Agenda Packet TC 02/23/2016 - Supplemental Items Supplemental Item February 23, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 Consider and take appropriate action regarding design modifications of Trophy Club Town Hall; receive an update from GSBS and Steele & Freeman, Inc.; discussion of same. Not enough savings to justify switching from high Current concrete price prevents this from being a delete carpet 180 SY x 32.72 , add VCT 1620 sf Lafayette is powder coated w/ 10 yr warrantyLafayette is powder coated w/ 10 yr warranty Partition -29,597 , structural steel -$5,499 Can not be combined w/ Pavestone optionCan not be combined w/ Pavestone option 13' wide excavation required behind wall COMMENTS Moved to FF&E efficient LEDs (553,790.60)(553,790.60) 2/23/2016 TOTAL $ (553,790.60)(85,844.00)(102,169.00)(7,868.00)(16,237.00)(36,190.00)(3,000.00)(29,597.00)(3,702.60)(24,360.00)(7,062.00)(22,229.00)(40,000.00)(340,857.60) 37,401.00 ACCEPTED RECOMMENDED 0.00 0.00 Trophy Club Joint Town Hall & Police Administration Facility OWNER DECISION 0.00 0.00 PENDING COST REDUCTION ANALYSIS (213,251.00)(3,486.00)(13,944.00)(1,594.00)(6,000.00)(55,184.00) (4,730.00)(19,630.00)(5,800.00) REJECTED (1,139,248.60)(85,844.00)(4,730.00)(3,486.00)(13,944.00)(102,169.00)(1,594.00)(7,868.00)(16,237.00)(36,190.00)(3,000.00)(19,630.00)(29,597.00)(3,702.60)(24,360.00)(7,062.00)(22,229.00)(5,800.00)(40,0 00.00)(6,000.00) 37,401.00 VALUES BUDGET Landscape reduction - trees and shrubs at top of retaining wall including all associated HVAC & electrical. Parapet height to Substitute 8' Lafayette fence for Ameristar fence at PD parking Landscape - broadcast seed in lieu of hydro mulch at native 5 & 10 Delete folding partition but leave partition steel support 26 Generator allowance reduced by approx. 30% capacity to Remove (Attic room 301) Mezzanine Storage room & stair, be reduce to 19'-0". Remove the five 3'-4" x 3'-0' windows. Remove limestone at plaza, add stained and scored conc. Substitute Lafayette 42" fence for Ameristar fence Recon Wall geogrid options - may not be combined Electrical feeders to be aluminum in lieu of copper Add 1" of concrete to remove lime stabilization Site and Building Cost Reduction Suggestions Subtotal Council Approved Items - Recon voluntary reduction of gravity wall vegetation area north of retaining wall DESCRIPTION Change site lighting to MH from LED Delete Trophy Club Logo Allowance Delete window mecho shades Carpet to VCT at PD hallways 300kw 600 amp generator Lobby logo to "TC" letters Canopy deduct alternate - Recon geogrid option Move 12" water line structure in scope. - Pavestone wall lot. ITEM 1011121314151617181939 1234679 Masonry Fence -$16,960, Lafayette fence, gate, Lafayette Fence +$5,450, Masonry Fence Terrazzo -$37,395, Tile $28,290 ($5.00/sf Material Masonry -$7,700, Concrete -$7,450 Concrete -$7,590, Gravel $2,933. Brick $22,704, Limestone -$44,307 Flag poles -$2,361, Lights -$125 mow strip & operator -$28,338 COMMENTS Concrete -$12,700, Sod $948 Concrete -$7,930, Sod $592Concrete -$7,600, Sod $567Concrete -$6,260, Sod $165 Steel -$4,680, Roof -$3,822 Allowance) TOTAL (7,338.00)(11,510.00)(10,000.00)(6,095.00)(9,000.00)(2,486.00)(15,394.00)(21,603.00)(8,502.00)(9,105.00) ACCEPTED RECOMMENDED OWNER DECISION PENDING (28,338.00)(45,298.00)(15,150.00)(1,458.00) (4,657.00)(7,362.00)(11,750.00) 5,000.00 REJECTED (4,657.00)(7,338.00)(7,362.00)(11,750.00)(11,510.00)(28,338.00)(45,298.00)(10,000.00)(6,095.00)(12,865.00)(2,486.00)(15,394.00)(21,603.00)(15,150.00)(1,458.00)(8,502.00)(9,105.00) 5,000.00 VALUES BUDGET retaining wall and the west side of the building approximately 3,902 sf. This will include the deletion of 14 ornamental trees parking spaces, 3,793 sf of paving and replace end area with Delete Police Dept. Parking Lafayette fence, gate, mow strip Remove new plants & shrubs from the north side below the Option #3: At the SE parking delete 14 center parking spaces, Option #4: At the SE parking shorten lot by deleting 14 center To provide 106 lf of 8' Lafayette fence in lieu of a 8' masonry Remove limestone veneer on north and east building elevation Delete 149 lf of front concrete & limestone veneer retaining Provide 30"x30" porcelain tile in lieu of terrazzo at floor at Delete Police Dept. parking lot Lafayette fence, gate, mow Option #1: At the Police secured parking delete 14 head in parking spaces, 2,267 sf of paving and replace with gravel.Vestibule 100, Public Lobby 101, Town Hall Lobby 105, PD Option #2: At the SE parking delete 14 head end parking Delete the canopy at the north elevation outside of the Provide brick veneer in lieu of limestone veneer at front Delete 1 flag pole and replace and reduce the up lights. Delete 23 lf of retaining wall from the west end of the Delete rear patio flatwork outside of canopy by 659 sf Provide porcelain tile floor logo at the public lobby. and 1 canopy trees and replace this area with sod. Lobby 194, Corridor 195 and Elected Official 199. spaces, 2,368 sf of paving and replace with sod. wall from the east end of the retaining wall. 2,269 sf of paving and replace with sod. and provide brick veneer approx. 