362 116,629 561,73317% Community Events 46,178 46,178 20,944 25,234 45% Community Development 656,220 656,220 205,369 450,85131% Finance 451,778 451,778 161,360 290,41836% Municipal Court 83,775 83,775 30,802 52,973 37% Human Resources 198,268 198,268 83,633 114,63542% Information Services 663,244 663,244 208,918 454,32631% Facilities Maintenance 148,671 148,671 81,240 67,431 55% Total Expenditures$ 9,497,984 $ 10,601,985$ 3,718,789$ 6,883,196 35% OriginalRevised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Transfers Out$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 94,216 (155,784)38% Total Outflows of Resources$ 9,747,984 $ 10,851,985$ 3,813,005$ 6,727,413 35% Town CouncilPage 8 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY CONTINUED Original Revised Fund Balance Year-to-Date Budget Budget Beginning fund balance$ 3,833,171$ 3,833,171$ 4,194,162 +Net increase (Decrease) (243,695) (162,275) 4,019,622 Ending Fund Balance$ 3,589,476 $ 3,670,896$ 8,213,784 As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Revised Original Fund Balance DetailYear-to-Date Budget Budget Reserve Fund balance (30% of Total Expenditures) $ 2,849,395$ 3,180,596$ 1,115,637 Committed Fund Balance 189,475 189,475 189,475 Unassigned Fund Balance in Excess (Deficit) of 30% 982,825 982,825 6,908,672 Total Fund balance$ 4,021,695 $ 4,352,896$ 8,213,784 General Fund Sales Tax Receipts FY 2016FY 2017 60,94264,588 OCT 100,000 79,04389,177 NOV 90,000 56,54666,291 DEC 80,000 64,78066,245 JAN 70,000 83,06892,923 FEB 60,000 FY 2016 50,000 56,325 MAR 40,000 53,841 APR FY 2017 30,000 63,123 MAY 20,000 60,545 JUN 10,000 65,334 JUL 0 73,402 AUG OCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEP 70,513 SEP Town CouncilPage 9 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REPORTS Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% General Fund Summary CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 6,294,967$ 7,133,630$ 2,450,733$ 4,682,89734% Services & Supplies 2,542,602 2,762,104 936,122 1,825,98234% Capital 660,415 706,251 331,933 374,31847% Total$ 9,497,984$ 10,601,985 $ 3,718,789$ 6,883,19635% Manager's Office CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 619,236 $ 619,236 $ 184, 666$ 434, 57030% Services & Supplies 182,738 182,738 31,792 150,94617% Total$ 801,974$ 801,974$ 216,457$ 585,51727% Legal CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Services & Supplies 130,663 130,663 37,766 92,89729% Total$ 130,663$ 130,663$ 37, 766$ 92, 89729% Police CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 2,056,122$ 2,056,122$ 676, 582$ 1,379,54033% Services & Supplies 261,330 261,330 90,808 170,52235% Capital 36,000 36,000 70,842 ( 34,842)197% Total$ 2,353,452$ 2,353,452$ 838,231$ 1,515,22136% Capital purchase SUV (as per budget) and radio antenna. EMS CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 840,582 $ 840,582 $ 314, 397$ 526, 18537% Services & Supplies 150,060 150,060 37,905 112,15525% Capital 32,000 32,000 - 32,0000% Total$ 1,022,642$ 1,022,642$ 352,302$ 670,34034% Town CouncilPage 10 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REPORTS CONTINUED Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Fire CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ -$ 838,663 $ 315, 112$ 523, 55138% Services & Supplies - 219,502 111,932 107,57051% Capital - 45,836 - 45,8360% Total$ -$ 1,104,001$ 427,045$ 676,95639% Vehicle and building maintenance expenses incurred for repairs. Streets CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 242,793 $ 242,793 $ 93,604$ 149, 18939% Services & Supplies 181,138 181,138 51,593 129,54528% Total$ 423,931$ 423,931$ 145,196$ 278,73534% Parks CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 843,587 $ 843,587 $ 298, 693$ 544, 89435% Services & Supplies 615,337 615,337 236,915 378,42239% Capital 379,902 379,902 257,287 122,61568% Total$ 1,838,826$ 1,838,826$ 792,895$ 1,045,93143% Capital items include: irrigation pump; Harmony Park shed; Lakeview fencing; Toddler playground; Top Dresser & Ditch Witch purchases. Recreation CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 420,190 $ 420,190 $ 83,289$ 336, 90120% Services & Supplies 172,872 172,872 31,415 141,45718% Capital 85,300 85,300 1,925 83,3752% Total$ 678,362$ 678,362$ 116,629$ 561,73317% Community Events CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Services & Supplies$ 46,178$ 46,178$ 20,944$ 25,23445% Total$ 46,178 $ 46,178 $ 20, 944$ 25, 23445% Community Development CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 506,801 $ 506,801 $ 184, 037$ 322, 76436% Services & Supplies 149,419 149,419 21,333 128,08614% Total$ 656,220$ 656,220$ 205,369$ 450,85131% Town CouncilPage 11 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REPORTS CONTINUED Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Finance CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 303,870 $ 303,870 $ 113, 922$ 189, 94837% Services & Supplies 147,908 147,908 47,438 100,47032% Total$ 451,778$ 451,778$ 161,360$ 290,41836% Municipal Court CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 74,721$ 74,721$ 29,437$ 45,28439% Services & Supplies 9,054 9,054 1,364 7,69015% Total$ 83,775 $ 83,775 $ 30, 802$ 52, 97337% Human Resources CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 159,393 $ 159,393 $ 68,528$ 90,86543% Services & Supplies 38,875 38,875 15,105 23,77039% Total$ 198,268$ 198,268$ 83, 633$ 114,63542% Information Services CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 227,672 $ 227,672 $ 88,466$ 139, 20639% Services & Supplies 308,359 308,359 118,572 189,78738% Capital 127,213 127,213 1,880 125,3331% Total$ 663,244$ 663,244$ 208,918$ 454,32631% Facilities Maintenance CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Services & Supplies$ 148,671 $ 148,671 $ 81,240$ 67,43155% Total$ 148,671$ 148,671$ 81,240 $ 67,431 55% Annual property insurance prepayment Town CouncilPage 12 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT DEBT SERVICE FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Original Revised RevenuesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Property Tax$ 1,886,194$ 1,886,194 $ 1,843,794$ (42,400)98% Interest Income 2,000 2,000 1,760 (240)88% Total Revenue$ 1,888,194 $ 1,888,194 $ 1, 845,553$ (42,641)98% Original Revised Other SourcesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Transfers In$ 201,862$ 201,862$ -$ 201,8620% Total$ 201,862$ 201,862$ -$ 201,8620% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Principal Payments$ 1,263,000$ 1,263,000 $ 75,000$ 1, 188,0006% Interest Payments 696,678 696,678$ 391,172 305,50656% Paying Agent Fees 7,500 7,500$ 233 7,2673% Total Expenditures$ 1,967,178 $ 1,967,178 $ 466,406$ 1, 500,77224% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 129,647$ 129,647$ 143,174 +Net Increase (Decrease) 122,878 122,878 1,379,148 Ending Fund Balance$ 252,525$ 252,525$ 1, 522,322 As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 13 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Original Revised RevenuesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Interest Income$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 31,112$ 21,112311% Total$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 31,112$ 21,112311% Original Revised Other SourcesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Bond Proceeds$ 7,000,000 $ 7,000,000$ -$ (7,000,000)0% Transfer In 250,000 250,000 94, 216 (155,784)38% Total$ 7,250,000 $ 7,250,000 $ 94,216$ (7,155,784)1% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Bond Issuance Costs 125,000 125,000 - (125,000)0% Capital Outlay 9,816,900 9,816,900 2,017,666 ( 7,799,235)21% Total$ 9,941,900 $ 9,941,900 $ 2, 017,666$ (7,924,235)20% Includes Town Hall construction planning costs. Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 4,956,385 $ 4,956,385$ 8, 764,936 +Net Increase (Decrease) (2,681,900) (2,681,900) ( 1,892,337) Ending Fund Balance$ 2,274,485 $ 2,274,485 $ 6, 872,599 As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 14 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT TROPHY CLUB PARK FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Park Revenue$ 165,000$ 165,000$ 7 4,187$ (90,813)45% Total Revenue$ 165,000$ 165,000$ 74,187$ (90,813)45% Original Revised ExpensesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Salaries$ 19,094 $ 19,094 $ 5,428$ 1 3,66628% Social Security Taxes 1,184 1,184 3 37 8 4728% Medicare Taxes 277 277 79 1 9828% Unemployment Taxes 185 185 1 03 8256% Workman's compensation 459 459 1 02 3 5722% Total Personnel Services$ 21,199$ 21,199$ 6 ,048$ 15,15129% Professional Outside Services$ 2,500$ 2,500$ -$ 2,5000% Auditing 1,000 1,000 - 1,0000% Software & Support 4,212 4,212 2,778 1,43466% Advertising 625 625 1 12 5 1318% Printing 1,000 1,000 1 50 8 5015% Schools & Training 190 190 - 1 90N/A Service Charges & Fees 9,000 9,000 4,603 4,39751% Electricity 2,800 2,800 7 04 2,09625% Water 4,225 4,225 1,926 2,29946% Telephone 1,900 1,900 8 10 1,09043% Communication/Pagers/Mobiles 933 933 46 8 875% Insurance 1,200 1,200 1,200 -100% Property Maintenance 10,500 10,500 9,819 6 8194% Equipment Maintenance 5,384 5,384 1,130 4,25421% Independent labor 28,600 28,600 15,663 12,93755% Portable Toilets 8,400 8,400 1,843 6,55722% Dues & Membership 115 115 - 1 150% Travel & Per Diem 150 150 - 1 500% Office Supplies 1,044 1,044 - 1,0440% Postage 327 327 - 3 270% Fuel 1,092 1,092 10 1,0821% Uniforms 670 670 2 01 4 6930% Community Events 8,200 8,200 3,664 4,53645% Small tools 1,400 1,400 22 1,3782% Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 2,999 2,999 - 2,9990% Maintenance Supplies 900 900 88 8 1210% Miscellaneous Expense 300 300 2,988 (2,688)996% Total Services & Supplies$ 99,666$ 99,666$ 47,756$ 51,91048% Credit from the previous year for phones coded out of TCP. Includes new brochure holders and message boards. FEMA 2007 true-up. Total Expenses$ 120,865$ 120,865$ 53,804$ 67,06145% Town CouncilPage 15 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT TROPHY CLUB PARK FUND CONTINUED Original Revised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Park Administration Transfer$ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 5,000$ 1 5,00025% Total Other Uses$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 5 ,000$ 15,00025% Original Revised Operating Working CapitalYear-to-Date BudgetBudgetDays Beginning Working Capital$ (143,913)$ (143,913)$ (81,947) (209) +Net Increase (Decrease) 24,135 24,135 15,383 39 Ending Working Capital$ (119,778) $ (119,778) $ (66,564) (170) As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 16 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired Year-to-Date February 201742% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Storm Drainage Fees$ 427,406$ 427,406$ 212,395$ (215,011) 50% Interest Income 500 500 571 71114% Total Revenue$ 427,906$ 427,906$ 212,966$ (214,940)50% Original Revised ExpensesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Operating Expenses 202,600 202,600 4,895 197,7052% Debt Service 176,775 176,775 16,794 159,98110% Total Expenses$ 379,375$ 379,375$ 21,689$ 357,6866% Original Revised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Transfer to Debt Service$ 66,887$ 66,887$ 10,000$ 56,88715% Total Other Uses$ 66,887$ 66,887$ 10,000$ 56,88715% Original Revised Operating Working CapitalYear-to-Date BudgetBudgetDays Beginning Working Capital$ 274,523$ 274,523$ 253,702 205 +Net Increase (Decrease) (18,356) (18,356) 181,277 146 Ending Working Capital$ 256,167$ 256,167$ 434,979 351 As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 17 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT CRIME CONTROL PREVENTION DISTRICT Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Sales Tax$ 209,849$ 209,849$ 93,981$ (115,868)45% Interest Income 100 100 69 (31)69% Total Revenue$ 209,949$ 209,949$ 94,050$ ( 115,899)45% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Services & Supplies$ 76,000$ 76,000$ 18,408$ 57,59224% Capital Expenses 125,000 125,000 11, 000 114,0009% Total Expenditure$ 201,000$ 201,000$ 29,408$ 171,59215% Original Revised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Transfer To Debt Service$ 149,975$ 149,975$ -$ 149,9750% Total Other Uses$ 149,975$ 149,975$ - $ 149,9750% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 180,269$ 180,269$ 202,403 +Net Increase (Decrease) (141,026) (141,026) 64,642 Ending Fund Balance$ 39,243$ 39,243$ 267,045 As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 18 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT STREET MAINTENANCE SALES TAX FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Sales Tax$ 223,754$ 223,754$ 94,806$ ( 128,948)42% Interest Income$ -$ -$ 6$ 6N/A Total Revenue$ 223,754$ 223,754$ 94,812$ ( 128,948)42% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Operating Expenditures$ 176,975$ 176,975$ 45,159$ ( 131,816)26% Total Expenses$ 176,975$ 176,975$ 45,159$ 131,81626% Original Revised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Transfer To Debt Service$ 25,000$ 25,000$ -$ 25,0000% Total Other Uses$ 25,000$ 25,000$ -$ 25,0000% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 2,080 $ 2,080 $ (5,017) +Net Increase (Decrease) 21,779 21,779 49, 653 Ending Fund Balance$ 23,859$ 23,859$ 44,636 As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 19 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Fines & Fees$ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 1, 317$ (2,683)33% Total Revenue$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 1,317$ (2,683)33% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Purchased Services$ 8,133 $ 8,633 $ 4, 006$ 4, 62746% Total Expenditure$ 8,133$ 8,633$ 4,006$ 4,62746% Incode annual Court maintenance. Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 20,270$ 20,270$ 19,097 +Net Increase (Decrease) (4,133) (4,133) (2,689) Ending Fund Balance$ 16,137$ 16,137$ 16,408 As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 20 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT COURT SECURITY FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Municipal Court Security Fee$ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 988$ (2,012)33% Total Revenue$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 988$ (2,012)33% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Purchased Services$ 2,294 $ 2,294 $ 350$ 1, 94415% Total Expenditure$ 2,294$ 2,294$ 350$ 1,94415% Original Revised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Transfer to General Fund$ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 750$ 2, 25025% Total Other Uses$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 750$ 2,25025% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 21,643$ 21,643$ 20,571 +Net Increase (Decrease) (2,294) (2,294) (112) Ending Fund Balance$ 19,349$ 19,349$ 20,459 As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 21 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT HOTEL OCCUPANCY Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Hotel Occupancy Tax$ 443,400$ 443,400$ 187,963$ (255,437) 42% 4th of July Revenue 5,000 5,000 3,694 (1,306)74% Interest income 500 500 2,218 1,718444% Total Revenue$ 448,900$ 448,900$ 193,875$ ( 255,025)43% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget 31% Personnel $ 136,406 $ 136,406 $ 42,432$ 93,974 Services & Supplies 120,925 120,925 23,192 97,733 19% Capital Outlay 380,000 380,000 108,453 271,54729% Total Expenditures$ 637,331$ 637,331$ 174,077$ 191,70727% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 420,523$ 420,523$ 564,363 +Net Increase (Decrease) (188,431) (188,431) 19, 799 Ending Fund Balance$ 232,092$ 232,092$ 584,162 As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 22 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Recreational Programs$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 2, 325$ (5,675)29% Total Revenue$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 2,325$ (5,675)29% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Recreational Programs$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 3, 351$ 4, 64942% Total Expenditures$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 3,351$ 4,64942% Includes kickball and archery expenses. Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 3,395$ 3,395$ 2, 269 +Net Increase (Decrease) - - (1,026) Ending Fund Balance$ 3,395$ 3,395$ 1,243 As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 23 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COPORATION 4B Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Sales Tax$ 447,509$ 447,509$ 189,612$ 257,89742% Interest Income 1,500 1,500 1,040 46069% Total Revenue$ 449,009$ 449,009$ 190,652$ 258,35742% Original Revised ExpensesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Professional Outside Services$ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 500$ 1, 50025% Auditing 1,000 1,000 - 1,0000% Advertising 4,200 4,200 - 4,2000% Printing 250 250 - 2500% Schools & Training 1,000 1,000 - 1,0000% Dues & Membership 1,050 1,050 - 1,0500% Travel & Per Diem 422 422 - 4220% Office Supplies 250 250 30 22012% Miscellaneous Expense 3,500 3,500 3,500 -100% EDC Projects 15,950 15,950 17, 018 (1,068)107% Incentive Programs 206,820 206,820 58, 649 148,17128% Paying Agent Fee 400 400 200 20050% Debt Service 202,423 202,423 - 202,4230% Total Expenses$ 439,265$ 439,265$ 79,897$ 359,36818% Original Revised Operating Working CapitalYear-to-Date BudgetBudgetDays Beginning Working Capital$ 544,191$ 544,191$ 561,247 460 +Net Increase (Decrease) 9,744 9,744 110,755 91 Ending Working Capital$ 553,935$ 553,935$ 672,002$ 551 Debris clean-up near Hampton Inn. Temporary parking lot. As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 24 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT TIRZ #1 Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date February 201742% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Propety Tax$ 80,174 $ 80,174 $ -$ (80,174)0% Sales Tax 12,500 12,500 -$ (12,500)0% Total Revenue$ 92,674$ 92,674$ -$ (92,674)0% Original Revised ExpensesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget N/A Incentive Programs $ - $ - $ 7,268$ ( 7,268) Total Expenses$ -$ -$ 7,268$ ( 7,268)N/A Original Revised Working CapitalYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Working Capital $ (379,235) $ (383,632)$ (383,632) +Net Increase (Decrease) 92,674 92,674 (7,268) Ending Working Capital $ (386,503) $ (290,958)$ (290,958) As of preliminary audit of FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 25 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 26 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 27 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 28 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 29 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 30 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 31 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 32 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 33 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 34 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 35 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 36 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 37 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 38 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 39 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 40 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 41 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 42 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 43 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 44 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 45 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 46 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 47 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 48 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 49 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 50 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 51 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 52 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 53 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town CouncilPage 54 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-122-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:3/27/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the First and Second Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2017 (Staff). Attachments:2nd QTR 2017 Inv Report.