Minutes Parks 11/16/2015MINUTES OF A REGULAR PARKS & RECREATION BOARD T(C�*�� MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN OF LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TROPHY CLUB Monday, November 16, 2015 7:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Parks & Recreation Board of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Monday, November 16, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Earl Bilbrey Chairman Jim Hanna Vice Chairman Louis Hocker Board Member . Tom Mills Board Member Open Seat Board Member PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Dean Murray Secretary Darin Davis Board Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT Adam Adams Parks & Recreation Director Tony Jaramillo Parks Superintendent Jacob Lohse Recreation Superintendent Philip Shoffner Town Council Liaison Call to order and announce a quorum. Chairman Bilbrey called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. noting a quorum was present. REGULAR SESSION Citizen Presentations: 1. Discuss and take appropriate action on the approval of the October 19, 2015 minutes. Board Member Mills made a motion to approve the October 19, 2015. Board Member Hocker seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Discuss and direction to staff concerning the possibility of an Irish themed event to be held at Trophy Club Park on March 12, 2016. Staff let the board know that the vendor emailed the Town letting them know that they are not going to move forward with plans for 2016. They will begin planning in 2016 to hold the event in 2017. 3. Discuss and provide recommendation to Town Council concerning the location and installment of a community garden to be located within Trophy Club Park. Staff gave a brief overview of Keep Trophy Club Wild, Inc. and presented the value that KTCW brings to the Town. KTCW is asking for approximately $7000 to complete installation of this project at TCP. Installation will take 50 — 60 man hours. Rent for plots will cover future costs of the garden; it will be self-sustaining. Pending approval from the Churchill Downs HOA, the board recommended accepting the community garden installation at TCP. Board member Mills made a motion to recommend that the garden plans go to Town Council for their approval. Board member Hocker seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Hanna voted for the recommendation. Chairman Bilbrey voted against the recommendation. With a majority vote, the board will recommend that the garden be installed at TCP as presented. 4. Discuss and provide input to staff concerning a median revitalization project. Staff let the board know that the trees in the medians have almost reached the end of their lifespan and presented a slideshow of current medians. Staff wants to be proactive in the items that will be planted in the future so that there are minimal issues stemming from the age of the plants and weather. 5. Discuss and provide input concerning the use of the Trophy Club community pool by businesses located both outside of the Town and those within the Town. The board wants staff to research what the surrounding pools charge for non-residents and non-resident groups. Staff will bring back the information to the January meeting. 6. Discuss and provide input concerning the possibility of establishing certain non- resident use fees at the Fourth of July Celebration. Staff is generating ideas for using wristbands for the celebration on July 4t" and will bring ideas to January meeting. Considering resident and non-resident lines to help move residents through quickly. 7. Staff/Board updates on the following; discussion of same: a. Independence Park Kickball requested to extend lights for their championship game on November 16, 2015. b. Harmony Park Soccer is playing on the fields again — kids only, no adults. c. Lakeview Park Staff will bring engineering bids before council in January. Hoping to start the project in March. d. TCP Sub -Committee Committee will meet in December, date to be determined. e. FEMA Staff met with Town management about bringing in a consultant for the work that needs to be done at TCP. Flood insurance will cover some of FEMA costs. f. Christmas Celebration Staff let the board know that the celebration will include the Mayor reading "T'was the Night Before Christmas", two Beck choirs, pictures with Santa, and numerous booths giving away free desserts. g. Spring Brochure Will have an update at next meeting. 8. Future addenda items Park survey Adjourn Vice Chairman Hanna made a motion to dismiss the meeting at approximately 9:00 p.m. Board Member Mills seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. i can M — creation Board Secretary