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Attachments:Draft TC Regular Session Minutes October 11, 2016.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilRegularSessionMinutesdatedOctober11,2016 (Staff). Agenda Item No. 2 Town CouncilPage 6 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 MINUTES FROM REGULAR SESSION TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, October 11, 2016. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Nick Sanders Mayor Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem, Place 5 Jim Parrow Council Member, Place 1 Garrett Reed Council Member, Place 2 Rhylan Rowe Council Member, Place 3 Tim Kurtz Council Member, Place 4 Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Patrick Arata Acting Town Manager Steven Glickman Assistant Town Manager/CFO David Dodd Town Attorney Holly Fimbres Town Secretary/RMO Pat Cooke Development Services Manager Rick Lasky Interim Fire Chief Ron Ruthven Town Planner John Zagurski Strategic Services Coordinator Mayor Sanders announced the date of Tuesday, October 11, 2016, called the Town Council to order and announced a quorum at 7:01 p.m. The Invocation was offered by Mayor Sanders. The Pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag were led by Council Member Shoffner. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Pam Daubert, 2827 Exeter Drive, filled out a Speaker Request Form and provided a handout to the Council regarding an ice machine request for the Fire Station but she left prior to the item being presented. Nathan Dally, 2817 Chatswood Drive, commented that he was in the process of obtaining his Communication merit badge from the Boy Scouts of America. He thanked the Council for the opportunity to observe how the Council communicated during their meetings. Town CouncilPage 7 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Interim Fire Chief Lasky announced that the month of October was Breast Cancer Awareness month and presented the Council with an issued t-shirt that represented a portion of the Trophy Club Fire Department uniform, which recognized their support for the cause. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1. Acting Town Manager Arata's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff). *Early Voting *October Events *Town Hall Construction Acting Town Manager Arata updated the Council and addressed questions; no action was taken on this item. Council Member Shoffner recommended that the monthly Fire Department Report be provided to both the Town Council and Trophy Club Municipal Utility District (TCMUD) No. 1 Board of Directors; therefore alleviating the Fire Chief from having to attend TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors meetings since the Town now operated the Fire Department. 2. Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same: *Economic Development Corporation 4B, October 3, 2016 Council Liaison - Council Member Rhylan Rowe Council Member Rowe updated the Council and addressed questions; no action was taken on this item. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 3. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated September 13, 2016 (Staff). (Town Secretary Note: Approved as presented in the Town Council agenda packet). 4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated August 2016 (Staff). 5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Fourth Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2016 (Staff). 6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council declaring November 7-11, 2016 as Municipal Court Week in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Staff). 7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the Town and Denton County for Public Safety Application Support and Maintenance for the Police Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). 8. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the Town and Denton County for Public Safety Application Support and Maintenance for the Fire Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, seconded by Council Member Rowe, to approve the Consent Agenda Items 3 through 8. Motion passed unanimously. Town Council Minutes October 11, 2016 Page 2 of 8 Town CouncilPage 8 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 PUBLIC HEARING 9. Conduct a public hearing regarding amendments to the Town of Trophy Club’s Code of Ordinances, amending Section 14.02.052 - General Definitions, Section 14.02.103 - Use Table and Section 14.02.252 - Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in order to amend regulations regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages in the Town. Case ADM-16-13 (Staff). Mayor Sanders opened the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. There was no one present that wished to speak regarding the item. 10. Conduct a Public hearing regarding amendments to the Town of Trophy Club’s Code of Ordinances, amending Section 14.02.103 - Use Table and amending Article 14.02 - Zoning Ordinance by creating a new section to be called Section 14.02.356 - Solar Panel Systems in order to provide comprehensive standards for the construction, placement and maintenance of solar panels in the Town. Case ADM-16-14 (Staff). There was no one present that wished to speak regarding the item. Mayor Sanders closed the public hearing and reconvened into Regular Session at 7:17 p.m. REGULAR SESSION 11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding amendments to the Town of Trophy Club’s Code of Ordinances, amending Section 14.02.052 - General Definitions, Section 14.02.103 - Use Table and Section 14.02.252 - Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in order to amend regulations regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages in the Town. Case ADM-16-13 (Staff). Town Planner Ruthven presented the item and stated that on May 7, 2016, Trophy Club voters approved a local option referendum that allowed “The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages”. Therefore, Staff was proposing adding four categories for Specific Use Permit (SUP) requests to the Town’s Code of Ordinances for the following: Alcoholic Beverage Sales for Off-Premises Consumption (Beer & Wine Only); Alcoholic Beverage Sales for Off-Premises Consumption – Liquor (Package) Store; Alcoholic Beverage Sales for On- Premise Consumption in Conjunction with a Restaurant Use; and Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premise Consumption - Bar or Tavern. The four categories would require the approval of an SUP by the Council, upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission, prior to any issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Staff proposed tying the SUP to the owner of the business and to have an automatic expiration upon a change in ownership. Additionally, he advised that the P&Z Commission approved the item at their August 18, 2016 meeting subject to the following condition: A bar/tavern shall be no closer than 1,500 feet from another bar/tavern as measured from front door to front door using the measurement methodology already in place in the code. Discussion took place that a restaurant with an SUP could not exceed 75 percent of their gross receipts for alcohol sales. Additional conversation ensued that the proposed P&Z Commission requirement of 1,500 applied to bars and taverns, not restaurants, and that the Council would have the ability to grant a waiver to allow two bars or taverns to be less than 1,500 feet from front door to front door. Council Member Rowe inquired about an example that would apply to the proposed provision of “Additional development conditions/waivers. The council may attach additional development conditions, or grant specific waivers to applicable code requirements, to the specific use permit that the council, in its discretion, determines are appropriate for buffering, safety, security, and compatibility for and to adjacent properties”. Town Planner Ruthven advised that the waiver could be for a pertinent development condition such as screening or buffering, or for a multi-tenant center that had a church within 300 feet of a restaurant with alcohol sales. Additionally, he stated that Planned Development (PD) zoning was not included with the permitted uses since a request would trigger an amendment to the applicable PD district zoning. Town Council Minutes October 11, 2016 Page 3 of 8 Town CouncilPage 9 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Council Member Rowe asked about his prior recommendation to allow for the emerging use of tap rooms that were a combination of on and off-premise consumption. Town Planner Ruthven stated that there would be flexibility to allow that type of use under the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission classification of BG, Wine and Beer Retailer’s Permit, which allowed for on and off-premise consumption. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Rowe, seconded by Council Member Kurtz, to approve Ordinance No. 2016-45 P&Z, amending Section 14.02.052 - General Definitions, Section 14.02.103 - Use Table and Section 14.02.252 - Sale of Alcoholic Beverages of the Town of Trophy Club’s Code of Ordinances in order to amend regulations regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages in the Town. Case ADM-16-13, with the following modifications: Amend Section 14.02.252, Sale of alcoholic beverages, Subsection (e), Specific use permit (SUP), Number (3), Compliance Required, Alpha (D), Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premise Consumption – Bar or Tavern, Romanette (i) to state the following: A bar or tavern shall not be located closer than 300 feet to any property used exclusively for religious or educational purposes. The method of measurement shall be along the property lines of the street fronts and from front door to front door, and in direct line across intersections. A hotel shall not be considered a residential use for the purpose of this section. Remove Sec 14.02.252, Sale of alcoholic beverages, Subsection (e), Specific use permit (SUP), Number (3), Compliance Required, Alpha (D), Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premise Consumption – Bar or Tavern, Romanette (ii): A bar or tavern shall be no closer than 1,500 from another bar/tavern as measured along the property lines of the street fronts and from front door to front door, and in a direct line across intersections. Council Member Rowe changed the 500 feet requirement to 300 feet and removed live-in healthcare or residential from Romanette (i) because that would have highly impacted the upcoming Trophy Wood district, as well as the PD 30 development. Additionally, he removed Romanette (ii) because it was an unnecessary market limitation for future development. The vote was taken. Motion carried 6-1-0 with Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, and Council Members Reed, Rowe, Kurtz and Shoffner voting for, and Council Member Parrow voting against. 12. Consider and take appropriate action regarding amendments to the Town of Trophy Club’s Code of Ordinances, amending Section 14.02.103 - Use Table and amending Article 14.02 - Zoning Ordinance by creating a new section to be called Section 14.02.356 - Solar Panel Systems in order to provide comprehensive standards for the construction, placement and maintenance of solar panels in the Town. Case ADM-16-14 (Staff). Town Planner Ruthven presented the item and stated that on August 9, 2016 the Council directed Staff to move forward with amendments to the Town’s Code of Ordinances regarding the placement of solar panels. He advised that the P&Z Commission approved the item at their August 18, 2016 meeting subject to the following conditions: 1.Section a(1): add “and/or photovoltaic generating apparatus” after “solar panel system” beginning the paragraph; 2.Section a(1): add “or small solar panels not to exceed 18” x 18” at the end of the paragraph; 3.Section b(3): New sub-section to be worded: “The solar panel color shall match the roof color”; 4. Section c(3): add “or from any adjacent property” to the end of the paragraph; 5. Section d(1)c(vi): New sub-section to be worded: “Screening, if required” Town Planner Ruthven pointed out that Section b(3) would be difficult to accomplish and Section c(3) contradicted the Councils’ prior recommendation to remove golf course restrictions Discussion took place that typically the solar panel replacement company provided the required documentation, such as an engineering analysis of the system. Additional conversation ensued about screening of ground mounted solar panels and that fences that abutted to the golf course could not exceed six (6) feet in height. Staff placed a provision to allow solar panels, with an approved SUP, that did not meet the requirements. Town Council Minutes October 11, 2016 Page 4 of 8 Town CouncilPage 10 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Main Motion: Main Motion made by Council Member Rowe, seconded by Council Member Parrow, to approve Ordinance No. 2016-46 P&Z, amending Section 14.02.103 - Use Table and amending Article 14.02 - Zoning Ordinance by creating a new section to be called Section 14.02.356 - Solar Panel Systems of the Town of Trophy Club’s Code of Ordinances in order to provide comprehensive standards for the construction, placement and