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 3: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheFirstandSecondQuarterInvestmentReportforFiscalYear2017 (Staff). Town CouncilPage 55 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club Quarterly Investment Report For the Quarter Ended March 31, 2017 First Financial Bank Beginning EndingLife Investment DescriptionBalanceDepositsWithdrawalsInterestBalance(days)Yield First Financial - Pooled Cash$ 309,960.38$ 4,236,339.56$ (4,305,743.51)$ 131.06 $ 240,687.4910.15% First Financial Totals$ 309,960.38 $ 4,236,339.56$ (4,305,743.51)$ 131.06$ 240,687.49 10.15% TexPoolBeginning EndingLife Investment DescriptionBalanceDepositsWithdrawalsInterestBalance(days)Yield TexPool - Interest and Sinking Account$ 916,446.91$ 1,104,119.82$ (415,731.57)$ 2,306.75$ 1,607,141.9110.62% TexPool - Designated Account 94,919.09 4,397,339.88 (4,140,037.39) 793.05 353,014.63 10.62% TexPool - Grant Fund 99.86 - - - 99.8610.62% TexPool - 2010 Tax Notes 41,300.47 - - 58.47 41,358.9410.62% TexPool - Utility Drainage Account 285,403.50 63,301.40 - 465.40 349,170.30 10.62% TexPool - EDC 4B Operating 553,924.82 16,735.99 (51,411.25) 771.46 520,021.02 10.62% TexPool - 2015 CO EDC 4B 14,272.55 - - 20.20 14,292.7510.62% TexPool Totals$ 1,906,367.20$ 5,581,497.09$ (4,607,180.21)$ 4,415.33 $ 2,885,099.41 10.62% LOGIC Beginning EndingLife Investment DescriptionBalanceDepositsWithdrawalsInterestBalance(days)Yield LOGIC - Designated$ 480,689.86$ 1,450,000.00$ - $ 4,230.21$ 1,934,920.0711.07% LOGIC Totals$ 480,689.86 $ 1,450,000.00$ - $ 4,230.21 $ 1,934,920.07 11.07% First Public Beginning EndingLife Investment DescriptionBalanceDepositsWithdrawalsInterestBalance(days)Yield First Public - Designated764.33 - -1.64765.9710.97% First Public Totals$ 764.33 $ -$ - $ 1.64$ 765.97 10.97% Texas CLASS Beginning EndingLife Investment DescriptionBalanceDepositsWithdrawalsInterestBalance(days)Yield Texas CLASS - Designated$ 2,275,750.69 $ 960,711.90 $ (1,063,971.26)$ 6,593.79 $ 2,179,085.12 11.04% Texas CLASS - 2016 GO 3,939,464.71 - (674,224.40)8,473.603,273,713.9111.04% Texas CLASS - 2016 CO 4,145,429.25 - (98,955.21)9,888.574,056,362.6111.04% Texas CLASS - Hotel Occupancy 622,202.60 13,971.26 - 1,519.73 637,693.59 11.04% First Public Totals$ 10,982,847.25 $ 974,683.16 $ (1,837,150.87)$ 26,475.69 $ 10,146,855.23 11.04% Dryfus Beginning EndingLife Investment DescriptionBalanceDepositsWithdrawalsInterestBalance(days)Yield Sweep Money Market Fund$ 1,444.68$ 1,463.67$ - $ 2.81$ 2,911.1610.54% Dryfus Totals$ 1,444.68$ 1,463.67$ - $ 2.81$ 2,911.16 10.54% Certificates of DepositBeginning EndingLife Investment DescriptionBalanceDepositsWithdrawalsInterestBalance(days)Yield Comerica Bank (General Fund) **$ 1,011,664.40$ -$ - $ 617.93 $ 1,012,282.33510.72% Ally Bank (General Fund) 240,391.23 - - 503.01 240,894.24 240.85% Centurion Bank (General Fund) 240,536.88 - - 680.55 241,217.43 2061.15% Wells Fargo Bank (General Fund) 240,075.95 - (193.31) 621.38 240,504.02 3851.05% Capital One Bank (General Fund) 241,083.95 - (1,270.36) 621.38 240,434.97 4831.05% Discover Bank (General Fund) 240,098.63 - - 887.66 240,986.29 6301.50% Certificate of Deposit Totals$ 2,213,851.04$ -$ (1,463.67)$ 3,931.91 $ 2,216,319.28 2110.71% Total Cash & Investments$ 15,895,924.74 $ 12,243,983.48 $ (10,751,538.26) $ 39,188.65 $ 17,427,558.61 280.94% (1)(2) (1) Weighted average life - For purposes of calculating weighted average life, pool and bank account investments are assumed to have a one day maturity. (2) Weighted average yield to maturity - The weighted average yield to maturity is based on adjusted book value, realized and unrealized gains/losses are not considered. ** Comerica monthly CD reports have not yet been released to Staff due to signature changes. The undersigned serves as the Investment Officer for the Town of Trophy Club. I certify that all instruments held in the Town's investment portfolios for the period October 1, 2016 through March 31, 2017 (a) met the investment guidelines and complied with the investment strategies as authorized by the Town's Investment Policies, and (b) did not violate any applicable provisions of section 2256 of the Government Code of Texas. 3/31/2017 INVESTMENT OFFICERDATE Amber Karkauskas Director of Finance Town CouncilPage 56 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-123-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:3/27/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council declaring March 18, 2017 as Arbor Day in Trophy Club (Staff). Attachments:PRO 2017-01 - Arbor Day Recognition.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 4: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncildeclaringMarch18,2017asArbor Day in Trophy Club (Staff). Town CouncilPage 57 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2017-01 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, TO RECOGNIZE MARCH 18, 2017 AS ARBOR DAY; RECOGNIZING THAT 2017 IS THE 145TH ANNIVERSARYOF THE HOLIDAY OF ARBOR DAY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in 1872, J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set asidefor the planting of trees, and WHEREAS, this holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska, and WHEREAS, 2017 is the 145thanniversary of the holiday and Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world, and WHEREAS, trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce life-giving oxygen, and provide habitat for wildlife, and WHEREAS, trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuelfor our fires, and beautify our community, and WHEREAS, trees are a source of joy and spiritual renewalwherever they are planted. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM: Section 1.In the Town of Trophy Club, the Mayor and Council urge all citizens to celebrate Arbor Day and to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands, and Section 2. The Mayor and Council urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden the heart and promote the well-being of this and future generations. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 11th day of April 2017. _______________________________________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town CouncilPage 58 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-124-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:3/27/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending Section 1.02.001 entitled “Signature authority of mayor and town manager” of Division1 entitled “Generally” of Article 1.02 entitled “Administration and Finance” of Chapter 1 entitled “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances; and providing an effective date (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Signature Authority of the Mayor and Town Manager.pdf ORD 2017-09 - Mayor and Town Manager Signature Authority.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 5: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceamendingSection1.02.001entitled“Signatureauthorityof mayorandtownmanager”ofDivision1entitled“Generally”ofArticle1.02entitled“AdministrationandFinance”ofChapter 1 entitled “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances; and providing an effective date (Staff). Town CouncilPage 59 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Amber Karkauskas, Director of Finance CC: Tom Class, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Signature authority of the Mayor andTown Manager. Town Council Meeting, April 11, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending Section 1.02.001 entitled “Signature authority of mayor and town manager” of Division1 entitled “Generally” of Article 1.02 entitled “Administration and Finance” of Chapter 1 entitled “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances; and providing an effective date. Explanation: On May 10, 2016, Council approved Finance staff’s recommendation to update the above- referenced ordinance to allow the Town Manager or designee the ability to enter into contracts for goods or services and cooperative purchasing vendor purchases in excess of $50,000. Staff requests a revision to remove the cooperativepurchasing portion of this ordinance. Regardless procurement method, all goods, services, and/or cumulative project totals in excess of $50,000 willbe presented to Council for direction. Attachments: Ordinance No. 2017-09 Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approval of the amended ordinance as presented. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 60 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2017-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, AMENDINGSECTION 1.02.001 ENTITLED “SIGNATURE AUTHORITY OF MAYOR AND TOWN MANAGER”OF DIVISION 1ENTITLED “GENERALLY” OF ARTICLE 1.02 ENTITLED “ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE” OF CHAPTER 1 ENTITLED“GENERAL PROVISIONS” OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR THE INCORPORATION OF PREMISES; PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND REPEALERCLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town is a home rule municipality organized under the Constitution and the laws of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, Section 3.06of Article III of the Town’s Home Rule Charter provides that the Mayor shall sign, after authorizationby the Council, all contracts, conveyances made or entered into by the Town, all bonds, warrants and any other obligations issued under the provisionsof the Charter, in the manner prescribed inthe ordinance authorizing the signing of any such obligation;and WHEREAS, Section 4.05of the Town’s Home Rule Charter sets forth specific duties of the Town Manager which include the duty to implement the final budget approved by the Council in order to achieve the goals of the Town and to perform other duties as prescribed by Council via ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has adopted procurement policies allowing the Town Manager oversight of procurement for the Town; and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the efficient operation of the Town and the implementation of the final budget, it is necessary to authorize the Town Manager to execute certain documents; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has determined that pursuant to the Charter, the Mayor andthe Town Manager should be authorized to execute documents in accordance with the guidelines set forth below. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Town CouncilPage 61 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES That the above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT 2.01. Section 1.02.001 entitled “Signature Authority of Mayor and Town Manager” of Division 1 entitled “Generally” of Article 1.02 entitled “Administrationand Finance”of Chapter 1 entitled “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances is hereby amended andshall be read in its entirety as follows: CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS … Article 1.02 Administrationand Finance … Division 1. Generally … “1.02.001Signature Authority of Mayor and Town Manager A. Mayor. The mayor of the town or designee (hereinafter “mayor”) is hereby authorized to execute all documents as authorized by the town’s home rule charterand/or as otherwise expressly authorized by official action of the town council. B. Town manager .The following contracts may be entered into and executed on behalf of the townby the town manager or designee (hereinafter “town manager”)withoutfurther council authorization: 1.Contracts for the purchase of goods or servicesequal to or less than fiftythousand dollars($50,000.00)for which funds have been budgetedor anticipatedin the fiscal year during which payment is due; 2.Contracts for theuse of town-owned facilities; 3.Change orders for the lesser of an amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) or twenty-five percent (25%) of the original contract price; 4.Settlement agreementsafter approval by town council; ORD 2017-09Page 2 of 4 Town CouncilPage 62 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 5.Contracts for purchases made pursuant to the emergency management policy and procedure for the townin effect at the time of the purchase; and 6.Contracts for which the town council has otherwise expressly provided authorization for execution by the town manager." SECTION 3. SAVINGS AND REPEALER That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting signature authorityand shall not repeal any of the provisions of such ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance; whether such ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance in accordance with the Town Charter and by filing this Ordinance in the Ordinance records of the Town. ORD 2017-09Page 3 of 4 Town CouncilPage 63 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of passage and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 11thday of April 2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: David Dodd, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas ORD 2017-09Page 4 of 4 Town CouncilPage 64 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-125-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:3/27/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Joint Election Agreement between the Town and Tarrant County Elections for administration of the May 6, 2017 Town General Election; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Tarrant County Elections Agreement.pdf Tarrant County Elections Joint Agreement for May 2017 Election.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 6: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganInterlocalJointElectionAgreementbetweentheTownandTarrant CountyElectionsforadministrationoftheMay6,2017TownGeneralElection;andauthorizingtheMayororhisdesignee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Town CouncilPage 65 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO CC: Tom Class, Town Manager Re: Tarrant County Elections Agreement Town Council Meeting, April 11, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Joint Election Agreement between the Town and Tarrant County Elections for administration of the May 6, 2017 Town General Election; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Explanation: The Town will be conducting a General Election on May 6, 2017 and therefore we will be enteringinto an agreement with Tarrant County Elections for their administration services of such election. Attachments: Tarrant County Elections Joint Agreement for May 2017 Election Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approval the Interlocal Joint Election Agreement with Tarrant County Elections. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 66 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT JOINT ELECTION AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT FOR ELECTION SERVICES THIS CONTRACT for election services is made by and betweenthe TarrantCountyElections Administratorand the following political subdivisions located entirely or partially inside the boundaries of Tarrant County: City of ArlingtonCity of Sansom Park City of BedfordTown of Trophy Club City of Blue MoundCity of Watauga City of ColleyvilleTown of Westlake City of Dalworthington GardensCity of Westworth Village City of EulessArlington ISD City of EvermanAzle ISD Town of Flower MoundBirdville ISD City of Forest HillCarroll ISD City of Fort WorthCrowley ISD City of Grand PrairieFort Worth ISD City of GrapevineGrapevine-Colleyville ISD City of Haltom CityKeller ISD City of KellerLewisville ISD City of KennedaleMansfield ISD Town of LakesideNorthwest ISD City of MansfieldWhite Settlement ISD City of PantegoTarrant County College City of Richland HillsTrophy Club MUD no. 1 City of RoanokeTarrant Regional Water District City of SaginawForest Hill Library District City of Southlake This contract is made pursuant to Texas Election Code Sections 31.092 and 271.002 and Texas Education Code Section 11.0581 for a joint May 06, 2017 election to be administered by Stephen Vickers,Chief Deputy Elections Administrator, hereinafter referred to as “Elections Administrator.” RECITALS Eachparticipating authority listed above plans to hold a general and/or special election onMay 06, 2017. The County owns an electronic voting system, the Hart InterCivic eSlate/eScanVoting System (Version 6.2.1), which has been duly approved by the Secretary of State pursuant to Texas Election Code Chapter 122 as amended, and is compliant with the accessibility requirements for persons with disabilities set forth by Texas Election Code Section 61.012. The contracting political subdivisions desireto use the County’s electronic voting system and to compensate the County for such use and to share in certain other expenses connected with joint elections in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapters 31 and 271 of the Texas Election Code, as amended. Page 1of 11 Town CouncilPage 67 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements, and benefits to the parties, IT IS AGREED as follows I.ADMINISTRATION Thepartiesagree to hold a “Joint Election” with each other in accordance with Chapter 271 of the Texas Election Code and this agreement. The TarrantCounty Elections Administrator shall coordinate, supervise, and handle all aspects of administering the Joint Election as provided in this agreement. Each participating authorityagrees to pay the Tarrant County Elections Administrator for equipment, supplies, services, and administrative costs as provided in this agreement. The TarrantCounty Elections Administrator shall serve as the administrator for the Joint Election; however, each participating authorityshall remain responsible for thedecisions and actions of its officers necessary for thelawful conduct of its election. The Elections Administrator shall provide advisory services in connection with decisions to be made and actions to be taken by the officers of each participating authorityas necessary. It is understood that other political subdivisions may wish to participate in the use of the County’s electronic voting system and polling places, and it is agreed that the Elections Administrator may enter into other contracts for election services for those purposes onterms and conditions generally similar to those set forth in this contract. In such cases, costs shall be pro-rated among the participants according to Section XI of this contract. At each polling location, joint participants shall share voting equipment and supplies to the extent possible. The participating parties shall share a mutual ballot in those polling placeswhere jurisdictions overlap. However, in no instance shall a voter be permitted to receive a ballot containing an office or proposition stating a measure on which the voter is ineligible to vote. Multiple ballot styles shall be available in those shared polling places where jurisdictions do not overlap. II. LEGAL DOCUMENTS Each participating authorityshall be responsible for the preparation, adoption, and publication of all required election orders, resolutions, notices, and any other pertinent documents required by the Texas Election Code and/or the participating authority’s governing body, charter, or ordinances, except that the Elections Administrator shall be responsible for the preparation and publication of all voting system testing notices that are required by the Texas Election Code. Preparation of the necessary materials for notices and the official ballot shall be the responsibility of each participating authority, including translation to languages other than English. Each participating authority shall provide a copy of their respective election orders and notices to the TarrantCounty Elections Administrator. III. VOTINGLOCATIONS The Elections Administrator shall select and arrange for the use of and payment for all election day voting locations. Voting locations will be, whenever possible, the usual voting location for each election precinct in elections conducted by each participating city, and shall be compliant with the accessibility requirements established by Election Code Section 43.034and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).The proposed voting locations are listed in Attachment A of this agreement. In the event that a voting location is not availableor appropriate, the Elections Administrator will arrange for use of an alternate location with the approval of the affected participating authorities. The Elections Administrator shall notify the participating authoritiesof any changes from the locations listed in Attachment A. If polling places for the May 06, 2017joint election are different from the polling place(s) used by a participating authority in its most recent election, the authority agrees to post a notice no later than May 6,2017 at the entrance to any previous polling places in the jurisdiction stating that the polling location has changed and stating the political subdivision’s polling place names and addresses in effect for the May 06, 2017 election.This notice shall be written in both the English and Spanish languages. IV. ELECTION JUDGES, CLERKS, AND OTHER ELECTION PERSONNEL Page 2of 11 Town CouncilPage 68 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TarrantCounty shall be responsible for the appointment of the presiding judge and alternate judge for each polling location. The Elections Administrator shall make emergency appointments of election officials if necessary. Upon request by the Elections Administrator, each participating authorityagrees to assist in recruiting polling place officials who are bilingual (fluentin both English and Spanish). In compliance with the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, each polling place containing more than 5% Hispanic population as determined by the 2010 Census shall have one or more election official who is fluent in both the English and Spanish languages. If a presiding judge is not bilingual, and is unable to appoint a bilingual clerk, the Elections