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Attachments:Draft TC Minutes August 11, 2015.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated August 11, 2015. Town CouncilPage 6 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 MINUTES FROM REGULAR SESSION TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, August 11, 2015. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Nick Sanders Mayor Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem, Place 5 Jim Parrow Council Member, Place 1 Garrett Reed Council Member, Place 2 Rhylan Rowe Council Member, Place 3 Tim Kurtz Council Member, Place 4 Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 (participated remotely using video conferencing) STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Stephen Seidel Town Manager Patricia Adams Town Attorney Steven Glickman Assistant Town Manager/CFO Holly Fimbres Town Secretary/RMO Patrick Arata Police Chief Pat Cooke Development Services Manager April Reiling PIO/Marketing Manager Ron Ruthven Town Planner Mayor Sanders announced the date of Tuesday, August 11, 2015, called the Town Council to order and announced a quorum at 7:01 p.m. The Invocation was offered by Council Member Parrow. The Pledges were led by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. There were no citizen presentations. Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 7 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 1 of 1068, 2015 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 1. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated July 14, 2015. (Town Secretary Note: Approved as presented at the dais) 2. Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated June 2015. 3. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Third Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2015. 4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council approving and authorizing a project of the Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation 4B to purchase land for authorized purposes (First Reading). 5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution relating to the Giving of Notice of Intention to Amend Ordinance No. 2014-08 issuing Town of Trophy Club, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2014; and providing an effective date. Attachment A – Resolution No. 2015-11 6. Consider and take appropriate action to approve a Dual Obligee Rider and General Purpose Rider identifying Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 as a Dual Obligee on the Maintenance Bond for the construction of public improvements for Waters Edge at Hogan’s Glenn, Phase III Subdivision. Town Attorney Adams advised that the numbers listed on the Dual Obligee Rider and General Purpose Rider, Item No. 6, were incorrect. Mayor Sanders requested to remove Item No. 6 from the Consent Agenda. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, seconded by Council Member Parrow, to approve the Consent Agenda Items 1 through 5. Motion passed unanimously. REGULAR SESSION 6. Consider and take appropriate action to approve a Dual Obligee Rider and General Purpose Rider identifying Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 as a Dual Obligee on the Maintenance Bond for the construction of public improvements for Waters Edge at Hogan’s Glenn, Phase III Subdivision. Town Attorney Adams explained that the Town has a maintenance bond that was provided to the Town for the public improvements in the amount as set forth in the Subdivider’s agreements. TCMUD No. 1 requested that the developer provide a separate maintenance bond in their name and the bonding company refused; therefore the compromise was to do a Dual Obligee Rider and separate out Town and TCMUD No. 1 improvements. She advised that the numbers did not match when they were submitted, but are currently in the process of being corrected. She asked the Council to consider approving the concept and to proceed with a Dual Obligee Rider once the corrected numbers are received for the division of value public improvements. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, seconded by Council Member Rowe, to approve a Dual Obligee Rider and General Purpose Rider identifying Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 as a Dual Obligee on the Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 8 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 2 of 1068, 2015 Maintenance Bond for the construction of public improvements for Waters Edge at Hogan’s Glenn, Phase III Subdivision, subject to the specific data being received. Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING 7. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the Trophy Club Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 submitted to the Town Council by the CCPD Board. Mayor Sanders opened the public hearing at 7:09 p.m. There was no one present that wished to speak regarding the item. 8. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Wastewater Treatment Facility on 10.58 acres located in the Mary Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 on Junction Way; Applicant: Trophy Club Municipal Utility District, Case CUP-15-005. There was no one present that wished to speak regarding the item. Mayor Sanders closed the public hearings and reconvened into Regular Session at 7:10 p.m. REGULAR SESSION 9. Receive an update from GSBS regarding the Police and Town Hall facility; discuss and take appropriate action regarding update, facility, timeline, project schedule, cost and financing. Attachment B – GSBS Police Department and Town Hall Presentation (Town Secretary Note: Item No. 9 and Item No. 10 were presented together) Tom Batenhorst, GSBS Principal, provided an update regarding the Police and Town Hall facility, which included: Site Plan Options; Floor Plan Options; Rendering Options; and Opinion of Probably Cost – Schematic Design Phase. Discussion took place regarding the reductions made to lower the overall cost of the facility. Council Member Reed commented that he would prefer the installation of a regular commercial grade slab versus a suspended slab, but to leave the budgeted amount the same in order to help provide cushion for any unforeseen cost. (Town Secretary Note: Item No. 10 was presented) Council Member Parrow suggested posting the three rendering options on the Town’s website and social media for the next couple of weeks to allow the citizens to provide their input to Council, and then Council could make a decision on a rendering based on citizen feedback. Council Member Kurtz commented that the information has already been provided to the citizens and that his preference was not to spend further fees for additional renderings. Council Member Shoffner commented that his preference was Option No. 3 because it offers a classic appearance. Council Members Rowe and Reed stated that their preference was Option No. 3 and noted that there has been an item for public input on the past several agendas regarding the proposed facility. Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 9 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 3 of 1068, 2015 Mayor Pro Tem Lamont commented that his choice was Option No. 3. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Rowe, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, to direct the Town Manger to engage GSBS on further appropriate activity relative to using Option No. 3 as the Town’s general design direction. Mayor Sanders clarified that the motion was to direct the Town Manager to work with GSBS on Option No. 3 for further refinement and design phase. Town Manager Seidel stated that the Town will need to enter into a Professional Service Agreement with GSBS for construction of the facility, which will help save funds by starting construction earlier than anticipated if the Bond Election passes in November 2015. The vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Sanders commented to leave the suspended slab in the proposed budget based on earlier discussion. 10. Receive public input regarding the Police and Town Hall facility; discussion of same. Susan Edstrom, 269 Oak Hill Drive, thanked the Council for all their effort on the new proposed facility, and requested that the Council use the name Animal Shelter verses Holding Facility. Additionally, she commented that the size of the holding facility is about the size of a two car garage and that the amount of proposed space may not be adequate. No action was taken on this item. 11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, calling a Bond Election to be held on November 3, 2015 within the Town for the issuance of General Obligations Bonds for a Joint Police and Town Hall Facility, making provisions for the conduct of the election and other provisions relating thereto; and providing an effective date. Attachment C - Ordinance No. 2015-16 Town Manager Seidel stated that Town Staff has identified approximately $3.86 million in funding from various sources. He noted that the estimated $7.7 million that was discussed during Item No. 9 does not include fixtures, furniture or equipment, or professional services, which total about $1 million. He pointed out that amount called on the Bond Election is a request to authorize up to that amount with the understanding that the entire amount does not have to be issued. He suggested calling for a $5.5 million General Obligation Bond in order to allow flexibility with any unforeseen expenses. Additionally, he identified the $3.86 million funding sources which included: Consent Agenda Item No. 5 (Resolution No. 2015-11); CCPD funding; the Town’s general fund; and the 2012 Tax Note. Julie Partain, Council with Bracewell & Giuliani LLP, was present to address any questions. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Sanders, seconded by Council Member Parrow, to approve Ordinance No. 2015-16, calling a Bond Election to be held on November 3, 2015 within the Town for the issuance of General Obligations Bonds for a Joint Police and Town Hall Facility, making provisions for the conduct of the election and other provisions relating thereto; and providing an effective date, in the amount of $5.9 million. Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 10 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 4 of 1068, 2015 Discussion took place that generally it is approximately two percent of the par amount for the cost of issuance of bonds. Additional discussion took place regarding the inability to be flexible with the ballot language when calling a bond election because it has to be for a specific purpose. Motion to Amend: Motion to Amend made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Rowe, to modify the amount to $5.4 million. Council Member Rowe stated he supported the motion because the estimate for construction cost is approximately $7.8 million, with a contingency amount of $376,000 for the slab, and the alternative funding sources; therefore approximately $4.8 million is needed to meet the budget and the motion allows for about a $1.5 million cushion. Council Member Reed stated that he believed that there will be additional savings after changes to the slab. Susan Edstrom commented that the audiovisual equipment within the Council Chambers has been an issue and stated that she would support the $5.9 million. The vote for the Motion to Amend was taken. Motion carried 6-1-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, and Council Members Parrow, Reed, Rowe, Kurtz and Shoffner voting for and Mayor Sanders voting against. The vote for the Main Motion as Amended was taken,to approve Ordinance No. 2015-16, calling a Bond Election to be held on November 3, 2015 within the Town for the issuance of General Obligations Bonds for a Joint Police and Town Hall Facility, making provisions for the conduct of the election and other provisions relating thereto; and providing an effective date, in the amount of $5.4 million. Motion passed unanimously. 12.Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club ordering and calling a Special Election to be held on November 3, 2015 for the purpose of submitting to the resident qualified voters of the Town two (2) propositions to amend the Home Rule Charter of the Town; adopting provisions relative to the conduct of the election and the canvassing of election results; and providing an effective date. Attachment D - Ordinance No. 2015-17 Motion: Motion made by Council Member Rowe, seconded by Council Member Reed, to approve Ordinance No. 2015- 17, ordering and calling a Special Election to be held on November 3, 2015 for the purpose of submitting to the resident qualified voters of the Town two (2) propositions to amend the Home Rule Charter of the Town; adopting provisions relative to the conduct of the election and the canvassing of election results; and providing an effective date. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town approving a Conditional Use Permit for a Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility located on an approximate 10.58 acre tract in the Mary Medlin Survey, Abstract 832, and zoned Government Use (GU); providing conditions applicable to the use; providing a penalty not to exceed $2000 for each violation; and providing an effective date. Attachment E - Ordinance No. 2015-19 P&Z Town Planner Ruthven advised that the proposed ordinance was provided to the Council, and that a letter was received from Ryan Chitwood regarding the TCMUD No. 1 Wastewater Treatment Plant. Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 11 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 5 of 1068, 2015 Town Attorney Adams clarified that the correct acreage was 6.587. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Rowe, seconded by Council Member Parrow, to approve Ordinance No. 2015-19 P&Z, approving a Conditional Use Permit for a Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility located on an approximate 6.587 acre tract in the Mary Medlin Survey, Abstract 832, and zoned Government Use (GU); providing conditions applicable to the use; providing a penalty not to exceed $2000 for each violation; and providing an effective date. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Preliminary Plat of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District Wastewater Treatment Facility, Trophy Club, Texas, including consideration and action on related waivers to the Town’s Subdivision Regulations as requested by the applicant. Attachment F - Revised Preliminary Plat Attachment G – TCMUD No. 1 Preliminary Plat Presentation Attachment H - Town Presentation Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission Chairman Dennis Sheridan stated that the Commission wanted TCMUD No. 1 to provide for the future ability to connect Indian Creek and Trophy Club Drive, and agreed that the existing TCMUD No. 1 building and the proposed physical construction of the improvements could be avoided by curving the road to the south. He added that the requested right-of-way waiver was not accepted but was conditioned for a future road designated on the plat. He discussed items that the TCMUD No.1 requested but would have to be considered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA). Town Planner Ruthven stated that the item was approved by the P&Z Commission with the condition that the roadway be curved to the south to avoid any encroachments on both the front building setback and the roadway. Adam Marsh, Project Engineer with CP&Y Inc., provided a presentation which included: Project Team; Wastewater Treatment Plant; Wastewater Plant Design and Site Plan; Variances Requested; Right-of-Way and Road Construction; Comprehensive Land Use Plan; Thoroughfare Plan; Loop Road Connection; Topography Exhibit; Aerial Exhibit with Variable Width Right-of-Way; Loss of Mature Trees; and Impact of Strict Compliance with Requirements. Council Member Shoffner inquired how they would put the basin in if the Fire Chief required them to build the road, because the road would be in the right-of-way. Mr. Marsh stated that an alternative would be to show a hammerhead in the plans or have the Town allow the encroachment until a date that a road was installed. Town Planner Ruthven provided a presentation, which included: Existing Site Conditions showing Plat Right-of-Way and Setback Requirements; Proposed Expansion showing Plat Right-of-Way and Setback Requirements; Proposed Expansion Showing 8/6/15 P&Z Recommended Plat Right-of-Way and Setback Requirements; Aerial Photos of Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Site Only, Extended Area, and Overall View; Street View; and Plant Entrance Gate View. Council Member Parrow stated that there are a number of structures on the west side, above the maintenance barn, that are in the twenty foot utility easement, and inquired how that would affect the validity of the plat. Town Planner Ruthven stated that since this property is not platted, before a building permit could be issued an easement encroachment form would have to be submitted and approved. Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 12 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 6 of 1068, 2015 Discussion took place about placing a fire lane around the building or having a hammerhead, as well as there being an issue with the proposed fence because it would be within the right-of-way easement. Town Planner Ruthven discussed the difference between a preliminary plat and final plat, specific to the requirement that a preliminary plat shows existing easements and that a final plat shows proposed easements. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont inquired why Town Staff recommends denial. Town Planner Ruthven stated that it is a technical issue with any subdivision waiver request that Town Staff recommends denial due to technical non-compliance because State law mandates that the subdivision plat must be approved if the plat meets all the requirements of the Town’s ordinances. Discussion took place that it was the TCMUD No. 1’s intent not to pave the end of Junction Way to the plant, and access it as is and not make improvements in the access easement. Town Staff discussed that there was a possibility that the twenty foot radius could be accomplished. Council Member Reed commented to possibly continue the right-of-way down so that it would align nicely and offer the ability to bring a truck around and also back out. TCMUD No. 1 Wastewater Superintendent Karl Schlielig discussed the size of trucks that would access the plant and current truck access. Council Member Reed commented that his recommendation would be to extend the road a little further but give the variance of the building setback. Mr. Marsh commented that the Teague Nall and Perkins exhibit shows a swooping radius that starts on the existing southern property line, to use this there is a potential of adding a reverse curb to Junction Way. Council Member Rowe stated that his concern was that additional work will need to be done regarding configuring for operational and fire lane concerns. He is more comfortable approving a changed right-of-way that goes further because the area that is not used on the southwest property for the road will have to be made up outside the standard right-of-way on private property. Mayor Sanders commented that if the preliminary plat was approved subject to requiring the TCMUD No. 1 to dedicate right-of-way as depicted on the revised preliminary plat that was received on August 7, 2015, the final plat would be subject to the modifications as determined necessary by Town Staff and Town Engineer with the final recommendation dedicated to be depicted on the final plat. Town Planner Ruthven stated that a requirement of the Subdivision Ordinance is that the preliminary plat matches the final plat, however the Town Engineer has the ability to recommend changes based on his review. Council Member Rowe inquired if the preliminary plat is approved as is with the proposed recommendations, is the Council legally bound to approve the final plat because the Town Engineer could have additional recommendations. Town Attorney Adams stated that it would be based on if the plat meets Subdivision Regulations, but will need input from the Town Engineer’s review. If the preliminary plat is approved, in vetting that and there are Town Engineer issues and it is not compliant with the Town’s Subdivision Regulations, then the Council is not locked into their approval based on the preliminary plat approval. RECESSED AT 9:50 P.M. FOR A BREAK RECONVENED AT 10:05 P.M. INTO REGULAR SESSION Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 13 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 7 of 1068, 2015 Motion: Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, to approve the Preliminary Plat of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District Wastewater Treatment Facility, subject to the following conditions: 1.Require TCMUD No. 1 to dedicate right-of-way as required by the subdivision regulations and Town Council will grant a waiver for the existing building that would fall inside of the right-of-way now, the concrete road, or fence; and 2.TCMUD No. 1 has the ability to put in their portion of the road now, at a future date that the TCMUD No. 1 decides, or at the date that the Town notifies the TCMUD No. 1 that the Town is going to build the rest of the road. At the time that the TCMUD No. 1 builds the road or the Town requires them to build the road, the things in the right-of-way that TCMUD No. 1 built or that exist today will be required to be removed if necessary. Town Planner Ruthven advised that there should be a Subdivider’s Agreement in place with the developer at the time of the final plat for any public improvements. Discussion took place regarding the requirement that the P&Z Commission approved regarding the ability to pay the perimeter street fee or defer it, not requiring them to install the concrete now, and that they could build their portion of the road as engineered. Mayor Sanders asked if anyone wished to speak regarding the item, seeing no one he asked for the vote. The vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously. Town Attorney Adams pointed out that the P&Z Commission approved a motion to require a future road designation that goes from the end of concrete Junction Way, West, starting at TCMUD No. 1 property curving before it gets to the future construction basin. P&Z Chairman Sheridan stated that they called out Junction Way in order to have a starting point for the engineer. Discussion took place regarding that the Council’s motion did not state that the road had to curve but to designate the right-of-way and build the road now or at some future time if it was required. Kevin Glovier, Senior Project Manager with The Wallace Group, inquired about the ability to have underground waterline utilities within the right-of-way because they will not be able to fit the waterline and keep the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) guidelines at nine (9) foot separation from the sewer line. Town Manager Seidel commented that the line should be on the northern boundary of the right-of-way in order to provide flexibility to construct the road and have adequate space for fiber lines, etc. Town Planner Ruthven stated that the underground sewer and water lines would need to meet engineering requirements and the Town would need to sign off on it. Mayor Sanders stated that the Council is trying to work with them the best that they can in order to keep the process moving. He added that in order to get the setback waved for the area between the right-of-way and existing buildings, they would have to go before the ZBA. Additionally, he asked if any of the MUD Directors would like to make any comments. Town Manager stated that the final plat was tentatively scheduled for the August 25, 2015 Council agenda assuming all the engineering is met and revisions based on Town Staffs comments are received. Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 14 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 8 of 1068, 2015 15. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town amending Article II, entitled “Traffic And Vehicles” of Chapter 10, entitled “Public Safety”, Section 2.03, “Traffic Control Devices”, of the Code of Ordinances, by adding Subsection C(2) (a)(iii) restricting U-Turns along Parkview Drive between Park Lane and the entrance to the Trophy Club Community Pool parking lot during posted school hours, and by amending Section 2.05, entitled “Parking”, Subsection B(1)(g) and B(1)(h) to designate no parking zones on the east and west sides of Parkview Drive at designated locations and school times; providing a penalty not to exceed $500 for each violation; and providing an effective date. Attachment I - Ordinance No. 2015-18 Police Chief Arata displayed an exhibit that showed where U-Turns would be prohibited on Parkview Drive during school hours only, and stated that nine (9) signs will be added to implement the restriction, and displayed where parking would be allowed on Parkview Drive. He added that officers will be present the first week of school to encourage drivers where to park safely during school hours and that he has been working with Northwest Independent School District so that they are on the same page, and post on the Town website. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, seconded by Council Member Kurtz, to approve Ordinance No. 2015-18, amending Article II, entitled “Traffic And Vehicles” of Chapter 10, entitled “Public Safety”, Section 2.03, “Traffic Control Devices”, of the Code of Ordinances, by adding Subsection C(2) (a)(iii) restricting U-Turns along Parkview Drive between Park Lane and the entrance to the Trophy Club Community Pool parking lot during posted school hours, and by amending Section 2.05, entitled “Parking”, Subsection B(1)(g) and B(1)(h) to designate no parking zones on the east and west sides of Parkview Drive at designated locations and school times; providing a penalty not to exceed $500 for each violation; and providing an effective date. Motion passed unanimously. 16. Discuss and receive update regarding Fiscal Year 2016 Budget. Town Manager Seidel stated that this was an opportunity to the Council to provide direction regarding the Fiscal Year 2016 budget that was presented to the Council and posted on the Town website on July 31, 2015. Discussion took place took place regarding the increase in the Information Services budget for communications/pagers/mobiles was to due to internet costs being moved to that budget line item, and that there would be an increase in cost to install new infrastructure if a new provider were implemented. Assistant Town Manager/CFO Glickman discussed the cost of the NEOS relocation to Independence Park West into the existing playground, as well as proposing a small toddler playground and shade structure at Harmony Park. Council Member Shoffner commented that he would like to see the parking lot at Harmony Park, that was dedicated from Beck, listed in the future projects, and possibility consider a capital improvement project with soccer. Additionally, he would like to see the remaining Park funds to be spent more on Harmony Park. Discussion ensued regarding a surplus in the budget and lowering the tax rate. No action was taken on this item. 17. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a record vote on a not-to-exceed Fiscal Year 2016 Ad Valorem Tax Rate and to schedule two public hearings to meet Truth in Taxation requirements and/or as required by the Charter and related matters. Motion made by Council Member Parrow, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, to set the tax rate not-to-exceed Fiscal Year 2016 Ad Valorem Tax Rate of $0.484 per $100 valuation and set the public hearing dates for August 25, 2015, and September 8, 2015. Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 15 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 9 of 1068, 2015 Roll call vote: Mayor C. Nick Sanders Yea Mayor Pro Tem Greg Lamont Yea Council Member Jim Parrow Yea Council Member Garrett Reed Yea Council Member Rhylan Rowe Yea Council Member Tim Kurtz Yea Council Member Philip Shoffner Yea Motion carried. 18. Town Manager Seidel's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same. *Trophy Club Park *Economic Development *Freedom Park Signage Town Manager Seidel updated the Council and addressed questions, no action taken, update only. 19. Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for August 25, 2015 meeting and discussion of Future Agenda Items. This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when the topic of discussion requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the time frame between regular Council meetings. However, a Council Member may request that an item be placed on the next regularly scheduled meeting without first placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda items must comply with Charter requirements. Mayor Sanders commented to possibly group all the updates into one update. Council Member Reed requested to revise No. 3 of the Town Council Future Agenda Items List to include adding a parking lot between the baseball fields: Consider and take appropriate action regarding parking on Parkview and Park Lane, and options for Police Department mitigation. ADJOURN Motion made by Council Member Shoffner, seconded by Council Member Rowe, to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11:29 p.m. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 16 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 10 of 1068, 2015 ATTACHMENT A Resolution No. 2015-11 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 17 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 11 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 18 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 12 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 19 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 13 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 20 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 14 of 1068, 2015 ATTACHMENT B GSBS Police Department and Town Hall Presentation Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 21 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 15 of 1068, 2015 ATTACHMENT C Ordinance No. 2015-16 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 53 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 47 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 54 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 48 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 55 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 49 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 56 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 50 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 57 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 51 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 58 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 52 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 59 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 53 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 60 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 54 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 61 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 55 of 1068, 2015 ATTACHMENT D Ordinance No. 2015-17 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 62 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 56 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 63 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 57 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 64 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 58 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 65 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 59 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 66 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 60 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 67 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 61 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 68 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 62 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 69 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 63 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 70 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 64 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 71 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 65 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 72 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 66 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 73 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 67 of 1068, 2015 ATTACHMENT E Ordinance No. 2015-19 P&Z Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 74 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 68 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 75 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 69 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 76 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 70 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 77 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 71 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 78 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 72 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 79 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 73 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 80 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 74 of 1068, 2015 ATTACHMENT F Revised Preliminary Plat Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 81 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 75 of 1068, 2015 Page 76 of 10620158, September Date: Meeting August 11, 2015 Page 334of 82 Town Council Minutes Town ATTACHMENT G TCMUD No. 1 Preliminary Plat Presentation Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 83 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 77 of 1068, 2015 ATTACHMENT H Town Presentation Town Council MinutesTown CouncilAugust 11, 2015Page 99 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 93 of 1068, 2015 ATTACHMENT I Ordinance No. 2015-18 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilPage August 11, 2015108 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 102 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilPage August 11, 2015109 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 103 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilPage August 11, 2015110 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 104 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilPage August 11, 2015111 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 105 of 1068, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilPage August 11, 2015112 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 106 of 1068, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0572-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Fifth Modification to the Exclusive Contract for Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Collection, Transportation and Disposal Services for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Attachments:Staff Report - Allied Waste 5th Modification.pdf Fifth Modification to the Exclusive Contract for Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Collection, DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheFifthModificationtotheExclusiveContractforSolidWasteand RecyclableMaterialsCollection,TransportationandDisposalServicesfortheTownofTrophyClub,Texas;and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Town CouncilPage 113 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary th Re: Allied Waste Agreement 5 Modification Town Council Meeting, September 8, 2015 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Fifth Modification to the Exclusive Contract for Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Collection, Transportation and Disposal Services for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Explanation: At the May 12th Council meeting, the Council voted to move forward with a revenue diversification plan in order to preserve the Town’s bond rating and save the average resident approximately $7 per year. That plan included reducing the tax rate $0.006/$100 and increasing the franchise fees associated with solid waste and natural gas. The current solid waste franchise fee is 6% and the proposal included afranchise fee of 12%. Residential solid waste monthly charges would increase as a result of the changes by $0.80 per month. The overall diversification plan will reduce the overall amount paid for services by the average resident while keeping overall revenue the same as itwould be projected with no franchise fee and tax rate changes. Additionally, the Town’s concentration of revenue in property tax would be decreased as a result of the increased franchise fees and reduced property tax rate which will help preserve the Town’s AA+ bond rating. Attachments: Fifth Modification to the Exclusive Contract for Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Collection, Transportation and Disposal Services Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Fifth Modificationto an agreement between the Town and Allied Waste for solid waste and recyclable materials collection, transportation, and disposal services. Town CouncilPage 114 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FIFTHMODIFICATIONTO EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT FOR SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLABLE MATERIALS COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION ANDDISPOSAL SERVICES FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THIS FifthModification(“FifthModification”) of the Exclusive Contract for Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Collection, Transportation and Disposal Services for the Town th 8day of September, 2015 of Trophy Club, Texas (the “Agreement”) is made this between the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, a home rule municipal corporation of Denton County and Tarrant County (the “Town”) andAllied Waste Services of Fort Worth, LLC (formerly known asAllied Waste Systems, Inc.d/b/a Allied Waste Services),a Delaware corporation–(“Contractor”). WI T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS , Town and Contractor entered into the Agreement on or about June 1, 2005 (hereinafter “Agreement”); and WHEREAS , In May, 2007, Contractor requested that the Town modify the Agreement to change the primary collection days for solid waste collection and recyclable materials; and WHEREAS , Town Council considered Contractor’s request and agreed to a First Modification memorializing the change to the primary collection days set forth in the Agreement (hereinafter “First Modification”); and WHEREAS, In June, 2008, subsequent to the third anniversary of the Agreement and consistent with the terms of the Agreement, Contractor requested an increase in the rate to allow Contractor the rate increase based upon Consumer Price Index for theDallas Fort Worth Area as authorized by Section “W” entitled “Rates” of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, Town Council considered Contractor’s request and agreed to a Second Modification which modified the Agreement to adopt the increased rates as set forth in Exhibit “A”, thereto; and WHEREAS, In January 2010, Contractor requested further amendments to the Agreement relative to the Term and to the Rates; and WHEREAS, Town Council agreed and approved the Third Modification to the Agreement which modified the Agreement to adopt the increased rates as set forth in Exhibit “A”, thereto; and WHEREAS, In 2010,Allied Waste Systems, Inc.,took appropriate legal action to change its name to Allied Waste Services of Fort Worth, LLC; and WHEREAS, In December 2013,Contractor requested further amendments to the Agreement relative to the term of the Agreement, rates, reports, and billing; and WHEREAS , Town Council agreed and approved the Fourth Modification to the Agreement which modified the Agreement to adopt theincreased rates as set forth in Exhibit 1 Town CouncilPage 115 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 “A”, thereto, extended the term of the Agreement to 2020, and modified some fo the billing provisions; and WHEREAS, In September 2015, Town requested further amendments to the Agreement relative to franchise fee rates charged by the Town, and after discussion with Contractor, Town and Contractor have agreed to the modifications set forth in this Fifth Modification to the Agreement. NOW THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained and other good and valuable consideration received, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. Incorporation of Agreement and Prior Modifications The Agreement, the First Modification, Second Modification, Third Modification, Fourth Modification,and this Fifth Modificationare incorporated herein as if written word for word. Except as provided below, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement, the First Modification, the Second Modification,the Third Modification, and the Fourth Modification shall remain unchanged and shall remain in full force and effect. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions set forth in this Fifth Modification, the Fourth Modification, the Third Modification, the Second Modification, the First Modification, and the Agreement, priority of interpretation shall be in the following order: Fifth Modification, Fourth Modification; Third Modification; Second Modification; First Modification; Agreement. II. Modification of Agreement 2.01 Effectiveas of the day and year first written above Exhibit “A”, entitled “Allied Waste Services Franchised City Rates, Town of Trophy Club” as referenced in Section “W” of the Fourth Modification, entitled “Rates”, is hereby deleted and a new Exhibit “A”, entitled “Allied Waste Services Franchised City Rates, Town of Trophy Club”, a copy of which is attached to this Fifth Modificationand incorporated herein.is hereby adopted and shall be and read in its entirety as set forth in Exhibit “A” attached hereto; all other provisions of Section “W” of the Fourth Modification, entitled “Rates” remain in full force and effect. 2.02 Effective as of the day and year first written above Section “X” of the Fourth Modification , entitled “Billing”, Subsection 1, entitled“Residential Customers” is hereby deleted in its entirety and a new Subsection 1, entitled “Residential Customers” of Section “X” entitled “Billing” is herby adopted and shall be and read in its entirety as follows: X. Billing Residential Customers 1.:TheTown shall bill all residential Customers, and shall pay Contractor on a monthly basis in accordance with this section. The Town shall make th such payment to Contractor on or before the (fifteenth) 15day of the month following the month the service was rendered. Contractor shall be entitled to payment for all services for which payment has been billedby the Town less the franchise fee due hereunder. The Town shall pay Contractor the net service charge less a twelvepercent (12%)franchise fee.Included with the foregoing monthly payment to Contractor, Town shall provide Contractor with the number of residential Customers billed. 2 Town CouncilPage 116 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 2.03 Effective as of the day and year first written above Section “X” of the Agreement, entitled “Billing”, Subsection 2, entitled “All Other Customers” is hereby deleted in its entirety and a new Subsection 2, entitled “All Other Customers” ofSection “X” entitled “Billing” is herby adopted and shall be and read in its entirety as follows: X. Billing All Other Customers 2.:“Other Customers” as used in this subsection shall mean all Customers as defined herein, except forresidential Customers, who shall be billed by Town in accordance with Subsection 1 above entitled “Residential Customers”. Contractor shall pay the Town a fee equal to twelve percent (12%) of the revenues actually collected from such Other Customers billed by Contractor. Such payment shall be due, on or before the last day of each month. Such fee shall be based on the gross amount collected for all services rendered during the preceding month, excluding any sales or other taxes collected. Town reserves the right to audit the billing and payment records of Contractor for all such Other Customers. IN WITNESS WHEREOF ,the parties enter into this FifthModification on the date first written above. TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB,TEXAS By: Nick Sanders, Mayor ALLIED WASTE SERVICESOFFORT WORTH, LLC By: Marc Fitzsimmons, Area President ATTEST: ______________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________ Patricia A. Adams, Town Attorney 3 Town CouncilPage 117 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 ALLIED WASTE SERVICES Franchised City Rates Town of Trophy Club Exhibit A COMMERCIAL FRONT-LOAD RATES Pickups Per Week Size1x2x3x4x5x6x Extra 2 YD 73.96 143.93 215.87 287.82 359.79 431.74 25.86 3 YD 85.89 167.79 251.66 335.54 419.41 503.34 30.06 4 YD 97.84 191.63 287.45 383.27 479.09 574.91 34.24 6 YD 121.68 239.35 359.02 478.70 598.35 718.06 42.57 8 YD 145.54 287.08 430.60 574.12 717.68 861.21 50.93 COMMERCIAL RECYLING (OOC ONLY) Size1x 6 YD 74.64 8 YD 88.84 COMMERCIAL ROLLOFF RATES RENTAL TOTAL DEPOSIT SizeTYPEDELIVERY PER DAYPER LDPER CONT 20 YDOPEN 115.51 8.90 444.25 337.63 25 YDOPEN 115.51 8.90 494.00 337.63 30 YDOPEN 115.51 8.90 501.12 337.63 35 YDOPENNEGONEGO 586.40NEGO 40 YDOPEN 115.51 8.90 657.48 337.63 28 YDCOMPNEGONEGONEGONEGO 30 YDCOMPNEGONEGONEGONEGO 35 YDCOMPNEGONEGONEGONEGO 40 YDCOMPNEGONEGONEGONEGO 42 YDCOMPNEGONEGONEGONEGO Total per MUD CONTAINERSMonthly Rental Per Ton Load 20 YDOPEN 15.4170.07 274.23 FRANCHISE FEE12% COMMERCIAL HANDLOAD 1X PER WEEK @$ 20.16PER MONTH (4 bag limit) CASTERS$ 34.67/PER MONTH LOCKS$ 32.90/LIFT RESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE TRASH$ 12.37 RESIDENTAL RECYCLING (2 Bins)$ 2.57 RESI & RECYCLE TOTAL:$ 14.94 EFFECTIVE DATE10/1/2015CITY HALL PHONE# (682) 831-4600 4 Town CouncilPage 118 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0589-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated July 2015. Attachments:July Financial Report FY 2015.pdf All Fund Budget Report July 2015.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated July 2015. Town CouncilPage 119 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Revised RevenuesOriginal BudgetYear to DateVariance% Received Budget Property Tax$ 5,166,466 $ 5,166,466$ 5,205,657 $ 39,191101% Licenses and Permits 710,631 710,631 577,391 (133,240)81% Franchise Fees 812,506 812,506 706,789 (105,717)87% Sales Tax 676,323 698,133 607,892 (90,241)87% Fines and Fees 466,101 571,101 453,481 (117,620)79% Intergovernmental 192,901 127,231 103,643 (23,588)81% Grants 77,018 77,018 74,002 (3,016)96% Charges for Service 260,852 300,852 289,217 (11,635)96% Investment Income 6,000 6,000 4,938 (1,062)82% Miscellaneous Income 118,550 118,550 75,670 (42,880)64% Total Revenues$ 8,487,348 $ 8,588,488$ 8,098,679 $ (489,809)94% Revised Other SourcesOriginal BudgetYear to DateVariance% Received Budget Transfers In$ 11,000$ 11,000$ 8,250 (2,750)75% Total Available Resources$ 8,498,348 $ 8,599,488$ 8,106,929 $ (492,559)94% Revised ExpendituresOriginal BudgetYear to DateVariance% Used Budget Manager's Office$ 899,938$ 1,071,078$ 876,631$ 194,44782% Human Resources 92,495 100,495 83,142 17,35383% Information Services 423,312 522,312 428,617 93,69582% Legal 193,389 188,389 138,605 49,78474% Police 2,110,098 2,032,098 1,556,653 475,44577% Emergency Medical Services 1,016,722 922,722 701,245 221,47776% Streets 411,677 456,677 329,673 127,00472% Medians 299,310 299,310 245,715 53,59582% Parks 1,043,416 1,025,916 708,090 317,82669% Recreation 550,039 546,539 399,959 146,58073% Community Events 60,201 60,201 23,749 36,45239% Community Development 572,921 562,921 446,065 116,85679% Finance 387,097 369,097 277,080 92,01775% Municipal Court 85,936 84,936 66,157 18,77978% Facilities Maintenance 111,042 116,042 99,835 16,20786% Total Expenditures$ 8,257,593 $ 8,358,733$ 6,381,215 $ 1,977,518 76% Revised Other UsesOriginal BudgetYear to DateVariance% Used Budget Transfers Out$ (385,000) $ (385,000)$ - $ 385,0000% Total Outflows of Resources$ 8,642,593 $ 8,743,733$ 6,381,215 $ 2,362,518 73% Town CouncilPage 120 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT Revised From FY 2014 Fund balance Original Budget Year to Date Budget Audited Financial Statements Beginning fund balance$ 2,960,660 $ 2,960,660$ 3,045,021 + Net increase (Decrease) (144,245) (144,245) 1,725,714 Ending Fund Balance$ 2,816,415 $ 2,816,415$ 4,770,735 Revised Based on FY 2014 Fund balance DetailOriginal BudgetYear to Date Audit Numbers Budget Reserve Fund balance (30% of Total Expenditures) $ 2,477,278 $ 2,507,620$ 1,914,364 Assigned Fund Balance 228,138 Unassigned Fund Balance in Excess (Deficit) of 30% 339,137 308,795 2,628,233 Total Fund balance$ 2,816,415 $ 2,816,415$ 4,770,735 General Fund Sales Tax Receipts FY 2014FY 2015 47,142.9355,381.23 OCT 120,000.00 44,886.6762,495.83 NOV 42,954.7856,315.63 DEC 100,000.00 44,454.5047,004.24 JAN 80,000.00 73,855.9095,802.27 FEB 42,086.2945,169.27 MAR FY 2014 60,000.00 41,631.1950,647.90 APR FY 2015 59,729.4661,533.50 MAY 40,000.00 54,118.6158,648.52 JUN 20,000.00 51,327.3354,958.03 JUL 60,978.43 AUG 0.00 56,554.15 SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP The large sales tax spike for February is due to a delinquent payment Town CouncilPage 121 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT Departmental Budget Reports Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% General Fund Summary CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 6,027,651$ 6,048,791$ 4,761,949$ 1,286,84279% Services & Supplies 1,954,139 2,059,139 1,462,723 596,41671% Capital 275,803 250,803 156,542 94,26162% Total$ 8,257,593 $ 8,358,733 $ 6,381,215 $ 1,977,518 76% Manager's Office CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 757,082$ 941,722$ 795,795$ 145,92785% Services & Supplies 142,856 129,356 80,836 48,52062% Total$ 899,938$ 1,071,078$ 876,631$ 194,44782% Personnel expenditures are higher than anticipated due to turnover and changes in the Manager's Office. Legal CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 162,446$ 157,446$ 130,735$ 26,71183% Services & Supplies 30,943 30,943 7,870 23,07325% Total$ 193,389$ 188,389$ 138,605$ 49,78474% Human Resources CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 87,655$ 95,655 $ 81,192$ 14,46385% Services & Supplies 4,840 4,840 1,950 2,890 40% Total$ 92,495$ 100,495$ 83,142$ 17,35383% Information Services CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 191,325$ 191,825$ 154,033$ 37,79280% Services & Supplies 200,374 298,874 267,286 31,58889% Capital 31,613 31,613 7,297 24,31623% Total$ 423,312$ 522,312$ 428,617$ 93,69582% Services & Supplies are higher than anticipated due to the purchase of a hosted exchange and the MUD buyout. Town CouncilPage 122 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT Departmental Budget Reports Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Police CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 1,868,734$ 1,773,734$ 1,381,981$ 391,75378% Services & Supplies 241,364 258,364 174,672 83,69268% Total$ 2,110,098 $ 2,032,098$ 1,556,653 $ 475,44577% EMS CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 764,304$ 750,304$ 614,031$ 136,27382% Services & Supplies 73,058 73,058 63,724 9,334 87% Capital 179,360 99,360 23,491 75,86924% Total$ 1,016,722 $ 922,722$ 701,245$ 221,47776% Streets CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 222,195$ 212,195$ 155,828$ 56,36773% Services & Supplies 189,482 189,482 118,664 70,81863% Capital - 55,000 55,181 (181) 100% Total$ 411,677$ 456,677$ 329,673$ 127,00472% Medians CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 151,083$ 148,083$ 123,572$ 24,51183% Services & Supplies 148,227 151,227 122,143 29,08481% Total$ 299,310$ 299,310$ 245,715$ 53,59582% Municipal Court CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 75,397$ 74,397 $ 59,895$ 14,50281% Services & Supplies 10,539 10,539 6,263 4,276 59% Total$ 85,936$ 84,936$ 66,157$ 18,77978% Town CouncilPage 123 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT Departmental Budget Reports Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Finance CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 266,946$ 248,946$ 187,753$ 61,19375% Services & Supplies 120,151 120,151 89,327 30,82474% Total$ 387,097$ 369,097$ 277,080$ 92,01775% Community Development CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 429,897$ 419,897$ 307,089$ 112,80873% Services & Supplies 143,024 143,024 92,515 50,50965% Capital - - 46,461 (46,461)NA Total$ 572,921$ 562,921$ 446,065$ 116,85679% The capital expenditure of $22,915 is a part of $41,825 encumbrance from last year. Facilities Maintenance CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Services & Supplies$ 111,042$ 116,042$ 99,835$ 16,20786% Total$ 111,042$ 116,042$ 99,835$ 16,20786% The Town's annual property insurance premiums were paid for in full under Facilities Maintenance in order to take advantage of an early payment discount. (This expenditure represents 50% of the department's budget, and the actual cost was $923 less than the budgeted amount.) Town CouncilPage 124 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT Departmental Budget Reports Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Parks CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 657,422$ 644,922$ 487,712$ 157,21076% Services & Supplies 321,164 316,164 196,266 119,89862% Capital 64,830 64,830 24,112 40,71837% Total$ 1,043,416 $ 1,025,916$ 708,090$ 317,82669% Recreation CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 393,165$ 389,665$ 282,335$ 107,33072% Services & Supplies 156,874 156,874 117,623 39,25175% Total$ 550,039$ 546,539$ 399,959$ 146,58073% Community Events CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear to DateVariance % Used Services & Supplies$ 60,201$ 60,201 $ 23,749$ 36,45239% Total$ 60,201$ 60,201$ 23,749$ 36,45239% Town CouncilPage 125 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenuesYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget $ (61)100% Contributions $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,061 Interest Income$ 500$ 500$ 1,675$ (1,175)335% Total$ 200,500$ 200,500$ 201,736$ (1,236)101% Original Revised Other SourcesYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Transfer In$ 385,000$ 385,000$ -$ -0% Total$ 385,000$ 385,000$ -$ -NA Original Revised ExpendituresYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Capital Outlay 4,627,524 4,627,524 2,746,146 1,881,37859% Total$ 4,627,524 $ 4,627,524 $ 2,746,146 $ 1,881,378 59% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear to Date From FY 2014 Audited BudgetBudget Financial Statements Beginning Fund Balance$ 4,275,854$ 4,275,854$ 4,505,273 +Net Increase (Decrease) (4,042,024) (4,042,024) (2,544,410) Ending Fund Balance$ 233,830$ 233,830$ 1,960,863 Town CouncilPage 126 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT DEBT SERVICE FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenuesYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Property Tax$ 1,498,303$ 1,498,303$ 1,507,353$ 9,050 101% Interest Income 250 250 298 48119% Total Revenue$ 1,498,553 $ 1,498,553 $ 1,507,652 $ 9,099101% Original Revised Other SourcesYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Transfers In$ 127,350$ 127,350$ 18,200$ 109,15014% Total$ 127,350$ 127,350$ 18,200$ 109,15014% Original Revised ExpendituresYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Principal Payments$ 1,088,000$ 1,088,000$ 470,000$ 618,00043% Interest Payments 481,912 481,912 245,996 235,91651% Paying Agent Fees 3,750 3,750 4,030 (280)107% Total Expenditures$ 1,573,662 $ 1,573,662 $ 720,026$ 853,63646% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear to Date BudgetBudget From FY 2014 Audited Beginning Fund Balance$ 122,222$ 122,222$ 118,092 Financial Statements +Net Increase (Decrease) 52,241 52,241 805,826 Ending Fund Balance$ 174,463$ 174,463$ 923,918 Town CouncilPage 127 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT CRIME CONTROL PREVENTION DISTRICT Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenueYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Sales Tax$ 147,272$ 147,272$ 134,217$ (13,055)91% Interest Income - - 103 103NA Total Revenue$ 147,272$ 147,272$ 134,320$ (12,952)91% Original Revised ExpendituresYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Services & Supplies$ 36,285$ 61,285$ 33,501$ 27,78455% Capital Expenses 47,179 156,679 46,673 110,00630% Total Expenditure$ 83,464$ 217,964$ 80,174$ 137,79037% Original Revised Other UsesYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget $ 75,000$ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000 NA Transfer to Debt Service Total Other Uses$ 75,000$ 1,000$ - $ 1,000NA Original Revised From FY 2014 Fund BalanceYear to Date BudgetBudget Audited Financial Statements Beginning Fund Balance$ 92,246$ 92,246$ 93,746 +Net Increase (Decrease) (11,192) (71,692) 54,146 Ending Fund Balance$ 81,054$ 20,554$ 147,892 Town CouncilPage 128 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT COURT SECURITY FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenueYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Municipal Court Security Fee $ 3,788$ 3,788$ 2,200$ (1,588)58% Total Revenue$ 3,788$ 3,788$ 2,200$ (1,588)58% Original Revised Other UsesYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Transfer to General Fund$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 2,250$ 75075% Total Other Uses$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 2,250$ 75075% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear to Date From FY 2014 Audited BudgetBudget Financial Statements Beginning Fund Balance$ 22,526$ 22,526$ 22,293 +Net Increase (Decrease) 788 788 (50) Ending Fund Balance$ 23,314$ 23,314$ 22,243 Town CouncilPage 129 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenueYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Fines & Fees$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 2,933$ (2,067)59% Miscellaneous - - - -NA Total Revenue$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 2,933$ (2,067)59% Original Revised ExpendituresYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Purchased Services$ 5,730$ 5,730$ 4,171$ 1,55973% Total Expenditure$ 5,730$ 5,730$ 4,171$ 1,55973% Original Revised From FY 2014 Audited Fund BalanceYear to Date Financial Statements BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 22,071$ 22,071$ 23,960 +Net Increase (Decrease) (730) (730) (1,238) Ending Fund Balance$ 21,341$ 21,341$ 22,722 Town CouncilPage 130 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COPORATION 4B Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenueYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Sales Tax$ 327,272$ 327,272$ 293,978$ 33,29490% Interest Income 300 300 427 (127)142% Total Revenue$ 327,572$ 327,572$ 294,406$ 33,16690% Original Revised ExpendituresYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Auditing$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ -100% Advertising 3,000 3,000 2,780 22093% Printing 500 500 - 5000% Schools & Training 2,120 2,120 270 1,85013% Dues & Membership 1,050 1,050 270 78026% Travel & Per Diem 1,533 1,533 30 1,5032% Office Supplies 400 400 15 3854% Miscellaneous Expense 7,100 7,100 4,951 2,14970% EDC Projects 11,450 11,450 - 11,450 0% Incentive Programs 140,773 140,773 70,386 70,387 50% Total Expenditures$ 168,926$ 168,926$ 79,702$ 89,22447% Original Revised Other UsesYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Transfer to General Fund$ 155,634$ 89,964$ 67,473$ 22,49175% Total Other Uses$ 155,634$ 89,964$ 67,473$ 22,49175% Original Revised From FY 2014 Fund BalanceYear to Date BudgetBudget Audited Financial Statements Beginning Fund Balance$ 332,636$ 332,636$ 339,715 +Net Increase (Decrease) 3,012 68,682 147,231 Ending Fund Balance$ 335,648$ 401,318$ 486,946 Town CouncilPage 131 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT HOTEL OCCUPANCY Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenueYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Hotel Occupancy Tax$ 233,416$ 233,416$ 216,541$ (16,875)93% Interest income 300 300 406 106135% Total Revenue$ 233,716$ 233,716$ 216,947$ (16,769)93% Original Revised ExpendituresYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Advertising $ - $ - $ 2,350 $ (2,350)N/A Printing - - 14,150 (14,150)N/A Event Rentals 38,825 38,825 43,222 (4,397) 111% Total Expenditures$ 38,825$ 38,825$ 59,722$ (20,897)154% Increased expenditures are due to JULY-4th expenditures that are now being coded to the Hotel Occupancy Fund From FY 2014 Original Revised Fund BalanceYear to Date Audited Financial BudgetBudget Statements Beginning Fund Balance$ 285,590$ 285,590$ 283,481 +Net Increase (Decrease) 194,891 194,891 157,225 Ending Fund Balance$ 480,481$ 480,481$ 440,706 Town CouncilPage 132 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenueYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Storm Drainage Fees$ 402,800$ 402,800$ 305,512$ (97,288)76% Miscellaneous Revenue 21,000 21,000 - (21,000)NA Interest Income 100 100 90 (10)NA Total Revenue$ 423,900$ 423,900$ 305,602$ (118,298) 72% Original Revised ExpensesYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Operating Expenses 178,283 178,283 123,990 54,293 70% Debt Service 178,963 178,963 14,114 164,849NA Total Expenses$ 357,246$ 357,246$ 138,104$ 219,14239% Original Revised Other UsesYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Transfer to Debt Service$ 27,350$ 27,350$ 5,700$ 21,65021% Total Other Uses$ 27,350$ 27,350$ 5,700$ 21,65021% Operating Working CapitalYear to Date Days Beginning Working Capital$ 154,946 145 +Net Increase (Decrease) 161,798 151 Ending Working Capital$ 316,744 296 Original Revised Drainage Capital ProjectsYear to Date BudgetBudget Funding Source 2013 CO Proceeds $ 578,174 $ 578,174 $ 571,491 Operating Funds 164,000 164,000 164,000 Project Detail Indian Creek (313,174) (313,174) (227,076) Timber Ridge/Fresh Meadow - - (19,930) Cypress Court Drainage Inlets (30,000) (30,000) (7,600) Pin Oak Court (80,000) (80,000) - Pebble Beach Drive (205,000) (205,000) - Broadway Creek Improvements and Amenity Lake Slopes (114,000) (114,000) - Remaining Funding$ -$ -$ 480,885 Town CouncilPage 133 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT STREET MAINTENANCE SALES TAX FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenueYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Sales Tax$ 163,636$ 148,636$ 146,989$ (1,647)99% Interest Income$ -$ -$ 21$ 21N/A Total Revenue$ 163,636$ 148,636$ 147,010$ (1,647)99% Original Revised ExpendituresYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Operating Expenditures$ 131,300$ 146,300$ 116,896$ 113,40280% Total Expenses$ 131,300$ 146,300$ 116,896$ 29,40480% Original Revised Other UsesYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Transfer To Debt Service$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 12,500$ 12,50050% Total Other Uses$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 12,500$ 12,50050% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear to Date From FY 2014 Audited BudgetBudget Financial Statements Beginning Fund Balance$ 24,268$ 24,268$ 39,915 +Net Increase (Decrease) 7,336 (22,664) 17,614 Ending Fund Balance$ 31,604$ 1,604$ 57,529 Town CouncilPage 134 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT TROPHY CLUB PARK FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenueYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Park Revenue$ 153,752$ 153,752$ 77,387 $ (76,365)50% Interest Income$ -$ -$ 6$ 6NA Total Revenue$ 153,752$ 153,752$ 77,393$ (76,359)50% Original Revised ExpensesYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Salaries$ 43,008 $ 43,008 $ 29,828 $ 13,180 69% Longevity 112 112 112 -100% Stipend 300 300 900 (600)300% Retirement 4,222 4,222 2,902 1,32069% Medical Insurance 2,826 2,826 2,012 81471% Dental Insurance 155 155 175 (20)113% Vision Insurance 32 32 26 682% Life Insurance & Other 211 211 167 4479% Social Security Taxes 2,673 2,673 1,867 80670% Medicare Taxes 630 630 437 19369% Unemployment Taxes 306 306 72 23424% Workman's compensation 1,033 1,033 686 34766% Total Personnel Services$ 55,508$ 55,508$ 39,184$ 16,32471% Professional Outside Services$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 2,470$ 2,53049% Auditing 1,000 1,000 1,000 -100% Software & Support 3,849 3,849 2,643 1,20669% Advertising 1,500 1,500 652 84843% Printing 1,416 1,416 1,244 17288% Schools & Training 340 340 199 14159% Service Charges & Fees 6,000 6,000 5,776 22496% Electricity 3,600 3,600 1,972 1,62855% Water 1,697 1,697 1,666 3198% Telephone 1,600 1,600 1,527 7395% Communication/Pagers/Mobiles 1,560 1,560 1,430 13092% Property Maintenance 10,500 10,500 16,265 (5,765)155% Equipment Maintenance 2,426 2,426 740 1,68631% Independent labor 10,200 10,200 6,400 3,80063% Portable Toilets 4,000 4,000 2,430 1,57061% Dues & Membership 320 320 30 2909% Travel & Per Diem 387 387 505 (118)130% Office Supplies 1,013 1,013 735 27873% Postage 318 318 63 25520% Fuel 1,490 1,490 776 71452% Uniforms 645 645 310 33548% Community Events 6,500 6,500 11,877 (5,377)183% Small tools 1,400 1,400 30 1,3702% Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 1,720 1,720 1,867 (147)109% Maintenance Supplies 451 451 335 11674% Miscellaneous Expense 557 557 60 49711% Total Services & Supplies$ 69,489$ 69,489$ 63,000$ 6,489 91% Town CouncilPage 135 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT TROPHY CLUB PARK FUND CONTINUED Capital Expense$ 25,330$ 25,330$ 24,112$ 1,218 95% Total Expenses$ 150,327$ 150,327$ 126,297$ 24,03084% Original Revised Other UsesYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Park Administration Transfer$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 6,000$ 2,00075% Total Other Uses$ 8,000 $ 8,000 $ 6,000 $ 2,000 75% Working CapitalYear to DateOperating Days Beginning Working Capital$ 1,830 4 +Net Increase (Decrease) (54,904) (125) Ending Working Capital$ (53,074) (121) Town CouncilPage 136 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenueYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Recreational Programs$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 5,493$ 1,493137% Total Revenue$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 5,493$ 1,493NA Original Revised ExpendituresYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Recreational Programs$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 6,780$ (2,780)170% Total Expenditures$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 6,780$ (2,780)NA Original Revised Fund BalanceYear to Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 2,812 +Net Increase (Decrease) - - (1,287) Ending Fund Balance$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 1,525 Town CouncilPage 137 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT 30TH ANNIVERSARY FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenueYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Donations$ -$ -$ 10,879$ 10,879NA Total Revenue$ -$ -$ 10,879$ 10,879NA Original Revised ExpendituresYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Community Events$ -$ -$ 8,175$ (8,175)NA Total Expenditures$ -$ -$ 8,175$ (8,175)NA Original Revised Fund BalanceYear to Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 2,114$ 2,114$ 2,114 +Net Increase (Decrease) - - 2,704 Ending Fund Balance$ 2,114$ 2,114$ 4,818 Town CouncilPage 138 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT GRANTS FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenueYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Grant Revenue$ -$ -$ 74,348$ 74,348NA Total Revenue$ -$ -$ 74,348$ 74,348 NA This grant is for Police Radios. The department has expended the money and will receive the rest of the grant reimbursement next quarter. Original Revised ExpendituresYear to DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Radios$ -$ -$ 74,348$ (74,348)NA Total Expenditures$ -$ -$ 74,348$ (74,348)NA Original Revised Fund BalanceYear to Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 4,687 $ 4,687 $ (6,333) +Net Increase (Decrease) - - - Ending Fund Balance$ 4,687$ 4,687$ (6,333) Town CouncilPage 139 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORT TIRZ #1 Percent of Budget Year Transpired YEAR TO DATE JULY83% Original Revised RevenueYear to DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Propety Tax$ 12,669$ 12,669$ 6,062$ (6,607) 48% Sales Tax 475 475 -$ (475)0% Total Revenue$ 13,144$ 13,144$ 6,062$ (7,082)46% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear to Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ -$ -$ - +Net Increase (Decrease) 13,144 13,144 6,062 Ending Fund Balance$ 13,144$ 13,144$ 6,062 Town CouncilPage 140 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 141 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 142 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 143 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 144 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 145 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 146 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 147 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 148 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 149 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 150 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 151 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 152 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 153 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 154 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 155 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 156 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 157 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 158 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 159 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 160 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 161 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 162 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 163 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 164 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 165 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 166 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 167 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 168 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 169 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 170 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0578-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the Town and Denton County for the Fiscal Year 2015 -2016 Shared Governance Communications and Dispatch Services System; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Attachments:Staff Report - Denton County Shared Governance Communications and Dispatch Services System.pdf Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Denton County.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganInterlocalCooperationAgreementbetweentheTownandDenton CountyfortheFiscalYear2015-2016SharedGovernanceCommunicationsandDispatchServicesSystem;and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Town CouncilPage 171 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Patrick Arata, Police Chief CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Re: Town Council Meeting Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the Town and Denton County for the Fiscal Year 2015 -2016 Shared Governance Communications and Dispatch Services System; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Explanation: This Interlocal Agreement is for Police and EMS dispatch services for FY 2015 - 2016. The agreement states Trophy Club Fire Department at a total cost of $4,944, the Town covers 50% ($2,472) covering EMS. Attachments: Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Denton County Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Shared Governance Communications & Dispatch Services System amendment. Budget Impact: Impact of $32,369 for Police and $2,472 (50% of the total cost) for EMS. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 172 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 173 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 174 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 175 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 176 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 177 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 178 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 179 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 180 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 181 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0588-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town repealing Article XVI, entitled “Citizens Financial Advisory Board” of Chapter 1, “Administration” of the Code of Ordinances and adopting a new Article XVI, “Budget Administration and Fiduciary Oversight” of Chapter 1, Administration of the Code of Ordinances; and providing an effective date. Attachments:ORD 2015-25 - Repealing Cha 1 Art 16.