maintenance of solar panels in the Town. Case ADM-16-14, with the following modifications: Remove Section 14.02.356, Solar Panel Systems, Subsection (b), Roof mounted systems, Number 3: The solar panel color shall match the roof color. , Number 3, to Amend Section 14.02.356, Solar Panel Systems, Subsection (c), Ground mounted systems state the following: Ground mounted systems shall be screened such that the system is not visible from a public or private street. Council Member Rowe removed the hardship of having to match the roof mounted solar panel color to the roof color and then removed the requirement that ground mounted solar panels had to be screened so that they were not visible from any adjacent property. Additionally, he removed the requirement that a ground mounted system had to be located behind the principal structure on the property. Council Member Shoffner inquired about the purpose for ground mounted solar panels having to be screened since roof mounted solar panels would be visible. Town Planer Ruthven advised that the main reason was aesthetics for the detached structure but pointed out that they could be screened with vegetation. Motion to Amend: Motion to Amend made by Council Member Shoffner, seconded by Council Member Rowe, to remove the screening requirement around ground mounted solar systems. Council Member Rowe spoke in favor of the amendment and believed that the proposed ordinance offered a mechanism to ensure the proper installation of solar panels. The vote for the Motion to Amend was taken, to remove the screening requirement around ground mounted solar systems. Motion to Amend failed for lack of majority 2-5-0 with Council Members Rowe and Shoffner voting for, and Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, and Council Members Parrow, Reed, and Kurtz voting against. The vote for the Main Motion was taken, to approve Ordinance No. 2016-46 P&Z, amending Section 14.02.103 - Use Table and amending Article 14.02 - Zoning Ordinance by creating a new section to be called Section 14.02.356 - Solar Panel Systems of the Town of Trophy Club’s Code of Ordinances in order to provide comprehensive standards for the construction, placement and maintenance of solar panels in the Town. Case ADM-16-14, with the following modifications: Remove Section 14.02.356, Solar Panel Systems, Subsection (b), Roof mounted systems, Number 3: The solar panel color shall match the roof color. , Amend Section 14.02.356, Solar Panel Systems, Subsection (c), Ground mounted systemsNumber 3, to state the following: Ground mounted systems shall be screened such that the system is not visible from a public or private street. Main Motion passed unanimously. Since it was Town Planner Ruthven’s last Council meeting, Mayor Sanders recognized and thanked him for his service that he provided to the Town. Town Planner Ruthven thanked the Council for their support and stated that he had enjoyed his time served with the Town. Town Council Minutes October 11, 2016 Page 5 of 8 Town CouncilPage 11 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 13. Consider and take appropriate action regarding proposed Town Council meeting dates for November and December 2016 (Staff). Motion: Motion made by Council Member Parrow, seconded by Council Member Kurtz, to cancel the November 22, 2016 and December 27, 2016 Council meetings. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Referred Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the award or rejection of the proposal for Entryway Monumentation, Wayfinding, and Parks Signage for the Town of Trophy Club; and authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Town Council). Council Member Shoffner advised that the Council Committee, which consisted of himself, Council Member Rowe, and Council Member Reed, was able to meet on October 11, 2016 to discuss the item. Main Motion: Main Motion made by Council Member Shoffner, seconded by Council Member Rowe, to refer the Parks signage portion to the Parks and Recreation Board for their recommendation. Council Member Shoffner advised that several sections were removed from the scope of the project in order to focus on entryway monumentation and medians. The Council Committee believed that the Parks and Recreation Board would be the best avenue to offer recommendations for the Parks signage and that Staff would be the best avenue to work on wayfinding signage. Mayor Sanders suggested adding a timeframe for the Parks and Recreation Board to return their recommendations to the Council, as well as placing an extension for the entire item to be presented to Council. Motion to Amend: Motion to Amend made by Council Member Rowe, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, that the Parks and Recreation Board return their recommendation to Council by the December 13, 2016 Council meeting. Motion to Amend passed unanimously. The vote for the Main Motion as Amended was taken, to refer the Parks signage portion to the Parks and Recreation Board for their recommendation and that the Parks and Recreation Board return their recommendation to Council by the December 13, 2016 Council meeting. Main Motion as Amended passed unanimously. Motion to Refer: Motion to Refer made by Council Member Shoffner, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, the entire agenda item to the January 24, 2017 Council meeting. Motion passed unanimously. 15. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council adopting an investment policy; and providing an effective date (Staff). Assistant Town Manager/CFO Glickman advised that the adoption of the investment policy was an annual requirement and that no changes were proposed to the policy. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Rowe, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, to approve Resolution No. 2016-31, adopting an investment policy; and providing an effective date of October 11, 2016. Motion passed unanimously. Town Council Minutes October 11, 2016 Page 6 of 8 Town CouncilPage 12 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 16. Discussion of and provide direction to Town Staff regarding organizing and conducting an annual Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day ceremony; discussion of same (N. Sanders and J. Parrow). Council Member Parrow advised that the Town purchased bunting and that local businesses provided signage for last year’s Memorial Day ceremony; therefore the only cost associated for next year’s ceremony would be for manpower. Additionally, he stated that the approximate cost for the Veteran’s Day ceremony would be $200 to purchase six (6) flags and aluminum poles to carry each flag and then the additional expense of manpower. Council Member Shoffner was in favor of proceeding with organizing the ceremonies by partnering with Metroport Veterans, Medlin Cemetery Association, or another organization to help offset the cost and to be more volunteer driven events, similar to how the Fall Festival partners with Fellowship United Methodist Church. Assistant Town Manager/CFO Glickman stated that the Town paid approximately $580 for the Memorial Day ceremony, with the majority of the amount going towards employee overtime pay. Mayor Sanders recommended reaching out to the Trophy Club Women’s Club to assist with the Veteran’s Day ceremony. Council Member Kurtz agreed that the events should be through a partnership and recommended contacting the Stars and Stripes Committee. Mayor Sanders provided direction to authorize Council Member Parrow to work with the Parks and Recreation Department, Police Department, and other Town volunteer organizations to plan and conduct an annual Memorial Day ceremony and Veteran’s Day ceremony. 17. Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for October 25, 2016 and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list, to include discussion of the below item (Staff). This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when the topic of discussion requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the time frame between regular Council meetings. However, a Council Member may request that an item be placed on the next regularly scheduled meeting without first placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda items must comply with Charter requirements. A) Item No. 3 - Detail review of the nuisance ordinance. (Rowe 4/12/2016) (1-July 12, 2016) (2-October 11, 2016) Mayor Sanders received consensus to leave Item No. 3 on the Town Council Future Agenda Items list. B) Item No. 4 - Discussion of PD 21 (Plaza Shopping Center) related to signage specific to window signs. (Sanders 7/12/2016) (1-October 11, 2016) Town Planner Ruthven advised that the property owner submitted an application to amend the signage provisions. Mayor Sanders requested to remove Item No. 4 from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list. C) Item No. 5 - Consider repealing Section 14.02.253(3)(A) related to tree houses. (Shoffner 7/12/2016) (1-October 11, 2016) Council Member Shoffner advised that he would work with the Town Attorney about appropriate changes to the Code of Ordinances. Town Council Minutes October 11, 2016 Page 7 of 8 Town CouncilPage 13 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Mayor Sanders requested to add the following agenda item to the October 25, 2015 Council agenda: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the new Trophy Club Town Hall and Police Department facility specific to the review of items that were removed from the original plan and the financial status of available funds (N. Sanders and J. Parrow). Mayor Sanders requested to remove Item No. 6 from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list: Consider establishing who will be responsible for organizing and conducting an annual Memorial Day ceremony at Medlin Cemetery and an annual Veterans Day ceremony at the Veterans Memorial. (Parrow 9/27/2016) (1-December 27, 2016) EXECUTIVE SESSION 18. Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: 1. Town Manager position search 2. Town Boards and Commissions B) Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney under Subsection (2) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Governmental Body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflict with the Open Meetings Act; Section 551.087 Deliberations regarding Economic Development Negotiations under Subsection (2) to discuss or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business prospect; and Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: Legal advice regarding the Purchase or Transfer of Property and Economic Development Incentives CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME – 8:35 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION - START TIME – 9:29 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION 19. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. No action was taken on this item. ADJOURN Motion made by Council Member Parrow, seconded by Council Member Kurtz, to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Minutes October 11, 2016 Page 8 of 8 Town CouncilPage 14 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-643-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:10/28/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:11/8/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated September 2016 (Staff). Attachments:Financial Report September FY15-16.pdf All Fund Budget Report.