Administrator may recommend a bilingual worker for the polling place. If the Elections Administrator is unable to recommendor recruita bilingual worker, the participating authority or authorities served by that polling place shall be responsible for recruiting a bilingual worker for translation services at that polling place. The Elections Administrator shall notify all election judges of the eligibility requirements of Subchapter C of Chapter 32 of the Texas Election Code, and will take the necessary steps to insure that all election judges appointed for the Joint Election are eligible to serve. The Elections Administrator shall arrange for the training and compensation of all election judges and clerks. The Elections Administrator shall arrange for the date, time, and place for presiding election judges to pick up their election supplies. Each presiding election judge will be sent a letter from the Elections Administrator notifying him of his appointment, the time and location of training and distribution of election supplies, and the number of election clerks that the presiding judge may appoint. Eachelection judge and clerk will receive compensation at thehourly rate established by TarrantCounty pursuant to Texas Election Code Section 32.091. The election judge will receive an additional sum of $25.00 for picking up the election supplies prior to election day and for returning the supplies and equipment to the central counting station after the polls close. Election judges and clerks who attend voting equipment training and/or procedures training shall be compensated at the same hourly rate that they are to be paid on election day. The Elections Administrator may employ other personnel necessary for the proper administration of the election, including such part-time help as is necessary to prepare for the election, to ensure the timely delivery ofsupplies during early voting and on election day, and for the efficient tabulation of ballots at the central counting station. Part-time personnel workingas members of the Early Voting Ballot Board and/or central counting station on election night will be compensated at the hourly rate set by TarrantCountyin accordance with Election Code Sections 87.005, 127.004, and 127.006. V. PREPARATION OF SUPPLIES AND VOTING EQUIPMENT The Elections Administrator shall arrange for all election supplies and voting equipment including, but not limited to, official ballots, sample ballots, voter registration lists, and all forms, signs, maps and other materials used by the election judges at the voting locations. The Elections Administrator shall ensure availability of tables and chairs at each polling place and shall procure rented tables and chairs for those polling places that do not have tables and/or chairs. At each polling location, joint participants shall share voting equipment and supplies to the extent possible. The participating parties shall share a mutual ballot in those precincts where jurisdictions overlap. However, in no instance shall a voter be permitted to receive a ballot containing an office or proposition stating a measure on which the voteris ineligible to vote. Multiple ballot styles shall be available in those shared polling places where jurisdictions do not overlap. The Elections Administrator shall provide the necessary voter registration information, maps, instructions, and other information needed to enable the election judges in the voting locations that have more than one ballot style to conduct a proper election. Each participating authorityshall furnish the Elections Administrator a list of candidates and/or propositions showing the order and the exact manner in which the candidate names and/or proposition(s) are to appear on the official Page 3of 11 Town CouncilPage 69 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 ballot (including titles and text in each language in which the authority’s ballot is to be printed). Each participating authority shall be responsible for proofreading and approving the ballot insofar as it pertains to that authority’s candidates and/or propositions. Thejoint election ballotsthat contain ballot content for more than one joint participant because of overlapping territory shall be arrangedin the following order: Independent School District, City, Water District(s), College District, and other political subdivisions. Early Voting by Personal Appearance shall be conducted exclusively on Tarrant County’s eSlate electronic voting system. On election day, voters shall have a choice between voting on the eSlate electronic voting system or by a paper ballot that is scanned at the polling place using Tarrant County’s eScan voting system. Provisional ballots cast on election day will be cast only on the eSlate electronic voting system to prevent the possibility of paper provisional ballots from being immediately counted via the eScan ballot scanner. The number of paper ballots printed for election day voting shall be, at a minimum,equal to the same election day turnout as in the last comparable election plus 25 percent of that number, with the final number of ballots ordered per polling place or precinct adjusted upward to end in a number divisible by 50. The Elections Administrator shall be responsible for the preparation,testing, and deliveryof the voting equipment for the election as required by the Election Code. The Elections Administrator shall conduct criminal background checks on relevantemployeesupon hiring as required by Election Code Section 129.051(g). VI. EARLY VOTING The participating authorities agree to conduct joint early voting and to appoint the Election Administrator as the Early Voting Clerk in accordance with Sections 31.097 and 271.006 of the Texas Election Code. Each participating authority agrees to appoint the Elections Administrator’s permanent county employees as deputy early voting clerks. The participating authorities further agree that the Elections Administrator may appoint other deputy early voting clerks to assist in the conduct of early voting as necessary, and that these additionaldeputy early voting clerks shallbe compensated at an hourly rate set by TarrantCounty pursuant to Section 83.052 of the Texas Election Code.Deputy early voting clerks who are permanent employees of the Tarrant CountyElections Administratoror any participating authority shall serve in that capacity without additional compensation. Early Voting by personal appearance will be held at the locations, dates, and times listed in Attachment “B” of this document. Any qualified voter of the Joint Election may vote early by personal appearance at any of the jointearlyvoting locations. As Early Voting Clerk, the Elections Administrator shall receive applications for early voting ballots to be voted by mail in accordance with Chapters 31 and 86 of the Texas Election Code. Any requests for early voting ballots to be voted by mail received by the participating authoritiesshall be forwarded immediately by fax or courier to the Elections Administrator for processing. The Elections Administrator shall post on the county website each participating authority’s early voting report on a daily basis and a cumulative final early voting report following the close of early voting.In accordance with Section 87.121(g) of the Election Code, the daily reports showing the previous day’s early voting activity will be posted to the county website no later than 10:00 AM eachbusinessday. VII. EARLY VOTING BALLOT BOARDAND SIGNATURE VERIFICATION COMMITTEE Page 4of 11 Town CouncilPage 70 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TarrantCounty shall appoint an Early Voting Ballot Board (EVBB) to process early voting results from the Joint Election. The Presiding Judge, with the assistance of the Elections Administrator, shall appoint two or more additional members to constitute the EVBB. The Elections Administrator shall determine the number of EVBB members required to efficiently process the early voting ballots. The Elections Administrator shall determine whether a Signature Verification Committeeis necessary, and if so, shall appoint the members. VIII. CENTRAL COUNTING STATION AND ELECTION RETURNS The Elections Administrator shall be responsible for establishing and operating the central and remote counting stationsto receive and tabulate the voted ballots in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code and of this agreement. The participating authorities hereby, in accordance with Section 127.002, 127.003, and 127.005 of the Texas Election Code, appoint the following central counting station officials: Counting Station Manager:Stephen Vickers, Chief DeputyElections Administrator Tabulation Supervisor: Beth DiPaolo,Technology Resources Coordinator Presiding Judge: Kelley Roberson Alternate Judge: Emma Allen The counting station manager or his representative shall deliver timely cumulative reports of the election results as precincts report to the central and remote counting stations and are tabulated. The manager shall be responsible for releasing unofficial cumulative totals and precinct returns from the election to the joint participants, candidates, press, and general public by distribution of hard copies at the central counting station and by posting to the Tarrant County web site. To ensure the accuracy of reported election returns, results printed on the tapes produced by Tarrant County’s voting equipment will not be released to the participating authorities at the remote collection sitesor by phone from individual polling locations. The Elections Administrator will prepare the unofficial canvass reports that are necessary for compliance with Election Code Section 67.004 after all precincts have been counted, and will deliver a copy of these unofficial canvass reports to each participating authorityas soon as possible after all returns have been tabulated. Each participating authority shall be responsible for the official canvass of itsrespective election(s). The Elections Administrator will prepare the electronic precinct-by-precinct results reports for uploading to the Secretary of State as required by Section 67.017 of the Election Code. The Elections Administrator agrees to upload these reports for each participating authorityunlessrequested otherwise. The Elections Administrator shall be responsible for conducting the post-election manual recount required by Section 127.201 of the Texas Election Code unless a waiver is granted by the Secretary of State. Notification and copies of the recount, if waiver is denied, will be provided to each participating authority and the Secretary of State’s Office. IX. PARTICIPATING AUTHORITIES WITH TERRITORY OUTSIDE TARRANT COUNTY Each participating authority with territory containing population outside Tarrant Countyagrees that the Elections Administrator shall administeronly the Tarrant Countyportion of those elections. X. RUNOFF ELECTIONS Page 5of 11 Town CouncilPage 71 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Each participating authority shall have the option of extending the terms of this agreement through its runoff election, if applicable. In the event of such runoff election, the terms of this agreement shall automatically extend unless the participating authority notifies the Elections Administrator in writing within 3 businessdays of the original election. Each participating authority shall reserve the right to reduce the number of early voting locations and/or election day voting locations in a runoff election. Each participating authority agrees to order any runoff election(s) at its meeting for canvassing the votes from the May 06, 2017election and to conduct its drawing for ballot positions at or immediately following such meetingin order to expedite preparations for its runoff election. Each participating authority eligible to hold runoff elections agrees that the date of the runoff election, if necessary, shall be Saturday, June 10, 2017. XI. ELECTION EXPENSES AND ALLOCATION OF COSTS The participating authorities agree to share the costs of administering the Joint Election. Allocation of costs, unless specifically stated otherwise, is mutually agreed to beshared according to a formula which is based on the average cost per election day polling place (unit cost) as determined by adding together the overall expenses and dividing the expenses equally among the total number of polling places. Costs for polling places shared by more than one participating authority shall be pro-rated equally among the participants utilizing that polling place. It is agreed that charges for election day judges and clerks and election day polling place rental fees shall be directly charged to the appropriate participating authority rather than averaging those costs among all participants. If a participating authority’s election is conducted at more than one election day polling place, there shall be no charges or fees allocated to the participating authority for the cost of election day polling places in which the authorityhas fewer than 50% of the total registered voters served by that polling place, except that if the number of registered voters in allof the authority’spolling places is less than the 50% threshold, the participating authority shall pay a pro-rata share of the costs associated with the polling place where it has the greatest number of registered voters. Costs for Early Voting by Personal Appearance shall be allocated based upon the actual costs associated with each early voting site. Each participating authority shall be responsible for a pro-rata portion of the actual costs associated with the early voting sites located within their jurisdiction.Participating authorities that do not have aregular (non- temporary) early voting site within their jurisdiction shall pay a pro-rata portion of the nearest regular early voting site. Costs for Early Voting by Mail shall be allocated according to the actual number of ballots mailed to each participating authority’s voters. Participating authorities having the majority of their voters in another county, and fewerthan 500 registered voters in Tarrant County, and that do not have an election day polling place or early voting site within theirjurisdictionshall pay a flat fee of $400 for election expenses. Each participating authorityagrees to paytheTarrantCountyElections Administratoran administrative fee equal to ten percent (10%) of its total billable costs in accordance with Section 31.100(d) of the Texas Election Code. The Tarrant CountyElections Administrator shall deposit all funds payable under this contract into the appropriate fund(s) within the county treasury in accordance with Election Code Section31.100. XII. WITHDRAWAL FROM CONTRACT DUE TO CANCELLATION OF ELECTION Any participating authority may withdraw from this agreement and the Joint Election should it cancel its election in accordance with Sections 2.051 - 2.053 of the Texas Election Code. The withdrawing authority is fully liable for any expenses incurred by the TarrantCounty Elections Administrator on behalf of the authorityplus an administrative fee of ten Page 6of 11 Town CouncilPage 72 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 percent (10%) of such expenses. Any monies deposited with the Elections Administratorby the withdrawing authority shall be refunded, minus the aforementioned expenses and administrative fee if applicable. It is agreed that any of the joint election early voting sites that are not within the boundaries of one or more of the remaining participating authorities, with the exception of the early voting site located at the Tarrant County Elections Center,maybe dropped from the joint election unless one or more of the remaining participating authorities agree to fully fund such site(s).In the event that any early voting site is eliminated under this section, an addendum to the contract shall be provided to the remaining participants within five days after notification of all intents to withdraw have been received by the Elections Administrator. XIII. RECORDS OF THE ELECTION The Elections Administrator is hereby appointed general custodian of the voted ballots and all records of the Joint Election as authorized by Section 271.010 of the Texas Election Code. Access to the election records shall be available to each participating authority as well as to the public in accordance with applicable provisions of the Texas Election Code and the Texas Public Information Act. The election records shall be stored at the offices of the Elections Administrator or at an alternate facility used for storage of county records. The Elections Administrator shall ensure that the records are maintained in an orderly manner so that the records are clearly identifiable and retrievable. Records of the election shall be retained and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Section 66.058 of the Texas Election Code. If records of the election are involved in any pending election contest, investigation, litigation,or open records request, the Elections Administrator shall maintain the records until final resolution or until final judgment, whichever is applicable. It is the responsibility of each participating authority to bring to the attention of the Elections Administrator any notice of pendingelection contest, investigation, litigation or open records request which may be filed with the participating authority. XIV. RECOUNTS A recount may be obtained as provided by Title 13 of the Texas Election Code. By signing this document, the presiding officer of the contracting participating authority agrees that any recount shall take place at the offices of the Elections Administrator, and that the Elections Administrator shall serve as Recount Supervisor and the participating authority’s official or employee who performs the duties of a secretary under the Texas Election Code shall serve as Recount Coordinator. The Elections Administrator agrees to provide advisory services to each participating authorityas necessary to conduct a proper recount. XV. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 1.It is understood that to the extent space is available, other districts and political subdivisions may wish to participate in the use of the County’s election equipment and voting places, and it is agreed that the Elections Administrator may contract with such other districts or political subdivisions for such purposes and that in such event there may be an adjustment of the pro-rata share to be paid to the County by the participating authorities. 2.The Elections Administrator shall file copies of this document with the TarrantCounty Judgeand the TarrantCounty Auditor in accordance with Section 31.099 of the Texas Election Code. Page 7of 11 Town CouncilPage 73 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 3.Nothing in this contract prevents any party from taking appropriate legal action against anyother party and/or other election personnel for a breach of this contract or a violation of the Texas Election Code. 4.This agreement shall be construed under and in accord with the laws of the State of Texas, and all obligations of the parties created hereunder are performable in TarrantCounty, Texas. 5.In the event thatone or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof and this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. 6.All parties shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes of theState of Texas, all local governments, and any other entities with local jurisdiction. 