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceoftheTownrepealingArticleXVI,entitled“Citizens FinancialAdvisoryBoard”ofChapter1,“Administration”oftheCodeofOrdinancesandadoptinganewArticleXVI, “BudgetAdministrationandFiduciaryOversight”ofChapter1,AdministrationoftheCodeofOrdinances;andproviding an effective date. Town CouncilPage 182 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE 2015-25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, REPEALINGARTICLEXVI, ENTITLED “CITIZENS FINANCIAL ADVISORY BOARD”, OFCHAPTER 1 ENTITLED “ADMINISTRATION” OF THE CODEOF ORDINANCESAND ADOPTING A NEW ARTICLE XVI “BUDGET ADMINISTRATION AND FIDUCIARY OVERSIGHT”, OF CHAPTER 1 “ADMINISTRATION” OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB CODE OF ORDINANCES IN ORDER TO ADOPT PROCEDURESFOR ADMINISTRATION AND FIDUCIARY OVERSIGHT OF THE BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR THE INCORPORATION OF PREMISES; PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS , the Town of Trophy Club, Texas is a Home Rule Town acting under itsCharter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS , the Town Charter stipulates that the Council shall provide by ordinance the procedures for administration and fiduciary oversight of the budget; and WHEREAS, the Budget Process sets forth certain requirements such as cost of service delivery comparisons, procedures for administration and fiduciary oversight of the budget, proposed goals for current and futureoperations and methods to measure outcomes and performance related to goals, and a five year capital plan; and WHEREAS , the Town Council previously created a Citizens Financial Advisory Board and since that time, the Town has made changes to its budgeting procedures and strengthened its processes by following Government Finance Officers Association regulations and those regulations set forth standards for administration and oversight of municipal budgets; and WHEREAS , the Town Council has determined that the adoption of the Procedures for Administration and Fiduciary Oversight of the Budget as set forth in this Ordinance serve the best interests of the Town and its residents; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, THAT: Town CouncilPage 183 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES The above and foregoing premises having been found by the Town Council to be true and correct are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT - ADOPTION OF ARTICLE XIV OF CHAPTER XV 2.01 Article XVI entitled “Citizens Financial Advisory Board” of Chapter 1 entitled “Administration” of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby repealed in its entirety and a new Article XVI entitled “Budget Administration and Fiduciary Oversight” of Chapter 1 entitled “Administration” is hereby adoptedand shall read in its entirety as follows: “Section 16.01 Budget Administration and Development A.Submission - The Town Manager shall submit to the Council a proposed budget and accompanying message in accordance with the Town Charter or as required by State law. The Council shall review the proposed budget and revise it as deemed appropriate prior to general circulation for public hearing (Charter Section 9.04). B.Public Hearing on Budget - The Council shall hold a public hearing on the budget and shall provide adequate public notice of such hearing, including publication of notice as required by State law. C.Truth in Taxation - Budget development procedures shallbe in conformance with the State law outlined in the Truth in Taxation process. In the event of a tax increase, notices shallbe provided and required hearing(s) held in conformance to this State law. D.Adoption - The Council, by majority vote, shall adopt the budget by ordinance no later than the 30th day of September. Adoption of the budget shall constitute appropriations of the amount specified as expenditures from the fund indicated. If the Council fails to adopt a budget by the beginning of the fiscal year, the budget currently in place for the preceding year shall remain in place on a month-to-month basis until such time as a new budget has been adopted. E.Amendment - The Council, by ordinance, may make supplemental appropriations for the year. To address a public emergency affecting life, health, property, or the public peace, the Council may also make emergency appropriations. Such appropriations may be made by emergency ordinance. The level of budgetary control for amendments shallbe,at a minimum, made on a fund level. ORD 2015-25Page 2 of 4 Town CouncilPage 184 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 F.Transfers - At any time during or before the fiscal year, the Council may, by resolution, transfer part or all of the unencumbered appropriation balance from one department, fund, service, strategy or organizational unit to the appropriation for other departments or organizational units or a new appropriation. The Town Manager may transfer funds among programs within a department, fund, service, strategy, or organizational unit and shall report such transfers to the Council in writing in a timely manner. G.Public Records - The budget, budget message, and all supporting schedules shall be in a public record in the office of the Town Secretary and shall be public records available to the public for inspection uponrequest. H.Balanced Budget Required - The Town of Trophy Club shalldevelop balanced budgets in which current resources (current revenues plus fund balance) shallequal or exceed current expenditures. I.Funding of Current Expenditures with Current Revenues - The budget will assure that current expenditures are funded with current revenues. Current operating expenses will not be capitalized or funded through the use of long-term debt. Section 16.02 Revenue Policies A.Revenue Goal - The Town shallattempt to maintain a diversified and stable revenue stream to shelter it from short-run fluctuations in any one revenue source. B.Development of Revenue Projection - The Town shallestimate its annual revenues using an objective analytical process. Each year, the Town shallproject revenues two (2) subsequent years; and these projections shallbe updated annually. Each existing and potential revenue source shallbe examined annually. C.Fund Balance Policy - The Town shall has adoptedapolicy setting guidelines for fund balance to provide for the financial stability of the Townin accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54, and shall update that policy as necessary. Unassigned fund balance is an important measure of economic stability; therefore, theTown shall maintain adequate levels of unassigned fund balance to mitigate financial risk that can occur from unforeseen revenue fluctuations, unanticipated expenditures, and similar circumstances. The fund balance shall also be maintained to provide cash flow liquidity for the Town’s general operations.” ORD 2015-25Page 3 of 4 Town CouncilPage 185 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 SECTION 3. CUMULATIVEREPEALER This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Ordinances of the Townand except as expressly provided herein or where this Ordinance is in direct conflict with previously adopted Ordinances, this Ordinance shall not repeal any of the provisions of such Ordinances; whether such Ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person orcircumstance, is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance in accordance with the Town Charter and by filing this Ordinance in the Ordinance records of the Town. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its date of passage in accordance with law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 8th day of September, 2015. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST:APPROVED AS TO FORM: Holly Fimbres, Town SecretaryPatricia A. Adams, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, TexasTown of Trophy Club, Texas ORD 2015-25Page 4 of 4 Town CouncilPage 186 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0574-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Public Hearing File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the proposed fiscal year October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016 budget pursuant to Section 9.05 of the Town Charter; making appropriations and providing for expenditures. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConductaPublicHearingregardingtheproposedfiscalyearOctober1,2015toSeptember30,2016budgetpursuantto Section 9.05 of the Town Charter; making appropriations and providing for expenditures. Town CouncilPage 187 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0575-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Public Hearing File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Conduct the Second Public Hearing regarding the proposed tax rate for fiscal year October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016, and Mayor to announce the date, time and place of the vote on the tax rate. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConducttheSecondPublicHearingregardingtheproposedtaxrateforfiscalyearOctober1,2015toSeptember30, 2016, and Mayor to announce the date, time and place of the vote on the tax rate. Town CouncilPage 188 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0591-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:9/2/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council declaring September 2015 as Attendance Awareness Month in Trophy Club. Attachments:PRO 2015-14 Attendance Awareness Month.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncildeclaringSeptember2015as Attendance Awareness Month in Trophy Club. Town CouncilPage 189 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2015-14 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER2015 AS ATTENDANCE AWARENESS MONTHIN TROPHY CLUB. WHEREAS, good attendance is essential to student achievement and graduation, and we are committed to dedicating our resources and attention to reducing chronic absenteeism rates, with a focus starting as early as prekindergarten and kindergarten; and WHEREAS, chronic absence – missing 10 percent or more of school for any reason including excused and unexcused absences, or just two of three days a month – is a proven predictor of academic trouble and dropout rates; and WHEREAS, improving attendance and reducing chronic absence takes commitment, collaboration and tailored approaches to particular challenges and strengths in each community; and WHEREAS, chronic absence predicts lower third-grade reading proficiency, course failure and eventual dropout, it weakens our communities and our local economy; and WHEREAS, the impact of chronic absence hits low-income students and children of color particularly hard if they don’t have the resources to make up for lost time in the classroom and are more likely to face systemic barriers to getting to school– such as unreliable transportation, lack of access to health care, unstable or unaffordable housing; and WHEREAS, attendance gaps among groups of students often turn into achievement gaps that undermine student success. Chronic absence particularly exacerbates the achievement gap that separates low-income students from their peers, since students from low-income families are both more likely to be chronically absent and more likely to be affected academically by missing school; and WHEREAS, absenteeismalso undermines efforts to improve struggling schools, since it’s hard to measure improvement in classroom instruction if students are not in class to benefit from them; and WHEREAS, schools and community partners can reach out more frequently to absent students to determine what barriers they face to attending school and what would help them attend more regularly; and Town CouncilPage 190 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 WHEREAS, health care providers can share the importance of school attendance with families and can offer proactive, preventive care to reduce absences; and WHEREAS, schools and districts must do more to track, calculate and share the data on how many students arechronically absent so that we can see the attendance gaps and can deliver the right interventions to the right students; and WHEREAS, all students – even those who show up regularly – are affected by chronic absencebecause teachers must spend time reviewing for students who missed lessons; and WHEREAS, chronic absence can be significantly reduced when schools, families and communities work together to monitor and promote good attendance and address hurdles that keep children from getting to school. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR C. NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM: Our Town will stand with the nation in recognizing September as “Attendance Awareness Month.” We hereby commit to focusing on reducing chronic absenteeism to give all children an equitable opportunity to learn, grow and thrive academically, emotional and socially. Specifically we will: 1.Raise public awareness and concern about the impact of chronic absence. 2.Encourage broad community engagement and sustained civic action to help families get their children to school every day. 3.Urge school districts to analyze data to identify which students and schools are most affected by chronic absence, as well as to unpack common attendance challenges that need to be addressed. 4.Encourage schools to publish chronic absenteeism data, along with average daily attendance rates. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 8thday of September, 2015. _________________________________________________________________ C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas PRO2015-14Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 191 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0576-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Receive public input regarding the Police and Town Hall facility; discussion of same Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Receive public input regarding the Police and Town Hall facility; discussion of same Town CouncilPage 192 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0577-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution accepting an Annual Service and Assessment Plan Update for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), and the proposed Assessment Roll; setting a date for Public Hearing; authorizing the publication of notice and directing the mailing of notices as required by law; enacting other provisions relating thereto; and providing an effective date. Attachments:Staff Report - Annual Service and Assessment Plan.pdf RES 2015-20 - Accepting a SAP (Emer Serv) PID.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaResolutionacceptinganAnnualServiceandAssessmentPlanUpdate forAuthorizedServices(EmergencyServices)fortheTrophyClubPublicImprovementDistrictNo.1(TheHighlandsat TrophyClub),andtheproposedAssessmentRoll;settingadateforPublicHearing;authorizingthepublicationofnotice anddirectingthemailingofnoticesasrequiredbylaw;enactingotherprovisionsrelatingthereto;andprovidingan effective date. Town CouncilPage 193 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Re: Lakeview Elementary Soccer Fields Town Council Meeting, Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution accepting an Annual Service and Assessment Plan Update for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), and the proposed Assessment Roll; setting a date for Public Hearing; authorizing the publication of notice and directing the mailing of notices as required by law; enacting other provisions relating thereto; and providing an effective date. Explanation: Annually, the Town Council accepts the Service and Assessment Plan update for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), sets the date for a Public Hearing and authorizes the publication ofNotice, and directs the mailings of such Notices as required by law.This notice states the approximate Total Annual Cost of the Authorized Services, which is figured after receiving the Fire Rate from Trophy Club Municipal Utility District (TCMUD) No. 1. The Fire Rate was given to Town Staff on Wednesday, September 2nd from the TCMUD No. 1 and has been forwarded on to David Taussig & Associates, Inc. Due to the late notice, the PID Administrator David Taussig & Associates could not provide the total information prior to the packet deadline. Town Staff will provide the total at the Tuesday, September 8th Council meeting. Attachments: Resolution No. 2015-20 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 2015-20. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 194 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB RESOLUTION NO.2015-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ACCEPTING AN ANNUALSERVICE AND ASSESSMENT PLAN UPDATE FORAUTHORIZED SERVICES (EMERGENCY SERVICES) FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.1 (THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB); SETTING A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING; AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE AND DIRECTING THE MAILING OF NOTICES AS REQUIRED BY LAW; ENACTING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING THERETO; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on March16, 2007, the Town received a petition meeting the requirements of Sec. 372.005 of the Public Improvement District Assessment Act (the “Act”) requesting the creation of a public improvement district over a portion of the area of the Town to be known as The Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1(the “District”); and WHEREAS, the petition contained the signatures of the owners of taxable property representing more than fifty percent of the appraised value of taxable real property liable for assessment within the District, as determined by the then current ad valorem tax rolls of the Denton Central Appraisal District and the signatures of property owners who own taxable real property that constitutes more than fifty percentof the area of all taxable property that is liable for assessment by the District; and WHEREAS, on May7, 2007, after due notice, the Town Council of the Town (the “Town Council”) held the public hearing in the manner required by law on the advisability of the Improvement Projects and services described in the petition as required by Sec. 372.009 of the PID Act and made the findings required by Sec. 372.009(b) of the PID Act and, by Resolution No.2008-08, adopted by a majority of the members of the Town Council, authorized the District in accordance with its finding as to the advisability of certain public improvement projects and services; and WHEREAS, on May18, 2007, the Town published notice of its authorization of the District in the Trophy Club Times, a newspaper of general circulation in the Town; and WHEREAS, no written protests of the District from any owners of record of property within the District were filed with the Town Secretary within 20 days after May18, 2007; and WHEREAS, on May21, 2007, the Council adopted a resolution (the “Cost Resolution”) determining the total costs of the District improvements, directing the filing of a proposed assessment roll, and directing related action; and Town CouncilPage 195 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 372.013 and 372.014of the PID Act, the Town Council has directed the preparation of a Service and Assessment Plan Update for Exhibit Authorized Services for the District (the “Plan”), such Plan is attached hereto as “B” , covers a period of at least five years, and defines the annual indebtedness and the projected costs of the Authorized Services, as identified and defined in the Plan; and WHEREAS, the Plan Update includes an assessment plan that apportions the cost of the Authorized Services to be assessed against property in the District and such apportionment is made on the basis of special benefits accruing to the property because of the Authorized Services; and WHEREAS, after determining the total cost of the Authorized Services, the Town Council directed the preparation of an Assessment Roll that states the assessment against each parcel of land in the District and such Assessment Roll is attached to and a part of the Plan; and WHEREAS, the Town Council notes that the Plan and Assessment Roll may be amended with such changes as the Town Council deems appropriate before such Plan and Assessment Roll are adopted as final by the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Town has determined to call a public hearing regarding the levy of assessments pursuant to the Plan and the Assessment Roll pursuant to Section 372.016 of the Act; and WHEREAS, the Town desires to publish notice of a public hearing to adopt the Plan and Assessment Roll in order to provide notice to all interested parties of the Town’s proposed levy of assessments against property in the District, pursuant to Section372.016 of the Act; and WHEREAS, the Town desires to file the Annual Service Plan Update and Assessment Roll with the Town Secretary such that they are available for public inspection pursuant to Section372.016 of the Act; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Findings. The findings and determinations set forth in the preambles hereto are hereby incorporated by reference for all purposes. Section 2. Calling Public Hearing.The Town Council hereby calls a public hearing (the “Public Hearing”) for 7:00 p.m. on September 22, 2015 at the regular meeting place of the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, Svore Municipal Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, to consider approving the Updated Plan, with such changes and amendments as the Town Council deems necessary, and the Assessment Roll with such amendments to the assessments on any parcel as the RES 2015-20 Page 2 of 6 Town CouncilPage 196 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town Council deems necessary. After all objections made at such hearing have been heard, the Town Council may (i)levy the assessments as special assessments against each parcel of property in the District as set forth in the proposed Updated Plan and Assessment Roll; (ii)specify the method of payment of the assessment, and (iii) provide that assessments be paid in periodic installments. Notice of the hearing setting out the matters required by Section372.016 of the Act shall be given by publication at least eleven (11) days before the date of the hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town. Notice of such hearing shall also be given by the mailing of a copy of the notice containing the information required by Section372.016(b) of the Act at least eleven (11) days prior to the hearing to the current address of each owner of property liable for an assessment in the proposed Assessment Roll as reflected on the tax rolls of the Denton Central Appraisal District. All residents and property owners within the District, and all other persons, are hereby invited to appear in person, or by their attorney, and contend for or contest the Plan and the Assessment Roll, and the proposed assessments and offer testimony pertinent to any issue presented on the amount of the assessments, purpose of the assessments, special benefit of the assessments, and the costs of collection and the penalties and interest on delinquent assessments. At or on the adjournment of the hearing conducted pursuant to Section 372.016 on the proposed assessments, the Town Council must hear and pass on any objection to a proposed assessment. The Town Council may amend a proposed assessment on any parcel. The failure of a property owner to receive notice does not invalidate the proceeding. Section 3. Publication and Mailing of Notice.The Town Council hereby directs Town Staff to cause the publication of Notice of the Public Hearing substantially in the Exhibit A form attached as ; such publication to occur at least eleven (11) daysbefore the date of the hearing.Further, the Town Councilhereby directs Town Staff to give Notice of Hearing by the mailing of a copy of the notice at least eleven (11) days prior to the hearing to the current address of each owner of property liable for an assessment in the proposed Assessment Roll as reflected on the tax rolls of the Denton Central Appraisal District. Section 4. Conduct of Public Hearing.The Town Council shall convene at the location and at the time specified in the notice described above for the public hearing and shall conduct the public hearing in connection with its approval of the Plan and the Assessment Roll and the levy of the proposed assessments, including costs of collection and penalties and interest on delinquent assessments. At such public hearing, the Town Council will hear and pass on anyobjections to the Plan and the Assessment Roll and the levy of the proposed assessments (which objections may be written or oral). At or on the adjournment of the hearing, Council may amend a proposed assessment on any parcel. After all objections, if any, have been heard and passed upon, the Town may (i) levy the assessments as special assessments against each parcel of property in the District as set forth in the Plan and Assessment Roll, (ii) specify the method of payment of the assessment, and (iii)provide that the assessments be paid in periodic installments. RES 2015-20 Page 3 of 6 Town CouncilPage 197 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Section 5. Filing of Plan Update and Assessment Roll. The PlanUpdateand Assessment Roll shall be filed in the office of the Town Secretary and be made available to any member of the public who wishes to inspect the same.A copy of the Annual Service and Assessment Plan Update for Authorized Services is attached Exhibit “B” hereto and incorporated herein as . Section 6. Effective Date.This Resolution shall become effective upon its passage in accordance with law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of September, 2015. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: Patricia A. Adams , Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2015-20 Page 4 of 6 Town CouncilPage 198 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 EXHIBIT “A” TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a public hearing will be conducted by the Town nd Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on the 22day of September, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Svore Municipal Building at 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas 76262. The public hearing will be held to consider proposed assessments to be levied against the assessable property within THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTNO. 1 (the “District”) pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended. The general nature of the improvements is emergency services (the “Authorized Services”), including, without limitation, fire suppression and control, inspection services, arson investigations, hazardous material response, search and rescue, emergency recovery and extraction, pre-hospital medical stabilization or transportation of persons who are sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless including basic life support ambulance services, advanced life support ambulance services, air ambulance services, and quick-response unit services provided by the Town. The total annual cost of the Authorized Services is approximately $________. The boundaries of the District are described as follows: The District includes approximately 609.683 acres located within the corporate limits of the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. The District is generally located to the north of Oakmont Drive, Oak Hill Drive and the Quorum Condominiums, east of the Lakes Subdivision and Parkview Drive, south of the Corp of Engineers Property and west of the Town’s eastern town limits. The District is more particularly described by metes and bounds and such description is available for inspection at Town Hall, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. All written or oral objections will be considered at the public hearing. A copy of the Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services and proposed Assessment Roll, which includes the assessments to be levied against each parcel in the District, is available for public inspection at the office of the Town Secretary, Town of Trophy Club, at 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. th WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF THE TOWN, this 9day of September, 2015. /s/ Holly Fimbres ___________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2015-20 Page 5 of 6 Town CouncilPage 199 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 EXHIBIT “B” ANNUAL SERVICE AND ASSESSMENT PLAN UPDATE FOR AUTHORIZED SERVICES (EMERGENCY SERVICES) FOR THE DISTRICT RES 2015-20 Page 6 of 6 Town CouncilPage 200 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0580-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding Lakeview Elementary soccer fields; and receive an update from Town Engineer Tom Rutledge. Attachments:Staff Report - Lakeview Elementary Soccer Fields.pdf Site Area to be developed into practice fields at Lakeview Park.pdf TNP - Opinion of Probable Construction Cost.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingLakeviewElementarysoccerfields;andreceiveanupdatefromTown Engineer Tom Rutledge. Town CouncilPage 201 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Adam Adams, Director of Parks & Recreation CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager Re: Lakeview Elementary Soccer Fields Town Council Meeting, Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding Lakeview Elementary soccer fields; and receive an update from Town Engineer Tom Rutledge. Explanation: Council has authorized funds in a not to exceed amount of $300,000 to grade and develop a portion of the NISD property adjacent to Lakeview Elementary into athletic practice fields. The Town Engineer has created a site plan and staff is seeking authority from Council to move forward with this project to create construction documents and let for bid. Soccer has indicated that they are willing to expend funds on this project if it exceeds the targeted amount of $200,000. Attachments: Site Area to be developed into practice fields at Lakeview Park TNP - Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Recommendation: Staff recommends the Town moves forward with the project. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 202 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 CONCEPTUAL OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST 08/11/15 Client:Town of Trophy ClubDate: Lakeview Soccer JDL Project:Prepared By: STR tnp no.:TRO 15006Checked By: Sod & Irrigation Improvements Title: Spec No.ItemItem DescriptionQuantityUnitUnit CostItem Cost Base Bid 1Topsoil (4" lift at 15,345 SY)1,705CY$15.00$25,575.00 2Final Grading (4" lift at 15,345 SY)1,705CY$3.00$5,115.00 3Irrigation15,345SY$4.25$65,216.25 4Town of Trophy Club Irrigation Central Communication1EA$7,500.00$7,500.00 5Electrical Connection for Controller1EA$5,000.00$5,000.00 62" Irr Meter1EA$4,000.00$4,000.00 7Turf (Bermuda Sod)15,345SY$3.75$57,543.75 Subtotal Construction Cost$169,950 Contingencies10%$16,995 Total Opinion of Construction Cost$186,945 Alternate Bid (Grade & Stock Pile Existing Grass) 1Final Grading (6" lift at 15,345 SY)2,558CY$3.00$7,674.00 2Irrigation15,345SY$4.25$65,216.25 3Town of Trophy Club Irrigation Central Communication1EA$7,500.00$7,500.00 4Electrical Connection for Controller1EA$5,000.00$5,000.00 52" Irr Meter1EA$4,000.00$4,000.00 6Turf (Bermuda Sod)15,345SY$3.75$57,543.75 Subtotal Construction Cost$146,934 Contingencies10%$14,693 Total Opinion of Construction Cost$161,627 No Design Preliminary Design Final Design Town CouncilPage 204 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0581-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Non-Exclusive Use License Agreement between the Town and Keep Trophy Club Wild for the Community Garden project at Harmony Park for Town residents; providing terms of the Agreement; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Attachments:Staff Report - Community Garden.pdf Non-Exclusive Use License Agreement.pdf Parcel Map.pdf Garden Site Plan.pdf Community Garden Rules.pdf KTCW Responses to Council Comments.pdf Alternate Garden location map at Freedom Park.pdf January 27, 2015 Town Council Minutes.pdf June 9, 2015 Town Council Minutes.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaNon-ExclusiveUseLicenseAgreementbetweentheTownandKeep TrophyClubWildfortheCommunityGardenprojectatHarmonyParkforTownresidents;providingtermsofthe Agreement; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Town CouncilPage 205 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Adam Adams, Director of Parks & Recreation CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager Re: Community Garden Project Town Council Meeting, Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Non-Exclusive Use License Agreement between the Town and Keep Trophy Club Wild for the Community Garden project at Harmony Park for Town residents; providing terms of the Agreement; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Explanation: At the January 27, 2015 meeting, Council made the motion to move forward on the creation of a Community Garden, providing that certain criteria be met in the execution of this project. The project did not achieve several of the requirements and the item was again brought back to Council on June 9, 2015 where Council gave redirection and additional objectives. Staff has moved forward with KTCW and other interested parties to return with a contract and a revised site plan. Staff has also brought a possible alternate location located within the confines of Freedom Dog Park that the Town could convert into a community garden. This site is currently underutilized but has access to water, parking and is completely fenced. Attachments: Non-Exclusive Use License Agreement between KTCW and the Town Parcel Map Garden Site Plan Community Gardener Rules KTCW Responses to Council Comments Alternate Garden location map at Freedom Park January 27, 2015 Town Council Minutes June 9, 2015 Town Council Minutes Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 206 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DENTON § NON-EXCLUSIVE USE LICENSE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AND KEEP TROPHY CLUB WILD, INC. THIS NON-EXCLUSIVE USE LICENSE AGREEMENTis made and entered into by and between the TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, a home rule municipality, (hereinafter referred to as “TOWN”), acting by and through its Mayor or designee, and Keep Trophy Club Wild, Inc., a Texas corporation, (hereinafter referredto as “KTCW”), acting by and through the President, its Board of Directors, or designee, (hereinafter “Agreement”). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS , the TOWN owns and maintains a TOWN parkonIndian Creek(hereinafter “Harmony Park”); and WHEREAS , the KTCW isa nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote community involvementwith nature and the outdoors. In line with its mission, KTCWwishes to develop and operate a Community Gardenwith year-round gardening; and WHEREAS ,TOWNis willing to enter into this non-exclusive Agreement to license the use of a certain portion of Harmony Park, as more specifically described herein(hereinafter “Parcel”),to KTCWfor the purposeof maintaining a Community Garden,on the terms described in this Agreement; and WHEREAS , KTCW desires toenter into this non-exclusive use Agreement for the Parcelin accordance with the terms of this Agreement; and WHEREAS , Capital improvement costsfor the Parcelshall be shared by TOWNand KTCW as expressly set forth in this Agreement; and WHEREAS , KTCW and TOWN agree that it serves their best interests to work with TOWN; and WHEREAS , on January 27, 2015 the TownCouncil authorized the creationof the “Community Garden” or “Garden”, authorized the Town Attorney to develop a use agreement with KTCW, and recognized that Parks and Recreation fundswill be used to establish the Community Garden; and WHEREAS, KTCW and TOWN agree that the properties and facilities identified herein shall be used by KTCW solely for the purpose ofdeveloping a Community Town CouncilPage 207 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Garden on the Parcelwith plots to be assigned by KTCW to Trophy Club residents pursuant to a separate agreement between KTCW and the gardeners; and WHEREAS , all fees collected by KTCW from gardeners shall be deposited into a designated KTCW account to be used exclusively for expenses related to the Community Garden; and WHEREAS , the parties agree that this Agreement supersedes any and all prior written and/or oral agreements for use of the Parcel, and by execution of this Agreement, the parties agree and intend that this Agreement shall exclusively governKTCW’s use of the Parcel. NOW THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the above and foregoing premises, the benefits flowing to each of the parties hereto, and other good and valuable consideration, TOWN and KTCW do hereby agree as follows: I. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES / TERM 1.01Incorporation of Premises. The foregoing premises to this Agreementare incorporated herein for all purposes as if set out herein verbatim. 1.02Term. Theinitialterm of this Agreementshallcommence on_________, 2015 and shall end onDecember 31, 2016(“Initial Term”),unless otherwise terminated as provided herein. After the Initial Term has expired, this Agreement shall automatically renew for one (1) additional term of one (1) year commencing on January 1 and ending December 31, 2017,provided that such renewal is not contested by either party within sixty (60) days of the Agreement’s expiration dateor terminated as otherwise provided herein. II. USE OF THE PARCEL/ CONSIDERATION 2.01The Parcel. TOWN, under the terms and conditions provided herein, shall allow KTCW the non-exclusive use ofthe Parceland facilities within HarmonyPark as Exhibit A specifically identified in “Parcel Map”, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, forthe purpose of developing a Community Garden. 