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'#!(6#8"# %#(&&"%)(%."#(&# &5 -#!""& %:O Crime Control Prevention District1 of 8Meeting Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2016  !"#$%&$'#(%)#*"+"%& $%#9""& %:#;:"%)(@7'6#A#B?CD , -& .&#/*,0 G<1KSK;1KFH K#."& 36#&5(&#&5"#(8$+"#%$& ."#2(-#4$-&")#$%#&5"#3$%&#2 %)$2#$3#&5"#M+$"#97% . 4('# T7 ') %:#C??#97% . 4('#, +"#1$456#'78#1"U(-#$%#157-)(6#@7%"#Q?#B?CD#86# A>??#*O9O# %#(..$)(%."#2 &5#5(4&"#AAC#1"U(-#N$+"%!"%&#$)"O @7' "#M2(&V ;)! % -&(& +"#;-- -&(%& K3#6$7#4'(%#&$#(&&"%)#&5 -#478' .#!""& %:#(%)#5(+"#(#) -(8 ' &6#&5(&#"R7 "-#-4". 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Attachments:June 22, 2016 Draft Minutes.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Crime Control and Prevention District Board Minutes for June 22, 2016. Crime Control Prevention District3 of 8Meeting Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2016 MINUTES FROM REGULAR SESSION BOARD OF THE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. Police Department Training Room The Crime Control and Prevention District Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Wednesday, June 22, 2016. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § CCPD BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Glowacki, Chairman Louis Opipare, Board Member Thomas Class, Board Member Thomas McLain, Board Member Cyler Campbell, Board Member MEMBERS ABSENT: J.J. Isherwood, Vice Chairman Richard Savage, Board Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Patrick Arata, Chief of Police Julie Swartz, Administrative Assistant CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Board Member Paul Glowacki called the meeting to order and announced a quorum at 7:03 p.m. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board regarding an item over which the Board has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. No citizens addressed the Board. Crime Control Prevention District4 of 8Meeting Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2016 PUBLIC HEARING 1.Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the Trophy Club Crime Control and Prevention District Board FY 2016-2017 proposed Annual Budget. Board Member Paul Glowacki called for a review of the CCPD 5-Year Forecast Attachment. Discussion ensued regarding costs, patrol vehicles, administrative positions (part-time) and new building. Questions were asked about the longevity of the vehicles and Chief Arata informed the Board that Admin cars are normally replaced every five years and 80,000 miles; patrol vehicles are generally replaced four years and 60,000 miles. No action was taken on this item. REGULAR SESSION 2.Discussion regarding CCPD budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Chief Arata reported that 4 TASER’s will be replaced this year due to older model being phased out. Patrol vehicles need Opticom Systems to be updated; departmental weapons will be purchased (Glocks); body cameras and software costs, Laserfiche software for paperless office technology to assist criminal investigations. The budget ends up coming out to approximately $51,000. The part-time Evidence Custodian would be $24,000. Council Member, Cyler Campbell asked where the general, everyday Police Department necessities came from (this budget or somewhere else) and Chief explained that those items come out of the Town budget. Paul mentioned that numbers look a little better than previous numbers he had seen. No action was taken on this item. 3.Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Crime Control and Prevention District Board Minutes for April 21, 2016. The minutes were reviewed and Board Member Lou Opipare moved to accept the minutes, nd as presented. Board Member Tom Class gave the 2 approval. Motion approved by a vote of 5-0. 4.Discussion regarding needs and priorities of the CCPD and the Police Department for the next year. Paul Glowacki addressed Chief Arata to find out what his needs are for the Police Department from the CCPD; Chief would like to continue on with technology and crime prevention and volunteer program. He would like more personal interaction with the Trophy Club residents, especially with the addition of our new officers. Our new officers are Kyle Hoagland, Chad Crum, Gerrell Crawford and David J. (who has 30 years of experience). The use of dual band radios was discussed, and that the department is purchasing several of these radios per vehicle. Crime Control Prevention District5 of 8Meeting Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2016 Chief would like to continue to build on the presence in town and out of town such as Westlake, Roanoke, Keller, etc. He points out the stronger we are as a community, the safer we are. It’s important to get the radios in sync for that reason. ADJOURN Board Member Lou Opipare made a motion to adjourn at 7:46 p.m. Motion seconded by Board Member Thomas McClain. Meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m. Paul Glowacki Julie Swartz Town of Trophy Club Town of Trophy Club Crime Control Prevention District6 of 8Meeting Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2016 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-372-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:6/30/2016 In control:Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) On agenda:7/5/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Crime Control and Prevention District Board budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017. Attachments:CCPD 5-Year Forecast.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Crime Control and Prevention District Board budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017. Crime Control Prevention District7 of 8Meeting Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2016 ЊВ͵ЌЍіЋБ͵ЋЍіЌА͵ЋЉіЏЉ͵ЏЏіВЉ͵ЎЉі ЋБЋͲЌЉЌ ЊЍАͲЍБЊ ЋБЋͲЋЉЌЊЉЉЌВͲЎЉЉЌЋͲЉЉЉ ЋЊБͲВБЊ ЏЌͲЌЋЋ tƩƚƦƚƭĻķtƌğƓƓźƓŭtƌğƓƓźƓŭtƌğƓƓźƓŭtƌğƓƓźƓŭ ЏБ ЋЊ ЍЏ 2016 Б Њ 5, ͲͲ ЋЉC— Ѝ July Б Ќ В ЊЊ Tuesday, υ υ ЋАЏͲЉБЉ ЊЎЊͲЋБЊ ЋАЎͲВБЉЊЉЉЌВͲЉЉЉЌЋͲЉЉЉ ЋЋЋͲЋБЊ ЎЌͲАВВ Date: АЏ ЍЍ Љ CƚƩĻĭğƭƷ Б ͲͲ Meeting ЊВC— Њ Ѝ БЌ Њ υ υ ЋЌАͲЋЍЉ ЊЍВͲББЊ ЋЌАͲЊЍЉЊЉЉЌАͲЎЉЉЌЉͲЎЉЉ ЋЊАͲББЊ ЊВͲЌЎВ БА Б Ѝ Џ Љ Ͳ Ͳ ЊБC— Њ Њ ЏБ —ĻğƩ υ υ ΛЊͲЎЎЎΜ ЋЊЏͲБАЏ ЊЍАͲЍЌЊ ЋЊЏͲААЏЊЉЉЋВͲЉЉЉЍЋͲЉЉЉ ЋЊБͲЍЌЊ ЌБ Ѝ Б Ћ Џ Ͳ Ͳ ЊАC— Ќ Њ ЏЏ CźǝĻ υ υ ΛЊЊАͲЉЋЏΜ ЋЉВͲВЍВ ЊЍВͲВАЎЎЋͲЉЉЉ ЋЉВͲБЍВЊЉЉЊЋЎͲЉЉЉ ЌЋЏͲВАЎ ВЌ of 8 8 Џ Ѝ Ћ Ћ Ͳ Ͳ C— Љ Ќ //t5 Б Џ Њ υ υ ЊЋБ͵ЏЋі ЊБЏͲЊЏЋ ЎЎͲАЉЉ ЊБЏͲЉЏЋЊЉЉБЍͲЍЎБ ЊЍЉͲЊЎБ ЍЏͲЉЉЍ 9ƭƷźƒğƷĻ ЎВ ЊЏ ЏЏ Ћ Ћ ͲͲ /ƌǒĬ C— Ѝ Љ Ќ Б ЊЊ υυ 9ǣƦĻƓķźƷǒƩĻƭ ƩƚƦŷǤ CƚƩĻĭğƭƷ 9ǣƦĻƓķźƷǒƩĻƭ Λ5ĻĭƩĻğƭĻΜ .ğƌğƓĭĻ District ƚŅ //t5 .ğƌğƓĭĻ Prevention wĻǝĻƓǒĻ {ĻƩǝźĭĻƭΉ{ǒƦƦƌźĻƭ wĻǝĻƓǒĻ —ĻğƩ і ğƭ CǒƓķ 9ǣƦĻƓķźƷǒƩĻƭʹ {ĻƩǝźĭĻ .ğƌğƓĭĻ Control LƓĭƩĻğƭĻ CǒƓķ ƚƷğƌ ƚƷğƌ ğǣ CźǝĻ .ĻŭźƓƓźƓŭ wĻǝĻƓǒĻʹ LƓƷĻƩĻƭƷ /ğƦźƷğƌ Crime {ğƌĻƭ 9ƓķźƓŭ 5ĻĬƷ CǒƓķ bĻƷ