7.The waiver by any party of a breach of any provision of this agreement shall not operate as or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach. 8.Any amendments of this agreement shall be of no effect unless in writing and signed by all parties hereto. XVI. COST ESTIMATES AND DEPOSIT OF FUNDS The total estimated obligation for each participating authority under the terms of this agreement is listed below. Each participating authority agrees to pay the Tarrant CountyElections Administratora deposit of approximately 75% of this estimated obligation within 15 days after execution of this agreement. The exact amount of each participating authority’s obligation underthe terms of this agreement shall be calculated after the May 06, 2017election (or runoff election, if applicable), and if the amount of an authority’s total obligation exceeds the amount deposited, the authority shall pay to the Elections Administratorthe balance due within 30 days after the receipt of the final invoice from the Elections Administrator. However, if the amount of the authority’s total obligation is less than the amount deposited, the Elections Administratorshall refund to the authoritythe excess amount paid within 30days after the final costs are calculated. The total estimated obligation and required deposit for each participating authority under the terms of this agreement shall be as follows: Page 8of 11 Town CouncilPage 74 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Actual #Billed #EstimatedDeposit Political SubdivisionPollsPollsCostDue CITY OF ARLINGTON2811.83$51,868$39,000 CITY OF BEDFORD11.00$12,507$9,400 CITY OF BLUE MOUND11.00$6,238$4,700 CITY OF COLLEYVILLE10.50$5,880$4,500 CITY OF DALWORTHINGTON GARDENS10.50$2,981$2,300 CITY OF EULESS10.50$4,905$3,700 CITY OF EVERMAN10.50$3,766$2,900 TOWN OF FLOWER MOUND10.00$400$300 CITY OF FOREST HILL10.33$3,322$2,500 CITY OF FORT WORTH11348.33$200,445$150,400 CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE41.67$10,981$8,300 CITY OF GRAPEVINE10.50$5,530$4,200 CITY OF HALTOM CITY 10.50$4,988$3,800 CITY OF KELLER21.00$6,342$4,800 CITY OF KENNEDALE11.00$9,953$7,500 TOWN OF LAKESIDE10.50$3,931$3,000 CITY OF MANSFIELD31.50$7,808$5,900 TOWN OF PANTEGO10.33$2,537$2,000 CITY OF RICHLAND HILLS10.50$4,977$3,800 CITY OF ROANOKE10.00$400$300 CITY OF RIVER OAKS10.50$3,714$2,800 CITY OF SAGINAW11.00$6,238$4,700 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE10.50$5,814$4,400 CITY OF SANSOM PARK11.00$9,810$7,400 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB10.33$888$700 CITY OF WATAUGA10.33$4,483$3,400 TOWN OF WESTLAKE10.50$4,872$3,700 CITY OF WESTWORTH VILLAGE10.33$3,325$2,500 ARLINGTON ISD3311.33$49,515$37,200 AZLE ISD41.50$6,597$5,000 BIRDVILLE ISD135.33$32,328$24,300 CARROLL ISD60.50$9,353$7,100 CROWLEY ISD173.50$18,335$400 FORT WORTH ISD5613.33$63,276$47,500 GRAPEVINE-COLLEYVILLE ISD61.00$11,410$8,600 KELLER ISD173.33$16,101$12,100 LEWISVILLE ISD10.00$400$300 MANSFIELD ISD155.50$54,625$41,000 NORTHWEST ISD131.67$25,550$19,200 WHITE SETTLEMENT ISD81.33$7,388$5,600 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE256.67$33,436$25,100 TROPHY CLUB MUD NO. 120.33$888$700 TARRANT REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT13051.83$206,979$155,300 Page 9of 11 Town CouncilPage 75 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 FOREST HILL LIBRARY DISTRICT10.33$3,322$2,500 TOTALS184.00$928,408$684,800 Page 10of 11 Town CouncilPage 76 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 XVII. JOINT CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL IN TESTIMONY HEREOF, this agreementhas been executed on behalf of the parties hereto as follows, to-wit: (1)It has on the _______day of _______________,2017 been executed by the Tarrant County Elections Administrator pursuant to the Texas Election Code so authorizing; (2)It has on the _______ day of _______________, 2017 been executed on behalf of the Town of Trophy Clubpursuant to an action of the Town of Trophy Club Town Councilso authorizing; ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO BY THE TARRANT COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR: APPROVED: ___________________________________________ Stephen Vickers Chief Deputy Elections Administrator ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO BY THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL: APPROVED: ATTEST: _____________________________________________________________________________________ C. NICK SANDERS, MAYOR HOLLY FIMBRES, TOWN SECRETARY Page 11of 11 Town CouncilPage 77 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 3900 Southwest Green Oaks Boulevard1100 Southwest Green Oaks Boulevard City of Arlington South Service Center 2017 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD City of Arlington Senior Center April Bebensee Elementary School Atherton Elementary School Date: 2015 Craig Hanking Drive Bailey Junior High School 2800 South Center Street Berry Elementary School High School Ditto Elementary School Texas 76014 Texas 76013 Texas 76018 Texas 76010 Texas 76014 Texas 76017 Texas 76017Texas 76010 Meeting Arlington, Texas 76017Arlington, Texas 76016 2411 Winewood Lane 5200 Kelly Elliott Road 2101 Overbrook Drive 5900 Inks Lake Drive Bob Duncan Center 1800 Joyce Street 3001 Quail Lane 5 Academy & Junior 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,,,,,,,, 7) Arlington Arlington Arlington ArlingtonArlington ArlingtonArlington Arlington Corey Boles /1 14 (as of 3/ total 184 May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations 136 of Kennedale ISDKennedale ISD TCC 3, Arlington ISD City of Arlington 5, TCC 3, Arlington ISD Arlington ISD TCC 3, Arlington ISD City of Arlington 3, TCC 3, Arlington ISD TCC 3, Arlington ISD TCC 3, Arlington ISD 78 Mansfield ISDMansfield ISDMansfield ISD Arlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISD 1 Page FWISD 3 TCC 3, TCC 7, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 7TCC 5TCC 7 City of Arlington 3, City of Arlington 5, City of Arlington 2, City of Arlington 4, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 3Arlington 2City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 2Arlington 3City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 4City of Arlington 4 City of Arlington 52381, 2428 City of Arlington 5 Entities City of City of 266025212403 ,,, 2309250523932553 Precincts at Site ,,,,, 25692205221023582269226325192464 2235, 2320, 2659 Council No Election Town ,,,,,,,, 202721812541214520282268265821692675, 23812553235625062029, 250622662220, 2464 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 200220582383238321002673200723582505222625132513213424612302230423042029230622202319 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 600 Southeast Green Oaks Boulevard 1601 Northeast Green Oaks Boulevard 2017 Kenneth Davis Elementary School Janet Brockett Elementary School 6401 West Pleasant Ridge Road 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD April Fitzgerald Elementary School Elzie Odom Athletic Center Nichols Junior High School 2201 Ascension Boulevard Education Center Date: 810 Dove Meadows Drive 3000 South Fielder Road High School Miller Elementary School Duff Elementary School Texas 76018 Texas 76018 Texas 76015 Texas 76002 Texas 76001 Texas 76006 5201 Creek Valley Drive Meeting Arlington, Texas 76013Arlington, Texas 76006Arlington, Texas 76016 3100 Lynnwood Drive 900 Eden Road 5 & 4 Junior Tarrant County College Districts 3, Ferguson ,,,,,, 7) Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Gunn /1 14 (as of 3/ total 184 May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations FWISD 3 136 of Kennedale ISD TCC 3, Arlington ISD , 2315, 2316, 2442 City of Arlington 1, TCC 3, Arlington ISD City of Arlington 4, TCC 3, Arlington ISD TCC 3, Arlington ISD 79 Mansfield ISDMansfield ISDMansfield ISD Arlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISD 2 Municipal Management District Page B ISD FWISD 3 33 FWISD 3FWISD 3 City of Arlington 4, TRWD, TCC 3, FWISDFWISD - E - H City of Arlington 4, TRWD, TCC 3, TCC 6,3,TCC 7,TCC 7,TCC 7,TCC 6, ,,,,,, TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5 City of Arlington 1, TCC City of Arlington 4, City of Arlington 4, ,,,,,,,,,,,, City of Arlington 4City of Arlington 4City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 4City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 4City of Arlington 4City of Arlington 4 City of Arlington 1 Entities Viridian 252525202536 ,,, 2310, 26062523231824622425247424672616 Precincts at Site ,,,,,,,, 2303231024502449226724052305242524022571 Council No Election Town ,,,,,2401, 2451 ,,,,, 2280230322242448243822292645234122192305260922742561 1605, 1441, ,,,,,,,,,,, 217115141489442235323542449217425572030258121732556221921732600121122252537 2 Tarrant County Sub-Courthouse in Arlington , 4, 7, 8 & 9 2017 R. F. Patterson Elementary School 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location South Davis Elementary School Shackelford Junior High School ; Fort Worth ISD Was Imogene Gideon Elementary April Sherrod Elementary School Webb Road Date: 1200 North Cooper Street High School Webb Elementary School Student Nutrition Complex Pope Elementary School North Fielder Road 2001 South Davis Drive Arlington, Texas 76012 Texas 76006 Texas 76013 Arlington, Texas 76002 Texas 76010 Texas 76011 700 East Abram Street Texas 76016 Meeting Arlington, Texas 76001Arlington, Texas 76012 3200 Woodside Drive 6621 Kelly Elliott Road 901 Chestnut Drive 2626 Lincoln Drive 5 - Mansfield & Junior 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,,,,, 7) Arlington Arlington Arlington ArlingtonArlington Young /1 20001151 14 (as of 3/ total 184 May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations TRWD, TCC 3, Arlington ISD (Unincorporated voters) 136 of Kennedale ISDKennedale ISD City of Arlington 1, TCC 3, Arlington ISD City of Arlington 1, TCC 3, Arlington ISD TCC 3, Arlington ISD TCC 3, Arlington ISD TCC 3, Arlington ISD TCC 3, Arlington ISD City of Arlington 4, TCC 3, Arlington ISD 80 Mansfield ISDMansfield ISD Arlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISD 3 Page B ISD 3 FWISD - E - H TCC 3, TCC 3, TCC 7,TCC 7, ,,,,,, TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5 Kennedale ISD City of Arlington 2, City of Arlington 3, City of Arlington 3, City of Arlington 4, ,,,,,,,,,,, City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 5City of Arlington 5City of Arlington 4 City of Arlington 1 City of Arlington 1 Entities , TCC 7 22812656 ,, 253520552655 1380, 1463, 1631, Precincts at Site ,, 2246, 2317 , 2522216826352190 Council No Election , 2613, Town ,, 2217 ,, 2522235716312147216121482670 2657, ,,,,,, 230725222262230722622003142022281607156421432635203120522026231323142468 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Not Contracting with Tarrant County Not Contracting with Tarrant County Not Contracting with Tarrant County 2017 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD April Bransford Elementary School South Blue Mound Road Blue Mound, Texas 76131 Date: Colleyville, Texas 76034 601 Southeast ParkwayBenbrook, Texas 76126 Texas 76022 Meeting -B Central Drive 528 Mercedes Street Benbrook Fire Station Blue Mound City Hall Azle, Texas 76020 B. J. Clark Annex 5 601 Glade Road Pat May Center & 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, 7) , Bedford /1 1849 14 301 (as of 3/ total Saginaw ISD 184 Colleyville ISD City of Burleson, Burleson ISD, TRWD (no voters) May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Azle ISD (Unincorporated voters) 1024, 1345, 1431, 1578, 1642 Burleson ISD (voters in the City of Fort Worth) ) voters - Burleson ISD (voters in the City of Crowley) Eagle Mountain 136 of Azle ISD (Unincorporated voters)Azle ISD (Unincorporated voters) 81 4 (City of Reno Burleson ISD (Unincorporated voters) Azle ISD Page Birdville ISD - Keller ISD Godley ISD (Unincorporated voters) Carroll ISD Grapevine Aledo ISD (Unincorporated voters) B ISD FWISD 7 B ISDB ISD Burleson ISD - E - -- , , EE H TCC 4 , FWISD 7 --TCC 1 TRWD, ,,, TCC 2,TCC 2, Azle ISD HH TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2 TCC 2,TCC 3, TRWD, , City of Blue Mound ,,,,, , , City of ColleyvilleCity of ColleyvilleCity of ColleyvilleCity of ColleyvilleCity of Colleyville City of Bedford, City of BenbrookCity of Benbrook , City of Burleson ,, City of Bedford TCC 4TCC 4 , City of Azle Entities TRWD, TRWD, ,, TCC 4TCC 7 3516, 3517, 3539, 3562 4395, 4373325433683443, 120846303390, 3669 , 3327, 3334, 1337, 1339, 4230, 4480, 3322, ,,, 4340437132001206, 44801627333136633562 , 3212, 3249, 1021, 1111, 1394, 1418, 4284, Precincts at Site ,, 4532 ,,,, 43403157, 133733303562, 3539, 3663 4284, 4340, 4373 Council No Election Town 4047,4284,,1111, 1348 1111, 1348 1024, 1418 ,, 4395439531563283, 1208332335103330, 351033313562 1009, 3193, 4046,4047,4375,4047,,,1271,,,, 4065303732603183357411114222143112943558319334213193 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Texas 76016 Not Contracting with Tarrant County Center Crowley ISD Administration Building Edgecliff Village Community Center 2017 Dalworthington Gardens City Hall 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD Edgecliff Village, Texas 76134 20 April Convention , page Date: Texas 76140 , City Hall Annex Texas 76140 Dalworthington Gardens Crowley, Texas 76036 Crowley, Texas 76036 Meeting 213 North Race Street 2600 Roosevelt Drive 201 East Main Street See City of Grapevine 201 North Ector Drive Euless Public Library Euless, Texas 76039 6901 Wichita Street 1605 Edgecliff Road 512 Peach Street Crowley City Hall & 5 Forest Hill Civic & 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, , Forest Hill , Everman 7) Everman /1 14 (as of 3/ total Colleyville ISD 184 Crowley ISD Arlington ISD May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations FWISD 6 Everman ISD TCC 3, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD FWISD 4 Colleyville ISD Lewisville ISD Crowley ISD (voters in the City of Crowley) - 136 Grapevine of ,, City of Crowley (voters in Burleson ISD) B ISDB ISD 82 TCC 1TCC 1 , City of Crowley (voters in Crowley ISD) 5 TCC 5 Page Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) ,, Library DistrictFH Library District -- TRWD, TRWD, EE - -- Grapevine B ISDB ISD , HH , TCC 2, City of Dalworthington GardensCity of Euless, TRWD, TCC 3, (Unincorporated) TCC 6, TCC 2 Everman ISD -- EE ,, -- Town of Edgecliff VillageTown of Edgecliff Village ,, HH TRWD, TCC 3, Town of Flower MoundTown of Flower Mound TCC 2,, FH TCC 2 ,, City of Forest Hill City of Forest Hill , City of Everman City of Euless, City of Euless, City of Euless, ,, City of Euless3216, 3322, 3335, 3389, 3511 City of Euless Everman ISD Entities , 3446 33291301 , 3183, 3216,, 33911293 3335, 3336, 3389, Precincts at Site , 1501 , 1294, 1501 1023, 1103, 1294 , , 35741244 Council No Election Town , 12941175, 1547, 3160, 35661295, 135213011153 ,,,, 102312941023222311891189160330363511324735743216102512443321332111531013 Rufino E. Mendoza, Sr. Elementary School, 4, 7, 8 & 9 Rosen Heights Baptist Church Family River Oaks United Methodist Church 2017 SchoolNorthside Family Resource Center 11, United Methodist Church 1 Election Day Polling Location Diamond Hill Community Center 2519 Prairie Avenue ; Fort Worth ISD April Northside Community Center Street Azle Avenue Baptist Church 1701 Northeast 36th Street Date: Early Childhood River Oaks, Texas 76114 Street Texas 76164 Texas 76164 Texas 7610676164Texas 7616476164Texas 76106Fort Worth, Texas 76106 4800 Ohio Garden Road 2011 Prospect Avenue Meeting 2804 Prospect Avenue 1412 Denver Avenue th 2901 Azle Avenue Texas Texas th Northwest 18 215 Northeast 14 5 & 4 Life Center, Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,,,,,,, is Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worthort WorthFort Worth 7) l Harvest El M. G. /1 1100 14 (as of 3/ F Saginaw ISDSaginaw ISD total 184 -- Eagle MountainEagle Mountain Lake Worth ISDLake Worth ISDberry ISDLake Worth ISDCastleberry ISDCastleberry ISDLake Worth ISD May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations FWISD 1FWISD 1FWISD 1FWISD 1FWISD 19FWISD 1FWISD 1FWISD 1 FWISD Lake Worth ISD 136 e Castl of 83 6 Page FWISD 1 ,TCC 1,TCC 1,TCC 1,,,,,,,,,,,,TCC 1,,TCC 1, TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1 TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 2, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 2, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, ,, TCC 1TCC 1 City of Fort Worth 2, City of Fort Worth 2, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22222City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2 City of Fort Worth WorthFort WorthCity of Fort WorthCity of Fort Worth City of Fort Entities City of City of , 4565, 4568, 4598 , 4125, 4512, 46874125, 4512, 4592, 4687 Precincts at Site 41224487 Council No Election 4073, Town , 4689 , , 4051, 4685, 46854092456343974122 ,,,,, 40484050405040504067406840684685408740934093409341104121412246884017401741384686 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 as Decatur Avenue Baptist JPS Health Center Viola M. Pitts/Como Branch Library 2017 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location St. Stephen Presbyterian Church ; Fort Worth ISD Northbrook Elementary School April 4701 Bryant Irvin Road North 2500 Cantrell Sansom Road Date: Street 3401 Bellaire Drive South 7601 Bellaire Drive South 2700 McPherson Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76109 Fort Worth, Texas 76107 Fort Worth, Texas 76132 Texas 76109 Northwest Branch Library Texas 76106Fort Worth, Texas 76131Fort Worth, Texas 76179 Trinity Episcopal Church 6228 Crystal Lake Drive Meeting 00 Jarvis Lower Level, Suite 1 th 1300 Northeast 35 5 & w / Precinct 4123 Diamond Hill 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,, Fort Worth Fort Worth 7) /1 14 (as of 3/ Saginaw ISDSaginaw ISDSaginaw ISDSaginaw ISD total (Unincorporated voters) Saginaw ISDSaginaw ISD 184 ---- MountainEagle MountainEagle MountainEagle Mountain Worth ISDLake Worth ISD May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Northwest ISDNorthwest ISD Keller ISDISD 1FWISD 9 -- FWISD Eagle MountainEagle Mountain Eagle Keller 136 Lake FWISD 7, TRWD (Unincorporated voters) City of Fort Worth 3, TRWD, Crowley ISD of 84 7 , 1423 City of Fort Worth 3, TRWD, FWISD 7 Page Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 5 FWISD 9 Saginaw ISD TCC 1,TCC 1,,,TCC 1,,TCC 1,,TCC 1,,,TCC 1, TCC 1TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4 FWISD 7 (Unincorporated voters) City of Fort Worth 3, FWISD 7 TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 2, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 2, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 2, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 2, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TCC 1,1, , TCC 4 TCC - Eagle Mountain City of Fort Worth 2, City of Fort Worth 2, City of Fort Worth 2, City of Fort Worth 2, City of Fort Worth 2, ,,,,,,,,, City of Fort Worth 2of Fort Worth 2Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3 Entities , City of TCC 1 City Precincts at Site , 1208 449946661296 Council No Election 1208, 4650, Town ,1296, 1423 , 41234452, 459146504232, 4650, 4498, 16761111 4222, 4232, 1021, ,1111, 4231424542454452445244524452459142324551455145514650108111171120111111111111 Precincts 4129, 4136, 4630 were Agape Baptist Harvest Fort Worth United Methodist Church , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Briarhaven Road Arborlawn United Methodist Church 2017 Was Mary Louise Phillips Elementary 11, Bethel United Methodist Church 1 Election Day Polling Location Southcliff Baptist Church Annex R. D. Evans Community Center Tanglewood Elementary School ; Fort Worth ISD 3060 Overton Park Drive West April 5000 Southwest Boulevard 4551 Southwest Boulevard Date: Texas 76109 Texas 76116 Texas 76109 Texas 76116 Texas 76116 2730 South Cherry Lane 76116Texas 76109Texas 76116 Faith Lutheran Church Meeting Annex Building, 4917 Country Inn & Suites Road 6036 Locke Avenue Texas 4833 Selkirk Drive 5 3242 Lackland& 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,,,,,,,, Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort WorthFort Worth 7) /1 14 (as of 3/ total White Settlement ISD 184 TRWD, White Settlement ISD TRWD, White Settlement ISD May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations FWISD 7FWISD 5 TRWD, Crowley ISD TRWD, Crowley ISD 136 of 85 TRWD, FWISD 7 8 TRWD, FWISD 7 TRWD, FWISD 7 TRWD, FWISD 7 Page FWISD 65FWISD 5FWISD 5FWISD 5FWISD 6 FWISD ,,, TCC 7TCC 4TCC 4 City of Fort Worth 3, FWISD 7 TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, City of Fort Worth 33City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3, 4129, 4136, 4630 City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3 City of Fort Worth Entities Precincts at Site 4343, 4252 Council No Election Town , 4135423041301472, 43434456, 4178 1337, 1339, 1366, , 41634163417941794182420342034342463041301366411841154178 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Atwood McDonald Elementary School as Amon Carter-Riverside High School 2017 Riverside Applied Learning Center 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD April Riverside Community Center Date: Was Birchman Baptist Church Fort Worth, Texas 76108 Fort Worth, Texas 76112 Fort Worth, Texas 76112 Fort Worth, Texas 76111 3700 East Belknap StreetEastern Hills High SchoolTexas 76112 Texas 76111 9100 North Beach Street Fort Worth, Texas 76111Fort Worth, Texas 76244 Meeting 300 Expedition Drive East Regional Library Yucca Avenue Knights of Columbus 5701 Shelton Drive 6301 Bridge Street G.I.F.T. Ministries Northpark YMCA 1850 Barron Lane 3600 Fossil Drive 5 & 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,, Fort Worth Fort Worth 7) /1 3809 14 (as of 3/ w total 184 TRWD, White Settlement ISD May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Birdville ISDBirdville ISD White Settlement ISD (Unincorporated voters) Keller ISD FWISD 9FWISD 99FWISD 9 FWISD 136 Northwest ISDKeller ISD (Unincorporated voters) TRWD, Birdville ISD of 86 9 TRWD, FWISD 7 TRWD, FWISD 9 Keller ISD Page FWISD 5FWISD 23FWISD 2 FWISD ,TCC 6,,,,,, TCC 16TCC 4TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1 FWISD 7 (Unincorporated voters) TCC City of Fort Worth 3, FWISD 7 TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 4, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TCC 4, , TCC 4 City of Fort Worth 4, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4020, 4128, 4204, 4276, 4369 City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4 City of Fort City of Fort Entities , TCC 4 , 1622 1460, 4682 , 3570, 3637, 3647 1151, 1199, 1277, Precincts at Site 1622 , 3637, 3647, 4596, 4604 Council No Election 1199, 1430, Town 4069, 4480 , 4480 4069, 4480 4276, 4369 45341198, 16251623, 436214914485 ,,, 44974069449710821146279167914303552355236373552410141624602 1 Church , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Meadowbrook