2.02Garden Rules. KTCWshalloperate the garden in accordance with a set of Exhibit B, Community Garden Rules, a copy of which isattached hereto as “”, Garden Rulesand incorporated herein. KTCWshallrequire all persons to whom it licenses plots to enter into a gardener agreement and waiver of liability, Exhibit C, a copy of which isattached hereto as “Form of Gardener Agreement and Waiver of Liability”, attached hereto and incorporated herein.KTCW shall be 2015 Non-Exclusive Use Agreement with KTCW Page 2 of 10 Town CouncilPage 208 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 required to enforce the Garden Rules.TOWN shall be entitled to require KTCW to amend the Garden Rules as reasonably necessary in order to address the needs of other users of Harmony Park and adjacent residential uses. Amendmentsto Garden Rules required by TOWN shall be made within five (5) business days of TOWN’s written notice to KTCW.Any and all amendments to the Garden Rules made by KTCW shall be submitted to the Town Manageror designeefor approval, who shall respond to KTCW within five (5) business days. 2.03No Alterations .The Garden Site Plan showing the placement of plots, and all other improvements to the Parcel shall be shown on a site plan submitted to the Exhibit D TOWN for approval, a copy of which is attached hereto as “Garden . Site Plan”KTCWshallnot make or permit any alterations or improvementsto the Parcel without TOWN’s prior written consent, except for the shed contemplated by Section 2.04 and raised beds, benches, rain barreland compostingsystems, and other features common to gardensas shown on Exhibit D. All improvements to Parcel shall comply with TOWNordinances.On the expiration or termination of this Agreement, all improvements and alterations to theParcel shallbelong to TOWN, except for non-permanent improvements, and TOWNshallhave noobligation to reimburse KTCWfor any improvements to the Parcel.TOWN shall have the right to require the removal of any improvements for which KTCW does not obtain prior written consentfrom TOWN at KTCW’s sole expense. 2.04Equipment and Structures . KTCWshallkeepequipmentand/or tools at Harmony Parkin a KTCW shed located next to an existing TOWN shed near the Parcel,and shall make a reasonable effort to keep tools stored away when not in use for gardening.Compost bins shallbe located in an area where they will be screenedby plantsor other landscaping. All improvements that willbe placed at, Exhibit A near or upon the Parcel in Harmony Parkshall be indicated on . 2.05Consideration .The Parties agree that sufficient consideration for this Agreement exists and is found in the cross promises set forth herein, including without limitation, the TOWN’s monetary contribution for improvements to the Parcel and TOWN’s agreement hereunder to allow KTCW to use and manage the Community Garden located upon the Parcel for the purpose of providing gardening opportunities for the residents of Trophy Club andKTCW’s in-kind and monetary improvements to the Parcel in establishing and continuing to maintain aCommunity Garden for the benefit of the residents of TOWN.Each of the parties is providing monetary and in-kind services in order to establish and maintain the Community Garden upon the Parcel, and each agrees that it is fairly compensated for therespective monetary contribution and services provided under the terms of this Agreement. 2015 Non-Exclusive Use Agreement with KTCW Page 3 of 10 Town CouncilPage 209 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 III. MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES 3.01 Garden Completion. The TOWN shall work with KTCW to complete construction of the community garden and provide the following: Exhibit D 1.relocate and refill planting boxes pursuant to the Garden Site Plan hereto; and 2.plant shrubs to conceal Garden from neighbors 3.02TOWN Maintenance Responsibilities. As part of the TOWN’s routine maintenance at Harmony Park, the TOWN shall be responsible for maintenance of the Parcel, including the following: 1.providing water access;and 2. trimming ofhedgesoutside Gardenboundariesto screen Garden from neighbors. 3.03 TOWN Alterations. TOWN shall be permitted and shall have the right to make, at its own expense, all alterations or additions to all or any portion of the Parcel thatthe TOWN determines appropriate in its sole discretion, notwithstanding any conflicting provision of this Agreement. 3.04 KTCW Maintenance and Other Responsibilities: KTCW shall be responsible for the following: A.Maintenance and Improvements Generally. All maintenance or improvements in addition to those provided by TOWN pursuant to this Section, shall be theresponsibility of KTCW and shall only be allowed upon the prior written approval ofTOWN. B.MaintenanceRequests :KTCW, through itsPresident or designee, shall promptly notify the TOWN of all maintenance requestsfor which KTCW is not responsibleby providing written notice to the Town Manager and/or designee. The TOWN shall respond to such request within five (5) business days. KTCW shallreimburse TOWN for allrepairs that arerequired as a result of damage caused by gardeners or KTCW. 3.05.No Alterations . KTCW shallnot make or permit any alterations or improvements to the Parcelor Harmony Parkwithout TOWN’s prior written consent, except for the shed contemplated by Section 2.04, raised beds, benches, rain barrel and composting systems, and other features common to gardens. TOWN shall have the right to require the removal of any improvements for which KTCW does not obtain prior written consent from TOWNand such removal shall be at KTCW’s sole expense within ten (10) days of written notice by TOWN. 2015 Non-Exclusive Use Agreement with KTCW Page 4 of 10 Town CouncilPage 210 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 3.06 Notice of Programs. KTCW may host programs,such as classes, demonstrationsor clean upevents in the Garden from time to time. KTCW shall obtain written approval for such programs from the TOWN prior to scheduling such event. IV. Rules and Regulations / Closure/ Parking 4.01TOWN Regulations . KTCW understands and agrees that its’ use ofthe Parcel shall be allowed only in accordance with TOWN ordinances, guidelines and regulations, including without limitation the following: 4.02Park Closure Policy and Procedure :KTCW shall cancel, delay or postpone any activitiesif severe weather conditions are present and/or when TOWN notifies KTCW that supplemental watering will be conducted.Notwithstanding the terms of this Agreement, TOWN, in its sole discretion, retains the right to close any or all of the Parcelthat isthe subject of thisAgreement. The Park Director and/or designee, at their sole discretion, may close the Parceland suspend activities at any time if, in TOWN’ssole discretion, it is determined that continued use presents a risk of injury to persons or damage to Harmony Parkor the general health, safety or welfare of the public. In additionto the foregoing, all or a portion of Harmony Parkmay be closed for repair, remodeling,overseedingor other maintenance. In the event of closure for such maintenance, TOWN shall timely notify KTCW officials in order to minimize the impact on gardening activitiesas much as reasonably possible.TOWN also reserves the right to close all or a portion of Harmony Parkduring operational hoursas determined necessary by TOWN in TOWN’s sole discretion. 4.03 Parking. During the term of thisAgreement, TOWN shall provide KTCW with access to and use of Harmony Park parking areas. The repair and maintenance of such parking lot shall remain the sole responsibility of TOWN. V. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO KTCW USE OF TOWN PROPERTY 5.01Immunity: Nothing in this Agreement, or in any exhibit or attachment hereto, shall be construed to affect, alter, or modify the immunity of either party under the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code §§101.001 et seq. It is expressly understood and agreed that in the execution of this Agreement, neither TOWN nor KTCW waives, nor shall be deemed to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to each against claims arising in the exercise of governmental powers and functions. 2015 Non-Exclusive Use Agreement with KTCW Page 5 of 10 Town CouncilPage 211 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 5.02.Insurance: During the term of this AgreementKTCW shall obtain and maintain, at its sole expense, general liability insurance with the minimum amounts of $250,000 for each person and $500,000 for each single occurrence for bodily injury or death and $100,000 for each single occurrence for injury to or destruction of property,while naming the TOWN of Trophy Club as an additional insured to protect against potential claims arising out of theKTCW’s use of the Harmony Park and the facilities. KTCW shall furnish TOWN with certificates of insurance evidencing its compliance with this Paragraphat least ten (10) days prior to the commencement of the term of this Agreement. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to grant any third party rights or as a waiver of any governmental and/or public purpose of the operation or use of all or a portion of Harmony Park. 5.03No Third Party Beneficiary: For purposes of this Agreement, including its intended operation and effect, the parties specifically agree and Agreementthat: (1) the Agreementonly affects matters/disputes between the parties to this Agreement, and is in no way intended by the parties to benefit or otherwise affect any third person or entity, notwithstanding the fact that such third person or entities may be in a contractual relationship with TOWN or KTCW or both; and (2) the terms of this Agreementare not intended to release, either by contract or operation of law, any third person or entity from obligations owing by them to either TOWN orKTCW. This Agreementshall not create any third-party beneficiaries. 5.04Notice: Each notice or other communication which may be or is required to be given under this Agreementshall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been properly given when delivered by e-mail or personally during the normal business hours of the party to whom such communication isdirected, or upon receipt when sent by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the following addresses as may be designated by the appropriate party; however, each party has a right to designate a different address by giving the other party fifteen (15) days prior written notice of such designation: If toKTCW: Veronica Ruangskul Keep Trophy Club Wild, Inc. P.O. Box 1104 Trophy Club, Texas 76262 president@keeptrophyclubwild.org 2015 Non-Exclusive Use Agreement with KTCW Page 6 of 10 Town CouncilPage 212 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 If to TOWN: Stephen Seidel Town Manager Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 sseidel@trophyclub.org 5.05Claims Against Parties : Each party shall be responsible for defending and/or disposing of all causes arising against the respective party as a result of its use or occupation of Harmony Parkand/or the Parcel. It is expressly understood and agreed that in the execution of this Agreement, neither TOWN nor KTCW waives, nor shall be deemed to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to each against claims arising in the exercise of governmental powers and functions. 5.06Entire Agreement: ThisAgreement contains the entireagreementof the parties hereto, and no other oral or written commitments shall have any force or effect if not contained herein. 5.07Severability : In case anyone (1) or more of the provisions contained herein shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision thereof, and this Agreementshall be construed as if such invalidity, illegality or unenforceable provision had never been containedherein. 5.08Authority : The undersigned officers and/or agents are authorized to execute this Agreementon behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereto certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending such authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. 5.09 Defective Conditions. KTCW shall promptly report to TOWN any defects or dangerous conditions it discovers on or concerningthe Parcel, and shall cease any such useof the gardenuntil such defect or condition is repaired or cured, provided TOWN shall not have an obligation to repair or cure any such defect or condition. VI. TERMINATION 6.01Termination for Cause. In the event either party to this Agreement fails to abide by theprovisions herein, thenon-defaultingpartyshall give the defaulting party a written noticeof default.The defaulting party has thirty (30) days after receipt of the notice to cure the default. If the defaulting party fails to cure the default in the thirty (30) daytime period, then the non-defaulting party may in its sole discretion elect to terminate this Agreement upon ten (10) days written notice.In the event 2015 Non-Exclusive Use Agreement with KTCW Page 7 of 10 Town CouncilPage 213 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 of terminationfor cause,all improvements and alterations to the Parcel shall belong to TOWN, except for non-permanent improvements, and TOWN shall have no obligation to reimburse KTCWfor any improvements to the Parcel. In the event KTCW’s default is the reason for termination of this Agreement, TOWN in its sole discretion may require KTCW to remove all improvements from the Parcel and return the area to its former stateat KTCW’s sole expense. 6.02Termination Without Cause. Either party may terminate thisAgreementwithout cause, by giving sixty (60) days prior written notice of the date of termination to the other party. Upon termination, all permanent improvements shall remain the property of TOWN and all personal property shall remain the property of the party paying for such personal property. Removal of personal property or improvements shall be subject to the terms contained herein. However, all personal property and improvements remaining on Harmony Park property for sixty (60) days after the date of termination of this Agreement shall become the personal property and improvements of the TOWN. VII. REMEDIES No right or remedy granted or reserved to the parties is exclusive of any other right or remedy herein by law or equity provided or permitted; but each shall be cumulative of every other right or remedy given hereunder. No covenant or condition of this Agreementmay be waived without written consent of the parties. Forbearance or indulgence by either party shall not constitute a waiver of any covenant or condition to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. VIII. APPLICABLE LAW This Agreementis governed by the laws of the State of Texas; exclusive venue for any action shall be in Denton County, Texas. IX. ASSIGNMENT KTCW shall not assign, sublet, subcontract or transfer all or a portion of its rights or obligations under this Agreementwithout the priorwritten approval of the TOWN. 2015 Non-Exclusive Use Agreement with KTCW Page 8 of 10 Town CouncilPage 214 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 X. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 10.01Financials. KTCW shall provide financials to theTownManageron or before th March 30of each year that this Agreement remains in effect. This requirement shall survive for one (1) year after termination and/or expiration of this Agreement. 10.02Council Updates. An officer of the KTCW Board shall attend a Town Council meeting and shall provide an update to the Town Councilno later than March 30thof each year. 10.03 Board Members. The KTCW Board shall consist of a majority of Trophy Club residents.KTCW shall provide a list of the names and city of residenceforeach KTCW board memberas part of its annualreport to the Town Council. WITNESS:KEEP TROPHY CLUB WILD, INC. By:________________________________ Veronica Ruangskul, President Keep Trophy Club Wild, Inc. TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS By:________________________________ C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas ATTEST: By:________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:________________________________ Patricia A. Adams, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas 2015 Non-Exclusive Use Agreement with KTCW Page 9 of 10 Town CouncilPage 215 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DENTON § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the _____ day of C. Nick Sanders, MayorTOWN OF TROPHY ___________________, 2015 by of the CLUB, TEXAS , a home rule municipal corporation, on behalf of such corporation. ______________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DENTON § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the _____ day of Veronica Ruangskul,PresidentKEEP ___________________, 2015 byof the TROPHY CLUB WILD, INC., a nonprofit corporation,on behalf of such corporation. ______________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas 2015 Non-Exclusive Use Agreement with KTCW Page 10of 10 Town CouncilPage 216 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 218 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Community Garden Rules This document sets out the rules that govern the Community Garden (the “Garden”). These Rules are intended to help all our Gardeners grow fresh, healthy food in a thriving garden, to help create a sense of community among our gardeners, and to help the Garden to be a good neighbor. Keep Trophy Club Wild (“KTCW”) is a nonprofit organization that leases the land for the Garden. KTCW is responsible for the Garden, and administers these Rules. Every person who has a plot in the Garden (called “Gardeners”) must sign a legal agreement with KTCW in which the Gardener agrees to comply with these Rules. A. ACCESS TO THE GARDEN Season: The Garden is open and accessible all year. Hours: Gardeners may be in the Garden from sunrise until sunset. Keys and KTCW will give each Gardener a code Security: to the Garden shed. KTCW tools are available for Gardeners to use on a first- come, first-served basis. Gardeners will have access to the tools and the water key located in the Garden shed. Before using the water key or any tools, Gardeners must indicate that they have removed any tools or the water key from Town CouncilPage 219 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 the shed on a sign out sheet that is located in the Garden shed. Gardeners are responsible for cleaning and returning all tools and the water key back to the shed, and sign them back in on the sign out sheet. All tools stored in the Garden shed are the property of KTCW. Gardeners may not store their own tools in the shed. KTCW is not responsible for the loss of any tools or other personal property that is left in the Garden or the Garden shed. Gardeners will follow any additional security guidelines that may be announced by KTCW. B. GARDEN PLOTS Use of Own Plot: Gardeners may use only the plots assigned to them by KTCW. Gardeners will maintain their plants within their plots and will trim any plants that extend into neighboring plots or into common areas. Gardeners may not alter the dimensions of their plot. Plantings: Gardeners may plant vegetables, herbs, fruits, and flowers. Gardeners may not grow any plants above four (4) feet in height. KTCW reserves the right to Town CouncilPage 220 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 prohibit certain plants in the Garden, such as highly invasive vines or stinging nettles. A list of prohibited plants will be provided to all Gardeners. Supplies: Gardeners are solely responsible for the planning and management of their own plots, including providing their own seeds, plants, fertilizer, and any tools not provided by KTCW or Gardeners collectively. Organic Methods: Gardeners will garden organically. KTCW will provide a list of all fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, or rodenticides permitted to be used in the Garden. Onlyapproved productsmay be used; even if labeled “organic,” products may not be used unless approved. Use of compost, organic mulch, and weeding is always acceptable. Water: Each Gardener is responsible for watering his or her own plot using the hose provided by KTCW. Gardeners will not overwater their plants or leave a hose unattended. It is recommended that Gardeners not water more than 15 minutes at a time. Excessive water usage is wasteful and may result in garden expulsion by the offender. Tools: Gardeners may bring their own tools into the Garden to use in their plots, but they cannot store any tools in the Town CouncilPage 221 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Garden or the Garden shed. Gardeners are responsible for any damage caused by tools they use in the Garden and so should use them with care. Gardeners may not use any power tools, such as those that require gasoline, batteries, or electricity. Plot Maintenance Gardeners will maintain their plots and and Trash: adjacent paths in a clean and neat fashion, promptly removing any weeds, overgrowth, or other waste from their plot. Gardeners will promptly harvest edible plants. Gardeners are responsible for hauling and disposing of their own trash, such as weeds, boxes, trays, bags, packets, and similar items. Gardeners must make arrangements for weeding, watering and harvesting in their absence. Yearly Clean-up: Gardeners will performa yearly clean- up on their plots on a date to be determined by KTCW, which will be communicated to all Gardeners at least thirty (30) days prior to the event. Compost: Gardeners will place any organic waste such as weeds, dead plants, or rotten produce, in the compost bins Town CouncilPage 222 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 designated by KTCW. Signs will be posted indicating into which bins materials should be placed. Gardeners will share the responsibility of turning the compost on a rotating basis and will be assigned those duties by the Garden Administrator(defined below). Unmaintained/Ab Gardeners may not abandon their plots. andoned Plots: Abandonment means failing to maintain a plot for two (2) weeks. If Gardeners will be unable to maintain their plot for two (2) weeks, they must make arrangements for maintenance in their absence. The Garden Administrator will contact Gardeners with unmaintained plots and those Gardeners will be given two (2) weeks to comply with all the Community Garden Rules. If the Gardener does not comply by the end of week period, the Gardener will this two- give up the privilege to participate in the Community Garden for the rest of the year, and will lose his or her option to renew their Garden Use Agreement as a Preferred Gardener. If there are extenuating circumstances that prevent a Gardener from maintaining his or her plot, he or she Town CouncilPage 223 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 must inform KTCW. The Gardener and KTCW will then determine an alternative, such as a temporary substitute, acceptable to both parties on a case-by-case basis. No Personal Gardeners may not keep any personal Property: property on their plots or elsewhere in the Garden when they are not in the Garden. Personal property includes decorative accessories, tools, and accessories. Plant markers are acceptable. If Gardeners leave personal property on their plots after the termination of their participation in the Garden, KTCW can keep and/or sell the abandoned property. C. COMMON AREAS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Common Tools: KTCW or Gardeners collectively will provide a set of tools in a storage shed in the Garden for use by all Gardeners (the “Common Tools.”) Gardeners will return the Common Tools to the storage shed as soon as they are finished using them. If a Common Tool appears dangerous or in disrepair, Gardener will not use the Common Tool and inform KTCW immediately. Town CouncilPage 224 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Common Gardeners will keep clean and neat any Responsibilities: common areas, such as pathways, storage sheds, and demonstration garden area. Gardeners will promptly report any concerns about the safety of the Garden to the KTCW. If there is vandalism, storm damage, or other damage to the Garden, all Gardeners are expected to help in cleaning up and restoring the Garden to its prior condition. Garden Work All Gardeners must participate in two(2) Days: Garden Work Days per year (including the yearly Clean Up), where they participate in cleaning and maintaining the Garden. The dates for these will be communicated to the Gardeners at least thirty (30) daysin advance of the event. D. COMMUNITY GARDEN ADMINISTRATOR AND COMMUNICATION KTCW will appoint an individual to serve as the Community Garden Administrator (“Administrator”). The Administrator will manage and oversee the development of the Community Garden, and have authority to assign garden plots, settle disputes and disqualify Gardeners for violations of the Garden Rules. Garden The Administrator has complete Town CouncilPage 225 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Management: authority to interpret the Rules and make decisions. In the event a Gardener takes issue with an action or decision made by the Administrator, the Gardener has the right to seek a final ruling on the matter from the KTCW Board. Communication: The Administrator will be the official first point of contact for KTCW and Gardeners. Contact information for the KTCW Board President and Secretary shall be providedin the Garden shed. Contact KTCW will provide a Information: bulletin/announcement board in the Garden shed. The Administrator will post contact numbers on the board in the Garden shed. Gardeners must tell the Administrator of any change in their contact e-mail addresses or phone numbers. Gardener Input: Gardeners are encouraged to provide suggestions about Garden operations to the Administrator. Gardeners should contact the Administrator directly at the number provided with any questions relating to day-to-day operational matters. Gardener New Gardeners must attend a KTCW- Orientation: led orientation to become familiar with how the Garden functions and their Town CouncilPage 226 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 responsibilities as a Gardener. Annual Meeting: Once a year, the KTCW will invite all Gardeners to an annual meeting to notify Gardeners of any changes made in how the Garden operates, these Rules, in assignments of plots, and to discuss any issues or concerns. KTCW will give written notice of the annual meeting, sent by email or first-class mail, no fewer than 30 days in advance. Confidentiality: KTCW and other Gardeners will not use any personally identifiable information, including Gardener’s name, email address, telephone number, or street address, for purposes other than the operation of the Garden. E. CONDUCT General Conduct: Gardeners are expected to be civil, honest, and cooperative in dealing with the Town, KTCW, Garden neighbors, other Gardeners, guests of other Gardeners, others who are using Harmony Park. Guests: Gardeners may bring guests, including children, into the Garden, provided that the guests comply with the Rules. Gardeners will supervise any child under the age of sixteen. Gardeners will be Town CouncilPage 227 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 responsible for the conduct of children and their guests including making sure they do not damage or interfere with activities on other plots or otherwise engage in inappropriate conduct. Guest violations of these Rules are treated as violations by the Gardener. Pets: While pets are allowed in Harmony Park if they are on a leash, Gardeners may not bring any pets or animals into the Gardenarea, with the exception of service dogs. Respect Others’ Gardeners may not access other plots, Property: use another Gardener’s tools or supplies, or harvest another Gardener’s produce, without the explicit permission of the other Gardener. Gardeners may not enter property next to the Garden without the owner’s permission. No Illegal Plants: Gardeners may not grow any plants considered illegal under Texas law or anny other state or federal law. For example, Gardeners may not grow Cannabis sativa (marijuana), whether or Parking: not the use of marijuana may be lawful for medical purposes under state law. All Gardeners visiting the Garden will park their vehicles, including golf carts, in the Harmony Park parking lots. Town CouncilPage 228 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Gardeners may not drive their vehicles up to the Garden. Compliance: Gardeners must comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws. No Loud Music: Gardeners may not play music or the radio loud enough to be a nuisance to other Gardeners or to the Garden’s neighbors. Please use earbuds. No Sales: The Garden is for personal, noncommercial use only; Gardeners may not sell any produce or flowers grown in the Garden. F. PROBLEMS Dispute Gardeners will raisewith the Resolution: Administrator any disputes about the Garden or with fellow Gardeners. The Administrator will have the power to hear these disputes and will resolve them in the best interest of the Garden. Gardeners have the right to seek a final ruling from the KTCW Board regarding Town CouncilPage 229 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 any decisions made by the Garden Administrator. Rules Violations: Gardeners may lose their rights to participate in the Garden if they fail to comply with any of the terms of the Use Agreement or these Rules. KTCW may, at its discretion, terminate immediately the Gardener’s right to participate in the Garden. If that occurs, the Gardener must leave the Garden by the end of Garden hours on the termination day and may not reenter without KTCW’s permission. If a Gardener violates any ofthese Rules, KTCW will inform Gardener of the violation by sending an email to Gardener.Gardener will have two weeks to correct the violation. If the violation is not corrected within two weeks,as determined by KTCW in its discretion, KTCW may, at its discretion, terminate the Gardener’s Agreement. After termination, Gardener will have two weeksto harvest and clean up the plot. Terminated Gardeners are not entitled to any refunds or other payments from the KTCW. No Limit on KTCW The process described in this Section F Town CouncilPage 230 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Rights: does not (i) limit the KTCW’s ability to enforce its rights under these Rules; (ii) limit or qualify a Gardener’s obligation to comply with applicable law or the Rules; or (iii) limit the KTCW’s right to notify and/or involve government authorities as it may determine. No Refund or Gardeners under no circumstances will Other Claims: be entitled, directly or indirectly, to any refunds, any direct, incidental, consequential, punitive, or other damages, any other forms of compensation from the KTCW or the Town, or to obtain an injunction, specific performance, or other equitable remedy, as a consequence of termination from participation in the Garden. Town CouncilPage 231 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 G. OTHER PROVISIONS Changes in the KTCW may amend these Rules in its Rules: discretion without advance notice. KTCW will provide all Gardeners with a copy of the current Rules, will post a copy of the current Rules in the Garden shed, and will summarize any changes in the next annual meeting. The Gardeners, through theGarden Administratormay propose additional Rules, or Rule modifications, for the KTCW’s consideration. Master Lease: The Gardener’s Agreements with individual Gardeners are subject to the Use Agreement between the Town who owns the Garden’s land and KTCW. As a result, if the Town terminates its Use Agreement with KTCW, the Garden will close, and the Gardener’s Agreement will terminate. At that time the Gardeners will no longer have access to the Garden. Garden Nothing in these Rules limits, qualifies, or Agreement otherwise affects the Garden Agreements Controls: between KTCW and each Gardener. Should there be any ambiguity or conflict between a Gardener Agreement and these Rules, the Gardener Agreement will control. Waiver: Any waiver by KTCW of these Rules must be in writing and signed by KTCW. Town CouncilPage 232 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Failure, neglect, or delay by KTCW at any time to enforce the provision of these Rules will not be considered a waiver of KTCW’s rights under these Rules. Waiver of any breach or provision of these Rules or failure to enforce any breach or provision of these Rules will not be considered a waiver of any later breach or the right to enforce any provision of these Rules. No Discrimination: KTCW will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation. Town CouncilPage 233 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 KTCW Response to Council Comments Garden Hours: We originally chose to use the published times that Harmony Park is open (one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset) to govern the time the community garden could be used. We would ask to set the time for garden use from sunrise to sunset. It is doubtful that there will ever be any substantial numbers of visitors to the garden at either end of the time range but for the garden to be a success it needs to be available to people who work and have limited times to access the garden. Water Usage and Water Key: It is our understanding from the Town that the cost to install a water meter at the spigot that will be used to provide the garden with water is cost prohibitive as the water used by a garden hose is a small fraction of the water used by the park. We anticipate that our water usage will not affect the overall cost of water to Harmony Park. KTCW already plans to purchase two (2) backup water keys at our expense, and we will purchase additional keys if needed. Composting: For people who have never maintained compost areas, the idea of composting sounds somehow smelly. However, compost areas almost never smell. If a compost pile smells, something is wrong. This may be a surprise, as we think of composting as a smelly business, but that is not the case. Only two sorts of smells usually afflict a compost pile, and since these have clear and distinct causes, they're actually quite easy to diagnose and to treat. So we should be able to effectively manage our compost area without any issues, and can fix them quickly if they arise. Currently there are no recycling initiatives within the park system; we feel that not only is composting a form of recycling, but it should be the progressive direction the Town should be heading towards within the park system. Confidentiality: We will have a list of all gardeners and their contacts, and it may be prudent to provide that information to the Parks Department if we want to include these individuals in any Parks Dept. communications. However, we do not anticipate providing that information for any reason other than to facilitate communications with the Parks Dept. Under the Town’s contract with the Town CouncilPage 234 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 baseball association, does the town receive the names and contacts of all the baseball participants (youth and adults) who utilize the park’s facilities? Music: The Garden Rules specifically prohibit loud music. We do not anticipate that will a problem, since most gardeners actually find gardening to be a therapeutic activity and communing with nature is part of the process. Rules Violations: When a gardener violates our rules, it does not automatically terminate the gardener’s rights to participate in the garden. We provide a warning, along with a definite amount of time to cure the problem. We also will work with any gardeners who have health or family issues that might prevent them from attending to their garden. These are matters that will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. If a gardener repeatedly causes offense or problems, we will terminate their use agreement. There are certain circumstances where we would terminate a gardener’s rights immediately and without recourse. Garden Shed and Fencing: The garden shed is currently located next to an existing shed in Harmony Park used by the soccer association and not adjacent to the garden. The size and location can’t be changed by KTCW at a future date. The idea of using fencing to delineate the garden has been debated and we really have no preference as to having a fence although we believe it is unnecessary for this project and it would just function in a decorative capacity. Insurance: We are in the process of obtaining insurance and will provide Proof of Insurance as soon as we have it in hand. Third Party Beneficiary: This language is usual in most contracts of this nature. I believe it exists in the baseball contract. The current draft stipulates that KTCW would not be able to contract with a third party without the Town’s approval. We can envision that