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Attachments:Final Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Exhibit E.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult PublichearingregardingarequestforaConditionalUsePermitforawirelessantennafacilitylocatedon0.006acres withinTractC,Section8,TrophyClubAdditionalongSH114betweenTrophyLakeDriveandTrophyClubDrive,south of Roaring Creek Court; Applicant: Verizon Wireless. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3 of 93September 3, 2015 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission September 3, 2015 CUP-15-006: Request for a Wireless Antenna Facility SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless antenna facility located on 0.006 acres within Tract C, Section 8, Trophy Club Addition along SH 114 between Trophy Lake Drive and Trophy Club Drive, south of Roaring Creek Court. REQUEST: Griffin/Harris, PLLC, on behalf of Verizon Wireless, is requestinga Conditional Use Permit(CUP)to add a Level Four Stealth wireless antenna facility on an existing Oncor electric transmission support pole along SH 114.According to the application (attached) the existing support pole is approximately 98feet in height and the proposed antennas would be located at a height of 85 feet and95 feet respectively, making the new top of the tower approximately 100 feet in height. The ground support facilities would be located on a 240 square foot pad site adjacent to the support pole containing the proposed antennas. The pad site would include communications equipment situated on a concrete slab enclosed by a split-face, concrete masonry unit wall, eight (8) feet, six (6) inches in height.The pad will be accessed by a driveway connecting to the SH114 service road. The driveway is required to be concrete or asphalt and will require final approval by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). CURRENT CONDITIONS: The propertyportion in questionis platted as part of Tract C, Section 8, Trophy Club Addition and is zoned R-9 Single Family Residential District. Tract Cis 6.56 acres in size,is owned by the Town of Trophy Club,and contains open space including a screening berm and a 30 foot wide Oncor electric transmission right-of-way adjacent to, and along, SH 114 right-of-way. ZONING REQUIREMENTS Wireless antenna facilities may be approved administratively if the proposed antenna complies with all requirements of Section 5.10 of Chapter 13-Zoning Regulations in the Code of Ordinances (attached). However, any request that does not comply with the Page 1 of 4 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 4 of 93September 3, 2015 provisions of Section 5.10 must be approved legislatively through the approval of a CUP by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council. A Level Four Stealth Facility is defined as follows: “The antenna on a Level 4 Stealth facility is located on an existing structure (other than an antenna facility) including, but not limited to, a building, water tower, utility tower, steeple, or light pole. The antenna is not screened nor hidden. For the purpose of this level, a pole or tower may be reconstructed to structurally hold the antenna but shall not be any higher than the original structure that it is replacing.” The following is the Antenna Facility Siting Matrix in Section 5.10 determining whether or not a CUP is required: The CUP is required given the proposed facility is located in both the WC and DR zones and is classified, as mentioned above, as a Level 4 Stealth facility. The WC zone is defined as follows: “Wireless Corridors "WC": Property within, and one hundred fifty feet (150’) either side of, the right-of-way of a freeway or a major or minor arterial roadway, as indicated on the Town’s Thoroughfare Plan.” “ The DR zone is defined as follows:Developed Residential "DR": Property within the R-15, R-12, R-11, R-10, R-9, R8, R-FV, R- TT, T-OH, R-OHF, R-S, MH,or any residentially zoned Planned Development districts, which: a. Is a recorded subdivision that has had at least one building permit for a residential structure; or Page 2 of 4 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 5 of 93September 3, 2015 b. Is within the exterior surfaces of an existing primary residential structure; or c. Is within six hundred feet (600’) of areas described by paragraphs 4.a and 4.b above.” SITE SPECIFICS Section 5.10 requires landscaping around a wireless antenna facility pad site but does not specify the type of landscaping required. No landscaping is proposed for the site. The pad site will be located where an existing screening berm, approximately 10 feet height, located. The berm exists to buffer SH 114 traffic from the residential neighborhood to the north. The pad site will cut approximately eight feet into the berm with the pad built at a grade that is level with the base of the support pole. Upon construction, the modified portion of the berm would then slope sharply on the north side of the pad until it matches the existing gradeat the top of the berm. No retaining wall will be constructed and a French drain will be installed to move water from behind the pad toward the SH 114 service road. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENT: Per the requirements of the State of Texas and the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, a notice of public hearingconcerning the zoning requestwas published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Notice was also mailed to nineproperty owners within 200 feet of the subject property. To date no correspondence has been received. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : With the exception of landscaping, the proposed wireless antenna facility meets the requirements of Section 5.10 and the Code of Ordinances. Section 5.10 states that in considering whether to grant a Conditional Use Permit, the following shall be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council: a. The effect that location of the Antenna Facility will have on the monetary value of the surrounding property; b. The potential for interference with the enjoyment of the use surrounding properties; c. Aesthetics; Impact, including but not limited to, the surrounding topography, surrounding tree coverage and foliage; proposed buffering; and the design of the Antenna Facility, with particular reference to design characteristics that have the effect of reducing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness; d. The proposed height of the antenna facility relative to surrounding structures; e. The zoning district and the adjoining zoning districts of the property for which Conditional Use Permit is sought; Page 3 of 4 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 6 of 93September 3, 2015 f. The unique conditions that govern reasonable reception on the antenna facility on any given lot; and g. The availability of suitable alternative sites: Suitable alternative site(s) shall mean a location or locations that would provide the same or better signal coverage than the proposed site for which a conditional use permit is requested. The applicant shall provide documentation supporting his contention that alternative site(s) are not suitable and/or available. A similar antenna facility exists on an Oncor electric support pole along SH 114 between Trophy Club Drive and Trophy Wood Drive south of Lake Forest Court. The CUP for this facility was granted in 2001 with similar conditions, including residential proximity, with minimal impact. Staff recommends approval. Attachments: Exhibit “A” –Application and Related Attachments Exhibit “B” – Construction Plans and Exhibits Exhibit “C”–Before and After Site Pictures Exhibit “D” – Section 5.10 Zoning Regulations-Wireless Antennas and Antenna Facilities Exhibit “E”– Location and Zoning Maps Page 4 of 4 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 7 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 8 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 9 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 10 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 11 of 93September 3, 2015 2015 3, September Exhibit "A" of 93 12 Page Commission Zoning & Planning Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 13 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 14 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 15 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 16 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 17 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 18 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 19 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 20 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 21 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 22 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 23 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 24 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 25 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 26 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "A" Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 27 of 93September 3, 2015 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 28 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 29 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 30 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 31 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 32 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 33 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 34 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 35 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 36 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 37 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 38 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 39 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 40 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 41 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 42 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 43 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 44 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 45 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 46 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 47 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 48 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 49 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 50 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 51 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 52 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 53 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 54 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 55 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 56 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 57 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 58 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 59 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 60 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 61 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 62 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 63 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Exhibit "B" of 93 64 Page Commission Zoning & Planning Exhibit "D" Section 5.10 Wireless Antennas & Antenna Facilities A.Purpose: Wirelesstelecommunications facilities usedintransmittingandreceivingsignal energy are essential and promote the health,safety, and general welfareof thecitizensofthe Town.The purpose of this section is to governthe placement of these facilities to: 1.Assure that their locationand use do not compromise the aesthetic quality of the community; 2.Encourage operators of antenna facilities and antennasto locatethemin areaswherethe adverse impact on the community is minimal; 3.Encourage co-location on both new andexisting antenna facilities; 4.Encourage operators of antenna facilities and antennas toconfigure them in a waythat minimizes the adverse visual impactthrough carefuldesign,landscape screening,and innovative stealth techniques; 5.Enhancetheabilityofantenna facilitiesand antennas to provideservices to the community effectively and efficiently; and B.Definitions: Inthis sectionthefollowingdefinitions apply: Alternative Tower Structure: Clock towers, bell steeples, light poles and similaralternative-design mountingstructuresthatcamouflage or conceal the presenceofantennasor towers. Seealso the definition