ORD 1999-08TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 1999-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, CANVASSING THE RETURNS, INCLUDING THE RETURNS OF EARLY VOTING BALLOTS CAST IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON MAY 1, 1999, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THE MAYOR AND TWO (2) COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR TWO (2) YEAR TERMS EACH; AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION; AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF CANVASS OF GENERAL ELECTION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on February 16, 1999, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the "Town") passed an approved Ordinance 1999-03, which Ordinance ordered a General Election to be held on May 1, 1999, for the purpose of electing the Mayor and two (2) Council Members for two (2) year terms each; and WHEREAS, the appropriate authority of the Town has heretofore caused to be posted and published, in accordance with the election laws of the State of Texas, notice of the General Election; and WHEREAS, the General Election was duly and legally held on May 1, 1999, in the Town and in conformity with the election laws of the State of Texas, and the results of the General Election, including the early voting results, have been certified and returned to the proper judges and clerks thereof, and WHEREAS, the Town Secretary, acting as general custodian of the election records, presented the official returns of the presiding judges of the General Election, including the returns of early voting ballots in connection therewith, to the Town Council acting in its capacity as the Canvassing Board; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has considered the returns of the General Election, including the returns of early voting ballots cast in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the returns of the General Election, including the returns of early voting ballots, duly and legally made, showed that there were cast at the Election the following valid and legal votes: TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB ORDINANCE 1999-08 F:1sHAREDIEVERYONEVHILLICANVA55.WPD PAGE 1 QF 4 TOTAL EARLY TOTAL VOTES ELECTION VOTING CAST AT POLL TOTAL VOTES VOTES CAST ON ELECTION DAY CAST General Election 846 2,308 3,154 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB ORDINANCE 1999-08 F:1sHAREDIEVERYONEVHILLICANVA55.WPD PAGE 1 QF 4 and; WHEREAS, the returns of the General Election, including the returns of the early voting ballots, duly and legally made, showed that each candidate received the following votes: MAYOR FOR TWO (2) YEAR TERM TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR TWO (2) YEAR TERMS NAME OF CANDIDATE TOTAL NUMBER OF EARLY VOTING VOTES RECEIVED TOTAL NUMBER TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES RECEIVED NAME OF TOTAL NUNIBER OF VOTES TOTAL NUMBER CANDIDATE OF EARLY VOTING RECEIVED AT OF VOTES Scott A. Smith VOTES RECEIVED POLL ON RECEIVED Kevin R. Carr 46 ELECTION DAY 258 Marshall Engelbeck 205 582 787 Larry Hutto 89 222 311 TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR TWO (2) YEAR TERMS NAME OF CANDIDATE TOTAL NUMBER OF EARLY VOTING VOTES RECEIVED TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES RECEIVED AT POLL ON ELECTION DAY TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES RECEIVED Barb Tweedie 149 339 488 Susan Edstrom 87 291 378 Scott A. Smith 138 264 402 Kevin R. Carr 46 212 258 Neil Twomey 30 120 150 Billy Hughes 48 148 196 Jon M. Livers 54 130 184 and; WHEREAS; pursuant to State Law, in order to be declared elected, a candidate must receive the highest number of votes of the entire Town cast for the office for which such person is a candidate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: - TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB ORDINANCE 1999-08 F:\SHARED\EVERYONEVHILL\CANVASS.WPD PAGE 2 OF 4 Section 1. Incorporation of Premises. The above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance and made apart hereof for all purposes. Section 3. Confirmation of Vote Tabulations. The results of the General Election, as canvassed and tabulated above, reflect the expressed desires of the resident, qualified voters of the Town. Section 3. Elected Officials; Terms of Office. In accordance with the canvass and tabulation of the results of the General Election, the duly elected Council Members elected on May 1, 1999, and the corresponding terms of office, subject to the taking of the oaths of office as required by State Law, are as follows: OFFICE Mayor TERM Two (2) Years NAME Marshall Engelbeck Barb Tweedie Council Member Two (2) Years Council Member Two (2) Years Scott Smith Section 4. Issuance of Certificates of Election. The Mayor Pro Tem is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver Certificates of Election to the successful candidates elected at the General Election, as specified in Section 3 hereof. Section 5. Issuance of Canvass of General Election. The Mayor Pro Tem is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Canvass of the General Election, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, in accordance with the election laws of the State of Texas, and to take all other action necessary in connection therewith. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 4th day of May, 1999. v Mayor Pro Tem, Town of Trophy Club, Texas ATTEST: Town Secretary, T wn of Trophy Club, Texas TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB ORDINANCE 1999-08 F:ISHAREDIEVERYONEUHILLICANVASS.WPD PAGE 3 OF 4 EXHIBIT A TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS CANVASS OF GENERAL ELECTION I, the undersigned Mayor Pro Tem of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, and Presiding Officer of the Canvassing Authority of the Town, met on May 4th, 1999, with the Town Council of the Town, sitting as the Canvassing Board to canvass the returns of the General Election held on May 1, 1999, at the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the figures on the tally sheets correspond with the figures on the returns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas to be affixed hereto, this 4th day of May, 1999. (Seal.) Mayor Pro Tern and Presi ing Officer of the Canvassing Authority Town of Trophy Club, Texas TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB ORDINANCE 1999-08 F:ISHAREDIEVERYONE�JHILLICANVASS.WPD PAGE 4 OF 4 RETURNSIMET (PA GINA DE DA TOS NOBRE EL RESULT ADO DE LA CLECCION) (Num. de Pct.) -Vaa1.yo1 (iutnridudud�rrirrlsrr❑ndof❑elrcciorrJ t7 944-1e DateorEleclion (Fecha dela Eleecion) Type of Election (Tlpo de Eleceion) Name of candidate (nr "For" and "Against") (Nambre del caudidola) (a "A favor de" y "En ra tru rte") Office Sought or Proposition (Puerto ❑frcialsolicilado a Propasician) No. of votes received (Nina, de coons recibidar) 488 eS '4-40 Cc, Ccrc%C i .0 B� Z Univ Cv c��rJG�1 :4�c 2-58 %GC�O,Gt Z)61 Zl� ' S SO I9{v Total number of voters who voted us indicated by poll list. E IeCT'Lar} D2cr Eft -I V (Num m) tuial de volumes gyre rolar❑u Begun la fis(a de Wallen) t V k 914 f -777 J = 1113 1. Lite undersigned, the presiding judge for lite above described election held al the above designated election precinct, da hereby certify that Lite above return is a true and correct return far said eleeliom (1'a, r( uhuja firnr❑do jur: presidente dr to elecrian setraluda arriba que se flera a cubo en e1 prerint❑ eleer❑ral designado arriha, par la presenl�e/ rc.jrrfifka que los dalas de arriba son los resulladus verdaderos p c❑rrerlas de dicho cfeceiun,) DATED Lhis the Z dayof , 19 WECIIADA este din de 19 Presidmg'udge (jur: Presldeme)