the gardener’s may want to form a community association to govern themselves. In fact, many community gardens operate in that manner. It also provides a way for the garden to continue if KTCW dissolved in the future. However, having another party take over KTCW’s contract with the Town is not possible without the Town’s prior approval. We would expect that the only way this would be allowed is by proving the garden to be a well-managed success and a benefit to the community. Town CouncilPage 235 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Background Checks: We have background checks on our members who work directly with children. We do not see the need to incur the cost of a full background check of gardeners, as they pose no more risk than any other person visiting the park. We can check each gardener against the Texas State sex offender registry. Does the Town’s baseball contract require that everyone who signs up to play baseball have a background check? Termination of a Gardener’s Privileges: We respectfully disagree that the Town should have the right to terminate any gardener’s privilege to participate in the community garden. The use agreement for individual garden plots is a contract between KTCW and the individual gardeners. The Town is expecting us to manage this association just as it expects sports associations to manage those that enroll in their association. Amendments to Garden Rules: We would submit changes to the Garden Rules to the Town for approval as they arise. We had anticipated that the Garden Rules would be given to the Town and the Town each year as part of the annual reporting process, and that any changes to those rules would be noted at that time. Creation of the Community Garden: Based on the minutes of the Council Meeting on January 27, 2015, the Council authorized the following: Main Motion: Motion made by Mayor Sanders, seconded by Council Member Parrow, to authorize the creation of the Community Garden, authorize the Town Attorney to develop a use agreement with KTCW, and recognize that Parks and Recreation funds are being used for this, in the amount not to exceed $3,355. Council Member Reed asked that his three recommendations be included in the motion. Amended Motion: Mayor Sanders, seconded by Council Member Parrow, motioned to include with his main motion that the compost location be moved, capture rainwater as much as possible, lock the gate and water source, have hours of operation, and that KTCW come back annually to discuss and present. Motion passed unanimously. Consideration and Monetary Contributions of the Parties: In order for any agreement to be deemed legally binding, every party that enters the contract Town CouncilPage 236 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 must provide some element of consideration (i.e, benefit received/given for entering into the contract). The language regarding consideration refers to the funds already approved by the Town Council, as well as funds already spent by the Girl Scouts and KTCW. The language in the agreement was provided by Town Attorney, Patricia Adams, and documents the cross promises made in the agreement as providing additional consideration. KTCW does not provide any compensation to the Town for use of Harmony Park. KTCW does not receive any compensation for its role in the community garden. All funds collected from gardeners will be utilized for the upkeep and activities related to the garden. Alteration and Additions: We do not envision alterations or additions to the garden. This language is similar to the language in the Town’s baseball contract, and refers to issues/items that would be routine maintenance provided at Harmony Park. For example, if there was a leak or break in the water supply, KTCW would request that it be repaired. If a tree limb were to fall into the garden as the result of a storm, KTCW might request assistance from the Town to remove it. Future Garden Preparation and Hedges: With the exception of the funds and activity approved on January 27, 2015, all work on the garden has been done by the Girl Scouts and other volunteers. We have now been asked to move the location of the beds and plant hedges to screen the garden for the purpose of creating additional screening for neighboring residents. This new work is the direct result of this direction from the Town and we therefore respectfully request assistance from the Town to relocate the beds, since moving them will require use of equipment that we do not possess. Additionally, the hedges to be planted should be considered part of the Town’s responsibility since they are to be planted at the Town’s behest. The hedges were not part of the original plan and the Town has directed that the choice of hedge be made by the adjacent property owner. In closing we hope that the Town considers the value that a community garden will bring to the Town and that this is a volunteer driven project that will create a positive use that will be enjoyed by possibly different demographic users then those currently represented at either Harmony or Independence Park, all of Town CouncilPage 237 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 whom will be Trophy Club residents, unlike participants in other associations within the Town. Town CouncilPage 238 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Attachment B December 14 General Fund Budget Report Consider and take appropriate action regarding a proposed settlement and release 7. agreement with ONCOR Electric Delivery Company; and authorizing the Mayor or his designed to execute all necessary documents. Attachment C Partially Executed Oncor Settlement and Release Agreement Motion made by Council Member Parrow, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, to approve the Consent Agenda Items 6 and 7. Motion passed unanimously. RECESS AT 7:35 P.M. FOR A BREAK RECONVENE AT 7:39 P.M. INTO REGULAR SESSION REGULAR SESSION Oath of Office to incoming Municipal Court Judges. 8. Town Secretary/RMO Fimbres administered the Oath of Office to Presiding Municipal Court Judge Mark D. Chambers, Jr. and Alternate Municipal Court Judge Eric G. Ransleben. (Town Secretary Notes: Presented after Citizen Presentations, and Town Secretary/RMO Fimbres administered the Oath of Office to Alternate Municipal Court Judge Brad Bradley on January 19, 2015) Mayor Sanders thanked both judges for their services. Attachment D Oaths of Office Attachment E Anti-Bribery Oaths of Appointed Officer Consider and take appropriate action to authorize the creation of a Community Garden 9. to be located within Harmony Park; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Bonnie Seraphine, 9 Llano Drive, thanked the Town Council for their consideration, and presented the Trophy Club Community Gardens Timeline and the concept for the garden. Lori Hicks, 119 Creek Courts Drive, stated that three girls from Girl Scout Troop 3909 are working on receiving a Girl Scout Silver Award community. Madison Davis, Naomi Barrows, and Sydney Farrell, Girl Scout Troop 3909, stated that they have visited many community gardens in neighboring towns and that they are working towards having a successful garden. Berna Senelly, 35 Meadowbrook Lane, Community Outreach representative for Keep Trophy Club Wild (KTCW), discussed ways they are going to help the Girl Scouts, which included: 1) Providing general management and resources, and legal and financial support; 2) Helping bring expertise from their master gardeners and naturalists; and 3) Helping coordinate with other Trophy Club organizations. She reviewed the two phases for the proposed garden, the preliminary plan, fencing, and estimated material cost. Additionally, she stated they hope to have the garden ready by the spring of this year. Mayor Sanders asked where the storage shed and compost bins would be located. January 27, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilPage 240 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 4 of 572015 Mrs. Senelly stated that they envision that the shed would be offsite by the soccer shed and that the compost bins would in the back corner hidden by trees. Council Member Reed advised that he visited with two neighbors on Katy and that his recommendation would be that the compost bins be moved. Parks and Recreation Director Adams stated that he was in contact with four other neighbors and that they were fine with the concept of the garden. Council Member Rowe asked if the neighbors were aware that the garden would have split rail fencing. Parks and Recreation Director Adams stated that the neighbors are aware of the fencing proposed to be used. Mayor Pro Tem Lamont asked if there is an ordinance for fencing being so close together. Community Development Senior Planner Jones stated that parallel fencing is not allowed unless there are special circumstances. Council Member Shoffner inquired if there will be one water tap and if it will be accessible to the public. Parks and Recreation Director Adams advised that there will be two quick connects and two sets of hoses, and that they are accessible but will be in the ground with a box. Council Member Parrow asked how many volunteers they anticipate to have. Mrs. Seraphine and Mrs. Folley stated that they have had several people show interest through social media. Mayor Sanders commented that he would like to see a use agreement with guidelines between KTCW and the Town. Council Member Rowe recommended securing the box to the water with a key or code. Council Member Reed stated that he supports the garden with the following conditions: 1) Propose that they have hours of operation in place; 2) Move the compost bins closer to the sidewalk; and 3) Have a use agreement come back to Town Council annually. Mayor Sanders asked that they look at the ability to capture rain water, and if they change the design that they would come back to the Town Council for approval. Veronica Ruangskul, 1 Greenhill Trail, KTCW, stated that the compost bins will have a four foot setback along the fence line, that the compost is odorless, and they will have plants around the bins to act as a barrier. Additionally, she stated that KTCW is partnering with Texas Master Naturalist and Master Gardeners to provide classes to educate gardeners including how to wisely use water. Mayor Sanders asked Town staff to look at the drainage on Katy. Acting Town Manager Seidel stated that the funds that the Parks Department will contribute to the garden will be tracked through a project code. Main Motion: Motion made by Mayor Sanders, seconded by Council Member Parrow, to authorize the creation of the Community Garden, authorize the Town Attorney to develop a use agreement with KTCW, and recognize that Parks and Recreation funds are being used for this, in the amount not to exceed $3,355. January 27, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilPage 241 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 5 of 572015 Council Member Reed asked that his three recommendations be included in the motion. Amended Motion: Mayor Sanders, seconded by Council Member Parrow, motioned to include with his main motion that the compost location be moved, capture rainwater as much as possible, lock the gate and water source, have hours of operation, and that KTCW come back annually to discuss and present. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the recommendations from the Parks and Recreation Board to address concerns identified by residents in the Royal Troon neighborhood, review findings of the Royal Troon subcommittee, and take other actions as to address neighborhood concerns. Discussion took place regarding placing bollards in the pool area parking lot, signage restricting idling and lateral parking, and tree placement along the wall to help add a buffer behind affected homes. Additionally, there was discussion to lower the front roll down gate at the pool during movie and karaoke night, and installing sound monitoring devices near the wall to help reduce the noise. Council Member Shoffner stated that he would like to see karaoke night be eliminated, but possibly continue it during the day. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, seconded by Council Member Parrow, to direct the Parks and Recreation Director to eliminate karaoke activity after 6 p.m. on any evening at the pool. Julie Folley, 2407 Lilyfield Drive, stated that she is not against karaoke during the day but rules need to be followed even during the day. Mike Buck, 2401 Lilyfield Drive, commented that he appreciated the Town Council for looking at the karaoke issue and feels that this is a good first step. Discussion ensued regarding monitoring the day time karaoke noise levels. Vote was taken and passed unanimously. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, seconded by Council Member Rowe, to direct the Parks and Recreation Director to eliminate movie nights at the pool. Council Member Kurtz inquired about the turnout for movie night. Parks and Recreation Director Adams stated that movie night is a popular program and is not as loud as karaoke nights, and they plan to have only two movie nights this year. Substitute Motion: Council Member Rowe made a substitute motion to require movie nights to coincide with the operating hours of the pool. Motion failed for lack of a second. Parks and Recreation Director Adams advised that the Special Events Committee approves the dates for movie nights. January 27, 2015 Town Council MinutesTown CouncilPage 242 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 6 of 572015 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated May 12, 2015 1. . (Town Secretary Note: Approved as presented in the Town Council agenda packet.) Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, seconded by Council Member Parrow, to approve the Consent Agenda Item 1. Motion passed unanimously. REGULAR SESSION 2. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Community Garden project. Mayor Sanders stated that there have been some citizens that have expressed concern regarding the Community Garden project. He recommended that Council ask Town Staff any questions that they needed answered in order to work through the issues; and refer this item to the Town Manager to meet with the concerned citizens and the Parks and Recreation Board Liaison to bring conclusions to the issues. He advised that there was concern on who would be in charge of the project and how it would be managed. He stated that Council has expressed concern that there is no agreement in place and the project has continued to move forward. Council Member Reed stated that a reason the original motion passed at the January 27, 2015, meeting was because there was clearly a group that said they would take responsibility of the project. Council Member Rowe recognized Girl Scout Troop 3909 for doing what they committed to do. He commented that the Council needs to determine who is going to manage the project after they receive all the facts. Council Member Parrow commented that the Council was willing to get the project started, and pointed out that it was to be a volunteer based project. He stated that he was concerned that this will become a Town project and the Town will be the responsible party. Town Manager Seidel stated that there are some items that need to be addressed, particularly identifying the entity to manage the project. He stated that he plans to meet with the Mayor, Parks and Recreation Board Liaison Shoffner, Assistant Town Manager/CFO Glickman, and Parks and Recreation Director Adams, as well as the concerned citizens and involved stakeholders to come up with some solutions for what is best for the community. Ms. Ruangskul stated that subsequent to the January 27, 2015, meeting, there was supposed to be a Community Garden Association to be formed in order to manage and sub-lease the garden spaces. Therefore, KTCW believed that their involvement was unnecessary and that it was in the best interest for them to act in an advisory capacity position to the Girl Scouts. It was KTCW’s understanding that the citizens who had envisioned this project would be willing to establish a non-profit association that would operate the garden and enter into an agreement with the Town, rather than KTCW. She stated that if it is the best interest of all the parties, then KTCW would be willing to accept the role to be involved, even as a temporary solution until the association is formed. She added that the agreement was not in place because they have had discussions since January but they decided to step down since a Community Garden Association was to be formed. Town Council MinutesTown CouncilPage June 9, 2015243 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 2 of 308, 2015 Discussion took place regarding remaining items to complete the project and items that have not been met, and the mechanism, approved at the January 27, 2015 Council meeting, to have the item come back annually for review. Bonnie Seraphine, 9 Llano Drive, stated that the Community Garden Association came up because of their experience moving forward with the project, and that the Association would be the one who would run the garden. Part of the discussion, at the January 27, 2015 Council meeting, was that KTCW would utilize lead gardeners to handle the day-to-day operations, and they saw the need for an entity to take on the day-to-day tasks. She added that KTCW would remain involved because they will offer needed resources, and apologized if the Council believed that the Association was already established. Council Member Rowe stated that the Council’s impression, regardless of who handles the day-to-day functions, was that KTCW would be responsible for the general management of the project. Council Members Reed and Parrow commented that they do not want this to be a Town project. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Parrow, seconded by Council Member Reed, to refer this item to the Town Manager to finalize an agreement with the appropriate organization(s) to satisfy the original motion of January 27, 2015, and to work with concerned and involved citizens to develop a solution to areas of concern, and bring this item back to Council if no apparent solution is reached. Council Member Rowe stated that he would like to give the Town Manager the ability to come up with a solution but not to enter into an agreement with another party. He wanted to give the Town Manager the ability to provide recommendations to the Council. Council Member Kurtz commented that whoever signs the lease will be the responsible party for the project. Mayor Sanders stated that his intent was that the item would be referred to Town Manager, and if KTCW is willing to enter into an agreement, then the only item that would come back to the Council would be the agreement for approval. Town Manager Seidel stated that he currently has the following objectives: 1) To review what was required and where they stand regarding the Council motion that was made on January 27, 2015, and seek guidance from Council where needed; 2) To develop a meeting with the stakeholders and develop a schedule; 3) To develop who is managing the garden and develop a lease agreement; 4) To develop guidelines for the garden operational rules; 5) To meet with the neighbors and keep them involved with the process; 6) To provide recommendations to Council; and 7) Based upon feedback and recommendations from Council, either receive authorization to execute a lease agreement with the appropriate entity or make an alternative decision. Amended Motion: Amended Motion made by Council Member Parrow, seconded by Council Member Reed, in order to incorporate points raised by Council, to refer this item to the Town Manager to draft an agreement with appropriate organization(s), to work with concerned and involved citizens to develop a solution to areas of concern, and bring this item back to Council for final approval. Ted Powell, 12 Reading Court, stated that he is probably the most concerned citizen because the garden is four feet away from his fence. He would like to make sure that he is one of the citizens that the Town contacts so that he is involved in the process. Lori Hicks, 119 Creek Courts Drive, stated that Girl Scout Troop 3909 planned this project to earn their Silver Award, and that they started planning the project about a year ago. She advised that there is little left to complete the garden and that they are willing to alter the garden in hopes that some compromise can be found. She Town Council MinutesTown CouncilPage June 9, 2015244 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 3 of 308, 2015 encouraged all who are involved in the process of negotiating to consider compromising so that this project can be completed. Additionally, she encouraged the Council to allow them to put the dirt, which is currently in the parking lot, into the garden beds in order to preserve it. Naomi Hicks, Sydney Farrell, Madison Davis, Girl Scout Troop 3909, thanked the Council for their support of the project and stated that they have put a lot of time and effort into this garden that will benefit the entire community. (Town Secretary Note: Randle Davis filled out a Speaker Request form but did not wish to speak after all the discussion.) Council Member Kurtz recognized the Girl Scouts for all their hard work. Mr. Powell requested that the Council not allow the Girl Scouts to fill the boxes with dirt until the parties come to an agreement. Council Member Reed clarified that this project is on pause, based on the motion, until the item has been solved. The vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Receive an update from GSBS regarding the Police and Town Hall facility; discussion of update, timeline and project schedule. Attachment A – Police Department and Town Hall Presentation Tom Batenhorst, GSBS Principal, provided an update regarding the Police and Town Hall facility, which included: Existing Aerial View; Existing Conditions of Access, Trees, Slope, and Sight lines; Site Plan Building Setbacks; Site Plan Existing Tree Canopy; Site Plan Unused Land; and Site Plan. Discussion took place regarding a retaining wall in the front of the facility and excavation in the rear of the facility. Mr. Batenhorst continued his presentation, which included: Floor Plan; Elevations; Eastward and Westward Views; and Concept Rendering and Material. Council Member Rowe commented that the glass exterior walls will have predominately southwest exposure and stated that the Council may want to consider other potential options. Town Manager Seidel stated that a couple of things will change in terms of the layout, such as the location of the Elected Official office, and that Town Staff is still working on those items. Discussion took place regarding the appropriate number of seating for the dais, 15 seats, and proposed seating for the audience, and the elevation change from the floor to the dais. Council Member Parrow asked to study the possibility of placing a door from the dais to the Community room. Mayor Sanders asked to have the Elected Official office door off the Public Lobby, as opposed to having it off the Police Lobby. He suggested utilizing the front portion of the A.V. room for storage with door access on the side of the room, within the Public Lobby. Additionally, he suggested having a reception area as soon as you walk into the facility. Town Council MinutesTown CouncilPage June 9, 2015245 of 334Meeting Date: September Page 4 of 308, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0592-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:9/2/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding committing proceeds from the July 4th Fun Run event to the 30th Anniversary Committee. Attachments:Staff Report - 30th Anniversary Committee.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingcommittingproceedsfromtheJuly4thFunRuneventtothe30th Anniversary Committee. Town CouncilPage 246 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Adam Adams, Director of Parks & Recreation CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager Re: 30th Anniversary Committee Town Council Meeting, Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding committing proceeds from the July 4th Fun Run event to the 30th Anniversary Committee. Explanation: The 30th Anniversary Committee Members volunteered for all positions needed to make the 5K Patriot run a success. The committee has requested the remaining revenue from the run, in the approximate amount of $2,100, go to the 30th Anniversary Committee to be used in the promotion and celebration of the Town of Trophy Club’s 30th anniversary. Attachments: None Recommendation: Staff recommends the distribution of the funds. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 247 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0582-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town amending Subsection B, entitled “Trophy Club Park” of Section 8.12, entitled “Parks and Recreation” of Article VIII, entitled “Schedule of Fees” of Chapter 1, “Administration” of the Code of Ordinances of the Town; providing for publication; and providing an effective date. Attachments:Staff Report - Parks and Recreation Schedule of Fees.pdf ORD 2015-26 - Amending Schedule of Fees - Trophy Club Park.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceoftheTownamendingSubsectionB,entitled“TrophyClub Park”ofSection8.12,entitled“ParksandRecreation”ofArticleVIII,entitled“ScheduleofFees”ofChapter1, “Administration” of the Code of Ordinances of the Town; providing for publication; and providing an effective date. Town CouncilPage 248 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Adam Adams CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager Re: Parks and Recreation Schedule of Fees Town Council Meeting, Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town amending Subsection B, entitled “Trophy Club Park” of Section 8.12, entitled “Parks and Recreation” of Article VIII, entitled “Schedule of Fees” of Chapter 1, “Administration” of the Code of Ordinances of the Town; providing for publication; and providing an effective date. Explanation: At their May 18, 2015 meeting the Parks and Recreation Board voted to recommend the following fees at Trophy Club Park to Town Council: 1.General Vehicular $2.00 2.ATV/OHV $15.00 3.ATV/OHV Pass (10 visits) $120.00 4.Resident Vehicular Annual Pass $10.00 5.Non-Resident Vehicular Annual Pass $20.00 At their June 15, 2015 meeting the Parks and Recreation Board voted to recommend the introduction following fee category at Trophy Club Park to Town Council: Horse $3.00 The General Vehicular fee was raised by one (1) dollar and the ATV/OHV fee was raised by three (3) dollars. The ATV/OHV Pass would create a discounted rate for riders who purchased ten (10) entry fees andwould allow them to save (3) dollars per visit for an overall savings of thirty (30) dollars. The Resident/Non-Resident Annual Pass are designed to encourage general users to the park. The Annual Pass covers any one vehicle and includes all of the occupants of that vehicle. The Horse fee is a new category of fee designed to help offset the maintenance costs of the trail system impacted primarily by horses. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 249 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Attachments: Ordinance No. 2015-26 Recommendation: Staff recommends the fees brought forth by the Parks and Recreation Board and considers them to be equitable. Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 250 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2015-26 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS AMENDING ARTICLE VIII, ENTITLED “SCHEDULE OF FEES”OF CHAPTER 1 ENTITLED “ADMINISTRATION”,SECTION 8.12 ENTITLED “PARKS AND RECREATION”, SUBSECTION B ENTITLED “TROPHY CLUB PARK”;PROVIDING FOR THE INCORPORATION OF PREMISES; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT;PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club is a Home Rule Municipality acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution; and WHEREAS, the Town has reviewed maintenance costs associated with park and pool amenities and has determined that based upon the costs of providingthose amenitiesit is necessary to increase someusage fees with the existingSchedule of Fees; and WHEREAS ,Town Council has the authority via ordinance to establish reasonable fees to cover the costs of services provided by the Town; and WHEREAS , having reviewed the proposed cost adjustments, the Town Council finds that the proposed fee adjustments are reasonable and necessary to pay the administrative costs associated with providing services to the public; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BYTHE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES That the above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT 2.01 Article VIII entitled, “Schedule of Fees” of Chapter 1, entitled“Administration” of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, is hereby amended to modify Section 8.12, entitled “Parks & Recreation”, Subsection “B” entitled “Trophy Club Park”, so thatSubsection “B” shall be and read in its entirety as follows: Town CouncilPage 251 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 “Section 8.12 Parks & Recreation B. Trophy Club Park Entry Rates 1.General VehicularEntry$2.00 2.ATV/OHV$15.00 3.ATV/OHV Pass (10 visits)$120.00 4.Boat Entry$5.00 5.Horse Entry$3.00 6.Resident Vehicular Annual Pass$10.00 7.Non-ResidentVehicularAnnual Pass$20.00 8.Large Pavilion Rental (4 hrs)$50.00” SECTION 3. CUMULATIVE REPEALER This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Ordinances and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such Ordinances except for those instances where there are direct conflicts with the provisions of this Ordinance and where such other Ordinance(s) do not specifically state that fees contained therein take precedence. Ordinances or parts thereof in force at the time this Ordinance shall take effect and that are inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent that they are inconsistent with this Ordinance. Provided however, that any complaint, action, claim or lawsuit which has been initiated or has arisen under or pursuant to any such Ordinance on the date of adoption of this Ordinance shall continue to be governed by the provisions of such Ordinance and for that purpose the Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain infull force and effect. ORD 2015-26 Page 2 of 3 Town CouncilPage 252 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 SECTION 5. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Clubis hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance in accordance with the Town Charter and by filing this Ordinance in the Ordinance records of the Town. SECTION 6. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish, the Feesand Effective Date of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effectupon its passage and publication in accordance with the law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this the 8th day of September, 2015. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: Patricia A. Adams , Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas ORD 2015-26 Page 3 of 3 Town CouncilPage 253 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0590-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:9/2/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Receive update regarding Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget; discuss and provide direction to Staff regarding same. Attachments:Fiscal Year 2016 Proposed Budget.pdf Changes to Proposed Budget.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Receive update regarding Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget; discuss and provide direction to Staff regarding same. Town CouncilPage 254 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Proposed Budget September 8, 2015 Town CouncilPage 255 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 4®¶­®¥4±®¯§¸#«´¡ Thisbudgetwillraisemoretotalpropertytaxesthanlast ǤĻğƩ͸ƭbudgetby$845,118,whichisa12.73%increasefrom lastǤĻğƩ͸ƭbudget.Thepropertytaxrevenuetoberaisedfrom newpropertyaddedtothetaxrollthisyearis$400,165. MUNICIPALTAXRATES 2014201520152016 LASTYEARCURRENTYEAR Maintenace&Operations$0.380000/$100$0.374000/$100 Debt$0.110000/$100$0.110000/$100 TotalPropertyTaxRate$0.490000/$100$0.484000/$100 EffectiveTaxRate$0.468137/$100$0.462128/$100 EffectiveMaintenanceandOperationsRate$0.360315/$100$0.352128/$100 RollbackTaxRate$0.499140/$100$0.496987/$100 DebtRate$0.110000/$100$0.110000/$100 TaxSupportedDebtService$1,573,662$1,727,067 RECORDVOTEONADOPTIONOFBUDGET September22,2015 NAME:TITLE:YESNO NickSandersMAYOR GregLamontMAYORPROTEM JimParrowCOUNCILMEMBER GarrettReedCOUNCILMEMBER RhylanRoweCOUNCILMEMBER PhilipShoffnerCOUNCILMEMBER TimKurtzCOUNCILMEMBER TOTAL Town CouncilPage 256 1of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 PREPARED BY: STEPHEN SEIDEL TOWN MANAGER STEVEN GLICKMAN, CPA ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER/CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER AMBER KARKAUSKAS CONTROLLER JOHN ZAGURSKI STRATEGIC SERVICES COORDINATOR Town CouncilPage 257 2of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 %,%#4%$ /&&)#)!,3 Mayor .¨¢ª 3 ­£¤±² - ¸®± 0±® Tem'±¤¦ , ¬®­³ #®´­¢¨« -¤¬¡¤±*¨¬ 0 ±±®¶ #®´­¢¨« -¤¬¡¤±' ±±¤³³ 2¤¤£ #®´­¢¨« -¤¬¡¤±Rh¸« ­ 2®¶¤ #®´­¢¨« -¤¬¡¤±0§¨«¨¯ 3§®¥¥­¤± #®´­¢¨« -¤¬¡¤±4¨¬ +´±³¹ !00/).4%$ /&&)#)!,3 4®¶­ - ­ ¦¤± 3³¤¯§¤­ 3¤¨£¤« 4®¶­ !³³®±­¤¸ 0 ³±¨¢¨  !£ ¬² 4®¶­ 3¤¢±¤³ ±¸ (®««¸ &¨¬¡±¤² -´­¨¢¨¯ « *´£¦¤ (®­®± ¡«¤ - ±ª #§ ¬¡¤±² -!.!'%-%.4 4%!- !²²¨²³ ­³ 4®¶­ - ­ ¦¤±ȝ#§¨¤¥ &¨­ ­¢¨ « /¥¥¨¢¤± 3³¤µ¤­ '«¨¢ª¬ ­Ǿ #0! %¬¤±¦¤­¢¸ -¤£¨¢ « 3¤±µ¨¢¤² lj &¨±¤ #§¨¤¥$ ­­¸ 4§®¬ ² )­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ 3¸²³¤¬² $¨±¤¢³®±-¨ª¤ 0 ²³®± )­¥± ²³±´¢³´±¤ lj $¤µ¤«®¯¬¤­³ 3¤±µ¨¢¤² - ­ ¦¤± 0 ³ #®®ª¤ 0 ±ª² lj 2¤¢±¤ ³¨®­ $¨±¤¢³®± !£ ¬ !£ ¬² 0®«¨¢¤ #§¨¤¥ 0 ³±¨¢ª !± ³  0´¡«¨¢ )­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ /¥¥¨¢¤±ȝ- ±ª¤³¨­¦ - ­ ¦¤± !¯±¨« 2¤¨«¨­¦ Town CouncilPage 258 3of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 "5$'%4 #!,%.