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated September 2016 (Staff). Agenda Item No. 3 Town CouncilPage 15 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Monthly Financial Statement PhotoCredit: MayorProTemLamont2016 September 2016 Town CouncilPage 16 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT GENERALFUNDSUMMARY YeartoDateSeptember2016100%PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: OriginalRevised RevenuesYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget PropertyTax5,801,544$$5,809,044$5,766,791$(42,253)99% LicensesandPermits558,606598,606598,586(20)100% FranchiseFees947,257972,257948,188(24,069)98% SalesTax753,125793,125807,44614,321102% FinesandFees420,359347,859355,7587,899102% ChargesforService274,909274,909300,99226,083109% InvestmentIncome18,00026,00033,4777,477129% MiscellaneousIncome240,000260,00084,011(175,989)32% TotalRevenues$9,013,800$9,081,800$8,895,250$(186,550)98% OriginalRevised OtherSourcesYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget TransfersIn$111,000$111,000$111,702702101% TotalAvailableResources$9,124,800$9,192,800$9,006,952$(185,848)98% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget Manager'sOffice$843,529$852,529$824,952$27,57797% Legal196,972311,972298,74113,23196% Police2,352,8712,327,8712,205,335122,53695% EmergencyMedicalServices916,059933,059921,65111,40899% Streets420,120380,120355,25324,86793% Parks1,388,7951,353,7951,325,63628,15998% Recreation 658,647638,647631,0007,64799% CommunityEvents 31,88135,88125,21810,66370% CommunityDevelopment582,726612,726575,34137,38594% Finance410,419410,419399,72510,69497% MunicipalCourt87,07782,07775,4166,66192% HumanResources123,872168,872159,1529,72094% InformationServices531,262511,262470,50440,75892% FacilitiesMaintenance112,079112,07999,32112,75889% TotalExpenditures$8,656,309$8,731,309$8,367,244$364,06596% OriginalRevised OtherUsesYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget TransfersOut$385,000$548,000$265,283(282,717)48% TotalOutflowsofResources$9,041,309$9,279,309$8,632,527$81,34893% Town CouncilPage 17 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT GENERALFUNDSUMMARYCONTINUED OriginalRevised FundBalanceYeartoDate BudgetBudget Beginningfundbalance3,662,226$$3,662,226$3,691,189 +Netincrease(Decrease)83,491(86,509)374,425 EndingFundBalance$3,745,717$3,575,717$4,065,614 Revised Original FundBalanceDetailYeartoDate Budget Budget ReserveFundbalance (30%ofTotalExpenditures) $2,596,893$2,619,393$2,510,173 AssignedFundBalance CommittedFundBalance166,000166,000200,000 UnassignedFundBalancein Excess(Deficit)of30% 982,825982,8251,355,441 TotalFundbalance$3,745,718$3,768,218$4,065,614 BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. GeneralFundSalesTaxReceipts FY2015FY2016 55,381.2360,941.66 OCT 120,000.00 62,495.8379,043.05 NOV 100,000.00 56,315.6356,546.26 DEC 47,004.2464,779.94 JAN 80,000.00 95,802.2783,068.29 FEB FY2015 45,169.2756,324.77 MAR 60,000.00 50,647.9053,840.99 APR FY2016 40,000.00 61,533.5063,123.00 MAY 58,648.5260,544.94 JUN 20,000.00 54,958.0365,333.77 JUL 0.00 65,761.9673,402.10 AUG OCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEP 55,702.2370,512.57 SEP Town CouncilPage 18 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT DEPARTMENTALBUDGETREPORTS YeartoDateSeptember2016100%PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: GeneralFundSummary CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel6,245,821$$6,255,321$6,029,625$225,69696% Services&Supplies2,194,6252,260,1252,149,609110,51695% Capital215,863215,863188,01027,85387% Total8,656,309$$8,731,309$8,367,244$364,06596% Manager'sOffice CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel689,144$$684,144$681,583$2,561100% Services&Supplies154,385168,385143,36925,01685% Total843,529$$852,529$824,952$27,57797% Legal CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel165,480$$220,480$220,324$156100% Services&Supplies31,49291,49278,41613,07686% Total196,972$$311,972$298,741$13,23196% Police CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel$2,022,142$2,009,642$1,861,508$148,13493% Services&Supplies284,929272,429299,008(26,579)110% Capital45,80045,80044,81998198% Total$2,352,871$2,327,871$2,205,335$122,53695% EMS CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel$793,590$805,590$799,459$6,13199% Services&Supplies104,469109,469106,1063,36397% Capital18,00018,00016,0861,91489% Total$916,059$933,059$921,651$11,40899% Town CouncilPage 19 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT DEPARTMENTALBUDGETREPORTSCONTINUED YeartoDateSeptember2016PercentofBudgetYearTranspired:100% Streets CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel$220,656$205,656$193,437$12,21994% Services&Supplies199,464174,464161,81612,64893% Total$420,120$380,120$355,253$24,86793% Parks CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel$786,327$761,327$730,698$30,62996% Services&Supplies579,868569,868576,247(6,379)101% Capital22,60022,60018,6913,90983% Total1,388,795$$1,353,795$1,325,636$28,15998% Recreation CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel$417,042$397,042$392,244$4,79899% Services&Supplies161,605161,605149,68211,92393% Capital80,00080,00089,074(9,074)111% Total$658,647$638,647$631,000$7,64799% CommunityEvents CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Services&Supplies$31,881$35,881$25,218$10,66370% Total$31,881$35,881$25,218$10,66370% CommunityDevelopment CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel$451,227$456,227$459,864$(3,637)101% Services&Supplies131,499156,499115,47741,02274% Total$582,726$612,726$575,341$37,38594% Town CouncilPage 20 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT DEPARTMENTALBUDGETREPORTSCONTINUED YeartoDateSeptember2016100% PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: Finance CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel$285,126$280,126$276,866$3,26099% Services&Supplies125,293130,293122,8597,43494% Total$410,419$410,419$399,725$10,69497% MunicipalCourt CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel$77,388$72,388$69,428$2,96096% Services&Supplies9,6899,6895,9883,70162% Total$87,077$82,077$75,416$6,66192% HumanResources CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel$119,557$144,557$134,889$9,66893% Services&Supplies4,31524,31524,26352100% Total$123,872$168,872$159,152$9,72094% InformationServices CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Personnel$218,142$218,142$209,323$8,81996% Services&Supplies263,657243,657241,8411,81599% Capital49,46349,46319,34030,12339% Total$531,262$511,262$470,504$40,75892% FacilitiesMaintenance CategoryOriginalBudgetRevisedBudgetYeartoDateVariance%Used Services&Supplies$112,079$112,079$99,321$12,75889% Total$112,079$112,079$99,321$12,75889% Town CouncilPage 21 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT DEBTSERVICEFUND YeartoDateSeptember2016100%PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: OriginalRevised RevenuesYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget PropertyTax1,704,718$$1,704,718$1,696,764$(7,954)100% InterestIncome2502503,0322,7821213% TotalRevenue1,704,968$$1,704,968$1,699,796$(5,172)100% OriginalRevised OtherSourcesYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget TransfersIn87,206$$87,206$106,502$(19,295)122% Total87,206$$87,206$106,502$(19,295)122% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget PrincipalPayments$1,339,500$1,379,500$1,378,000$1,500100% InterestPayments383,067390,567$390,299268100% PayingAgentFees4,50016,500$14,2552,24586% TotalExpenditures1,727,067$$1,786,567$1,782,554$4,013100% OriginalRevised FundBalanceYeartoDate BudgetBudget BeginningFundBalance105,367$$105,367$118,542 +NetIncrease(Decrease) 65,10765,10723,743 EndingFundBalance170,474$$170,474$142,285 BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. Town CouncilPage 22 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT CAPITALPROJECTSFUND YeartoDateSeptember2016100%PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: OriginalRevised RevenuesYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget $(26,238)N/A Contributions$$$26,238 InterestIncome100$$100$28,336$28,23628336% Total100$$100$54,574$1,99854574% OriginalRevised OtherSourcesYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget BondProceeds$9,750,000$9,750,000$9,455,000$(295,000)97% BondPremium$$$537,946$537,946N/A TransferIn385,000$$548,000$265,283$(282,717)48% Total10,135,000$$10,298,000$10,258,229$(39,771)100% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget CapitalOutlay 8,848,4048,848,4043,237,287(5,611,117)37% Total8,848,404$$8,848,404$3,237,287$(5,611,117)37% IncludesTownHallconstructionplanningcosts. OriginalRevised FundBalanceYeartoDate BudgetBudget BeginningFundBalance1,293,027$$1,293,027$1,694,546 +NetIncrease(Decrease)1,286,6961,286,6967,075,516 EndingFundBalance2,579,723$$2,579,723$8,770,062 BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. Town CouncilPage 23 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT TROPHYCLUBPARKFUND YeartoDateSeptember2016100%PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: OriginalRevised Revenue YeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget ParkRevenue165,000$$165,000$46,270$(118,730)28% InterestIncome$$$$N/A MiscellaneousRevenue$$$61,106$61,106N/A TotalRevenue165,000$$165,000$107,377$(57,623)65% OriginalRevised ExpensesYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget Salaries$45,544$45,544$37,622$7,92283% Longevity204204204100% Stipend300300300100% Retirement3,5043,5043,38611897% MedicalInsurance3,0003,0002,78022093% DentalInsurance2332332161792% VisionInsurance323230294% LifeInsurance&Other2392392112888% SocialSecurityTaxes2,8362,8362,25058679% MedicareTaxes66866852614279% UnemploymentTaxes3063062297775% Workman'scompensation1,0941,09492616885% TotalPersonnelServices$57,960$57,960$48,681$9,27984% ProfessionalOutsideServices $2,500$2,500$$2,5000% Auditing1,0001,0001,000100% Software&Support7,2417,2418,041(800)111% Advertising1,2351,23551971642% rainingN/A Schools&T ServiceCharges&Fees8,4958,4957,1201,37584% Electricity2,8002,8002,06074074% Water1,7471,7473,088(1,341)177% Telephone1,9001,9001,982(82)104% Communication/Pagers/Mobiles 9339331,734(801)186% Insurance 1,2001,2001,200100% PropertyMaintenance10,50010,5003,9736,52738% EquipmentMaintenance2,3842,3841,44294260% Independentlabor26,60026,60010,50816,09340% PortableToilets3,6443,6443,19345188% Dues&Membership2502502500% Travel&PerDiem49249232416866% OfficeSupplies1,0441,04431273230% Postage3273279423329% Fuel1,2501,2502151,03517% Uniforms52052035616468% CommunityEvents14,90014,9004,39110,50929% Smalltools1,2001,200321,1683% Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 1,9201,9205,997(4,077)312% MaintenanceSupplies464464234415% MiscellaneousExpense5005005000% TotalServices&Supplies$95,046$95,046$57,603$37,44361% Includesnewbrochureholdersandmessageboards. TotalExpenses153,006$$153,006$106,284$46,72269% Town CouncilPage 24 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT TROPHYCLUBPARKFUNDCONTINUED OriginalRevised OtherUsesYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget ParkAdministrationTransfer $8,000$8,000$8,000$100% TotalOtherUses8,000$$8,000$8,000$100% Operating WorkingCapitalYeartoDate Days BeginningWorkingCapital$(74,410)(166) +NetIncrease(Decrease)(6,907)(15) EndingWorkingCapital$(81,317)(182) BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. Town CouncilPage 25 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT STORMDRAINAGEUTILITYFUND YeartoDateSeptember2016100%PercentofBudgetYearTranspired OriginalRevised RevenueYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget StormDrainageFees414,700$$414,700$420,665$5,965101% InterestIncome100100914814914% TotalRevenue414,800$$414,800$421,579$6,779102% OriginalRevised ExpensesYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget OperatingExpenses195,303195,303205,499(10,196)105% DebtService175,400175,400175,679(279)100% TotalExpenses$370,703$370,703$381,177$(10,474)103% OriginalRevised OtherUsesYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget TransfertoDebtService$62,206$62,206$62,206$100% TotalOtherUses$62,206$62,206$62,206$100% Operating WorkingCapitalYeartoDate Days BeginningWorkingCapital237,458$197 +NetIncrease(Decrease)(21,804)(18) EndingWorkingCapital$215,654179 BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. OriginalRevised DrainageCapitalProjectsYeartoDate BudgetBudget FundingSource 2013COProceeds$206,139$206,139$238,741 OperatingFunds36,48836,488100,000 ProjectDetail IndianCreek $ TimberRidge/FreshMeadow CypressCourtDrainageInlets (20,000)(20,000) 86,322 PinOakCourt (51,260)(51,260) 62,547 TownHall 100,000 PebbleBeachDrive(71,367)(71,367) 89,872 BroadwayCreekImprovements andAmenityLakeSlopes (100,000)(100,000) RemainingFunding$$$0 Town CouncilPage 26 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT CRIMECONTROLPREVENTIONDISTRICT YeartoDateSeptember2016100%PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: OriginalRevised RevenueYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget SalesTax186,433$$186,433$192,526$6,093103% InterestIncome7171N/A TotalRevenue186,433$$186,433$192,597$6,164103% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget Services&Supplies$57,400$57,400$34,522$22,87860% CapitalExp enses125,000125,00093,56631,43475% TotalExpenditure$182,400$182,400$128,089$54,31170% OriginalRevised FundBalanceYeartoDate BudgetBudget BeginningFundBalance38,491$$38,491$134,265 +NetIncrease(Decrease) 4,0334,03364,508 EndingFundBalance $42,524$42,524$198,773 BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. Town CouncilPage 27 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT STREETMAINTENANCESALESTAXFUND YeartoDateSeptember2016100%PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: OriginalRevised RevenueYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget SalesTax182,554$$182,554$196,865$14,311108% InterestIncome$$$30$30N/A TotalRevenue182,554$$182,554$196,895$14,311108% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget OperatingExpenditures160,412$$242,912$245,056$113,402101% TotalExpenses$160,412$242,912$245,056$(2,144)101% OriginalRevised OtherUsesYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget TransferToDebtService25,000$$25,000$25,000$100% TotalOtherUses$25,000$25,000$25,000$100% OriginalRevised FundBalanceYeartoDate BudgetBudget BeginningFundBalance49,584$$49,584$65,306 +NetIncrease(Decrease)(2,858)(2,858)(73,161) EndingFundBalance$46,726$46,726$(7,855) BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. Town CouncilPage 28 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT COURTTECHNOLOGYFUND YeartoDateSeptember2016100%PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: OriginalRevised RevenueYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget Fines&Fees4,000$$4,000$3,481$(519)87% TotalRevenue4,000$$4,000$3,481$(519)87% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget PurchasedServices$5,200$5,700$5,904$(204)104% TotalExpenditure$5,200$5,700$5,904$(204)104% IncodeannualCourtmaintenance. OriginalRevised FundBalanceYeartoDate BudgetBudget BeginningFundBalance21,437$$21,437$21,519 +NetIncrease(Decrease) (1,200)(1,200)(2,423) EndingFundBalance$20,237$20,237$19,096 BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. Town CouncilPage 29 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT COURTSECURITYFUND PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: YeartoDateSeptember2016100% OriginalRevised RevenueYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget MunicipalCourtSecurityFee $3,000$3,000$2,620$(380)87% TotalRevenue3,000$$3,000$2,620$(380)87% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget PurchasedServices$$1,300$952$34873% TotalExpenditure$$1,300$952$348N/A OriginalRevised YeartoDateVariance%Received OtherUses BudgetBudget TransfertoGeneralFund$3,000$3,000$3,000$100% TotalOtherUses$3,000$3,000$3,000$100% OriginalRevised FundBalanceYeartoDate BudgetBudget BeginningFundBalance$21,793$21,793$21,903 +NetIncrease(Decrease)(1,332) EndingFundBalance$21,793$21,793$20,571 BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. Town CouncilPage 30 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCOPORATION4B YeartoDateSeptember2016100%PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: OriginalRevised RevenueYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget SalesTax365,109$$365,109$393,731$(28,622)108% InterestIncome4504501,289(839)286% TotalRevenue365,559$$365,559$395,019$(29,460)108% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget Auditing1,000$$1,000$1,000$100% Advertising5,2005,200955,1052% Printing5005005000% Schools&Training1,3101,31034596526% Dues&Membership1,0501,0501,0500% Travel&PerDiem694694306644% OfficeSupplies2502502500% MiscellaneousExpense7,9507,9502,5005,45031% EDCProjects3,7503,7503,50025093% IncentivePrograms140,773140,773140,7730100% PayingAgentFee200(200)N/A DebtService208,473208,473208,47310% TotalExpenditures$370,950$370,950$356,915$14,03596% TCEventCentercompetitivestudy. OriginalRevised FundBalanceYeartoDate BudgetBudget BeginningFundBalance490,480$$490,480$3,060,400 +NetIncrease(Decrease)(5,391)(5,391)38,104 EndingFundBalance$485,089$485,089$3,098,504 BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. Variancedueto2015CObondissuance.Landinventoryassettotals$2,538,765.Spendableresourcestotals$559,739. Town CouncilPage 31 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT FY2015FY2016 EDC4BSalesTaxComparative OCT27,691$$30,471 NOV31,248$$39,522 50,000 DEC28,158$$28,273 45,000 JAN23,502$$32,390 40,000 FEB47,901$$41,534 35,000 MAR22,585$$28,162 30,000 APR25,324$$26,920 25,000 FY2015 MAY30,767$$31,562 20,000 FY2016 15,000 JUN29,324$$30,272 10,000 JUL27,479$$32,667 5,000 AUG32,881$$36,701 0 SEP27,851$$35,256 Town CouncilPage 32 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT HOTELOCCUPANCY YeartoDateSeptember2016100%PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: OriginalRevised RevenueYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget HotelOccupancyTax354,520$$354,520$302,374$(52,146)85% 4thofJulyRevenue3,3103,310N/A Interestincome500500763263153% TotalRevenue355,020$$355,020$306,447$(48,573)86% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget 0% Advertising$83,000$83,000$$83,000 EventRentals46,82546,82572,954(26,129)156% July4Celebration26,00026,00026,0000% ServiceCharges&Fees6(6)NA CapitalOutlay44,871(44,871)NA TotalExpenditures$155,825$155,825$117,831$82,86576% OriginalRevised OtherUsesYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget $100% TransferOut$100,000$100,000$100,000 TotalOtherUses$100,000$100,000$100,000$100% OriginalRevised FundBalanceYeartoDate BudgetBudget BeginningFundBalance451,931$$451,931$475,748 +NetIncrease(Decrease)99,19599,19588,616 EndingFundBalance$551,126$551,126$564,364 BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. Town CouncilPage 33 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT RECREATIONALPROGRAMS YeartoDateSeptember2016100% PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: OriginalRevised RevenueYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget RecreationalPrograms8,000$$10,000$10,398$398104% TotalRevenue8,000$$10,000$10,398$398104% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget RecreationalPrograms8,000$$10,000$11,313$(1,313)113% TotalExpenditures8,000$$10,000$11,313$(1,313)113% Includeskickballandarcheryexpenses. OriginalRevised FundBalanceYeartoDate BudgetBudget BeginningFundBalance2,812$$2,812$3,395 +NetIncrease(Decrease)(914) EndingFundBalance$2,812$2,812$2,481 BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. Town CouncilPage 34 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT TIRZ#1 YeartoDateSeptember2016100% PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: OriginalRevised RevenueYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget PropetyTax$6,095$6,095$10,493$4,398172% SalesTax1,0001,000$(1,000)0% TotalRevenue$7,095$7,095$10,493$3,398148% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget N/A IncentivePrograms$$400,000$400,000$ TotalExpenditures$$400,000$400,000$N/A InfrastructurecostsforBreadWinnersCaf é. OriginalRevised FundBalanceYeartoDate BudgetBudget BeginningFundBalance8,291$$8,291$6,062 +NetIncrease(Decrease)7,0957,095(389,507) EndingFundBalance$15,386$15,386$(383,445) BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. Town CouncilPage 35 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB SEPTEMBER2016FINANCIALREPORT ANNIVERSARYFUND YeartoDateSeptember2016100% PercentofBudgetYearTranspired: OriginalRevised RevenueYeartoDateVariance%Received BudgetBudget Donations$$$24$24N/A TotalRevenue$$$24$24N/A OriginalRevised ExpendituresYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget CommunityEvents$$$3,054$(3,054)N/A TotalExpenditures$$$3,054$(3,054)N/A Revised Original OtherUsesYeartoDateVariance%Used BudgetBudget TransferOut$$$702$(702)N/A TotalOtherUses$$$702$(702)N/A OriginalRevised FundBalanceYeartoDate BudgetBudget BeginningFundBalance$4,614$4,614$3,497 +NetIncrease(Decrease)(3,732) EndingFundBalance$4,614$4,614$(235) BasedonFiscalYear20142015auditedfinancialstatements. Town CouncilPage 36 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 37 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 38 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 39 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 40 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 41 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 42 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 43 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 44 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 45 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 46 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 47 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 48 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 49 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 50 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 51 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 52 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 53 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 54 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 55 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 56 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 57 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 58 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 59 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 60 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 61 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 62 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 63 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 64 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 65 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 66 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 67 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-650-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:10/31/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:11/8/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution repealing Resolution No. 2016-18, authorizing participation in various cooperative purchasing programs, and adopting a new resolution authorizing participation in various cooperative purchasing programs in accordance with the Town’s Procurement Policies and Procedures; authorizing execution of any and all necessary agreements for participation in the cooperative programs by the Mayor or his designee; approving related contracts and the payment of related fees in accordance with the budget; and providing an effective date (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Cooperative Purchasing Programs.pdf RES 2016-33 - Authorizing Participation in Coop Purchasing Programs.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaResolutionrepealingResolutionNo.2016-18,authorizingparticipation invariouscooperativepurchasingprograms,andadoptinganewresolutionauthorizingparticipationinvarious cooperativepurchasingprogramsinaccordancewiththeTown’sProcurementPoliciesandProcedures;authorizing executionofanyandallnecessaryagreementsforparticipationinthecooperativeprogramsbytheMayororhis designee;approvingrelatedcontractsandthepaymentofrelatedfeesinaccordancewiththebudget;andprovidingan effective date (Staff). Agenda Item No. 4 Town CouncilPage 68 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Purchasing Cooperatives Town Council Meeting, November 8, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution repealing Resolution No. 2016-18, authorizing participation in various cooperative purchasing programs, and adopting a new resolution authorizing participation in various cooperative purchasing programs in accordance with the Town’s Procurement Policies and Procedures; authorizing execution of any and all necessary agreements for participation in the cooperative programs by the Mayor or his designee; approving related contracts and the payment of related fees in accordance with the budget; and providing an effective date (Staff). Explanation: Periodically, Town Staff reviews and initiates the process to add or delete an approved purchasing cooperativeor governmental entity that may provide a financial benefit and/or efficiency in the Town’s procurement operations. The resolution includes adding NASPO Valuepoint to the approved purchasing cooperative list. In general, cooperative purchasing ensures that the Town is receiving an already bid price without having to do the bidding ourselves. It ensures that we obtain the intended product or service at the best price, ensuring good stewardship and fiscal responsibility. Attachments: RES No. 2016-33 Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approval of the resolution as presented. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 69 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWN OF TROPHYCLUB,TEXAS RESOLUTIONNO.2016-33 A RESOLUTIONOFTHETOWNCOUNCILOFTHETOWNOF TROPHYCLUB,TEXAS,REPEALINGRESOLUTIONNO.2016-18 AUTHORIZINGPARTICIPATIONINVARIOUSCOOPERATIVE PURCHASINGPROGRAMSANDADOPTING A NEWRESOLUTION AUTHORIZINGPARTICIPATIONINVARIOUSCOOPERATIVE PURCHASINGPROGRAMSINACCORDANCEWITHTHETOWN’S PROCUREMENTPOLICIESANDPROCEDURES; IDENTIFYING THOSECOOPERATIVEPURCHASINGPROGRAMSAPPROVEDFOR TOWNPARTICIPATION;APPOINTINGTHETOWNMANAGERORHIS DESIGNEEASTHEPROGRAMCOORDINATOROFCOOPERATIVE PURCHASINGPROGRAMS;AUTHORIZINGEXECUTIONOFANY ANDALLNECESSARYAGREEMENTSFORPARTICIPATIONINTHE COOPERATIVEPROGRAMSBYTHEMAYORORHISDESIGNEE ANDAPPROVINGRELATEDCONTRACTSANDTHEPAYMENTOF RELATEDFEESINACCORDANCEWITHTHEBUDGET;AND PROVIDINGANEFFECTIVEDATE. WHEREAS, Chapter271oftheTexasLocalGovernmentCodeauthorizes a localgovernmenttoparticipatein a cooperativepurchasingprogramandprovidesthat purchasesmadepursuanttoanagreementwith a localcooperativeorganizationsatisfy statelawsrequiringthelocalgovernmenttoseekcompetitivebidsforthepurchaseof thegoodsorservices;and WHEREAS, theProcurementPoliciesandProceduresoftheTownofTrophy Clubauthorizepurchasesfrom a cooperativepurchasingprogramorotherapproved stateprogram providedthatthe TownCouncilhas approvedparticipation;and WHEREAS , Town’sparticipationinthecooperativepurchasingprogramsand otherapprovedstateprogramswillimproveefficiencyinthepurchasingprocessby allowingtheTowntomeetcompetitivebidrequirements,toidentifyandpurchasegoods andservicesfromqualifiedvendors,torelievetheburdensofthegovernmental purchasingfunction,andtorealizethevariouspotentialeconomies,including administrative cost savingsthat such programsprovide;and WHEREAS, uponconsiderationofthe cooperativepurchasing programs specifiedinthisResolution,andallmattersattendantandrelatedthereto,theTown CouncilisoftheopinionthattheTown’sparticipationintheseprogramsisbeneficial andshouldbeapproved,thatResolutionNo.2016-18shouldberepealedinitsentirety, thatthisResolutionbeadopted,andthattheTownManagerorhisdesigneeis appointedastheProgramCoordinatorfortheTown’smembershipinsuchcooperative programs;and Town CouncilPage 70 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 WHEREAS, intheeventthatparticipationinanyofthecooperativepurchasing programsapprovedbythisResolutionrequirestheexecutionofanAgreementand / or thepaymentof a fee, such AgreementandfeeareherebyapprovedandtheMayoror hisdesigneeisherebyauthorizedtoexecuteanynecessaryAgreementsfor participationinsuchprogram(s)andtheProgramCoordinatorisauthorizedtoapprove thepaymentofapplicablefeesprovidedthatfundsarebudgetedandavailableforsuch participation. NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHETOWNCOUNCILOFTHE TOWN OF TROPHYCLUB,TEXAS,THAT: Section 1.Theforegoingpremises,whichareherebyfoundtobetrueandto bein thebestinterestofthe TownofTrophyClubanditscitizens,areherebyadopted. Section 2.TheTown’sparticipationinthefollowingcooperativepurchasing programsisherebyauthorizedandapprovedinaccordancewiththetermsofthis Resolution andofthe TownofTrophyClubProcurementPoliciesandProcedures: BuyBoard Choice Partners City of Frisco City of Grapevine City of Roanoke Denton County Department of Information Resources (DIR) Houston-Galveston Area Council Cooperative Purchasing Program (H-GAC) NASPO Valuepoint National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) North Central Texas Council of Government (NCTCOG) Cooperative Purchasing Program Tarrant County Texas Building and Procurement Commission (TBPC) Texas Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Texas Multiple Award Schedules (TXMAS) Texas Procurement and Support Services (TPASS) The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) Trusted Purchasing Alliance (TPA) US Communities US General Services Administration (GSA) Western States Contracting Alliance Section 3.TheTownManagerorhisdesigneeisappointedastheProgram CoordinatorfortheTown’smembershipinapprovedcooperativepurchasingprograms. TheProgramCoordinatorisauthorizedtoapprovethepaymentofapplicablefeesfor approvedprogramsprovidedthatfundsarebudgetedandavailablefor such participation. RES 2016-33Page 2 of 3 Town CouncilPage 71 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Section 4.TheMayororhisdesigneeisherebyauthorizedtoexecuteany necessaryAgreementsforparticipationinsuchprogram(s)accordingtothetermsand conditionssetforthinthisResolutionandtheTown’sProcurementPoliciesand Procedures. Section 5.ThisResolutionshallbecomeeffectiveimmediatelyuponits passage. PASSEDANDAPPROVED bytheTownCounciloftheTownofTrophyClub, Texas,this 8thdayofNovember2016. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2016-33Page 3 of 3 Town CouncilPage 72 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-637-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Public Hearing File created:10/26/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:11/8/2016 Final action: Title:Conduct a public hearing regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for on -premise alcohol sales in conjunction with a restaurant to be operated as part of a Holiday Inn Hotel, on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 725 Plaza Drive (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - SUP-16-010.pdf Exhibit A – Application.PDF Exhibit B – Floor Plan.PDF Exhibit C – Location and Zoning Map.PDF Exhibit D – Ordinance No. 2016-48 P&Z.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConductapublichearingregardingarequestforaSpecificUsePermitforon-premisealcoholsalesinconjunctionwitha restauranttobeoperatedaspartofaHolidayInnHotel,onLot3R3,BlockB,TrophyWoodBusinessCenterlocatedat 725 Plaza Drive (Staff). Agenda Item No. 5 Town CouncilPage 73 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 To:Mayor and Town Council From: Ron Ruthven, Interim Town Planner CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Case #SUP-16-010 Town Council Meeting, November 8, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance for a Specific Use Permit for on- premise alcohol sales in conjunction with a restaurant to be operated as part of a Holiday Inn Hotel, on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 725 Plaza Drive (Staff). REQUEST: The applicant,Raj Patel, is requestingapproval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for the sale of alcoholic beveragesfor on-premiseconsumptionfor a restaurant inside the new Holiday Inn currently under construction at 725 Plaza Drive. The restaurant will be called “The Crooked Pint Ale House” and will be located inside the hotel. A similar request was approved by the Planningand Zoning Commission on June 23, 2016 by a 5-0 vote but was denied without prejudice by the Town Councilon August 9, 2016withthe Council directing the applicant that, if they wished to reapplyfor the SUP, the following items are requested by the Council as copied from the August 9, 2016 Town Council minutes: Submittal of an “action plan orpresentation that showed the conceptof Crooked Pint”; “Either documentation be provided or a representative from Holiday Inn be present to advise that they believed the development would be successful with the sale of alcohol.” The attached “Exhibit A” contains the Council requested documentation The following are the minutes from the August 9, 2016 Town Council meeting for original SUP request: Page 1 of5 Town CouncilPage 74 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 “Referred Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance for a Specific Use Permitfor on-premise alcohol sales in conjunctionwith a restaurant tobe operated as part of a Holiday Inn Hotel, on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, located at 725 Plaza Drive,Case SUP-16-009 (Staff). Council Member Parrow inquired when Holiday Inn planned to open the hotel. Raj Patel, Owner of the Holiday Inn, stated that theyplanned to open November 16, 2016. CouncilMemberReedaskedMr.Pateltoexpandonthefranchisor.Mr.Patelrespondedthat the franchisor wasGreen Mill Restaurant, out of NorthDakota, and thatthis would bethefirst location in Texas. Hestated that he purchased the franchise rights for two locations that would both be located inhotels,one in TrophyClub and onein the Lancaster/Desoto area. He advised that a separate manager would be hired for the restaurant and the franchisor would train the employees. Additionally, he stated that he currently operated 20 restaurants and three (3) hotels with a restaurant and bar. Conversation took place that thehotel was adequately parked but the restaurant was not, and that breakfast would be served to hotel gueststhrough therestaurant kitchen. Motion: Motionmade byMayorPro TemLamont, seconded by Mayor Sanders, to approve Ordinance No.2016-26 P&Z, for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for on-premise alcohol sales in conjunction with a restaurant called The Crooked Pint Ale House to be operated as part of a Holiday Inn Hotel, on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, located at 725 Plaza Drive, Case SUP- 16-009. CouncilMember Kurtz inquired whentherestaurant would open. Mr. Patel stated that the restaurant and hotel would haveto openat the same time. Additionally, he confirmed that the franchisor approved the plansfor the prior approved footprints of the restaurant and that they were not requiring any changes. Discussion took place that if the SUP were not approved then Holiday Inn would not be able to open because a requirement of Holiday Inn was to have a full servicehotel with restaurantand bar. Council voiced their concerns thatthere was a lengthy delay from when the Site Plan was initially approved and when the Specific Use Permit was applied for, and that the operating manager of the restaurant had not yet been hired. CouncilMember Kurtz requested thatMr. Patelprovide the Council with a list of hotelsthat he owned that had a restaurant and servedalcohol.Mr. Patelstated that he wouldprovide a list and gavean example of a Hilton Garden in New Braunfels. Mr. Patel explained thatthegrading permit was approved on January 14, 2014 and the building plans were approved prior to January 1, 2014. He stated that he lost the franchise on January 13, 2014 because he was unable to start construction by January 1, 2014; therefore he had to apply for the franchise again causing the initial delay in construction for three to four months. Page 2 of5 Town CouncilPage 75 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 CouncilMember Shoffner inquired aboutthereason Mr. Patel was unable to start construction on time because a special meeting had been called specifically forconsideration of the replatof the property on December 30,2013.Mr. Patelresponded that hewas unable to breakground on time, which referred to when the slabwas poured. Council MemberShoffner asked Mr. Patel if hehad any Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission (TABC) violations at any of his other hotel locations. Mr. Patelstated that hehad not received any violations. DevelopmentServices Manager Cooke commented that annual building and fire inspections are performed onhotelsand if the hotel were not in compliance with the Town’s ordinances and regulations then there would be the ability to not renew the annualTABC license. Town Planner Ruthven advised that the Council had the abilitytoimpose conditions ontheSUP. CouncilMemberKurtzaskedMr.PatelhowlongheknewthatheneededtoapplyfortheTABC license. Mr. Patel stated that this was the first time he had to go before Council for approval of an SUP but he knew from the beginning that the hotel would have a restaurant and bar. The vote was taken. Motionfailedforlackofmajority 3-4-0 withMayorSanders,MayorProTemLamont,and CouncilMemberRowevotingfor,andCouncilMembersParrow,Reed,Kurtz,andShoffner voting against. Conversation ensued that if the SUP were denied then the applicant would have to wait 12 monthsbeforethe SUPcould be considered again but if the SUP were denied without prejudice then the SUP could be considered again without a waiting period. Motion to Reconsider: Motion made by Mayor ProTem Lamont, seconded by Council MemberKurtz, to reconsiderItem No.16,ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinancefor a SpecificUsePermit for on-premise alcohol sales in conjunction with a restaurant tobe operated as part of a Holiday Inn Hotel,onLot 3R3,Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, located at 725 Plaza Drive, Case SUP-16-009. Motion to Reconsider passed unanimously. Motion to Deny without Prejudice: Motion made by Council Member Reed, and secondedbyCouncil MemberParrow, todeny Ordinance No.2016-26 P&Z withoutprejudice. Council Member Kurtz commented that he would beinfavor ofreconsideringtheSUPwith an action plan or presentation that showed the concept of CrookedPint. Mayor Sanders suggested that either documentation be provided or a representative from Holiday Inn would be present when the itemwasreconsideredto advisethattheybelieved the development would be successful with the saleof alcohol. Page 3 of5 Town CouncilPage 76 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town PlannerRuthven noted that a newapplication would have to be submitted in order forthe itemto be reconsidered and that it would go through the entire process again. The vote for theMotion to Deny without Prejudice was taken. MotiontoDenywithoutPrejudicecarried 5-2-0 withMayorSanders,MayorProTem and Council Members Parrow, Reed, and Kurtz voting for, and Council Members Lamont, Rowe and Shoffner voting against.” RESTAURANT DETAILS: According tothe restaurant’s web site, www.crookedpint.com, the restaurant isdescribed as follows: “You may call it“ThePint.”Youmight even call it “CP.” But what ever you call it, Crooked Pint Ale House will soon be your favorite place to get together over a cold beer and a hot meal. (Try one ofour Lucys and you’ll be hookedforsure!) Crooked Pint Ale House is a nouveauurban pub withthe feel of a local neighborhood restaurant. Crooked Pint offers a full menu and a generous selection of beer, quality craftbrews, wines,and spirits. Fromthe rough-sawn oak floors and classic pub furnishings and finishes, tothe fresh recipes and authentic smiles, everything at Crooked Pint is the real deal. Families and friends as well as couples and groups will feel welcome and right at homeat Crooked Pint. The menu featuresclassicpub fairewith nearly 60 choices for lunch, dinner, and weekend brunch as well as kids’ menu selections.” According tothegroundfloor plan includedin the approved site plan for the hotel, the restaurant floorarea will contain approximately 5,000 square feet and will be located on the ground floor, south sideof the hotel to the west of the main entrance. DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS AND PROXIMITY INFORMATION: The Trophy Club Code of Ordinances states that no alcoholic beverages may be sold within three hundredfeet(300’)of achurch,public school or private school, orpublic hospital. The following measurementsdetail the proximityof therestauranttothe uses listed below. All measurements are calculated based on a straight line drawn from thefront door of the restaurant to the closest point of the building mentioned below. For churches and hospitalsthe required measurement method prescribed by the Code of Ordinances would yield a significantly greater distance than is shown below: Minimum separation of300 feet requiredper Code of Ordinances: Distance to closest school (public or private): 1.1 miles (Walnut Grove Elementary School – Carroll ISD) Distance toclosestchurch: 4,000feet (Lake Cities Page 4 of5 Town CouncilPage 77 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Church of Christ) Distance to closest hospital: 2,000 feet (Baylor Medical Center) No minimum separationrequired: Distance to closestresidence:450 feet PUBLIC NOTICEREQUIREMENT: Per therequirements of the State of Texasand theTrophy Club Code of Ordinances, a notice of public hearing concerning the PD amendment was published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Notice was also mailed to 37 property owners within 500feet of the subject property. To date nocorrespondencehasbeen received. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to approve this item by a vote of (6-0) at the October 27, 2016 meeting subject to the following condition: That a representative from Green Hill restaurant be present for Council meeting when this item is presented. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. Attachments: Exhibit A – Application Exhibit B – Floor Plan Exhibit C – Location and Zoning Map Exhibit D – Ordinance No. 2016-48 P&Z Page 5 of5 Town CouncilPage 78 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 79 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 80 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 2016 8, November Date: Meeting Exhibit A 138 of 81 Page Council Town 2016 8, November Date: Meeting Exhibit A 138 of 82 Page Council Town 2016 8, November Date: Meeting Exhibit A 138 of 83 Page Council Town 2016 8, November Date: Meeting Exhibit A 138 of 84 Page Council Town 2016 8, November Date: Meeting Exhibit A 138 of 85 Page Council Town 2016 8, November Date: Meeting Exhibit A 138 of 86 Page Council Town Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 87 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 88 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 89 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 90 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 91 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 92 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 93 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 94 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 95 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 96 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 97 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 98 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 99 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 100 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 101 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 102 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Exhibit A Town CouncilPage 103 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 2016 8, November Date: Meeting Restaurant Floor Plan Exhibit B 138 of 104 Page Council Town 2016 8, Town Boundary November Trophy Club City of Southlake Date: R . Meeting d n i g K . . T W Holiday Inn Site Plaza Dr. Location Map Exhibit C 138 of 105 Page . r D d W o o y r h T p o 4 Town of Westlake 1 1 H S Council Town 2016 8, November Date: Meeting Property Subject U G Zoning Map Exhibit C 138 of 106 Page 1 4 1 H S Council Town TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2016-48P&Z AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS APPROVINGASPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR THE SALE OF MIXED BEVERAGES IN RESTAURANTS BY FOOD & BEVERAGE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS ONLY LOCATED WITHIN PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT #25, TROPHY WOOD BUSINESS CENTER,ONLOT 3R3, BLOCK B;PROVIDING FOR THE INCORPORATION OF PREMISES;PROVIDING CONDITIONSAPPLICABLE TO USE; PROVIDING THATSUCH TRACT OF LAND SHALLALSOBE USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN; PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENTTO THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN; PROVIDING APPLICABLE REGULATIONS/ DISCONTINUATION/REVOCATION; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS OR CONTINUES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to open a restaurant with alcoholic beverage sales for on-premise consumption within a new Holiday Inn Hotel; and WHEREAS, all legal notices, requirements and conditions having been complied with, theSpecial Use Permit came before the Planning and Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS, after public notices were given in compliance with State law and public hearings were conducted, and after considering theinformation submitted at the public hearings and all other relevant information and materials, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town has recommended to the Town Council the adoption of the amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as set forth in this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, after due deliberations and consideration of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the information and other materials received at the public hearing, the Town Council has concluded that the adoption of this Ordinanceamending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town is in the best interests of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas and of the public health, safety and welfare. Town CouncilPage 107 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES The above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS 2.01. ASpecificUse Permit (SUP)fortheSale of Mixed Beverages in Restaurants by Food & Beverage Certificate Holders Only located onLot 3R3, Block BwithinPD Planned Development #25,Trophy Wood Business Center,is hereby approvedas set forth herein, and the SUP and the use for which it is granted is subject to all Applicable Regulations andto the following conditions: A. The Restaurantuse granted by this SUP shall operate within and incidental to the primary use of the property as a hotel. SECTION 3. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS/DISCONTINUATION/REVOCATION In all respects the Land shall be subject to the applicable regulations contained in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances and regulations of the Town, including without limitation regulations governing PD Planned Development #25and all amendments thereto. TheSpecific Use Permit granted by this Ordinance shall control in cases of conflict between this Ordinance and/or PD Planned Development #25and/or theComprehensive Zoning Ordinance. The Specific Use Permit granted hereby shall discontinueif the use for which this Specific Use Permit is granted ceases to be operated at the permitted location for a minimum period of six (6) months. Further, this Specific Use Permit shall be subject to revocation in accordance with the Town Code of Ordinances. SECTION 4. SAVINGSAND REPEALER This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting the regulation of land and zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of those ordinances except in those instances where the provisions of those Ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinancewhether such Ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect.Notwithstanding the foregoing, any complaint, action, cause of action or claim which prior to the effective date of this Ordinance has been ORD 2016-48 P&Z Page 2 of 4 Town CouncilPage 108 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 initiated or has arisen under or pursuant to such repealed Ordinance(s) shall continue to be governed by the provisions of that Ordinance and for that purpose the Ordinance shall be deemed to remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 5. PENALTY It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall be fined, upon conviction, in an amount notless than One Dollar ($1.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.The penalty provided by this section shall be cumulative of all other penalties allowed by law, including without limitation, civil remedies available for enforcement of this Ordinance. SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY The sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases, clauses and words of this Ordinance are severable, and if any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of TrophyClub is hereby directed to publish, the Caption, Penalty and Effective Date Clause of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 8. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club ishereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance by filing this Ordinance in the ordinance records of the Town. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of adoption and publication as provided by law, and it is so ordained. ORD 2016-48 P&Z Page 3 of 4 Town CouncilPage 109 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 8thday ofNovember 2016. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas ORD 2016-48 P&Z Page 4 of 4 Town CouncilPage 110 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-644-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/28/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:11/8/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council declaring November 17, 2016 as World Pancreatic Cancer Day in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (N. Sanders and R. Rowe). Attachments:Request for Proclamation of World Pancreatic Cancer Day.pdf PRO 2016-12 - World Pancreatic Cancer Day.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncildeclaringNovember17,2016as World Pancreatic Cancer Day in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (N. Sanders and R. Rowe). Agenda Item No. 6 Town CouncilPage 111 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Volunteer 2016 Proclamations Campaign Toolkit Town CouncilPage - 112 1 - of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Volunteer 2016 Proclamations Campaign Toolkit Table of Contents Proclamations 101 3 Cover Letter Template 4 5 Proclamations Template Volunteer Engagement Opportunities 6 Cancer Deaths by State 7 Town CouncilPage - 113 2 - of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Proclamations 101 WHAT is the proclamation? This proclamation officially designates November 17 as World Pancreatic Cancer Day and is issued by a municipality such as a city, county or state. Proclamations are a great volunteer recruitment tool and can be very effective in building awareness about pancreatic cancer amongst your local community and elected officials. WHY should I obtain proclamations? To recruit new volunteers for the organization and for advocacy To raise awareness about World Pancreatic Cancer Day To inform others in your community about the impact of pancreatic cancer WHERE should I request proclamations from? Your city, town or borough (approach the mayor or city council) Your county or parish (approach the county council) Your state (approach the state legislature or governor) Please note, however, that only a municipality can issue a proclamation. Individual legislators, such as U.S. representatives, U.S. senators and state assembly members, should not be approached. When you request a proclamation, you are simply asking for a stamp of approval to declare November 17 as World Pancreatic Cancer Day in the given municipality. The offices you call will likely be excited to help because a proclamation isn’t generally considered controversial. It’s a win for us AND for them! WHEN should I start requesting them? We recommend that you plan to begin the proclamation process in mid-September so we can get as much leverage out of them as possible. The process takes an average of 60 days to complete, so start early! HOW do I request a proclamation? It’s easy! Just follow these steps: World Pancreatic 1.Work with your Proclamations Chair (most likely the person that sent you this toolkit) and check the Cancer Day proclamations map to see if a proclamation has already been requested from your city, county or state. 2.If no proclamation has been requested from your municipality, contact the office (mayor’s office for city proclamations, county commissioner for county proclamations, etc.) to ask how the process works. Specific differences may exist from one municipality to another. If a proclamation request has already been made, you can reach out to our Government Affairs & Advocacy department for advice on how to write a letter of support for the proclamation already in process. 3.Send in our template cover letter and template proclamation text after you’ve edited the documents and filled in any information specific to your area. to let us know that you’re working on it. 4.Complete our Proclamation Requestor form 5.Politely follow up on your request by calling the office after a week has passed to ensure the process is moving along. 6.Think about ways you can involve others who might be interested in helping you with this effort. Refer to Volunteer Engagement Opportunities for a list of tasks that you can assign to others or do yourself. 7.Once you’ve received the proclamation, let others know! Use the template letter to the editor, template press release and template public remarks, to let your community know about your accomplishment and share pictures on social media using #wagehope and #pancAWARE. Then, check in with your Proclamations Chair for other opportunities. Ready to get started? Follow the steps above, or contact the proclamations team at advocacy@pancan.org or 202-742-6699. We’re here to help you! Town CouncilPage - 114 3 - of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Cover Letter Template Dear Sir or Madam \[insert specific name if you can\]: As your constituent, I am writing on behalf of the estimated 41,780 Americans who will die of pancreatic cancer in 1 2016, approximately \[X*\] of whom live in \[state\]. In 2016, pancreatic cancer will afflict more than 53,070 Americans, 71 percent of whom will die within one year of their diagnosis, and 92 percent of whom will die within five years of diagnosis. \[Insert a brief summary of your personal story and why this issue is important to you. Please try to keep it to 3-4 sentences.