of “stealth facility”. Amateur RadioAntenna: A radio communicationantenna used by a person holding an amateur station license from the FederalCommunications Commission. Antenna: A deviceused incommunications,whichtransmitsorreceivesradiosignals,digital signals, analog signals, radiofrequencies (excludingradar signals), wirelesstelecommunications signals or other communication signals. Antenna,BuildingAttached: Antenna attachedtoanexistingstructureintwo general forms: (1) roof-mounted,inwhich antennas are placed on the roofsofbuildings, or (2) building-mounted,in which antennas are placed onthe sidesofbuildings. Theseantennas can also be mountedon structures such as water tanks, billboards, churchsteeples, electrical transmission towers, etc. AntennaFacility: Any structure, monopole, tower, or lattice tower used to support antennas. Co-location: Theactoflocating wirelesscommunications equipmentformorethanone use ona single antenna facility. Equipment Storage Building: An unmanned, singlestory equipment building usedto house radio transmitters and related equipment. Monopole: A self-supportingantennafacilitycomposedof asingle spireusedtosupport communications equipment or other visible items. Preexisting Towers and Preexisting Antennas: AnyTower or Antenna for which a building permit or conditional use permithas beenproperlyissued priortothe effectivedateofthisOrdinance, includingpermittedtowersor antennasthathave notyetbeen constructedso long as such approval is current andnot expired. Chapter 13 -Zoning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 73 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "D" Satellite Receive-OnlyAntenna: Anantennathat enables the receipt of televisionsignals transmitted directly from satellites to beviewed on atelevision monitor. Such antennas are commonly known as asatellite dish, television receive-only antenna, dish antenna, parabolic antenna, or satellite earth station antenna. Stealth Facility: “Stealth”isa generic term describing a method that would hide or conceal an antenna, supporting electrical or mechanical equipment, or anyother support structure that is identicalto,or closely compatiblewith, thecolor of thesupportingstructure so as to make the antenna and related equipmentas visuallyunobtrusiveas possible tothesurrounding neighborhood. Stealthfacilitiesmayincludetotallyenclosedantennas,wirelessfacilitiesthat replicateorduplicate the construction of common structures such asflagpoles,Alternative TowerStructures, and camouflaged wireless facilities that areconstructed to blend into thesurrounding environment. Tower: Any structure that is designedand constructed primarily for the purpose of supporting one or more antennas for telephone, radio and similar communication purposes. This includesself- supporting lattice towers, lightstandards,guyed towers,monopole tower,alternativetowerfacilities or any other verticalsupport.This also includes the structure and any support thereto. Tower, Lattice: A self-supporting tower having three orfoursupport legswith cross-bracing and the capacity to hold a numberand a variety of antennas. TV Antenna: An antenna that enables thereceipt of television signals transmittedfrombroadcast stations. C.Applicability/General Regulations:Thefollowing regulations apply to all antenna facilities and antennas located within any district: 1.Applicability: Except as specificallyprovided,all new Towers or Antennas in the Town of TrophyClub shallbe subjectto the regulations contained in this Ordinance. Preexisting Towers or Antennas shall notbe requiredto meetthe requirementsofthis Ordinance,other than those contained in Sections 5.10(C)(9) & (11) below. 2.EquipmentandStorage Building: Anequipmentstoragebuildingassociatedwithanantenna facilityoran antenna shall bescreened andlandscaped as describedinother sections ofthis ordinance, or be incorporated into the stealth treatment so that it is consistent and complementarywiththe existing structures and uses onthe premises.Masonry construction meetingthe definitionof masonry as provided herein: Alternativematerial thatachieves compatible screening may be permitted upon approval bythe Town Council and recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 3.Driveway Surfaces:Alldriveways accessinganyantenna facilitysite or equipmentstorage site shall have an asphaltor concrete pavement. 4.Nooutdoor lightingshallbeallowed on antennas located on residentially zonedproperty except lightsor lighting thatisby required by the Federal AviationAdministration or the Federal Communications Commission. 5.Antenna FacilityCapacity: Anantenna facilityshall nothavemorethanthe number and size ofantennas attachedtoitthanareallowedby theantenna facilitymanufacturer's designs and specifications for maximumwind loadrequirements. 6.Monopoles: No guy wires are permittedwith the useof monopoles. Chapter 13 -Zoning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 74 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "D" 7.Prohibited inEasements: Antennafacilities constructedsolelyforthepurposeofsupporting antennasshall not be placed in an easement, unlessauthorized by the easement holder. 8.ConstructionStandards: A building permitmust be obtained priorto the construction or installation of atower, antenna, or mast. An antenna facility must be installed according tothe manufacturer’s recommendations or under the sealof a registered professional engineerof theStateofTexas.Additionally,allAntenna Facilities shall complywith applicable stateand local buildingcodes. 9.Building Codes /Safety Standards: The exemption of anAntenna Facility from the requirementtoobtain a conditionalusepermitunderthisOrdinanceshall notexemptthe ownerofsuchFacilityor hisagentsfrom compliancewith permitting,BuildingCodeorthe requirementsofotherapplicable Ordinances. To ensure the structuralintegrityofAntenna Facilities,theownerofanAntenna Facilityshall ensurethatit is maintained in compliance withstandards contained in applicablestate or local buildingcodes and applicablestandards fortowers thatarepublishedbytheElectronic Industries Association,asamendedfromtime totime. Ifuponinspection, theTownconcludesthat anAntennaFacilityfailstocomplywith such codes andstandards and constitutesa dangerto personsor property,then upon written notice to the ownerof the Tower, the owner shall havethirty(30)daysto bring such tower into compliance with applicablestandards. Failure to bring such tower into compliance shall constitute grounds for the removaloftheAntenna Facilityattheowner’s expense. Thisnotice requirement shall not precludeimmediate action bytheBuilding Official as allowed by law if public safety requires suchaction. 