$!2 &¨²¢ « 9¤ ± ΑΏΐΕ January 23-24Friday & Saturday•Town Council and Management Retreat/Strategic Planning April 10Friday•Denton Central Appraisal District begins sending out weekly preliminary appraisal totals April 27Monday•Tarrant Appraisal District submits 1st preliminary appraisal totals April 28Tuesday•Workshop with Council over FY 16 Tax Rate and revenue diversification May 12Tuesday•Mid-Year Review presentation to Council May 18 - 29•Departmental budget meetings May 26Tuesday•Workshop with Council to discuss FY 16 compensation June 9Tuesday•Workshop with Council to discuss General Fund revenues July 14Tuesday•Workshop with Council to discuss General Fund expenditures & supplemental items •Receive CCPD Budget July 24Friday•Certified Appraisal Roll due from Denton & Tarrant Appraisal Districts July 28Tuesday•Workshop with Council to discuss all other funds July 31Friday•Hand deliver hard copy Proposed Budget to Council members •Publish Notice of Public Hearing on CCPD Budget August 3Monday•Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector provides Effective and Rollback Tax Rates August 11Tuesday•Workshop with Council on the Proposed Budget •Public Hearing on CCPD Budget •Submit Effective & Rollback Rate calculations to Town Council •Vote to Propose Tax Rate (if over Effective Rate) •Set Public Hearings for August 25th and September 8th (if applicable) August 14Friday•Publish Notice of Public Hearing on the Budget •Publish Notice of Proposed Tax Rate (if applicable) •Publish Notice of Public Hearing on PID Service Assessment August 25Tuesday•Workshop with Council on the Proposed Budget •First Public Hearing on Tax Rate (if applicable) •CCPD Budget Adoption September 8Tuesday•Second Public Hearing on Tax Rate (if applicable) •Public Hearing on Budget •Resolution accepting proposed SAP & set Public Hearing date •Joint meeting with the CCPD (If applicable) September 22Tuesday•Budget adoption •Tax Rate adoption •Approve Tax Roll •Public Hearing on PID Service Assessment •Vote to ratify Property Tax revenue •Adopt PID Assessment Rate October 1Thursday•Fiscal Year 2015-2016 begins Town CouncilPage 259 4of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 September8,2015 TrophyClubTownCouncil 100MunicipalDrive TrophyClub,TX76262 DearTownCouncil: InaccordancewiththeTrophyClubTownCharterandtheStateofTexasLocalGovernment Code,theproposedFiscalYear16BudgetforthefiscalyearbeginningOctober1,2015and endingSeptember30,2016ispresentedalongwithanattachedfiveyearCapitalImprovement Program. Budgetpresentstheplanforaccomplishmentof Infinancialterms,theproposedFY16 municipalobjectivesduringtheforthcomingfiscalyear.Preparationofthisdocumentrequires acomparisonoftheanticipatedrevenueswithadoptedprogramsandprioritiesthatarebased onTownCouncilpriorities,servicedemandsorpriorprojectcommitments. meetsTownCouncil Whiletheproposedbudgetdoesnotfundalldepartmentalrequests,it goalsexpressedduringtheplanningprocess.Theproposedbudgethasbeenformulatedby reflectingthecorevaluesof: Providingexceptionalgovernmentalservices Remainingfiscallysound Effectivelyallocatingresourcestomeetcitizenneeds Valuingouremployees TheFY16Budgetisaresponsiblefinancialplandevelopedutilizingadvancedplanningmethods andGovernmentalAccountingStandardsBoard(GASB)34provisionsandcomplyingwiththe adoptedFundBalancePolicy(GASB54).Prudentfinancialandoperationalphilosophieshave guidedbudgetdevelopment.Everybudgetseekstoallocatescarceresources,andtherewill alwaysbemoreneedsthanavailablefunds.TheFY16Budgethighlightsinclude: Personnel NewPoliceOfficer SergeantpromotionforanexistingPoliceOfficer NewFirefighter/Paramedic(50%fundedbyTrophyClubMUD#1) $135,000formeritincreases&Policesalarytrueup Intern/PartTimeNetworkSpecialist Town CouncilPage 260 5of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 EquipmentReplacement&Capital BleacherreplacementprogramforHarmonyPark ReplacementgrandstandlawnmowerforParks Watersliderunandbarrierreconfigurationatpool Spraypadfeaturereplacementatpool Smallpoolresurface Smallpoolfilterreplacement VariousITrelatedpurchasesandupgrades StrykerPowerCotforEMS(replacesmanualcot) ReplacementPoliceVehicle ToddlerplaygroundatHarmonyPark ShadestructurefortoddlerplaygroundatHarmonyPark Furniture,Fixtures,andEquipmentfundedbytheCCPDforthePoliceinaproposed newfacility CapitalImprovementProgram CapitalImprovementProjectstotaling$9,050,531includingaproposedjointTown Hall/PoliceStationFacility FY16BUDGETDEVELOPMENTCONSIDERATIONS FY16BUDGETDEVELOPMENTCONSIDERATIONS Theproposedbudgetincludestotalrevenuesof$12,421,419andexpendituresof$20,831,787. Expendituresexceedrevenuesby$8,410,368dueto$8,993,531ofimprovementsintheCapital ProjectsFundandStormDrainageFund(forwhichdebtwasissuedinpriorperiodsoris anticipatedtobeissuedinthebudgetyear).Excludingthecapitalimprovements,theoverall budgetcontainsasurplus(revenuesoverexpenditures)of$583,163.Thefundbalanceofthe GeneralFundisanticipatedtoincrease$90,440despiteatransferof$385,000tofundcapital projects.Thissectiondiscusses,byfund,themajorissuesaddressedintheFY16budget. GENERALFUND iscarefullyevaluatedduringthebudgetprocesstoensure Revenues ΑEachrevenuesource adequatelevelsoffunding.AstheTownreachessubstantialbuildout,withaccompanying smallerincreasesinassessedvalueandsharpdecreasesinlicensingandpermittingrevenue,it endeavorstodiversifyitsrevenuesourcestoreducerelianceonpropertytaxes.Identified diversificationareasincludemaximizationofsalestaxrevenuealongtheHighway114corridor andaccompanyingincreasedfranchisefeecollectionsthatareincludedwithsubstantialbuild out. Town CouncilPage 261 6of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 PropertyTax ΑThelargestrevenuesourceintheGeneralFundistheadvaloremtax.A taxrateof0.484/$100isproposed,adecreasefromthepreviousǤĻğƩ͸ƭtaxrateof 0.49/$100.PropertytaxrevenueinFY16isexpectedtoincreaseby$581,246overthe FY15estimate.Ofthisamount,$309,218canbeattributedtoover$82Minnew propertiesaddedtothetaxrollinFY16.Stronggrowthisexpectedoverthenextfiscal year,andisamajorconsiderationwhenprojectingfuturepropertytaxrevenues. PropertyTaxRate TheFY16Budgetisbasedonapropertytaxrateof$0.484 o decreasefromFY15.ACouncilandstaff per$100assessedvaluation,a$0.006 goalwastoproposeataxratebelowtheFY15taxrate.Theproposedtaxrate includes$0.11toservicedebtand$0.374tofundmaintenanceandoperations. PropertyTaxBase Thecertified2015appraisalrollsshowanincreaseof13.1% o overthe2014certifiedvalues.Themajorityoftheincrease,6.75%,isattributed tonewpropertiesaddedtothetaxrollthisyear,whileexistingproperties increasedby6.41%.Theaverageappraisedhomevalueis$352,731.FY16 projects100homestobebuiltwhichwillcontinuetoincreasethetotalassessed valueofTrophyClub,andthusincreasetotalrevenuesderivedfrompropertytax attheproposedtaxrate. FranchiseFees ΑThesecondlargestrevenuesourceintheGeneralFundisfranchise currenttrendsandŅƩğƓĭŷźƭĻĻƭ͸ fees.Thefeesareprojectedbasedonthepastand estimates.Franchisefeesareprojectedtoincrease13.40%inFY16overtheFY15 estimate,andshouldcontinuetoincreaseastheTownapproachesbuildout.OnMay 12,2015,theTownCounciltookactiontoincreasethesolidwastefranchisefeesfrom 6%to12%andthegasfranchisefrom4%to5%.ThiswasdonetodiversifytheƚǞƓ͸ƭ revenuestream.ItalsoallowedtheCounciltoreducepropertytaxesby$0.006/$100 andsavetheaverageresidentialtaxpayerapproximately$7peryear. SalesTax ΑSalestaxreceiptsarethethirdlargestrevenuesourceintheGeneralFund. TheFY16budgetprojectsa4.50%growthinreceiptsovertheFY15estimate.Included inthesalestaxaregeneralsalestaxesandmixedbeveragetaxes.Salestaxrevenueis whollydependentonthelocaleconomicconditionsandcanfluctuate.TheTownhasa potentialformajorcommercialdevelopmentalongthecorridorofHighway114that couldhelpdiversifytheƚǞƓ͸ƭrevenuesourcesinfutureyears.Twodestination restaurants,MeatUAnywhereandBreadwinnersareanticipatedtobeoperational beginningsometimeinFY2016,withmoreexpectedinFY2017.Additionally,the EconomicDevelopmentCorporation4B(EDC4B)isintheprocessofpurchasingover sevenacresoflandintheTrophyWoodDistricttocontrolthefuturedevelopmentof theareawithhopesofenticingfuturecommercialdevelopmenttoincreasesalestaxin thefuture. Town CouncilPage 262 7of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 LicensingandPermits ΑLicensingandPermitsarethefourthlargestrevenuesourcefor theGeneralFund.ThisrevenuesourcegroupingcontainsBuildingPermitsand MiscellaneousPermits.Thisrevenuesourceisexpectedtodecrease22.82%fromtheFY 15estimateduetotheTownapproachingsubstantialbuildout.Theheavyreductionin revenuederivedfromlicensingandpermitsisconsideredwhenlookingtothefuture. Increasedpropertyvaluationfromnewpropertiesonfuturetaxrollswillmakeupfor thesubstantiallossofthisrevenuesourcealongwithincreasedcollectionsofsalestaxes andfranchisefees. FinesandFees ΑFinesandfeesrepresentrevenuegeneratedfromthemunicipalcourt, developmentrelatedfees,andrecreationbasedfees.Thisrevenuesourceisexpectedto decrease19.76%comparedtotheFY15estimate,duetonewdevelopments approachingbuildoutwhichdecreasesthenumberofdevelopmentrelatedfees collected,andfurtherstrengthenstheƚǞƓ͸ƭneedtodiversifyitsrevenuesources. StrategicManagementPlanningΑ TheTownevaluatesallcurrentandfuturespendingand revenueprojectionsinthecontextoftheƚǞƓ͸ƭFiveYearForecast.TheFiveYearForecast providesaresponsibleestimateoftheƚǞƓ͸ƭfuturefinancialpositionbasedonpastandfuture trendanalysis,expectations,andtheregionaleconomy. MunicipalUtilityDistrictServicesContractΑ Asignificantchangetopreviousyearsisthe relationshipbetweentheTownandUtilityDistrict.TheTownisintheprocessofnegotiatinga newcontractwiththeMUD.Inthatcontractnoexchangeofmoneyisproposed,onlyan exchangeofserviceswhicharerenderedtotheotherentity. Personnel ΑAsmunicipalgovernmentsareprimarilyserviceorientedtheyareextremelyreliant ontheiremployees.TheTownofTrophyClubisnodifferent,foradepartmenttoadd positions,aneedmustfirstexist.CitizensandCouncilhavecometoexpectthehighestlevelof serviceatthelowestpossiblecost,allwhilebeingcompetitiveinthemarketplace.The proposedbudgetexemplifiesthisexactsentiment. Compensation TheFY16Budgetincludesapoint/performancebasedmerit distributionofupto2%peremployee/evaluationonOctober1standApril1st,an annualstipendof$750peremployee,andPoliceSalaryTrueUpwithbasepayincreases ofupto4%increaseoradjustmenttorangeminimumonOctober1st(wouldnotbe eligibleforadditional2%onOctober1st).Theoverallefforttobringemployeessalaries tocompetitiverateswillcontinue,andtheƚǞƓ͸ƭstrategywillbereviewedannuallyto determinetheextentoffutureendeavors. HealthInsurance TheHealthinsuranceprograminFY16continueswiththeTexas MunicipalLeagueIntergovernmentalEmployeesBenefitPool(TMLIEBP).TheTown offersthreeplans:aPPO,anHRA,andanHSA;ratesfortheplansincreased3%,15%, and3%respectively.TMLIEBPisanonprofithealthprovidercenteredonprovidingfull servicehealthprotectionofpoliticalsubdivisionsofTexas. Town CouncilPage 263 8of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 PersonnelChanges ΑPersonnelchangesareconsideredonanasneededbasisaftera demonstratedneedexists.AstheTowngrows,serviceleveldemandalsogrows.In ordertomeetincreasingservicedemandtheFY16budgetincludesthefollowing personnelchanges: NewPoliceOfficer SergeantpromotionforanexistingPoliceOfficer NewFirefighter/Paramedic(50%fundedbyTrophyClubMUD#1) Intern/PartTimeNetworkSpecialist CrossingguardFullTimeEquivalentsΛC9͸ƭΜchangedfrom3.60C9͸ƭto3.15C9͸ƭ basedonupdatedworkschedules ServicesandSupplies ΑOneareawherefiscalresponsibilitycanbeappliedmosteffectivelyare intheservicesandsuppliestheTownpurchases.Theservicesandsuppliesbudgetincreased 12.97%fromtheFY15estimatewith2.89%ofthatincreasecomingfromsupplementalitems. Anynewprogramsthatrequirethepurchaseofservicesorsupplieswillbecarefullyexamined inthecontextofanypotentialrevenuetheygenerateandbenefittheybringtoTowncitizens. EquipmentReplacement ΑTheTownfundsequipmentreplacementbysettingasideanamount eachyearequaltoeachķĻƦğƩƷƒĻƓƷ͸ƭequipmentdepreciation.ExpendituresforFY16include thefollowingitems: Police ReplacementPolicePatrolVehicle Parks Replacementgrandstandlawnmower BleacherreplacementprogramforHarmonyPark Recreation Sliderunandbarrierreconfigurationforpool Spraypadfeaturereplacementforpool Smallpoolresurface Smallpoolfilterreplacement InformationTechnology VariousITrelatedpurchasesandupgrades EmergencyMedicalService StrykerPowerCotforEMS(replacesmanualcot) Town CouncilPage 264 9of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FundBalance ΑTheTownhasaFundBalancePolicywithagoalof30%oftheƚǞƓ͸ƭannual GeneralFundexpendituresbeingclassifiedasunassignedfundbalance.Anunassignedfund balanceoflessthan15%isacauseforconcernunlessitisplannedordeliberate.TheƚǞƓ͸ƭ budgetedfundbalanceintheGeneralFundisprojectedat43%ofexpenditures,whichiswell abovetheƚǞƓ͸ƭpolicy.TheTownendeavorstomaintainitscurrentstrongfundbalance levels,butwillconsideruseoffundbalancetofundmajorcapitalprojectsand/oracquisitions whilemaintaininganendingfundbalancewithintheƚǞƓ͸ƭpolicy. OTHERFUNDS CapitalImprovementProgram ΑThefiveyearCapitalImprovementProgramincludes scheduledconstructionofmajorcapitalimprovementssuchasstreets,facilities,parks,etc. Theseimprovementsaregenerallyfundedbydebt,butmaybefundedbyexistingfund balancesorgrantswhenavailable.InFY13theTownissued$3MinCertificatesofObligation (CO)with$1.3Mtofundidentifiedstreetsprojectsand$1.7Mtofundidentifieddrainage improvements.InFY14theTownissued$2.5MinCertificatesofObligationtofundthe purchaseoflandforajointTownHallandPoliceStation.Additionally,inFY14a$600,000Tax Notewasissuedtofundvariousstreetsprojectsandparkimprovements.Whenconsidering capitalimprovementstheTownconsidersfederalandstatemandates,theeffectonTown citizens,andtheeffectaprojectwillhaveonfutureoperatingbudgets.Thefollowingprojects areincludedintheCapitalImprovementProgramforFY16: geimprovementstoPinOakCourt Streetanddraina StreetimprovementstoTimberlineCourt StreetanddrainageimprovementstoPebbleBeachDrive ConstructionofanewjointTownHallandPoliceStation BroadwayCreekimprovementsandamenitylakeslopes CypressCourtdrainageinlets ConstructionofpracticesoccerfieldsatLakeviewElementary StreetanddrainageimprovementstoTrophyClubDr.(RoundabouttoMeadow Creek) ParkMonumentSigns HarmonyParkToddlerPlaygroundandShadeStructure DebtServiceFundΑ InFY14theTownissueda$2.5MCOforthepurchaseoflandforajoint TownHallandPoliceStation.AlsoinFY14,a$600,000TaxNotewasissuedtofundstreetand parksprojects.Additionally,inFY14theTownadoptedadebtmanagementpolicyandhadits bondratingupgradedfromAAtoAA+byStandardandtƚƚƩ͸ƭ͵InFY2015theTownrefunded the2007GObondsandrealized$218,000ininterestsavings.TheproposedI&StaxrateforFY 16is$0.11per$100ofvaluation,whichisthesameI&StaxrateadoptedinFY2015.The Town CouncilPage 265 10of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 budgetincludestotalproposeddebtissuancesof$9.75MinFY16tofundajointTownHalland PoliceFacilityandstreetanddrainageimprovements. EconomicDevelopmentFund4BΑ InFY13theTownofTrophyClubdissolvedtheEconomic DevelopmentFund4A.The0.50%4AsalestaxwasreallocatedbetweentheEconomic DevelopmentFund4BandanewCrimeControlPreventionDistrict.Thisessentiallydoubledthe revenuesforthe4B.Both4Aand4Bcombinedtoservicethe2002AGOBonds,whichwereto bedefeasedpriortodissolvingthe4A.Duetoalackoffundbalancein4BtheTowndefeased thedebtwith$660,000offundbalancefromtheGeneralFund.Torepaythisdebtthe4BFund hasaninterlocalagreementwiththeTowntopay$54,964everyyearthroughFY28tothe GeneralFund.However,itisproposedtoeliminateorpostponethosepaymentsbeginningin FY16duetotheEDC4Bissuing$2.65Mindebttofinancethepurchasetotwoparcelsofland forthepurposeofeconomicdevelopmentthatisexpectedtogeneratesalestaxtofurther diversifytheƚǞƓ͸ƭrevenue. CrimeControlandPreventionDistrict(CCPD)Thefundreceivesitsrevenuesfroma0.25% salestax.Thisfundistohelpthepolicedepartmentwithcapitalreplacementcosts,supplies, andactivitiesrelatedtocrimecontrolandprevention.TheFY16CCPDbudgetcontains$6,400 foruniforms,$51,000forsmallequipmentsuchasğƭĻƩ͸ƭͲdutyweapons,protectiveclothing, rapidresponseequipment,etc.,and$125,000topurchasefurniture,fixtures,andequipment forthenewPolicebuilding.StartinginFY17theCCPDwillbegintoservice$2,000,000ofdebt issuedfortheTownHall/PoliceFacility. StreetMaintenanceSalesTaxFund InMay2014,citizensreauthorizeda0.25%Street MaintenanceSalesTax.Thesalestaxisneededtoaugmentthefundingprovidedinthe requiresthatthetaxbe GeneralFundforthemaintenanceofTownstreets.Statelaw reauthorizedbythecitizensaftertheinitialfouryears.Inorderforthetaxtonotlapse,the CouncilheldareauthorizationelectiononMay8,2010inwhichvotersapprovedthe reauthorizationofthesalestax.AsofFY10,theStreetMaintenancesalestaxreceiptsand expenditureswerereportedasaseparatefund.TheFY16budgetprojectsa4.48%growthin receiptsalongwith$100,000instreetmaintenanceprojectsand$24,940invehicle maintenance,signsandmarkings,fuelandsmalltools.Thisfundalsofinancesthepersonnel costof70%ofastreetsemployee. StormDrainageUtilityFund TheTownofTrophyClubchargesafeetoTrophyClubproperty ownerstocoverthecostsofprovidingtheinfrastructureandfacilitiesthatpermitthesafe drainageofstormwater,thepreventionofsurfacewaterstagnation,andthepreventionof pollutionarisingfromnonpointrunoff.TheTownengagedtheservicesofFreeseandNichols, Inc.(FNI)toconductamasterdrainagestudyinordertobetterassesscurrentinfrastructure andfutureneeds.PhaseIofthisstudywascompletedandidentifiedfivemajorareasof concernrelatedtostormdrainage.TheTownalsoengagedFNItocompleteafinancialanalysis tocorrectlyidentifyrevenueoptions,appropriateexpenses,andresidential/commercialstorm drainagefeesnecessarytoaccomplishthesestormwaterimprovementprojects.Basedon Town CouncilPage 266 11of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 thoserecommendations,thefeeforresidentialhomeownersincreasedfrom$3to$6inFY13, andcommercialentitieswereincreasedbasedonanEquivalentResidentialUnit(ERU)system. TheTownhascommencedPhaseIimplementationandissued$1.7millioninCertificatesof ObligationbackedbystormwaterfeerevenuetoaddressthreeareasidentifiedbyFNI. Additionally,theTownhasretainedFNItoinitiatePhaseIIwhichwillincludearegionalanalysis onwaterdrainageandtheimpactonTrophyClub.TheTownislookingtopartnerwith surroundingmunicipalities,counties,andadeveloperaswellasseekinggrantfunding. TheFY16BudgetfortheStormDrainageUtilityFundincludesfundingfor25%ofthepersonnel costoftheInfrastructureandDevelopmentServicesManager,mosquitoabatement,debt servicerelatedtothe2007GO,2013CO,and2015GORefunding,anddrainagecapitalprojects totaling$242,627. FUTURECHALLENGESANDOPPORTUNITIES FUTURECHALLENGESANDOPPORTUNITIES Withregardstothelongandshortterm,themostsignificantchallengeTrophyClubFacesis heavyrelianceonpropertytaxrevenue.InFY2014,57%oftherevenuefortheTownwas propertytaxrevenue;byFY2019itisprojectedtobeupto67%.TheTownendeavorsto maintainamixofrevenuewherepropertydoesnotexceed65%oftotalrevenuegeneratedin theGeneralFund.TheTownisonlyafewyearsawayfrombuildout,whichhasalready decreasedpermittingrevenueandhaspushedtheTownintoanevendeeperrelianceon propertytaxrevenue. Theadministrationhasfocusedonamultifacetedsolutiontoaddresstherevenueissue.In May2015,theCouncilpassedaproposaltoincreasefranchisefeesassociatedwithsolidwaste andnaturalgaswhiledecreasingthepropertytaxrate.OntheEconomicDevelopmentfront, theTownstaffhasbeenworkingwithCouncilandtheEDC4Bboardtorecruitanddevelopnew opportunitiesfordestinationrestaurantsthatwillincreasetheƚǞƓ͸ƭsalestaxrevenues.The firststepsweretakenbycreatingaTaxIncrementalRevenueZone#1(TIRZ#1)intheTrophy WoodDistrictinFY13.Next,theTownenteredintoapublicprivatepartnershipwithOldTown Development,tobringabouthighend,destinationeaterieswithinTIRZ#1.Thefirstofthese restaurantstosignaleaseisBreadWinners/QuarterBar.Theeatery/barwillfeatureclassical architecturaltouches,acourtyardfee,arooftopspaceandoldworldcharm.Therestaurant willnotonlybeastrongadditiontotheregionbutagreatplaceforourresidentstoeat,drink, andmingle.InthecomingmonthstheTownwillbeannouncingtheotherslatedrestaurants andplansforthearea. Additionally,acclaimedBBQrestaurantMeatUAnywherehaspurchasedlandonthecornerof TrophyClubDriveandStateHighway114tobeginconstructionofanewrestaurant.Thisisa regionallyandstaterecognized,awardwinningBBQdestinationthatwillbeagreatplacetoeat forTrophyClubresidentsandwilldrawindinersfromaroundthemetroplexandbeyond. Town CouncilPage 267 12of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Anothergreatopportunityisthegrowthinthenumberofhotelsestablished.TheTownalready hasHamptonInn&SuitesandValuePlaceExtendedStayHotel,andtwomorehotels HomewoodSuitesandtheHolidayInnwillbecompletedinFY16.Allofthehotelsarelocated eateauniquedestinationforovernighttravelersor intheTrophyWoodDistrictandwillhelpcr thosejustwantingtovisitTrophyClubforasumptuousdiningexperience. SUMMARY&CONCLUSION SUMMARY&CONCLUSION TheTownofTrophyClubispoisedtohaveastrongandexcitingupcomingfiscalyear.This ǤĻğƩ͸ƭbudgetforFY16representsacollectiveeffortbytheTownCouncilandtheTownStaffto meetthatchallengesfacingourcommunity.Thisbudgetismorethanafinancialdocument;itis apolicydocumentthatlaysthegroundworkforacontinuationofcurrentservicesandstabilizes thefuturefinancialpositioninordertocarryontheƚǞƓ͸ƭdutiesandresponsibilities,while meetingthegoalsandobjectivesoutlinedintheƚǞƓ͸ƭStrategyMap.TheTownstaffwill continuetoworktoreview,evaluate,andinnovatetoimproveservicedelivery. Iappreciatetheopportunitytoleadanorganizationthatprovidesourcommunitywith exceptionalservices,strongpublicsafety,andanexcellentqualityoflife.Iwouldliketothank theTownCouncilforvolunteeringtheirtimetoservetheircommunityandprovidingleadership tocontinuetomaketheTownofTrophyClubͻğgreatplacetocallŷƚƒĻͧͼ Sincerely, SS tepheneidel TownManager September8,2015 Town CouncilPage 268 13of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 4®¶­ /±¦ ­¨¹ ³¨®­ « #§ ±³ Citizensof Trophy Club Mayor & Council Town SecretaryTown ManagerTown Attorney Town Judge Economic Development Assistant Town Infrastructure & PoliceMarketing/PIO EMS Manager/CFO Community Development Parks & Recreation Finance& Court Human Resources Information Technology Town CouncilPage 269 14of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 2015 8, September Date: Meeting 334 of 270 15 Page Council Town Fiscal Year 2016 Capital and Equipment Replacement General Fund DepartmentItemAmountDescription Parks36' Grandstand Mower$ 7,600Scheduled replacement due to age/condition. Replacement plan to convert wooden bleachers ParksHarmony Park Bleachers$ 15,000 at Harmony Park to metal bleachers. PoliceFord Patrol Vehicle (Fully Equipped)$ 45,800Replaces 2008 Ford Expedition. Reconfigure existing slide run at pool, replace RecreationSlide Run and Barrier Relocation$ 15,000plumbing as needed, so that it runs onto the splash pad rather than onto a hard surface. RecreationSpray Pad Feature Refurbishing$ 25,000Refurbishes worn spray pad features. RecreationSmall Pool Resurface$ 21,000Resurfaces and renovates small pool. RecreationSmall Pool Filter$ 19,000Replaces small pool filter and equipment. ISServer Replacement$ 8,500Scheduled IT replacement. ISComputer Replacement$ 14,613Scheduled IT replacement. ISPrinter and Copier Replacement$ 9,100Scheduled IT replacement. ISInfrastructure Replacement.$ 15,000Scheduled IT replacement. ISSoftware Replacement$ 2,250Scheduled IT replacement. EMSStryker Powercot$ 18,000Replaces manual cot. Supplemental Replaces NEOS system with small toddler ParksToddler Playground - Harmony Park$ 35,000 playground Harmony Park. Shade Structure for Toddler Adds a shade structure to supplemental small Parks$ 22,000 Playground - Harmony Parktoddler playground at Harmony Park. General Fund Total$ 272,863 Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) DepartmentItemAmountDescription PoliceFurniture Fixtures & Equipment $ 125,000For new Police facility. CCPD Total$ 125,000 Capital Projects Fund DepartmentItemAmountDescription Replaces NEOS system with small toddler ParksToddler Playground - Harmony Park$ 15,000 playground Harmony Park. Capital Projects Fund Total$ 15,000 Town CouncilPage 271 16of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Fiscal Year 2016 Supplemental Items General Fund DepartmentItemAmountDescription One-Time Expenditures Move NEOS System from Harmony Park to ParksNEOS Relocation$ 4,000 Independence Park West. Convert non-irrigated medians to ParksHardscapes$ 7,500 hardscapes. Replaces NEOS system with small toddler ParksPlayground - Harmony Park$ 35,000 playground at Harmony Park. Shade Structure - Harmony Adds shade structure to supplemental small Parks$ 22,000 Parktoddler playground at Harmony Park. New Police Officer & Sergeant Police$ 8,200Equipment for new patrol officer. Promotion Equipment Ongoing Expenditures ISCloud Backup and Recovery$ 35,000 Cloud backup and recovery solution. Intern/Part-Time Network Provide network and desktop support to IS $ 25,498 SpecialistTown Employees. Adds one firefighter/paramedic to a shift to EMSFirefighter/Paramedic$ 22,504 make five scheduled per shift. New Police Officer & Sergeant Adds one patrol officer and promotes one Police$ 82,248 Promotion Personnel Costofficer to Sergeant. Total Supplemental (General Fund)$ 241,950 Capital Projects Fund DepartmentItemAmountDescription One-Time Expenditures Replaces NEOS system with small toddler ParksPlayground - Harmony Park$ 15,000 playground at Harmony Park. Total Supplemental (Capital Projects Fund)$ 15,000 Note: Supplemental items represent new or upgraded programs or equipment to the Town. Town CouncilPage 272 17of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 &´«« 4¨¬¤ %°´¨µ «¤­³ Ȩ&4%ȩ 3´¬¬ ±¸ 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATE CHANGES PROPOSED GENERAL FUND Administrative Services Manager's Office 4.80 4.00 6.00 5.00 - 5.00 Human Resources 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 Information Services 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.50 2.50 Legal 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 Public Safety Services Police 16.50 20.80 23.60 24.60 0.55 25.15 Emergency Medical Services 6.60 6.80 7.80 7.80 0.50 8.30 Streets 4.00 3.80 3.80 2.30 0.50 2.80 Parks 11.50 9.50 10.30 10.50 2.50 13.00 Medians -3.003.00 3.00 -3.00- Recreation* 2.10 2.102.10 2.10 -2.10 Planning and Zoning 1.00 1.002.00 - - - Community Development 3.50 5.005.00 5.75 - 5.75 Financial Services Finance 3.00 3.003.40 3.00 - 3.00 Municipal Court 1.00 1.001.00 1.00 - 1.00 Facilities Management N/A N/AN/A N/A N/A N/A TOTAL GENERAL FUND58.0 63.0 72.00 69.05 TROPHY CLUB PARK FUND 2.70 1.40 1.501.50 - 1.50 STREET MAINTENANCE SALES TAX FUND 0.60 0.70 0.70.70 - 0.70 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND 0.30 0.50 0.500.50 -0.25 0.25 TOTAL FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS (FTEs)61.60 66.60 74.70 71.75 *Does not Include Seasonal FTEs for FY 15 Proposed Part-Time Intern for IT Proposed Police Offer and decreased the number of crossing guards by 0.45 FTEs Proposed Firefighter/Paramedic split with the Trophy Club MUD #1 Streets Supervisor is now 100% funded by the General Fund (Previously Split with Storm Drainage) Medians was consolidated with Parks, and a full-time position was made into a part-time position The Infrastructure & Development Coordinator is now split 75%/25% between the General Fund and the Storm Drainage Utility Fund Town CouncilPage 273 18of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town of Trophy Club - Five-Year Forecast - General Fund FY 15 FY 16 FY 17FY 18FY 19FY 20 General Fund EstimateProposedPlanningPlanningPlanningPlanning Five-Year Forecast Beginning Fund Balance$ 3,045,021$ 3,665,820$ 3,756,260$ 3,355,050$ 3,613,261 $ 3,689,309 Revenue: Property Tax 5,220,298 5,801,544 6,132,903 6,306,686 6,402,741 6,517,666 Franchise Fees 835,341 947,257 951, 693 952, 372 967, 668 983, 430 Sales Tax 731,045 763,919 893, 180 916, 502 940, 594 965, 496 Licenses and Permits 723,794 558,606 281, 326 247, 560 199, 482 189, 520 Fines and Fees 523,856 420,359 426, 793 433, 626 439, 458 446, 589 Charges for Service 310,278 274,909 279, 096 283, 996 289, 011 294, 144 Interest Revenue 5,500 10,200 18,700 22,000 25,000 28,000 Grant Revenue 77,018 - - - - - Miscellaneous 83,655 240,000 85,050 86,823 88,618 90,438 Total Revenue 8,636,919 9,016,794 9,068,741 9,249,565 9,352,572 9,515,283 Expenditures: Personnel 5,923,406 6,241,866 6,496,430 6,740,487 6,974,966 7,231,792 Services/Supplies 1,892,203 2,137,625 2,142,396 2,193,218 2,137,145 2,189,052 Capital 211,511 272,863 442, 125 168, 650 275, 413 187, 337 Total Expenditures 8,027,120 8,652,354 9,080,951 9,102,355 9,387,524 9,608,181 Other Sources (Uses): Transfers In 11,000 111,000 111, 000 111, 000 111, 000 111, 000 Transfers Out - (385,000) (500,000) - - - Total Other Sources (Uses) 11,000 (274,000) (389,000) 111, 000 111, 000 111, 000 Net Increase (Decrease) 620,799 90,440 (401,210) 258, 210 76,048 18,102 Ending Fund Balance$ 3,665,820$ 3,756,260$ 3,355,050$ 3,613,261$ 3,689,309$ 3,707,411 Fund Balance as % of Expenditures45.67%43.41%36.95%39.70%39.30%38.59% Town CouncilPage 274 19of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TheGeneralFund FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 Revenues ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED PropertyTax3,852,874$$4,149,900$4,547,901$5,166,466$5,220,298$5,801,544$6,132,903$6,306,686 LicensesandPermits1,112,979947,870893,733710,631723,794558,606281,326247,560 FranchiseFees693,722718,952772,621812,506835,341947,257951,693952,372 SalesTax606,714609,889662,723676,324731,045763,919893,180916,502 FinesandFees688,797644,609551,899466,101523,856420,359426,793433,626 Intergovernmental265,686184,689386,879192,901126,134 ChargesforService210,831235,594236,719260,852310,278274,909279,096283,996 InvestmentIncome5,6324,9192,9426,0005,50010,20018,70022,000 GrantRevenue75,59958,89277,01877,018 PriorYearAdjustment(217,750)(96,870) MiscellaneousIncome87,000203,766109,621118,55083,655240,00085,05086,823 TotalRevenues$7,306,485$7,678,919$8,223,930$8,487,349$8,636,919$9,016,794$9,068,741$9,249,565 , $$(96870)$$(0) FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 Expenditures ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Manager'sOffice636,758$$707,166$829,603$899,938$1,052,177$839,574$862,996$903,658 HumanResources94,839102,77174,28292,49595,940123,872127,303131,472 InformationServices330,204342,319333,769423,312478,244531,262571,241550,284 Legal154,236171,157196,520193,389177,963196,972203,401210,230 Police1,638,8632,068,3092,065,0292,110,0982,005,0292,352,8712,371,2902,489,830 EmergencyMedicalServices695,139768,367808,7881,016,722845,096916,0591,154,578965,188 Streets417,998766,411403,868411,677421,966420,120472,753491,260 Medians294,342299,310300,369 Parks1,141,216947,7341,020,0041,043,416985,6031,388,7951,347,4851,383,341 Recreation470,551496,388503,373550,039542,083658,647659,909626,738 CommunityEvents47,88947,37438,80560,20124,93231,88132,68833,614 Planning&Zoning233,134257,138260,939 CommunityDevelopment248,339319,168326,821572,921556,846582,726649,029667,225 Finance528,143372,816392,220387,097345,212410,419423,075439,407 MunicipalCourt78,92968,73179,57385,93683,11187,07789,98493,050 FacilitiesMaintenance65,34175,34481,550111,042112,550112,079115,220117,059 TotalExpenditures$6,781,579$7,511,193$7,709,485$8,257,594$8,027,120$8,652,354$9,080,951$9,102,355 $(0)$0$0$(0) FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 OtherSources(Uses) ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED TransfersIn64,019$$12,300$11,000$11,000$11,000$111,000$111,000 $111,000 TransfersOut(100,615)(780,734)(10,818)(385,000)(385,000)(500,000) $(274,000)$(389,000)$111,000 TotalOtherSources(Uses)$(36,596)$(768,434)$182$(374,000)$11,000 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 FundBalance ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginningfundbalance$2,642,792$3,131,102$2,530,394$2,960,660$3,045,021$3,665,820$3,756,260$3,355,050 Netincrease(Decrease)488,310(600,708)514,627(144,245)620,79990,440(401,210)258,210 EndingFundBalance$3,131,102$2,530,394$3,045,021$2,816,415$3,665,820$3,756,260$3,355,050$3,613,261 , $0$(96870)$0$0 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 FundBalanceDetail ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED ReserveFundbalance $2,034,474$2,253,358$2,312,846$2,477,278$2,408,136$2,595,706$2,724,285$2,730,706 (30%ofTotalExpenditures) AssignedFundBalance 228,138228,138228,138228,138228,138 CommittedFundBalance 200,000166,000144,000122,000 nassgneunaancen UidFdBli 868,49148,898504,038110,999829,546994,554486,765760,554 Excess(Deficit)of30% TotalFundbalance3,131,102$$2,530,394$3,045,021$2,816,415$3,665,820$3,756,260$3,355,050$3,613,261 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 EquipmentReplacement ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Contribution$435,939$231,209$194,034$233,243$259,555$259,555$259,555$259,555 CapitalPurchases(314,285)(285,172)(105,772)(275,803)(114,330)(215,863)(442,125)(168,650) Increase(Decrease)121,654(53,963)88,263(42,560)145,22543,692(182,570)90,905 BeginningReserveBalance34,265155,919101,956190,219147,659292,884336,576154,006 $244,911 $155,919$101,956$190,219$147,659$292,884$336,576$154,006 **EndingReserveBalance Town CouncilPage 275 20of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TheManagersOffice Budget PastProjectedYear FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel $495,718$562,769$682,554$757,082$928,877$685,189 9% Services&Supplies 141,040144,397147,049142,856123,300154,385 8% TOTAL$636,758$707,166$829,603$899,938$1,052,177$839,5747% PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015 FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATE PROPOSED TOWNMANAGER ASSTTOWNMANAGER TOWNSECRETARY1.001.001.00 EXECUTIVESECRETARY ECONOMICDEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR PIO/MARKETINGMANAGER TOTALFTEs6.005.005.00 PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Town CouncilPage 276 21of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 ManagersOffice ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries$382,616$416,592$489,071$523,682$688,406$501,738$519,299$537,474 Longevity1,2881,7281,5831,8631,8831,2831,6432,003 Stipend10,0007,2004,5004,0003,7503,7503,750 Retirement53,29064,35393,378115,002128,40076,93880,78584,824 MedicalInsurance18,77019,86434,84251,83845,35050,96953,51756,193 DentalInsurance1,5011,7092,8283,8283,2503,3813,5503,728 VisionInsurance383422654819685624655688 LifeInsurance&Other1,1723,8862,8403,4453,1153,2273,3883,558 SocialSecurityTaxes21,81323,95027,69029,40032,20027,17428,12529,109 MedicareTaxes5,5786,2507,2077,6869,9047,3487,6057,871 UnemploymentTaxes1,086581,2471,2422,0201,0351,0711,109 Workman'sCompensation7961,1921,3771,3271,4591,2721,3171,363 62125105115 Physical/Testing AutoAllowance7,20712,16112,03912,0007,6406,0006,0006,000 EmployeeRelations157482493450450450450450 TotalPersonnel$495,718$562,769$682,554$757,082$928,877$685,189$711,156$738,120 Services/Supplies ProfessionalOutsideServices$9,475$7,500$8,911$2,000$$2,000$2,000$2,500 RecordsManagement1,3161,4511,6281,5841,9882,0422,0972,154 Newsletter/YearInReview10,0004,7206,63410,00010,00010,60011,00011,500 Elections5,50925,62716,35124,00012,00022,0008,0008,000 MealsonWheels3,0002,00 0002,0 Advertising1,6611,5162,3023,0001,5003,9003,9003,900 Printing290941442,0001,5002,9802,9803,050 Schools&Training4,7521,4333,6653,7753,9204,2554,5054,305 ServiceCharges&Fees723 Telephone7501,205200500 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles2,0942,5414,3264,9803,8004,0604,0604,060 IndependentLabor1,7831,6251,6521,7001,7001,8001,8002,000 Dues&Membership15,32212,38615,09619,29417,19920,77521,10221,465 Travel&PerDiem7,1623,6966,4507,6784,9157,9387,8107,885 Meetings7,8806,5913,9499,6088,0809,6889,81410,824 OfficeSupplies4,9353,0412,6723,0002,5003,5003,5003,500 Postage1,3682,0431,7272,1871,5002,3002,4252,550 Publications/Books/Subscriptions2812831994848484848 Mayor/CouncilExpense44,75934,29823,41920,40213,10023,39924,27424,889 Furniture/Equipment<$5,0003,764601,9435001,0001,0001,000 MaintenanceSupplies8251100 ContingencyExpense14,13624,66942,49525,00025,00025,00025,00035,000 MiscellaneousExpense7,5671,2872,0001,0007,1007,1007,200 IncentiveProgram9,4259,708 TotalServices/Supplies$141,040$144,397$147,049$142,856$123,300$154,385$151,840$165,538 TotalExpenditures$636,758$707,166$829,603$899,938$1,052,177$839,574$862,996$903,658 Town CouncilPage 277 22of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Legal PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel $140,092$147,427$155,337$162,446$162,018$165,4802% Services&Supplies 14,14323,73141,18330,94315,94531,4922% TOTAL $154,236$171,157$196,520$193,389$177,963$196,9722% PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED TOWNATTORNEY1.001.001.00 TOTALFTEs1.001.001.00 PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Town CouncilPage 278 23of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 LEGAL ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries$110,636$112,759$115,964$116,233$118,419$122,200$126,477$130,904 Longevity8789681,0581,0601,1481,2381,328 Stipend2,5001,800750750750750750 etirement15,06,26520,86028,20325,10024,82026,06127,364 R371 MedicalInsurance4,4324,4635,3345,5705,7305,7816,0706,374 DentalInsurance344363364387440414435456 VisionInsurance8281818188818589 LifeInsurance&Other3661,238692696710716752789 SocialSecurityTaxes6,7726,9607,1297,2547,6007,2547,5087,771 MedicareTaxes1,6011,6771,7221,7121,8101,7991,8621,927 UnemploymentTaxes261920720750207214222 Workman'sCompensation229234216295261310321332 TotalPersonnel$140,092$147,427$155,337$162,446$162,018$165,480$171,773$178,306 Services/Supplies ProfessionalOutsideServices$4,421$13,225$33,024$20,000$5,200$20,000$20,000$20,000 Schools&Training175250270450450450475475 Telephone90258776 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles641564614624624696696696 Dues&Membership380390315475500495515535 Travel&PerDiem1,1921,2695591,5001,0001,5501,6001,650 OfficeSupplies5132147130100130130130 Postage51050505050 Publications/Books/Subscriptions7,2357,6436,2477,6288,0218,0218,0628,288 MiscellaneousExpense50100100100 TotalServices/Supplies$14,143$23,731$41,183$30,943$15,945$31,492$31,628$31,924 TotalExpenditures$154,236$171,157$196,520$193,389$177,963$196,972$203,401$210,230 Town CouncilPage 279 24of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Police PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel$1,369,687$1,595,503$1,785,362$1,868,734$1,743,557$2,022,1428% Services&Supplies196,455376,205230,562241,364261,472284,92918% Capital72,72196,60149,10545,800N/A TOTAL$1,638,863$2,068,309$2,065,029$2,110,098$2,005,029$2,352,87112% PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED POLICECHIEF1.001.001.00 POLICELIEUTENANT1.001.001.00 CIDSERGEANT0.001.001.00 POLICESERGEANT3.003.004.00 ANIMALCONTROLOFFICER1.001.001.00 DETECTIVE/JUVENILEINVESTIGATOR1.001.001.00 SRO2.002.002.00 POLICEOFFICER11.0010.0010.00 POLICEADMINISTRATIVEASSISTANT1.001.001.00 SEASONALSCHOOLCROSSINGGUARDS3.603.603.15 TOTALFTEs 24.6024.6025.15 PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Town CouncilPage 280 25of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 Police ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries$949,327$1,137,839$1,208,716$1,249,755$1,189,046$1,386,202$1,434,719$1,484,934 Overtime59,28744,77356,03246,32465,08661,42063,57065,795 Longevity8,57810,14011,82812,72812,07311,17011,53011,890 20,00024,90015,75016,60015,7503,7503,750 Stipend Certification6,5751,02514,04912,00011,60010,20010,20010,200 HolidayPay17,00724,89025,08020,00030,32731,38832,487 Retirement133,034157,574183,548217,589169,593186,621195,952205,750 MedicalInsurance80,85987,756109,937127,636109,716143,875151,069158,622 DentalInsurance7,0728,2989,15010,3218,67910,47811,00211,552 VisionInsurance1,7091,9632,1652,2711,9012,3522,4702,593 LifeInsurance&Other5,40514,9319,76910,8828,98012,33612,95313,600 SocialSecurityTaxes61,32871,60979,74183,44575,69792,39095,62498,970 MedicareTaxes14,34716,74818,64919,75217,50221,96922,73823,534 UnemploymentTaxes6,0616785,5945,0853,8705,0015,1765,357 Workman'sCompensation17,27219,38223,69927,11630,51428,85129,86130,906 PreEmploymentPhysicals/Testing6602,6397141,2001,1002,0001,5001,500 ClothingAllowance1,1681501,9791,8001,6001,200 TotalPersonnel$1,369,687$1,595,503$1,785,362$1,868,734$1,743,557$2,022,142$2,083,501$2,161,441 Services&Supplies $$9,500$14,500$2,500$2,750 ProfessionalOutsideServices$$$ Advertising1487,0005,0005,000 Printing583606339800800700600600 Schools&Training4,1814,9186,6935,5006,0009,9008,8009,650 