Community Center Martin Luther King Community Center Universalist 2017 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD S. S. Dillow Elementary School April D. McRae Elementary School 8250 Parkwood Hill Boulevard Griffin-Poly Sub-Courthouse Parkview Elementary School Library 4205 Basswood Boulevard Date: Fort Worth, Texas 76112 Texas 76137 Texas 76105 Texas 76105 Texas 76112 Texas 76112 Texas 76119 First Jefferson Unitarian Fort Worth, Texas 76137Fort Worth, Texas 76137 Hillwood Middle School Meeting Branch 5565 Truman Drive 6900 Bayberry Drive 6201 Beaty Street 3212 Miller Avenue 1959 Sandy Lane 3316 Avenue N 4000 Avenue N 5 & len 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,,,,,, Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth g 7) - Summer Handley /1 14 (as of 3/ Saginaw ISDSaginaw ISD total 184 -- Eagle MountainEagle Mountain May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Northwest ISD Birdville ISD Keller ISD Keller ISDKeller ISDKeller ISD FWISD 9 136 of 87 Birdville ISD 10 TRWD, FWISD 4 Keller ISD Page FWISD 32233FWISD 2 FWISD FWISD FWISD FWISD ,,,,,,,,, TCC 4TCC 1TCC 4TCC 1TCC 1TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4 TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 4, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 4, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 4, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, ,, TCC 4TCC 4 City of Fort Worth 4, City of Fort Worth 4, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, City of Fort Worth 4Fort Worth 44City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4ity of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5 City of Fort Worth Entities City of C , 1099, 1407, 1414 Precincts at Site , 4540 Council No Election Town 452845085884234, 45881278 4 ,,,, 4374425042614250425045404540234458845881012107410981126112711061132 4 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 McMillian Elementary School St. Matthew United Methodist Church St. John Missionary Baptist Church Paul Laurence Dunbar High School 2017 11, Church W. M. Green Elementary School 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD Elementary School April A. M. Pate Elementary School 3324 House Anderson Road 4612 David Strickland Road Date: Handley United Methodist Fort Worth, Texas 76118 Texas 76112 Texas 76119 Texas 76112 Texas 76119 Texas 76112 Anderson Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 76119Fort Worth, Texas 76120 Meeting 5700 Ramey Avenue Pantego Bible Church Euless, Texas 76040 3409 Stalcup Road 2929 Forest Avenue 3800 Anglin Drive 2414 Hitson Lane 5 8850 Elbe Trail & 4 River Trails Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,,,,, Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 7) - Sunrise /1 8001 14 (as of 3/ total 184 TRWD, TCC 3, Arlington ISD May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Arlington ISD B ISDB ISD 3FWISD 3FWISD 3FWISD 3 FWISD 136 TRWD, Birdville ISD of -- 88 11 EE -- TRWD, FWISD 4 B ISD B ISD Page FWISD 3FWISD 3FWISD 3FWISD 3FWISD 3FWISD 3 HH FWISD 3FWISD 3 City of Fort Worth 5, TRWD, TCC 3, ,,,,,TCC 5, TCC 6TCC 6TCC 2TCC 6TCC 6 - - E E - - H FWISD 3FWISD 3 H TRWD, City of Fort Worth 5, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 5, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 5, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 5, TCC 3, ,, TCC 6TCC 6 City of Fort Worth 5, City of Fort Worth 5, City of Fort Worth 5, City of Fort Worth 5, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, City of Fort Worth 5 City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5 Entities , 1490, 1518, 1651 Precincts at Site 1514 1586, 1589, 3653, 3654 Council No Election 1489, Town , 2601, 26001197, 1610, 1437 1064, ,, 114911841184142015891175340935601188119711971211122726061518165112702419129713111489 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Church 2017 Westminster Presbyterian Church Bruce Shulkey Elementary School 11, Trinity Cumberland Presbyterian 800 East Rendon Crowley Road Fort Worth Education Association 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD April s Lutheran Church 7120 West Cleburne Road Date: Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Texas 76105 Texas 76133 Texas 76133 Texas 76133 Suites Hotel Texas 76155Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Burleson, Texas 76028 Center Wedgwood Drive 5533 Whitman Avenue TRWD, TCC 3, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD 4200 Reggis Court Meeting Drive 7001 Trail Lake Drive Precinct One Garage 4910 Dunbar Street Brighter Outlook 5 6021 Westcreek & Candlewood 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,,,,, St. Matthew Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 7) /1 5709 14 (as of 3/ total TRWD (voters in the City of Burleson and Burleson ISD) 184 May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations 1024, 1345, 1431, 1642 City of Fort Worth 6, TRWD (Burleson ISD voters) B ISD 8FWISD 6FWISD 6 FWISD City of Fort Worth 6, TRWD, Mansfield ISD TRWD, Crowley ISD TRWD, Crowley ISD City of Fort Worth 6, (Burleson ISD voters) 136 City of Fort Worth 6, TRWD, Crowley ISD of Everman ISD - 89 12 E - B ISD Page Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) FWISD 3FWISD 2FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 6 H TRWD, TCC 3, ,,, City of Fort Worth 6, Crowley ISD TCC 1TCC 7TCC 1 FWISD 7 (Unincorporated voters) - E - H TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 6, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 6, TRWD, TRWD, , City of Fort Worth 5, TCC 3 ,,,,,,,,,,,, City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 6 City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6 Entities 3336 , 33291641 1348, Precincts at Site ,1024, 1436, 1642 1348, 1424, 1641 16031641 Council No Election 1388, 1404, 1348, Town 1034, 1504 1345, 1431 1024, 1418 , 13471119, 1347 ,, 134614151603140410221024111913471348114212381459116710041257 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Precinct 1207 was Southwest Sub-Courthouse and Unincorporated Sendera Ranch Elementary School 2017 Genesis United Methodist Church 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD Grade School Precincts 3185, 3192, 3417 moved School April Southwest Community Center Oakmont Elementary School from Haslet Community Center Roanoke Road Date: Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Fort Worth, Texas 76132 Fort Worth, Texas 76132 7635 South Hulen Street 1216 Diamondback Lane Fort Worth, Texas 76262 John M. Tidwell Middle Meeting precincts 6300 Welch Avenue Oakmont Trail 4750 Barwick Drive Haslet, Texas 76052 th YMCA Was Wedgwood 6 5 & Haslet - 4 3937 Haslet Tarrant County College Districts 3, Southwest 7) City of /1 6651 14 (as of 3/ total (Unincorporated voters) ISD 184 Northwest ISD (Unincorporated voters) Saginaw May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Northwest ISDNorthwest ISD voters)ISD (Unincorporated voters) Keller ISD - voters) Eagle Mountain 136 Northwest ISDNorthwest ISDKeller ISD (Unincorporated voters) City of Fort Worth 6, TRWD, Crowley ISD TRWD, Crowley ISD TRWD, Crowley ISD TRWD, Crowley ISD of 90 TRWD, FWISD 7 Northwest ISD (Unincorporated 13 Northwest ISD (Newark voters) Keller ISD Page Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 6 City of Haslet ISD ,,4, TCC 4TCC 4 FWISD 7 (Unincorporated voters) TCC City of Fort Worth 6, Crowley ISD City of Fort Worth 6, Crowley ISD City of Fort Worth 6, Crowley ISD Saginaw TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 6, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 7, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, ,,,, TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4 - ( Eagle Mountain Northwest ISD City of Fort Worth 7, City of Fort Worth 7, ,,,,,,,,,, City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 77City of Fort Worth 7 Northwest City of Fort Worth , TCC 4 Entities TRWD, ,,,,,, TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4 33633185, 3192, 3372, 3417, 3646 3185, 3192, 4371, 3646 , 3185, 3192, 3363 Precincts at Site , 12641377, 35673646, 3417 , 3567, 4044 Council No Election 1207, 1071, 1186, 3152, 3372, 3417, Town 1255, 1639 , 1639 1071, 1377 126412654070, 3152, 4694, 46944044, 43713372, 34173372 1207, 1255, 3043, 3192, ,, 1105120712071294163910711186118612414070304335673567356743713417315233723646 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Precinct 4344 was Arlington Heights Christian Woodland Springs Elementary School South Hi Mount Elementary School 2017 North Hi Mount Elementary School 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD April 12120 Woodland Springs Drive Date: Texas 76107 Texas 76107 Lake Patrol Headquarters Fort Worth, Texas 76244Fort Worth, Texas 7610776135 201 North Bailey Avenue 4101 Birchman Avenue Meeting 3801 West 7th Street 7501 Surfside Drive Fort Worth, Texas 5 Jo Kelly School & 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,, Fort Worth Fort Worth 7) /1 14 (as of 3/ ISD total (Unincorporated voters) Saginaw White Settlement ISDWhite Settlement ISDWhite Settlement ISD Saginaw ISD 184 - Eagle Mountain Castleberry ISDLake Worth ISD May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Northwest ISD Keller ISD FWISD 51FWISD 1FWISD 5FWISD 5FWISD 5FWISD 5FWISD 5 - FWISD Azle ISDAzle ISD Eagle Mountain 136 Northwest ISDKeller ISD (Unincorporated voters) of 91 14 Keller ISD Page FWISD 5 ISD ,4,,,,,,TCC 1,,,,,,TCC 4,,,,, TCC 4TCC 4TCC 1TCC 4TCC 4TCC 1TCC 1TCC 47TCC 4TCC 7TCC 4TCC 4TCC 7TCC 7 TCC TCC Saginaw TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 7, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 7, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 7, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 7, TRWD, TRWD, ,,,, TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4 - Mountain City of Fort Worth 7, City of Fort Worth 7, City of Fort Worth 7, City of Fort Worth 7, City of Fort Worth 7, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7rth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 3 Fort Wo Eagle Entities ,, City of TCC 4TCC 4 4285, 4373 3648 Precincts at Site ,, 348642844285 Council No Election 3465, Town ,, 3465, 4344284, 43734113, 42724113 3240, 4053, 4091, , 32403465348634654016435043504086411641374243424242424053405340914113427240654053 4 Elementary School , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Community Christian Church Education 1720 Vickery Boulevard East Versia L. Williams Elementary School Guinn Elementary School 2017 Antioch Missionary Baptist Church 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD I. M. Terrell Elementary School Boswell Road April 1063 East Rosedale Street Sylvania Avenue Date: W. E. Boswell High School Texas 76111 Texas 76104 Texas 76111 Texas 76102 Texas 76104 Allegra Nance Fort Worth, Texas 76179Fort Worth, Texas 76131Texas 76104 1411 I. M. Terrell Circle Meeting 901 Baurline Avenue 701 Tierra Vista Way 501 Missouri Avenue - Bailey 5 & 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, West ,,,,,, - 201 South Van Zandt and Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 7) , Building Sonny /1 5805 14 (as of 3/ (Unincorporated voters) Saginaw ISDSaginaw ISDISD total (Unincorporated voters) Saginaw Saginaw ISDSaginaw ISDSaginaw ISD 184 --- MountainEagle MountainEagle Mountain May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Northwest ISD Keller ISD FWISD 54FWISD 4, FWISD 49, FWISD 9 --- Saginaw ISD Mountain Eagle MountainEagle Mountain Eagle FWISDFWISD 136 Northwest ISDNorthwest ISD of 92 15 City of Fort Worth 8, TRWD, FWISD 4 TRWD, FWISD 4 TRWD, FWISD 4 TRWD, FWISD 4 Keller ISD Page Saginaw ISD ,,,,TCC 4,,,,, Eagle TCC 4TCC 4TCC 1TCC 4TCC 4TCC 6TCC 6TCC 1TCC 6TCC 1 - Eagle Mountain TRWD, City of Fort Worth 7, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 7, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 9, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 8, TRWD, TRWD, ,,,,,, TCC 4TCC 4TCC 1TCC 4TCC 4TCC 4 - Eagle Mountain City of Fort Worth 7, City of Fort Worth 7, City of Fort Worth 7, City of Fort Worth 7, City of Fort Worth 7, ,,,,,,,,,,, Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8 , TCC 4 Entities TRWD, , City of TCC 4 4532 , 4429 Precincts at Site , 437544291550 4044, 4375, 4429 Council No Election Town ,,, 40454375, 453246384599, 463814441544 4045, 4599, ,,, 4044437540444454445443754599459945994599100516774006100810101019147610561059 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Greater Harvest Church of God in Christ Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church Beth Eden Missionary Baptist Church 2017 Sagamore Hill Elementary School 11, Morningside Elementary School 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD April Sycamore Recreation Center 960 East Baltimore Avenue South Hughes Avenue 2525 East Rosedale Street Date: Texas 76102 Texas 76103 Texas 76105 Texas 76104 Texas 76105 Texas 76119 Texas 76103 Texas 76104 Texas 76119 Christ Cathedral Church 2900 Mitchell Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 76134 3201 Purington Avenue 2601 Timberline Drive 3309 Wilbarger Street Meeting New Hope Fellowship 2601 Evans Avenue 6410 South Freeway 1816 Delga Street Greenway Church 5 Bradley Center & 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,,,,,,,,, Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 7) /1 14 701 (as of 3/ total 184 May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Everman ISD FWISD 4 9FWISD 9FWISD 4 FWISD 136 of 93 16 TRWD, FWISD 9 TRWD, FWISD 4 TRWD, FWISD 4 TRWD, FWISD 4 TRWD, FWISD 4 Page FWISD 2222 TCC 1,,,TCC 1,, FWISDFWISDFWISD TCC 6TCC 1TCC 6 TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 8, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 8, ,,,,,,,,,,,, City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8 Entities , 1628 Precincts at Site , 1619 1617 , 1549, 1559 Council No Election Town ,, 1090 1236, 167210751089, 1559, 1549 1078, ,, 1061106110661479101110791080108310881104115011501543 St. Luke Cumberland Presbyterian Church , 4, 7, 8 & 9 2017 Meadowcreek Elementary School Highland Hills Community Center 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location Victory Temple Worship Center ; Fort Worth ISD Carter Park Elementary School April Everman Parkway 1404 Sycamore School Road Parkway Elementary School Date: 1204 East Broadus Avenue 2801 Country Creek Lane Fort Worth, Texas 76123 Fort Worth, Texas 76134 Fort Worth, Texas 76134 Texas 76103 2001 Oakland Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 76115Fort Worth, Texas 76134 Meeting 1600 Glasgow Road 5 & 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, , est Fort Worth 7) W /1 320 14 (as of 3/ 1 total 184 May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations City of Fort Worth 8, TRWD (Burleson ISD voters) Crowley ISD Crowley ISD Everman ISDEverman ISDEverman ISD Crowley ISD 4, FWISD 44, FWISD 8FWISD 6FWISD 4 Kennedale ISD FWISDFWISD TRWD, Crowley ISD 136 TRWD, Crowley ISD of Everman ISD 94 17 (Unincorporated voters) TRWD, FWISD 4 voters)Page 2 FWISD 4 ,,TCC 6,,,,,,TCC 6,TCC 1, FWISD Kennedale ISD TCC 6TCC 1TCC 6TCC 6TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 6TCC 6 City of Fort Worth 8, Crowley ISD Everman ISD City of Fort Worth 8, FWISD 4 City of Fort Worth 8, FWISD 4 Unincorporated TRWD, City of Fort Worth 8, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 8, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 9, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 9, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 8, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 8, TRWD, , TCC 6 City of Fort Worth 8, City of Fort Worth 8, City of Fort Worth 8, ,,,,,,,,,,,, City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8 ( Kennedale ISD Everman ISD Entities City 1439, 1577, 1578, 1621, 2474 1025, 1084, 1244, 1291, 1295 Precincts at Site 1652, 2474 , 1577, 1578 Council No Election Town , 157612912474, 14391300 1244, 1244, 1189, , 1154115444951652155515551597117012511251291129124741578157813011084124411891378137813781378 1 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Texas Academy of Biomedical Sciences 2017 New owners, was Southwood Baptist Lily B. Clayton Elementary School E. M. Daggett Elementary School 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD April School Glen Park Elementary School Building Fort Worth Harvest Church Park Boulevard Date: 2633 Altamesa Boulevard R. L. Paschal High School Fort Worth, Texas 76119 Fort Worth, Texas 76134 Fort Worth, Texas 76110 Fort Worth, Texas 76110 Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Texas 76102 Texas 76107 Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76133Fort Worth, Texas 76110 2000 Park Place Avenue 1605 Grady Lee Street Greenbriar Elementary Meeting 3813 Valentine Street Tarrant County Plaza 620 North Chandler 3601 Pecos Street 958 Page Avenue 201 Burnett Street Ministerio Gracia 5 & 3001 Forest 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,, Fort Worth Fort Worth 7) /1 14 (as of 3/ total 184 May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations 9FWISD 18FWISD 1FWISD 5FWISD 9FWISD 5FWISD 5FWISD 8FWISD 6FWISD 8FWISD 9FWISD 1 FWISD FWISD TRWD, Crowley ISD 136 of 95 18 Page FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 2 ,,,,,TCC 1,,,,,,,, TCC 1TCC 6TCC 1TCC 1TCC 7TCC 1TCC 7TCC 1TCC 7TCC 7TCC 1TCC 1 TRWD, City of Fort Worth 6, TRWD, TRWD, , TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 9, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 9, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 9, ,,,,,,,,,,,, City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 89City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9 City of Fort Worth Entities , 4573 , 1455, 1457, 1608, 1611 , 1408, 1434, 1633, 1416, 1473, 4503 Precincts at Site 4458 Council No Election Town ,4077, 4096 , 1482376, 1237, 16841094, 1674, 1095 1 , 144014401292147710014494101410151062107610951108129812981109124 4 Precincts 1133, 1165, 1445 were South Hills Elem , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Towne Place Suites Fort Worth Downtown George C. Clarke Elementary SchoolRichard J. Wilson Elementary School 2017 Worth Heights Elementary School Worth Heights Community Center 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD Was Charles E. Nash Elementary April De Zavala Elementary School El Buen Pastor Baptist Church3300 South Henderson Street Southside Church of Christ Date: Fort Worth, Texas 76115 Texas 76102 Texas 76104 Texas 76110 Texas 76110 Texas 76110 Texas 76110 Texas 76110 Texas 76102 805 East Belknap Street 3551 New York Avenue 519 East Butler Street 900 West Fogg Street Meeting College Avenue 4800 Merida Avenue Hemphill Street 1600 Texas Street 5 & Trinity Terrace 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,,,,,,,, Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 7) /1 14192101 14 (as of 3/ total 184 May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations 8FWISD 9FWISD 1FWISD 9FWISD 8FWISD 9FWISD 8FWISD 899FWISD 9 FWISD FWISD FWISD 136 of 96 19 City of Fort Worth 9, TRWD, FWISD 9 Page FWISD 1 ,,,,,,,,,,, TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 6 City of Fort Worth 9, FWISD 9 TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of Fort Worth 9, TRWD, TRWD, ,,,,,,,,,,, City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9 Entities 1594 , , 14454615, 4640, 4683 Precincts at Site 11654634 , 4475, 4478 Council No Election 1133, 4496, Town 4492410741954432 1412, 4155, ,,,,, 127340574493406040974312420142334370425345721678 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church Curtis Larson Elementary Anna May Daulton Elementary School Ministry Center, 2740 South Freeway Elementary School North Grand Peninsula Drive 2017 James Starrett Elementary School Precinct 1085 was Rosemont Middle 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD April Grand Prairie, Texas 75052 Texas 75050 Texas 75051 Street Grand Prairie, Texas 75054 Date: 2505 W. E. Roberts Street Texas 76115 Texas 76104 Texas 76051 Meeting of Grapevine 1333 West Spurgeon Municipal Way 2675 Fairmont Drive UAW Local #276 Heights 2620 Avenue K 5 ,,& Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, ,, and, Fort Worth Fort Worth Grapevine 7) REC Hubbard Myrtice /1 The 26071175 14 (as of 3/ total Colleyville ISD 184 Colleyville ISD May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Mansfield ISD (Unincorporated voters) TCC 3, Arlington ISD Arlington ISD FWISD 8FWISD 4 Lewisville ISD Mansfield ISDMansfield ISD Arlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISD - 136 Grapevine of Northwest ISD 97 20 TRWD, FWISD 9 Page - Carroll ISD Grapevine ,, TCC 1TCC 1 ,, ,,,,,,, TCC 2TCC 2 TCC 355TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5TCC 5 TRWD, TRWD, TCC TCC ,,, TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2 ,, ,,,,,,,, MoundTown of Flower Mound City of Grand Prairie 1City of Grand Prairie 12City of Grand Prairie 2City of Grand Prairie 4City of Grand Prairie 646 City of Grand Prairie City of Grand Prairie City of Grand Prairie ,,, City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9 ,,, City of GrapevineCity of GrapevineCity of Grapevine Town of Flower Entities , TCC 5 261624662379, 2453, 2488, 2612, 2618332133963542 , 2438, ,,,, 25463114339035423384 Precincts at Site ,,,,, 42562158793039338535303039 Council 2275, 2349, 23 No Election 1481, 1382, 1404, 3038, Town 2680, 2681 , 2488 ,,, 458724112299, 2644303833843470, 3321 1085, ,,,,,, 1351428821802413238124842299264426443035336134693035303533213321 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Northwest ISD voters moved to Sendera Ranch Elementary (Precinct 3043), see 2017 11, Shady Grove Elementary School 1 Election Day Polling Location School ; Fort Worth ISD April Haltom City Northeast Center Date: 1400 Sarah Brooks Drive 801 Bear Creek Parkway Haslet Community Center Haltom City, Texas 76117 901 Precinct Line Road Bear Creek Intermediate Meeting Haslet, Texas 76052 3201 Friendly Lane Texas 76248 Keller, Texas 76248 Hurst Public Library 76053 5 105 Main Street & Texas 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, 7) page 13 , , /1 Keller Hurst 14 (as of 3/ total lle ISD (Unincorporated voters) 184 May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Northwest ISD (Unincorporated voters) Colleyville ISD 136 ted voters)Keller ISD (Unincorporated voters), Keller ISD (Unincorporated voters) of 98 21 Keller ISD Birdville ISD , Birdville ISD, Birdville ISD, Birdville ISD Page Keller ISD , FWISD 9 Northwest ISD Northwest ISD Birdville ISD - Carroll ISD Grapevine B ISDB ISD Keller ISD (UnincorporaKeller ISDKeller ISDKeller ISD Keller ISD TCC 4, ,, Colleyvi -- TCC 6TCC 4TCC 1TCC 1TCC 2TCC 4 EE -- HH City of Keller, TRWD, , ,,,,, ,,,,, TCC 4 City of Haltom City, City of Haltom City, City of Haltom City, City of Haltom City, City of Haltom City, TCC 22TCC 4TCC 2TCC 2 6 TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2 ,TCC - City of Haltom City Grapevine TCC ,City of Keller, City of Haslet,,,, ,,,,, City of KellerCity of KellerCity of KellerCity of Keller City of HurstCity of HurstCity of HurstCity of HurstCity of Hurst Entities ,,TCC 2,, TCC 4TCC 2TCC 4TCC 2 , 4362, 4533, 4218, 42903282358431723590, 35023554 ,,,,, 4239, 44103363324835833166328234223471 1199, 1622, 4042, 3192, Precincts at Site ,,,,,, , 43994159341731963582366231563213339236713365 , 4483, 44853560, 3653, 3654 Council No Election 4102, 4141, , 3185, 3585, 3661, 3648, Town , 4485 3192,,,,,,, , 41913176357535823139319633863240, 367130723624 3185, 3433, 3176, 3240, ,,,,,, 4632414143284102462044103152303232483248303236653248324830403668342232403054358036243624 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Precinct 4138 Donna Shepard Intermediate School 2017 North Richland Hills, Texas 76180 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD April J. L. Boren Elementary School Kennedale Community Center Confederate Park Road 6651 Lake Worth Boulevard Date: moved to Courthouse 1401 Country Club Drive Lake Worth, Texas 76135 Mansfield, Texas 76063 Texas 76063 Kennedale, Texas 76060 1100 East Broad Street Church of God Texas 76063 Lakeside, Texas 76108 Was Lakeside Town Hall Meeting 6801 Glenview Drive 316 West 3rd Street 1280 FM Road 1187 Dan Echols Center (no voters) 5 - & Mansfield Sub 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, See page 23 ,, Lakeside 7) Mansfield Mansfield TRWD /1 9396 14 (as of 3/ total Saginaw ISD 184 Worth ISD May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations White Settlement ISD (Unincorporated voters) Birdville ISD ISD, Birdville ISD White Settlement ISD (Unincorporated voters) Mansfield ISD (Unincorporated voters)(Unincorporated voters) - FWISD 5 Birdville Eagle Mountain Azle ISDAzle ISDWorth ISDLake Worth ISD 136 of Lake Kennedale ISDKennedale ISD 99 Mansfield ISD 22 Arlington ISD Mansfield ISDMansfield ISDMansfield ISDMansfield ISD Page FWISD 4FWISD 4 TCC 2, , TCC 4, Azle ISD ,,, TCC 4TCC 1 44 TCC 7 TCC TCC Lake , TRWD, ,,, ,TCC 7,, TRWD, TRWD, TRWD, City of North Richland HillsCity of North Richland HillsCity of North Richland Hills TCC 7,,,,,, ,, TCC 4TCC 4 ,,,, TCC 6TCC 7TCC 7TCC 5TCC 7 TCC 7TCC 7 TCC 5TCC 5TCC 7TCC 5 Mansfield ISD Kennedale ISD ,,, City of Kennedale, City of Kennedale, Town of Lakeside, Town of Lakeside, Town of Lakeside, ,,,, ,, City of Lake WorthCity of Lake WorthCity of Lake WorthCity of Lake WorthCity of Mansfield, ,,, Kennedale City of KennedaleCity of KennedaleCity of Kennedale Town of LakesideTown of Lakeside City of MansfieldMansfieldCity of Mansfield Entities TCC 7,,, City of City of TCC 7TCC 5 , 2645, 4629 , 2360, 2614, 2618, 2643 2474, 26362548 , 3215, 3289, 4399 2029, 2262, 2305, Precincts at Site , 23572524 1034, 2258, 2355 Council No Election Town ,, 15152029, 22624091230824353289, 46293325, 3326 1427, 4053, 2221,, 202924742522247442594242437343734259406542424091428520332258230824263140 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Bursey Road Senior Adult Center 24 See Page 4 for TRWD and TCC voters Pantego Town Hall Council Chambers , page Center 2017 Texas 76180 Contracting with Parker County North Richland Hills Public Library North Richland Hills, Texas 76180 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD Citizen April location Texas 76118 Public Library River Oaks Boulevard Date: Texas 76020 405 South Belmont Street Texas 76114 1614 South Bowen Road Saginaw Senior Texas 76013 See Town of Westlake Meeting Saginaw, Texas 76179 Pelican Bay City Hall 9015 Grand Avenue , River Oaks City Hall 1300 Pelican Circle North Richland Hills 7301 Bursey Road 6724 Rena Drive 5 Richland Hills , & Richland Hills , 4 , Tarrant County College Districts 3, Pelican Bay River Oaks 7) , Former Pantego City of /1 4900 14 (as of 3/ total 184 Saginaw ISDSaginaw ISD May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Castleberry ISD Birdville ISDBirdville ISDBirdville ISD Northwest ISDNorthwest ISD B ISD Keller ISD Azle ISD 136 of Castleberry ISD FWISD 9 Birdville ISDBirdville ISD-- -100 TCC 3, Arlington ISD MountainEagle Mountain 23 E - Page H , ,,,,, , TCC 4 TCC 2TCC 2TCC 4TCC 2TCC 2 TCC 1 FWISD 9 City of Reno (voters in Azle ISD) ,, , Eagle TCC 2TCC 4 TCC 1 TCC 6, , TRWD, TCC 2 ,,,,,TRWD, , Richland HillsCity of North Richland HillsCity of North Richland HillsCity of North Richland HillsCity of North Richland Hills TCC 1 TRWD, ,, ,,, Ward 1Ward 2 TCC 1TCC 4TCC 1 City of Richland Hills, , City of Richland Hills , City of River Oaks, , City of Pelican Bay ,City of River Oaks City of Saginaw, City of Saginaw, Town of Pantego ,, RoanokeCity of Roanoke City of SaginawCity of Saginaw City of North Entities City of , 3575, 35823387, 4620, 4649 , 3447336734064687, 4531 Precincts at Site ,,,, 3333338732093584332542024499, 4638 3214, 3324, 3364 Council No Election Town ,3583, 3664 ,,,4047, 4395 ,,, 3041, 31773664320930633527316431644125, 459844544044, 4338 1199, ,,,,,,, 304130493049350721124047313141214202342236464018466640934245 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 2017 Was Fire Department Training Room 11, Texas 76114 West Southlake Boulevard 1 Election Day Polling Location ; Fort Worth ISD April Municipal Building Texas 76107 Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Sansom Park, Texas 76114Westworth Village City Hall Date: Carroll Senior High School Westover Hills Town Hall 5824 Merrymount Road Texas 76092 Westlake, Texas 76262 Texas 76148 Sansom Park City Hall Meeting Westlake Town OfficesSolona Office Complex 311 Burton Hill Road 7105 Whitley Road 100 Municipal Drive 5705 Azle Avenue , Watauga City Hall Westworth Village 5 , 3 Village Circle & Westover Hills 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, Trophy Club , , Southlake 7) Watauga /1 1501 14 (as of 3/ White Settlement ISD Northwest ISD total ISD Carroll ISD Northwest Carroll ISD 184 ISD Keller Colleyville ISD 5 May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations Lake Worth ISD ,,5 FWISD TCC 2TCC 2 Northwest ISDNorthwest ISD FWISD FWISD 1 TCC 2,TCC 2,TCC 2, Castleberry ISDLake Worth ISD 136 of ,, ,, Northwest ISDNorthwest ISD 101 TCC 4TCC 4 24 Northwest ISD , Town of Trophy Club, Trophy Club MUD MUD Trophy Club MUD, Trophy Club MUD, Trophy Club MUD, TCC 4 1 Page - ,Carroll ISD Birdville ISD Carroll ISDKeller ISD FWISDGrapevine Keller ISD TCC 1 Keller ISD Trophy Club CC 4, TRWD, TRWD, ,, TRWD, TCC 2TCC 4 City of Sansom Park, TRWD, ,,, T TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1 , TCC 2,,,, City of Lake Worth ,, ,,TCC 2,, TCC 2TCC 2TCC 4 ,, ,,City of Westworth VillageCity of Westworth Village TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2 , Ward 1Ward 2 TCC 4TCC 4 Hills , ,,, Trophy Club City of Sansom ParkCity of Sansom ParkPark Town of Westlake, Town of Westover ,Town of Westlake,,Town of Westlake,,Town of Westlake, ,,,, Town of WestlakeTown of WestlakeTown of Westlake ,, City of SouthlakeCity of SouthlakeCity of Southlakeuthlake WataugaCity of WataugaCity of RoanokeCity of Roanoke City of Sansom City of So Entities own of TRWD, City of T , 469135263579, 3509, 4261 ,, , 46904595347035583398, 3509 Precincts at Site ,,,, 4593459333593545, 362633323398, 3502 Council No Election Town ,, 4693 ,3286,,,, 440044004593353835423579352931943287, 350034223422, 3646 3529, ,,,,,,,,,3286,3286, 4138469241384138448742853039347035453039350035003187366731873286328632863286337234223646411541444144 , 4, 7, 8 & 9 Was Eagle Mountain Elementary School White Settlement ISD Administration Tarver Rendon Elementary School 2017 11, 1 Election Day Polling Location Building, 401 South Cherry Lane ; Fort Worth ISD White Settlement, Texas 76108Morris Dido Newark Road April 6065 Retta Mansfield Road Date: Fort Worth, Texas 76179 Burleson, Texas 76028 Meeting Fellowship 5 & 4 Tarrant County College Districts 3, Lakeview 7) /1 9940 14 (as of 3/ (Unincorporated voters) total White Settlement ISD (Unincorporated voters) 184 White Settlement ISD (Newark voters) May 6, 2017 Election Day Polling Locations 136 of 5 FWISD 5 Saginaw ISD , 102 25 FWISD TCC 4 , 1352, 1504, 2262 Mansfield ISD (Unincorporated voters) Page Saginaw ISDSaginaw ISD , TRWD, TCC 7,TCC 4,, TCC 7 - Eagle Mountain ,,, City of White SettlementCity of White SettlementCity of White SettlementCity of White Settlement -- Eagle MountainEagle Mountain , TCC 4 Entities TRWD, ,, TCC 4TCC 4 Precincts at Site 4128, 4204 Council No Election Town , 4128, 43714371 4020, 4044, 402041134144404443711034 EARLYVOTINGFORMAY6,2017 (VOTACIONADELANTADADE6DEMAYODE2017) (BUCSMCHONGÀY6THÁNG5,NM2017) JOINTGENERALANDSPECIALELECTIONS (ELECCIONESGENERALESYESPECIALESCONJUNTAS) (CÁCBUCKTHPVÀBUCCBIT) Thisscheduleofearlyvotinglocations,datesandtimesappliestovotersinthefollowingcities,towns,schools,collegeandwaterdistricts:(Estehorariode casetasdevotaciónadelantada,susfechasytiemposaplicanavotantesenlassiguientesciudades,pueblos,escolares,colegioydistritosdeagua)(âylà lchtrìnhcanhngaim,ngàythángvàthigianchobucsmápdngchocácctritrongnhngiusauây:thànhph,thxã,trnghc, ihcvàcquanthycc):Arlington,Bedford,BlueMound,Colleyville,DalworthingtonGardens,Euless,Everman,FlowerMound,ForestHill,Fort Worth,GrandPrairie,Grapevine,HaltomCity,Keller,Kennedale,Lakeside,Mansfield,Pantego,RichlandHills,RiverOaks,RoanokeWard1,Saginaw, SansomPark,Southlake,TrophyClub,Watauga,Westlake,WestworthVillage,ArlingtonISD,AzleISD,BirdvilleISD,CarrollISD,CrowleyISD,FortWorthISD Districts4,7,8and9,GrapevineColleyvilleISD,KellerISD,LewisvilleISD,MansfieldISD,NorthwestISD,WhiteSettlementISD,TarrantCountyCollege District3,TarrantRegionalWaterDistrict,TrophyClubMunicipalUtilityDistrictNo.1andForestHillLibraryDistrict. EARLYVOTINGBYPERSONALAPPEARANCEDAYSANDHOURS (DÍASYHORASDEVOTACIÓNTEMPRANOPORAPARICIÓNPERSONAL) (Ngàyvàgiibucsm) April(Abril)(ThángT)24Α28MondayΑFriday(LunesΑViernes)8:00a.m.Α5:00p.m. (ThHaiΑThSáu) April(Abril)(ThángT)29 Saturday(Sábado)(ThBy)7:00a.m.Α7:00p.m. April(Abril)(ThángT)30Sunday(Domingo)(ChNht)11:00a.m.Α4:00p.m. May(Mayo)(ThángNm)1Α2MondayΑTuesday(LunesΑMartes)7:00a.m.Α7:00p.m. (ThHaiThBa) LocationAddressCity ZipCode (Código (Ubicación)(Dirección)(Ciudad) postal) (aim)(ach)(Thànhph) (MãBu in) 1BobDuncanCenter2800SouthCenterStreetArlington76014 2ElzieOdomAthleticCenter1601NEGreenOaksBoulevardArlington76006 CenterforCommunityService 34002WestPioneerParkwayArlington76013 JuniorLeagueofArlington 4SouthServiceCenter1100SWGreenOaksBoulevardArlington76017 SummitHighSchool 51071W.TurnerWarnellRoadArlington76001 PerformingArtsCenter 6TarrantCountySubCourthouseinArlington700EAbramStreetArlington76010 TarrantCountyCollegeSoutheastCampus 72100SoutheastParkwayArlington76018 EMBΑCPortableBuilding(NhàDingC) BJClarkAnnex 8603SoutheastParkwayAzle76020 Room4(Phòngs4) 9BedfordPublicLibrary2424ForestRidgeDriveBedford76021 10BenbrookCommunityCenter228SanAngeloAvenueBenbrook76126 11ColleyvilleCityHall100MainStreetColleyville76034 12CrowleyISDAdministrationBuilding512PeachStreetCrowley76036 13EulessPublicLibrary201NorthEctorDriveEuless76039 14ForestHillCivicandConventionCenter6901WichitaStreetForestHill76140 th 15AllSaintsCatholicChurchParishHall200N.W.20StreetFortWorth76164 th 16DiamondHill/JarvisLibrary1300Northeast35StreetFortWorth76106 17EastRegionalLibrary6301BridgeStreetFortWorth76112 18GriffinSubCourthouse3212MillerAvenueFortWorth76119 19HandleyMeadowbrookCommunityCenter6201BeatyStreetFortWorth76112 JPSHealthCenterViolaM.Pitts/Como 20 LowerLevelΑSuite100 4701BryantIrvinRoadN.FortWorth76107 LuDiΑPhòng100 21LonghornActivityCenter5350BasswoodBoulevardFortWorth76137 22RosemontMiddleSchool1501WestSeminaryDriveFortWorth76115 23SonnyandAllegraNanceElementarySchool701TierraVistaWayFortWorth76131 24SouthsideCommunityCenter959EastRosedaleStreetFortWorth76104 25SouthwestCommunityCenter6300WelchAvenueFortWorth76133 TarrantCountyElectionsCenter MainEarlyVotingSite 262700PremierStreetFortWorth76111 (Principalsitiodevotaciónadelantada) (TrungTâmBuCSm) 27TarrantCountyPlazaBuilding201BurnettStreetFortWorth76102 28WorthHeightsCommunityCenter3551NewYorkAvenueFortWorth76110 2615W.PioneerParkway (CornerPioneerPkwyandGreat 29AsiaTimesSquare SouthwestPkwy)GrandPrairie75051 (GócngcaPioneerPkwyvàGreat SouthwestPkwy) Town CouncilPage 103 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 EARLYVOTINGFORMAY6,2017 (VOTACIONADELANTADADE6DEMAYODE2017) (BUCSMCHONGÀY6THÁNG5,NM2017) JOINTGENERALANDSPECIALELECTIONS (ELECCIONESGENERALESYESPECIALESCONJUNTAS) (CÁCBUCKTHPVÀBUCCBIT) ListofEarlyVotinglocationscontinued (Listadecasetasdevotaciónadelantadacontinuó) (Danhsáchcácaimbphiusmtiptc) LocationAddressCity ZipCode (Código (Ubicación)(Dirección)(Ciudad) postal) (aim)(ach)(ThànhPh) (MãBu in) 30LakeParkOperationsCenter5610LakeRidgeParkwayGrandPrairie75052 31TheRECofGrapevine1175MunicipalWayGrapevine76051 32HaltomCityNortheastCenter3201FriendlyLaneHaltomCity76117 33HasletPublicLibrary100GammilStreetHaslet76052 34SenderaRanchElementarySchool1216DiamondBackLaneHaslet76052 35KayGrangerElementarySchool12771SaratogaSpringsCircleKeller76248 36KellerTownHall1100BearCreekParkwayKeller76248 37KennedaleCommunityCenter316West3rdStreetKennedale76060 38J.L.BorenElementary1401CountryClubDriveMansfield76063 39DannyJonesMiddleSchool4500EastBroadStreetMansfield76063 40MansfieldISDCenterforThePerformingArts1110W.DebbieLaneMansfield76063 41MansfieldSubCourthouse1100EastBroadStreetMansfield76063 42NorthRichlandHillsPublicLibrary9015GrandAvenueN.RichlandHills76180 43RichlandHillsPublicLibrary6724RenaDriveRichlandHills76118 44RiverOaksCityHall4900RiverOaksBoulevardRiverOaks76114 45JohnMTidwellMiddleSchool3937HasletRoanokeRoadRoanoke76262 EagleMountainSaginawISDAdministration 46 Building6ΑTrainingRoom 1200OldDecaturRoadSaginaw76179 Cns6ΑPhòngTpLuyn 47CityofSansomParkCityHall5705AzleAvenueSansomPark76114 48SouthlakeTownHall1400MainStreetSouthlake76092 49WataugaCityHall7105WhitleyRoadWatauga76148 SolanaOfficeComplexWestlakeTownOffices nd 50 Building4ΑSuite4202Α2floor 1301SolanaBoulevardWestlake76262 CnS4ΑPhòng4202ΑLu2 51WhiteSettlementISDAdministrationBldg.401SouthCherryLaneWhiteSettlement76108 Temporary Branch Early Voting Locations with Special Days and Hours (Lista de Caseta Temporal con Días y Horas Especiales) ChiNhánhaimBuCSmviNhngNgàyvàGicBitTmThi () April(Abril)(ThángT)2527TuesdayΑThursday(MartesΑJueves)(ThBaThNm)8:00a.m.Α5:00p.m. UTAΑUniversityofTexasatArlington A MaverickActivitiesCenter 500W.NeddermanDriveArlington76019 TrungTâmSinhHotMaverick ApplicationforaBallotbyMailmaybedownloadedfromourwebsite:www.tarrantcounty.com/elections (SolicitudparaBoletaporCorreosepuededescargardenuestrositioweb):www.tarrantcounty.com/elections (CóthtinxinláPhiuBuquaThtrêntrangmngcachúngtôi):www.tarrantcounty.com/elections Informationbyphone:TarrantCountyElectionsAdministration,8178318683 (Informaciónporteléfono):(AdministracióndeEleccionesdelCondadodeTarrant8178318683) (Thôngtinquainthoi)(iuHànhBuCQunTarrant,8178318683) ApplicationsforaBallotbyMailmustbesubmittedbetweenJanuary1,2017andApril25,2017bymail,faxoremailto: (SolicitudesparaunaBoletaporCorreopuedensersometidasentreel1deenerode2017y25deAbrilde2017porcorreo,faxoemaila): (nxinláphiubuquathphicgivàogiaNgày1Tháng1,Nm2017vàNgày25Tháng4,Nm2017bngth,faxhocemailn:) EarlyVotingClerk(SecretarioDeVotaciónAdelantada)(ThKýBuCSm) POBox961011 FortWorthTX761610011 Fax:8178316118 Email:votebymail@tarrantcounty.com Town CouncilPage 104 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-126-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/27/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council declaring May 4, 2017 as Day of Prayer in Trophy Club (Mayor Sanders). Attachments:PRO 2017-02 - National Day of Prayer.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 7: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncildeclaringMay4,2017asDayof Prayer in Trophy Club (Mayor Sanders). Town CouncilPage 105 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2017-02 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWNOF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, TO RECOGNIZE MAY 4, 2017 AS THE DAY OF PRAYER IN TROPHY CLUB; RECOGNIZING THAT 2017 IS THE 66TH CONSECUTIVE ANNUAL OBSERVANCE OF THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, public prayer and national days of prayer have a long and significant history in American tradition dating back to the first call to prayer in 1775 when the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation; and WHEREAS, these times of national supplication were made official in 1952 when President Harry Truman signed a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress which enacted legislation setting aside an annual day of prayer for the nation, and in 1988 this law was amended permanently setting the day as the first Thursday of every May; and WHEREAS, the National Day of Prayer enables us to recall and teach the way in which our forefathers sought the wisdom of God whenfaced with critical decisions, thus reaffirming the spiritual principles upon which this nation was founded; and WHEREAS, the National Day of Prayer belongs to all Americans and is a day that transcends differences, bringing together citizens to honor God and give Him thanks for the many liberties and blessings we have received, among them the freedom to gather, worship and pray; and WHEREAS, Thursday, May 4, 2017, is the 66thObservance of the National Day of Prayer in our nation and simultaneously the25thconsecutive observance for the citizens in For Your Great Name’s Sake! this 76262 community, having as its theme for this year: Hear Us...Forgive Us...Heal Us! Taken from Daniel 9:19, which says,“O Lord, Listen! O Lord, Forgive! O Lord, Hear and Act! For Your Sake, O My God…”; and WHEREAS, on this day leaders and citizens across our nation and state will unite and heed the call to humbly come before Almighty God to acknowledge our dependency upon Him, to seek His divine guidance, protection, blessings and strength to meet the challenges that we face both present and future, and to pray for peace throughout our nation and the world. NOW, THEREFORE, I, C. Nick Sanders , in conjunction with the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas by the Power vested in me as Mayor of Trophy Club,Texas, hereby proclaim Thursday, May 4, 2017, as a DAY OF PRAYER in Trophy Club to coincide with the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER and that this proclamation shall take effect from and after its date of passage, in accordance with law; and it is so proclaimed. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this 11th day of April 2017. _______________________________ ________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town CouncilPage 106 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-137-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:4/4/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council declaring April 2017 as National Child Abuse Prevention Month in Trophy Club (Mayor Sanders). Attachments:PRO 2017-03 - National Child Abuse Prevention Month.