10.ContainedonProperty: Nopartofanantennafacility,antennas,orotherattachmentmay extend beyond the property lines of the lot on which the antennaor antenna facility is located. 11.StateorFederal Requirements:All Towers must meetor exceed current standards and regulations oftheFAA,theFCC, and any other agencyof the stateorfederalgovernment withtheauthorityto regulate Towers andAntennas.If suchstandards and regulationsare changed,and ifthecontrollingstate or federal agencymandates compliance,then the owners ofthe Towers and Antennas governedbythis Ordinance shall bring such Towers and Antennas intocompliancewithsuch revisedstandardsandregulationswithin six(6) months of the effectivedate of such standards andregulations, unlessadifferentcompliance schedule is mandated by the controllingstate or federal agency. 12.ConditionalUsePermitRequirement: A Conditionalusepermitshallberequired foran antenna or antenna facility whichwillnot comply withany requirementofthis section. See Section J. Conditional use permits D.AmateurRadioandTV Antennas:AmateurradioandTVantennas are permitted asaccessoryuses inthe R-15, R-12, R-11, R-10, R-9,R8, R-FV, R-TT, T-OH, R-OHF, R-S,MH,orany residentially zoned Planned Development districts. Amateur radio andTV antennas must complywith the following regulations: 1.Antenna FacilityType: Theantenna facilitymay be either buildingattached, a monopole, tower, or a lattice tower. 2.Numberof Facilities Per Lot:Onlyoneantenna facilityexceeding thirty-fivefeet(35’)inheight is permitted on each lot. Chapter 13 -Zoning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 75 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "D" 3.HeightLimitations: Anantenna facility,exclusiveoftheheightofanyantennaor mast, shall notexceed35feetinheight;except,thatanantennafacilityshallbepermittedadditional heightattheratioof one addedfootin height for eachadditionalfootofsetback beyond the minimumsetback required ofanaccessorybuildingintheZoning DistrictRegulationsto a maximumheightof65feet in a residentialdistrict. A conditionaluse permit is required for additional height. 4.HeightLimitforBuilding MountedAntenna: Anantenna shallnotextendmore thaneightfeet above a building on which it is mounted,regardless of the height of the structure. 5.Setbacks: Antennas andantenna facilitiesshallnotbe permittedwithin any required setback area. Guy wiresare not permittedin frontorside areas from the faceof the structureto the street right-of-way. 6.Lights: Nooutdoor lighting shallbeallowedon antenna facilities located on residentially zoned property,exceptlights or lighting that is requiredby the Federal Aviation Administration or the Federal CommunicationsCommission. E.Satellite Receive-Only Antennas Generally A satellite receive only antenna is permitted as an accessory use under the following conditions: 1.Thesatellite receive-onlyantenna is not greater thanonemeterindiameter: allzoning districts. 2.Thesatellitereceive-onlyantennaisonemeterorgreaterindiameter,butnotgreaterthan two meters indiameter: allnonresidential zoning districts. F.SatelliteReceive-Only Antennas GreaterThan One MeterinDiameterinResidential Districts and Greater ThanTwoMetersinDiameter in NonresidentialDistricts are permittedasaccessory uses if they comply with the following regulations: 1.Number of Antennas PerLot: Only onesatellite receive-only antenna per lot of record. 2.Height:Not exceeding tenfeet in height. 3.Set Backs a.Front and side yards:Not permitted. b.Rear yard: Minimumsetbackas requiredforaccessorybuildings in residential districts andas for all buildings in nonresidentialdistricts. 4.Separation: Nominimum ormaximumseparation requirementsforsatellitereceive-only antennas from other structures on the same lot of record. 5.Screening: Satellite receive-onlyantennasthatare mounted on thegroundshall bescreened from view from adjoiningproperties by solid fencingor evergreenplants to a height of a least six feet. A satellite receive-only antenna located within a fence surrounding the yard in which the satellite receive-only antenna is located shall beconsidered to be screened. G.Placement ofAntenna Facilities(Other ThanAmateur Radio, TV, and Satellite Receive- Only Antennas)within Land UseThresholds Chapter 13 -Zoning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 76 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "D" For the purpose of determining the appropriate locations for the placement of antenna facilities other than amateur radio,TV, and satellite receive-only antennas, the Town is dividedintoland use threshold areas thatrequiredifferent regulations pertainingtoheight,location, andtypeofantenna facility.These land use thresholds are defined as follows: 1.FullCommercial "FC": Propertywithin theCG,CR,NS, PO,ornon-residentialPlanned Developmentzoning districts. 2.Undeveloped Residential"UR": Propertywithin R-15, R-12, R-11, R-10, R-9,R8, R-FV, R-TT, T-OH, R-OHF, R-S, MH, or any residentiallyzoned Planned Development districts, that: a.Is not a part of a recorded subdivision; or b.Is a partof a recordedsubdivision but hasnothad a buildingpermit issued fora residentialstructure; and c.Not located within the calculated limits of the Developed Residential ("DR") threshold. 3.WirelessCorridors "WC": Propertywithin,andone hundred-fiftyfeet(150’) either sideof,the right-of-wayof a freewayor a majororminorarterialroadway,as indicatedonthe Town’s ThoroughfarePlan. 