Electricity12,90718,31715,95318,50015,00015,50016,00016,500 Water8738021,2031,5001,1001,6501,7001,750 Telephone9751,5202211,000 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles7,0458,2929,65412,86413,12413,18913,18913,189 BuildingMaintenance10,264148,0936,45712,50018,85012,50012,50012,500 VehicleMaintenance19,04121,02230,55121,73019,00020,00020,00021,200 EquipmentMaintenance4,1204,3733,8134,2504,5003,4503,4504,550 CleaningServices560400 QualifyingExpenses3,1683,8679815,4005,40011,4007,1007,100 EmergencyManagement1,0002,0002,0001,5002,0002,0002,000 DispatchDentonCounty45,55351,14151,14134,60034,60033,00042,00042,000 IndependentLabor4,1502,5504,7106,0006,0007,0007,5008,500 650 Dues&Membership1,7242,0031,7022,2501,2501,5001,5001, Travel&PerDiem3,7253,0535,0245,0005,4008,5007,0007,500 Meetings28275153375240500500500 OfficeSupplies1,5642,6382,0872,5002,5002,3502,3502,450 Postage3513831,099900500550550550 Publications/Books/Subscription1,3961,2963505001,6006001,600 00042,24045,00050,000 Fuel40,64755,88648,20758,99534, Uniforms4,77712,28114,31914,50020,00017,50015,30015,800 ProtectiveClothing3,3198,3342,2683,9507,600900 InvestigativeMaterials1,7804,0736,0416,5006,8086,0006,0006,000 GolfCartStickers425750500 AnimalControl7,2884,3994,7726,2506,2506,2506,2506,750 SmallEquipment10,6969,5834,3826,1508,1509,2003,6003,600 Furniture/Equipment<$5,0002251,6914792,0002,5002,0002,0002,000 MaintenanceSupplies2,2832,3702,8322,0002,5002,6002,6001,000 MiscellaneousExpense1,4607367501,5002,0001,5001,5001,500 Programs&SpecialProjects5217733,2861,50025,50029,20016,20016,200 TotalServices/Supplies$196,455$376,205$230,562$241,364$261,472$284,929$253,289$264,889 Capital CapitalOutlay$72,721$96,601$49,105$$$45,800$34,500$63,500 TotalCapital$72,721$96,601$49,105$$$45,800$34,500$63,500 TotalExpenditures$1,638,863$2,068,309$2,065,029$2,110,098$2,005,029$2,352,871$2,371,290$2,489,830 Town CouncilPage 281 26of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 EmergencyMedicalServices PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel $588,560$658,407$711,887$764,304$749,373$793,5904% Services&Supplies 64,70063,91964,20873,05877,723104,46943% Capital 41,87946,04132,693179,36018,00018,00090% TOTAL $695,139$768,367$808,788$1,016,722$845,096$916,05910% PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED 1.501.50 DRIVER/ENGINEER1.50 0.500.50 FIRECHIEF0.50 4.004.50 FIREFIGHTEREMTP4.00 1.501.50 FIRECAPTAIN1.50 0.300.30 PARTTIMEFF0.30 TOTALFTEs 7.807.808.30 PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Town CouncilPage 282 27of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 EMS ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries$395,406$443,107$455,011$471,029$476,000$500,453$517,969$536,098 Overtime36,77740,23340,07545,25844,00048,73550,44152,206 Longevity3,2714,0994,6555,5015,3005,7616,5117,261 Stipend8,5759,15011,25010,20011,25012,00012,000 Certification1,3503605,1194,8005,0604,2004,2004,200 HolidayPay8,82913,29014,74914,50015,87316,42917,004 Retirement59,26067,16475,41091,36774,95076,16779,97583,974 MedicalInsurance36,71141,41054,50059,16760,90065,59768,87772,321 DentalInsurance3,2093,7754,1544,3874,3884,8715,1155,370 VisionInsurance723783824807782859902947 LifeInsurance&Others2,0855,8353,8614,0303,8814,5854,8145,055 SocialSecurityTaxes25,61328,35730,18933,56333,14635,67536,92438,216 MedicareTaxes5,9906,6327,0628,0137,5818,5078,8059,113 UnemploymentTaxes2,0462061,6481,6201,6991,7581,820 Workman'sCompensation7,2227,4216,7688,7638,4259,3589,68610,025 PreEmploymentPhysicals/Testing67451171260 TotalPersonnel$588,560$658,407$711,887$764,304$749,373$793,590$824,404$855,609 Services/Supplies CollectionFees$18,071$10,514$14,989$14,006$17,500$18,000$18,000$18,000 HazmatDisposal2,5764993,1945001,1501,1311,1311,131 Radios5003351,0001,0001,000 Schools&Training1,9891,7321,1501,5751,1003,8302,8302,830 Electricity4,0216,9606,7007,2007,4007,6007,800 Water9841,3531,7501,5001,9001,9502,000 Telephone1572267120 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles4,8703,5552,6582,6162,2002,7902,7902,790 BuildingMaintenance110326200700700700700 VehicleMaintenance3,4374,8595,4244,5004,5009,2006,5009,200 EquipmentMaintenance1,6231,5417994,7004,0005,7005,7005,700 EmergencyManagement2,1802,5002,5002,500 DispatchDentonCounty1,3151,2952,2162,2162,3792,3792,379 Dues&Membership4748001,7271,3321,432884884884 Flags&Repairs4,6872,4621,7672,0002,0002,0002,0002,000 Travel&PerDiem1,8011,7486361,6008002,3252,3252,325 Meetings752228100100100100100 SafetyPrograms5005001,170920920 InspectionFees870870 OfficeSupplies101103180150150225225225 Postage5344127070100100100 Publications/Books/Subscriptions200200300300300 Fuel5,7566,0345,7146,4236,2508,0608,2508,500 003,1402,5152,000 Uniforms3,1772,5662,6982,5002,5 MedicalControl3,0246,9243,0247,0007,00012,75012,75012,750 Pharmacy3,5122,3822,5792,7502,7503,7103,7103,710 Oxygen6741,2411,0789009001,0501,0501,050 DisposableSupplies7,7396,7475,9495,4005,4006,1406,1406,140 SmallEquipment8752,9062,2002,5404,7403,4502,500 MaintenanceSupplies150150150150150 MiscellaneousExpense31584663400400225225225 TotalServices/Supplies$64,700$63,919$64,208$73,058$77,723$104,469$98,174$100,779 Capital CapitalOutlay$41,879$46,041$32,693$179,360$18,000$18,000$232,000$8,800 TotalCapital$41,879$46,041$32,693$179,360$18,000$18,000$232,000$8,800 TotalExpenditures$695,139$768,367$808,788$1,016,722$845,096$916,059$1,154,578$965,188 Town CouncilPage 283 28of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Streets PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel $268,817$401,150$234,485$222,195$191,936$220,6561% Services&Supplies 149,181365,261169,383189,482174,849199,4645% Capital 55,181N/A TOTAL$417,998$766,411$403,868$411,677$421,966$420,1202% PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED 0.000.00 DIRECTOROFSTREETSSERVICES1.00 1.001.00 PROJECTMANAGER0.00 0.000.50 STREETSSUPERVISOR0.50 STREETSMAINTENANCEWORKER1 1.301.301.30 TOTALFTEs 2.802.302.80 PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Town CouncilPage 284 29of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 Streets ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries188,402$$270,120$156,796$148,225$131,100$150,174$178,034$184,266 Overtime5991,7731,1113,0002,5983,0003,0003,000 Longevity1,7523,8341,8941,9611,9621,7732,1332,493 Stipend8,5304,0862,0852,0151,7252,4752,475 Retirement26,84639,79423,87226,22919,60020,36724,55825,786 MedicalInsurance23,69237,72921,49819,86018,36023,53030,20731,717 DentalInsurance1,9623,1241,5801,5411,3351,6602,0932,198 VisionInsurance497710330298281329420441 LifeInsurance&Other1,0464,2391,3181,2881,1181,5361,5901,645 SocialSecurityTaxes10,98115,8599,3399,4987,7609,60711,40011,799 MedicareTaxes2,5633,7092,1842,2511,8702,2722,6922,786 UnemploymentTaxes1,05970848573580683706 Workman'sCompensation9,41811,5609,4535,3863,9274,1034,4824,638 PreEmploymentPhysicals/Testing10017610 TotalPersonnel$268,817$401,150$234,485$222,195$191,936$220,656$263,767$273,951 Services/Supplies ProfessionalServicesPIDUtility$$$5,522$5,000$4,000$5,000$5,000$5,000 Advertising475200 Schools&Training3986936001,5701,1751,9451,175 Electricity127,292173,475155,159173,237160,000181,899190,994200,544 Water5,01742,239 Telephone7611515125 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles2,6713,9802,4272,5802,1002,1002,1002,100 PropertyMaintenance1,295113,845 BuildingMaintenance2,030 VehicleMaintenance6264,371126 EquipmentMaintenance1,3124,1562,1593,0002,0003,0003,0003,000 StorageRental2,242 Dues&Membership155174179428210428428428 Travel&PerDiem7985678121,2698121,269812 Meetings3775150150150150150 SafetyProgram41 OfficeSupplies192291356200200200200200 Postage3303100100100100100 Fuel5,4369,678 Uniforms1,9002,0861,6451,7501,7503,1002,3002,300 SmallTools2,0114,5651,5171,5001,5001,5001,5001,500 SafetyEquipment170 TotalServices/Supplies$149,181$365,261$169,383$189,482$174,849$199,464$208,986$217,309 Capital CapitalOutlay$$$$$55,181$$$ TotalCapital$$$$$55,181$$$ TotalExpenditures$417,998$766,411$403,868$411,677$421,966$420,120$472,753$491,260 Town CouncilPage 285 30of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Parks PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel $653,640$549,713$601,121$657,422$616,626$786,32720% Services&Supplies 480,576299,313382,801321,164304,147522,86863% Capital7,00098,70836,08364,83064,83079,60023% TOTAL $1,141,216$947,734$1,020,004$1,043,416$985,603$1,388,79533% PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED 0.500.50 P&RDIRECTOR0.50 1.001.00 PARKSSUPERINTENDENT1.00 PARKSSUPERVISOR 1.001.00 ATHLETICCREWLEADER1.00 1.002.00 PARKIRRIGATOR1.00 3.005.00 LANDSCAPEMAINTENANCEWORKER3.00 1.000.00 ATHLETICFIELDTECHNICIAN1.00 1.001.00 SPRAYTECHNICIANCREWLEADER0.00 1.001.00 APPLICATORSPRAYTECHNICIAN1.00 0.000.50 PARTTIMEMAINTENANCE0.00 TOTALFTEs 10.5010.5013.00 *TheMediansDepartmentiscombinedwiththeParksDepartmentinFY16. PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Town CouncilPage 286 31of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 Parks ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries$439,757$368,787$392,610$428,803$409,369$527,769$546,241$565,359 Overtime20,11912,83818,27112,50014,60015,00015,00015,000 Longevity3,3452,2672,8803,4613,4904,4664,8265,186 Stipend8,75010,8007,1257,3757,8757,8757,875 Certification1,2502051,5101,5001,8353,6003,6003,600 Retirement66,30155,30562,41176,58961,60070,71274,24877,960 MedicalInsurance64,90151,14857,64768,64065,65086,77991,11895,674 DentalInsurance5,0073,9194,1024,8614,4955,7156,0016,301 VisionInsurance1,1668879391,0501,0431,2131,2741,337 LifeInsurance&Other2,9825,4943,4363,7623,5525,2625,5255,801 SocialSecurityTaxes27,91823,05025,15827,66825,65034,15235,34736,584 MedicareTaxes6,5295,3915,8846,5746,0208,1018,3858,678 UnemploymentTaxes3,9082432,7552,1741422,6912,7852,883 Workman'sCompensation9,0098,77110,12610,30011,68012,67713,12113,580 PreEmploymentPhysicals/Testing435503547315125315 AutoAllowance1,0122,1562,0442,100 TotalPersonnel$653,640$549,713$601,121$657,422$616,626$786,327$815,345$845,819 Services/Supplies ProfessionalOutsideServices$1,015$$1,220$$$$$ Advertising2,2741751,0251,0002,200825825825 Printing85 Schools&Training9122,7311,9184,5964,0724,8454,0974,370 Electricity34,19533,35433,43741,69529,44438,63939,63940,139 Water145,81279,15282,74373,31571,500121,000121,050123,500 Telephone39439323435 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles6,1316,6486,7657,2208,3008,9268,9268,926 PropertyMaintenance211,70289,737156,335113,100106,500185,000176,900180,300 BuildingMaintenance3,7873,1552,0902,5003,5003,5003,5002,500 VehicleMaintenance7,69213,1089,3158,24110,28810,28810,28810,288 EquipmentMaintenance12,05313,77610,40311,03211,00011,00011,00011,000 IndependentLabor53,60053,60053,600 EquipmentRental/Lease1218 StorageRental2,2226,86614,09714,00814,00811,40811,40811,408 PortableToilets1,6462,6931,9994,2431,9003,5564,5884,727 Dues&Membership3182505111,1891,0301,4301,4301,430 Travel&PerDiem1,7041,0284,4872,1552,1802,692210710 Meetings787388778900900750750750 SafetyProgram90018165464750600600600 TreeCity10,00010,00010,000 OfficeSupplies379444983372500383402422 Postage1519655225252525 Publications/Books/Subscriptions151254405515500500500500 Fuel23,71323,94624,71417,01317,00025,14926,25027,000 Uniforms8,7059,4168,6226,7506,7509,4329,4329,432 SmallTools12,7199,46413,8117,0007,00016,45013,85013,850 SafetyEquipment9659471,8442,0393,5002,0702,0702,070 SmallEquipment5581,802 Furniture/Equipment<$5,0002855051,3681,0301,000500500500 Hardware84 MiscellaneousExpense1001,869300300300300300 TotalServices/Supplies$480,576$299,313$382,801$321,164$304,147$522,868$512,140$519,172 Capital CapitalOutlay$7,000$98,708$36,083$64,830$64,830$79,600$20,000$18,350 TotalCapital$7,000$98,708$36,083$64,830$64,830$79,600$20,000$18,350 TotalExpenditures$1,141,216$947,734$1,020,004$1,043,416$985,603$1,388,795$1,347,485$1,383,341 *TheMediansDepartmentiscombinedwiththeParksDepartmentinFY16. Town CouncilPage 287 32of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Medians PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel$$$145,412$151,083$153,719$N/A Services&Supplies148,930148,227146,650N/A TOTAL$$$294,342$299,310$300,369$N/A PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED PARKIRRIGATOR1.001.000.00 LANDSCAPEMAINTENANCEWORKER2.002.000.00 TOTALFTEs *TheMediansDepartmentiscombinedwiththeParksDepartmentinFY16 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 MEDIANS ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries$$$94,632$98,876$100,639$$$ Overtime3,0222,0005,000 Longevity1,063285200 Stipend3,6002,2502,000 Retirement14,88217,46915,150 MedicalInsurance15,65616,70916,430 DentalInsurance1,1681,4421,300 VisionInsurance260300277 LifeInsurance&Other868985969 SocialSecurityTaxes6,1096,2726,760 reTaxes1,4291,4991,604 Medica UnemploymentTaxes830621107 Workman'sCompensation1,8242,3753,283 PreEmploymentPhysicals/Testing70 TotalPersonnel$$$145,412$151,083$153,719$$$ Services/Supplies Electricity$$$9,263$1,030$3,250$$$ Water31,25732,27340,000 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles1,3171,2001,100 PropertyMaintence98,31984,00084,000 BuildingMaintenance197 VehicleMaintenance1,8832,048 EquipmentMaintenance2503,167 Meetings103 SafetyProgram296155 TreeCity10,0007,500 Fuel2,4325,4475,400 Uniforms9272,4442,400 SmallTools2,7906,3603,000 TotalServices/Supplies$$$148,930$148,227$146,650$$$ TotalExpenditures$$$294,342$299,310$300,369$$$ Town CouncilPage 288 33of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Recreation PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel $324,286$346,991$357,015$393,165$382,166$417,0426% Services&Supplies146,266149,397146,358156,874159,917161,6053% Capital80,000N/A TOTAL $470,551$496,388$503,373$550,039$542,083$658,64720% PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY5FY5FY 2012012016 POSITIONTITLE PROPOSED BUDGETESTIMATE 0.500.50 P&RDIRECTOR0.50 RECREATIONSUPERINTENDENT 0.600.600.60 RECREATIONSUPERVISOR 0.270.27 CAMPDIRECTOR0.27 0.210.21 ASSISTANTCAMPDIRECTOR0.21 1.691.69 CAMPCOUNSELOR1.69 0.280.28 ASSISTANTPOOLMANAGER0.28 0.740.74 HEADLIFEGUARDS0.74 3.843.84 LIFEGUARDS3.84 0.930.93 CASHIER0.93 0.690.69 SWIMTEAM0.69 TOTALFTEs 10.7610.7610.76 PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Town CouncilPage 289 34of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 RECREATION ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries$258,705$275,485$279,981$309,673$307,500$335,983$347,742$359,913 Overtime1,6161,0112,6473,8003,8003,8003,8003,800 Longevity3835247608929011,1351,3151,495 Stipend3,6503,3001,5751,5751,5751,5751,575 Retirement15,71618,52419,95723,14019,54018,91219,85820,850 MedicalInsurance10,11411,34812,48913,34113,15014,03214,73415,470 DentalInsurance7118358408919971,0551,1081,163 VisionInsurance184199199199208199209219 LifeInsurance&Other7691,9451,1331,1411,1511,2701,3341,400 SocialSecurityTaxes17,67317,27417,58919,49119,15021,13722,19423,304 MedicareTaxes4,1334,0404,1134,5814,5004,9665,1405,320 UnemploymentTaxes4,9861653,7432,1986052,2032,2802,360 Workman'sCompensation5,7206,8365,2107,4386,5898,0708,3528,645 5002,7052,8002,898 PreEmploymentPhysicals/Testing2,5643,0003,0122,7052, AutoAllowance1,0122,1562,0442,100 TotalPersonnel$324,286$346,991$357,015$393,165$382,166$417,042$432,440$448,412 Services/Supplies Software&Support$8,500$3,500$3,648$4,805$4,009$4,009$1,109$1,109 CollectionFees3,531158 HealthInspections261261269277285 Advertising2,9708622,9572,7161,8951,9761,9962,017 Printing2,5924,7495,8137,5008,5008,5008,900 Schools&Training1,2571,2271,0385,7333,0553,0753,2651,975 ServiceCharges&Fees4,4408,4075,70015,30015,30015,30015,300 Electricity7,92918,95818,57319,50017,50019,00019,00019,000 Water18,3779,5198,03613,13811,00014,00014,30014,600 Telephone1,6721,6811,7281,2951,9071,9161,9201,923 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles2,5622,8472,8873,0003,0004,1964,1964,196 Insurance501 Propertymaintenance13,6567,33817,0726,22111,4336,4076,5996,796 EquipmentMaintenance1,18225086 LibraryServices15,00015,000 IndependentLabor4082,824 Equipmentrental/Lease4,8855,4546,3865,9017,4007,6227,8518,087 Buildingrental/Lease(2,896) Dues&Membership6,7875,8076,5107,3677,9328,0248,2198,420 Travel&PerDiem5,2623,1973,9445,9104,5735,4955,4565,526 Meetings5051,0833661,191669669674679 FieldTrips4,9744,0665,4525,6655,6655,8356,0106,190 OfficeSupplies1,4178242,1261,9881,8951,6251,6321,639 Postage1134837771,3241,3631,4041,446 Publications/Books/Subscriptions208200478478300300300 Fuel10438 Uniforms9,2815,8099,6768,1107,9508,3868,6238,866 Chemicals20,28618,81112,62219,15612,62213,00013,00013,000 Concessions8,1679,8857,10310,4007,1038,0008,0008,000 ProgramSupplies3,8004,5732,6443,5786,4086,6244,4554,475 SpecialEvents1,3221,3101,0471,9142,3131,9712,0302,091 CommunityEvents2,502 SafetyEquipment1,2711,6291,3641,1901,1601,2251,2621,300 SmallEquipment5,8932,7701,1462,5005,3913,5402,7502,800 Furniture/Equipment<$5,0002,9909,9003,3405,5095,7005,2125,2165,219 Hardware3,4638701,5002,2331,8001,8001,800 MaintenanceSupplies6771,0421,4981,9091,9401,9662,0252,086 324300300300300 MiscellaneousExpenses9282,010194 TotalServices/Supplies$146,266$149,397$146,358$156,874$159,917$161,605$157,469$158,325 Capital CapitalOutlay$$$$$$80,000$70,000$20,000 TotalCapital$$$$$$80,000$70,000$20,000 TotalExpenditures$470,551$496,388$503,373$550,039$542,083$658,647$659,909$626,738 Town CouncilPage 290 35of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 CommunityEvents PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary Bud.vs.Pro ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED() Services&Supplies $47,889$47,374$38,805$60,201$24,932$31,88147% TOTAL $47,889$47,374$38,805$60,201$24,932$31,88147% PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 CommunityEvents ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Services/Supplies Advertising$3,030$300$512$1,288$300$530$546$563 Printing7831,2883643,9142,7591,6501,6501,750 Schools&Training230205205205225 EventRentals33,07333,46626,39937,6909,10115,79916,26816,772 Dues&Membership200124205205205215 Travel&PerDiem428567567583601619 Uniforms756606800800850850 ProgramSupplies9,50212,53510,57213,2319,29511,36611,59811,832 MiscellaneousExpense746(214)1002,7811,700743765788 TotalServices/Supplies$47,889$47,374$38,805$60,201$24,932$31,881$32,688$33,614 TotalExpenditures$47,889$47,374$38,805$60,201$24,932$31,881$32,688$33,614 Town CouncilPage 291 36of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Planning&Zoning PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel$99,378$104,932$125,871$$$N/A Services&Supplies133,756152,206135,068N/A TOTAL $233,134$257,138$260,939$$$N/A *ThePlanning&ZoningDepartmentwascombinedwiththeCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentinFY15 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 Planning&Zoning ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $76,872$78,257$94,418$$$$$ Longevity 280510600 Stipend 2,5001,800 Retirement 10,71911,38014,113 MedicalInsurance 4,4324,4635,886 DentalInsurance 344363394 VisionInsurance 828188 LifeInsurance&Other 3661,034580 SocialSecurityTaxes 4,7525,0015,944 MedicareTaxes 1,1111,1701,390 UnemploymentTaxes 2619414 Workman'sCompensation 159165244 TotalPersonnel $99,378$104,932$125,871$$$$$ Services/Supplies ProfessionalOutsideservices $$27,459$30,875$$$$$ Engineering 115,243116,15096,647 Advertising 3,6283571,275 Printing 45322845 ComputerMapping 1,8295,196465 Schools&Training 45555430 Telephone 510628111 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 616615717 Dues&Membership 334(425)525 Travel&PerDiem 52528 Meetings 8540153 PlatFilingFees 1,657790951 OfficeSupplies 2594022,557 Postage 6156551 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 11957 MiscellaneousExpense 31211 Planning 8,070 TotalServices/Supplies $133,756$152,206$135,068$$$$$ TotalExpenditures $233,134$257,138$260,939$$$$$ Town CouncilPage 292 37of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 CommunityDevelopment PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) 5% Personnel $185,085$287,778$302,809$429,897$397,029$451,227 8% Services&Supplies 45,89031,39024,013143,024117,817131,499 N/A Capital 17,36442,000 2% TOTAL $248,339$319,168$326,821$572,921$556,846$582,726 PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED 0.750.75 INFRASTRUCTURE&DEVELOPMENTSERVICESMANAGER0.00 1.001.00 TOWNPLANNER1.00 0.000.00 BUILDINGSERVICESMANAGER1.00 1.001.00 CUSTOMERSVC/CODEENFORCEMENT1.00 1.001.00 BUILDINGINSPECTOR1.00 1.001.00 PERMITOFFICIAL1.00 1.001.00 ADMINISTRATIVEASSISTANTCD1.00 TOTALFTEs6.005.755.75 *ThePlanning&ZoningDepartmentwascombinedwiththeCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentinFY15. PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Town CouncilPage 293 38of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 CommunityDevelopment ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries138,964$$206,471$211,862$298,068$280,385$318,266$329,405$340,934 Overtime2478953,6073,0006,8005,0005,0005,000 Longevity9151,0051,2351,5951,5301,9002,2902,680 Stipend5,5004,1004,5004,0004,3124,3124,312 Retirement18,94329,77832,15451,88840,64842,83244,97447,222 MedicalInsurance11,01221,50426,73838,87135,20836,45538,27840,192 DentalInsurance9022,0151,9682,6032,3502,5352,6622,795 VisionInsurance214450429543500523549577 LifeInsurance&Other9503,3731,9532,7452,3452,9673,1153,271 SocialSecurityTaxes8,72412,77713,08318,76517,60020,16021,16822,226 MedicareTaxes2,0402,9883,0604,4544,1604,7774,9445,117 UnemploymentTaxes1,3912591,1701,242651,1901,2321,275 Workman'sCompensation4517571,2031,6231,43810,31010,67111,044 PreEmploymentPhysicals/Testing3327247 TotalPersonnel$185,085$287,778$302,809$429,897$397,029$451,227$468,600$486,646 Services/Supplies ProfessionalOutsideServices$2,812$$$12,000$12,000$8,000$83,000$83,000 Engineering75,00075,00075,00050,00050,000 PlanReviewServices4,7095,0005,0005,0005,000 Appraisal500 HealthInspections6,0005,9755,3506,1006,1006,9007,2007,200 InspectionServices16,3008,0002,0008,0008,0008,000 Advertising461331,1001,1001,1001,1001,100 Printing8907341,6791,1001,1001,1001,1001,100 ComputerMapping4,000 Abatements2,0552,9201903,0001,8003,000000 3,0003, Schools&Training1,3651,1871,5192,8002,4001,9501,9501,950 ServiceCharges&Fees331 Telephone33779485600 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles1,5061,6092,1993,6722,5004,5124,5124,512 Vehiclemaintenance8628693,9733,0003,0003,0003,0003,000 Dues&Membership4212602511,6271,2271,3071,3071,307 Travel&PerDiem5171171231,0008001,0001,0001,000 Meetings2275240240240240240 PlatFilingFees1,100 OfficeSupplies1,3671,1065592,5001,5001,5001,5001,500 Postage825798470500500500500500 Publications/Books/Subscriptions6614542257003502,000500500 Fuel3,9786,2175,0606,2454,0004,8705,0005,150 Uniforms1,1811,5271,7262,3401,6001,9201,9201,920 MiscellaneousExpense4,7921,248571900600600600600 TotalServices/Supplies$45,890$31,390$24,013$143,024$117,817$131,499$180,429 $180,579 Capital CapitalOutlay$17,364$$$$42,000$$$ TotalCapital$17,364$$$$42,000$$$ TotalExpenditures$248,339$319,168$326,821$572,921$556,846$582,726$649,029$667,225 *ThePlanning&ZoningDepartmentwascombinedwiththeCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentinFY15. Town CouncilPage 294 39of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Finance PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel $259,681$254,187$267,197$266,946$240,576$285,1267% Services&Supplies 117,623108,978125,023120,151104,636125,2934% Capital ,8399,650N/A 150 TOTAL $528,143$372,816$392,220$387,097$345,212$410,4196% PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED 0.000.00 FINANCEDIRECTOR1.00 1.001.00 CONTROLLER0.00 1.001.00 CHIEFFINANCIALANALYST1.00 STRATEGICSERVICESCOORDINATOR0.001.001.00 0.000.00 BUDGETANALYST1.00 TOTALFTEs3.003.003.00 PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Town CouncilPage 295 40of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 Finance ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries196,651$$188,446$200,610$188,912$186,600$209,643$216,981$224,575 Longevity135140270200455665875 Stipend4,5003,5002,2501,5002,2502,2502,250 Retirement27,48428,13532,33821,30027,60528,98530,435 24,776 MedicalInsurance17,99219,29116,94023,86116,93023,99525,19526,454 DentalInsurance1,0041,2621,3331,6651,3251,7311,8181,908 VisionInsurance229144346398274357375394 LifeInsurance&Other9942,5081,4631,6711,1631,8331,8971,964 SocialSecurityTaxes11,14810,23811,06311,7298,60013,02613,48213,954 MedicareTaxes2,7132,3942,5872,7762,0803,0793,1873,298 UnemploymentTaxes1,04431634597105621643665 Workman'sCompensation422398382479424531550569 PreEmploymentPhysicals/Testing646475 TotalPersonnel$259,681$254,187$267,197$266,946$240,576$285,126$296,386$308,061 Services/Supplies ProfessionalOutsideServices$$13,320$$2,100$5,650$2,100$2,100$2,100 Auditing58,00035,00044,00032,75022,75035,50034,75037,500 Appraisal40,88643,40745,72446,39446,83251,62954,21055,470 TaxAdministration2,9713,8313,9874,4163,2913,3123,4783,513 Advertising2,3392,1402,6313,8003,8003,8003,8003,800 Printing2,1351,9482,3097501,7315,7505,7505,750 Schools&Training1,6663711,5642,8553,1992,8302,2302,555 ServiceCharges&Fees20016,95418,12010,80010,95611,11611,278 PID(84)87114100100100100 Telephone34722222100 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles685664821900375900900900 BuildingMaintenance6 Dues&Membership1,1751,3101,3131,5001,5401,3701,3751,450 Travel&PerDiem2,3601,4602,1652,9161,7683,0962,9302,980 Meetings95311100100100100100 OfficeSupplies1,4801,6571,7531,8001,8001,8001,8001,800 Postage1,2128911,4631,0001,0001,5001,5001,500 Publications/Books/Subscriptions2657657250250250250 Furniture/Equipment<$50001,150146200200200200 MiscellaneousExpense2,325435100100100100 TotalServices/Supplies$117,623$108,978$125,023$120,151$104,636$125,293$126,689$131,346 Capital CapitalOutlay$150,839$9,650$$$$$$ TotalCapital$150,839$9,650$$$$$$ TotalExpenditures$528,143$372,816$392,220$387,097$345,212$410,419$423,075$439,407 Town CouncilPage 296 41of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 MunicipalCourt PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel $68,308$55,108$71,725$75,397$75,227$77,3883% Services&Supplies 10,62113,6237,84810,5397,8849,6898% TOTAL $78,929$68,731$79,573$85,936$83,111$87,0771% PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED SENIORCOURTCLERK1.001.001.00 TOTALFTEs1.001.001.00 PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Town CouncilPage 297 42of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 MunicipalCourt ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries$50,763$40,796$52,306$54,747$54,100$56,867$58,857$60,917 Longevity14020080140200260 Stipend1,0001,200750750750750750 Certifications7185572,025900900900 Retirement6,8544,9497,4928,7147,2607,1067,4617,834 MedicalInsurance4,6713,2815,3345,5705,7305,7816,0706,374 DentalInsurance358261364387440414435456 VisionInsurance8658818188818589 LifeInsurance&Other343597508512529552571591 SocialSecurityTaxes3,1972,6363,3173,3993,3803,5903,7163,846 MedicareTaxes748617776806790851881912 UnemploymentTaxes3295025022221222230238 Workman'sCompensation10110697129114134139144 TotalPersonnel$68,308$55,108$71,725$75,397$75,227$77,388$80,295$83,311 Services/Supplies ProfessionalOutsideServices$1,458$643$1,467$1,890$1,400$1,890$1,890$1,890 Judge'sCompensation3,9003,9003,6004,5004,3504,5004,5004,500 Advertising742 Printing9828706301,1006651,1001,1001,100 Schools&Training50040050350150350350350 ServiceCharges&Fees1,3014,949 Telephone16928569150 JuryFees36144108144144144 Dues&Membership10113060130130130130 Travel&PerDiem1,0431,136625125375375375 Meetings29 OfficeSupplies299287278450250300300300 Postage4654609161,000500600600650 WarrantRoundUp272422 Furniture/Equipment<$5000113200200200200200 MiscellaneousExpense131136100100100 TotalServices/Supplies$10,621$7,848$10,539$7,884$9,689$9,689$9,739 $13,623 TotalExpenditures$78,929$68,731$79,573$85,936$83,111$87,077$89,984$93,050 Town CouncilPage 298 43of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 HumanResources PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel $90,623$97,595$70,840$87,655$91,990$119,55736% Services&Supplies 4,2155,1763,4424,8403,9504,31511% TOTAL $94,839$102,771$74,282$92,495$95,940$123,87234% PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED HRMANAGER0.001.001.00 HRCOORDINATOR1.000.000.00 TOTALFTEs1.001.001.00 PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Town CouncilPage 299 44of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 HumanResources ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries56,305$$60,012$42,830$51,765$58,600$76,274$78,944$81,707 Longevity4735636590180 Stipend2,500500750 Retirement7,8248,8306,4858,8828,3509,91610,41210,932 MedicalInsurance4,9454,3013414,8305,7816,0706,374 DentalInsurance344353330387390414435456 VisionInsurance8279738178818589 LifeInsurance&Other366922358474490626648671 SocialSecurityTaxes3,4533,9112,7393,2133,6504,7294,8955,066 MedicareTaxes8089156417628861,1061,1451,185 UnemploymentTaxes2619213207207214222 Workman'sCompensation11113191131116193200207 PreEmploymentPhysicals/Testing147450 EmployeeRelations4,4755,2576,6038,1507,55010,85010,28010,280 TuitionReimbursement8,4517,5097,04910,1004,1006,5006,5006,500 EmployeeAssistanceProgram2,7272,3032,4422,6882,5002,8803,0723,264 TotalPersonnel$90,623$97,595$70,840$87,655$91,990$119,557$122,988$127,132 Services/Supplies Physicals/Testing$1,909$295$190$540$150$540$540$540 Advertising345800 Printing82045150150150150 Schools&Training2992,0953001,0001,3001,0001,0001,000 Telephone1328913100 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles228857454900625900900900 Dues&Membership240255315250300300300300 Travel&PerDiem168699500500500500 Meetings2039 OfficeSupplies5441,0307231,000600600600600 Postage236307139300175325325350 Publications/Books/Subscriptions60060180100 TotalServices/Supplies$4,215$5,176$3,442$4,840$3,950$4,315$4,315$4,340 TotalExpenditures$94,839$102,771$74,282$92,495$95,940$123,872$127,303$131,472 Town CouncilPage 300 45of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 InformationServices PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Personnel $172,777$181,544$186,288$191,325$190,312$218,14214% Services&Supplies 92,431124,270139,203200,374256,432263,65732% Capital 64,99636,5068,27831,61331,50049,46356% TOTAL ,244$531,26226% $330,204$342,319$333,769$423,312$478 PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYDIRECTOR1.001.001.00 NETWORKSUPPORTSPECIALIST1.001.001.00 PARTTIMEINTERN0.000.000.50 TOTALFTEs2.002.002.50 PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Town CouncilPage 301 46of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 InformationServices ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries$131,133$133,759$137,092$139,358$142,080$167,773$173,645$179,723 Longevity9751,1251,4551,6201,6351,8001,8901,980 Stipend3,5003,0001,5001,5001,5001,5001,500 Retirement18,29319,32020,58424,06820,12019,19719,19719,197 MedicalInsurance9,92110,16610,66411,13911,35011,56212,14012,747 DentalInsurance687726727774820828869913 VisionInsurance163163163162181162170179 LifeInsurance&Other7321,9321,1181,1301,1431,2381,3001,365 SocialSecurityTaxes8,1678,5548,7658,7418,98010,51410,88211,263 MedicareTaxes1,9102,0002,0502,0662,1402,4812,5682,658 UnemploymentTaxes5241841441450621643665 Workman'sCompensation272281257353313466482499 TotalPersonnel$172,777$181,544$186,288$191,325$190,312$218,142$225,777$233,679 Services/Supplies Software&Support43,01379,16892,954147,602176,090170,947172,602174,261 Security1,4996638591,3509561,3501,3501,350 Schools&Training3,3522,8008403,5003,2003,6503,6503,650 Telephone5,2486,2186,0735,8085,0409,4889,4889,488 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles1,5062,0362,3582,7163,43630,47630,47630,476 IndependentLabor1,0021,6961,3463,0008,00010,50010,50010,500 CopierRental/Leases6,2026,1649,6347,9087,9089,1369,1369,136 Dues&Membership100300100250150250250250 Travel&PerDiem1,5342,8492,3552,8692,0222,353 Meetings567250122122122 OfficeSupplies666852648721600721721721 PrinterSupplies9,1718,0308,6477,5007,5007,5007,5007,500 Postage8610830725055250300300 Uniforms225225125125125 Hardware20,58414,70115,38216,62340,86716,27311,5988,373 TotalServices/Supplies$92,431$124,270$139,203$200,374$256,432$263,657$259,840$258,605 Capital CapitalOutlay$64,996$36,506$8,278$31,613$31,500$49,463$85,625$58,000 TotalCapital$64,996$36,506$8,278$31,613$31,500$49,463$85,625$58,000 TotalExpenditures$330,204$342,319$333,769$423,312$478,244$531,262$571,241$550,284 Town CouncilPage 302 47of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FacilitiesMaintenance PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.vs.Pro) Services&Supplies $65,341$75,344$81,550$111,042$112,550$112,0791% TOTAL $65,341$75,344$81,550$111,042$112,550$112,0791% PercentofGeneralFundExpenditures 30% 27% 25% 20% 16% 15% 11% 10% 10% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 5% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 FacilitiesMaintenance ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Services/Supplies Electricity$13,584$14,948$12,870$15,000$12,000$14,500$14,500$14,500 Water1,0279261,0381,8601,1001,2001,2501,300 Insurance42,30544,24151,78854,26554,24256,97159,81261,601 BuildingMaintenance3,02912,25114,14210,00015,00015,00015,00015,000 EquipmentMaintenance150362250500250250250 CleaningServices2,80144817,29218,20817,65817,65817,658 VendingMachineSupplies41 Furniture/Equipment<$5,00010,87510,0005,0005,0005,000 MaintenanceSupplies2,5532,3811,3501,5001,5001,5001,7501,750 TotalServices/Supplies$65,341$75,344$81,550$111,042$112,550$112,079$115,220$117,059 TotalExpenditures$65,341$75,344$81,550$111,042$112,550$112,079$115,220$117,059 Town CouncilPage 303 48of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 /³§¤±- ©®±&´­£² Town CouncilPage 304 49of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 # ¯¨³ «0±®©¤¢³²&´­£ PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.Vs.Pro.) BeginningFundBalance$1,599,988$996,425$2,065,909$4,275,854$4,505,273$1,293,027 70% Revenues 323,78161,80957,540200,500201,661100100% (1,427,344)(318,392)(768,476)(4,627,524)(3,413,907)(8,848,404)91% Expenditures 500,0001,326,0673,150,300385,00010,135,0002532% OtherSources(Uses) NetIncrease(Decrease)(603,563)1,069,4842,439,364(4,042,024)(3,212,246)1,286,696132% EndingFundBalance996,425$$2,065,909$4,505,273$233,830$1,293,027$2,579,7231003% EndingFundBalance $5,000,000 $4,500,000 $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $ FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 CapitalProjectsFund ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningFundBalance1,599,988$$996,425$2,065,909$4,275,854$4,505,273$1,293,027$2,579,723$2,904,823 Revenue Contributions/Grants322,536$$30,230$$200,000$200,061$$$ InterestRevenue1,2451,4291,5485001,600100100100 MiscellaneousRevenue30,000 IntergovernmentalRevenue55,992 PriorYearAdjustment150 TotalRevenue$323,781$61,809$57,540$200,500$201,661$100$100$100 Expenditures GeneralGovernment$2,453$51,089$18,070$$125,000$$$ BondIssuanceCosts21,20029,36768,85097,50040,00032,500 CapitalOutlay1,403,691237,936681,5564,627,5243,288,9078,750,9044,135,0002,256,000 TotalExpenditures$1,427,344$318,392$768,476$4,627,524$3,413,907$8,848,404$4,175,000$2,288,500 OtherSources(Uses) DebtProceeds$500,000$1,300,000$3,100,000$$$9,750,000$4,000,000$2,000,000 BondPremium33,79450,329 TransferIn385,000385,000500,000 TransferOut(7,727)(29) TotalOtherSources(Uses$500,000$1,326,067$3,150,300$385,000$$10,135,000$4,500,000$2,000,000 NetIncrease(Decrease)$(603,563)$1,069,484$2,439,364$(4,042,024)$(3,212,246)$1,286,696$325,100$(288,400) EndingFundBalance$996,425$2,065,909$4,505,273$233,830$1,293,027$2,579,723$2,904,823$2,616,423 Town CouncilPage 305 50of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 $¤¡³3¤±µ¨¢¤&´­£ PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary (Bud.Vs.Pro.) ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED BeginningFundBalance$85,388$94,267$119,722$122,222$118,092$105,36714% Revenues 1,287,8141,911,6191,361,1091,498,5531,507,2481,704,96814% Expenditures(1,360,266)(2,750,417)(1,403,122)(1,573,662)(1,575,613)(1,727,067)10% OtherSources(Uses)81,331864,25340,383127,35055,64087,20632% NetIncrease(Decrease)8,87925,455(1,630)52,241(12,725)65,10725% EndingFundBalance$94,267$119,722$118,092$174,463$105,367$170,4742% EndingFundBalance $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $ FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 DEBTSERVICE ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningFundBalance85,388$$94,267$119,722$122,222$118,092$105,367$170,474$214,943 Revenue PropertyTaxes $1,049,656$1,163,144$1,351,988$1,490,172$1,489,851$1,697,277$1,815,800$1,984,452 PropertyTaxes/Delinquent 7,38911,9595,0914,35611,5984,4654,4994,784 PropertyTaxes/Penalty&Interest 6,9675,7743,7843,7755,7992,9762,9993,189 IntergovernmentalTransferEDC 222,922729,909 InterestIncome 880833246250250300400 TotalRevenue$1,287,814$1,911,619$1,361,109$1,498,553$1,507,248$1,704,968$1,823,598$1,992,825 Expenditures BondPrincipal $885,000$2,294,000$998,000$1,088,000$1,088,000$1,339,500$1,293,600$1,563,600 BondInterest 471,016451,417398,872481,912441,127383,067682,916619,296 PayingAgentFees 4,2505,0006,2503,7503,7504,5004,5004,500 Bond/COIssuancecost 42,736 TotalExpenditures$1,360,266$2,750,417$1,403,122$1,573,662$1,575,613$1,727,067$1,981,016$2,187,396 OtherSources(Uses) BondProceeds $$$$$2,030,000$$$ RefundCost (2,026,710) TransferIn 81,331864,25340,383127,35052,35087,206201,887202,209 TotalOtherSources(Uses)81,331$$864,253$40,383$127,350$55,640$87,206$201,887$202,209 NetIncrease(Decrease)$8,879$25,455$(1,630)$52,241$(12,725)$65,107$44,468$7,637 EndingFundBalance$94,267$119,722$118,092$174,463$105,367$170,474$214,943$222,580 Town CouncilPage 306 51of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 0±®¯±¨¤³ ±¸&´­£² Town CouncilPage 307 52of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 3³®±¬$± ¨­ ¦¤5³¨«¨³¸&´­£ PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.Vs.Pro.) BeginningWorkingCapital$47,183$72,981$237,062$120,619$199,172$201,76867% Revenues 186,668375,542425,718423,900407,000414,8002% (96,487)(174,116)(443,001)(504,136)(377,054)(370,703)26% Expenses OtherSources(Uses)(64,382)(37,344)(20,607)(27,350)(27,350)(62,206)127% NetIncrease(Decrease)25,798164,081(37,890)(107,586)2,596(18,109)83% EndingWorkingCapital$72,981$237,062$199,172$13,033$201,768$183,6591309% PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE&DEVELOPMENTSERVICESMANAGER0.000.250.25 STREETSSUPERVISOR0.500.000.00 TOTALFTEs0.000.250.25 EndingWorkingCapital $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $ Town CouncilPage 308 53of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 StormDrainageUtility ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningWorkingCapital47,183$$72,981$237,062$120,619$199,172$201,768$183,659$237,164 Revenue StormDrainageFee $180,668$370,042$394,692$402,800$407,000$414,700$418,300$421,180 HazardousWasteStipend 6,0005,5005,000 MiscellaneousRevenue 26,00121,000 InterestIncome 25100100100100 TotalRevenue$186,668$375,542$425,718$423,900$407,000$414,800$418,400$421,280 Expenses PersonnelServices Salaries $15,203$23,214$23,864$24,238$16,940$21,814$22,577$23,255 Overtime 118253575250 Longevity 1713043493943956577102 Stipend 750750375375188188188 Retirement 2,1483,4333,7154,2242,5202,8692,9693,058 MedicalInsurance 1,6572,5372,6652,7851,4951,4451,5171,593 DentalInsurance 115185298334135104109115 VisionInsurance 2741414122202020 LifeInsurance&Other 223402234250139168174179 SocialSecurityTaxes 9461,5011,5591,5271,1001,3561,4031,446 MedicareTaxes 221351365363269320331341 UnemploymentTaxes 864103104525455 Workman'sCompensation 7521,1831,2951,4721,304127131135 TotalPersonnel$21,666$34,156$35,812$36,107$24,944$28,528$29,552$30,488 Services&Supplies ProfessionalOutsideServices$$$$$18,081$18,200$18,700$19,200 Engineering/Construction3,99840,3395,356100,00080,00080,00080,00080,000 TrashRemoval/Recycling 12,89619,3592,0211,5001,5002,0002,0002,000 VehicleMaintenance 464 EquipmentMaintenance 567 StreetSweeping 3,8503,8504,7206,0006,00012,00012,00012,000 IndependentLabor 8,0009,01130,07017,36617,36617,88718,78119,720 Dues&Membership 2,5552,570200200200200200200 Fuel 1,67569446 SmallTools 565 MiscellaneousExpense 1101,331 TotalServices&Supplies$34,571$75,308$44,145$125,066$123,147$130,287$131,681$133,120 Capital TransfertoDrainageCapitalProjects $40,251$61,603$200,000$164,000$50,000$36,488$$ TotalCapital$40,251$61,603$200,000$164,000$50,000$36,488$$ DebtService Principal $$$140,000$140,000$140,000$140,000$145,000$145,000 Interest 3,04923,04538,96338,96335,40031,77528,088 TotalDebtService $$3,049$163,045$178,963$178,963$175,400$176,775$173,088 TotalExpenses$96,487$174,116$443,001$504,136$377,054$370,703$338,008$336,696 OtherSources(Uses) TransferIn $$$6,460$$$$$ TransferOut (64,382)(37,344)(27,067)(27,350)(27,350)(62,206)(26,887)(27,209) TotalOtherSources$(64,382)$(37,344)$(20,607)$(27,350)$(27,350)$(62,206)$(26,887)$(27,209) NetIncrease(Decrease)$25,798$164,081$(37,890)$(107,586)$2,596$(18,109)$53,505$57,376 EndingWorkingCapital72,981$$237,062$199,172$13,033$201,768$183,659$237,164$294,540 Town CouncilPage 309 54of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 StormDrainageCapitalProjectsFY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 PreviousBalance$578,174$206,139$$ SourcesofFunds BondProceeds 50,00036,488 CapitalFundingfromOperations TotalSources628,174$$242,627$$ Expenses IndianCreek$227,076$$$ CypressCourtDrainageInlets 74,75620,000 PinOakCourt 51,260 71,36871,367 PebbleBeachDrive BroadwayCreekImprovements 48,835100,000 andAmenityLakeSlopes $422,035$242,627$$ TotalExpenses RemainingBalance$206,139$$$ Town CouncilPage 310 55of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 4±®¯§¸#«´¡0 ±ª&´­£ PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.Vs.Pro.) BeginningWorkingCapital$(34,642)$(26,115)$(6,470)$4,389$1,830$(70,458)1705% Revenues 138,712130,663150,925153,75290,000165,0007% Expenses 130,18598,717134,625150,327154,288153,0062% OtherSources(Uses) (12,300)(8,000)(8,000)(8,000)(8,000)0% NetIncrease(Decrease)8,52719,6458,300(4,575)(72,288)3,994 187% EndingWorkingCapital(26,115)$$(6,470)$1,830$(186)$(70,458)$(66,464)35703% PERSONNELSCHEDULE ACTUALESTIMATEADOPTED POSITIONTITLE 201320142015 RECREATIONSUPERINTENDENT0.400.400.40 TCPGATEATTENDANT1.081.081.08 TOTALFTEs1.481.481.48 EndingWorkingCapital $10,000 $ $(10,000) $(20,000) $(30,000) $(40,000) $(50,000) $(60,000) $(70,000) $(80,000) Town CouncilPage 311 56of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 TrophyClubPark ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningWorkingCapital(34,642)$$(26,115)$(6,470)$4,389$1,830$(70,458)$(66,464)$(54,426) Revenue ParkRevenue $138,712$130,663$150,925$153,752$90,000$165,000$168,000$171,000 InterestIncome TotalRevenue138,712$$130,663$150,925$153,752$90,000$165,000$168,000$171,000 Expenses Personnel Salaries $36,506$38,612$40,096$43,008$40,600$45,544$47,138$48,552 Longevity 6488112112204286368 Stipend 600600300900300300300 Retirement 2,9393,1173,4874,2223,6203,5043,6273,735 MedicalInsurance 1,9842,0292,5202,8262,6203,0003,1503,308 DentalInsurance 137145147155227233245257 VisionInsurance 3333333239323232 LifeInsurance&Other 146357209211245239247255 SocialSecurityTaxes 2,2402,4332,4572,6732,4002,8362,9353,023 MedicareTaxes 524569574630600668688709 Unemploymenttaxes 4895940330684306315325 Workman'sCompensation 8778967681,0339151,0941,1271,161 PreEmploymentPhysicals/Testing 1024 TotalPersonnel45,976$$48,917$51,383$55,508$52,362$57,960$60,090$62,024 Services&Supplies ProfessionalOutsideServices $$$$5,000$2,500$2,500$$ Auditing 1,0001,0001,0001,0001,0001,0001,000 Software&Support 4533,4932,4443,8496,5967,2414,3164,316 CollectionFees 1,215 Advertising 1,5141,8082,6401,5001,6501,2351,2351,235 Printing 7121,4161,2441,000 Schools&Training 8796631,825340200 ServiceCharges&Fees 6,0433,2982,8596,0006,4958,4958,4958,495 Electricity 2,0683,3922,6253,6002,5002,8002,8002,800 Water 2,0541,6501,7201,6972,9051,7471,7991,852 Telephone 9981,1781,5211,6001,8251,9001,9001,900 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,5471,6262,0011,5601,700933933933 Insurance 1,2001,2001,200 PropertyMaintenance 37,3827,13126,24910,50015,67410,50010,50010,500 EquipmentMaintenance 2,176(911)5,2432,4262,5762,3842,3842,384 IndependentLabor 11,79810,80010,2008,00026,60026,60026,600 Portabletoilets 3,5903,5903,9444,0003,6443,6443,6443,644 Dues&Membership 20019960320250250250250 Travel&PerDiem 854424776387505492507522 OfficeSupplies 1512943471,0131,0131,0441,0751,107 Postage 1692594318200327336346 Fuel 2593741,2321,4901,0001,2501,3001,350 Uniforms 456383333645520520520520 CommunityEvents 5,5875,2698,3626,50012,00014,90014,90014,900 SmallTools 1,8831,3841,0101,4001,0001,2001,2001,200 Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 5901,7201,8661,920 MaintenanceSupplies 2,185515717451451464478493 MiscellaneousExpense 426557500500500500 TotalServices&Supplies71,586$$49,800$78,393$69,489$77,814$95,046$87,872$89,047 Capital CapitalExpenses $12,623$$4,850$25,330$24,112$$$ TotalCapital12,623$$$4,850$25,330$24,112$$$ TotalExpenses130,185$$98,717$134,625$150,327$154,288$153,006$147,962$151,071 OtherSources(Uses) TransferOut $$(12,300)$(8,000)$(8,000)$(8,000)$(8,000)$(8,000)$(8,000) TotalOtherSources(Uses)$$(12,300)$(8,000)$(8,000)$(8,000)$(8,000)$(8,000)$(8,000) NetIncrease(Decrease)$8,527$19,645$8,300$(4,575)$(72,288)$3,994$12,038$11,929 EndingWorkingCapital$(26,115)$(6,470)$1,830$(186)$(70,458)$(66,464)$(54,426)$(42,497) Town CouncilPage 312 57of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 OtherFunds Town CouncilPage 313 58of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 CourtSecurityFund PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.Vs.Pro.) BeginningFundBalance$$17,448$22,147$22,526$22,293$21,7933% Revenues 3,4994,6993,1463,7882,5003,00021% Expenditures N/A OtherSources(Uses) 13,949(3,000)(3,000)(3,000)(3,000)0% NetIncrease(Decrease)17,4484,699146788(500)N/A EndingFundBalance$17,448$22,147$22,293$23,314$21,793$21,7937% EndingFundBalance $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $ FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 CourtSecurity ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningFundBalance$$17,448$22,147$22,526$22,293$21,793$21,793$21,893 Revenue MunicipalCourtSecurityFee $3,499$4,699$3,146$3,788$2,500$3,000$3,100$3,200 TotalRevenue3,499$$4,699$3,146$3,788$2,500$3,000$3,100$3,200 TotalExpenditures$$$$$$$$ OtherSources(Uses) TransferIn $13,949$$$$$$$ TransferOut (3,000)(3,000)(3,000)(3,000)(3,000)(3,000) TotalOtherSources(Uses)13,949$$$(3,000)$(3,000)$(3,000)$(3,000)$(3,000)$(3,000) NetIncrease(Decrease)17,448$$4,699$146$788$(500)$$100$200 EndingFundBalance$17,448$22,147$22,293$23,314$21,793$21,793$21,893$22,093 Town CouncilPage 314 59of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 CourtTechnologyFund PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.Vs.Pro.) BeginningFundBalance$$32,514$38,780$22,071$23,960$21,4373% Revenues 4,5106,2656,9445,0003,4004,00020% Expenditures(1,240)(21,764)(5,730)(5,923)(5,200)9% OtherSources(Uses)29,244N/A NetIncrease(Decrease)32,5146,265(14,819)(730)(2,523)(1,200)64% EndingFundBalance$32,514$38,780$23,960$21,341$21,437$20,2375% EndingFundBalance $45,000.00 $40,000.00 $35,000.00 $30,000.00 $25,000.00 $20,000.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $ FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 CourtTechnology ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningFundBalance$$32,514$38,780$22,071$23,960$21,437$20,237$19,072 Revenue MunicipalCourtTechnologyFee $4,510$6,265$4,194$5,000$3,400$4,000$4,135$4,270 MiscellaneousRevenue 2,750 TotalRevenue4,510$$6,265$6,944$5,000$3,400$4,000$4,135$4,270 Expenditures Services&Supplies Software&Support $$$2,494$5,730$5,118$5,200$5,300$5,400 Hardware 1,2405,830805 TotalServices&Supplies1,240$$$8,324$5,730$5,923$5,200$5,300$5,400 Capital CapitalExpenses $$$13,440$$$$$ TotalCapitalExpenses$$$13,440$$$$$ TotalExpenditures$1,240$$21,764$5,730$5,923$5,200$5,300$5,400 OtherSources(Uses) TransferIn $29,244$$$$$$$ TotalOtherSources(Uses)29,244$$$$$$$$ NetIncrease(Decrease)32,514$$6,265$(14,819)$(730)$(2,523)$(1,200)$(1,165)$(1,130) EndingFundBalance32,514$$38,780$23,960$21,341$21,437$20,237$19,072$17,942 Town CouncilPage 315 60of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 CrimeControlPreventionDistrictFund PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.Vs.Pro.) BeginningFundBalance$$$23,007$92,246$93,746$38,49158% Revenues 23,007141,900147,272166,461186,43327% Expenditures (71,161)(83,464)(221,716)(182,400)119% OtherSources(Uses) (75,000)100% NetIncrease(Decrease)23,00770,740(11,192)(55,255)4,033136% EndingFundBalance$$23,007$93,746$81,054$38,491$42,52448% EndingFundBalance $100,000 $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $ FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 CCPD ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningFundBalance$$$23,007$92,246$93,746$38,491$42,524$38,369 Revenue SalesTax $$23,007$141,855$147,272$166,361$186,433$217,345$222,488 InterestIncome 45100 TotalRevenue$$23,007$141,900$147,272$166,461$186,433$217,345$222,488 Expenditures Services&Supplies Uniforms$$$$$5,400$6,400$5,500$6,000 SmallEquipment 27,56436,28548,81651,00024,00032,500 TotalServices&Supplies$$$27,564$36,285$54,216$57,400$29,500$38,500 Capital CapitalOutlay $$$43,597$47,179$167,500$125,000$42,000$30,500 TotalCapital$$$43,597$47,179$167,500$125,000$42,000$30,500 TotalExpenditures$$$71,161$83,464$221,716$182,400$71,500$69,000 OtherSources(Uses) TransferOut $$$$(75,000)$$$(150,000)$(150,000) TotalOtherSources(Uses)$$$$(75,000)$$$(150,000)$(150,000) NetIncrease(Decrease)$$23,007$70,740$(11,192)$(55,255)$4,033$(4,155)$3,488 EndingFundBalance$$23,007$93,746$81,054$38,491$42,524$38,369$41,857 Town CouncilPage 316 61of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 EconomicDevelopmentCorporation4BFund Budget PastProjectedYear FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.Vs.Pro.) BeginningFundBalance$341,135$382,708$188,704$332,636$339,715$495,75349% Revenues 161,241246,997326,901327,572354,914370,95613% Expenditures(119,668)(441,001)(175,890)(324,960)(198,876)(362,477) 12% NetIncrease(Decrease)41,573(194,004)151,0112,612156,0388,479225% $382,708$188,704$339,715$335,248$495,753$504,23150% EndingFundBalance EndingFundBalance $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $ FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 EDC4B ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningFundBalance341,135$$382,708$188,704$332,636$339,715$495,753$504,231$563,228 Revenue SalesTaxGeneral $147,391$246,997$322,784$327,272$354,614$370,506$432,273$442,502 AdvertisingRevenue 13,850 NTXMagazineRevenue 3,938 InterestIncome 179300300450600900 TotalRevenue161,241$$246,997$326,901$327,572$354,914$370,956$432,873$443,402 Expenditures Auditing $1,000$3,500$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000 Election 6,116 Advertising 12,9532,9107,7043,0003,7805,2006,9006,400 Printing 1,000500500500750 DiscoverTrophyClubMagazine Schools&Training 1,7661,9551,4302,1202701,3101,3101,310 Dues&Membership 3004006501,0506001,0501,1501,150 Travel&PerDiem 2,3961531321,53330694694694 OfficeSupplies 872522220400250250250250 CommunityEvents MiscellaneousExpense 2,98312,4276,0597,1005,2347,9509,9509,950 EDCProjects 23,464123,28536,13311,8503,9003,75011,3503,950 IncentivePrograms 140,77393,848140,773140,773140,773 TransfertoGeneralFund 47,15155,20066,597155,63489,964 TransfertoDebtService 26,783234,53354,964200,000200,000200,000 TotalExpenditures119,668$$441,001$175,890$324,960$198,876$362,477$373,877$366,227 NetIncrease(Decrease)41,573$$(194,004)$151,011$2,612$156,038$8,479$58,996$77,175 EndingFundBalance$382,708$188,704$339,715$335,248$495,753$504,231$563,228$640,403 Town CouncilPage 317 62of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 HotelOccupancyTax PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.Vs.Pro.) BeginningFundBalance$1,890$1,321$87,225$285,590$283,481$451,93158% Revenues 20,575108,181235,959233,716252,450355,02052% Expenditures (21,144)(22,277)(39,703)(38,825)(84,000)(155,825)301% OtherSources(Uses) (100,000)N/A NetIncrease(Decrease) (569)85,904196,256194,891168,45099,19549% EndingFundBalance1,321$$87,225$283,481$480,481$451,931$551,12615% EndingFundBalance $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $ FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 HotelOccupancy ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningFundBalance1,890$$1,321$87,225$285,590$283,481$451,931$551,126$714,125 Revenue HotelOccupancyTax $20,543$108,170$235,796$233,416$252,000$354,520$458,065$462,646 InterestIncome 3211163300450500600900 TotalRevenue20,575$$108,181$235,959$233,716$252,450$355,020$458,665$463,546 Expenditures Advertising $$$$$$83,000$84,500$64,500 Printing 15,00035,000 EventRentals 20,71922,27739,70338,82545,00046,82549,16651,624 July4Celebration 42524,00026,00027,00028,000 TotalExpenditures21,144$$22,277$39,703$38,825$84,000$155,825$195,666$144,124 OtherSources(Uses) $$$$$$(100,000)$(100,000)$(100,000) TransferOut TotalOtherSources(Uses)$$$$$$(100,000)$(100,000)$(100,000) NetIncrease(Decrease)$(569)$85,904$196,256$194,891$168,450$99,195$162,999$219,422 EndingFundBalance$1,321$87,225$283,481$480,481$451,931$551,126$714,125$933,547 Town CouncilPage 318 63of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 StreetMaintenanceSalesTaxFund PastProjectedYearBudget %Change FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016 (Bud.Vs. FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED Pro.) BeginningFundBalance$34,750$75,999$46,700$24,268$39,915$52,220115% Revenues 147,391148,159161,392163,636177,307185,25313% Expenditures(94,191)(139,010)(154,890)(131,300)(140,002) (160,412)22% OtherSources(Uses)(11,951)(38,448)(13,287)(25,000)(25,000)(25,000)0% NetIncrease(Decrease)41,249(29,299)(6,785)7,33612,305(159)102% EndingFundBalance$75,999$46,700$39,915$31,604$52,220$52,06165% PERSONNELSCHEDULE FY2015FY2015FY2016 POSITIONTITLE BUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED STREETMAINTENANCEWORKER0.70.70.7 TOTALFTEs0.70.70.7 EndingFundBalance $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $ Town CouncilPage 319 64of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 StreetMaintenance ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningFundBalance$34,750$75,999$46,700$24,268$39,915$52,220$52,061$81,297 Revenue SalesTax $147,391$148,159$161,392$163,636$177,307$185,253$216,137$221,251 TotalRevenue$147,391$148,159$161,392$163,636$177,307$185,253$216,137$221,251 Expenditures Personnel Salaries $17,821$22,799$16,110$22,041$21,700$22,612$23,403$24,106 Overtime 1141743171,350 Longevity 1603404055994129 Stipend 720864540360525525525 Retirement 2,5173,3652,6153,8143,1603,0163,1223,215 Medicalinsurance 2,9623,6522,4435,0875,0005,2505,5135,788 DentalInsurance 198261167392440408428450 VisionInsurance 47593799102979797 LifeInsurance&Other 142388146246230245254261 SocialSecurityTaxes 1,1731,4901,1191,3671,1941,4061,4551,499 MedicareTaxes 280348262327296336346356 UnemploymentTaxes 160614914990145149154 Workman'sCompensation 9721,1661,6301,3381,1851,3731,4141,457 TotalPersonnel$26,546$34,768$26,264$35,400$35,107$35,472$36,800$38,037 Services&Supplies VehicleMaintenance $$883$1,565$3,700$3,700$3,700$3,700$3,700 StreetMaintenance 41,49569,95899,45670,00050,000100,000100,000100,000 Signs&Markings 23,16627,79019,68715,00043,99515,00015,00015,000 Fuel 2,9845,6117,8926,5006,5005,5405,7005,900 SmallTools 700700700700700 MiscellaneousExpense 25 TotalService&Supplies67,645$$104,242$128,626$95,900$104,895$124,940$125,100$125,300 TotalExpenditures$94,191$139,010$154,890$131,300$140,002$160,412$161,900$163,337 OtherSources(Uses) TransferOut $(11,951)$(38,448)$(13,287)$(25,000)$(25,000)$(25,000)$(25,000)$(25,000) TotalSourcesOther(Uses)(11,951)$$(38,448)$(13,287)$(25,000)$(25,000)$(25,000)$(25,000)$(25,000) NetIncrease(Decreases)$41,249$(29,299)$(6,785)$7,336$12,305$(159)$29,236$32,915 EndingFundBalance$75,999$46,700$39,915$31,604$52,220$52,061$81,297$114,212 Town CouncilPage 320 65of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 TaxIncrementalReinvestmentZone#1 PastProjectedYearBudget %Change FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016 FinancialSummary(Bud.Vs. ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED Pro.) A BeginningFundBalance$$$$$$8,291N/ Revenues 8,7668,2917,09519% Expenditures$$$$$$N/A OtherSources(Uses)N/A NetIncrease(Decrease)$$$$8,766$8,291$7,09519% EndingFundBalance$$$$8,766$8,291$15,38676% EndingFundBalance $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $ FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 ESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 TIRZ#1 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningFundBalance$$$$$$8,291$15,386$119,748 Revenue PropertyTax $$$$8,291$8,291$6,095$75,000$95,000 SalesTax 4751,00029,36237,619 TotalRevenue$$$$8,766$8,291$7,095$104,362$132,619 TotalExpenditures$$$$$$$$ TotalOtherSources(Uses)$$$$$$$$ NetIncrease(Decrease)$$$$8,766$8,291$7,095$104,362$132,619 EndingFundBalance$$$$8,766$8,291$15,386$119,748$252,367 Town CouncilPage 321 66of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 RecreationalProgramFund PastProjectedYearBudget FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016%Change FinancialSummary ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED(Bud.Vs.Pro.) BeginningFundBalance$$$$4,000$2,812$2,81230% Revenues 15,5934,0006,5008,000100% Expenditures(12,781)(4,000)(6,500)(8,000)100% NetIncrease(Decrease)2,812N/A EndingFundBalance$$$2,812$4,000$2,812$2,81230% EndingFundBalance $4,500.00 $4,000.00 $3,500.00 $3,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $ FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 RecreationProgramFund ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningFundBalance$$$$4,000$2,812$2,812$2,812$2,812 Revenue RecreationPrograms $$$15,593$4,000$6,500$8,000$8,500$9,000 TotalRevenue$$$15,593$4,000$6,500$8,000$8,500$9,000 Expenditures RecreationalPrograms $$$12,781$4,000$6,500$8,000$8,500$9,000 TotalExpenditures$$$12,781$4,000$6,500$8,000$8,500$9,000 NetIncrease(Decrease)$$$2,812$$$$$ EndingFundBalance$$$2,812$4,000$2,812$2,812$2,812$2,812 Town CouncilPage 322 67of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 25AnniversaryFund th PastProjectedYearBudget %Change FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016 FinancialSummary(Bud.Vs. ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED Pro.) BeginningFundBalance$2,114$2,114$2,114$2,114$2,812$5,312151% Revenues 10,700N/A Expenditures(8,200)N/A NetIncrease(Decrease)2,500N/A EndingFundBalance$2,114$2,114$2,812$2,114$5,312$5,312151% EndingFundBalance $6,000.00 $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $ FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015FY2015FY2016FY2017FY2018 25thAnniversaryFund ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED BeginningFundBalance2,114$$2,114$2,114$2,114$2,812$5,312$5,312$5,312 Revenue MiscellaneousContributions $$$$$10,700$$$ TotalRevenue$$$$$10,700$$$ Expenditures CommunityEvents $$$$$8,200$$$ TotalExpenditures$$$$$8,200$$$ NetIncrease(Decrease)$$$$$2,500$$$ EndingFundBalance2,114$$2,114$2,812$2,114$5,312$5,312$5,312$5,312 Town CouncilPage 323 68of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Changes to Proposed Budget since 8-25-2015 General Fund 1.Decreased FY 16 personnel costs of $3,398 due to hiring vacant position in Parks Department 2.Decreased FY 16 capital costs of $15,000 in the Parks Department due to use of 2010 GO bond residual proceeds for toddler playground at Harmony Park 3.Increased professional services FY 15 estimate $3,505 in Finance related to Continuing Disclosure and decreased audit fees in the FY 15 estimate by $10,000 due to preliminary work being billed in the previous year 4.Increased FY 16 personnel costs of $1,803 due to hiring vacant HR Manager position in Human Resources 5.Decreased pool related fee estimates for FY 15 $27,001 6.Increased CIA Lien revenue estimates for FY 15 $1,128 Capital Projects Fund & Capital Improvement Program 1.Increased expenditures in FY 16 $15,000 due to use of 2010 GO bond residual proceeds for toddler playground at Harmony Park 2.Increased cost of facility $400,000 in FY 17 due to action taken by Council to call a bond election for $5.4M Drainage Fund 1.Correction to professional services expenses resulted in FY 15 estimate increase of $18,081 and FY 16 increase of $18,200 2.Increased estimate for transfer out based on 2015 GO refunding by $10,039 Trophy Club Park 1.Reduced miscellaneous expenses $200 Town CouncilPage 326 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0584-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Town Manager Seidel's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same. *Pet Fest *Trophy Club Clean-Up *Highway 114 Sound Wall Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Town Manager Seidel's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same. *Pet Fest *Trophy Club Clean-Up *Highway 114 Sound Wall Town CouncilPage 327 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0585-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for September 22, 2015 meeting and discussion of Future Agenda Items. Attachments:September 22, 2015 Upcoming Agenda.pdf Items for Future Agendas updated 9-2-2015.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ItemsforFutureAgendastoincludediscussionofAgendaItemsforconsiderationontheupcomingRegularSession Council Agenda for September 22, 2015 meeting and discussion of Future Agenda Items. Town CouncilPage 328 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Meeting Date 9/22/2015 STAFF ConsentRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated August 25, 2015. Town Sec Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated Finance August 2015. ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganAgreementbetweentheTown Asst Town andAtmosEnergy;andauthorizingtheMayororhisdesigneetoexecuteall Mgr necessary documents. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an agreement between the Town and Brian Hall, doing business as Brian the Animal Guy, for animal control services; Police and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club accepting and approving an Update of the Service and Assessment Plan and an Updated Assessment Roll for the Town of Trophy Club Town Mgr Public Improvement District No. 1 (Authorized Improvements Assessment); making and adopting findings; accepting and approving the annual Service Plan Update and Updated Assessment Roll; and providing an effective date Consider and take appropriate action regarding an agreed termination of Service Contract between the Town and Economic Development Corporation 4B for Town Mgr payment of principal and interest for the construction of a municipal park and swimming pool. STAFF RESORDPROCFile IDDept Public Hearing RPT TownCounciltoconductaPublicHearingrelativetotheServiceandAssessment PlanforAuthorizedServices(EmergencyServices)fortheTrophyClubPublic ImprovementDistrictNo.1(TheHighlandsatTrophyClub),theproposed Finance AssessmentRoll,andthelevyofSpecialAssessmentsagainstthepropertyinPIDNo. 1 and matters contained in the proposed Ordinance. STAFF Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Receive public input regarding the Police and Town Hall facility. Town Sec ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceamendingthe2014 Town Mgr CO Ordinance. Consider and take appropriate action regarding nominations to the Board of Town Sec Directors for Denton Central Appraisal District. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas adopting and approving the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2015 and ending September 30, 2016, for Trophy Club Economic Development Finance Corporation 4B; making appropriations; providing for expenditures as allowed by applicable law; and providing an effective date. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas adopting and approving the Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2015 and ending September 30, 2016, for the Town of Trophy Club; making Finance appropriations; providing for expenditures as allowed by applicable law; providing for filing of documents; repealing conflicting ordinances; and providing an effective date. Town CouncilPage 329 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance fixing and levying Municipal Ad Valorem Taxes for the Town for the fiscal year beginning October 1, Finance 2015 and ending September 30, 2016; directing the assessment thereof; and providing an effective date. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council approving the tax roll of the Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) and Tarrant Finance County Appraisal District (TAD) for 2015; and providing an effective date. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town repealing Article IV, “Sign Regulations” of Chapter 5, “General Land Use” of the Code of Ordinances of the Town, and adopting a new Article IV, “Sign Regulations” of Town Att Chapter 5, “General Land Use” in order to regulate signage within the Town, providing for amendments; providing a penalty for violation not to exceed $500 per day; providing for publication; and providing an effective date. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the following Resolutions making annual appointments of citizens to serve various Town Boards, Commissions, and Town Sec Corporations; appointing Town Council Liaisons; and providing an effective date: A.Animal Shelter Advisory Board B. Economic Development Corporation 4B C. Ethics Commission D.Parks and Recreation Board E.Planning and Zoning Commission F.Zoning Board of Adjustment/Building Standards Commission G.Tax Increment Reinvestment Zoning No. 1 Board ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceoftheTownofTrophy ClubamendingChapter1oftheCodeofOrdinances,"Administration,"ArticleVIII, "ScheduleofFees"Section8.16"PublicWorksforPublicImprovementDistrictNo. Com Dev 1"toadoptamonthlysurchargeforPIDresidents;providingforseverability; providing a penalty; and providing an effect date. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club accepting and approving a Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (Emergency Services) and an Assessment Roll for the Town of Trophy Club Public Improvement District Town Mgr No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club); making a finding of special benefit to the Property in the District; levying special assessments against Property within the District; providing for payment of the assessments in accordance with law; and providing an effective date. Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same: Town Sec Town Manager Seidel's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input Town Mgr regarding same. Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for October 13, 2015 meeting and Town Sec discussion of Future Agenda Items. STAFF Executive SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into Town Sec executive session to discuss the following: STAFF Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Town Sec Town CouncilPage 330 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Town Council Future Agenda Items List (Updated 9/2/2015) 1. Consider and take appropriate action regarding signage in medians at Trophy Club Drive, Trophy Wood Drive, Indian Creek and possibly Bobcat. (Sanders 7/22/2014) (1-Oct 28 Agenda) (2-Feb 10) (3-May 12) (4-August 11)(5-November 24) 10/28/2014 – Council discussed and would like a plan brought back on a future agenda. 2/10/2015 – Mayor Sanders provided update including examples of Southlake signage. 5/12/2015 – No new update provided. 7/15/2015 – Will be placed on the August 25, 2015 agenda for an update. 8/25/2015 – Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 2.Review ordinances regarding Town Homes, Condos and apartments. (Sanders 8/4/2014) (1- Nov 13) (2-Feb 24)(3-May 26) (4-August 11)(5-November 24) 2/24/2015 – Acting Town Manager Seidel provided update (waiting to fill vacant Planning position). 5/12/2015 – Mayor Sanders provided an update that this item will be discussed once the vacant Planning position is filled. 7/15/2015 – Will be placed on the August 25, 2015 agenda for an update. 8/25/2015 – Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 3. Consider and take appropriate action regarding parking on Parkview and Park Lane, and options for Police Department mitigation, to include adding a parking lot between the baseball fields. (Rowe 9/9/2014) (1-Jan 13) (2-April 14)(3-July 14)(Reed 8/11/2015) (1- November 10) 2/10/2015 – Discussed and staff will work on school and traffic counts. 4/14/2015 – Received an update from Police Chief Arata proposing to let the current school year finish and then look at the option of removing the no parking restriction on Parkview from Park Lane south to Durango (currently working with the school). 7/14/2015 – Update provided that this item is scheduled to be placed for action on the August 11, 2015 agenda. 8/11/2015 – Council approved Ordinance No. 2015-18 regarding parking on Parkview and Park Lane; Council Member Reed asked to add to the item the ability to add a parking lot between the baseball fields. 4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding reviewing schedules of fees for outside baseball tournaments and capacity. (Lamont 12/9/2014) (1-March 10) (2-June 9) (3-August 25) (4-November 24) Note: Town Manager Seidel is meeting with Baseball President during the week of March 9th. 5/26/2015 – Council appointed an Organized Sports Council subcommittee to work with Town Staff and representatives of Sports Associations and other organized sports groups. 8/25/2015 – Town Manager Seidel advised that there are currently no tournaments scheduled and that Town Staff has been researching this item. 5. Discussion of possible uses of hotel occupancy tax funds, including the ability to use the funds for Trophy Club Park. (Lamont and Kurtz 4/14/2015) (1-July 14) (2-November 24) 7/14/2015 – Discussed having this item for an update on the August 25, 2015 agenda. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 331 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 8/25/2015 – Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 6. Discussion and action related to town garage/special/estate/moving sales, etc. (Sanders 4/28/2015) (1-July 28) (2-November 24) 7/14/2015 – Discussed having this item for an update on the August 25, 2015 agenda. 8/25/2015 – Mayor Sanders commented to possibly look at this item at the end of the year in time for the next Women’s Garage Sale. 7. Review of ordinance to allow golf carts but not including special vehicles. (Sanders 4/28/2015) (1-July 28) (2-November 24) 7/14/2015 – Discussed having this item for an update on the August 25, 2015 agenda. 8/25/2015 – Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 8. Receive an update only regarding the Holiday Inn and have the owner and general contractor present in order to inform the citizens of their status. (Reed 4/28/15) (1-July 28) (2-October 13) 7/14/2015 – Town Manager Seidel provided an update that Holiday Inn is making progress and that Town Staff has been meeting with their Structural Engineer. 9. Review the overnight parking permit and review allowing an extended temporary permit. (Sanders 5/26/2015) (1-August 25) (2-November 24) 8/25/2015 – Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 10. Establish a reserve policy for Trophy Club Park. (Sanders 5/26/2015) (1-August 25) (2- November 24) 8/25/2015 – Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 11. Town Staff research and present options for the Town to purchase the clock tower and the land around it. (Reed 5/26/2015) (1-August 25) (2-November 24) 8/25/2015 – Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 12. Discuss authorizing the Mayor to issue a proclamation to lower flags to half staff at times of National tragedy when the current Administration chooses to delay doing so.(Parrow 7/28/2015) (1-October 27) Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 332 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0586-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Executive Session File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551, (the Texas Open Meetings Act) the Council will convene into closed executive session to discuss the following: Texas Government Code Section 551.071(1) Consultation with Attorney regarding pending or contemplated litigation and Section 551.071(2) “Consultation with Attorney” in order to consult with its attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Governmental Body under the Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflict with the Open Meetings Act: (A)Legal Advice regarding litigation threatened against the Town by Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 relative to the Wastewater Treatment Facility (B)Legal Advice regarding the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 request for hearing under Town Subdivision Regulations; Town development regulations; and letter from TCMUD No. 1 regarding Temporary Suspension for new sewer commitments to District Wastewater Treatment Plant Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult PursuanttothefollowingdesignatedsectionsoftheTexasGovernmentCode,Annotated,Chapter551,(theTexasOpen Meetings Act) the Council will convene into closed executive session to discuss the following: TexasGovernmentCodeSection551.071(1)ConsultationwithAttorneyregardingpendingorcontemplatedlitigation andSection551.071(2)“ConsultationwithAttorney”inordertoconsultwithitsattorneyonamatterinwhichtheduty oftheattorneytotheGovernmentalBodyundertheDisciplinaryRulesofProfessionalConductoftheStateBarof Texas clearly conflict with the Open Meetings Act: (A)LegalAdviceregardinglitigationthreatenedagainsttheTownbyTrophyClubMunicipalUtilityDistrictNo.1 relative to the Wastewater Treatment Facility (B)Legal Advice regarding the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 request for hearing under Town Subdivision Regulations; Town development regulations; and letter from TCMUD No. 1 regarding Temporary Suspension for new sewer commitments to District Wastewater Treatment Plant Town CouncilPage 333 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0587-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/31/2015 In control:Town Council On agenda:9/8/2015 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Town CouncilPage 334 of 334Meeting Date: September 8, 2015