\] This year, pancreatic cancer surpassed breast cancer to become the third leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States, and it is projected to become the second leading cause by 2020. It is the only major cancer with a five-year relative survival rate in the single digits at just eight percent. We need your help to shine a spotlight on this disease and finally make progress in developing treatments and early detection tools. By issuing a proclamation supporting the observance of November 17 as World Pancreatic Cancer Day in \[enter municipality name\], you can help us raise awareness in our community. We request that a total of \[number\] originals of the proclamation be made available for our records. Please contact me at \[insert phone number, email address, etc.\] with any questions. I look forward to working with you to issue a proclamation that will recognize November 17 as World Pancreatic cancer Day and bring much needed attention to this deadly disease. Thank you for your interest in this important issue. Sincerely, \[Insert name and home mailing address\] 1 * Use the chart titled Cancer Deaths by State to find the number of deaths in your state. Town CouncilPage - 115 4 - of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Proclamations Template \[Insert Municipality Name Here\] Proclamation RESOLUTION Declaring November 17 as “World Pancreatic Cancer Day” in the \[municipality\]of \[name\]. WHEREAS in 2016, an estimated 53,070 people in the United States will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest cancers, and 41,780 will die from the disease; WHEREAS pancreatic cancer surpassed breast cancer this year to become the third leading cause of cancer death in the United States, and it is projected to become the second leading cause by 2020; WHEREAS pancreatic cancer is the only major cancer with a five-year relative survival rate in the single digits at just eight percent; WHEREAS when symptoms of pancreatic cancer present themselves, it is generally in later stages, and 71 percent of pancreatic cancer patients die within the first year of their diagnosis; WHEREAS approximately \[X\] deaths will occur in \[state\] in 2016; WHEREAS pancreatic cancer is the seventh most common cause of cancer-related death in men and women across the world; WHEREAS there will be an estimated 418,451 new pancreatic cancer cases diagnosed worldwide in 2020; WHEREAS the good health and well-being of the residents of \[municipality name\] are enhanced as a direct result of increased awareness about pancreatic cancer and research into early detection, causes and effective treatments; therefore be it RESOLVED that the \[governing body\] designate November 17 as “World Pancreatic Cancer Day” in the \[municipality\]. Town CouncilPage - 116 5 - of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEATHS FOR SELECTED CANCER BY STATE, Thank you. Volunteer Engagement Opportunities Remember that our goal is to get as many volunteers engaged in securing and publicizing these proclamations as possible! Below is a list of different ways volunteers can get involved in the proclamation process. These are only a few suggestions; there are many ways to take part. From Home: -Post a photo on social media -Request the proclamation -Alert their member of Congress about the proclamation (social media/phone call to let them know that a local or state proclamation was secured; note that U.S. senators and representatives should not be asked to secure a national proclamation or for their support on state or local initiatives.) -Organize/arrange transportation to pick up the proclamation -Send a thank you note to the issuing municipality (many volunteers can do this activity!) -Personalize and send a Letter to the Editor to a media outlet -Invite volunteers to join the Advocacy Leader when the proclamation is read into the record -Invite volunteers to next affiliate meeting where the proclamation will be read/announced -Ask local hospital(s) to include the issuance of the proclamation in a staff bulletin Affiliate Activities: -Ask the DCA to include in the note they send to donors -Work with the Media Chair to distribute media packets -Read the proclamation at an affiliate meeting -Acknowledge the proclamation at your PurpleLight/PurpleStride Traveling with Other Volunteers: -Be there to pick up the proclamation -Take a photo of proclamation being picked up -Speak at a city council meeting thanking the municipality -Speak on television about the proclamation (Volunteers should connect with their Affiliate’s Media Chair or Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Public Relations staff to obtain talking points for all interview opportunities) - 6 - Town CouncilPage 117 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 2016 Brain/ Non- Nervous Female Colon & Lung & Hodgkin State All SitesSystemBreastRectumLeukemiaLiverBronchusLymphomaOvaryPancreasProstate Alabama 10,650 3006709204304203,260340260690470 Alaska 1,070†50††† 7090†29070 Arizona 11,800 3607809805105902,830410310900590 Arkansas 6,830 1704306002602602,190210150420270 California 59,060 1,7604,4005,1802,5603,60012,2302,1401,5304,3903,050 Colorado 7,760 2705606503303701,690260240560430 Connecticut 6,780 1904504503103001,690220170540320 Delaware 2,050 5013015080100600605014090 Dist. of Columbia 980††80†† 90902109070 Florida 43,600 1,0802,8803,5001,7701,87011,9601,4809403,0801,970 Georgia 16,840 4601,2601,5006207304,7004904201,090730 Hawaii 2,480† 1302309015057010050230100 Idaho 2,810 9018022012011067010070210160 Illinois 24,080 6001,6602,0301,0109306,5408005701,6401,020 Indiana 13,510 3508601,0705704604,020440300860520 Iowa 6,470 1903805702602301,770250160430280 Kansas 5,540 1803604602602101,540200130390220 Kentucky 10,350 2506008303903603,570330200610340 Louisiana 9,110 2206307903304702,620280180650360 Maine 3,320 9017023014012097012060230130 Maryland 10,560 2708208503905102,670310260800480 Massachusetts 12,630 3307708905206303,380390330930530 Michigan 21,100 6101,4101,6408508006,0307804801,520790 Minnesota 9,850 2806107504804102,430500240660470 Mississippi 6,480 1504206302402801,930170110440280 Missouri 12,970 3208801,0505205503,950370250860470 Montana 2,020 6013017080705207060130120 Nebraska 3,500 11021033015013089013070240180 Nevada 4,970 1503804801802101,390160110360240 New Hampshire 2,770 80170190110907708060210130 New Jersey 16,150 4001,2801,4506406703,8305104401,260680 New Mexico 3,690 100260350150210790130110240200 New York 34,910 8802,4102,8301,4601,6508,7701,2009202,6601,550 North Carolina 19,620 6001,3601,4807508305,8206104501,240820 North Dakota 1,270††† 8012050330†9060 Ohio 25,510 6301,7002,0601,0001,0207,4208505701,8001,060 Oklahoma 8,260 2205306903403302,470280190500340 Oregon 8,150 2405006603404302,100280220570410 Pennsylvania 28,700 6801,9402,3401,2401,1407,5301,0307002,0901,190 Rhode Island 2,090 501201609010058060†12090 South Carolina 10,330 2506908303604203,010310240730450 South Dakota 1,6405060 1101307046050†11080 Tennessee 14,560 3609001,2305506304,610450300870540 Texas 39,450 1,0502,7803,5201,6602,4709,6201,3209502,6501,520 Utah 2,970 12027024014013046012090250200 Vermont 1,3905060†† 701005039010070 Virginia 14,910 3901,0801,1605806404,0804903901,050630 Washington 12,770 4108209705106603,170440350920630 West Virginia 4,750 1202704001801401,46017090270160 Wisconsin 11,630 3507108405404203,060460300840550 Wyoming 1,000†50†††† 709023070 United States 595,69016,05040,45049,19024,40027,170158,08020,15014,24041,78026,120 *Rounded to nearest 10. †Estimate is fewer than 50 deaths. ‡Liver includes intrahepatic bile duct. Source: American Cancer Society Facts &Figures 2016 http://www.cancer.org/acs/groups/content/@research/documents/document/acspc-047069.pdf Accessed May 24, 2016 Town CouncilPage - 118 7 - of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2016-12 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, SUPPORTINGTHE PANCREATIC CANCER ACTION NETWORKIN PROCLAIMING NOVEMBER 17, 2016AS WORLD PANCREATIC CANCER DAYIN TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS in 2016, an estimated 53,070 people in the United States will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest cancers, and 41,780 will die from the disease;and WHEREAS pancreatic cancer surpassed breast cancer this year to become the third leading cause of cancer death in the United States, and it is projected to become the second leading cause by 2020; and WHEREAS pancreatic cancer is the only major cancer with a five-year relative survival rate in the single digits at just eight percent;and WHEREAS when symptoms of pancreatic cancer present themselves, it is generally in later stages, and 71 percent of pancreatic cancer patients die within the first year of their diagnosis;and WHEREAS approximately 2,650deaths will occur in Texas in 2016;and WHEREAS pancreatic cancer is the seventh most common cause of cancer- related death in men and women across the world;and WHEREAS there will be an estimated 418,451 new pancreatic cancer cases diagnosed worldwide in 2020;and WHEREAS the good health and well-being of the residents of the Town of Trophy Clubare enhanced as a direct result of increased awareness about pancreatic cancer and research into early detection, causes and effective treatments. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR C. NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM NOVEMBER 17, 2016AS: WORLD PANCREATIC CANCER DAY PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 8thday of November2016. _______________________________ ________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town CouncilPage 119 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-645-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/28/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:11/8/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance for a Specific Use Permit for on- premise alcohol sales in conjunction with a restaurant to be operated as part of a Holiday Inn Hotel, on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 725 Plaza Drive (Staff). Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceforaSpecificUsePermitforon-premisealcoholsalesin conjunctionwitharestauranttobeoperatedaspartofaHolidayInnHotel,onLot3R3,BlockB,TrophyWoodBusiness Center located at 725 Plaza Drive (Staff). Agenda Item No. 7 Town CouncilPage 120 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-659-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:11/2/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:11/8/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a discretionary service agreement with Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC for the relocation of overhead facilities to underground and the payment of related fees; providing an effective date; and authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Utility Relocation.pdf Discretionary Service Agreement.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingadiscretionaryserviceagreementwithOncorElectricDeliveryCompany LLCfortherelocationofoverheadfacilitiestoundergroundandthepaymentofrelatedfees;providinganeffectivedate; and authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Agenda Item No. 8 Town CouncilPage 121 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Utility Relocation Town Council Meeting, November 8, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a discretionary service agreement with Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC for the relocation of overhead facilities to underground and the payment of related fees; providing an effective date; and authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Explanation: With the design of the Harmony Park parking lot encroaching onto existing utilities facilities, they are required to be relocated. The agreement with Oncor is to relocate overhead facilities underground which allowed more parking spaces to be designed. The total cost of that relocation is $56,578.08. In addition, Charter Cable will relocate overhead facilities underground at a cost of $3,054.60. Estimated costs for the relocations were included in the engineer’s estimated project cost which is what staff based the budget for the projects. Attachments: Discretionary Service Agreement Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approval of the Discretionary Service Agreement with Oncor as presented. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 122 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 3338126 November2016 8 the Town of Trophy ClubMunicipal Entity Relocate all overhead facilities to underground, install a switch gear, and install a new pad mounted transformer to serve the existing park lighting. The Town will install all of the conduit for this project. Oncor will install the switch gear pad, the new transformer pad, and the pull box to tie into the existing underground primary. The cost of this relocation will be $56,578.08 Construction complete-cost is good for 30 days Oncor Electric Delivery 2001 N industrial blvd Bedford, TX 76021 ATTN:Clayton DeBord Town CouncilPage 123 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 the Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 the Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Tx 76262 the Town of Trophy Club The Town of Trophy Club agrees to pay a relocation cost of $56,578.08 and install all of the conduit for this project. the Town of Trophy Club Patrick Arata Clayton DeBord Utility Designer Acting Town Manager 10/21/16 Town CouncilPage 124 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-647-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/28/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:11/8/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for December 13, 2016 and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list, to include discussion of the below item (Staff). A)Item No. 1 - Review negotiating with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to transfer the title for the land that the Annex Building is built on. (Lamont 11/10/2015) (1-February 9, 2016) (2- May 10, 2016) (3-August 9, 2016) (4-November 8, 2016) Attachments:December 13, 2016 Upcoming Agenda.pdf Items for Future Agendas updated 10-17-2016.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionofitemsforFutureAgendastoincludeagendaitemsforconsiderationontheupcomingRegularSession CouncilAgendaforDecember13,2016anditemsfromtheTownCouncilFutureAgendaItemslist,toincludediscussion of the below item (Staff). A)ItemNo.1-ReviewnegotiatingwiththeTrophyClubMunicipalUtilityDistrictNo.1totransferthetitlefortheland thattheAnnexBuildingisbuilton.(Lamont11/10/2015)(1-February9,2016)(2-May10,2016)(3-August9,2016) (4-November 8, 2016) Agenda Item No. 9 Town CouncilPage 125 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Meeting Date 12/13/2016 Announcements & Reports No. Acting Town Manager Arata's update regarding the following; discussion and 1Town Mgr provide input regarding same (Staff). Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same (Staff): 2Town Sec STAFF RESORDPROCFile IDDept No. Consent RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Special Session 3Town Sec Minutes dated November 2, 2016 (Staff). Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Special Session 4Town Sec Minutes dated November 3, 2016 (Staff) ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilRegularSession 5Town Sec Minutes dated November 8, 2016 (Staff). Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report 6Finance dated October 2016 (Staff). STAFF No. Public HearingRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Conduct a public hearing regarding Oncor filing certain information with the Town of Trophy Club and review of necessary information for the Town’s analysis of the 7Finance Company’s filing in connection with Resolution No. 2016-11 (Staff). STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Receive the Parks and Recreation Board recommendation regarding Park signage; 8Finance discussion of same (Town Council). Consider and take appropriate action regarding a determination of the reasonableness of the existing rates of Oncor, and if necessary, just and reasonable rates shall be determined to be thereafter observed and enforced for 9Finance all services of Oncor within the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, in connection with Resolution No. 2016-11 (Staff). STAFF No. Upcoming Agenda & Council Future Agenda Items List UpdateRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for January 10, 2017 and items 10 Town Sec from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list, to include discussion of the below item (Staff). A) Item No. 2 - Discussion of Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114. (Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) (2- September 13, 2016) (3-December 13, 2016) B) Item No. 5 - Review of any conflicts within the golf cart ordinance (Ordinance No. 2016-23) related to allowing motorized carts to travel on all park and linear trails. (Lamont 9/27/2016) (1-December 27, 2016) Town CouncilPage Page 1 of 2 126 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 STAFF No. Executive SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into 11 Town Sec executive session to discuss the following: STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. 12Town Sec Town CouncilPage Page 2 of 2 127 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town Council Future Agenda Items List (Updated 10/17/2016) 1. Review negotiating with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to transfer the title for the land that the Annex Building is built on. (Lamont 11/10/2015) (1-February 9, 2016) (2-May 10, 2016)(3-August 9, 2016) (4-November 8, 2016) 1/12/2016 – At the January 12, 2016 Council meeting, Council made TCMUD No. 1 an offer regarding the Annex Building. 5/10/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 8/9/2016 - Mayor Sanders advised that several items have taken precedence and that this item can remain on the list until the applicable time to deal with it. 9/19/2016 – This item was scheduled to be placed on a future Joint Meeting agenda, tentatively for January 2017, with the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors. 2. Discussion of GreenRibbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114. (Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) (2-September 13, 2016) (3-December 13, 2016) 6/14/2016 – Mayor Sanders advised that when the sound wall along State Highway 114 is installed, this item would assist with shrubbery and landscaping through a grant application. 9/13/2016 – Mayor Sanders received consensus to leave this item due to the upcoming construction of the sound wall. Town Manager Seidel advised that it could be accomplished through a tri-city partnership with Westlake and Roanoke. 3. Detail review of the nuisance ordinance. (Rowe 4/12/2016) (1-July 12, 2016)(2-October11, 2016)(3-January 10, 2017) 7/12/2016 - Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 10/11/2016 – Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 4. Consider repealing Section 14.02.253(3)(A) related to tree houses. (Shoffner 7/12/2016) (1-October 11, 2016) (2-January 10, 2017) 10/11/2016 – Council Member Shoffner advised that he would work with the Town Attorney about appropriate changes to the Code of Ordinances. 5. Review of any conflicts within the golf cart ordinance (Ordinance No. 2016-23) related to allowing motorized carts to travel on all park and linear trails. (Lamont 9/27/2016) (1- December 27, 2016) Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 128 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-648-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Executive Session File created:10/28/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:11/8/2016 Final action: Title:Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: 1.Town Secretary Holly Fimbres (Town Council) 2.Town Manager position search (Town Council) 3.Board of Directors of the Denton County Transportation Authority (Staff) B)Section 551.087 Deliberations regarding Economic Development Negotiations under Subsection (2) to discuss or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town: Potential Projects and Incentives (Town Council) C)Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: Potential Projects and Incentives (Town Council) Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult PursuanttothefollowingdesignatedsectionoftheTexasGovernmentCode,Annotated,Chapter551(TexasOpen Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section551.074PersonnelMattersunderSubsection(1)todiscussordeliberatetheappointment,employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: 1.Town Secretary Holly Fimbres (Town Council) 2.Town Manager position search (Town Council) 3.Board of Directors of the Denton County Transportation Authority (Staff) B)Section551.087DeliberationsregardingEconomicDevelopmentNegotiationsunderSubsection(2)todiscussor deliberatetheofferoffinancialorotherincentivestoabusinessprospectthattheTownseekstohavelocatewithin the territory of the Town: Potential Projects and Incentives (Town Council) C)Section551.072DeliberationregardingRealPropertytodiscussordeliberatethepurchase,exchange,lease,or valueofrealpropertyifdeliberationinanopenmeetingwouldhaveadetrimentaleffectonthepositionofthe governmental body in negotiations with a third person: Town CouncilPage 129 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 File #:2016-648-T,Version:1 Potential Projects and Incentives (Town Council) Agenda Item No. 10 Town CouncilPage 130 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-651-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:11/1/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:11/8/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council casting the Town’s one (1) allocated vote for a person to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Denton County Transportation Authority (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - DCTA Board of Directors.pdf Denton County Judge Letter dated 10-26-16.pdf RES 2016-34 - DCTA Board of Directors.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaResolutionoftheTownCouncilcastingtheTown’sone(1)allocated vote for a person to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Denton County Transportation Authority (Staff). Agenda Item No. 11 Town CouncilPage 131 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO Re: Board of Directors of the Denton County Transportation Authority Town Council Meeting, November 8, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council casting the Town’s one (1) allocated vote for a person to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Denton County Transportation Authority (Staff). Explanation: The Town of Trophy Club received a letter from Mary Horn, Denton County Judge, regarding the Town casting one (1) vote for a person to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA). Municipalities with a population of more than 500, but less than 17,000, located in the County, have three board representatives. This was a two-step processwith Council completing the first step on September 27, 2016 by approving Resolution No. 2016-22, nominating Eric Jensen to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the DCTA. The second step is for the Town to cast its one (1) vote for an individual that is listed on the DCTA Board of Directors ballot. The Town’s vote must be received by the Denton County Judge on or before November 30, 2016. The three individuals receiving the highest plurality vote, as a result of the ballots cast, will be designated to serve on the Board of Directors of the DCTA. Attachments: Denton County Judge Letter Resolution No. 2016-34 Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 132 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 133 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 134 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2016-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, CASTING ITS ONE (1) ALLOCATED VOTE FORAN INDIVIDUAL TO SERVE AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DENTON COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY; PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF SAME TO THE DENTON COUNTY JUDGE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in 2001, the Texas Legislature authorized the creation of the Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA);and WHEREAS, Denton County Commissioners Court approved a Resolution creating the DCTA, with the citizens of Denton County confirming the DCTA in November 2002; and WHEREAS, as a Coordinated County Transportation Authority, all citizens of Denton County are represented on the Board of Directors. Pursuant to §460.054(b)(3) TEX. TRANSPORTATION CODE, municipalities with a population of more than 500, but less than 17,000, located in the County, have three board representatives; and WHEREAS, each municipality in the county with a population of more than·500 but less than 17,000 is entitled tocast one vote; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, to cast it’s one (1) allocated vote to select ______________for placement on the Board of Directors of the DCTA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1.That the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby casts it’s one (1) allocated vote for ______________to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the DCTAas listed on Exhibit A. Section 2.That this Resolution, indicating the selected vote, shall be submitted to the Denton County Judgeprior toNovember 30, 2016. Section 3.That this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage in accordance with law, and it is so resolved. Town CouncilPage 135 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 8th day of November2016. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2106-34Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 136 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town CouncilPage 137 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-649-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/28/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:11/8/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Agenda Item No. 12 Town CouncilPage 138 of 138Meeting Date: November 8, 2016