4.DevelopedResidential"DR": Propertywithinthe R-15, R-12, R-11, R-10, R-9,R8, R-FV, R- TT, T-OH, R-OHF, R-S, MH, or any residentially zoned Planned Development districts, which: a.Is a recorded subdivisionthathas had atleast one buildingpermitfor a residential structure; or b.Is within the exterior surfaces of an existing primary residential structure; or c.Is within six hundred feet (600’) of areas described byparagraphs 4.a and 4.b above. H.Antenna FacilityImpact Levels: For the purpose of determiningappropriate locations for antenna facilities, theTown recognizes differinglevelsof impact for antenna facilities depending upon physicallocation, aesthetics,andlandusescompatibility. Theseantennafacilityimpactlevelsare defined as follows: 1.Monopole: Amonopole as permitted witha conditional use permit. Theantennaequipment maynotextendmorethan fivefeet (5’) above the highest pointonthe monopole. Chapter 13 -Zoning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 77 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "D" 2.Level 4 StealthFacility: Theantennaon a Level 4 Stealthfacility islocatedonanexisting structure(otherthan an antenna facility)including,but notlimited to, a building, water tower, utilitytower,steeple,orlightpole. Theantenna is not screened nor hidden. Forthe purpose ofthislevel,a pole or tower maybe reconstructedto structurallyhold theantenna butshall not be any higher than the original structure that it is replacing. 3.Level 3 StealthFacility: Theantenna on a Level 3 Stealth facility is located on an existing structure (other than an antenna facility) including, but not limited to, abuilding, water tower, utilitytower, steeple, or light pole. The antenna shall be aestheticallypainted, constructed, or appliedwith material so that it is incorporated into the pattern, style,and material of the structureto effectivelyrender the antennaunnoticeable. A new structure may beconstructedtohold or house the antenna or equipment; however, the structure must be consistentwith theoverall architectural features of the primary buildings 4.Level 2 StealthFacility: Theantenna ona Level 2 stealthfacilityisattached tothestructure in such a manner that ifitisseenit appears unrecognizable as an antenna,and the structurein which or on whichthe antenna is attachedis anintegral part of an overall development. 5.Level 1 StealthFacility: Theantenna ona Level 1 stealthfacilityisattached tothestructure in sucha manner that the antenna is completely unseen and the structure in which or on which the antenna is attached is an integral part of an overalldevelopment. I.Antenna Facility Siting Matrix: Antenna facilitiesshall be located in accordance with thefollowing sitingmatrix. This matrix provides forareaswhereantennafacilities maybelocatedaspermitteduses,areaswheretheymaybe located with aconditional use permit, and areas where they are prohibited. Chapter 13 -Zoning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 78 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "D" Antenna FacilitySiting Matrix Requires a Permitted UseConditional Prohibited Use Permit Monopole over 120 ft. Monopole up to 120 ft. Level 4 StealthFacility Level 3 StealthFacility Level 2 StealthFacility Level 1 StealthFacility FCURWCDR J.Conditional Use Permit When a Conditional Use Permitisrequiredbythis section for the locationof an antenna facilityoran antenna, the property owner must submit an application in accordance with the procedure established inthis ordinance. 1.Application Inordertoproperlyevaluatean applicationto locatean antenna facilityor an antenna that requires a conditionaluse permit,in additionto theinformation requiredfrom applicants applying for conditional use permits underother provisions of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance, theapplicant for a conditionaluse permitunderthis sectionshall providethefollowing information: a. Describethenatureoftheantennasite.Indicatewhetherthe proposedstructure is a monopole or mounted to aself-supporting structure.Indicate the proposed height. b.Provide photos or drawings ofall equipment,structures, and antennas. Additionally,an applicantshallprovide a scaled siteplan clearlyindicatingthe location,typeandheight oftheproposedAntenna Facility,on-site land uses and zoning, adjacentland uses and zoning,proposed means of access,setbacks frompropertylines, elevation drawings of theproposed Antenna Facilityandanyother structures,topography,parking, andother information asreasonablydetermined bytheTowntobe necessarytoassess compliance with this Ordinance.All drawings shall be scaled drawings. c. Describewhythe antennaor tower is necessary at the particular location. Chapter 13 -Zoning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 79 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "D" d.Statethename(s)ofthe telecommunications providersorother usersofthe antenna or tower and describe the use to be madeby each user. e.Indicateifthisantennaor tower site is to beconnectedtoother sites; and ifso,describe how it will beconnected and whowill bethe back haulprovider. f.The Towndoesnotrequireco-location; however, the applicant must address whetherit hasmade an effort toco-locate thefacilitiesproposedforthisantennafacilityon existing antenna facilitiesinthesame generalarea. Identifythe locationofthese existingsites,and describeindetailtheseeffortsandexplain indetail why these existing siteswere not feasible. Attach all studies ortests performedwhich demonstratewhytheexistingsites willnot provide sufficientsignalcoverage. Provide written documentationfrom existingsites' owners and/or operators which confirmthe statements provided. Indicatewhether theexisting sites allow/ promote co-location and, if not, describe why not. g.Indicatewhetherco-locationwillbeallowed toothertelecommunicationsprovidersat therequested site. Ifthey arenotallowed,state everyreason andthe basis of each reason. h.Iftherequestedlocation is in a residentialdistricttheapplicant mustaddresswhetherit hasmade an effortto locatethe facilityin a nonresidential district. Identifythelocation ofthese nonresidential district sites, describe in detail theseefforts, and explain in detail whythese nonresidentialsites werenotfeasible. Attachallstudies or tests performed which demonstrate why thenonresidential sites willnotprovidesufficientsignal coverage. Providewrittendocumentationfrom nonresidential districtsites'ownersor operators which confirm the statements provided. i.Indicate the proposed provider's current coverageareafortheTown. Attachmaps showing the areas theproposedprovider's existingantenna currentlycovers,the areas the applicant's