764 sf. DESCRIPTION and masonry Screen wall. Delete landscape lighting strip & operator. retaining wall. retaining wall. Breakroom. sod. and/ or ITEM 25a25b ororororor 5c8c 5a5b5d202122232426272829 8b 8 accessories -$635, Carpet to VCT -$154, Tile - Concrete -$3,766, Plumbing -$4,000, HVAC -$350, Toilet Ceramic Tile -$13,765, Painting $1,112 Limestone -$37,572, Brick $15,246 Ceiling -$18,500, Electric $3,300 $1,380, Drywall & Acoustic -$288 Limestone -$8,887, Brick $4678 COMMENTS Dirtt System -$20,215, Electrical $1,270 TOTAL (6,807.00)(15,200.00)(4,209.00)(12,653.00)(10,400.00)(40,300.00)(22,331.00)(212,933.00) ACCEPTED RECOMMENDED 0.00 OWNER DECISION 0.00 PENDING (22,711.00)(31,073.00)(162,797.00) REJECTED (6,807.00)(22,711.00)(15,200.00)(31,073.00)(4,209.00)(12,653.00)(31,702.00)(10,400.00)(40,300.00)(214,988.00)(51,780.00)(57,082.00)(8,060.00)(22,331.00) VALUES BUDGET rooms Men 135, Women 134, Women 197 Men 196, Women's to be painted gypsum. Delete wood wainscot paneling & trim and provide 3 recessed raceways at 20'0" in length. Provide 2 for a total of 8,113 sf. Delete 2 ornamental & 8 canopy trees. Reduce PD side of building by 5'. Reduce 1 holding cell and 1 Change limestone veneer on the south and west elevation to slope. Circular suspended gypsum ceiling to remain. Change panels to 2x2 A589 Cirrus Beveled edge ACT without ceiling Delete plumbing & fixtures, toilet accessories in Private WC. Delete full access flooring at Server Room , EOC/Training 147 Change ceiling in Council Chamber from Type D wood ceiling Remove stone veneer at Council 104 accent north wall. Wall Delete new plants and shrubs at the south end of the building Provide PVC in lieu of cast iron for below grade sanitary sewer Reduce the building size by 1,800 sf by shortening the east & south of parking lot, remove 8 trees, 188 shrubs, 97 shrubs, Provide brick in lieu of limestone at Public Lobby 101 north South LS buffer (code variance) Reduce two planting areas Replace gypsum Ceiling with 2x2 ACT. Floor to be VCT and Change 2,000 sf of limestone veneer to brick veneer at the Change ceramic wall tile from full height to 4' wainscot at at north, east, south & west elevations of both Council animal kennel in ACO area and reduce 1 exterior door. Subtotal Council Unapproved Items Locker 183, Men 180 and Mocker room 182. power and data location in each conduit. DESCRIPTION Reduce City Hall side of building by 5' Lobby rotunda. Rotunda Exterior. Areas to be replaced with sod. Chambers 103 & Council 104. brick. A total of 1,108 sf. west ends by 10' each. lighting to LED fixtures and replace with turf. painted gypsum walls accent wall. lines. and/or ITEM 32a 41A41B or 3031323334353840414243 Town of Trophy Club Joint Facility Cost and Funding Breakdown as of 2/22/2016 (with additional CCPD Funding) Funding 2014 CO Bond Proceeds (1) 907,079 2015 CO Bond Proceeds - CCPD 2,250,000 2015 GO Bond Proceeds 5,400,000 CCPD Operating Funds 125,000 General Fund Operating Funds 500,000 Total Funding$ 9,182,079 Costs Professional Services (remaining) 436,873 Construction (2) 8,418,263 Additional Proposed Reductions (212,933) Estimated Security Camera/ Access Control Savings (40,000) FF&E & A/V 600,000 Total Costs$ 9,202,203 (1) Originally issued for joint facility land purchase and residual funds were repurposed for facility construction. (2) Includes all changes accepted by Council to date plus use of all $335k in contingency funds. *Note: Storm drainage project infrastructure totals $230k - and the Storm Drainage Fund is a contingency to fund that if needed (as of 1/31/16 the working capital available is $312,579) Town of Trophy Club Joint Facility Cost and Funding Breakdown as of 2/22/2016 (with no additional CCPD funding) Funding 2014 CO Bond Proceeds (1) 907,079 2015 CO Bond Proceeds - CCPD 2,000,000 2015 GO Bond Proceeds 5,400,000 CCPD Operating Funds 125,000 General Fund Operating Funds 500,000 Total Funding$ 8,932,079 Costs Professional Services (remaining) 436,873 Construction (2) 8,418,263 Additional Proposed Reductions (212,933) Estimated Security Camera/ Access Control Savings (40,000) FF&E & A/V 600,000 Total Costs$ 9,202,203 (1) Originally issued for joint facility land purchase and residual funds were repurposed for facility construction. (2) Includes all changes accepted by Council to date plus use of all $335k in contingency funds. *Note: Storm drainage project infrastructure totals $230k - and the Storm Drainage Fund is a contingency to fund that if needed (as of 1/31/16 the working capital available is $312,579) Supplemental Item February 23, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution relating to the giving of Notice of Intention to issue Town of Trophy Club, Texas combination tax and revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2016; and providing an effective date.