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 8: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncildeclaringApril2017asNational Child Abuse Prevention Month in Trophy Club (Mayor Sanders). Town CouncilPage 107 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2017-03 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, TO RECOGNIZETHE MONTH OF APRIL 2017 AS NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTHIN TROPHY CLUB; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,in Federalfiscalyear2013,52Statesreported678,932 victimsof childabuse orneglect;and WHEREAS, childabuse is aserious problemaffectingeverysegmentof ourcommunity, andfindingsolutionsrequiresinput andactionfromeveryonein ourcommunity;and WHEREAS,ourchildrenareour most valuable resources andwill shape the futureof the Town of Trophy Club, Texas; and WHEREAS,childabusecanhavelong-termpsychological,emotional,andphysicaleffects thatcanhavelifelongconsequencesfor victimsof abuse; and WHEREAS,protective factorsareconditionsthatreduce oreliminateriskandpromotethe social,emotional,anddevelopmentalwell-beingofchildren;and WHEREAS, effective child abuse preventionactivities succeedbecauseofthe meaningful connectionsandpartnershipscreated between child welfare,education,health, communityand faithbasedorganizations,businessesandlawenforcementagencies; and WHEREAS,communitiesmust make everyeffortto promoteprogramsandactivitiesthat benefitchildrenandtheirfamilies;and WHEREAS,weacknowledge that wemust worktogetheras a communitytoincrease awarenessaboutchild abuseandcontributetopromotethe socialandemotionalwell-beingof childrenandfamiliesin a safe,stable,nurturingenvironment;and WHEREAS, preventionremainsthebestdefenseforour childrenandfamilies. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM: The month of April 2017 as National ChildAbuse Prevention Month in the Town of Trophy Club. Further, I urge all citizens torecognize this month bydedicatingourselves to thetask of improvingthe qualityoflifeforallchildren andfamilies. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 11thday of April 2017. _______________________________ ________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town CouncilPage 108 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-136-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/29/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution relating to the giving of Notice of Intention to issue Town of Trophy Club, Texas combination tax and revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2017; and providing an effective date (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Notice of Intention.pdf RES 2017-05 - Notice of Intent Resolution - 2017 COs.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 9: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaResolutionrelatingtothegivingofNoticeofIntentiontoissueTownof TrophyClub,TexascombinationtaxandrevenueCertificatesofObligation,Series2017;andprovidinganeffectivedate (Staff). Town CouncilPage 109 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From:John Zagurski, Budget Manager CC: Tom Class, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Notice of Intent Town Council Meeting, April 11, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding Resolution relating to the giving of Notice of Intention to issue Town of Trophy Club, Texas combination tax and revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2017; and providing an effective date (Staff). Explanation: This Resolution before the Council relates to providing a Notice of Intention to issue Certificates of Obligation in an amount not to exceed $4.5M for the purposes of: Designing, developing, constructing improving, extending and expanding parking facilities for City public parks, including driveway improvements and related storm drainage improvements, and including the acquisition of land therefor Designing, developing, constructing, improving, extending, and expanding streets, thoroughfares, sidewalks, bridges, and other public ways of the City, including streetscaping, streetlighting, right-of-way protection, utility relocation, and related storm drainage improvements; and acquiring rights-of-way in connection therewith Professional services in connection with the projects and issuance Upon approval of the Resolution the Notice of Intention will be advertised for two consecutive weeks, the first of which will be before April 14, 2017. Attachments: Resolution No. 2017-05 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval to move forward with the Notice of Intention for the 2017 Certificates of Obligation for parks, street and drainage, and professional services associated with the projects and issuance. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 110 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2017-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, RELATING TO THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION,SERIES 2017;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the “Town”), pursuant to Chapter 271, Subchapter C, Texas Local Government Code, as amended, is authorized to issue its certificates of obligation for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for the purposes set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town has found and determined that a notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation should be published in accordance with the requirements of applicable law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. The findings and determinations set forth in the preambles hereto are hereby incorporated by reference for all purposes. Section 2. The Town Secretary of the Town is hereby authorized and directed to issue a notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 3. The foregoing notice shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks, the date of the first publication being before the thirtieth (30th) day prior to the date set forth in the foregoing notice for passage of the ordinance authorizing the Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation. Such notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas. Section 4. That this resolution shall take effect from and after the date of its passage. Town CouncilPage 111 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 FINALLY PASSED, APPROVED AND EFFECTIVE this 11th day of April, 2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2017-05 Page 2 of 3 Town CouncilPage 112 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS COMBINATIONTAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on May 23, 2017, the TownCouncil of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, at 7:00p.m. at a regular meeting of the TownCouncil to be held in the Council Chambers at the Trophy Club Municipal Building,100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262, the regular meeting place of the TownCouncil, intends to pass an ordinance authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $4,500,000 principal amount of Certificates of Obligation (excluding premium) for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for the following purposes, to wit: (a) designing, developing, constructing improving, extending and expanding parking facilities for Townpublic parks, including driveway improvements and related storm drainage improvements, and including the acquisition of land therefor(b) designing, developing, constructing, improving, extending, and expanding streets, thoroughfares, sidewalks, bridges, and other public ways of the Town, including streetscaping, streetlighting, right-of-way protection, utility relocation, and related storm drainage improvements; and acquiring rights-of-way in connection therewith ((a) and (b) together, the “Project”); and (c) payingprofessional services of attorneys, financial advisors and other professionals in connection with the Project and the issuance of the Certificates. The Certificates shall be issued in one or more series, shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed fifteenpercent (15%) per annum, and shall have a maximum maturity date of not later than twenty-five (25) years after their date. Said Certificates shall be payable from the levy of a direct and continuing ad valorem tax against all taxable property within the Townsufficient to pay the interest on this series of Certificates as due and to provide for the payment of the principal thereof as the same matures, as authorized by Chapter 271, Subchapter C, Texas Local Government Code, as amended, and from all or a part of the surplus revenues of the Town’s municipal drainage utility system, such pledge of surplus revenues being limited to $1,000. THIS NOTICE is given in accordancewith law and as directed by the TownCouncil of the Townof Trophy Club, Texas. GIVEN THIS April 11, 2017 /s/ Holly Fimbres,TownSecretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2017-05 Page 3 of 3 Town CouncilPage 113 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-127-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/27/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Standards of Care a.Conduct a Public Hearing regarding an Ordinance adopting a new Section 1.08.001 entitled “Summer Adventure Camp Programs Standards of Care” of Divistion1 entitled “Generally” of Article 1.08 entitled “Parks and Recreation” of Chapter 1 entitled “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances; and providing an effective date (Staff). b.Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance adopting a new Section 1.08.001 entitled “Summer Adventure Camp Programs Standards of Care” of Divistion1 entitled “Generally” of Article 1.08 entitled “Parks and Recreation” of Chapter 1 entitled “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances; and providing an effective date (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Standards of Care .pdf ORD 2017-10 - Adopting 1.08.001 - Youth Program Standards of Care.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 10: Standards of Care a.ConductaPublicHearingregardinganOrdinanceadoptinganewSection1.08.001entitled“SummerAdventure CampProgramsStandardsofCare”ofDivistion1entitled“Generally”ofArticle1.08entitled“ParksandRecreation” ofChapter1entitled“GeneralProvisions”oftheTownofTrophyClubCodeofOrdinances;andprovidinganeffective date (Staff). b.ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceadoptinganewSection1.08.001entitled“Summer AdventureCampProgramsStandardsofCare”ofDivistion1entitled“Generally”ofArticle1.08entitled“Parksand Recreation”ofChapter1entitled“GeneralProvisions”oftheTownofTrophyClubCodeofOrdinances;andproviding an effective date (Staff). Town CouncilPage 114 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Adam Adams, Director of Parks & Recreation CC: Tom Class, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Standards of Care Town Council Meeting, April 11, 2017 Agenda Item: Standards of Care a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding an Ordinance adopting a new Section 1.08.001 entitled “Summer Adventure Camp Programs Standards of Care” of Divistion1 entitled “Generally” of Article 1.08 entitled “Parks and Recreation” of Chapter 1 entitled “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances; and providing an effective date(Staff). b.Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance adopting a new Section 1.08.001 entitled “Summer Adventure Camp Programs Standards of Care” of Divistion1 entitled “Generally” of Article 1.08 entitled “Parks and Recreation” of Chapter 1 entitled “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances; and providing an effective date (Staff). Explanation: Adopting the Standards of Care sets forth certain expectations for the children and the parents of the children who attend the Town of Trophy Club’s Summer Adventure program as required by the State. This also establishes that the Town is not engaged in daycare operations and therefore not subject to the same provisions as day care facilities. Attachments: Ordinance No. 2017-10 Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 115 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2017-10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, ADOPTING A NEWSECTION1.08.001 ENTITLED “SUMMER ADVENTURE CAMP PROGRAMS STANDARDS OF CARE”OF DIVISION 1ENTITLED “GENERALLY” OF ARTICLE 1.08 ENTITLED “PARKS AND RECREATION”OF CHAPTER 1ENTITLED “GENERAL PROVISIONS”OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ESTABLISH SUMMER ADVENTURE CAMP PROGRAMS STANDARDS OF CARETO PROVIDE BASIC CHILD CARE REGULATIONS FOR DAY CAMP ACTIVITIES OPERATED BY THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUBPARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT;PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION OF PREMISES; PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Charter of the Town, State law, the Town Council of the Town is empowered to adopt ordinances and rules that are for the good government of the Town; and WHEREAS, the Human Resources Code, Section 42.041(b)(14), establishes requirements for exempting recreational programs operated by municipalities for elementary age (5-13) children from childcare licensing requirements; and WHEREAS, in order to receive exempt status for a youth recreation program, a municipality must adopt aSummer Adventure Camp Programs Standards of Careby Ordinance after a public hearing for the program; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on April 11, 2017; and WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club Summer Adventure Camp Programs Standards of Carewill provide basic child care regulations for day camp activities operated by the Trophy Club Parks and RecreationDepartment in accordance with Section 42.041(b)(14) of the Human Resources Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Council hereby finds that adopting Section 1.08.001 entitled “Summer Adventure Camp Programs Standards of Care” of Division 1 entitled “Generally” of Article 1.08 entitled “Parks and Recreation” ofChapter 1 entitled, “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinancesto establish Youth Programs Standards of Careserves the best interest of the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Town. Town CouncilPage 116 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES That the above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT 2.01 Section 1.08.001 entitled “Summer Adventure Camp Programs Standards of Care” of Division 1entitled, “Generally” of Article 1.08 entitled “Parks and Recreation” of Chapter 1 entitled “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances is hereby adopted to establish Youth Programs Standards of Careto read in its entirety as follows: Chapter 1 General Provisions “ … Article 1.08 Parks and Recreation … Division 1. Generally Section 1.08.001Summer Adventure CampPrograms Standards of Care The following Standards of Care are intended to be minimum standards by which the Town of Trophy Club Parks and Recreation Department will operate the Town’s Summer Adventure Camp programs. These programs operated by the Town of Trophy Club are recreational in nature and are not licensed by the State of Texas nor operated as day care programs. Adoption of these Standards of Care will allow the Town to qualify as being exempt from the requirements of the Texas Human Resources Code, section 42.041(b)(14). Definitions. (a) For the purpose of this division, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivation shall have the meaning given herein: Department.Parks and Recreation Department. Director.Town of Trophy Club Parks and Recreation Directoror designee. Employee or Counselor.Someone who has been hired to work for the Town of Trophy Club and has been assigned responsibility for managing, administering, or implementing some portion of the Town of Trophy Club’s Summer programs. ORD 2017-10 Page 2 of 13 Town CouncilPage 117 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Parent(s). A parent or guardian who has legal custody and authority toenroll a child in the Town of Trophy Club’s Summerprograms. Parent Handbook. Booklet of camp policies, procedures, required forms, organizational, and programming materials relevant to the Summer programs. Participant.A youth whose parent(s) have completed all requiredregistration procedures and who has been determined to be eligible for theTown of Trophy Club’s Summerprograms. Program Site.Medlin Middle School or Beck Elementary Recreation Coordinator. Town of Trophy Club’s full time programmer who has been assigned administrative responsibility for the Town of Trophy Club’s Summer programor designee. Recreation Superintendent. Recreation Coordinator’s supervisor who will handle administrative responsibility for the Town of Trophy Club’s Summer program in the Recreation Coordinator’s absenceor designee. Summer Adventure Camp.Town of Trophy Club youth camp program during the summer. Town.Town of Trophy Club. Town Council.Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club. General Information/Administration (b) (1)The governing body of the Town of Trophy Club Summer programs isthe Town of Trophy Club Town Council. (2)Implementation of the Standards of Care for Summeris the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Director and Parks and Recreation Department employees. (3)The Standards of Care for Summer will apply to all Summer Adventure Camp Programs. (4)Trophy Club’s Svore Municipal Building and/or Town Hall will have available for public review a current copy of the Standards of Care. (5) Parents of participants will be provided access to a current copy of the Standards of Care through the Town’s web site. ORD 2017-10 Page 3 of 13 Town CouncilPage 118 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 (6)Criminal background checks will be conducted onprospective Summer employees, when applicable. If results of that criminal check indicate that an applicant has been convicted of any of the following offenses, he or she will not be considered for employment: (A)A felony or misdemeanor classified as anoffense against a person or family; (B)A felony or misdemeanor classified as public indecency; (C)A felony or misdemeanor violation of any law intended to control the possession or distribution of any controlled substance; (D)Any offense involving moral turpitude; (E)Any offense that is deemed to potentially put the Town of Trophy Club or Summer participants at risk. Inspection/Monitoring/Enforcement (c) (1)The Recreation Coordinator will make bi-weekly visual inspections of the program. (2)Complaints regarding enforcement of the Standards of Care will be directed to the Recreation Coordinator.The Recreation Coordinator will be responsible for taking the necessary steps to resolve the problems. Complaints regarding enforcement of the Standards of Care and their resolution will be recorded by the Recreation Coordinator. Serious complaints regarding enforcement of the Standards of Care will be addressed by the Recreation Superintendent and the complaint and resolution will be noted. Enrollment. (d)Before a child may become a participant, a parent/guardian must complete and sign registration forms that contain information pertaining to the participant and their parent(s). The following information must be provided: (1)Name, address, home telephone number (2)Parent/Guardian’s name, address and telephone numbers during program hours (3)Emergency contacts including names and phone number during program hours (4)Names and driver's license numbers of people to whom the child may be released ORD 2017-10 Page 4 of 13 Town CouncilPage 119 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 (5)A statement of the child’s special problems, needs or medical conditions (6)Emergency medical authorization (7)Permission for field trips (8)Liability Waiver Suspected Abuse. (e)Program employees will report suspected child abuse or neglect in accordance with the Texas Family Code. In the case where a Town employee is involved in an incident with a child that could be construed as child abuse, the incident must be reported immediately to the Recreation Coordinator and Recreation Superintendent. The Recreation Superintendent will immediately notify the Police Department and any other agency as may be appropriate. Texas state law requires the staff of these youth programs to report any suspected abuse or neglect of a child to the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services or a law enforcement agency. Failure to report suspected abuse is punishable by fine up to $1,000 and/or confinement up to 180 days. Confidential reports may be made by calling 1-800-252-5400. Staffing – Responsibilities and Training (f) (1)Recreation Coordinator and Recreation Superintendent: (A)Recreation Coordinator and Recreation Superintendent are full-time, professional employees of the Town of Trophy Club Parks and Recreation Department and will be required to have all the same qualifications as outlined in Subsection (f)(2). (B)Recreation Coordinator and Recreation Superintendent must meet the minimum education/experience requirements for employment with the Town of Trophy Club to plan and implement recreation activities. (C)Recreation Coordinator and Recreation Superintendent must be able to pass a background investigation including a test for illegal substances. (D)Recreation Coordinator and Recreation Superintendent must have a current certification in First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and AED. All certifications must be current during the camp operation. (E)Recreation Coordinator is responsible for administering the programs’ daily operations in compliance with the adopted Standards of Care. ORD 2017-10 Page 5 of 13 Town CouncilPage 