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Attachments:Staff Report.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionofPotentialAmendmentstoChapter14-ZoningoftheCodeofOrdinancesregardingtheregulationof portable classroom structures. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 4 of 159June 23, 2016 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission June 23, 2016 Workshop Item:Portable Classroom Regulations SUBJECT : Discussion of Potential Amendments to Chapter 14 - Zoning of the Code of Ordinances regarding the regulation of portable classroom structures. INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this item is to discuss possible regulations addressing portable classrooms. This item stems from a recent request, considered at the June 2, 2016 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting, from theNorthwest Independent School District (NISD) to place a portable classroom building at Beck Elementary. The Commission voted to table the ordinance amendment and Temporary Use Permit (TUP) requestfor discussion at a future workshop. Both of those agenda items are attached to this briefing in their original format. STATE OF TEXAS REGULATIONS CONCERNINGPORTABLE CLASSROOMS: TheState of Texas classifies portable classrooms as Relocatable Educational Facilities (REF). REF’s are classified as industrialized housing and buildings (IHB) under the Texas Occupations Code. On January 1, 2010, the Occupations Code wasamendedto requirethat a REF,used primarily as an educational facility for teaching the curriculum required by Section 28.002 of the Education Code meet all the provisions of the IHB law, even if the REF is built from the ground up at the installation site. REFs that are constructed in a manufacturing facility and are then moved to the installation site were already covered by the IHB law. Based on the attached bulletin from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, these regulations preempt municipal regulations regarding IHB’s to a certain degree. However,although they cannot be prohibited, cities and towns may still regulate these types of buildings according to the bulletin, which states: “Section 1202.251(a) of the Occupations Code gives the municipality theright to enforce local land use and zoning requirements, buildingsetback requirements, side and rear yard requirements, site planning and development and property line requirements, subdivision control, and landscape architectural requirements. These local requirements Page 1 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 5 of 159June 23, 2016 and regulations and others not in conflict with the IHB lawor other State law relating to transportation, erection, installation, or use, shall be reasonably and uniformly applied and enforced the same for all buildings –the municipality may not enforce different requirements for industrialized buildings. A municipalitycannot limit an industrialized building to an area zoned for manufactured buildings. A municipality cannot bar an industrialized building constructed under Chapter 1202 from being placed inside city limits. A municipality can bar an industrialized buildingfrom being placed in an area zoned residential.” Given the legal requirements for these types of buildings mandated by the State, and given that the placement of a portable classroom typically involves a public school district, which is, itself, a political subdivision of the Stateexempt from certain municipal land use requirements, the Town Attorney will be present to provide a legal explanation and answer questions, some which may occur in executive session as advised by the Town Attorney. POSSIBLE REGULATIONS: Aside from portable classrooms, most portable structures are currently regulated through the Town’s TUP regulations in Section 14.02.151. These classified buildings are typically uses that are located on a property for a short, defined period of time. Regarding portable classrooms, the Code of Ordinances does not address these at any level. Typically, when a use type is not addressed or noted in the Code, it is therefore prohibited. Given this, pending any discussion with the Town Attorney,staff recommends that regulations for portable classroomsbe adopted. Adoption of regulations for portable classrooms can occur in several ways, which include: Treating the portable classroom as a temporary use and adding provisions to the TUP standards (as noted in the attachedbriefing); Requiring a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a portable classroom, which would require a more thorough development review process and adoption of an ordinance; Allowing portable classrooms by right and simply requiring a building permit; Regulate portable classrooms through the approval of a building moving permit, which may require P&Z and Council approval, or administrative approval. Staff performed a survey of several cities around Trophy Club in order to determine their regulatory structure concerning portable classrooms. The research yielded little,to no, land use regulations on the part of many municipalitiesgiven the State pre-emptions. As such, many cities require only a building permit, with a few requiring a building moving permit which must be approved by the City Council. NEXT STEPS : Staffseeksdirection from the Commission on how to proceedwith this item. Pending direction from the Commission, staff will bring forward proposed amendments to the Code of Ordinances regarding specific regulations for portable classrooms. Page 2 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 6 of 159June 23, 2016 Attachments: Exhibit “A” –Tabled agenda items from the June 2, 2016 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Exhibit “B” – TDLR Bulletin #04-001 Page 3 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 7 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and Attachments STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission June 2, 2016 ADM-16-012: Amendments to Temporary Use Requirements SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding amendments to the Town of Trophy Club’s Code of Ordinances, amending Section 14.02.251 – Temporary Uses in order to add the use of portable classroom and provide for other amendments as proposed by Town staff. Case ADM-16-012 INDTRODUCTION: Given the request, which follows this item, from the Northwest Independent School District (NISD) to place a portable classroom building at Beck Elementary, staff proposes amendments to the temporary use provisions in the zoning regulations contained in the Town Code of Ordinances. Currently there are no provisions in the Code of Ordinances for a temporary classroom structure. Given the review of the regulations necessitated by the application from NISD, staff has performed a review of the regulations and proposes the changes detailed in the next section in order to eliminate discrepancies and overlap with other regulations, and to provide changes to the approval process for a temporary use permit. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: Per the attached markups to Section 14.02.151, the following is a detailed explanation of the proposed amendments to this section: Elimination of all event references 1. – Staff proposes eliminating all references to special events such as circuses, sporting events, etc. Special events are addressed in Article 1.09 of the Code of Ordinances and should not be regulated as temporary uses. The only exception is the town wide garage sale, which remains in the temporary use permit regulations given the more detailed performance criteria in this section. Elimination of Planning and Zoning Commission approval requirement 2. – Staff proposes eliminating the requirement that a temporary use permit require a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to consideration by the Town Council; thus requiring only approval by the Council. The reason for this recommendation involves the following factors: Page 1 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 254 of 272Page 8 of 159June June 2, 201623, 2016 Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and Attachments -A temporary use permit is not a permanent zoning action and does not affect the long term land use of the property; -Given the short-term nature of a temporary use, the general lack of complexity and long term impact involvedwith temporary use, an extended review and approval process involving both the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council is not necessary. Allowance for administrative approval for certain uses 3. – For temporary real estate sales offices in model homesand trailers, model home parkingand temporary construction trailers, staff proposes that these uses be approved administratively, unless an extended period of time is requested, which would then require Council approval. Addition of a portable classroom use 4. – This use is added given the request that follows this item by NISD. Addition of other uses not listed 5. – This accounts for any other temporary use that is not listed in the regulations that would require approval by the Town Council. Elimination of specific time period limitations in subsections (d) 1 and 2 6.– Staff proposes that, given the variability, diversity and unknown factors that are affiliated with a temporary use, the specific time limitations should be applied by the Town Council on a case-by-case basis where there are not time restrictions already in place in the section. Requirement of a resolution 7. – Staff proposes that, where Council approval is required, a temporary use permit must be approved by resolution. Since the use is temporary, anordinance is not appropriate. Therefore a resolution is recommended. Similar to an ordinance, the resolution wouldcontain any specific conditions and/or waivers in the body of the resolution textalong with a clear time restriction and expirationprovision forthe permit, thereby providing a clear and concise regulatory frameworkfor easy reference by staff, the applicant and other interested parties. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENT: Per the requirements of the State of Texas and the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, a notice of public hearing concerning the proposed amendments was published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : The proposed amendments are intended to better address community needs and provide a more effective and efficient review of a proposed temporary use. Staff recommends approval. Page 2 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 255 of 272Page 9 of 159June June 2, 201623, 2016 Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and Attachments Attachments: Exhibit “A” – Proposed Amendments to Section 14.02.151 Page 3 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 256 of 272Page 10 of 159June June 2, 201623, 2016 Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and AttachmentsExhibit A Sec. 14.02.151Temporary uses (a) Permitted uses.Except where exempted below, tThe following uses, which are classified as temporary uses, may be permitted for a period of time by the town councilper the provisions in subsectionc below, after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission. Said period of time shall be determined at the time of approval but shall not exceed the time limit for selected uses as provided herein. (1)Carnivals. (2)Circus. (3)Fairgrounds. (4)Community festivals (not including community garage sales). (5)Community garage sales, by special privilege, see subsection (e) of this section. (6)Religious assemblies. (7)Sports events. (8)Political rallies. (9)Concrete mixing or batching plant used temporarily by contractors during the construction of public improvements or buildings. and, in such cases, the period of time for which the use is granted may be for a period of time provided in the contract for completion of such public improvement or building, providing such temporary use is renewed annually. (10) Armed forces displays. (11) Educational or informational displays. (12) Temporary sales of merchandise by nonprofit organizations. (13) Real estate sales offices (located in a permanent residential structure), but only during the development of residential subdivisions, provided that such use shall not be permitted for more than three (3) years.Town council approval shall not be required for this use. (14) Off-street parking for model homes in residential districts, provided on one lot which complies with all setback requirements of the district in which it is located for a time period ofnot greater than one year. Town councilapproval shall not be required for this use.However,any time period extension shall require town council approval.However, such temporary use may be renewed annually. Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 257 of 272Page 11 of 159June June 2, 201623, 2016 Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and AttachmentsExhibit A (15) Construction office used temporarily by contractors during the construction of public improvements or building and, in such cases, the period of time for which the use is granted may be for a period of time provided in the contract for completion of such improvement or building, providing such temporary use is renewed annually. Town councilapproval shall not be required for this use. (16) Real estate offices (located in trailer or manufactured housing), but only for a time period not to exceed six (6) months; however such uses may be renewed one (1) time. Town councilapproval shall not be required for this use. (17)Portable classroom buildings for a public school. (18)Any other temporaryusenot listed herein. Said use shall beconsidered by the town council. (b) Residential districts. A temporary use shall not be permitted nearer than two hundred fifty (250) feet to a residentially zoned district except for subsection (a)(9) of this section which shall not be located closer than one thousand (1,000) feet to a developed residential district. (c) Temporary use permit.A permit for the temporary use of any property for the above- listed uses shall be secured from the townplanning and zoning administrator prior to such use, after approval by the town councilfor a non-exempt useand after payment of all applicable fees. Council approval shall be in the form of a resolution. Said resolution may contain any conditions, or waivers to this section,imposed by the Councilas a condition of approvalin order to ensure that said use is allowed and conducted such that thecommunity’s health, safety andwelfare is protected.The planning and zoning administrator may recommend anytemporary use permit applicationexemptedherein from town council approvalbe considered by the town council where it hasbeen determined by the administratorthat the proposed temporaryusemay have significant communityinterests. (d) Time period. (1) Except where provided in the list of uses hereinexempted from town council approval, the time period for any use allowed by this section shall be specified in the approving resolution and may not be extended without the approval of the Town Council.Use of a parcel of property for any of the above listed uses for more than thirty (30) days, except for concrete mixing or batching plants, and off-street parking for model homes in a residential district, during any one year shall constitute a permanent use and such parcel or property shall automatically again be subject to the district regulations of the zoning district in which such parcel or property is located. (2) Annual extensions of the temporary use permit may be issued by the zoning administrator upon written request by the applicant. Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 258 of 272Page 12 of 159June June 2, 201623, 2016 Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and AttachmentsExhibit A (e) Community garage sale by special privilege. Upon approval by the town council, after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission, a community garage sale shall be permitted by special privilege to civic organizations or nonprofit organizations. Such events shall not occur more than twice annually; and each event shall be one day in duration. Approval of said special privilege shall be a condition to prior approval of operations of the event and the proposed locations of the garage sale sites by the town department of public safety. Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 259 of 272Page 13 of 159June June 2, 201623, 2016 Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and Attachments Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-295-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:5/27/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:6/2/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request by the Northwest Independent School District for a temporary use permit in order to allow a portable classroom building at Beck Elementary School, located at 401 Parkview Drive. Case TUP-16-008. Attachments:Staff Report.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingarequestbytheNorthwestIndependentSchoolDistrictforatemporaryuse permitinordertoallowaportableclassroombuildingatBeckElementarySchool,locatedat401ParkviewDrive.Case TUP-16-008. Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 260 of 272Page 14 of 159June June 2, 201623, 2016 Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and Attachments STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission June 2, 2016 TUP-16-008: Temporary Use Permit for Portable Classroom 401 Parkview Drive SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a request by the Northwest Independent School District for a temporary use permit in order to allow a portable classroom building at Beck Elementary School, located at 401 Parkview Drive. Case TUP-16- 008. NOTE: Consideration of this request is contingent upon approval ofthe preceding amendmentto the Code of Ordinances allowing a temporary use permit for a portable classroom building. REQUEST: The Northwest Independent School District (NISD) is requesting the approval of temporary use permit in order to place a temporary classroom behind Beck Elementary at 401 Parkview Drive. The building will be 24’ x 64’ and 1,536 square feet in size. The building will be located behind the school. According to the applicant, the proposedbuilding was manufactured by Indicom, located in Burleson Texas. This building will be a dry installation and will not have water or restroom facilities. This building will be equipped with a "stand alone" Fire Alarm system, which will be slaved to the main system in the School. The power for this building will be tied into the main building.Access to the building will provided via an ADA compliant ramp to be constructed on-site. According to the temporary use regulations in the code of ordinances, “a temporary use shall not be permitted nearer than two hundred fifty (250) feet to a residentially zoned district”. The proposed building will be located approximately180 feet from the PD 15 residential zoning district. Therefore, a waiver to this requirement will be required as part of the final approval of this item. The proposed building will be located approximately 85 feet from the Roanoke/Trophy Club corporate boundary line. Page 1 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 261 of 272Page 15 of 159June June 2, 201623, 2016 Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and Attachments The applicant did not specify a specific time period for the proposed temporary use. Staff recommends that the use be allowed for one year from the date of approval by the Town Council with any extensions for additional time requiring further Council approval. There are currently no portable classroom buildings located onany school campus in the Town. CURRENT CONDITIONS AND ZONING: The subject property contains 8.7acres and is developed as Beck Elementary School. The property is platted as part of the NISD East Campus Additionand is zoned CR- Commercial Recreation. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : The proposed portable classroom building would be located behind the school and be in place for a maximum of one year with any time extensions requiring further legislative approval. A waiver will be required to the distance requirement from a residentially zoned property. Staff recommends approval subject to the conditions stated herein. Attachments: Exhibit“A” –Application Exhibit “B” –Site Plan Exhibit “C”– Building Example Exhibit “D”–Location Maps and Aerial Exhibits Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 262 of 272Page 16 of 159June June 2, 201623, 2016 Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and AttachmentsExhibit A TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 76262 PH) 682.831.4680 FAX) 817.490.0705 Town Website: www.trophyclub.org GENERAL PERMIT APPLICATION PROJECT ADDRESS: 401ParkviewDrive,TrophyClub,Tx.76262 SELECT PERMIT TYPE ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING IRRIGATION RE-ROOF ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Setupofa24'X64'modulardoubleclassroombuilding. NorthwestISD,MaintenanceDepartment APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR: 1800StateHwy114 BUSINESS ADDRESS: Justin,Texas,76247 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: 817-215-0019,817-215-0020 817-215-0077 WORK PHONE #: FAX #: jsadler@nisdtx.org EMAIL ADDRESS: PLEASE GIVE DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED: Weneedtomoveinandsetupaindustrialized24'X64'doubleclassroombuildingtoaccommodate increasedenrollment.ThisbuildingwasmanufacturedbyIndicom,locatedinBurlesonTexas.Thisbuilding willbeadryinstallationandwillnothavewaterorrestroomfacilitieslocatedinit.Thisportablewillbe equippedwitha"standalone"FireAlarmsystem,whichwillbeslavedtothemainsystemintheSchool.The powerforthisbuildingwillbetiedintothemainbuilding. AccesswillbeprovidedviaaADAcompliantramp&landing,constructedonsite. $25,000.00 VALUATION OF PROPOSED WORK $ *INDICATE SHINGLE MATERIAL AND WARRANTY FOR RE-ROOF PERMITS *STATE HEIGHT AND MATERIALS USED AND INCLUDE SITE PLAN/SURVEY SHOWING FENCE WORK FOR FENCE PERMITS *PLEASE INCLUDE SITE PLAN/SURVEY SHOWING LOCATION OF SIGN FOR SIGN PERMITS PERMIT FEE: $75.00 JimSadler 05/17/2016 SIGNATURE: DATE: Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 263 of 272Page 17 of 159June June 2, 201623, 2016 ..... . 2016 June 2, 2016 23, June Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and Attachments Exhibit C Page 265 of 272 159 of 19 Page Planning and Zoning CommissionCommission Zoning and Planning City of Southlake 2016 June 2, 2016 23, June Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and Attachments Beck Elementary Location of Proposed Building Location Map Exhibit D Page 266 of 272 159 of 20 Page Planning and Zoning CommissionCommission Town Boundary Zoning City of Roanoke Trophy Club and Planning 2016 June 2, 2016 23, June Exhibit A - June 2, 2016 P&Z Meeting Reports and Attachments Beck Elementary Location of Proposed Bird’s Eye View Building Exhibit D Page 267 of 272 159 of 21 Page City of Roanoke Bread Winners Site Planning and Zoning CommissionCommission Zoning and Planning Exhibit B TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATION COMPLIANCE DIVISION INDUSTRIALIZED HOUSING AND BUILDINGS PO Box 12157, Austin, TX 78711 (512) 539-5735-7353 \[(800) 803-9202 - In Texas Only\] FAX: (512) 539-5736 IHBTech@tdlr.texas.govwww.tdlr.texas.gov Email Address: Internet Address: INDUSTRIALIZED HOUSING AND BUILDINGS BULLETIN #04-001 Revised May 12, 2009 Areas of Authority Belonging to a Municipality Industrialized Buildings This bulletin deals only with the areas of authority of a municipality for industrialized buildings reference IHB Bulletin #00-001 for the areas of authority of a municipality for industrialized housing. The Occupations Code, Chapter 1202, Industrialized Housing and Buildings, defines the areas of authority belonging to a municipality. Department rules 70.62 and 70.73 further define the areas of authority pertaining to site inspections. Disagreements that cannot be resolved between the local officials and the industrialized builder (retailer/installer) shall be referred to the Department. Disagreements that cannot be resolved by the Department shall be presented to the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council. The decisions, actions, and interpretations of the Council are binding on the Department, third-party inspectors, design review agencies, manufacturers, and municipalities and other local political subdivisions. Section 1202.151(b) of the Occupations Code requires that industrialized buildings installed within the jurisdiction of a municipality be constructed to meet the National Electrical Code and the applicable code group for that municipality. With the merger of the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) and the Southern Building Code Congress (SBCCI) into the International Code Council (ICC) there is only one code group, the International Codes. The International Codes are published by the International Code Council and are the latest editions of the Uniform Codes (published by ICBO) and the Standard Codes (published by SBCCI). The International Codes have been adopted by the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council (Council) Section 1202.152 of the Occupations Code. in accordance with This section requires the Council to adopt new code editions in place of those originally adopted by the law if the Council determines that the use of the new code editions are in the public interest and consistent with the purposes of the law. The International Codes were first adopted by the Council as the replacement codes for both of the original codes groups in February 2002 (adopted as the replacement codes for parts of the Uniform Code group in February 2000). The applicable mandatory building codes for construction of new industrialized buildings are the International Building Code, the International Mechanical Code, the International Plumbing Code, the International Fuel Gas Code, the International Energy Conservation Code, and the National Electrical Code. The applicable edition of these codes can be found in Department Rules 70.100 and 70.101. Section 1202.252(a)(1) of the Occupations Code gives the municipality the right to require and review, for compliance with the mandatory building codes, a complete set of design plans, specifications, and calculations marked with the stamp of the council for each installation within its corporate limits. The municipality may refuse to issue a permit if a review of the plans and specifications indicates any items that do not meet the mandatory building codes in effect at the time of construction of the industrialized building. The municipality may require correction of these items, and inspection of the corrections, as a condition for granting a permit. The municipality is not required to accept an industrialized building that does not meet the mandatory building codes in effect at the time of construction. Section 1202.153 of the Occupations Code does not allow a municipality to require or enforce any local amendments to the mandatory building codes adopted by the Council. However, the municipality may make sure that the load conditions described in the plans and specifications meet the minimum loads for the area in which the unit is installed. For example, a municipality does not have to accept a unit that was designed to meet a 90 mph wind speed if the basic wind speed map in the code indicates that the municipality is located in an area where the basic wind speed is greater than 90 mph. Section 1202.252(a)(2) of the Occupations Code gives the municipality the right to require that all applicable local permits and licenses are obtained before any construction begins on a building site. Contractors, electricians, and other workmen on the construction site must be licensed in accordance with the requirements of the municipality in which the industrialized building will be installed and with applicable state requirements. Department rules require that the person responsible for retailing and installing the industrialized buildings is registered with the Department as an industrialized builder. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 22 of 159June 23, 2016 3 TDLR 060ihb 01/10 Page 1 of Exhibit B IHB Bulletin #04-001 Revised May 12, 2009 Section 1202.252(a)(3) of the Occupations Code gives the municipality the right to require that all modules or modular components have an approved decal or insignia attached. IHB Bulletin #97-001 gives a description of the decals and insignia used to certify compliance with the Texas IHB law. Each separate module or modular component must have a decal or insignia attached. The location of the decal or insignia on the module or modular component must be shown on the floor plan or cover page of the approved plans. Only manufacturers that have met the requirements of the State can buy decals or insignia (Department rule 70.77). The manufacturer certifies that the module or modular component was constructed and inspected in accordance with the law and rules governing industrialized housing and buildings by attaching the decal or insignia. The control of the decals and insignia remains with the Department. Section 1202.1535(a) of the Occupations Code states that a building meets a new mandatory building code or an amendment to the mandatory building code adopted by the Council if: 1. the building has an approved decal or insignia attached indicating compliance with the mandatory building codes; and 2. the building has not been altered or modified from its original construction. A municipality may not require that these buildings meet either the current mandatory building code or building code amendment adopted by the Council or the local building code. A building that has not been maintained shall be considered altered. Section 1202.1535(b) of the Occupations Code requires alterations of industrialized buildings that have an approved decal or insignia attached to be in compliance with the current mandatory building code or building code amendment adopted by the Council. A recertified unit shall have an alteration decal attached indicating compliance with the mandatory building code in accordance with Department rules 70.74 and 70.102. A building that does not conform to the original approved construction documents shall be considered altered if it has not been recertified. A municipality is not required to accept an altered industrialized building that has not been recertified. Section 1202.251(a) of the Occupations Code gives the municipality the right to enforce local land use and zoning requirements, building setback requirements, side and rear yard requirements, site planning and development and property line requirements, subdivision control, and landscape architectural requirements. These local requirements and regulations and others not in conflict with the IHB law or other State law relating to transportation, erection, installation, or use, shall be reasonably and uniformly applied and enforced the same for all buildings the municipality may not enforce different requirements for industrialized buildings. A municipality cannot limit an industrialized building to an area zoned for manufactured buildings. A municipality cannot bar an industrialized building constructed under Chapter 1202 from being placed inside city limits. A municipality can bar an industrialized building from being placed in an area zoned residential. Section 1202.252(a)(4) of the Occupations Code gives the municipality the right to set procedures for inspection of the erection and installation of any industrialized building located within their jurisdiction to assure compliance with the mandatory building codes and the approved plans and specifications. These procedures may require final inspections and tests before occupancy and may require correction of code violations identified by the tests or discovered during inspections. Section 1202.203 of the Texas Occupations Code gives the municipality the right to inspect the foundation system and erection and installation of the modules or modular components on the foundation system to make sure that they meet the mandatory building codes and approved plans and specifications. All construction performed on site shall be inspected by the municipal inspectors in accordance with their inspection procedures. The municipality may require repair of any items damaged during transportation on the module or modular component to be installed. The municipality may require correction of code (mandatory building codes identified in Department rules 70.100 and 70.101) violations identified on the module or modular component during the site inspections. The municipality may require correction of items that do not meet the approved plans and specifications. Construction uncovered during repairs of violations may be inspected to make sure that they meet the mandatory building codes and approved plans. The municipality cannot require removal of permanent components or construction to inspect hidden portions of the construction to make sure it meets the mandatory building codes (Department Rule 70.73, destructive disassembly). Inspection of anything visible on a module or modular component is allowed. Nondestructive disassembly (opening access panels, cover plates, etc) is allowed during inspection. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 23 of 159June 23, 2016 3 TDLR 060ihb 01/10 Page 2 of Exhibit B IHB Bulletin #04-001 Revised May 12, 2009 Department rule 70.70(d) requires a manufacturer to supply on-site construction documentation that Department rules includes the critical load points for attachment of the building to the foundation. 70.70(e)and 70.70(f) require a licensed engineer (or architect for buildings having one story and total floor area of 5,000 square feet or less) to design and seal the foundation system and unique on-site construction details for each industrialized building. The foundation is required to be suitable for the location where the building will be installed. The foundation design and unique on-site details are reviewed by the municipality for compliance to the mandatory building codes review by a Texas approved design review agency is not required. Department rule 70.10(a) mandatory building codes adopted under the Texas IHB program. A permanent foundation system shall not include ground anchors. Components of a foundation system allowed for use in site built construction must also be allowed for industrialized buildings. The Council has decided that municipalities may allow the installation of an industrialized building on a temporary foundation system. A temporary foundation system typically uses tie downs and ground anchors similar to the foundation systems used for manufactured housing and may be adequate where a building is to be placed at a temporary location. The documents, plans, and specifications for a temporary foundation system shall include the following. A soil investigation report prepared by a qualified engineer, or, if the exact location is unknown, a description of the soil type for which the system is suitable. Structural calculations and related plans prepared by a professional engineer or architect. Specifications for adequate corrosion protection for the anchors and related tie-down system. The plans and specifications must clearly show that the system is designed for the temporary location of the structure. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 24 of 159June 23, 2016 3 TDLR 060ihb 01/10 Page 3 of Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-352-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Public Hearing File created:6/17/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:6/23/2016 Final action: Title:Public hearing regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 25, in order to approve the site plan package for the Holiday Inn Hotel located at 725 Plaza Drive on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. Case PD-AMD-16-050. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult PublichearingregardingarequesttoamendOrdinanceNo.2002-41P&Z,PDPlannedDevelopmentDistrictNo.25,in ordertoapprovethesiteplanpackagefortheHolidayInnHotellocatedat725PlazaDriveonLot3R3,BlockB,Trophy Wood Business Center. Case PD-AMD-16-050. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 25 of 159June 23, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-335-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Public Hearing File created:6/15/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:6/23/2016 Final action: Title:Public hearing regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 25, in order to amend the approved site plan for the Holiday Inn Hotel located at 725 Plaza Drive on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. Case PD-AMD-16-050. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult PublichearingregardingarequesttoamendOrdinanceNo.2002-41P&Z,PDPlannedDevelopmentDistrictNo.25,in ordertoamendtheapprovedsiteplanfortheHolidayInnHotellocatedat725PlazaDriveonLot3R3,BlockB,Trophy Wood Business Center. Case PD-AMD-16-050. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 26 of 159June 23, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-336-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Public Hearing File created:6/15/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:6/23/2016 Final action: Title:Public hearing regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for on-premise alcohol sales in conjunction with a restaurant to be operated as part of a Holiday Inn Hotel, on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 725 Plaza Drive. Case SUP-16-009. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult PublichearingregardingarequestforaSpecificUsePermitforon-premisealcoholsalesinconjunctionwitharestaurant tobeoperatedaspartofaHolidayInnHotel,onLot3R3,BlockB,TrophyWoodBusinessCenterlocatedat725Plaza Drive. Case SUP-16-009. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 27 of 159June 23, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-353-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:6/17/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:6/23/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 25, in order to approve the site plan package for the Holiday Inn Hotel located at 725 Plaza Drive on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. Case PD-AMD- 16-050. Attachments:Staff Agenda Briefing Site Plan Approval.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingarequesttoamendOrdinanceNo.2002-41P&Z,PDPlannedDevelopment DistrictNo.25,inordertoapprovethesiteplanpackagefortheHolidayInnHotellocatedat725PlazaDriveonLot3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. Case PD-AMD-16-050. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 28 of 159June 23, 2016 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission June 23, 2016 PD-AMD-16-050: Holiday Inn Site PlanPackage Approval SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2002- 41 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 25, in order to approve the site plan package for the Holiday Inn Hotel located at 725 Plaza Drive on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. REQUEST: This item simply involves a correction to a procedural error regarding the approval of the siteplan package for the Holiday Inn. The site plan package was originally approved by the Town Council on December 30, 2013. However, the PD 25 regulations require that all site plans approved in the PD 25 district be approved as amendments to the PD 25 ordinance. Section B(8) of the PD 25 development regulations, approved by Ordinance 2002-41 P&Z, states: “Upon approval, the Final Site Plan shall become an amendment to this Ordinance. In the event of any conflicts between this ordinance and such approved Final Site Plan, the Ordinance adopting the Approved Final Site Plan shall control.” The site plan package approved by the Town Council on December 30, 2013 was not approved as an amendment to the PD 25 ordinance as required above. Therefore, approval of this item will correct the error. Attached is the site plan package approved by the Town Council on December 30, 2013. The package will be adopted as an amending exhibit to the PD 25 ordinance by the Town Council. The property is platted and the hotel is currently under construction. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENT: Per the requirements of the State of Texas and the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, a notice of public hearing concerning the PD amendment was published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Notice was also mailed to 37 property owners within 500 feet of the subject property. To date no correspondence has been received. Page 1 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 29 of 159June 23, 2016 STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommends approval. Attachments: Exhibit “A” – Approved December 30, 2013 Site Plan Package Exhibit “B” – Ordinance 2002-41 P&Z Exhibit “C”– Location and Zoning Map Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 30 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 46 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 47 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 48 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 49 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 50 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 51 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 52 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 53 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 54 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 55 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 56 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 57 of 159June 23, 2016 2016 23, June Exhibit B 159 of 58 Page Commission Zoning and Planning Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 59 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 60 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 61 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 62 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 63 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 64 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 65 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 66 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 67 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 68 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 69 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 70 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 71 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 72 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 73 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 74 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 75 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 76 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 77 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 78 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 79 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 80 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 81 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 82 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 83 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 84 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 89 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 90 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 91 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 92 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 93 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 94 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 95 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 96 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 97 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 98 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 99 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 100 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 101 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 102 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 103 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 104 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 105 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 106 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 107 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 108 of 159June 23, 2016 2016 23, Town Boundary Trophy Club June City of Southlake R . d n i g K . . T W Holiday Inn Site Plaza Dr. Location Map Exhibit C 159 of 109 Page . r D d W o o y r h T p o 4 Town of Westlake 1 1 Commission H S Zoning and Planning 2016 23, June Property Subject U G Zoning Map Exhibit C 159 of 110 Page 1 4 1 H Commission S Zoning and Planning Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-337-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:6/15/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:6/23/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 25, in order to amend the approved site plan for the Holiday Inn Hotel located at 725 Plaza Drive on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. Case PD-AMD- 16-050. Attachments:Staff Report.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingarequesttoamendOrdinanceNo.2002-41P&Z,PDPlannedDevelopment DistrictNo.25,inordertoamendtheapprovedsiteplanfortheHolidayInnHotellocatedat725PlazaDriveonLot3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. Case PD-AMD-16-050. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 111 of 159June 23, 2016 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission June 23, 2016 PD-AMD-16-050: Holiday Inn Site PlanPackage Amendment SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2002- 41 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 25, in order to amend the approved site plan for the Holiday Inn Hotel located at 725 Plaza Drive on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. Case PD-AMD-16-050. REQUEST: The applicant, James Ling with HulingEnterprises LLC, is requesting an amendment to the approved site plan for the subject property. The proposed amendments involve two specific changes: (1)Clarification of the window,door frame and divider colorsshown on the elevations; (2)Approval of a sign plan amendment to allowa sign for the new restaurant to be located in the hotel. CURRENT CONDITIONS The subject property contains the Holiday Inn hotel which is currently under construction. The property is zoned PD 25. REQUESTTO AMEND BUILDING ELEVATIONS: Thisamendment involves a minor modification, and clarification,to the building elevations.On the attached application, the applicant states that they “have installed white windowsand doors at the Hotel”.The color elevations included as part of the approved site plan (attached) show dark colored window and door frames. However, the detail sheets show the window and door frames to be white. Therefore, a discrepancy exists. Sheet A-3.01 on architectural elevations included with the approved site plan set refers to sheets A-6.01 through A-6.03, attached,with regard to window types and decorative grills.Sheet A-6.01 states that the “glass color of entrance doors and aluminum store frontsto be selected based on the exterior scheme that is used”. Sheet A-6.02 states that Page 1 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 112 of 159June 23, 2016 the color of the aluminum storefronts and aluminum window frames onthehotel shall be white anodized aluminum and baked enamel white respectivelyand also states that the actual windowsfor the hotel roomsshall be solar bronze aluminum insulated tinted glass. The ground floor windows shall be solar bronze aluminum insulated tinted safety glass with the upper portions to be clear. According to the applicant, the actual glass color of the windows will not change. Therefore, with regard to the elevations, the applicantis only requesting that the exterior door and window frames be whitethereby matchingthe existing detail sheets. The elevations submitted with the application show the windows without any dividers. The applicantstates in the application that the dividers will be put on the windows and the elevations are provided merely to show how the white window and door frames will look on the building. Therefore, the elevations attached with the application will not be included as an exhibit with the amending PD 25 ordinance. With regard to the reasons for the request the applicant states the following: (1)“Windows are the color that Holiday Inn Corporaterequires. They prefer white to bronze. (2)If we paint these it will be a maintenance problem for the rest of the life for this building. (3)We have agreed to put the dividers on windows as the original drawings show. We arewaiting till rock is finished and windows cleaned. Then we can apply grid pattern. (4)We have done everything on the plans as indicated on originals, including the privacyfence on back of property.” REQUEST TO AMEND SIGNAGE: The applicant is requesting to amend the approved signage as shown on the approved site plan set in order to provide two signs for the new restaurant to be called “The Crooked Pint AleHouse”.According to the attached exhibits, the following are the proposed sign specifics: West Elevation:1 wall sign. Dimensions: 2’8 1/4” x 13’, Location: 38’2” above ground level, immediately below the Holiday Inn sign. South Elevation: 1 wall sign.Dimensions: 2’4 ½” x 11’ 6 ¼ ”, Location 11’ 7 ¼” above ground level along first floor plate, west of front door. No other changes are proposed to the building signage. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENT: Per the requirements of the State of Texas and the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, a notice of public hearing concerning the PD amendment was published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Notice was also mailed to 37 property owners within 500 feet of the subject property. To date no correspondence has been received. Page 2 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 113 of 159June 23, 2016 STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : The applicant is requesting that the building elevation specifications be clarified to show the exterior window and doorframes and dividers to include the white colors already identifiedin the existingspecification sheet, to which the approved building elevations in the site plan set refer. The applicant is also requesting approval of the signage for the new restaurant, to be called “The Crooked Pint Ale House”. With regard to the building elevation amendment request, staff yields to the discretion of the Commission. However, should the Commission require that the door and window frames and dividers be a dark color as shown on theapproved color elevations, staff recommends that applicant provide new detail sheets specifying this changesuch that detail sheets are consistent with the color elevations. Staff recommends approval of the sign amendment request. Attachments: Exhibit “A” –Architectural Detail Sheets A-6.01 through A-6.03 Exhibit “B” – Sign Plan Amendments Exhibit “C” – Area Window Treatment Examples Exhibit “D”–Location and Zoning Map Page 3 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 114 of 159June 23, 2016 2016 23, June Area Window Treatment Examples—Hampton Inn Exhibit C 159 of 120 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 23, June Area Window Treatment Examples—Homewood Suites Exhibit C 159 of 121 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 23, June Area Window Treatment Examples—Value Place Exhibit C 159 of 122 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 23, June Area Window Treatment Examples—Baylor Medical Exhibit C 159 of 123 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 23, June Holiday Inn—View Taken on 6/15/2016 Exhibit C 159 of 124 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 23, Town Boundary June Trophy Club City of Southlake R . d n i g K . . T W Holiday Inn Site Plaza Dr. Location Map Exhibit D 159 of 125 Page . r D d W o o y r h T p o 4 Town of Westlake 1 1 Commission H S Zoning and Planning 2016 23, June Property Subject U G Zoning Map Exhibit D 159 of 126 Page 1 4 1 H Commission S Zoning and Planning Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-338-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:6/15/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:6/23/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for on-premise alcohol sales in conjunction with a restaurant to be operated as part of a Holiday Inn Hotel, on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 725 Plaza Drive. Case SUP-16-009. Attachments:Staff Report.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingarequestforaSpecificUsePermitforon-premisealcoholsalesin conjunctionwitharestauranttobeoperatedaspartofaHolidayInnHotel,onLot3R3,BlockB,TrophyWoodBusiness Center located at 725 Plaza Drive. Case SUP-16-009. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 127 of 159June 23, 2016 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission June 23, 2016 SUP-16-009: Holiday Inn SUP On-Premise Alcohol Sales SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for on-premise alcohol sales in conjunction with a restaurant to be operated as part of a Holiday Inn Hotel, on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 725 Plaza Drive. REQUEST: The applicant, James Ling with HulingEnterprises LLC, is requestingapproval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption for a restaurant inside the new Holiday Inn currently under construction at 725 Plaza Drive. The restaurant will be called “The Crooked PintAle House” and will located inside the hotel. According to the restaurant’s web site, www.crookedpint.com,the restaurant is described as follows: “You may call it “The Pint.” You might even call it “CP.” But what ever you call it, Crooked Pint Ale House will soon be your favorite place to get together over a cold beer and a hot meal. (Try one of our Lucys and you’ll be hooked for sure!) Crooked Pint Ale House is a nouveau urban pub with the feel of a local neighborhood restaurant. Crooked Pint offers a full menu and a generous selection of beer, quality craft brews, wines, and spirits. From the rough-sawn oak floors and classic pub furnishings and finishes, to the fresh recipes and authentic smiles, everything at Crooked Pint is the real deal. Families and friends as well as couples and groups will feel welcome and right at home at Crooked Pint. The menu features classic pub faire with nearly 60 choices for lunch, dinner, and weekend brunch as well as kids’ menu selections.” Page 1 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 128 of 159June 23, 2016 According to the ground floor planincluded in the approved site plan for the hotel, the restaurantfloor area will contain approximately 5,000 square feet and will be located on the ground floor, south side of the hotel to the west of the main entrance. DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS AND PROXIMITY INFORMATION: The Trophy Club Code of Ordinances states that no alcoholic beverages may be sold within three hundred feet (300’) of a church, public school or private school, or public hospital. The following measurements detail the proximity of the restaurant to the uses listed below. All measurements are calculated based on a straight line drawn from the front door of the restaurant to the closest point of the building mentioned below. For churches and hospitals the required measurement method prescribed by the Code of Ordinances would yield a significantly greater distance than is shown below: Minimum separation of 300 feet required per Code of Ordinances: Distance to closest school (public or private): 1.1miles (Walnut Grove Elementary School –Carroll ISD) Distance to closest church: 4,000 feet (Lake Cities Church of Christ) Distance to closest hospital: 2,000 feet (Baylor Medical Center) No minimum separation required: Distance to closest residence: 450 feet PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENT: Per the requirements of the State of Texas and the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, a notice of public hearing concerning the PD amendment was published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Notice was also mailed to 37 property owners within 500 feet of the subject property. To date no correspondence has been received. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommends approval. Attachments: Exhibit “A” – Application Exhibit “B” – Floor Plan Exhibit “C”– Location and Zoning Map Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 129 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 130 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 131 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 132 of 159June 23, 2016 2016 23, June Restaurant Floor Plan Exhibit B 159 of 133 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 23, Town Boundary Trophy Club June City of Southlake R . d n i g K . . T W Holiday Inn Site Plaza Dr. Location Map Exhibit C 159 of 134 Page . r D d W o o y r h T p o 4 Town of Westlake 1 1 Commission H S Zoning and Planning 2016 23, June Property Subject U G Zoning Map Exhibit C 159 of 135 Page 1 4 1 H Commission S Zoning and Planning Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-339-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:6/15/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:6/23/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to install an electronic message board within a new monument sign for Wonderland Montessori School located at 2500 Bobcat Boulevard, being located in the PD-27 zoning district, Case ME-16-003. Attachments:Staff Report.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Discussionandrecommendationregardingarequesttoinstallanelectronicmessageboardwithinanewmonumentsign forWonderlandMontessoriSchoollocatedat2500BobcatBoulevard,beinglocatedinthePD-27zoningdistrict,Case ME-16-003. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 136 of 159June 23, 2016 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission June 23, 2016 Special Sign Request: Electronic Sign for Wonderland Montessori SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to install an electronic message board within a new monument sign for Wonderland Montessori School located at 2500 Bobcat Boulevard, being located in the PD-27 zoning district. EXPLANATION: Marvin Utter, Razor Signs, on behalf of Sanjay Joshi, is requesting approval of an electronic signto be placed within a newmonument sign for a new school to be called “Wonderland Montessori Academy”. Section 4.03(F)of the Sign Regulations in the Town’s Code of Ordinances requires any installation of an electronic sign to obtain the approval of the Town Council upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The states specifically: F. Changeable Electronic Variable Message SignCEVMS) or Electronic Message ( Board Signs: For CEVMS or Signs with Electronic Message Boards, other than Billboard Signs, the approval of Town Council upon recommendation of the Town Planning and Zoning Commission is required to convert any existing sign into or toconstruct any new sign as a CEVMS or to construct any existing sign into or to convert any new sign into a sign with an Electronic Message Board. Furthermore, the table in Section 4.09(C) of the regulations caps the maximum area of an electronic at 50 square feet with a maximum height of four feet. The following are the definitions for this type of sign in the regulations: Changeable Electronic Variable Message Sign (CEVMS) Definition: A sign which permits light to be turned on or off intermittently or which is operated in a way whereby light is turned on or off intermittently, including any illuminated sign on which such illumination is not kept stationary or constant in intensity and color at all times when Page 1 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 137 of 159June 23, 2016 such sign is in use, including light emittingdiode (LED) or Electronic Message Board or digital sign, and which varies in intensity or color. A CEVMS does not include a sign located within the right-of-way that functions as a traffic control device and that is described and identified in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as amended. Electronic Message Board Definition: A sign with a fixed or changing display/message composed of a series of lights that may be changed through electronic means. Signs whose alphabetic, pictographic, or symbolic informational content can be changed or altered on a fixed display screen composed of electrically illuminated segments. The term includes a Programmed Electronic Display. Given these definitions, an electronic sign may change messages and scroll messages with no restrictions on animations as well. However, the sign cannot flash and cannot create a safety hazard to passing vehicle traffic. SIGN DETAILS: The proposed electronic sign wouldbe 3’in height and 8’1” wide with a total area of slightly over 24 square feetand would be placed within a new monument sign below a new 13” x 8’1” marquee. The Village Center regulations in the PD 27 ordinance do not specifically prohibit CEVMS signs, nor do they address them. Section 2(e)2 states: “Lighting: Signs shall generally be externally lit. Only individual letters and symbols maybe internally lit. Neon signs shall be prohibited.” Therefore the upper marquee cannot be internally lit. Given the legislative approval required for any CEVMSsign, the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council have full discretion as towhether the ordinance language above prohibits CEVMS signs as well. STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION: The sign regulations in the Code of Ordinances require any electronic sign to be approved by the Town Council upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Other than the electronic sign request, the other elements of the sign, as proposed, comply with the sign regulations in the Code of Ordinances and the PD 27 regulations. Approval of the electronic sign request is at the complete discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Attached is a survey of area municipalities and their specificregulations regarding this type of signage. Staff has attached this survey should the Commission wish add any conditions to the approval of this item. The Planning and Zoning Commission’s options regarding action of this request are as follows: Page 2 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 138 of 159June 23, 2016 1. Recommend approval of the request as submitted; 2. Recommend approval of the request with additional condition(s); 3. Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose; 4. Recommend denial of the request. Attachments: Exhibit “A” – Application and Exhibits Provided by Applicant Exhibit “B” – Village Center Regulations Exhibit “C” – Area City Electronic Sign Survey Exhibit “D”– Staff Exhibits and Location Maps Page 3 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 139 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 140 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 141 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 142 of 159June 23, 2016 2016 23, June Exhibit A 159 of 143 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 23, June Exhibit A 159 of 144 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 23, June Exhibit A 159 of 145 Page Commission Zoning and Planning Exhibit B - PD 27 Village Center Regulations J.Village Center: 1. Permitted Uses: a. Bakery b. Bank c. Barber or beauty salon d. Bookstores e. Cafes with or without patio f. Community Facilities to include libraries g. Day Care h. Day spa (hair salon, facial treatment, massages) i. Dry cleaning and laundry (pickup/drop-off only) j. Financial institutions k. Florist (no outdoor storage) l. Furniture sales (no outside sales or display) m. Kindergarten n. Municipal facilities to include Fire, Police, and EMS o. Pet services including veterinarian (without outdoor kennels) p. Professional and administrative offices q. Religious Institutions r. Restaurants s. Schools, Private or Public t. Specialty Shops 2. Architectural and Site Design Standards: These design standards shall apply to all Permitted Uses except Day Care, Kindergarten, Schools (Private or Public), and Religious Institutions. These uses shall meet the Town of Trophy Club design requirements. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 146 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B - PD 27 Village Center Regulations a. Building Walls and Roofs 1) An expression line shall delineate divisions between floors of all buildings, and a cornice shall delineate the tops of facades that do not utilize a pitched roof. 2) All buildings shall be designed such that no mechanical equipment (HVAC, etc.) and satellite dishes are visible from the public right-of-way or open space, whether the equipment is located on the ground, exterior walls or the roof. To screen rooftop mechanical equipment, other appurtenances, and flat or built-up roofs, all structures having a 6,000 square feet or less footprint shall be constructed with a pitched roof. Those structures having a footprint greater than 6,000 square feet shall be constructed with either a pitched or parapet roof system enclosed on all sides. 3) Mansard roofs and flat membrane-type roofs that are visible from ground level are prohibited. 4) For retail storefronts, a transom, display window area and bulkhead at the base shall be utilized. 5) Ground floor retail building plate heights should provide for at least fourteen feet (14Ó) in height. 6) Generally, windows shall be oriented vertically. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 147 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B - PD 27 Village Center Regulations 7) Columns and piers generally shall be spaced no farther apart than they are tall. 8) Transparency: i. Each floor of any building façade facing a park, plaza or street shall contain transparent windows covering from fifteen percent (15%) to seventy-five percent (75%) of the façade area. ii. In order to provide clear views of merchandise and to provide natural surveillance of exterior street spaces, the ground-floor along the retail storefront facade shall have transparent storefront windows covering no less than fifty percent (50%) of the façade area. iii. Entryways recessed at least four feet (4Ó). b. Permitted Finishes: 1) At least eighty percent (80%) of the exterior of all new buildings (excluding doors and windows) shall be finished in one or more of the following materials: i. Brick, stone, cast stone, or stucco. ii. Split face concrete block, poured-in-place concrete, and tilt-wall concrete. It is the intent that any use of concrete products shall have an integrated color and be textured or patterned. Tilt-wall concrete structures shall include reveals, punch-outs, or other similar surface characteristics to enhance the façade on at least twenty percent (20%) of each façade. iii. Side facades and rear facades shall be of finished quality and of the same color and materials that blend with the front of the building. Rear facades may be painted tilt-wall or painted block matching the same color of the rest of the building if the rear façade faces an alley or is not viewable from a public street or right-of-way. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 148 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B - PD 27 Village Center Regulations 2) To improve the pedestrian orientation, the ground floor of commercial/retail buildings shall utilize a combination of the following, unless otherwise approved by the Town: i. Corbelling, molding, string coursing, ornamentation, changes in material and color, or other sculpturing of the base; ii. Recessed windows or other techniques to distinguish the windows in the façade such as arches, pediments and mullions; and iii. Entryways recessed at least four feet (4Ó). 3) The utilization of repetitive storefronts for ÐarchitecturalÑ consistency is discouraged in order to maintain an interesting street experience; although the utilization of common architectural elements shall be considered to facilitate a certain level of functional continuity. c. Building Orientation and Pedestrian Site Design: 1) Any building (excluding parking garages and other accessory buildings) viewed from a public right-of-way or public open space shall either face such right-of-way or open space, or shall have a façade facing such area in keeping with the character of the front façade, including the utilization of similar fenestration and materials. 2) Pedestrian Elements To improve the walkability and access of commercial and retail areas, the following are encouraged in the site design of a project: i. Patio/café seating areas ii. Bicycle racks iii. Continuous walkways linking stores vi. Shade provided by building orientation, canopies and/or trees vii. Decorative Trash receptacles Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 149 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B - PD 27 Village Center Regulations 3) Parking Lot and Building Frontage Landscaping and Design i. A minimum of fifteen (15) square feet of landscaping including tree islands for each parking space shall be provided within the paved boundaries of the parking lot, with the landscaped areas protected by raised curbs except where wheel stops are utilized at the front of parking spaces along a landscaped median between parking bays, and pavement no closer than three feet (3Ó) from the trunk of trees. ii. Landscaped islands of a minimum of five feet (5Ó) in width and extending the entire length of the parking stall generally shall be located at the terminus of all parking rows and shall contain at least one three inch (3Ñ) caliper tree consistent with the Tree List in Section VI Î Development and Design Standards. iii. Parking spaces shall be a minimum depth of 18 feet and a minimum width of 9 feet; to encourage better shade patterns, parking bays shall be separated by a minimum five foot (5Ó) wide landscaped median (See illustration below), with three inch (3Ñ) caliper shade trees planted every thirty feet and wheel stops placed so as to allow the front of vehicles to encroach over the landscaped median without hitting the trees. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 150 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B - PD 27 Village Center Regulations iv. Foundation plantings are required for buildings or groups of buildings greater than 40,000 square feet and where the front building facade does not abut a public sidewalk, including a 3.0 inch caliper shade tree for every 10,000 square feet of gross building area consistent with the Tree List as set forth in Section VI. Small ornamental trees are permitted on a ratio of 4 to 1 instead of 3.0 inch caliper shade trees. This is intended to enhance the pedestrian experience in front of larger buildings and to break up large impervious surfaces between parking areas and the building. Foundation planting trees shall be planted within approximately 30 feet of the front façade and are required in addition to any street trees required herein. Tree grates shall be utilized for trees planted less than four (4) feet back of curb. Tree spacing shall not impede sign visibility or pedestrian safety but shall be placed so as to provide an effective shade environment in front of the building. d. Loading Areas and Trash Receptacles: 1) Loading and service areas shall be located at the side of or in the rear of buildings. Every effort should be made to reduce the need for segregated loading and service areas by ensuring that deliveries are made off-hours. Such uses as grocery stores, however, may require a loading dock area. Where tractor/semi-trailer delivery may conflict with Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 151 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B - PD 27 Village Center Regulations land uses on or adjacent to the site, then the following standards shall be followed: i. Loading and service areas shall be located at the side or rear of buildings. ii. Off-street loading areas shall be screened from view of any street public open space or adjacent property. iii. Loading areas shall be enclosed on three sides by a wall or other screening device not less than 10 feet in height. iv. Loading areas shall not be located closer than 50Ó to any residential lot, unless wholly within an enclosed building. v. Screening materials shall be comprised of a wall that has a similar finish to the primary structure, or a combination of trees and shrubs that will result in solid screening within 2 years. vi. However, when adjacent to a residentially zoned district a screening wall with landscaping shall be used. 2. Trash/Recycling Receptacles: i. Commercial trash/recycling containers shall be located on the side or rear of the building and screened from public view. ii. Such containers shall be located at least 50Ó away from adjacent residential property lines. iii. Such containers shall be screened on 4 sides, ’ using an enclosure that is 7 tall or of a height that is a minimum of 1Ó above the top of the container, whichever is taller. Screening shall be comprised of brick, stone, reinforced concrete, or other similar masonry materials that have a similar finish to the primary finish; and all fence posts shall be rust- protected metal, concrete based masonry or concrete pillars. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 152 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B - PD 27 Village Center Regulations iv. 6Ñ concrete filled steel pipes shall be located to protect the enclosure from truck operations. v. Such container enclosures shall have steel gates and tie-backs to secure them in an open position, and fasteners to keep them closed. vi. Screening shall be maintained at all times. e. Signage 1) General: Signs shall be flat against the façade, projecting from the façade or ground monument mounted. No signs shall project above the façade unless approved as part of a site plan as a Ðlandmark signÑ such as a theater marquee or other special sign located in an prominent location and intended to provide a special character to the district and orientation to visitors. 2) Lighting: Signs shall generally be externally lit. Only individual letters and symbols may be internally lit. Neon signs shall be prohibited. 3) Finish Materials: Materials shall complement the architecture of the building, and may include woodÏ painted or natural; metalÏcopper, brass, galvanized steel; painted canvas; paint; engraving directly on façade surface; and brick or stone for monument signs. 4) Wall Signs: i. One and a half (1.5) square feet of signage is permitted for each linear foot of the primary facade of the building, excluding wing walls. (E.g. a 100Ó long building façade would allow for 150 square feet of wall sign area on the building.) ii. Only one building façade with a primary entrance may be used to calculate wall signage. iii. Wall signs may be placed on any face of the building except if adjacent to a residential lot. iv. Maximum area of any single sign mounted perpendicular to a given façade shall not exceed 10 square feet unless it protrudes above the top of the facade. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 153 of 159June 23, 2016 Exhibit B - PD 27 Village Center Regulations v. Protruding or hanging signs shall maintain a minimum clear height of eight (8) feet above the sidewalk. 5) Monument Signs: i. Monument signs up to eight (8) feet in height are the only permanent freestanding signs allowed. ii. Maximum area of a monument sign shall be 96 square feet per sign face. Monument signs may have only two (2) sign faces. iii. If a Commercial Neighborhood extends over 1000 linear feet, then one monument sign per 500Ó of frontage is permitted. (E.g. a site with 1,000Ó or more of frontage may have two (2) monument signs, a site with 1,500Ó or more may have three (3) signs, etc.). iv. The structure of monument signs shall be constructed of materials and colors utilized on the primary buildingÓs faŒade. v. Monument signs must be spaced a minimum of two hundred fifty feet (250Ó) apart, unless approved otherwise at Detailed Site Plan. 6) Parking: Retail and office uses shall meet the TownÓs parking standards at the time of development. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 154 of 159June 23, 2016 2016 23, June Subject Property Location Map 159 of 156 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 23, June Property Plat 159 of 157 Page Property Subject Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 23, June ng East on Bobcat Blvd. 159 Future Sign Location—Looki of 158 Page Commission Bobcat Blvd. Zoning and Planning Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-341-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:6/15/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:6/23/2016 Final action: Title:Town Planner Updates; update on previous cases heard by the Commission; Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult TownPlannerUpdates;updateonpreviouscasesheardbytheCommission;DiscussiononcurrentTowndevelopment issues and development codes. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 159 of 159June 23, 2016