existingsites and therequested site would cover. j. Describe the applicant's masterantenna facilities planforthe Town. Attachmapsand other relateddocumentation.Provide information indicating each phase of the plan. k. Describe the applicant's plantominimizethenumberof antenna facilities neededto cover the Town. 2.Consideration ofApplication: Inconsidering whethertogrant a ConditionalUsePermit,the following shall be considered. a.TheeffectthatlocationoftheAntennaFacilitywillhaveonthemonetary valueofthe surroundingproperty; b.The potentialfor interference with theenjoyment of the use surrounding properties; c.Aesthetics;Impact,includingbutnotlimitedto,thesurroundingtopography,surrounding treecoverage andfoliage; proposed buffering;and thedesign oftheAntenna Facility, with particular referenceto design characteristics thathavethe effectofreducing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness; d.The proposed height of the antenna facility relative tosurrounding structures; e.The zoningdistrict andthe adjoining zoning districtsof the property forwhich Conditional Use Permit is sought; Chapter 13 -Zoning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 80 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "D" f.Theuniqueconditions thatgovernreasonable receptiononthe antenna facilityonany given lot; and g.Theavailabilityofsuitablealternative sites: Suitablealternativesite(s)shallmeana location or locations thatwould provide thesame orbetter signalcoverage thanthe proposedsite forwhich a conditional use permitis requested. Theapplicantshall provide documentation supporting his contention thatalternative site(s) are not suitable and/or available. 3.Procedures forConsiderationof ConditionalUse Permit:The proceduresfor consideration of an application forconditional use permit requested underthis sectionofthe ordinance shall be thesame as thoseprocedures forrequestof a conditionaluse permitunder Article6, Section 6.01 of this ordinance. K.WrittenReport Denialofanapplication forconditionaluse permit underthissection shallbedocumentedin accordancewith the requirements established in theTelecommunications Act of 1996, as amended. L.Appeal Anapplicant mayappealthe decision ofthePlanningand Zoning AdministratortothePlanning& ZoningCommissionbyfiling a written Noticeof Appealwithin ten (10)days following thedatethe Administrator notifies the applicant of his decision. The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve,conditionally approve, or deny an appeal. The applicantmayappealthePlanningand ZoningCommission’s denialtothe TownCouncil by filing a writtenNoticeof Appeal withthe Town Secretarywithinten(10)daysfollowingthe denial bythe Commission. A decision nottimely appealed in accordance with this sectionshall be final. (Ord. No. 2000-06 P&Z § XLI, 3-21-00, Repealed by Ord. No. 2001-08 P&Z, § II, 4-16-01) Chapter 13 -Zoning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 81 of 93September 3, 2015 Exhibit "D" Section 5.11 Home Occupations A.Home occupationsmay be conducted within residentialunits provided suchhomeoccupationsare “transparent”to the neighborhood.Thefollowing regulations shall apply: 1.No personotherthan membersofthefamilyresiding onthe premises shall be engaged in the home occupation; 2.The use of the dwelling unit for the homeoccupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to itsuse for residential purposes by itsoccupants, and not morethantwenty percent (20%)ofthefloorareaof the dwellingunit,notincludingthe garageoraccessory structure, shall be used in the conducting of the homeoccupation; 3.Thereshall be nochangeintheoutsideappearance ofthe building or premises, orother visible evidence of the conduct of such home occupation. No sign advertising a home occupation shall be placed on propertywhere a home occupationis conducted; 4.There shall be nodirectsalesof goods orproducts fromthe dwellinginconnectionwithsuch home occupation. 5.No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation ingreater volumesthanwould normallybeexpected in a residentialneighborhood, andany needfor parking generatedby theconduct ofsuch home occupationshallbemet offthestreetandotherthan in a required front yard; 6.No equipment,process or workshallbeused or conducted in suchhome occupationwhich creates noise, vibration, glare,fumes, odors,or electricalinterference detectable tothenormal senses off the lot,ifthe occupation is conductedin aresidence. Inthe case ofelectrical interference,noequipment, process orworkshallbeusedorconducted which creates visual oraudible interferencein anyradio ortelevision receiversoffthepremises,or causes fluctuations inline voltage off the premises; 7.The operation of a beautysalon, barber shop,petgrooming establishment,orrepairservices shall not be permitted as a home occupation; and 8.No outdoorstorage of any type shallbe permittedwith any home occupation. (OrdNo.98-29,§XLIII,12-1-98, Repealed by Ord. No. 2000-06P&Z § XLIII, 3-21-00) Chapter 13 -Zoning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 82 of 93September 3, 2015 2015 3, September Location Site Aerial Photo Exhibit "E" of 93 83 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 3, September Location Site Zoning Map Exhibit "E" of 93 84 Page Commission Zoning & Planning Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0568-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/28/2015 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:9/3/2015 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated 08-06-2015 Attachments:MeetingMinutes 080615.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated 08-06-2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 85 of 93September 3, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission ______________________________________________________________________ August 6,2015 7:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom ______________________________________________________________________ CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Sheridan called the August 6, 2015, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7:02p.m. and announced a quorum present (5 members). Present: 5 - Commissioner Card, Commissioner Senelly, Commissioner Oldham, Chairman Sheridan, and Vice Chairman Vowell Absent:1 - Commissioner Ross STAFF PRESENT: Town Planner Ron Ruthven Community Development Manager Pat Cooke Recording Secretary Robbie Killingsworth (Recording Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in thefollowing order: Citizen Presentations; Consent Agenda; Item No. 1; Item No. 2; Item No. 3; Item No. 5; Item No.12; Item No. 14; Item No.4-; Item No. 6; Item No. 7; Item No. 8; Item No. 9; Item No. 10; Item No. 11; and Item No. 13) PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING- OPENED AT 7:04 P.M. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board regarding an item over which the Board has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. REQUEST(S) TO SPEAK AT PUBLIC HEARING: 1.Greg George, 12 Hanna Court, Trophy Club, TX 76262, AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 2015-0490-T Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone 5.596 acres, located in the 100 block of Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B in the Trophy Wood Business Center, from the PD- Planned Development zoning district to the GU-Government Use zoning district, Case ZC-15-001. Attachments: Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Chairman Sheridan askedfor staff report.Staff recommends approval. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 86 of 93September 3, 2015 Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. Greg George, 12 Hanna Court, Trophy Club, TX 76262, is one of the property owners. After a homeowners meeting in May, found out thepolice station and municipal building was going to be built. He would like to welcome what he hopes will be his new neighbors on the other side of his fence. He has beenunable to find information showing the plot plan. He brought up buffer, fence, fence line, fence maintenance, fence condition, co-opingon a fence, and wanting on agenda when plot plan is discussed. 2015-0491-T Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2013-09, PD-Planned Development District No. 32, Exhibit “B” Concept Plan, in order to amend the total common areas of Lot 1A, Block J in Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A, Case PD-AMD-15-045. Attachments: Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Exhibit E.pdf Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant, Gil Marques, 21 Oxford Place, Trophy Club,TX 76262. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any publicrequests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan askedfor staff report. Staff recommends approval. 2015-0492-T Public Hearingregarding a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Wastewater Treatment Facility on 10.58 acres located in the Mary Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 on Junction Way; Applicant: Trophy Club Municipal Utility District, Case CUP-15-005 Attachments: Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant, Jennifer McKnight, General Manager for Trophy Club Municipal Utility District, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club,TX 76262. She does not have a presentation for this item and defers to staff report. Chairman Sheridan askedfor staff report. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any publicrequests to speak. No public requests were turned in. PUBLIC HEARING - CLOSED AT 7:22P.M. August 6, 2015 Minutes Page 2 of 6 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 87 of 93September 3, 2015 REGULAR SESSION REGULAR SESSION - OPENED AT 7:22P.M. 2015-0500-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2013-09, PD-Planned Development District No. 32, Exhibit “B” Concept Plan, in order to amend the total common area of Lot 1A, Block J in Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A, Case PD-AMD- 15-045. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant, GilMarques, 21 Oxford Place, Trophy Club,TX 76262. No further comments were made. Chairman Sheridan askedfor staff report. No further comments were made. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any publicrequests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or discussion regardinga request to amend Ordinance No. 2013-09, PD-Planned Development District No. 32, Exhibit “B” Concept Plan, in order to amend the total common area of Lot 1A, Block J in Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A, Case PD-AMD-15-045. Chairman Sheridan askedfor a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Senelly, seconded by Vice Chairman Vowell, to approve request. The motion passed unanimously. 2015-0494-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan for Meat- U-Anywhere B-B-QRestaurant, Trophy Club Drive, Lot 3, The Village, Trophy Club, TX, Case SP-15-032. Attachments: Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Chairman Sheridanasked for comments from applicant, Travis J. Bousquet, PE, President/CEO of The Bousquet Group, Inc., 501 South Carroll Blvd., Suite 201,Denton, TX76201. Chairman Sheridan askedfor staff report. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any publicrequests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Senelly, seconded by Chairman Sheridan, to approve request. The motion passed unanimously. August 6, 2015 Minutes Page 3 of 6 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 88 of 93September 3, 2015 2015-0498-T Discussion and recommendation regarding an amendment to the approved Site Plan for Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Wonderland Plaza Addition, Case SP-15-031. Attachments: Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant, Steven R.Homeyer, PE, Civil Engineer with Homeyer Engineering, Inc., 206 Elm Street, Suite 105, Lewisville, TX75029. Chairman Sheridan askedfor staff report. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any publicrequests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Oldham, seconded by Vice Chairman Vowell, to approve request with the following condition:Provide a queuing analysis to assure there is sufficient stacking space in each direction.The motion passed unanimously. 