120 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 (F)Recreation Coordinator is responsible for hiring, supervising, and evaluating the Summer Director, Summer Assistant Directors, and Summer Counselors. (G)Recreation Coordinator is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating programs. (2)Summer Camp Staff: (A)Program employees include Summer Director, Summer Assistant Director(s), and Summer Counselors. (B)Program employees may be full-time, part-time, or seasonal employees of the Parks and Recreation Department. (C)Program employees shall be age 18 or older. However, each site will have at least one employee age 21 or older on site at all times. (D)Program employees should consistently exhibit competency, good judgment,and self-control when working with participants. (E)Program employees must relate to participants with courtesy, respect, tolerance,and patience. (F)Program employees must have a current certification in First Aid, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and AED. All certifications must be current during the camp operation. (G)Program employees must pass a background investigation when applicable, including testing for illegal substances. (H)Program employees will be responsible for providing participants with an environment in which they can feel safe, enjoy wholesome recreation activities, and participate in appropriate social opportunities with their peers. (I)Program employees will be responsible to know and adhere to all Town, Departmental, and youth program standards as well as policies and procedures that apply to the youth programs. (J)Program employees must ensure that participants are only released to a parent or authorized person, designated by the parent or guardian. If a parent wishes their child to sign himself in or out the parent must provide specific, written authorization. (3)Training and Orientation ORD 2017-10 Page 6 of 13 Town CouncilPage 121 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 (A)The department is responsible for providing training and orientation to program employees in working with children and for specific job responsibilities. (B)Program employees will be provided with a staff manual. (C)Program employees must be familiar with the Standards of Care for Summer programs as adopted by the Town Council. (D)Program employees must be familiar with the program policies including discipline, guidance, and release of participants as outlined in the staff manual. (E)Program employees will be trained with appropriate procedures to handle emergencies. (F)Program employees will be trained in areas including Town departmental program policies, procedures, leading activities, and safety issues. (G)Program employees will be required to sign an acknowledgement that they have received the required training. Operations (g) (1)Staff to Participant Ratio (A)The standard ratio of participants to staff is 1:15 based on average daily attendance. In the event a program employee is unable to report to the program site, the Recreation Coordinator will assign a replacement. (B)Program employees are responsible for being aware of the participants’ habits, interests, and special needs as identified by the participant's’ parent/guardian during the registration process. (2)Discipline (A)Program employees will implement discipline and guidance in a consistent manner based on the best interest of program participants. (B)There will be no cruel treatment or harsh punishment. (C)Program employees may use brief, supervised separation from the group if necessary. ORD 2017-10 Page 7 of 13 Town CouncilPage 122 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 (D)As necessary, program employees will initiate behavior reports to the parents of participants. Parents will be asked to the sign the behavior reports to indicate they have been advised about specific problems or incidents. (E)A sufficient number and/or severe nature of a discipline report(s) as indicated in the program manual may result in a participant being suspended from the program. (F)In instances where there is a danger to other participants or staff, offending participants will be removed from the program site as soon as possible. (3)Programming (A)Program employees will attempt to provide activities for each group according to participants’ age, interests, and abilities. The activities will be appropriate to participants’ health, safety, and well-being. The activities must be flexible and promote the participants emotional, social, and mental growth. (B)Program employees will attempt to provide indoor and outdoor time periods to include: (i) Alternating active and passive activities; (ii) Opportunity for individual, small and large group activities, and (iii)Outdoor time each day as weather permits. (C)Program employees will be attentive and considerate of the participants’ safety on field trips and during any transportation provided by the program. (i) During trips, program employees must have access to emergency medical forms and emergency contact information for each participant; (ii) Program employees must have a written list of participants in the group and must check the roll frequently, specifically before departure to and from location; and (iii) Program employees must have first aid supplies and emergency care available on field trips. (4)Communication ORD 2017-10 Page 8 of 13 Town CouncilPage 123 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 (A)Each program site will have access to a telephone for use in contacting Department staff or making emergency calls. (B)The Recreation Coordinator will make available the following telephone numbers to all employees at each site: (i) Emergency services (ii) Trophy Club Police Department dispatch (iii) Parks and Recreation Department (iv) Poison Control (v) Numbers at which parents/guardians may be reached (vi) Recreation Coordinator (vii) Recreation Superintendent (viii) Telephone and address for the program site itself (ix) Field trip destinations (5)Transportation (A)Before a participant can be transported to and from Town-sponsored activities, the field trip release statement must be marked by the parent/guardian on the registration form. (B)First aid supplies will be available in all program vehicles that transport children. (C)All program vehicles used for transporting participants must have available a portable fire extinguisher and must be accessible to the adult occupants. (D)Seatbelts must be worn when provided. Facility Standards (h) (1)Safety (A)Program employees will inspect the program site daily to detect sanitation and safety concerns that might affect the health and safety of the ORD 2017-10 Page 9 of 13 Town CouncilPage 124 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 participants. A weekly inspection report will be completed by the program employees and kept on file by the Recreation Coordinator. (B)Buildings, grounds, and equipment on the program site will be inspected, cleaned, repaired, and maintained to protect the health of the participants. (C)Program equipment and supplies should be safe for the participants’ use. (D)Program must have first aid supplies readily available at each site, during transportation to an off-site activity, and for the duration of the off-site activity. (E)Air conditioners, electric fans, and heaters must be mounted out of participants reach or have safeguards thatkeep participants from being injured. (2)Fire (A)In case of fire, danger or fire, explosion or other emergency, program employees’ first priority is to evacuate the participants to a designated safe area. (B)Each program site must have at least one fire extinguisher approved by the fire marshal readily available to all program employees. (C)All program employees will be trained in proper use of fire extinguishers as well as locations of fire extinguishers through the program site. (3)Illness or Injury (A)A participantwho is considered to be a health or safety concern to other participants or employees will not be admitted to the program. (B)Illnesses or injuries will be handled in a manner to protect the health of all participants and employees. (C)Program employees will follow plans to provide emergency care for injured participants with symptoms of an acute illness as specified in the program manual. (D)Program employees will follow the recommendation of the Texas Department of Health concerning the admission or readmission of any participant after a communicable disease. (4)Medication ORD 2017-10 Page 10of 13 Town CouncilPage 125 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 (A)Parent/guardian must complete and sign a medication release that provides authorization for program staff to dispense medication with details as to times and dosages. The release will include a hold harmless clause to protect the Town. (B)Prescription medications must be in the original containers labeled with the participants’ name, a date, directions,and the physician’s name. The prescribing physician must provide written guidelines. Program employees will administer medication only as stated on the label. Program employees will not administer medication after the expiration date. (C)Non-prescription medications are labeled with the participant’s name and the date the medication was brought to the youth program. Non- prescription medication must be in the original container. The program employees will administer medication only according to the label directions and with written parental permission. (D)Medications dispensed will be limited to those not requiring special knowledge or skills on the part of the program employees. (E)Program employees will ensure medications are inaccessible to participants. If necessary, medication will be kept in the refrigerator. (5)Special Needs (A)Every reasonable accommodation will be made to address special needs participants. (B)For health and safety reasons, special needs participants must provide a personal attendant for assistance in feeding, changing of clothes, and using the restroom if needed. (6)Toilet Facilities (A)The program site will have toilets located inside and equipped so participants can use them independently and program employees can monitor as needed. (B)There must be one flush toilet for every 30 participants. Urinals may be counted in the ratio of toilets to participants, but must not exceed 50% of the total number of toilets. (C)An appropriate and adequate number of lavatories will be provided. (7)Sanitation ORD 2017-10 Page 11of 13 Town CouncilPage 126 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 (A)Program sites must have adequate light, ventilation, air conditioning,and heat. (B)The program must have an adequate supply of water meeting the standards of the Texas Department of Health for drinking water and ensure that it will be supplied in a safe and sanitary matter. (C)Employees must see that garbage is removed from buildings daily.” SECTION 3. SAVINGS AND REPEALER This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting setting Fee Schedules and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance; whether such ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any complaint, action, cause of action or claim which prior to the effective date of this Ordinance has been initiated or has arisen under or pursuant to such repealed Ordinance(s) shall continue to be governed by the provisions of that Ordinance and for that purpose the Ordinance shall be deemed to remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance in accordance with the Town Charter. ORD 2017-10 Page 12of 13 Town CouncilPage 127 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this 11thday of April2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST:APPROVED AS TO FORM: Holly Fimbres, Town SecretaryJ. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, TexasTown of Trophy Club, Texas ORD 2017-10 Page 13of 13 Town CouncilPage 128 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-128-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/27/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Public, Educational, and Government (PEG) channel fee (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - PEG Fee.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 11: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Public, Educational, and Government (PEG) channel fee (Staff). Town CouncilPage 129 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Amber Karkauskas, Director of Finance CC: Tom Class, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: PEG Fee Town Council Meeting, April 11, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Public, Educational and Government (PEG) channel fee (Staff). Explanation: An area staff has targeted to help offset A/V infrastructure cost for Town Hall is to returnto the PEG fee that was in place until the 2011 Council removed it. The PEG fee provides for broadcasting equipment and supplies for public, educational, and governmental (PEG) access channels as provided by the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984. In addition to setting aside channel capacity for PEG use, if the Town implemented a PEG fee, cable companies operating in the Town would pay a 1% fee to fund these channels. The funds are required to be used specifically for equipment and supplies for the Town’s PEG channel and must be maintained in a special revenue fund. The 1% fee is passed on to the end user, the resident. This could provide a great source of funding to help make the initial purchases of high quality equipment for the Council Chambers and other areas where meetings may be recorded for broadcast on the PEG channel. AT&T and Charter service will be available at the new facility so channels will be available on both systems. Attachments: Not applicable. Recommendation: Staff seeks Council direction to proceed. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 130 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-135-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/29/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Discussion of and provide direction to Town Staff regarding the Memorial Day ceremony and dedication of the Veteran’s Memorial (Council Member Parrow and Council Member Rowe). Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 12: DiscussionofandprovidedirectiontoTownStaffregardingtheMemorialDayceremonyanddedicationoftheVeteran’s Memorial (Council Member Parrow and Council Member Rowe). Town CouncilPage 131 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-131-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/27/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the April 25, 2017 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list, to include discussion of the below item (Staff): A)Item No. 3 - Detail review of the nuisance ordinance. (Rowe 4/12/2016) (1-July 12, 2016) (2- October 11, 2016) (3-January 10, 2017) (4-April 11, 2017) Attachments:April 25, 2017 Upcoming Agenda.pdf Items for Future Agendas updated 03-29-2017.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 13: DiscussionofitemsforFutureAgendastoincludeagendaitemsforconsiderationontheApril25,2017Councilagenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list, to include discussion of the below item (Staff): A)ItemNo.3-Detailreviewofthenuisanceordinance.(Rowe4/12/2016)(1-July12,2016)(2-October11,2016)(3- January 10, 2017) (4-April 11, 2017) Town CouncilPage 132 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Meeting Date: APRIL 25, 2017 No. Announcements & ReportsFile IDDept Receive Town Manager Class' update regarding the following, discussion and 1Town Mgr provide input regarding same (Staff): Receive Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same (Staff): Town Sec 2 STAFF RESORDPROCFile IDDept No. Consent RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session 3Town Sec Minutes dated March 28, 2017 (Staff). Consider and take appropriate action regarding calling a Special Town Council meeting to be held on May 17, 2017 in order to canvass the returns and declare 4Town Sec the results of the May 6, 2017 Town General Election (Staff). STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding accepting the nominations from the Citizen of Year Committee, recognizing the 2016 Citizen of the Year 5PIO Nominees, and announce the recipients; discussion of same (Staff). Consider and take appropriate action regarding the acceptance of the Audit for 6Finance the Town of Trophy Club, Fiscal Year 2016 (Staff). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheMid-YearFinancialReportfor 7Finance Fiscal Year 2017 (Staff). STAFF No. Upcoming Agenda & Council Future Agenda Items List UpdateRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the May 9, 2017 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future 8Town Sec Agenda Items list (Staff). STAFF No. Executive SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into 9Town Sec executive session to discuss the following: A) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: Denco 9-1-1 District Board of Managers STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council nominating one (1) person to serve as a member of the Denco 9-1-1 District Board 10Town Sec of Managers; and providing an effective date (Staff). Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. 11Town Sec Town CouncilPage 133 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town Council Future Agenda Items List (Updated 3/29/2017) 1. Review negotiating with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to transfer the title for the land that the Annex Building is built on and the maintenance building by the Wastewater Treatment Plant. (Lamont 11/10/2015) (1-February 9, 2016)(2-May 10, 2016) (3-August 9, 2016) (4-November 8, 2016) (5-February 14, 2017) (6-May 23, 2017) 1/12/2016 – At the January 12, 2016 Council meeting, Council made TCMUD No. 1 an offer regarding the Annex Building. 5/10/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 8/9/2016 - Mayor Sanders advised that several items have taken precedence and that this item can remain on the list until the applicable time to deal with it. 9/19/2016 – This item was scheduled to be placed on a future Joint Meeting agenda, tentatively for January 2017, with the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors. 11/8/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 2/20/2017 – Council moved this item to be discussed during the February 25, 2017 Council Retreat. 3/28/2017 – Mayor Sanders added the maintenance building by the Wastewater Treatment Plant to this item. 2. Discussion of Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114.(Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) (2-September 13, 2016) (3-December 13, 2016) (4-March 14, 2017) (5-June 27, 2017) 6/14/2016 – Mayor Sanders advised that when the sound wall along State Highway 114 is installed, this item would assist with shrubbery and landscaping through a grant application. 9/13/2016 – Mayor Sanders received consensus to leave this item due to the upcoming construction of the sound wall. Town Manager Seidel advised that it could be accomplished through a tri-city partnership with Westlake and Roanoke. 12/13/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 3/28/2017 – Mayor Sanders advised that he wanted to pursue moving forward with this item because this grant greatly assisted with the beautification of Davis Boulevard through the Town of Westlake. 3. Detail review of the nuisance ordinance.(Rowe 4/12/2016) (1-July 12, 2016) (2-October 11, 2016)(3-January 10, 2017) (4-April 11, 2017) 7/12/2016 - Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 10/11/2016 – Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 1/10/2017 – Town Staff areworking on this item. 4. Staff to review land that: (A) The Town owns for the possibility of residents to acquire the land; and (B) Is maintained by the Town but not owned. (Lamont 3/28/2017) (1-June 27, 2017) 5. Review the Interlocal Agreementbetween the City of Roanoke, the Town of Westlake, and the Town of Trophy Club. (Sanders 3/28/2017) (1-June 27, 2017) Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 134 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-132-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Executive Session File created:3/27/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act: Enforcement of Ordinances Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 14: PursuanttothefollowingdesignatedsectionoftheTexasGovernmentCode,Annotated,Chapter551(TexasOpen Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section551.071ConsultationwithAttorneyunderSubsection(2)toconsultwiththeTownAttorneyonamatterin whichthedutyoftheattorneytothegovernmentalbodyundertheTexasDisciplinaryRulesofProfessionalConduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act: Enforcement of Ordinances Town CouncilPage 135 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-133-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/27/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/11/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 15: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Town CouncilPage 136 of 136Meeting Date: April 11, 2017