2015-0499-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to rezone 5.596 acres, located in the 100 block of Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B in the Trophy Wood Business Center, from the PD-Planned Development zoning district to the GU-Government Use zoning district, Case ZC-15-001. Chairman Sheridan askedfor staff report. No further comments were made. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any publicrequests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Senelly,seconded by Commissioner Oldham, toapprove request as presented.The motion passed unanimously. 2015-0501-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Wastewater Treatment Facility on 10.58 acres located in the Mary Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 on Junction Way; Applicant: Trophy Club Municipal Utility District, Case CUP-15-005. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant. No further comments were made. Chairman Sheridan askedfor staff report. No further comments were made. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any publicrequests to speak.No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made byCommissioner Senelly, seconded by Vice Chairman Vowell, toapprove request as presented.The motion passed unanimously. August 6, 2015 Minutes Page 4 of 6 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 89 of 93September 3, 2015 Without objection, Chairman Sheridan asked to take the minutes, 5 agenda items, as one motion and one vote.Chairman Sheridan asked for corrections or comments over the minutes presented. None given. 2015-0483-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the February 5, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes. 2015-0484-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the February 19, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes. 2015-0485-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the April 2, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes. 2015-0488-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the April 9, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes. 2015-0489-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the May 7, 2015 Planning andZoning Commission minutes. Attachments: MeetingMinutes 020515.pdf MeetingMinutes 021915.pdf MeetingMinutes 040215.pdf MeetingMinutes 040915.pdf MeetingMinutes 050715.pdf Motion made byVice Chairman Vowell, seconded by Commissioner Senelly, to approvethe February 5, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; February 19, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; April 2, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; April 9, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; and the May 7, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes. The motion passed unanimously. 2015-0497-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Preliminary Plat of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District Wastewater Treatment Facility, Trophy Club, TX,Case PP-15-028. Attachments:Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant.The following spoke on behalf of theTrophy Club Municipal Utility District: Jennifer McKnight, General Managerfor Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262. Kevin R.Glovier, P.E., Senior Project Manager with theWallace Group,which is now CP&Y th Street, Suite 1500, Fort Worth, TX 76102 Company, 115 W. 7 th Street, Suite 1500, Fort Worth, TX 76102 Adam Marsh, Engineer with CP&Y, 115 W. 7 Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff recommends denialdue to technical noncompliance. Chairman Sheridan asked ifthere were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. August 6, 2015 Minutes Page 5 of 6 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 90 of 93September 3, 2015 Motion made by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Chairman Senelly,for approval of a Preliminary Plat of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District Wastewater Treatment Facility, Trophy Club, TX, Case PP-15-028 with the following conditions: 1.Deny M.U.D. request for a Right-of-Way waiver. 2.Require a future road designation that goes from the end of concrete Junction Way, West, starting at M.U.D. property curving before it gets to the future construction basin. 3.Approve M.U.D. request for concrete waiver. 4.Impact fees and dollar cost be deferred to future when the road construction occurs. The Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Motion made by Commissioner Senelly, seconded by Vice Chairman Vowell, that this meeting be adjourned. Motion passed unanimously. ______________________________________________________________________ Dennis Sheridan, ChairmanRon Ruthven, Town Planner Planning and Zoning CommissionCommunity Development Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas August 6, 2015 Minutes Page 6 of 6 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 91 of 93September 3, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0569-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/28/2015 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:9/3/2015 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless antenna facility located on 0.006 acres within Tract C, Section 8, Trophy Club Addition along SH 114 between Trophy Lake Drive and Trophy Club Drive, south of Roaring Creek Court; Applicant: Verizon Wireless. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingarequestforaConditionalUsePermitforawirelessantennafacilitylocated on0.006acreswithinTractC,Section8,TrophyClubAdditionalongSH114betweenTrophyLakeDriveandTrophy Club Drive, south of Roaring Creek Court; Applicant: Verizon Wireless. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 92 of 93September 3, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0570-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/28/2015 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:9/3/2015 Final action: Title:Town planner updates on items previously approved by the Commission, current development activity and comprehensive planning; discussion of same: Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Town planner updates on items previously approved by the Commission, current development activity and comprehensive planning; discussion of same: Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 93 of 93September 3, 2015